Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Wrong local city in Radio Internet-Local

2011-12-13 Thread mftech

Thanks to everyone for the help, it finally works...
I got access to Internet Radios located in Montreal in LMS, on each of
my SB and even with Squeezeplay.
I guess that stopping and restarting the LMS service did the trick.


Tête à FLAC

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Wrong local city in Radio Internet-Local

2011-12-13 Thread castalla

Well, it still doesn't work for me!!

If I use the Tunein app then I get the local radio set up in Tunein -
but even that is not actually correct ... I get the correct country but
not the city location.

Using Internet Radio local gives me stations located in my isp country
(not the Tunein location) - again a list of cities, not one particular


1 Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers - 2
duff ears - purfek!
1 Logitech Radio + remote - purfek!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread Mr. Tuesdays

OK, success at last!  Entire USB drive scanned, all artwork pre-cached
and the server running.  No hitch, no crash.  Database is now
searchable and is pretty fast. 

File scan took about 1H 30M. Over 16,000 files. The SB Touch always
under estimates the scan time by half. It said 45 minutes remaining at
first, but took about 90 minutes.  This is consistent with scanning the
drive in NTFS format.  The estimated 3 hours would turn into 6 hours of

Pre-caching images didn't take too long and most importantly did not
crash the server.
The swap file grew and grew during the scan, topping out at 22 Meg. 
The image pre-cache peaked at 55 Meg then dropped back down to 54 Meg
were it is now hanging.  I had not done a good jog of resizing the
image files on the USB drive this time, must have been some big images
in there.

A big thanks for to Jean for this thread and the excellent instructions
on formatting and files.  And a big thanks to Treeplecks for the swap
file info and encouragement.  Without your help I could never have
gotten the Touch working as a stand alone player with so many files.

Thanks also to everyone else who lent a hand.

Mr. Tuesdays

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread JohnSwenson

jean2;676028 Wrote: 
 Good to know. I was just thinking aloud.
 Ok, I'm convinced ;-)
 Rant mode on : hardware designers seem to always underestimate the
 amount of memory required, and the SB hardware designers in particular.
 The ipkg players are notorious for having their flash full, which
 prevent adding new features to them. The SB-Radio in the early days was
 suffering from chronic out-of-memory issues which took one year to fix
 (see Amazon reviews). And let's not mention the SB-Touch, despite the
 heroics of the software team, we are still bumping on the memory
 I wonder if it was a worthwhile tradeoff for SB. Sure, they save a few
 cents on each unit, but then wasted a lot in engineering and products
 bad reviews. In the case of the SB-Touch, this crippled one of the main
 feature, and Logitech can't really sell the Touch based on its internal
 server. With twice the memory, the internal server would have ended up
 a totally different product.

Actually its not really the hardware designers fault, from what I can
tell the hardware was never designed to be a server, it was designed as
the next genaration player, they gave it enough memory and processor
power to handle 24/96 files well. When they got prototypes back and
started running the software on it they realized that the player was
using a tiny part of the resources, so some of the programmer said,
hey, I wonder if the server would run on this? So they tried, no it
didn't. So then they started turning things off, triming it down etc
and they finally got it working (barely). 

Then marketing heard that the server would actually run on the player,
and low and behold it became a major feature of the Touch, and now this
thing which had been just some programmers playing around became a

Moral of the story, if you want to play around and see if you can get
something to work on hardware that was never designed for it, NEVER
EVER let marketing know about it! 

This is my interpretation of what happened from piecing little scraps
of info from various developers over the years. 

John S.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch and NAS

2011-12-13 Thread thyname

souwalker;676361 Wrote: 
 How about a Vortexbox Appliance?

I looked it up. Looks good with outstanding users' reviews, especially
from SB owners. However, it is too expensive for me. I am getting my SB
Touch for a total of $209, it does not make sense to spend double or
more of that on something to support my sB touch. Thanks anyway. I
will keep it in my toys to be purchased list :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch and NAS

2011-12-13 Thread garym

Yep, the touch is by far the cheapest part of the music collecting and
playing hobby for me.  ;-)


Location 1: VB Appliance 6TB (1.10)  LMS 7.7.1  Transporter, Touch,
Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Location 2: VB Appliance 3TB (2.0)  LMS 7.7.1  Touch  Benchmark DAC
I, Boom, Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
Office: Win7(64)  LMS 7.7.1  SqueezePlay
Retired: SB3, Duet Receiver
Controllers: iPhone (iPeng), iPad (iPengHD  SqueezePad), CONTROLLER,
or SqueezePlay 7.7 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Additional Tagging - mp3tag

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Wrong local city in Radio Internet-Local

2011-12-13 Thread castalla

There's something strange with Tunein ... I just set up the XBMC plugin.
This also allows for local stations - again, I don't get the listing
which I see when I log in directly to Tunein.  In fact I see nothing

I'm baffled.


1 Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers - 2
duff ears - purfek!
1 Logitech Radio + remote - purfek!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread jean2

JohnSwenson;676496 Wrote: 
 Actually its not really the hardware designers fault, from what I can
 tell the hardware was never designed to be a server, it was designed as
 the next genaration player, they gave it enough memory and processor
 power to handle 24/96 files well.
JohnSwenson;676496 Wrote: 
 This is my interpretation of what happened from piecing little scraps of
 info from various developers over the years. 
 John S.

