[SlimDevices: Touch] Can't access SB Touch via WLAN since upgrading to Win10

2016-09-19 Thread psch41

Hello everybody, my SBT refuses to listen to me... 

Every once in a while I used to connect my PC to the SBT (via WLAN) to
update/extend my music collection residing on the SBT (USB stick).
Usually this worked fine. However, since I upgraded my PC from Win7 to
Win10 (x64), I cannot anymore connect to the SBT. Error message on PC is
something like: "Connection not accepted by remote device". On the other
hand, if I run the Logitech Media Server residing on my PC, the SBT
itself connects to my PC and I can, without any problem, switch the SBT
from using its own "tiny" server to using the Logitech server on my PC.

So one way it works fine, and that most likely means it's generally
working. It's probably only an incorrect setting on my PC which prevents
me to directly contact the box. 

Does anybody of you folks have an idea where to search for those
critical settings?

Thanks for your helping,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] TOUCH: Immer noch das gleiche Problem mit den Favoriten...

2016-04-27 Thread psch41

Danke für die Hinweise!

Ja, in den letzten Jahren erlebte ich genau das, was Du beschreibst:
Nach Neustart Favoriten von mysqueezebox.com. Nach einigen Tagen
Favoriten wieder vom internen System, stabil. Seit etwa einem
Vierteljahr geschieht letzteres jedoch nicht mehr...

Beim Überprüfen (Hauptmenü --> "USB-Gerät" --> "Logitech Media Server")
stellt sich 'raus, dass derzeit tatsächlich der interne Server
("Squeezebox Server") läuft. Unter den Favoriten werden aber nach wie
vor die, die auf mysqueezebox.com gespeichert sind, angezeigt. Und was
mich - neuerdings - irritiert: Auch neu angelegte Favoriten landen
gleich auf mysqueezebox.com, nicht lokal.

Probehalber habe ich dann unterhalb des Menüpunktes "USB-Gerät"
umgeschaltet auf den LMServer, der auf meinem Desktop installiert ist.
Funktioniert einwandfrei, die Box zeigt die Favoriten an, die auf der
Desktop-Version gespeichert sind. Zurück zum internen LMServer:
Funktioniert, aber Favoriten werden wie vorher von mysqueezebox.com

Technisch wäre ein Umstieg auf einen eigenen Server (wie von Dir
vorgeschlagen) sicher eine gute Lösung. Aber ich scheue den

Hast Du noch Ideen?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] TOUCH: Immer noch das gleiche Problem mit den Favoriten...

2016-04-23 Thread psch41

Guten Tag,

ich nutze meine Touch (SW: fab4_7.8.0_r16754) mit ihrem internen
"Tiny-"Server. Meine Musiksammlung liegt auf einer USB-Platte, die an
die Touch angeschlossen ist. Alle meine Favoriten sind Radiostationen,
auf der Touch angelegt und dort gespeichert. Parallel dazu habe ich auch
auf mysqueezebox.com vor Zeiten 'mal die wichtigsten Favoriten -
sozusagen als Sicherheit - angelegt.

Jetzt passiert folgendes: Jedesmal, wenn ich etwas an der Musiksammlung
ändere und dann ein Neu-Scan fällig wird, bietet mir die Touch hinterher
NUR NOCH die Favoriten von mysqueezebox.com an - die "eigenen" übersieht
sie (sie existieren aber noch, wie sich über WinSCP leicht feststellen
läßt). Wenn ich dann Glück habe, erinnert sich die Touch einige/viel
Zeit später an die "eigenen", und bietet sie mir wieder an...

Nun könnte man sagen "was soll's...", aber da bin ich eigen: Die
"eigenen" werden nämlich in der internen Liste als URL für die
Radiostation UND als URL für das Senderlogo gespeichert und so auch in
der Liste der Favoriten angezeigt (also hier schon inklusive einem
Thumbnail des Logos) - sieht einfach toll aus (finde ich...). Von
mysqueezebox.com bekomme ich hingegen nur die URL der Radiostationen
geliefert, und folglich sieht die Liste dieser Favoriten auf dem Display
meiner Touch so aus, wie 1975 der Bildschirm einer

Wie könnte ich sicher stellen, dass die SBT ihre "internen" Favoriten
nimmt? Kann ich vielleicht die SBT auch ohne Verbindung zu
mysqueezebox.com betreiben???

Dank für Tipps!
LG, Peter

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT: How to switch Media Servers?

2015-04-16 Thread psch41

Tks - works fine!


