Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch, compared to Classic, PS and portable HD

2010-08-19 Thread NewBuyer

Phil Leigh;570127 Wrote: 
 The Touch walks over the SB3 in terms of both its digital output and
 analogue. If you prefer the SB3 that's fine.

Jeez Phil!  You say stuff like this so often, it has to be true.  :)

In case anybody is missing Phil's point: 

The SB3 Classic only reproduces test-tones and was only ever designed
to do that.  Worse, it doesn't even do this very well, as both its
analog output and digital input is horribly contaminated with every
form of electromagnetic interference - this is of course also by
purposeful design, along with its deliberate radiation-emitting
circuitry skillfully created to contaminate your other components. 
Most embarassingly, only a select few users ever actually noticed these
huge shortcomings of the SB3 - but when the Touch finally arrived, there
was simply no further denying these obvious facts.  The Touch is the
fluent-multilingual-speaking superior to the SB3's mere baby-syllable
blithering.  It also makes you sterile.

Ok, now there clearly can be no further doubt.  :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch, compared to Classic, PS and portable HD

2010-08-19 Thread NewBuyer

phil leigh;570227 Wrote: 
 i think i've only said it twice... 
 Apologies, let me try again.
 (deep breath)
 i personally find the touch to provide a significant, but not
 life-changing, advance in sound quality over the sb3 via either
 This is my personal opinion, based on my ears/brain and system (and
 choice of music) and is backed up only in part by some measurements -
 which may be meaningless.
 Is that ok?

Yes, definitely!  I was just teasin' you my friend.  Thanks for always
being such a good sport.  ;)

It's not uncommon in the various audio forums to read new Touch users
saying they find the Touch to sound rather forward and
uninvolving/boring in their system, compared to the SB3.  Others say
they personally find the Touch to sound better.  Why the different
opinions?  Heck, I don't know - everybody's just different I guess. 
Myself, I really don't find the Touch to be all that big of a deal
sonically compared to the SB3 or a DAC combo - I certainly do
understand what the OP (Dura) is describing very well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Using digital output only, should I go for the Touch or spend $1000 on a Transporter

2010-07-02 Thread NewBuyer

iPhone;559117 Wrote: 
 If you can buy a Transporter for $1000 and have the money, buy a
 Transporter. You will not regret it. You might even prefer the
 Transporter's DAC over your external.
 If you really like the sound of your current external DAC and are only
 looking for a digital transport and don't have to have the best, then
 the Touch is the obvious choice. The Touch really narrowed the space
 between the SB3 and the Transporter on the Digital Coax side. So if you
 don't need that extra 10 or 15% then buy the Touch and save $700.
 For me its a much harder game as to when to use Transporter as a
 digital transport only. On the low end DACs, there comes a point where
 in my opinion using a Transporter is over kill (read one should be
 using the TP without a DAC instead) to feed an external DAC. Conversely
 it gets to a point that the external DAC is very expensive and very good
 and should be feed by a Transporter. So for me it comes down to
 available money and really how good the external DAC is.

+1 (Nicely said iPhone)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why does (digital out) sound quality differ between Touch and Duet?

2010-06-10 Thread NewBuyer

JohnSwenson;553741 Wrote: 
 ...I have taken a stock SB3 and replaced the clock oscillators with ones
 that have been measured on the very expensive systems to have about 3
 times lower jitter than the stock ones. The analog outs sounded
 significantly better with this change. Nothing else changed... Its far
 stickier with S/PDIF out... There are several methods for decreasing
 jitter sensitivity which actually produce fairly high levels of jitter
 themselves... make everything sound pretty good approach, but that
 limits the performance when fed by a really good source. Unfortunately
 no manufacturer is going to TELL you that!..

Hi John,

When you get a chance, I am very curious please: How
difficult/expensive was it, to replace the SB3 clock oscillator(s)? 
Also please, generally what are some of those currently used
methods/approaches you're thinking about for decreasing interface
jitter sensitivity, that also produce high levels of their own jitter?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Power plug position

2010-06-10 Thread NewBuyer

JohnSwenson;549005 Wrote: 
 ...The current flowing through the interconnect shield will induce a
 small voltage across the shield, and since at the far end of the cable
 the input circuit sees the voltage between the center pin and the
 shield, the noise voltage developed across the shield is added the the
 signal you want and gets amplified along with it.
 You can get rid of this affect by using balanced interconnects because
 the signal the receiver sees has nothing to do with the voltage on the
 shield. I'm pretty sure this is why people like balanced better, its
 not that the balanced system picks up less noise on the signal wires,
 but because its immune to ground current noise on the shield...

