Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-29 Thread Sean Finkel
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
I already have. This exact same setup worked flawlessly under RH 7.3


RH 9.0

Actually, I meant a non-Linux platform.  But even your results so far
suggest an RHEL-specific issue.  Maybe try LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
instead of 2.4?  I remember people having success with that in the past.

You know what's funny? I stopped APF (the firewall) and it runs fine. I 
don't understand this. The needed ports were open (the shutdown, 
standalone and connector ports). I used the same firewall with the same 
ports open on the other servers/OSs and it worked fine. But I turn the 
firewall off and it stops hanging immediately.

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RE: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-27 Thread Cox, Charlie

 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Finkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 3:52 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?
 Sorry, this is a shared server, and he wants his site available on port
 Tomcat standalone can run on port 80 without running as root by using
 jsvc (from commons-daemon).  There are examples and more information on
 this configuration at
 Maybe I am missing something, but wouldn't that not be able to bind to
 port 80 since Apache is already bound to it? There is a lot about the
 Java world I am not familiar with, so maybe it can...
You would need separate ip addresses for apache and tomcat.

 reason we hand everything off, is because he has his application hosted
 inside a directory (ie: ~/public_html/appdir) but wants it to be
 available to users as instead of
 You can configure Tomcat to have a Context whose docbase is
 ~/public_html/appdir but whose path is  (the empty string, not null or
 And indeed that is what we are doing for him right now. However, my
 previous attempts at fiddling with mod_rewrite to translate root request
 /whatever.jsp into /appdir/whatever.jsp had failed. I now have this
 working in a preliminary stage. Since I was unable to get mod_rewrite
 processing the requests right, we just did a jkMount /* workername,
 which passed every request off to tomcat, and since we had the root
 context setup to serve from ~/public_html/appdir it all worked out fine.
 But of course, this results in trying to pass PHP requests (and things
 outside the appdir) to tomcat.

how about passing only requests that are not php to tomcat? You can do this
in httpd.conf:
LocationMatch ^/(?!phpdir)
jkUriSet ...

 He also wants to use PHP
 on his main domain for forums or some such, once we get him to move his
 application out of appdir and into his website root.
 This is the deal breaker I think, for a commercial organization anyways.
 While you can use PHP on Tomcat, the performance is apparently not good
 enough for a large scale installation.  See for how to do this
 Well, I don't think I want to run PHP through Tomcat as we already have
 Apache running with PHP and it runs solid (and quite snappy too).
 What I am currently working on is this for his .htaccess (well, testing
 on a test instance):
 ( snip )
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/appdir/
 RewriteRule ^(.*\.jsp)$ /appdir/$1
 ---( /snip )-
 This results in all jsp pages being sent to tomcat. I also added a
 jkMount /appdir/* workername to the httpd.conf file. This means, that
 in the user's JSP pages, if he uses absolute paths for images, css, etc
 then they will be handed off to tomcat as well so that a complete page
 is sent back.
 The problem currently is, the user used relative paths for all his
 images, css files, etc. So while the JSP is being served correctly from
 Tomcat with the above .htaccess lines, it is not passing the css and
 image files off, which is the expected behavior. So I am trying to find
 some way to remedy this via .htaccess so the user doesn't have to change
 his 50+ jsp pages =|
 Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions and provide your
 suggestions. It really is much appreciated!
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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-27 Thread Sean Finkel

Maybe I am missing something, but wouldn't that not be able to bind to
port 80 since Apache is already bound to it? There is a lot about the
Java world I am not familiar with, so maybe it can...

You would need separate ip addresses for apache and tomcat.

Aye I figured as much
And indeed that is what we are doing for him right now. However, my
previous attempts at fiddling with mod_rewrite to translate root request
/whatever.jsp into /appdir/whatever.jsp had failed. I now have this
working in a preliminary stage. Since I was unable to get mod_rewrite
processing the requests right, we just did a jkMount /* workername,
which passed every request off to tomcat, and since we had the root
context setup to serve from ~/public_html/appdir it all worked out fine.
But of course, this results in trying to pass PHP requests (and things
outside the appdir) to tomcat.

how about passing only requests that are not php to tomcat? You can do this
in httpd.conf:
LocationMatch ^/(?!phpdir)
	jkUriSet ...

