How do I change servlet contexts???

2003-07-30 Thread da_alchemist
Tomcat: 4.1.24

I have a war file whose base context is /example. 
Within that context there is an HTTP servlet
(GuestServlet) with a servlet mapping that captures
everything under /example/guest/*.  Within
GuestServlet.class I create a RequestDispatcher to
forward control to an HTML page (lookup.html) under
the base context (/example).  The problem is when
control is forwarded to /example/lookup.html it does
not work.  The context remains unchanged at
/example/guest and so it actually attempts to display
/example/guest/lookup.html when I need
/example/lookup.html.  I use the following code within to try and display lookup.html under
the base context /example.  Will someone please tell
me what I am doing wrong?

public class GuestServlet extends HttpServlet {


  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
IOException {
RequestDispatcher rd = null;
// Dispatch to next url
ServletContext cntxt =
rd = cntxt.getRequestDispatcher(/lookup.html);
rd.forward(request, response);

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Where is mod_jk2?

2003-07-23 Thread da_alchemist
Maybe I overlooked something, but I cannot find a link
to download mod_jk2 (or coyote) for Apache 1.3.27 to
talk with Tomcat at the jk2 website
 Does anyone know where the link to download mod_jk2
is?  I find it incredible that there is no link to
download jk2 at the jk2 website.  There is only a link
for mod_jk.


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Re: Tomcat vs. JBoss

2003-04-05 Thread da_alchemist
It is sad really to be exposed like this.  Your
company's web site does present you as the J2EE expert
and yet you ask questions that do not mix, for lack
of a better description.  If you truly understood J2EE
and merely glanced at the JBoss web site
( you would hopefully be able to
ascertain that JBoss functions primarily as an EJB
container, while Tomcat can actually work with JBoss
as its servlet container.

Perhaps I am being a bit too harsh and should
recognize that maybe its your mastery of the English
language that is at fault here and you really do
understand the differences between JBoss and Tomcat
and simply did not pose the question clearly.  If that
is the case I apologize, but please be careful in
presenting future questions otherwise I would
anticipate plenty more grief from others.

Finally, to answer your questions as best as I can
interpret them.  You are absolutely correct in that
JBoss is complex.  Hell, most production level J2EE
servers (BEA Weblogic, IBM Websphere, etc.) are
complex, probably due to the J2EE specification being
a bit involved.  But, as with all things they become
much simpler with experience.  As for Tomcat being a
J2EE engine, that is a bad characterization.  Tomcat
merely implements a piece (servlets) of the J2EE
specification.  Tomcat, last I checked, does not
function as an EJB container and so you cannot really
compare it to JBoss.  Although, JBoss does come with
its own servlet container (JBoss Web, formerly Jetty).
 To answer your overall question, you can keep Tomcat
and use it synergistically with JBoss as many others
have done and it seems to work well in production
depending on how they are being used.

I hope this helps.


--- Michael Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi johannes!
 i took a look at your companies homepage and there i
 can find infos about
 *snip on*
 Mag. Ing. Johannes Fiala 
 Technische Leitung, Geschäftsführer
 J2EE-Applikationsentwicklung mit Apache Tomcat und
 Sybase EAServer 
 J2EE-Applikationsdesign mit Aufteilung Webserver /
 Applikationsserver /
 Backend-Systeme als n-Tier System
 (z.B. Apache/MS IIS/Lotus Domino als Webserver,
 Tomcat als
 Integration mit relationalen Datenbanksystemen
 (Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL, MS
 SQL Server, ...) 
 Performancemessung und Lasttests 
 Schnittstellenarchitektur mit Apache SOAP und Apache
 Anwendungsentwicklung mit PHP und MySQL 
 Anwendungsentwicklung mit Lotus Notes/Domino 
 *snip off*
 you tell your customers that you are THE J2EE
 competence and asks questions
 like this?
 if your companies homepage would tell the truth you
 would ANSWER questions
 like this - 
 +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging  more
 Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne
 eigene Homepage!

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 - Original Message -
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 6:16 AM
 Subject: Tomcat vs. JBoss
  Hi there,
  At my company some are discussing to replace our
 Tomcat installation with
  JBoss application server.
  What are the main arguments pro/contra using
  Is anybody able to share some production
  To my mind it seems
  *) if I need EJB - take JBoss
  disadvantage: more complex
  *) if I need the reference J2EE engine - take
  advantage: easier to use, less overhead with EJB
  What do you think?

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Re: SUCCESSFUL Tomcat Install!

2002-11-19 Thread da_alchemist
... hmm... a small correction... Tomcat is a J2EE
container in that it is a Servlet container, whereas
JBoss is an EJB container that uses Tomcat (and others
like Jetty) for servicing Servlets, but both are
containers under the J2EE architecture...