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[SlimDevices: Touch] SBT: How to switch Media Servers?

2015-04-14 Thread psch41

I've been using my Touch now for several years - but I'm still having
problems getting along with the dynamic menues. To me it looks like
menue entries jump between menue positions just as they like, appear,

Usually, I work off the internal Media Server of the Touch. Today,
however, I want to switch the Touch to use the Media Server running on
my desktop pc. Both are connected via WLAN. The technical setup works
since years.

But where on the Touch's menue is the command to connect to different
server??? (Yes, I know it works, I've done it several times...)

Please, experts, help!
Txs, Peter

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT: Favorites stored on the Touch not accessible anymore

2014-04-29 Thread psch41

High, Michael,

mherger wrote: 
 Did you change the storage medium connected to the Touch? Favorites 
 would be stored there, not on the Touch itself.

Actually, the favorites which are links to radio stations seem to be
stored on the Touch itself. I can access the appropriate Unix folder
there and even modify the URL links...

Anyway, I found a solution to my problem... It sounds like magic: I was
playing around with the Touch's menues, hoping to find a hint. As the
menues are dynamic, they look different (to me) each time, and I can
never remember which command used to be placed where. This time I
somewhere came across a menue item which was titled:
Ordering scheme for artists (or something like this; my Touch works in
German...). Couriously, I open this item and - voilá - there was a
message like: you are working off the wrong database to do what you
intend to do. Please change to the media dateabase on the Touch! Which
I did...

I'm happy for the moment. And I have NO IDEA, why this worked this


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[SlimDevices: Touch] SBT: Favorites stored on the Touch not accessible anymore

2014-04-25 Thread psch41

my Touch works off its local media server. A local USB disk stores my
music collection. Also I store favorites (only links to radio
stations) on the local server. Since some time (and several reboots) my
Touch shows only those favorites i had stored earlier on
mysqueezebox.com - but not the ones I had been using for the last years
and stored on the Touch.

I know how I can switch between the local server and the one on
mysqueezebox.com - but I have no idea how I could make the Touch show
again the local favorites (switching back and forth between various SW
builds of 7.7 and 7.8 did not help). 

Does anybody has an idea of what I should be doing here???

Tks for any advice,

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[SlimDevices: Touch] No Access to local favorites

2014-03-01 Thread psch41

Hi, friends!

My Touch works off a locally attaches USB drive with my music data base.
Most of my favorites are also stored locally (in my case, only radio
stations), and the list of favorites also shows a link to those
favorites stored on mysqueezebox.com (just in case...). This worked

Untill I update the software to v7.8. The problem now: I can only access
my favorites stored at mysqueezebox.com. The ones stored on the Touch
just do not appear on the favorites list. I think, though, this is not a
problem of v7.8 (I went back to v7.6, and the problem continued). I
rather believe I just don't know how to activate my local favorites

Can anyone of you pls give me an appropriate hint?

Tx so much,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to make SBTouch appear under Network (Win7 Explorer)???

2013-08-11 Thread psch41

jimbobvfr400 wrote: 
 You could map it drive and give it a drive letter, that way it'll appear
 in the same place as your other drives. 
 Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2

Tks, works fine!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to make SBTouch appear under Network (Win7 Explorer)???

2013-08-08 Thread psch41

lrossouw wrote: 
 For example: //

Almost :-))

\\ worked fine - thanks!!!

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[SlimDevices: Touch] How to make SBTouch appear under Network (Win7 Explorer)???

2013-08-08 Thread psch41

Good Morning!

My Touch usually works off its own internal server, the music is stored
on an attached USB disk. All works fine, so far.

Every once in a while I have some new music, which I want to put on the
Touch. So, on my PC running Win7, I open the Squeezebox entry under
Network in the windows explorer, there I open the the local music data
base, and then copy the new pieces on to this directory. After a while,
the Touch shows the new songs under New Music). Great. Most of the

However, every once in a while my PC does not show the Touch in the
explorer under Network. I have no idea why.  Nevertheless, during this
time the Touch is communicating with my PC. If I want I even can switch
it to use the media server I have installed on my PC. All seems to work
exactly as supposed - just no visual sign of it... 

I am looking for a method to force Windows to show this device again,
to do again what I described above. 

Can anyone of you give me helpfull tips?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to get Wi-fi access to the Touch?

2013-04-18 Thread psch41

Tks, John, for the hint!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch: Artists sorting?

2013-01-29 Thread psch41

Zombie wrote: 
 Use another ARTIST field with Presley, Elvis

Tks - but: Would fix my problem with the artist sort list. But at the
expense of a now playing screen on the touch showing as artist
Presley, Elvis, Elvis Presley. Don't think that's it...

