Re: [Trisquel-users] I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

2012-10-09 Thread sirgrant
FLARE should be ok.  It was added to the Ubuntu universe repo in precise.   
Meaning it should make its way into Trisquel in version 6.0.

Unvanquished isn't in Debian and Ubuntu so someone would have to look into it  
and verify (sorry don't have the time to do so right now).  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread onpon4


My math professor suddenly sent an E-mail which basically said that I must  
use WebAssign or forfeit the grade (citing that I have been able to do my  
homework at this point... I knew that would bite me in the butt). He then  
referred me to another professor. I'm guessing he was told that working  
around the system is impossible, or otherwise assured that he has no  
obligation to help me.

I have replied by saying that if that is the case, I would like to talk about  
migrating out of using WebAssign in the long term, and I have asked who is  
responsible for making the decision to use WebAssign. If he doesn't respond  
or the response is too vague before Thursday (which is when his office hours  
are), I will talk to him directly. I'm not letting him off the hook that  

For now, at least, I'll do my homework, or at least the parts that require  
Flash to answer, on a live CD or on university computers.

Just a note before it is suggested: I don't think threatening to drop the  
class can help, since it's not possible to get a refund on my tuition anymore  
(for that, you need to drop in the first couple of weeks). Is there a way  
that students dropping classes affects professors which I don't know about,  
which would still make dropping the class a meaningful threat?

Should I contact WebAssign now, or should I wait?

Any other advice to push for a long-term change?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Libregamewiki takes a very strict approach to licensing of game media as well  
as code.

flare would seem to fit in nicely!

As far as I understand it looks like unvanquished is not fully free since the  
shaderlabs textures are not commercially usable or redistributable.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread Igor . Zobin
I understand your point. But even if you will read the ROM, you'll have to  
write it back in order to use the changes you made on real hardware. That  
will basically mean using an expensive flash-cart or making a repro cart  
(which is probably even more cumbersome).

And while it is obvious that non-free software is creating numerous problems  
which are all solved by using free licenses, I still believe that the issues  
with games, especially on old consoles that don't have internet connectivity,  
are less severe than with normal programs that run on our PCs. It's only a  
theoretical disadvantage and any kind of malfunction is just a bug in a game.  
How bad is it that your games have bugs? It's not a threat for democracy  
after all. The ethics are still the same, but the real threat is much, much  

And I'm not even commenting on what you said about copyright, there is no  
arguing that.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread Igor . Zobin
The SNES already has protection mechanisms built in besides the fact that  
cartridges aren't easily reproduced, like CDs. The Mega Drive / Genesis  
didn't have such a thing, at least the early model 1s didn't.

And the protection mechanism the Mega Drive / Genesis implements is much less  
hard to crack and well documented. Sega doesn't even care about it being  
cracked nowadays, because they allow production of fully new projects for the  
Mega Drive, without licensing them. Their stance on it is we don't support  
it anymore. Do what you please but make sure you make it clear we didn't  
license any of your work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
There is no question in maybe about 99 % of the cases that console game ROMs  
are not Free Software.

But I can say that there are ethical uses for emulator software. For example,  
one could develep software for those consoles and test/use it with the  
emulator. There is also some roms which have only picture slide shows (at  
least for NES). The picture on the ROM does not have to be Free Software or  
similarly licenced media else you would render invisible most of the content  
in books and Internet and photography exhibitions etc. for your eyes.

Another use is simply research out of curiosity or for even academical  
purposes. I personally  find it very interesing and amusing what kind of  
things in the pre-era of super personal computer power was possible to do.  
Further there is a lot to learn for game development in those 8 bit games. I  
could continue with stories in especially RPG games, which you could either  
read from Internet or experience interactively with the actual game. Because  
of that I perceive certain games to be very problematic regarding Free  
Software. They are software, yet they are also amazing art much looked down  
by real art enthusiastics not to speak how they can be interactive stories  
more than just simply software. How about music? That's a whole new topic by  

The world should not be black  white. To have an emulator which is Free  
Software is for sure better than to have an emulator which is not Free  
Software or to not have emulator at all.

