Jdeveloper 3.2.3 - Tomcat 5.5 migration: Inordinate delay in JSPs returning XML

2005-01-13 Thread Rajeev Singh
I am going nuts trying to figure out why:
An application created using Jdeveloper 3.2.3 (on Windows 2000). Some 
pages send XML as response. When using Jdev, JSP/Web-to-go server 
everything is fine. Now trying to migrate to TomCat 5.5. For pages that 
return XML, I am noticing a rather 'hang' like behaviour. As if client 
is waiting for something: Moreover when using telnet no such problem 
exists - the response comes boom. (Not sure how to look at header - I 
do not see any headers in the response in telnet)

I put a time stamp at beginning and end of my processing. Elapsed time 
is 20ms. Page size  500 b. All done locally. Browser (Internet 
Explorer) takes about 9s to display the XML. Page is buffered (32K, 
though doesn't help, autoflush on). I even tried with response.SetHeader
(Connection, close) no luck.

Similarly my (C++) client makes a bunch of call to such JSP pages 
returning XML. Each time the processing supposed to happen, happens in 
20-100ms. But the client seems to be 'waiting': gaps between timestamp 
for next request spans more than 10-30s. The client uses Microsoft's 
IXMLHttpRequest (MSXML v3). Any ideas what could be happening?

Also any reason for cookies not be written by Tomcat (the Jdev does 
write that)

mucho gracias

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RE: Jdeveloper 3.2.3 - Tomcat 5.5 migration: Inordinate delay in JSPs returning XML

2005-01-13 Thread Rajeev Singh
Updates - setting Internet Explorer to use HTTP 1.0 makes the problem go
away. I still do not understand why this should happen and what can I do to
have the 1.1 mass of clients work with this correctly. Any insights would be
much appreciated.

FYI - the header seen by the JSP page is:
//inase of 1.1
Here are the header
Header:accept*/*,Header: ---,Header:user-agentMozill
a/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR

//incase of 1.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR
eWTGBID=e2jl7opw; _tpc=_t%3D1105675240385%26_l%3D0

Rajeev Singh
Intelliplanner Software Systems, Inc.
www.intelliplanner.com , www.ipssi.com

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-Original Message-
From: Rajeev Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:04 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Jdeveloper 3.2.3 - Tomcat 5.5 migration: Inordinate delay in
JSPs returning XML

I am going nuts trying to figure out why:
An application created using Jdeveloper 3.2.3 (on Windows 2000). Some
pages send XML as response. When using Jdev, JSP/Web-to-go server
everything is fine. Now trying to migrate to TomCat 5.5. For pages that
return XML, I am noticing a rather 'hang' like behaviour. As if client
is waiting for something: Moreover when using telnet no such problem
exists - the response comes boom. (Not sure how to look at header - I
do not see any headers in the response in telnet)

I put a time stamp at beginning and end of my processing. Elapsed time
is 20ms. Page size  500 b. All done locally. Browser (Internet
Explorer) takes about 9s to display the XML. Page is buffered (32K,
though doesn't help, autoflush on). I even tried with response.SetHeader
(Connection, close) no luck.

Similarly my (C++) client makes a bunch of call to such JSP pages
returning XML. Each time the processing supposed to happen, happens in
20-100ms. But the client seems to be 'waiting': gaps between timestamp
for next request spans more than 10-30s. The client uses Microsoft's
IXMLHttpRequest (MSXML v3). Any ideas what could be happening?

Also any reason for cookies not be written by Tomcat (the Jdev does
write that)

mucho gracias

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Subject: Nightmare with Tomcat 4.1 and SSL configuration

2003-06-13 Thread rajeev . agarwal

I was stuck on the same issue for sometime. Then I realised that I had not
put the jsse jar in the classpath. So I copied the 3 jars - jsse.jar,
jnet.jar, jcert.jar into %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext. After that the problem
went away.

However, I would like to understand how I can configure tomcat to see the
logs. When I was getting I didn't find an easy way to figure out why the
error was coming.