I don't know what the story was, I admit. But, this issue is not
confined to the SB-Touch, the SB-Radio did suffer in the first year of
out of memory issues, and for the SB-Radio, there was no such excuses.
And Mnyb mentioned that the Controller was also suffering from memory

Also, I find it hard to reconcile your story with the fact that they
build both a USB port and a SD card slot in the device. If they did not
intend to have a built-in server, having both is useless. So, at the
time they engineered the SD slot and the USB port, they effectively had
already committed to the internal server. And from their past experience
putting the server on NAS, they should have known what they were getting

Moreover, it's possible to change memory fairly late in the design,
definitely after getting first prototypes. For example, I would bet
that you could trivially replace the K4T51163QG with a K4T1G164QQ
(don't try this at home).

Lastly, from what I remember, they also delayed the initial release of
the Touch for many month, and during those months the beta tester were
saying that the player functionality was pretty much done and the bulk
of the work was on the internal server. If they did not intend to do
the internal server, why delay the release just for it instead of just
disabling the feature and shipping ? The player functionality of the
controller did not got such attention...

So, you may be right, but IMHO the facts are telling a different




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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread erland

jean2;676527 Wrote: 
 Lastly, from what I remember, they also delayed the initial release of
 the Touch for many month, and during those months the beta tester were
 saying that the player functionality was pretty much done and the bulk
 of the work was on the internal server. If they did not intend to do
 the internal server, why delay the release just for it instead of just
 disabling the feature and shipping ? The player functionality of the
 controller did not got such attention...
I believe they had printed built-in server on the boxes before the
initially planned release date. At that time I believe the hardware was
already shipped to the various Logitech warehouses and had to sit there
for many months until the stores were allowed to put it up on the
shelves when the software/firmware was finished. Due to this it wasn't
possible to do a release without a somewhat working built-in server

Built-in server was planned when hardware beta testers was introduced
(December 2008), so it was planned a long time before any official
announcements (September 2009) were made and definitely a long time
before the official product release (April 2010).

However, I still agree with John, the hardware designers probably
didn't plan to run a memory and CPU consuming perl server on the
hardware when it was designed.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread Mnyb

i wonder even if you can turn off a lot of stuff in the server to make
it fit the tiny hardware.

Can it be that the requirement that it should run on the Touch is a
limiting factor for the server .
A lot of stuff can be tacked on as plugin much oficial stuff is plugins
too, but anyway.

i use to think that the lack of development of core functionality is
mainly lack of dev resources ?

Any one with perl knowledge ? Are they boxed in by the Touch hardware.

On the other hand is it only the chosen architechture as micro computer
running a real OS and a lot off stuff in script form lua or perl ?
for example TinySC on Touch has a playlist limit of 100 tracks an iPod
with ta fraction of the cpu a Touch has can handle playlist in 1
track sizes ?
also PLC system with a fraction of the Touch CPU power runs large
industrial machines in real time ?
Are they using the most effective programming methods to utilize this
hardware ?


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD  SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch with USB drive : mastering TinySB

2011-12-13 Thread erland

Mnyb;676538 Wrote: 
 i wonder even if you can turn off a lot of stuff in the server to make
 it fit the tiny hardware.
 Can it be that the requirement that it should run on the Touch is a
 limiting factor for the server .
 A lot of stuff can be tacked on as plugin much oficial stuff is plugins
 too, but anyway.
 i use to think that the lack of development of core functionality is
 mainly lack of dev resources ?
 Any one with perl knowledge ? Are they boxed in by the Touch hardware.
They don't limit the core functionality based on the Touch. When they
did LMS they didn't even think of the Touch until the end when they
added an option to disable the photo/video functionality when executed
on the Touch.

So the lack of new core features is because of lack of developers and
priorities. The only scenario I can think of that might have affected
the computer based server is the switch from MySQL to SQLite, that
switch would probably not have happen if the Touch server wasn't
needed. Even though the developers sometimes defend it I think the main
reason for that switch was because they needed SQLite on the Touch and
it was too expensive to maintain and test two different database

Mnyb;676538 Wrote: 
 On the other hand is it only the chosen architechture as micro computer
 running a real OS and a lot off stuff in script form lua or perl ?
 for example TinySC on Touch has a playlist limit of 100 tracks an iPod
 with ta fraction of the cpu a Touch has can handle playlist in 1
 track sizes ?
 also PLC system with a fraction of the Touch CPU power runs large
 industrial machines in real time ?
 Are they using the most effective programming methods to utilize this
 hardware ?
This is the reason why the Touch server doesn't work, the architecture
and programming language is not optimized to run on slow hardware with
little memory. This is also the reason why the easiest/only realistic
way to fix the issue is to produce new hardware with faster CPU and
most importantly more memory. On slow hardware with little memory, you
need something that's fast and you need something that can dynamically
load/unload stuff depending on the current need, as I've understood
perl has issues in both these areas.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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[SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch - clock issue

2011-12-13 Thread Pungi


on my SB Touch a clock is loosing correct time, about a minute per day!
Is saw, there is quite a lot of posts open for this issue and also a
reguest for bug fix (Bug
17164) Is there any
possibillity, that the bug will be fixed in a near future?




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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Blanking display.

2011-12-13 Thread Pascal Hibon

I'm just in a couple of days use of my new Touch and I'm kinda missing a
great feature the SB3 had. Actually this great feature was provided by a
plugin called Auto Dim Display. This plugin obviously doesn't work for
the Touch and Radio due to their different OS.  
I like to darken the display completely between a certain time period
(night time). In the morning the display comes to live again. Is there
any similar applet or patch for the Touch?

Pascal Hibon

1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 1 x SB Touch - all wireless
ReadyNAS NVX running SBS
iPeng on iPod Touch.
SqueezePad  iPeng on iPad.

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