One very important special note: You don't have to be in academy in order to  
research something because everyone can't be in academy, and it would be  
totally ridiculous if only those who are in some sort of academy can research  
something. The curiosity and thirst for knowledge is one thing what separates  
humans of animals. The one who makes research to satisfy his personal  
curiosity is behaving very humanly and is doing the right thing for sure. If  
he is interested of 8-bit games or whatever games does not make him a bit  
worse person than someone who studies classical music or real art.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
It is a complicate situation and I'm sorry to know that you got to that  
point. Dropping a class isn't a solution because the only person that would  
suffer from this would be you and no one else (that could be a solution  
only if a lot of people, more than 50%, would stop doing their assignment on  
WebAssign at the same time, you can call this a boycott).

If I was you I would :

-- Send and email to every math teacher on the university talking about the  
problem and a possible solution

-- Talk about this issue to other students in order to make them do the same  
(sending the same email or signing a petition)

-- Send an email to WebAssign talking about your problem

But since you don't have any other solution, you need to do it, I feel  
horrible for saying that but it is preferable for you, as a student, to do  
this using a LiveCD than loosing your class (and the money by the same  
occasion). A lot of people may not agree with me (and I don't agree with  
myself either), but (for me) it is better than just saying OK I Will do what  
you want !.

I had the same problem with Cisco Packet Tracer (where there is no  
alternative for doing what they want), but I am discussing about that and I  
maybe found a solution, because the teachers can actually listen to the  
students (not all, but it is better than no one at all).

The best you could do, is to find a professor that agrees with you and would  
be likely to send an email do WebAssign with the same problem, that could  
make WebAssign change a little bit the way they work.

Hope it helps. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Oh and by the way, emulators are not a problem at all. What is the problem  
and what is a very real problem is that there is so little Free Software for  

I have understood that there has been plans to port some Free Software games  
for consoles, but I don't know if that has ever happened.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I'd say go talk to the (wo)man in person. Explain briefly what free software  
is all about and your position. tell her/him you're facing an ethical issue  
and ask for help.

Kudos to you for seizing the opportunity to explain to the professor what  
free software is. If only more people did it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami

Have to lol more at this topic:

This (bad photoshop) is  very big and amazing art:

It is Big Art because it has been made by Approved Big Name Artist Andy  
Warhol and it portrays Big Name Actress Marilyn Monroe (funnily enough it is  
also a derivative work).

However, this can't be art:
First of all it is a monster from console video game, yuck D:

I could go endlessly with this topic but I rather close that can of worms.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless card configuration

2012-10-09 Thread alevine

It said I had an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection.
It is supported by GNU/Linux as I used to have other GNU/Linux systems on the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread onpon4
The problem with talking to the other students is none of them care, as far  
as I can tell. I mentioned before that the culture (for lack of a better  
word) of this university is terrible; nobody cares. I once mentioned the  
topic of free software to one of my classmates outside of class; I suggested  
she try LibreOffice instead of Microsoft Office, and all she had to say was  
that it would go over her head (something like when I get home, I'm going to  
be thinking, 'what was that thing he was talking about?').

Most importantly, I really have no clue how to talk to many people  
(preferably all 20-30 students in my class, at least) about the issue  
effectively, so that some people will think about it. As far as I'm aware, I  
have no way to know their E-mail addresses or even their names without asking  
them personally, and at that point I might as well explain free software to  
everyone individually, especially considering how weird it looks to ask  
someone for their E-mail address so randomly. There is a short amount of time  
before the teacher comes in when most people are in the classroom, but I  
can't think of any way to take advantage of that.

I can send an E-mail to every professor, though, and I intend to do that.  
What exactly I say depends on my professor's answer to my question (about who  
makes the decision to use WebAssign; professors, or some single authority).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Ethical Uses of Video Game Console Emulators?