--- Bill Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are many Jakarta committers that have
 successfully made a go of it
 by having their own Server-Side consulting firms
 (but I'm not one of them
 As every one here should know, Tomcat is not a J2EE
 container.  For an OS
 J2EE container that uses Tomcat for its Servlet/JSP,
 Steve R Burrus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

  Well, I really haven't bothered to post to this
 newsgroup in quite some
 time, but
  I just had to proudly announce to anyone
 interested that I HAVE
  INSTALLED TOMCAT!!! This is the 4.1.12 version
 that I am now talking
 about! Any
  possible signs of appreciation from anyone in this
 newsgroup to that
  news [-sic] would be greatly welcomed by
   Well, with that said, I would like to know just
 how exactly I start to go
  creating the components of the J2EE API, i.e.,
 Servlets and Java Server
 Pages in
  the Tomcat web container?! I would bet--if I were
 a betting man--that it's
  rather tricky proposition to do so!! Am I wrong?
 I just know that
 someone out
  there in this newsgroup will send me the hyperlink
 to access all of the
  information that I need to learn about to create
 these. I developed the
  some time ago in my mind to start to develop the
 components of server-side
  programming as a real career for myself. Am I just
 flat deluding myself
  thinking that I can possibly make a go of it
 with trying/attempting to
  with such high technology as a basis for a career?
 Please give some
 feedback about
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Re: One last try, am I the only one that has ever seen this?

2002-11-19 Thread da_alchemist
No, I have not seen this before, but try setting your
Context path=something/ to something explicit
and try the appBase and docBase without a dot . in
the path .../ and see if that helps.


--- Brandon Cruz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When setting up a host with the following syntax in
 Host debug=9
 Context path=
 Upon starting the server, I seem to get a
 neverending loop shown as follows
 in catalina.out...
 HostConfig[]: Deploying discovered
 web applications
 HostConfig[]: Deploying discovered
 web applications
 HostConfig[]: Deploying discovered
 web applications
 Anyone at all have any idea what causes this?
 Brandon Cruz
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Know a good Apache HTTP Stat Collector???

2002-11-04 Thread da_alchemist
Hello All,

Does anyone know of a good statistics (page hit
counts, site hits, etc.) collector for the Apache HTTP
Server (especially free ones)?


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Re: Search engines and MVC--to clarify

2002-10-30 Thread da_alchemist
Your question is not descriptive enough, which is the
reason you were directed to the website. 
What you are asking makes no sense.  You must
elaborate more about what you are trying to

You have 2 websites implemented under the MVC design
pattern.  Okay, now what?  You would like to have them
indexed?  Huh, what does that mean?  Indexed how?  Do
you want your controller to access a database (index)
of URL's to redirect the user to the appropriate view
or is it something else?  Your inquired about search
engines and their handling of the MVC design pattern. 
Well, search engines do not handle MVC.  A developer
can decide to use an MVC architecture and build their
search engine into it to possibly function as part of
the controller part of the paradigm.

The way your question is worded it does not seem as if
there is a clear understanding of what MVC is,
nevermind the fact that it was mistaken for
multi-view-controller.  Unless, of course, I am
totally mistaken, for which I would apologize, and
that MVC has a second meaning.

I would suggest that you either visit the site to
understand more about the MVC design pattern or
elaborate more on what you are trying to accomplish.

I hope this helps.


--- Michele Emmi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know it is not an do search engines
 handle it.
 To clarify...I have 2 websites built on the mvc
 architecture, I would like 
 to have them indexed...does anyone have any
 experience in this...
 From: German Augusto Niebles Alvarez
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Search engines and MVC
 Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 18:01:24 -0500
 MVC is a design pattern not an engine.
 If you want to learn about MVC you could visit and
 search for design patterns or MVC especifically.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/30 5:40 p.m. 
 I was wondering how search engines handle

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Re: NEWBIE: Intercepting the jsp request before its written as a java file

2002-10-30 Thread da_alchemist
If I understand your question correctly, why don't you
just use one of the include directives to insert that
into your file where you want it?


%@ include file=relativeURL %

-- OR --

jsp:include page={relativeURL | %= expression %} 
   flush=true| false 
   jsp:param name=parameterName  
  value={parameterValue | %= expression %} /+


--- Jan-Michael Ong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Greetings Tomcat-Users Group,
 I tried to search on this topic on Google for a few
 days but was unable to 
 come up with any useful leads.
 I was hoping if any of you would have any idea about
 the following:
 For each jsp page, I do the following
 do some work
 other work
 What I would prefer to do is have any jsp page be
 rewritten right before it 
 gets turned into a .java program so that it includes
 these lines.
 I've looked at RequestInterceptors and
 ContextInterceptors and checked out 
 the Java 3.2.4 source code ... and while I came up
 with some possible leads 
 its been really hard to figure out if its the best
 way to do it or if there 
 are better ways to accomplish what I'd like to do.
 I would appreciate any help that you can provide in
 advance. Thanks very much.
 Jan-Michael Ong
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RE: MBeans?

