Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

2004-07-16 Thread Aris Javier

I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..

But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1

Both includes \lib and \bin folders... 

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?


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Vedr.: Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

2004-07-16 Thread Thomas Nybro Bolding
j2sdk is the development kit and contains a _private_ jre whereas the 
_public_ jre is installed in the default folder. JAVAHOME should point to 


16-07-2004 09:58
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Vedr.:  Where is the Real JAVAHOME?


I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..

But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1

Both includes \lib and \bin folders... 

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?


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Re: Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

2004-07-16 Thread Thilo Krawietz
Hello Aris,
j2sdk is the full featured Java Development Kit including javac 
compiler, java interpreter, jdb Debugger , rmic and so on.

j2re is the so called Java run time environment. This is like a somewhat 
slim JDK, which also provides you the Java interpreter, but NOT the 

With both version you may run java applications, but you may compile 
source code only with the jre. Since Tomcat needs the ability to compile 
JSP pages from source, the j2sdk is the better choice, because otherwise 
you will receive a ClassDefNot FoundError, when you try to request a JSP 
Nevertheless, if you only run pre-compiled servlets and have no need for 
compile operation, jre may suffice also!

I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..
But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1
Both includes \lib and \bin folders... 

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?
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Re: Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

2004-07-16 Thread Thilo Krawietz
sorry, i made an error:
of course you may compile source only with the j2sdk NOT with the jre!
s*** happens :-)
I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..
But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1
Both includes \lib and \bin folders... 

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?
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RE: Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

2004-07-16 Thread Sternbergh, Cornell
So, presumably, in the general case, JAVAHOME would be d:\j2sdk1.4.1,
because TomCat would find the compiler needed for JSPs.

In the particular case of an installation that was already compiled,
either j2sdk or j2re would work.

And just to add to it, consider what happens when you upgrade.  Every
reference; server, IDE, whatever; to drive:\..\jxxVersion has to be
changed, it takes a while, and if you miss one you're broken.

While we generally develop in 1.4.2, we sometimes have need to for
previous versions.  Further, it won't be too long until there's 1.4.3 or
1.5.  To reduce upgrade, and downgrade, difficulties, we use a generic
directory, c:\java, and all appropriate environment variables and IDE
settings, etc. refer to it.

We install j2sdk into it's default directory and add a file named
j2sdkWhateverVersion.bat.  The batch file deletes all files in c:\java
and copies it's own directory to c:\java.  So changing versions becomes:

C: \j2sdkWhateverVersion\j2sdkWhateverVersion.bat

(rather than use a standard named batch file, such as switchJava.bat, we
use one with the version name, so when we look in C:\java we see a file
with the current version name.)

-Original Message-
From: Thilo Krawietz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 04:05
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Where is the Real JAVAHOME?

sorry, i made an error:

of course you may compile source only with the j2sdk NOT with the jre!

s*** happens :-)


I'm confused... I installed j2sdk1.4.1 in my D drive..

But when i take a look at my C drive under program files..
there is C:\program files\java\j2re1.4.1

Both includes \lib and \bin folders... 

Which of those two directories is the JAVAHOME?


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