2012-10-09 Thread magicbanana
We have discussed this topic multiple times in this forum. Actually, the last  
discussion about it is #4 in the thread list (at the time I am writing): see  
this message and the four messages beneath it (in particular that of SirGrant  
with a link to the FSF opinion).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wireless card configuration

2012-10-09 Thread magicbanana
Those other GNU/Linux you have used were relying on a Linux kernel that  
includes some proprietary drivers and firmware (such as the kernel released  
by Linus Torvalds himself). A blob was responsible for your Wifi card  
functioning (and, who knows?, spying on you, opening a backdoor, etc.).  
Trisquel, like any 100% free distribution, uses the Linux-libre kernel where  
every blob is removed.

The recommended solution is to acquire a new Wifi card that perfectly works  
with Linux-libre. It is not a simple task as a same model can actually have  
some cards with a freedom-friendly chipset and some other cards with a  
chipset requiring a proprietary firmware. The only 100% sure way to  
freedom-friendly hardware (besides going from seller to seller testing the  
hardware one by one until finding one that works on your Trisquel laptop), is  
to buy it from ThinkPenguin. ThinkPenguin is the only seller that guarantees  
that every device it sells works with Linux-libre, hence Trisquel. Besides,  
by using the link I have just given, 25% of the benefits on your purchase are  
donated to the Trisquel project.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless card configuration

2012-10-09 Thread chris
:) What Magic Banna said. None of the Intel wireless cards will work. There  
are basically two companies with chipsets that will. There is a Broadcom  
chipset which I would not recommend (the developers who wrote it don't  
recommend it and I believe they were or are paid by Broadcom to code it).  
Despite that some here have satisified with it. Then the other chipsets which  
work are all from Atheros. We've been working with Atheros lately and they  
have been very cooperative with the free software community on getting a new  
USB N chipset to work with free software. It Is what our next generation USB  
dongle will be based on (still many months away).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread chris
I'm not so sure giving in is the answer. Continuing the class may not be the  
right answer. I would probably drop the class.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless card configuration

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
For this reason it is a very good idea to buy hardware which work with Free  
Software. If you buy that kind of hardware you are not restricted anymore on  
what software you use on your computer.

I personally am very picky of hardware and do tons of research (about  
performance and does it work on free software) before I buy anything, and  
after that I make tons of research to find from where I can get it cheapest.  
It is sort of perversion, I think.

If you are not a pervert like me you could just buy hardware from  
ThinkPenguin. One very good thing with them none has mentioned here is that  
if you buy from them you don't pay to Microsoft of software installed on your  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread onpon4
I really don't think dropping the class would help. Like I said, it's too  
late to get the tuition refunded, so all that would look like to them me  
giving up. In other words, lots of harm to me, no message delivered to the  

However, I do intend (once my professor has answered who is responsible for  
choosing WebAssign) to threaten to leave this university after this term (or  
year, if that proves to be impossible) for another one, and if I see no  
indication of change, I will carry out that threat gladly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread Stefano
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 4:59 PM, wrote:
 I really don't think dropping the class would help. Like I said, it's too
 late to get the tuition refunded, so all that would look like to them me
 giving up. In other words, lots of harm to me, no message delivered to the

 However, I do intend (once my professor has answered who is responsible for
 choosing WebAssign) to threaten to leave this university after this term (or
 year, if that proves to be impossible) for another one, and if I see no
 indication of change, I will carry out that threat gladly.

I understand your point.

You should try to build some sort of critical mass to make yourself heard.

Maybe your in your university there are students rights' associations
or other offices of that sort that may help you.

Good luck,


Re: [Trisquel-users] I am a gamer can you plaease let me knw if these games are ok to install.

2012-10-09 Thread viniciussm
Alright, thanks to both of you. I have added FLARE to the game list and  
skipped Unvanquished for now. A description is still missing though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami

Maybe you could change the curriculum?

For example I studied electrical engineering and computer engineering instead  
of software engineering and managed to avoid with that every single windows  
programming shit.