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do not necessarily reflect those of J.P. Morgan Chase  Co., its
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need help with file security

2003-03-26 Thread rajeev shrestha

i am a student and am using tomcat 4.1.18. i have a question regarding file 
security. i want to protect files or sites fomr an unauthorized user. when 
ever a person clicks on a link or a file in the root directory it sud ask 
for a user and password. is it possible with tomcat? i am not sure about 
this. please let me know as soon as possible since it is creating problem in 
completeing my project.

thank you. kushan

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mod_webapp.so on Solaris 8 x86

2002-01-06 Thread Rajeev Raman


I recently downloaded the source for webapp-module for Tomcat 4.0.1.
I managed to compile the source into a mod_webapp.so file but I get the
following error when I try to test my configuration -

[spareparts] rajeev  /usr/apache/bin/apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 236 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/apache/libexec/mod_webapp.so into server: ld.so.1:
/usr/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/apache/libexec/mod_webapp.so: symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol
not found

Any ideas how I can make this go away ? My environment is :
Sol 8 on x86
Apache 1.3
gcc 3.0

Thanks in advance


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Re: Tomacat

2001-03-30 Thread Rajeev Bakhru


Set the path of TOMCAT_HOME = 

and add TOMCAT_HOME = 
 JAVA-HOME = c:\jdk1.3 
 in tomcat.bat file
and also copy the tomcat.bat file in windows dir 
depending on the OS.
Then open the new dos prompt and go to the bin 
directory in Jakrata and then just do tomcat start


  - Original Message - 
  To: Tomcat-User@Jakarta. Ap 
  Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 10:27 
  Subject: Tomacat
  Following your suggestion I concentrated on 
  Tomcat alone. Now I've unzipped the files in C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1 
  directory. JDK is installed in C:\JDK1.3
  I've set the following in 
  Now when I try to run startup it says bad command 
  or file name.
  Please help me I'm completely tired of this thing 
  by now.
  Regards and Thanks

Re: A very weird problem

2001-03-23 Thread Rajeev Jha

well we tried this on tomcat running on win9x box and it is getting added(!),
in log file you can see adding context /at though docBase points to some bogus
did u try to stop+start the server after adding these contexts ?

Pradeep Kumar wrote:

 I have got Tomcat 3.2.1 on the Solaris box. I have got a directory called
 "at" under webapps directory. The problem is that when I start the tomcat
 server, my context "at" doesn't get loaded (I don't see the message "Adding
 context Ctx( /at )").
 The examples and test context does get loaded. I even tried to put the at
 directory out of the webapp directory and defined in the context in the
 server.xml file. But the "at" context doesn't load.
 The real weird behavior is that, when I rename the test directory to test1,
 the test context is loaded.
 I tried all kind of things like, creating a war file of "at", installing
 tomcat again. But can't fix this problem. Even the log file is not created
 under logs directory.

 I am really having very tough time with this, your help here is highly

 Thanks in advance,

eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
 -- anonymous psycopath on ./
Rajeev Jha
Indegene Lifesystems P Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th block, kormangla , bang!ore - 95
voice -- +91-80- 55243 14/24


Re: urgent help please

2001-03-23 Thread Rajeev Jha

first thing is to check the log files , if it has something like:
loaded context /abcd
or not.if this context is loaded as per the log files then check the docBase
attribute of your context , whether it is pointing to correct physical directory
or not. and check for possible case-mismatch also.

Pradeep Kumar wrote:

 Hello all,
 I need some urgent help from you guys.

 I have tomcat 3.2.1 on solaris box. The problem is when start the server, my
 context is not loading. I have a directory defined under webapps called at
 and it has WEB-INF directory and web.xml

 Please give me a quick reply if you know about this.


eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
 -- anonymous psycopath on ./
Rajeev Jha
Indegene Lifesystems P Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th block, kormangla , bang!ore - 95
voice -- +91-80- 55243 14/24


standalone tomcat servers : security risks

2001-03-19 Thread Rajeev Jha

is there any resource apart from the user's guide which addresses security
issues and solutions when running tomcat as a stand alone server on some port ?
if there are some known issues/ fixes ?


eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
 -- anonymous psycopath on ./
Rajeev Jha
Indegene Lifesystems P Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th block, kormangla , bang!ore - 95
voice -- +91-80- 55243 14/24


passing IIS session variable to stand-alone tomcat

2001-03-17 Thread Rajeev Jha

Hi list
we have tomcat 3.2 running as a stand-alone service on win NT4.0 m/c. we are
also running IIS 4.0 on same m/c..  applications (mostly asp pages) running on
IIS use session variables. basically when user logs on to the IIS server for
first time, his login id is subsequently used as session -id. now from one asp
page on IIS server we have to go to jsp pages running on tomcat. how can we
pass the session variable that we are using in asp pages on IIS to jsp pages on
tomcat ?

 on IIS : some asp page using session-id
 and it has link to one HTML page hosted on tomcat
this HTML page is submitted to a jsp page on tomcat
now in this jsp page we want the session-id that was being used in asp page.

would appreciate ur help

eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines
 -- anonymous psycopath on ./
Rajeev Jha
Indegene Lifesystems P Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th block, kormangla , bang!ore - 95
voice -- +91-80- 55243 14/24


tomcat and scalability

2001-03-13 Thread rajeev

We are building a large in-house enterprise application, and we are 
evaluating JSP technology. We are considering what is known as the 
"JSP Model 2" architecture, where business logic lives in JavaBeans, 
servlets handle control flow, and presentation is handled by JSP.

Are people using JSP for large enterprise applications (as opposed
to consumer websites)? Are there any issues to be aware of, if your
application will have a thousand or more webpages?

For example, will tomcat load all thousand JSP pages (servlets) into
memory as they are used, and keep them there (as opposed to 
discarding them after a while)? Will this cause performance problems
because of excessive swapping etc?

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Session Tracking Problem

2001-01-17 Thread Rajeev Bakhru

I am having problem in tracking sessions.

On the  login jsp page in the application, I used a servlet and created a
session with
HttpSession session = req.getSession(true)
then after sucessful login it goes to the next jsp page say(b)
and passess some variables to this page as a hidden variable.
Then on this page (b) , I used
a href = "%encodeURL(..jsppage)%" and passes the same variable again to
the another page (c).

Then I tried to check the session value on the this page in the servlet with

HttpSession assession = request.getSession(false)
If (assession ! null)
..do some processing
Create a session

but on checking with getSession(false) it gives null and I could'nt  get the
previous session.

Can any body tell where i am doing wrong or is there any other way to do

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Re: error 401 : IIS redirector

2000-12-14 Thread Rajeev Jha

got the problem. error 401 was coming because of the "access violation". the
/jakarta virtual directory, when mapped to c:\jakarta  was not accessible.
when i mapped it to c:\inetpub\jakarta and put the iis_redirect.dll there,
it started working. i know my fault now , but see new to IIS :o|  plus the
log_file should be iis_redirect.log and not isapi.log. (as in 3.2
conf/iis_redirect.reg-auto file)

best regards

Rajeev Jha wrote:

 trying to set up tomcat to work with IIS4.0. but i am unable to redirect

 requests from IIS to tomcat . the IIS logs show the following :

 07:03:19 GET /samples/images/powered.gif 304
 07:03:19 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll 401

 and the isapi.log file has the following messages:

 [jk_uri_worker_map.c (334)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_close,
 NULL parameter
 [jk_uri_worker_map.c (184)]: In
 jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_free, NULL parameters

 i am trying to access http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html

 to be sure, i have checked the registry entries, conf files and the
 status of "jakarta" filter on my server machine is a green arrow
 pointing up. in short have tried to follow everything given in the
 trouble shooting section. if any body has any clue, pls let me know . i
 would appreciate your help very much.

Smith  Wesson: The original point-and-click interface.
Rajeev Jha

  Indegene Lifesystems (P) Ltd.
  130, 1st cross , 5th Block ,
  Kormangla   bang !ore 560095

voice -- +91(80) 5524314 5524324  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Startup problem

2000-12-14 Thread Rajeev Jha

hi list
i have installed tomcat3.2 on win 98 and it's working fine. just do 2 things
1. open tomcat.bat in wordpad or ms-word and then save it
2. add following line  to ur config.sys file
SHELL=c:\command.com  /E:4096  /P

restart and it should work fine. just check TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME
in tomcat.bat

Narayanan wrote:

I  have installed tomcat 3.2.1  in WIN  98 and i have set all the
 classpath in addition to java_home and tomcat_home .
When i start the tomcat using startup it is not opening and  some
out of enviroinment space error is comming

   sometimes it is opening in a new window and suddenly the new window
   vanishes .