We are using mod_jk not mod_jk2. The above would only work with mod_jk2 
correct? In any case, I have finally gotten this to work (only passing 
off java requests to tomcat). For those interested:

in the site's root .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/appdir/
RewriteRule ^(.*\.jsp)$ /appdir/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/appdir/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^(.*)\.jsp.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$  /appdir/$1 [R,NC]
then in httpd.conf, we just jkMount /appdir/*
Still having problems with Tomcat hanging Apache child processes. I 
lowered the MaxRequestsPerChild in Apache to 10. Results in more cpu 
work, but keeps the hung processes to a minimum. This morning there were 
only 3 instead of 50-200 of them. They all seem to be hanging on image 
files now. Weird

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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Sean Finkel

I recall RHEL 3.0 comes with an NPTL-based 2.4, which will require
setting LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 to disable the NPTL functionality for the
Java process.  That may be it.
I am assuming you mean set this as an environment variable? I will 
give this a try and see what happens! Thank you for the suggestion!
Well, that did not work. I was using the AJP13 connector. I have changed 
the private (Tomcat4) instance to use the Coyote connector to see if 
that makes a difference. It didn't before, and I doubt it will now. :(

This is really becoming frustrating.
At least it is not hanging Apache, as in, Apache still responds to 
*new* requests, it just has 50+ child process tied up waiting for 
previous Tomcat responses.

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RE: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Perhaps Tomcat standalone would be sufficient for your application

Yoav Shapira
Millennium Research Informatics

-Original Message-
From: Sean Finkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:17 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

 I recall RHEL 3.0 comes with an NPTL-based 2.4, which will require
 setting LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 to disable the NPTL functionality for
 Java process.  That may be it.

 I am assuming you mean set this as an environment variable? I will
 give this a try and see what happens! Thank you for the suggestion!

Well, that did not work. I was using the AJP13 connector. I have
the private (Tomcat4) instance to use the Coyote connector to see if
that makes a difference. It didn't before, and I doubt it will now. :(

This is really becoming frustrating.

At least it is not hanging Apache, as in, Apache still responds to
*new* requests, it just has 50+ child process tied up waiting for
previous Tomcat responses.


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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Sean Finkel
Shapira, Yoav wrote:
Perhaps Tomcat standalone would be sufficient for your application

No, because the user also wants access to PHP and other related Apache 
features (htacces, mod_rewrite, etc).

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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Sean Finkel
Sean Finkel wrote:
First a brief background on the setup:
We are running Apache 1.3.31 utilizing mod_jk (not jk2). We are 
running two instances of Tomcat. Previously, both were version 4. 
Currently, we have one shared instance running the latest 5.x release 
(just compiled yesterday). We have one customer running a private 4.x 

With that said, we just moved to a new server (Dual Xeon, RHEL 3.0) 
and now the problem we are having is the customer who has this private 
instance has jsp pages that hang. But, it does not hang all the 
time. What's weird, is most of the time, I can stop the shared 
instance and the customer's pages will stop hanging. I would like to 
fix the hanging completely, obviously.

Ok this is happening again right now. Here is some output from various 

From Apache Status (blanked out the VHost) - these Apache child 
processes have been running for 15+ minutes waiting on Tomcat. They are 
not servicing new requests and then dieing like they should be (Apache 
hands *everything* off for this domain to Tomcat, including images):
( snip )---
*Srv* *PID* *Acc* *M* *CPU* *SS* *Req* 
*Conn* *Child* *Slot* *Host* *VHost* *Request*
*0-0* 24535 0/21/1803 *W* 0.23  0 
0.0 0.14 21.56  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic27.jpg HTTP/1.1
*1-0* 23257 0/39/2065 *W* 0.46 3452 0 
0.0 0.27 12.33  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic16.jpg HTTP/1.1
*2-0* 23252 0/17/1868 *W* 0.20 3593 0 
0.0 0.26 15.75  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic13.jpg HTTP/1.1
*3-0* 23377 0/22/1825 *W* 0.26 3445 0 
0.0 0.34 20.29  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic21.jpg HTTP/1.1
*4-0* 23378 0/22/1839 *W* 0.38 3439 0 
0.0 0.07 16.09  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic15.jpg HTTP/1.1
*5-0* 22810 0/43/1750 *W* 0.26 3584 0 
0.0 0.54 19.31  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic12.jpg HTTP/1.1
*6-0* 23267 0/37/1788 *W* 0.68 3425 0 
0.0 0.52 14.50  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic19.jpg HTTP/1.1
*7-0* 26919 0/33/1586 *W* 0.15 3143 0 
0.0 0.27 12.33  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic36.jpg HTTP/1.1
*8-0* 23441 0/22/1532 *W* 0.28 3385 0 
0.0 0.09 11.07  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic25.jpg HTTP/1.1
*9-0* 26920 0/30/1396 *W* 0.36 3147 0 
0.0 0.17 8.23  GET 
/images/pics/todayspic34.jpg HTTP/1.1