2002-10-02 Thread da_alchemist

I just wanted to point out that the referenced article
is a little dated and that JBoss now has clustering


--- Shapira, Yoav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am building a custom user system which extends
 that which tomcat
 did - basically an extended version of the
 UserDatabaseRealm and
 UserDatabase - to meet a companies specific
 security needs.  As such,
 Sounds interesting...
 classes I write for this go into the server/lib
 directory.  I noticed I
 could disable JMX support and everything worked
 fine... - but since
 this is
 the first I have heard about JMX, I would like to
 know more about what
 role is in J2EE systems.  Funny how new features in
 Tomcat somehow get
 introduced to new java libraries I never knew
 Check out
 I made the decision to do this for many reasons -
 but primarily because
 like the new administration features of 4.1.12, and
 (except for
 issues in realms), I like the catalina interface.
 Except they weren't designed to be as extensible as
 you'd like them to,
 with generic MBean support like JBoss provides. ;0
 I have heard a lot of good things about JBoss -
 mostly integrating
 J2EE components - however I am not yet familiar
 enough with ejb's, and
 to use them in a production environment. 
 Eventually, when I get out of
 You don't need to use them if you use JBoss.  Part
 of the fun of a J2EE
 server is that you only use the pieces you need, but
 if you find that
 you need something else, it's usually already
 available.  So I'd suggest
 you try JBoss, integrated with tomcat, for the best
 of both worlds ;)
 Use JBoss' advanced and yet easy to use MBean
 support, and tomcat for
 servlets / JSPs, etc.
 Good luck,
 Yoav Shapira
 Millennium ChemInformatics
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Re: Digested Passwords and the server/lib/catalina.jar file

2002-09-10 Thread da_alchemist

It's error prone either way-- .../common/lib or
.../WEB-INF/lib-- upon upgrade.  Without understanding
the full scope of your project I would tend to lean
towards the first solution (.../WEB-INF/lib) unless
the .jar file needs to be available to all web
applications.  The common directory according to
Jakarta-Tomcat is:

Common - This class loader contains additional
classes that are made visible to both Tomcat internal
classes and to all web applications

Moving a Tomcat server .jar file does not seem like a
comfortable option-- it is like moving system
libraries the OS depends on to a shareable area
because you do not like them where they currently are
located-- but if it works and you feel comfortable
with it then use it.  I hope this helps.


--- Kevin HaleBoyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using JDBC Realms in my application with
 digested passwords.
 Specifically the MD5 digest.  I need to
 programatically digest
 passwords entered into the application for storage
 in the users
 table (when a new user is created or password
 In the Digested Passwords section of the Realm HOWTO
 (Tomcat 4.1.10)
 there is a description of using the static Digest().
  In order to use
 this method then I must, and I quote
To use either of the above techniques, the
 $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/catalina.jar file will
 need to be
 on your class path to make the RealmBase class
 There are a few ways to do this.  I could copy the
 catalina.jar file
 to my web application WEB-INF/lib directory.  Or, I
 could copy the
 catalina.jar file to $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.
 I don't like the first method as it is error prone
 when I move to
 the next version of Tomcat (and forget to replace
 the cataline.jar
 file).  So I'll probably go with the second method
 and copy the
 .jar file to the common/lib directory.
 Should I move the file instead of copying it?
 Could I create a symbolic link instead of copying?
 Is there a better way to do this?
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Re: One file not being compiled :'(

2002-09-01 Thread da_alchemist

Umm... it is kind of hard to diagnose an ant build
file without being able to see it... maybe you should
post it and someone may be able to help you...


--- Josh G [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, for some reason, one file in my project is not
 being compiled. All others 
 in the directory are, but this one is not. I don't
 get any error messages, it 
 just doesn't get compiled, javac doesn't even look
 at it. 
 I'm building with ant. Anybody know what I've got
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Best Connector Setup???

2002-07-30 Thread da_alchemist

Hello All,

I am a newbie so bear with me if these seem like
simple questions.

My understanding is that only WARP and AJP are used to
connect with Apache httpd server and the HTTP
connector utilizes Tomcat as a web server.  Is that

In a production environment with Tomcat 4, which
connector setup (HTTP, WARP, AJP) is best regarding
performance and security???

Will one connector setup be better than another in a
J2EE environment (OpenEJB, OC4J for the EJB

Should the Realm / element be used for
authentication or is there a better method???

And, how has Valve ...SingleSignOn/ worked in
practice, any experiences???


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