RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the list from me. It's funny because you have just listed precisely the 
same server setup as we are launching our new tomcat based app to this weekend and I 
have been having nightmares about performance. 

We have a system like this;

user - 
  IIS - 
  Tomcat 5.0.19 - 
-- Content Management System Bean
  -- SQL Server 2000
-- SQL Server 2000 via JNDI resource setup

Our application is built on Struts. 

We found performance to be very poor under a load of 20 users of 3 iterators of 20 
page requests (13 secs per page) avg pages per secon 1.1!! Looking into it revealed 
too much XML, too much database connectivity and too much dynamic rending on the 

I came up with a caching strategy for our navigation as well as removing all XML to 
database calls instead (you may have seen my last post)

Along with other things I have managed 10 pages per seconds and 1.5 seconds per page 
under the same load test. I'm still not entirely happy and wonder if I am missing any 
confoguration type stuff to make my app run faster either in tomcat, jk2, iis and so 
fourth. I run tomcat as a service with -Xms128 -Xmx384.

I would be very interested if you have time to hear of any useful quick tips you found 
can optimise via configuration - maybe even seeing your server.conf and anything else, 
perhaps any ideas about code optimisation and also how complex your system is (db 
accesses or other system integration). 

What are your page response times under load and so on.

It's a big ask but you have a very similar hardware setup and I would like to maximise 
my use of it.

Cheers! ADC

-Original Message-
From: Matt Woodings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 April 2004 16:50
Subject: Tomcat configuration tuning

Hi guys,

I am at stage where I have all my various components talking to one another (Apache 
http server 2.0.49 - Mod JK2 - Tomcat 4.1.30) and running nicely with each other, 
but the loads on the server are increasing rapidly in our production environment ( 
~2000 logins/day and peak concurrency of ~75 currently ) and I want to get the best 
possible configuration for my server. (Dual 1GHz, 1GB Ram, Win 2k, SQL Server + 
Web/Apps servers).  

Now, ultimately this is up to me, but I am unsure of a few relationships and variables 
used in the configuration files.  The settings I have work, but I want them to be 
optimal and more importantly I want to understand them, so any help on the following 
would be greatly appreciated.

1) server.xml/Connector/bufferSize.  Is this allocated for every users session until 
it is terminated, or is it a peak size that could be allocated?
2) Does this equate to the 
server.xml/Connector/maxProcessors? or are these fundamentally different?

I have attached my fully working configuration below for those who are interested, as 
I noticed a lot of people in the archives looking for working examples using JK2.

Many thanks,


P.S. I am new to the list but I have been using Tomcat for many years and love it, and 
if I can help with anyones queries, from the trivial to complex,  I would be only too 
happy to do so.
# Log level. Supported: EMERG, ERROR, INFO, DEBUG
# Log file. XXX you may be able to change this at runtime, to 
# implement rolling. 

# Location of the file
# Set the debug level of the config component
# Set the debug level of the hidden env component

# Name of the file that will be mmapped to use as shared memory, 
# If set to 'anonymous' use the anonymous shered memory
# Number of shared memory slots. Set to the number of child 
# processes
# Use process memory instead of shared memory. Useful for single 
# child mpm's

# If set, jk2 won't touch the headers in case of error and will 
# let for example Apache present the 
# ErrorDocument via mod_alias.
noWorkerMsg=No workers available
# If all 

RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Shapira, Yoav


Welcome to the list from me. It's funny because you have just listed
precisely the same server setup as we are launching our new tomcat

You have a wacky definition of precisely because he has Apache at the
front-end and you have IIS.

Yoav Shapira

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RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley
Yes ok :) but other than that ;)


-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 April 2004 17:01
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Tomcat configuration tuning


Welcome to the list from me. It's funny because you have just listed
precisely the same server setup as we are launching our new tomcat

You have a wacky definition of precisely because he has Apache at the
front-end and you have IIS.

Yoav Shapira

This e-mail, including any attachments, is a confidential business communication, and 
may contain information that is confidential, proprietary and/or privileged.  This 
e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) to whom it is addressed, and may not be 
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RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley

Yes our struts uses the tiles plugin also. And the page load times are as a result of 
running on the server itself unfortunately. I am using the JTDS driver which 
apparently is one of the fastest SQL Server 2000 implementations for db connectivity.

One of the things about our system is that every click the user makes is a search to 
the CMS for content that belongs to that page. This could be considered sub-optimal. 
For instance, I could cache results per 15 minutes or something, but content changes 
often so I thought I would leave it dynamic. 