-( /snip )-
From A thread dump of the JVM - obviously there were more than three, 
but I only included three for the sake of brevity:
---( snip )---
Thread-20 daemon prio=1 tid=0x08192b68 nid=0x3560 in Object.wait() 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  - waiting on 0xab9bcba8 (a 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(

  - locked 0xab9bcba8 (a 

Thread-19 daemon prio=1 tid=0x08195450 nid=0x3560 in Object.wait() 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  - waiting on 0xab9bcc10 (a 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(

  - locked 0xab9bcc10 (a 

Thread-18 daemon prio=1 tid=0x0824b148 nid=0x3560 in Object.wait() 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  - waiting on 0xab7b9ae0 (a 
  at java.lang.Object.wait(

  - locked 0xab7b9ae0 (a 
- ( /snip )--

So, as another user suggested earler, it seems some blocking is 
happening. Also as I mentioned, I am on RHEL 3.0 and JDK version: 
1.4.2_04. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to prevent the threads 
from locking up? I have already tried the LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 and 
that does not help.


RE: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Shapira, Yoav

Just a couple of things ;)

hands *everything* off for this domain to Tomcat, including images):

And yet you said Tomcat standalone wasn't an option for this
installation?  Too bad.  You can do much of mod_rewrite with the
balancer app, you can do much of .htaccess with Servlet security
constraints, and if Tomcat already handles all the requests than you're
losing performance by adding Apache and the connector layer.

 From A thread dump of the JVM - obviously there were more than three,
but I only included three for the sake of brevity:

How did you pick these three threads?

---( snip )---
Thread-20 daemon prio=1 tid=0x08192b68 nid=0x3560 in Object.wait()
   at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
   - waiting on 0xab9bcba8 (a

The three threads in your trace are waiting on different objects.  They
don't appear to be locked with each other.  It is normal and expected
that some thread will be waiting when you do a thread trace like this:
it's extremely unlikely all threads will be working when you do the
trace ;)

So, as another user suggested earler, it seems some blocking is
happening. Also as I mentioned, I am on RHEL 3.0 and JDK version:
1.4.2_04. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to prevent the threads
from locking up? I have already tried the LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 and
that does not help.

The next step would be to try your app on a different platform, IMHO, to
try and tell if this is indeed an RHEL-related problem or something


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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Sean Finkel

hands *everything* off for this domain to Tomcat, including images):

And yet you said Tomcat standalone wasn't an option for this
installation?  Too bad.  You can do much of mod_rewrite with the
balancer app, you can do much of .htaccess with Servlet security
constraints, and if Tomcat already handles all the requests than you're
losing performance by adding Apache and the connector layer.

Sorry, this is a shared server, and he wants his site available on port 
80. I suppose we could give him a dedicated IP. Currently, the only 
reason we hand everything off, is because he has his application hosted 
inside a directory (ie: ~/public_html/appdir) but wants it to be 
available to users as instead of He also wants to use PHP 
on his main domain for forums or some such, once we get him to move his 
application out of appdir and into his website root. Once he does that, 
we can modify the jkMount apache directives to only pass off .jsp and 
/servlet/ requests instead of *everything*

Unless you can suggest a way around this currently?

From A thread dump of the JVM - obviously there were more than three,
but I only included three for the sake of brevity:

How did you pick these three threads?

They were the only ones that had anything to do with apache (well, there 
were about 20 of them actually). But now it hits me, duh. Tomcat = 
Apache project. *sigh*

I guess I thought the locked had something to do with it, though I now 
see it seems all threads say this.

So, as another user suggested earler, it seems some blocking is
happening. Also as I mentioned, I am on RHEL 3.0 and JDK version:
1.4.2_04. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to prevent the threads

from locking up? I have already tried the LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 and

that does not help.