Missed some programming courses, for what they would had been worth, but  
learned a lot of hardware, which I found very interesting. It is nice to  
know the basics how for example computers work. It is really fascinating, I  
can say.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread onpon4

Hm, I don't see any organizations like that.

There is a Linux (sic) User Group, which hilariously proclaims its purpose  
as to support and promote the use of Linux (sic), UNIX and other Open Source  
technologies. I'll try talking to them, looks like there's an IRC channel.  
Maybe there's a couple free software supporters there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Hmm, heh, nice suggestion, but I can say from experience that most of those  
students rigths associations are mostly interested of the next Wednesday and  
booze or next student party and booze. If they are not interested of that,  
they are interested of how to get more funds for administration of student  
association needed for free refreshment trips exclusively to the board xD

At times they can be interested of something else if it means they can talk  
shit with officials of the school in some very important meeting, and most  
of all, try show to the officials of the school how intelligent people they  

If you tell them about Free Software they say oh, but I can get Windows for  
free, I don't need Free Software.

After that you can try to explain about the Four Freedoms and why they are  
good and important just to see that they don't give a shit.

So, in the end the only thing you can do is pick most powerful of them  
(because then you can say later that we (name) chose to install GNU/Linux)  
and talk enthusiastically how cool linux is and that it should be installed  
on the machines of the office of student organization. They say yeah  
because they say practically to anything yeah if they think it is socially  
acceptable (the only exception to this is politics, but I think you would not  
want to talk hours and hours about it with them so you better avoid that  
topic, remember they are politician wannabees).

Then you just install GNU/Linux on every machine you can and when they see  
that and are like one helluva big WTF??? you just smile and say  
this is GNU/Linux, this is totally awesome, one moment, let me show you, here  
is Firefox and here is torrent file sharing program. File sharing program is  
a little bit different but still very easy to use!

And don't even think about not installing flash. They can use GNU/Linux but  
if there is no flash they will get very mad.

The end result will be that the most hippy student will begin to really use  
GNU/Linux and enjoy of it. She might be a good wife candidate too, so you  
should seriously consider to ask her for a date.

(This is humour you might not comprehend and everything said has happened in  
real, and much more. I was very active in different student organizations.)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
That sounds very promising. I would go talk with them and maybe try start  
things with Linux Installation Feast or Tux Party.

Professors would not care of you but you might be able to have some fun and  
spread linux awareness.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread chris
I would not expect dropping the class to make a difference. I would do it  
because I believe what they were asking is unethical. I'd prefer not to hurt  
myself or others. It may not help others. It will on the other hand still be  
doing yourself a favor.

[Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread ben
How come abrowser in Brigantia is still version 14 when Firefox 16 was  
released today?  Aren't abrowser versions supposed to track Firefox versions?  
 Looking at the Ubuntu web site, it seems like Oneiric's Firefox is currently  
at version 15, so I guess Brigantia should follow suit?...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
I chose to do whatever possible to avoid windows programming courses  
because I could not imagine ever programming something proprieatary stuff on  

So unless you go for a career where you program proprieatary stuff for  
Windows I can't really see much point in doing windows programming courses.  
There are certainly ways to chose some other courses instead. Whatever from  
management and economics for example will be much better. I took quite some  
of those courses and don't regret it a bit. There must be a way how you can  
get shit courses replaced with courses actually giving value to you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum Layout

2012-10-09 Thread john . wilkins21
Yeehi, can you point Me in the direction of the Vanilla plugin , I'm having  
trouble finding it 

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread chris
I'm taking a wild educated guess here although most likely some one in the  
chain is lagging behind. The browser in Trisquel is not straight up Firefox.  
It's a modified version so there has to be someone doing the modification  
even if this is just a script that runs or a patch that is applied as well as  
someone doing the packaging. If any of these people fall behind...


Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
If you allow me to ask this question even if it doesn't have (almost)  
anything to do with this post. But... Do anyone here work as a programmer ?  
And if yes do you only work on free software or sometimes with proprietary  
software (working with or creating them).

Thanks in Advance (and sorry for this little hijack).