I spent some time running JProfiler against the app. The accumulated CPU and memory 
seemed to ultimately come down to these search calls to the CMS especially under load. 
Per request I have to instantiate the vendors' bean which is an interface to the CMS 
server socket and is responsible for giving back all the data from the calls. I then 
simply package up what I need in data transfer objects and ship them to the JSPs. The 
JSPs are highly configurable in terms of skinning and so on and have calls to the file 
system to check if images are present and so on. I think I could cache that too. In 
fact looking at timings in the logs shows the page start to end is sub 1 second, the 
rest (user click - page process start) I think is caught up at the search but even so 
that is generally about 0.8s. Pages are taking about 0.1 and my cached implementation 
of nav takes 0.06 or so to load. But overall the pages under load feel like they take 
about 2 seconds and also I get the feeling tomcat is recompiling something it really 
doesn't need to - that was why I was interested in the development flag in server.conf 
and whether I should turn that to false.

A fair amount of CPU and memory was going to Log4J also. I removed a lot of our 
unnecessary debugging statements and this too helped. 

I guess it comes down to the CMS load but any tips from others on the list are so very 

Cheers, ADC

-Original Message-
Sent: 08 April 2004 17:22
To: Allistair Crossley
Subject: RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

I have seen a couple postings regarding poor performance with Tomcat recently and 
thought I'd respond because we are using IIS5 with Tomcat 5 and SQL 2000 as well.

We have a Struts site but our difference is that we are using Tiles for our 
presentation... haven't really looked into the performance differences between Tiles 
and non-Tiles display rates

As for our database connectivity... we are using an internally developed connection 
pooling class (no JNDI), but have recently started migrating to Hibernate.

It is interesting hearing how long it is taking for the pages to be displayed 
considering we are on a similar set-up and have not noticed this type of problem. We 
have not made any special optimization setting changes, we basically did an out of the 
box set-up 

Is this occurring when running the app locally or on the server? I would be curious to 
know what is the resource load on the box running the app, how is the connectivity 
(bandwidth) to the box, has any sort of optimization tools been run against the code 
to check for bottle-necks?

Not sure that I can provide much value technically, but feel free to ask


 -Original Message-
From:   Allistair Crossley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Thursday, April 08, 2004 11:00 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject:RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

Hi Matt,

Welcome to the list from me. It's funny because you have just listed precisely the 
same server setup as we are launching our new tomcat based app to this weekend and I 
have been having nightmares about performance. 

We have a system like this;

user - 
  IIS - 
  Tomcat 5.0.19 - 
-- Content Management System Bean
  -- SQL Server 2000
-- SQL Server 2000 via JNDI resource setup

Our application is built on Struts. 

We found performance to be very poor under a load of 20 users of 3 iterators of 20 
page requests (13 secs per page) avg pages per secon 1.1!! Looking into it revealed 
too much XML, too much database connectivity and too much dynamic rending on the 

I came up with a caching strategy for our navigation as well as removing all XML to 
database calls instead (you may have seen my last post)

Along with other things I have managed 10 pages per seconds and 1.5 seconds per page 
under the same load test. I'm still not entirely happy and wonder if I am missing any 
confoguration type stuff to make my app run faster either in tomcat, jk2, iis and so 
fourth. I run tomcat as a service with -Xms128 -Xmx384.

I would be very interested if you have time to hear of any useful quick tips you found 
can optimise via configuration - maybe even seeing your server.conf and anything else, 
perhaps any ideas about code optimisation and also how complex your system

Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Matt Woodings
Hi Allistair,

Thanks for the quick response.  My server.xml file is below but to some of
the questions you had.  One of the biggest speed increases we gained was
from SQL optimization and table tuning.  One thing about server.xml
configuration which I realised is the acceptCount being set too high,
because if your server is struggling anyway having the requests backing up
is not going to help in fact may help it to go down.

What I mean by SQL optimization is we had java take over a lot of processing
rather than the database, so some of our queries may seem at first a little
broad but the speed increase was incredible.  Think how fast java can
iterate through a set of results rather than constantly referring to the db,
so that was one.   Also, one of our tables is heavily used and also ever
increasing in size, so to keep this fast I keep only a few weeks worth of
data in it (so its indexing is still really quick) and offload the rest to a
history table which is only used for reporting ... so based on date range I
either quickly recieve the latest info or slightly slower receive data from
the past.