The next step would be to try your app on a different platform, IMHO, to
try and tell if this is indeed an RHEL-related problem or something

I already have. This exact same setup worked flawlessly under RH 7.3 and 
RH 9.0

however, moving (back) to either of those platforms is not an option.
With that said however, I compiled tomcat under RH 7.3 and copied 
everything over. The JDK stayed the same throughout though. Could this 
be the problem? Should I recompile Tomcat? I *have* recompiled mod_jk on 
the new system though.

thanks for your help!
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RE: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Shapira, Yoav


Sorry, this is a shared server, and he wants his site available on port

Tomcat standalone can run on port 80 without running as root by using
jsvc (from commons-daemon).  There are examples and more information on
this configuration at

reason we hand everything off, is because he has his application hosted
inside a directory (ie: ~/public_html/appdir) but wants it to be
available to users as instead of

You can configure Tomcat to have a Context whose docbase is
~/public_html/appdir but whose path is  (the empty string, not null or

He also wants to use PHP
on his main domain for forums or some such, once we get him to move his
application out of appdir and into his website root.

This is the deal breaker I think, for a commercial organization anyways.
While you can use PHP on Tomcat, the performance is apparently not good
enough for a large scale installation.  See for how to do this

I already have. This exact same setup worked flawlessly under RH 7.3
RH 9.0

Actually, I meant a non-Linux platform.  But even your results so far
suggest an RHEL-specific issue.  Maybe try LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
instead of 2.4?  I remember people having success with that in the past.

With that said however, I compiled tomcat under RH 7.3 and copied
everything over. The JDK stayed the same throughout though. Could this
be the problem? Should I recompile Tomcat? I *have* recompiled mod_jk
the new system though.

The connectors are more important.  Recompiling Tomcat is not needed
IMHO, including not needed in the first place for RH 7.3 (you could have
just downloaded the binary).  But I'm not a Linux expert.


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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-26 Thread Sean Finkel

Sorry, this is a shared server, and he wants his site available on port

Tomcat standalone can run on port 80 without running as root by using
jsvc (from commons-daemon).  There are examples and more information on
this configuration at

Maybe I am missing something, but wouldn't that not be able to bind to 
port 80 since Apache is already bound to it? There is a lot about the 
Java world I am not familiar with, so maybe it can...

reason we hand everything off, is because he has his application hosted
inside a directory (ie: ~/public_html/appdir) but wants it to be
available to users as instead of

You can configure Tomcat to have a Context whose docbase is
~/public_html/appdir but whose path is  (the empty string, not null or

And indeed that is what we are doing for him right now. However, my 
previous attempts at fiddling with mod_rewrite to translate root request 
/whatever.jsp into /appdir/whatever.jsp had failed. I now have this 
working in a preliminary stage. Since I was unable to get mod_rewrite 
processing the requests right, we just did a jkMount /* workername, 
which passed every request off to tomcat, and since we had the root 
context setup to serve from ~/public_html/appdir it all worked out fine. 
But of course, this results in trying to pass PHP requests (and things 
outside the appdir) to tomcat.


He also wants to use PHP
on his main domain for forums or some such, once we get him to move his
application out of appdir and into his website root.

This is the deal breaker I think, for a commercial organization anyways.
While you can use PHP on Tomcat, the performance is apparently not good
enough for a large scale installation.  See for how to do this

Well, I don't think I want to run PHP through Tomcat as we already have 
Apache running with PHP and it runs solid (and quite snappy too).

What I am currently working on is this for his .htaccess (well, testing 
on a test instance):
( snip )
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/appdir/
RewriteRule ^(.*\.jsp)$ /appdir/$1
---( /snip )-

This results in all jsp pages being sent to tomcat. I also added a 
jkMount /appdir/* workername to the httpd.conf file. This means, that 
in the user's JSP pages, if he uses absolute paths for images, css, etc 
then they will be handed off to tomcat as well so that a complete page 
is sent back.

The problem currently is, the user used relative paths for all his 
images, css files, etc. So while the JSP is being served correctly from 
Tomcat with the above .htaccess lines, it is not passing the css and 
image files off, which is the expected behavior. So I am trying to find 
some way to remedy this via .htaccess so the user doesn't have to change 
his 50+ jsp pages =|

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions and provide your 
suggestions. It really is much appreciated!

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Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-25 Thread Sean Finkel
First a brief background on the setup:
We are running Apache 1.3.31 utilizing mod_jk (not jk2). We are running 
two instances of Tomcat. Previously, both were version 4. Currently, we 
have one shared instance running the latest 5.x release (just compiled 
yesterday). We have one customer running a private 4.x instance.

With that said, we just moved to a new server (Dual Xeon, RHEL 3.0) and 
now the problem we are having is the customer who has this private 
instance has jsp pages that hang. But, it does not hang all the time. 
What's weird, is most of the time, I can stop the shared instance and 
the customer's pages will stop hanging. I would like to fix the hanging 
completely, obviously.