In addition to using balanced interconnects when possible, I believe
introducing great quality line-level transformers can be a solution too
- even when using unbalanced interconnects.  Both methods defeat the
potential ground loop on the signal line, balance the impedences of the
pos/neg signal lines, and also provide much better EMI/RFI noise
immunity (as I understand it - please do correct me if I'm mistaken).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Why does (digital out) sound quality differ between Touch and Duet?

2010-06-08 Thread NewBuyer

SuperQ;553493 Wrote: 
 My vote is it's all in their head.  There is a theoretical audibility of
 clock jitter (which is improved in the Touch).  But nobody has been able
 to demonstrate this in any repeatable way that I'm aware of.
 It would be really interesting to put a Touch and a Duet in your system
 and use Audio DiffMaker (
 to measure the analog output of your DACmagic.  In theory there may be
 some difference, but DiffMaker will prove it.

I think SuperQ makes a good point here, and DiffMaker would be a great
way to test.  I think that sometimes people can have a tendency to
think a more recent equipment design must somehow be better in practice
(sound better in this case) - and this underlying assumption can thus
provide a source of bias, and a very convincing placebo effect...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-05-23 Thread NewBuyer

Mnyb;547927 Wrote: 
 ...death ray... waste of time... messy... unnecessary options... just
 work probably best... illogical... new age loonies... superstition and
 medieval darkness... irrational... 1000's of things 1000 times more

Mynb, you are hilarious!  :)

At first I thought you accidentally left out old fashioned in your
rant, but then I saw the medieval part.  So I suppose the people who
wish to disable wifi, must therefore be both medieval and new-age?  ;)

I certainly hope Logitech doesn't think about this like you do!  Now
just imagine, if only you could turn your ridicule powers toward the
service of good... :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-27 Thread NewBuyer

Peter314;539892 Wrote: 
 Have you checked the latest research..?

Haven't seen that particular comic in a while!  Ridicule-tactics are,
if nothing else, at least sometimes creative and humorous. :)

These types of comics usually at least under their surface
suggest/assume, that science is God-like with all knowledge and already
knows or has established -everything possible- about the thing in
question.  Sometimes they also implicitly suggest that product
designers and marketers are scientists concerned for your health, who
_obviously_ would NEVER try to sell you something possibly dangerous! 
So anybody who is ever concerned, must be ignorant/irrational/crazy etc

On a less funny note: I remember seeing similar (perhaps even early
versions of the same) comics used, to ridicule people concerned about
the possible cumulative unhealthy effects of tobacco (and still
earlier, for asbestos...)  Sometimes you also see marketers, or such
ridicule-comics, making fun of concerned consumers by portraying them
as older or mature (or at least somehow old-fashioned), and
therefore(!) somehow childish or stupid.

Hey after all, why not just buy things now and think later - after all,
you  your family all have good health insurance, don't you?  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-27 Thread NewBuyer

Phil Leigh;540781 Wrote: 
 Defective cars can kill and injure people... But they weren't
 deliberately designed to be defective. It was an accident.
 A Wi-FI product is DESIGNED to use wi-fi. Most (portable) Wi-FI
 products don't have an alternative connection option. Therefore, not
 providing an obvious option to disable the WI-FI on a WI-FI product
 cannot be considered negligence or an accidental design oversight and
 should not be discussed in the same breath. Is my point.

Hi Phil,

FWIW, I see your point and (as usual) you seem to make good sense. 
However, of course the other recent currently-branded Logitech products
in the Squeezebox family line, also have both connection options and
-do- auto-powerdown the wifi connection with wired use.  So,...

Oh well.  :)  Personally I hope Logitech will soon say something on the
matter, and/or better still, put an appropriate wifi-poweroff option in
the Touch user menus.  Especially, since there are some incredibly
talented people in this thread that have already found some promising
hacks, that seem to prove it can be properly done.  I wish Logitech
would pay you guys for doing that (or at least give you free Touch's,
we could call it further beta-test!) ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] My thoughts on the sound quality of the Touch

2010-04-21 Thread NewBuyer

I also noticed a nice sonic improvement via toslink transmission when
using a glass-fiber cable instead of plastic (thanks again to John S.
who originally helped me to discover this).  For SB3 users: Since the
SB3's coax digital-out apparently suffers from its internal EMI
supression filter (a filter which apparently the Touch doesn't
have/need), I wonder if using optical out can help overcome that


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-20 Thread NewBuyer

 For anyone who wants to permanently disable wifi from the Touch: Would
 it perhaps be just as easy to just open it up, and remove an internal
 wifi card?  
 Does anybody know please, if this is even possible with the Touch?