Any other idea?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] SB Touch: Artists sorting?

2013-01-27 Thread psch41

Good morning!

I want my SB to show the music titles played with artist names in the
normal way: First name first, like Elvis Presley. Therefore, my
music is tagged with artist names in this format.

In addition (but not replacing), when displaying and browsing the list
of artists, I would like artist names to be shown with their last name
first, like Presley, Elvis.

Yet, I have not been able to find out how this could be achieved (could
it?). Using the ARTISTSORT Tag results in Elvis Presley to be shown
additionally  as Elvis Presley, but under P... 

Do you have any ideas that would help me?

Txs, Peter

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to add radio URL to SB Touch?

2013-01-18 Thread psch41

garym wrote: 
 I don't use the TOUCH's built in server, but assuming it works like
 regular LMS, within the FAVORITES, it shows an item On
 Mysqueezebox.com where you can access favorites that are stored on
 mysqueezebox.com.  If that is true, then you can go to mysqueezebox.com,
 sign in, go to favorites, add the URL as one of the favorites there.

Thank you, garym! I shall do just the way you suggested.

Tks all, and bye...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to add radio URL to SB Touch?

2013-01-17 Thread psch41

Tks, guys, for your efforts! Yes, I know the complete streaming URL of
the station I am interested in.

toby10 wrote: 
 Touch  Internet Radio  Tune In

My Touch offers, in the Main Menu, the commands 'Radio' and 'TuneIn
Radio', no 'Internet Radio'. Under 'Radio' no possibility to enter a
URL. Under 'TuneIn Radio' I find: Local Radio, Music, News, Sports,
Talks, Places, Languages, Search TuneIn, Podcasts. Here, under 'Search
TuneIn', I can search for station names. (Above command names are
translated fron German, as my Touch works in German. The original US
English commands may look a bit different.) 

Where exactly should I find the command allowing entering of a URL,

Rgds, Peter

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[SlimDevices: Touch] How to add radio URL to SB Touch?

2013-01-16 Thread psch41

Good morning!

I'm using the internal server of the Touch, together with my music
collection on a USB stick. My stored favorites on the Touch are a
handful of radio stations. Now I want to add an additional radio station
to this list. However, as I can not find this station with the search
process offered by the Touch, I will have to add the URL of the life
stream manually (I think...). But: I can't find out how can this be done

Can someone pls help me?

Tks for any advice,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Radio stations logo icons on the Touch?

2012-02-05 Thread psch41

Correction: The file on the internal Touch server I referred to should
read favorites.opml - not server.prefs.

Cold reboot didn't help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Plugins on the Tiny SBS?

2012-01-13 Thread psch41

Thanks for clarifying!



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[SlimDevices: Touch] Plugins on the Tiny SBS?

2012-01-12 Thread psch41

I've been reading about all the plugins available for the Touch.
However, all the advices/installation hints given there seem to relate
to the PC based Media Server. Can anyone pls help me understand if
plugins (all? none?) work on the Tiny Server as well, and how one would
install them there.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Accessing favorites on SBS - accessing favorites on MySB

2011-12-11 Thread psch41

Tks anyway...

I shall re-install an older firmware for the touch, and then work my my
way up to the latest firmware - hoping that the problem will vanish on
the way...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Accessing favorites on SBS - accessing favorites on MySB

2011-12-01 Thread psch41

toby10;673654 Wrote: 
 I assume you want to use the Touch's own server, not a computer running
 the server program, correct?

Yes - as I said above.

 2.  will immediately display Artists, Albums, etc... (means Touch is
 connected to it's server)

That's what happens.

And nevertheless: When I press Favorites on the remote to select one
of those, I'm directed to favorites on MySB - no choice. The same if I
want to add a new favorite: It goes on MySB - no choice either.

This is how I go about: 
From Internet Radio I go to 'search', enter a search word, pick the
right station from the 'found' list, push the + button, and select 'add
to favorites'. 

Next time I press 'Favorites' on the main menu, a page pops up titled
'favorites on mysqueezebox.com' (or something like this, I forgot), and
here I find the new entry. BUT I WANTED IT TO GO on the favorites of the
internal server! No choice - as I said.

By the way, the reason why I want these favorites on the TinySBS is
rather emotional: I just like the nice little icons placed on the left
of the name of the favorite - the mysqueezebox.com favorites listing
comes without icons...

Any clou???


