Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-28 Thread Waldo Pepper

What I found through total frustration especially with software upgrades
was to completely reboot the system and re-insert your IP address and
security details as a straight reboot is not enough.
It certainly was the case for the last update.

Waldo Pepper

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-26 Thread erland

mlsstl;578735 Wrote: 
 I'll take your word for it. But one can't tell by looking at their
 responses or changes in the way they do things. ;-)
Even if they don't answer I'm sure it irritates them that users have
problems which they can't solve. So mentioning it on the official forum
is a good idea even if they don't reply, calling support and complaining
is an even better idea. Even if they can't solve your problem they have
to listen to users complaining and eventually they are going to be
tired to hear this and do something about it.

The Squeezebox Touch was IMHO initially incorrectly advertised as
having a built-in server that could handle a normal library. The
hardware is able to handle it under certain conditions but for many
users these conditions aren't fulfilled. Sometimes the problem is
caused by incompatibilities with USB drives, sometimes it's caused by
large music libraries and sometimes by other things.

Complaining to Logitech is a good idea, this will make them aware that
a lot of users have problems with it. If they only think the users that
are currently posting in the official forum have the problem, they might
think that it only affects a few percentages of all Touch users.

I strongly believe that the problem is hardware related and it's not
realistic to think that Logitech is going solve it with software, they
might be able to improve it a bit with software but don't expect them
to completely solve it anytime soon using software updates. A real
solution to the problem is probably going to require completely new

Besides keep complaining through the official channels, I think there
are two solutions if you like to get a working system and don't want to
spend time investigating and trying to solve the problems yourself:
1. Run Squeezebox Server on a separate box, could be a computer, a
SheevaPlug, a Vortexbox appliance, an Atom based small computer or
something similar. 
2. Return the Touch and get some other product.

I believe that it is possible to get the built-in server on the Touch
to work under the right circumstances, but it requires you to have a
reasonable library size and a hard drive that's fully compatible and it
also requires you to lower the performance expectations a bit. I think
most users are going to be happier using a separate small computer for
Squeezebox Server.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
helped you and you like to encourage future presence on this forum
and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
appreciated' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-26 Thread studkiram

Thanks you for your recommendations Iphone.

I think I am actually upset loosing more time in set-up than listening
As initially advertised, I expected just plugging my existing powered
USB drive in the touch and listen to my music with a nice touch screen,
brosing my cd's like if it was an Ipod.

Now, 1-2 months later, it still doesn't work and appears very expensive
to me for something not working as expected.

I am currently making a kind of 'last chance': cleaning my disc,
formatting,... in order to try to get this working.
If result is not good (and I am sincerly losing hope...), I'll probably
resell it and buy something else.

I think that if you need a server/computer on, the benefit of the touch
is, IMO, very limited. I initally choosed the touch compared to the teac
WAP as:
- WAP remote control seems unstable
- Touch is made by logitech, and my previous experience of this brand
was excellent
- touch is more audiophile

If it does not work, I think I will end up wit a system composed of:
- One Ipod touch as remote control
- One source that may be:
- Apple airport express with the music hosted on a NAS, but I have a
lot of FLAC music, which appears not to be compatible
- One NAS with the Mpd application, but I found very few feedback
of users statint if good or not. In this case, I will connect a USB DAC
and Mpod on the ipod touch
- one fanless computer making all the job from music to video, all
integrated, with some application working on my ipod touch. I have seen
recent models from the brand Shuttle completely fanless with low power
- A recycled thin client with the same setup, but that would not
offer the video processing as these machines have limited capabilities.
The advantage is that seconhands are really cheap
- A popcorn hour running Mpd, same issue as above
- A DVICO from the recent models, seems rather plug  play, include a
system of webremote on the Ipod touch
- A DAC, depending on the quality of the source, V-DAC from musical
fidelity seems a good option

All these combinations have their pro  cons, and as I already purchase
the touch, I'll try to make this work first. Then, well, we'll see what
I find!