   What may be the problem ...is there any problem in my class path settings
 r have anybody tried
   installation in 98 . I am just trying out a standalone tomcat.

   thanks in advance .


Smith  Wesson: The original point-and-click interface.
Rajeev Jha Indegene Lifesystems (P) Ltd.
  130, 1st cross , 5th Block ,
  Kormangla   bang !ore 560095
voice -- +91(80) 5524314 5524324  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tomcat on IIS

2000-12-14 Thread Rajeev Jha

hi list
it is possible to use tomcat with IIS and it works fine. things u need to install r 
the following :
1. jdk1.2.2 / jdk1.3 or some other JVM if u like
2. then install tomcat (binary release is there , so u don't have to do anything)
3. check the stand alone tomcat
4. if u want, u can make jakarta-tomcat a service on ur NT machine
5. now use the isapi_redirect.dll to server jsp pages/particular contexts with IIS
6. tomcat user guide has all the information , and basically on NT u don't have to do 
much anyway!!


Stief Dirckx wrote:


 I'm a webdeveloper for some time now. Up to now I only developed websites
 using IIS and ASP technologie. Now I'm interested in starting to use JSP.
 Because I haven't got the possibility to install a new webserver (Apache or
 WebSpher or ...) I wan't to enable JSP on IIS. I've read about the Tomcat
 project, that it made possible to run JSP on IIS whitout using Apache. I've
 tried to install it using the Tomcat documentation
 (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat/src/doc/index.html) but
 it's not all that clear to me. It's not clear to me what order I have to
 use to install everything properly. Do I also need JDK, how do I install
 that? How do I install Tomcat properly and configure it? How do I use the
 ISAPI redirector? What i'm asking is the follow: is there a document that
 really gives a good order on installing, activating and configuring Tomcat
 on IIS. I do know some things about webservers and Windows, so technically
 it won't be a problem. It's just the correct order that important to me and
 that it cover everything from scratch to a running a servlet. Please help
 me ASAP.

 Met vriendelijke groeten


Smith  Wesson: The original point-and-click interface.
Rajeev Jha  http://www.indegene.com
Indegene Lifesystems (P) Ltd.
  130, 1st cross , 5th Block ,
  Kormangla   bang !ore 560095

voice -- +91(80) 5524314 5524324  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

error 401 : IIS redirector

2000-12-13 Thread Rajeev Jha

trying to set up tomcat to work with IIS4.0. but i am unable to redirect

requests from IIS to tomcat . the IIS logs show the following :

07:03:19 GET /samples/images/powered.gif 304
07:03:19 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll 401

and the isapi.log file has the following messages:

[jk_uri_worker_map.c (334)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_close,
NULL parameter
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (184)]: In
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_free, NULL parameters

i am trying to access http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html

to be sure, i have checked the registry entries, conf files and the
status of "jakarta" filter on my server machine is a green arrow
pointing up. in short have tried to follow everything given in the
trouble shooting section. if any body has any clue, pls let me know . i
would appreciate your help very much.

There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We
don't believe this to be a coincidence.

Rajeev Jha   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Indegene Lifesystems (P) Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th Block ,Kormangla   bang !ore 560095

voice - +91(80) 5524314 5524324

error 401 : isapi_redirect.dll

2000-12-12 Thread Rajeev Jha

trying to set up tomcat to work with IIS4.0. but i am unable to redirect
requests from IIS to tomcat . the IIS logs show the following :

07:03:19 GET /samples/images/powered.gif 304
07:03:19 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll 401

and the isapi.log file has the following messages:

[jk_uri_worker_map.c (334)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_close,
NULL parameter
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (184)]: In
jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_free, NULL parameters

to be sure, i have checked the registry entries, conf files and the
status of "jakarta" filter on my server machine is a green arrow
pointing up. in short have tried to follow everything given in the
trouble shooting section. if any body has any clue, pls let me know . i
would appreciate your help very much. pls cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
also as i am not on the list


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Rajeev Jha
Indegene Lifesystems (P) Ltd.
130, 1st cross , 5th Block
Kormangla , bang !ore 560095
voice - +91(80) 55243 14/24