Unfortunately I am unable to give you response times as they would be
meaningless (number of db hits, processing etc), but suffice to say its in
the region of 100msecs for non db jsp pages to 20+ secs (depending upon
connection) for insanely large amounts of db/processed pages and for the
vast majority of pages for select style queries are about 700msecs.  Sorry I
can't be of more help there.

I haven't read your post on caching yet, but I rely heavily on XML for our
site, from configuration to the menu options, and I also use streamed XML to
XSLT for all our views.  I guess it comes down to what you need to do, but I
would love to hear how you are using it.

One of the problems I am tackling at the moment is for places where there is
a lot of db inserts/updates which can't be done on-mass, so I am coming up
with a plan to assign these tasks to be fulfilled at off peak times, or in
manageable chunks so as to keep response times high.  One of the problems I
am overcoming is that our users aren't tech savvy and if a page doesn't load
fast enough they will hit reload constantly and escalate any memory problems
I may have had to the dreaded outOfMemory Exception.



P.S. Struts ROCKS!!!

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Server className=org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer port=8005
debug=0 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener
debug=0 jsr77Names=false/
Environment name=simpleValue override=true type=java.lang.Integer
Resource name=UserDatabase scope=Shareable
type=org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase auth=Container description=User
database that can be updated and saved/
ResourceParams name=UserDatabase
  Service className=org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService debug=0
Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
redirectPort=8443 bufferSize=8192 port=8009 connectionTimeout=0
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler debug=0
disableUploadTimeout=true maxProcessors=378 minProcessors=5
acceptCount=100 useURIValidationHack=false /
Engine jvmRoute=hsInstance debug=0 defaultHost=instance1
  Host appBase=webapps autoDeploy=true debug=0 unpackWARs=true
Context crossContext=true reloadable=true debug=0
docBase=** path=/hs 
  Resource name=jdbc/** scope=Shareable
  ResourceParams name=jdbc/**

RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley
Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat webapp, I am 
using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter. The filter is mapped to all 
requests /*. I just thought to myself on the train home whether because NTLM is a 
3-way handshake, that this may be causing some kind of performance hit.
The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the 
request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login servlet and then 
populate a session user object and if that ever expires redirect back to the login 
Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time removing the filter 
per request in favour of a once-only login action.
I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies ;)

QAS Ltd.
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Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the 
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't want to
have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to weave
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going with
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the right


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter. The filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the train home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, that this may be causing some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever expires redirect back to the login servlet.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time removing the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies ;)


QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
a href=;
Registered in England: No 2582055
Registered in Australia: No 082 851 474


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RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Did you profile the filter versus aspects?  Now that's a benchmark I'd
be really interested in.

To the original poster: assuming your filter is smart enough to check
the session for a user is authenticated already token, the /* mapping
is not that big a deal.  If you're re-authenticating every time, that's
terrible, and you should make your filter smarter.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 3:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't
have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat
webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter.
filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the
home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, that this may be
some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the
request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login
servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever
redirect back to the login servlet.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time
the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies


QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
a href=;
Registered in England: No 2582055
Registered in Australia: No 082 851 474


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Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
I've never actually used a profiler before.  I keep meaning to I swear.
Its my next big venture.  I just figured out unit testing about 2 weeks ago.
We just never have time for that silly testing and profiling stuff at my
company.  I never actually wrote the filter either.  But I have one around
that I could use to at least do some testing.
I'll try this profiling and try to get the results back to the list.


Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Did you profile the filter versus aspects?  Now that's a benchmark I'd
be really interested in.
To the original poster: assuming your filter is smart enough to check
the session for a user is authenticated already token, the /* mapping
is not that big a deal.  If you're re-authenticating every time, that's
terrible, and you should make your filter smarter.
Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 3:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning
I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't


have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the




Allistair Crossley wrote:


Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat

webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter.


filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the


home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, that this may be


some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the

request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login
servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever


redirect back to the login servlet.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time


the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies



QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
a href=;
Registered in England: No 2582055
Registered in Australia: No 082 851 474



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RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley
Hi Yoav
It's the Samba team JCIFS NTLM servlet filter, so I guess I need to find out from them 
if the auth is done each time.
Cheers, ADC
-Original Message- 
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 08/04/2004 20:39 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

Did you profile the filter versus aspects?  Now that's a benchmark I'd
be really interested in.