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
Is there a special way I could ask for something to change in Abrowser ? I'm  
asking this because I don't understand why they use DuckDuckGo Lite.

DuckDuckGo itself is a very good search engine, but the lite version is very  
limited and almost only great for mobile :S... Because of this people  
normally use Google instead.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread ben
I am a software developer.  My company creates proprietary software, and our  
tools are proprietary as well.  Free Software is non-existent within this  
company.  A few years ago, a brave colleague of mine was asked to stop using  
OpenOffice and stick to Word.  Witnessing how we screw customers with forced  
upgrades, files in non-standard formats, and stupid bugs that they could fix  
themselves if they had the source code just makes me appreciate Free Software  
even more!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Wow, I honestly wish you earn a lot from doing what you do, so that the time  
spent in what you do is well compensated.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Forum Layout

2012-10-09 Thread ben

Hello theblackpig,

First, congrats for actually proposing something :).

The current forum layout doesn't bother me.  I don't really like forums with  
hundreds of sub-forums.  A bit overkill as far as I am concerned.

And more importantly, I sure hope we won't create a second Trisquel forum.   
Our small community cannot afford to be split!

On the other hand, I think a Free Distributions forum would be a terrific  
idea, with a sub-forum for each distro recommended by the FSF, plus  
sub-forums for common discussions about Free Software issues.  Uniting all  
Free Software users instead of splitting the community would definitely get  
my vote!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread zwick
I am software developer by trade. I use a Trisquel box for all of my  
development. The project that I work on is a mix of free and non-free  
The company at which I work is very much a supporter of free software and is  
home to many of the core developers for the Freeswitch project, Cacti (or it  
was last I checked), the Psi jabber client, and contributes to many other  
free software projects (clamav among others). 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami

Ok now I am jealous. Don't you need more workers ;D

Seriously though, I don't think I could become a good programmer. One needs  
skillz and attitude for that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread zwick

Actually, yes:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
Just out of curiosity is there any carrers (don't know if this is the right  
term) in other countries in Europe other than Germany ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread redbaptistrisquel
Yes, you can. Feel free to click on the bar and click on Manage Search  
Engines and click on Get More Search Engines and then choose from the  
available options in Mycroft.

Personally I'm using for privacy and since it shows exactly  
what you'd get if you were on Google (Check Scroogle out as well if you  
like). Suggest you try out the omnibar addon as well for better effect.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread zwick

Innsbruck, Austria
Vienna, Austria
Basingstoke, England

There are posted sales jobs elsewhere in Europe, but not engineering jobs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody

Thank you for the answer :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Hmm, I highly approve Barracuda Networks and think it is a very interesting  
company. I am just wondering how to sneak in :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread alonivtsan
The Lite version is probably used because the full version requires non-free  

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
That Mycroft sounds good. DuckDuckGo is kinda meh, and good for simple  
searches only. Many times I have to do my searching with Google after trying  
first DuckDuckGo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread viniciussm
DuckDuckGo is just fine. I like to support them because Gabriel (the founder)  
donates money to FS projects from his company's revenue besides partnering  
with them. But their reliance of cookies to customize are annoying as I  
browse in private mode. Yeah I can use some parameters in the URL but I don't  
know how to integrate them in the search bar.

But what do people here think of Blekko or Seeks?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Just noticed that you have written updates. This forum where you can inject  
messages between messages is confusing.

I am very sorry and pissed to hear what happened after your great success. I  
probably would drop the class without even giving it a second thought (after  
negotiating with the teacher and telling him that alright, I will take FAIL  
as a grade if I must use the Flash thingy). The thing just is that I am an  
reckless idiot xD

If the subject you are studying is worthwhile to you I could recommend you to  
just keep going, and keep the flag high. You did great job.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
Hum.. I didn't see this that way.. But then why there is Google Search on  
aBrowser and not on Iceweasel for example ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread moilami
Hmm, alright, it is worth to start searching with DuckDuckGo first then.  
Thanks of the info.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread ben
Well 'screw' was maybe a bit harsh; that's just the way proprietary software  
vendors work.  I give money to free software projects and never use  
proprietary software outside of my job so my conscience is clean ;).  I'd say  
working for such a company just constantly reinforces my personal commitment  
to Free Software ;).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread chris