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Accessing favorites on SBS - accessing favorites on MySB

2011-11-30 Thread psch41

I'm using the SBS on the Touch as my server. 

I understand I can save favorites (in my case radio stations) on either
server, SBS (using the remote) or MySB (using the remote or doing it on
the internet on mysqueezebox.com). And, I did both in the past. (Stored
favorites still exist, I checked that via WinSCP on the Touch as well as
on MySB on the internet.)

Now, when I press Favorites on the remote to select one of those, I'm
directed to favorites on MySB - no choice.

The same if I want to add a new favorite: It goes on MySB - no choice

Can someone please help me on how to be able to deliberately select the
storage I want???  



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[SlimDevices: Touch] TinySB: Tag albumartist misunderstood?

2011-06-30 Thread psch41

My SB Touch runs its TinySB server, working with my music collection
stored on a USB memory stick. Everything works fine - well, almost:
Specifying the tag albumartist for an album seems to make the TinySB
Server put this album under Various Artists. 

This is exactly what I do NOT want when specifying an album artist -
the album should be sorted under the album artist's name (by the way,
this works exactly so if I switch to use my music collection on the PC,
under control of the Squeezebox Server Software).

Am I doing anything wrong? Did I misunderstand anything important? Or
is TinySB really utilizing albumartist differently from how it's
software brother on the PC is using it???

Anyone knows? Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to rescan TinySBS library?

2011-06-09 Thread psch41

Txs, Jean, that pretty much explains it. 

 First, you must stop the TinySB server, this is available in
the advanced options. 

Yes, I found that and did it.

 Then, you log in to the Touch and nuke the
database: ...

On my Windows notebook, under Network Neighborhood, I found a folder
named media-sda1, and subsequent subfolders .Squeezebox and
cache. In cache I found three database files, which I deleted (was
this what you meant?).

Then I restarted TinySBS. And, voilà, the TinySBS did a rescan.



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[SlimDevices: Touch] How to rescan TinySBS library?

2011-06-07 Thread psch41

My music library is on an USB memory stick and works fine. However,
after I made several changes to the library's content (via my PC), my
TinySBS continues to show info it collected way before - like genres
which now don't exist anymore. Obviously I need to rescan my music
library from scratch. But I couldn't figure out how to tell my TinySBS
on the Touch to do that. Please help!!!



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[SlimDevices: Touch] Browsing Artists: Incorrect sequence

2011-01-30 Thread psch41


I need your help on a sorting issue:
All artist names in my music database are of the form first name
last name, e.g. Buck Owens. Consequently, when browsing thru
Artists on my SB, I see my artists in alphabetical order, based on
their first names. 

That is - not always...
Some of my artists appear out of order, mostly (always?) sorted by
their LAST name. I've checked the appropriate tags and could not spot
any difference between these and those of other artists shown in
correct sequence. Nowhere in the tags (or the filename) is an artist
name written like Owens, Buck.

Can anybody help me understand what's going on, and how to fix this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Browsing Artists: Incorrect sequence

2011-01-30 Thread psch41

Tks for the suggestions.

In fact I'm using mp3tag. And I've read the Wiki on setting tags. I'm
only using ID3v2.3 and APEv2 (as I understood APEv2 is neccessary if
you use MP3Gain, which I do). I also store cover art within the music
file (removing cover art however does not help to fix my sorting

I guess I shall try deleting my APEv2 tags, in order to find out if
this has any influence in the sorting order of my SB Touch.

Am I the only one experiencing this feature???

Any further ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] External USB memory - how?

2011-01-16 Thread psch41

Tks for all the tips so far!

Waldo Pepper;602258 Wrote: 
 They do however do a program free on their website that allows you to do
 a full format, merge these partitions and get rid of their proprietry

Could you pls be a bit more specific on this? Where can I find it? Tks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] External USB memory - how?

2011-01-13 Thread psch41

they say that a SanDisk Cruzer USB Stick with 32GB would work. However,
no details are given about its formatting.

Still waiting for helpful tips...


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[SlimDevices: Touch] External USB memory - how?

2011-01-12 Thread psch41


I'm planning to use an USB external device at my SQ Touch, to store my
music collection. I've tried a bus-powered HDD, and it works fine.

However, I would rather prefer to use a USB memory stick, with say

Can anyone help me with these questions (or point me to a thread here I
didn't find...):

- Is make and memory size critical? What works?
- Will the stick need to be formatted as replaceable external memory
(standard) or as a super floppy disk? 
- Is the file system (windows, please) critical?

Thanks for any tip!


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