Today though, the only thing that kept his pages from hanging was a full 
reboot. I am wondering if this is related to swap space usage. I don't 
know what else it would be, as I stopped/started his tomcat and apache 
numerous times. I tried using a different connector (AJP instead of Coyote).

Could this last problem be due to running tomcat5 *and* tomcat 4? I 
would say no, as that makes no sense this would be the case, especially 
when it (still)occurred after stopping the Tomcat 5 instance.

Essentially what happens is, Apache receives the request for the page, 
hands it off to Tomcat, tomcat returns half of the page (header/left 
menu) and just sits there. Hitting stop on the browser stops the 
transfer, however Tomcat never releases the Apache process. So we end up 
with dozens, sometimes hundreds of Apache processes that are hung by 
tomcat. This results in memory usages exceeding 2gb!

Has anyone experienced similar problems or have any suggestions?
-Sean Finkel
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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-25 Thread QM
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 12:07:29PM -0400, Sean Finkel wrote:
: With that said, we just moved to a new server (Dual Xeon, RHEL 3.0) and 
: now the problem we are having is the customer who has this private 
: instance has jsp pages that hang. But, it does not hang all the time. 
: What's weird, is most of the time, I can stop the shared instance and 
: the customer's pages will stop hanging. I would like to fix the hanging 
: completely, obviously.

What kernel was running on the old box? 
Better put, what is different between the two machines?

I recall RHEL 3.0 comes with an NPTL-based 2.4, which will require
setting LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 to disable the NPTL functionality for the
Java process.  That may be it.



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Re: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-25 Thread Sean Finkel

What kernel was running on the old box? 
Better put, what is different between the two machines?

7.3 on the old system. 9.0 on an intermediary system, with only the 
private instance installed (which never hung).

I recall RHEL 3.0 comes with an NPTL-based 2.4, which will require
setting LD_KERNEL_ASSUME=2.4 to disable the NPTL functionality for the
Java process.  That may be it.
I am assuming you mean set this as an environment variable? I will give 
this a try and see what happens! Thank you for the suggestion!

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RE: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

2004-08-25 Thread Brad McEvoy

I had a similar problem on RH EL just a couple of weeks ago. Might not be
the same as yours, though, because in my case apache wasnt hung, just
tomcat. but that might just be a difference in versions, so i'll share it

Here's what i did..

I used kill -QUIT on the tomcat process after it had hung to find a stack
trace of the tomcat threads. This showed that every thread was blocked on a
synchronized statement in program code. I investigated it (thoroughly!) and
concluded that there is a bug in the JVM on this OS related to synchronized
statements, only manifesting itself occasionally and under certain
conditions. I refactored my code slightly around this and it appears to have
fixed the problem.

I'd be interested in hearing how it works out for you.

-Original Message-
From: Sean Finkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2004 2:07 AM
To: Tomcat User
Subject: Tomcat causes Apache to hang. Any ideas?

First a brief background on the setup:
We are running Apache 1.3.31 utilizing mod_jk (not jk2). We are running 
two instances of Tomcat. Previously, both were version 4. Currently, we 
have one shared instance running the latest 5.x release (just compiled 
yesterday). We have one customer running a private 4.x instance.

With that said, we just moved to a new server (Dual Xeon, RHEL 3.0) and 
now the problem we are having is the customer who has this private 
instance has jsp pages that hang. But, it does not hang all the time. 
What's weird, is most of the time, I can stop the shared instance and 
the customer's pages will stop hanging. I would like to fix the hanging 
completely, obviously.

Today though, the only thing that kept his pages from hanging was a full 
reboot. I am wondering if this is related to swap space usage. I don't 
know what else it would be, as I stopped/started his tomcat and apache 
numerous times. I tried using a different connector (AJP instead of Coyote).

Could this last problem be due to running tomcat5 *and* tomcat 4? I 
would say no, as that makes no sense this would be the case, especially 
when it (still)occurred after stopping the Tomcat 5 instance.

Essentially what happens is, Apache receives the request for the page, 
hands it off to Tomcat, tomcat returns half of the page (header/left 
menu) and just sits there. Hitting stop on the browser stops the 
transfer, however Tomcat never releases the Apache process. So we end up 
with dozens, sometimes hundreds of Apache processes that are hung by 
tomcat. This results in memory usages exceeding 2gb!

Has anyone experienced similar problems or have any suggestions?

-Sean Finkel

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