If you ever meet Richard Stallman you may not want to bring up what you do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody

Indeed xD

[Trisquel-users] Re : Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread ben
I've never met him but would gladly go to one of his speeches if he ever came  
to my area (Montreal).  So I won't mention my job, nor the fact that I have  
two children and a smartphone - anything else I should know? lol :).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
Remember to speak slowly ! He has problems listening to people talking fast,  
OH and be careful with your feet... just saying xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread aliasbody
I will be honest. As a normal user, DuckDuckGo is very frustrating since it  
doesn't have all of the algorithms used by Google in order to almost know  
exactly what you are searching for. And worse then that, there is no native  
way to found images like with Google.

But as a developer an a Wikipedia lover it is so damn good to just type some  
technical words and having DuckDuckGo to show the exact technical output I  
was looking for without having to open any link :D (and this is why I wanted  
to ask to change from the lite version to the normal version. Since the lite  
version doesn't offer this option).

It is like the I Feel Lucky option when you try to search something using  
the url bar (Chrome habits)... If you search 1 word you will almost not find  
what you search, but if you search 2 or more words with spaces (without using  
the + symbol then), you will have a nice and beautiful error message.

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread tegskywalker
Ubuntu should have 16 in their repos in the next day or so. I'm disappointed  
in Ruben for slacking in one of the more important Trisquel projects. Or  
maybe I'm not considering it is taking him forever to release 6 when the  
version he is basing it on was released 6 months ago!

You do have to hand it to Canonical for being consistent with their releases  
and support. Trisquel is a one man fly by night operation with no guarantee  
that he will even release new versions. What's stopping him from disappearing  
off the face of the eath tomorrow and this project dying as a result.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] abrowser version

2012-10-09 Thread chris
Given your lack of contribution to this project, constant criticism,  
ungratefulness, dislike of the distribution, and dislike of the only thing  
which makes it unique why do you continue to hang out here? Just leave  
already. AND that is putting it nicely.

[Trisquel-users] Ubuntu's new model: donate money for new features. Will it affect Trisquel?

2012-10-09 Thread tegskywalker
I just saw an article at about Canonical  
pushing a donation model so people can donate amounts of money to  
improvements that they feel is important. Some open source projects have this  
model, but with Ubuntu being one of the most used and important  
distributions, what does this really mean for the users and the distributions  
(like Trisquel) that are based on it?

Is there a fear that certain improvements may not happen or new features  
aren't added because someone decided to pay more for one thing? Wasn't Ubuntu  
supposed to be bipartisan and if this affects the future of Trisquel, would  
the Trisquel team move away from Ubuntu and back to Debian?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread tegskywalker
Stallman would probably say that software is more important than your  
children so you should quit your job and let them starve so you can start a  
one man free software project and panhandle to feed yourself. Otherwise you  
are being unethical and ruining the entire universe. Eventually you can't pay  
your mortgage or utility bills and you lose your power and therefore the  
ability to code in the Stallman ideal.

Your wife then calls you a deadbeat and threatens to leave you unless you  
send out your resume and get a real job with a software company. Your old  
company takes you back (after you beg like an animal), you pay your bills  
again like a good citizen, and the government doesn't take away your kids.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adobe Flash required by math professor; how to confront him?

2012-10-09 Thread sirgrant

Your logical fallacy is [ strawman]:

You misrepresented someone's argument to make it easier to attack.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum Layout

2012-10-09 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I agree a free distros forum would be nice.

When I came to these forums, I was used to phpBB and found this forum a  
little bare. Since then I've come to value and like the simplicity.

One thing I've been thinking about is could the separate languages be somehow  
automatically translated to every other language. There is a wealth of  
interesting material dangling just outside my grasp. I realize machine  
translation is still fairly shoddy and nobody is going to do it by hand.