But at the end of the day, I think this type of technology is still
young and few good plug  play exists. Maybe the sonos, but also seems
quite expensive for what it is.

iPhone;578712 Wrote: 
 Expectations for the Price you paid, what is that crap?!
 The Touch costs the exact same amount the SB3 (Classic) did when it
 came out. And the Touch is the replacement for the SB3. The Touch is a
 NMP (Network Media Player). It is not a Server.
 It does include a feature of a Tiny stripped down version of SBS that
 can play songs off of USB media (mainly designed for USB Sticks friends
 might bring over). Is it meant to replace a PC or Server running SBS, it
 was not designed for that as again its only a feature not full blown
 SBS. With some careful planning, proper USB drive, and some
 understanding that TinySC is slower and can't be over taxed, it can be
 used for the Touch and a second Squeezebox reliably.
 I use the Touch daily with TinySC in the harsh environment of my
 vehicle and on the weekends at the cabin. Yes I was part of the Touch
 Beta so I have well over a year's time with TinySC. I can tell
 everybody its come a long way since the days when TinySC could only be
 launched using SSH and having to use CLI to mount the media, lines of
 code to do a scan, then tell it to start TinySC. One wrong command or
 keystroke and it was time to start over.
 So if one is going to use it as a full time server in a home
 environment where one could just as easily use an Atom DIY Music Server
 ($25 a year in electricity), then one needs to except that TinySC has
 limitations, can't use plugins, and is much slower or could crash where
 SBS wouldn't. It would also go a long way to follow suggestions from
 Touch Users that have been using TinySC successfully for some time.
 It is best to buy a compliant USB Standard Certified drive. If using a
 USB powered USB Drive, I strongly suggest buying a Toshiba USB drive.
 1) Use an external powered drive or hub (some hubs do cause problems
 2) Make sure the USB drive is a single drive (not a 1 or 2 TB using
 multiple drives in an enclosure)
 3) Music only, make sure no other files are stored on the drive and
 keep the directory structure simple
 4) Make sure to use less then 80% of the Formated size of the drive
 5) Make sure the drive doesn't act as a CD drive when plugged into a
 6) Make sure the drive doesn't spin down or sleep or use energy saving
 7) Make sure album art doesn't exceed 600 by 600 or 300K file size (the
 smaller the better)
 8) Don't use FLAC above -5 compression
 This is a good start to reduce problems


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread Trixster

After about 2 months of trying to get my Touch to keep it's connection
to my (powered) usb harddrive I've pretty much come to the conclusion
that the Touch is a total joke. It'll lose connection at the drop of a
hat, sometimes half way through playing a track. It'll then refuse to
reconnect for hours at a time, even if I eject the harddrive, reboot
and reconnect. I've not got that much music (4000ish tracks, some FLAC,
some mp3) but the Touch seems to drop a wobbler at even the simplest
tasks. I've tried deleting the database and this seems to work for a
while but after a total rescan and a couple of days of ok use it'll
start to play up again and drop connection.

The Squeezebox server will throw a fit when trying to connect to the
harddrive and if I try and play music whilst it (seemingly randomly)
scans for new files it'll slow to a crawl and then crash. Oh, and it's
ability to find newly uploaded music seems completely random -
sometimes it'll find an album straight away, sometimes it'll take a day
or too to register.

I'm using the latest 7.5.1 software. I've tried using the beta drivers
to no avail.

I don't mind tinkering with kit to get it to work, but this device just
seems to defy logic when it should work fine out of the box. The
hardware seems to slow to a crawl as soon as you ask it to do more than
one thing at once (for example palying a flac whilst searching the music
database). That the Touch just won't play music seemless, straight from
a usb harddrive is totally mindblowing.

Basically, I'm pretty fed up with banging my head against the wall
trying to get this thing working with any semblance of consistency.