To the original poster: assuming your filter is smart enough to check
the session for a user is authenticated already token, the /* mapping
is not that big a deal.  If you're re-authenticating every time, that's
terrible, and you should make your filter smarter.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 3:38 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't
have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat
webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter.
filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the
home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, that this may be
some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the
request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login
servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever
redirect back to the login servlet.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time
the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies


QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
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Registered in England: No 2582055
Registered in Australia: No 082 851 474


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RE: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Allistair Crossley
All our actions extend an abstract base action that handles auth if the session user 
is null and then delegates to a subclass to do the actial work which is another way of 
what you describe there. 
Hm...are you saying you use JCIFS also? Is the loginContext your own or part of the 


-Original Message- 
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 08/04/2004 20:38 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't want to
have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to weave
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going with
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the right


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat webapp, 
I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter. The filter is mapped to 
all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the train home whether because NTLM is a 
3-way handshake, that this may be causing some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the 
request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login servlet and then 
populate a session user object and if that ever expires redirect back to the login 

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time removing the 
filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies ;)


QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
a href=;
Registered in England: No 2582055
Registered in Australia: No 082 851 474


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QAS Ltd.
Developers of QuickAddress Software
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Registered in England: No 2582055
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Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
LoginContext is part of the jdk1.4.
It is usually extended by others.  I found the very popular example on
where the author created an RDBMDLoginContext.  I changed that to my own 
because I use Apache OJB.  Its pretty easy to write one, just override 
each of the


Allistair Crossley wrote:

All our actions extend an abstract base action that handles auth if the session user is null and then delegates to a subclass to do the actial work which is another way of what you describe there. 

Hm...are you saying you use JCIFS also? Is the loginContext your own or part of the JCIFS API.


	-Original Message- 
	From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: Thu 08/04/2004 20:38 
	To: Tomcat Users List 
	Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

	I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in the
	I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I didn't want to
	have to put a session check into every Struts action I used AspectJ to weave
	in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering going with
	a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did the right
	Allistair Crossley wrote:
	Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my tomcat webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a filter. The filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to myself on the train home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, that this may be causing some kind of performance hit.
	The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever expires redirect back to the login servlet.
	Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time removing the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.
	I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone replies ;)
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Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

2004-04-08 Thread Charles N. Harvey III
Sorry, I was a little off in that last e-mail.

The example on has you extending LoginContext to 
It extends LoginContext and implements HttpSessionBindingListner.  This 
is done
so that when the session is over, the logout method is called from 

RDBMSLoginModule is the other class from the example and it implements 
This is the jaas class that you configure in your jaas.config file.

None of this really has anything to do with Tomcat configuration tuning, 
for going off on a tangent.


Charles N. Harvey III wrote:

LoginContext is part of the jdk1.4.
It is usually extended by others.  I found the very popular example on
where the author created an RDBMDLoginContext.  I changed that to my 
own OJBLoginContext
because I use Apache OJB.  Its pretty easy to write one, just override 
each of the


Allistair Crossley wrote:

All our actions extend an abstract base action that handles auth if 
the session user is null and then delegates to a subclass to do the 
actial work which is another way of what you describe there.
Hm...are you saying you use JCIFS also? Is the loginContext your own 
or part of the JCIFS API.


-Original Message- From: Charles N. Harvey III 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thu 08/04/2004 20:38 To: 
Tomcat Users List Cc: Subject: Re: Tomcat configuration tuning

I do just what you described below.  If the loginContext isn't in 
I show do a global-forward to the login form.  And, because I 
didn't want to
have to put a session check into every Struts action I used 
AspectJ to weave
in a pointcut into every action.  Works great.  I was considering 
going with
a filter servlet instead but if you say its slow then maybe I did 
the right


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Slightly off-forum but related to my performance tuning of my 
tomcat webapp, I am using the JCIFS NTLM authentication servlet as a 
filter. The filter is mapped to all requests /*. I just thought to 
myself on the train home whether because NTLM is a 3-way handshake, 
that this may be causing some kind of performance hit.

The filter authenticates the desktop user and then populates the 
request.getRemoteUser. I suppose I could do this once with a login 
servlet and then populate a session user object and if that ever 
expires redirect back to the login servlet.

Does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be worth my time 
removing the filter per request in favour of a once-only login action.

I appreciate this is off-tomcat, so no hard feelings if noone 
replies ;)


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