Please, does anybody know the answer to these?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-17 Thread NewBuyer

For anyone who wants to permanently disable wifi from the Touch: Would
it perhaps be just as easy to just open it up, and remove an internal
wifi card?  

Does anybody know please, if this is even possible with the Touch?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-11 Thread NewBuyer

mfw;530322 Wrote: 
 Doing a Toyota?

I suppose that could be it.  :)  I guess only Phil can say if that part
of Valentino's post is what got to him.

Well, I guess it's (hopefully) possible Logitech -might- install a
future menu item that would be able to completely shut off the wifi -
especially since John S seems to have found a way to hack it via code
approach (even though, as he says, it won't persist between power
cycles).  If they do this, I will almost certainly buy a Touch (or


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-04-04 Thread NewBuyer

Phil Leigh;529968 Wrote: 
 It wasn't the OP who provoked that response, it was this post:
 This is the sort of hyperbolic twaddle we could do without on this - or
 indeed any -  forum IMO.

Hey Phil - Valentino's post seems fine to me too - what's the issue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-03-24 Thread NewBuyer

erland;527757 Wrote: 
 ...However, I can't say I've so far remembered any WiFi waves...

That's because they killed those particular brain cells along the way. 
You shouldn't worry about it though, since you will forget all about
this by tomorrow...  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Disable WLAN on Squeezebox Touch

2010-03-20 Thread NewBuyer

JohnSwenson;526546 Wrote: 
 The Touch DOES do a form of shutting down the wifi radio if that
 connection is not being used, but that does not necessarily completely
 disable the radio. If you have a USB or SD card plugged in they are
 being shared via samba and that might still be accessed via wifi from
 another device even if the touch's player is currently being fed from a
 wire. So the wifi is still there but not doing much. Every so often it
 keeps track of whats out there and if any body wants to connect. 
 The command I gave shuts it down completely, period. 
 John S.

Hi John Swenson - I too am grateful for the extremely helpful
information.  Thanks!

To Mozart Puccini - Like you (and many others), I prefer to minimize
these exposures in my home - there is nothing wrong with that,
especially when children are involved.  Try to have a sense of humor
with some of the other posts around here - it's just a convenient way
that some people express their opinion.  After all, it is actually kind
of an amusing simple line of reasoning, don't you agree?  If something's
popular, legal, and can't be perceived with the senses, then it clearly
must be _absolutely_  _exactly_ identical to all else that fits that
same description, and therefore must -obviously- be perfectly ok and
fine - right?  I hope so!  :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Temperature sensor in Touch?

2010-03-19 Thread NewBuyer

toby10;525803 Wrote: 
 Well the Clapper Plugin is still in Beta.  It works fine until you play
 a live performance with an enthusiastic audience between music sets.
 Then the Touch menus jump around and usually ends up deep in the
 Diagnostics menu.
 That and hitting my dog with a rolled up newspaper when he pees on my
 couch ALWAYS ends up with the Touch switching to Donny  Marie's Puppy
 This is UNACCEPTABLE!   :)

Ha!  Maybe your puppy is actually punishing -you- and you didn't yet
realize this.  :)

Well, so there is a microphone in the Touch, and it was apparently only
put there in anticipation of such a plugin - is that right?  Seems an
odd thing somehow...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Temperature sensor in Touch?

2010-03-17 Thread NewBuyer

toby10;519436 Wrote: 
 For the Clapper Plugin.

You must be joking, right?  :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Temperature sensor in Touch?

2010-02-21 Thread NewBuyer

aubuti;517134 Wrote: 
 As far as I know it hasn't been enabled yet.

But why does the Touch even contain a microphone at all?  Just


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Temperature sensor in Touch?

2010-02-14 Thread NewBuyer

aubuti;515709 Wrote: 
 I don't remember ever seeing a temperature sensor mentioned (though
 there is a microphone...)

Just curious: What is the microphone for?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Powered speakers for Touch

2010-02-13 Thread NewBuyer

You might also consider the 'NHT M-00's'
(  These are great
acoustic suspension powered monitors that also have auto-on capability.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Can't wait any longer........

2009-12-26 Thread NewBuyer

badlyread;498836 Wrote: should be thinking of an external DAC at some point. May I

Well, since the OP already has a Touch on pre-order: Perhaps waiting to
see how it sounds first, before ordering any external DACs, would be
worthwhile.  :)


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