Please, someone convince me to stick with the Touch rather than send it
back!! Tell me the developers are working on getting the bloody thing
working with an external usb harddrive in a stable fashion!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread Mnyb

it's simply underpowered, forget it run the server on something else and
be happy.
As a player it is actually very nice imho, but i doubt the server can
be made to run with only 128mB ram and a tiny cpu .

Btw rants on this fora, where logitech officially reads stuff.

Read here's why:

Here is more peer to peer and sometimes fanboy stuff

You seems to suffer from the usual hard-drive incompatibility problems,
it seems very pesky about which hard-drives it's works with :(
Many external drives are to smart all kinds of spindown setting that
you manipulate with software on a PC ?


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 and assorted amps
SiriuS, Classe' Primare and Dynadio speakers, Contour 4 Contour Center,
and Contour 1.3SE for the rear ch. Rel Stadium 3 sub.
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: SB3 + powered Fostex PM0.4
Miscellaneous use: Radio (with battery)
I use a Controller various ir-remotes and a Eee-PC with squeezeplay to
control this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread carib

Hi Trixster,

Mnyb is absolutely right about the underpowered CPU in the Touch.  You
should first search out this forum for the compatibility issues
mentioned and about how your music is stored on the external hdd before
giving up.  There are issues with album art and extraneous files (ie non
audio files) that could be slowing or crashing the Touch.  Most of all
stay with it and you wont be disappointed.  Try an external SBS on a PC
in the meantime while you figure out whats crashing your setup.  Believe
me it works, not flawlessly, but it works.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread jean2

Trixster;578469 Wrote: 
 Please, someone convince me to stick with the Touch rather than send it
 back!! Tell me the developers are working on getting the bloody thing
 working with an external usb harddrive in a stable fashion!

Most people will tell you to use a real server, and they are probably
right. I am personally happy using the Touch with an external USB
drive, the trouble is that the Touch is extremely picky about many
things, and so you need to be very disciplined and rigorous to make it
work. I wrote a little howto on how to do it.

From your symptom, I would suspect a flaky network connection. Please
check in the diagnostic menu what's the status of your connection to If you don't have an absolutely rock solid network
connection to the Internet, in my experience it will behave that way.
So, first try the different wireless channel, and either invest in a
better wireless router, an 802.11-Ethernet bridge or CAT6 cables.

Your external hard drive could also be rubbish. Only a few hard drives
can work powered by the USB bus. You should verify if other people
report success or failure with the specific hard drive model you have.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread Trixster

Chaps, thanks for the replys, it's much appreciated.

I'm using a 1TB Western Digital mybook which has it's own power supply.
Like I said I don't mind messing with stuff but I bought the Touch for
the purpose of not having to have a pc and server running all day. I
want to be able to access all my music without having a pc running all
day long.

My point is I cannot understand why it's so rubbish at doing such a
simple thing as connecting to a usb harddrive without issue. I
shouldn't have to faff around with file structures, external servers,
hd incompatabilities - for the £250 I paid for it it should be fit for
purpose and sadly it's not.

Regarding the network - I'm using ethernet and it's connected to a new
Netgear router which has no history of internet connectivitity


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread atchi123

Couldn't agree more Trixster. Squeezeboxes have revolutionised my
listening over the last few years and I was a real fanboy with several
devices around the house. I bought the Touch for the same reason as
you, I didn;t want my PC on. After months of persevering, nothing but
absolute hassle and constant frustration with this new device. When it
works it sounds great though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch + USB harddrive = complete rubbish

2010-09-23 Thread Dura

I gave up trying to use a USB after two unpleasant days, in which it
was very much a hit and miss thing; the USB powered drive worked with
one Touch PS I had but not with the other, and sound quality was good
but edgy; then I returned to the wireless server I already had for my
Classic and now the machine is reliable, a pleasure to use and a good
step up in sound quality compared to the Classic.
A a Classic replacement it is great, as a stand alone machine not
nearly reliable enough for a consumer product. But I wouldn't want to
miss it.


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