Re: [Trisquel-users] Android and Possible Alternatives to Free Software?

2013-12-11 Thread spikeb

i vote cyanogenmod. it still uses blobs, but otherwise is free software

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread Michał Masłowski
His politics are for the freedom of people, not for the freedom to
enslave people, while others use the same words in opposite meanings.  I
think it's similar to the GNU vs BSD political difference.

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Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread gnuser

You are being picky with words, but here is the copy of his own page

Cellular Phones

I see that cellular phones are very convenient. I would have got one, if  
not for certain reprehensible things about them.

Cell phones tracking and surveillance devices. They all enable the phone  
system to record where the user goes, and many (perhaps all) can be remotely  
converted into listening devices.

In addition, most of them are computers with nonfree software installed.  
Even if they don't allow the user to replace the software, someone else can  
replace it remotely. Since the software can be changed, we cannot regard it  
as equivalent to a circuit. A machine that allows installation of software is  
a computer, and computers should run free software.

Nearly every cell phone has a universal back door that allows remote  
conversion into a listening device. (See Murder in Samarkand, by Craig  
Murray, for an example.) This is as nasty as a device can get.

From the book Alone Together, by Sherry Turkle, I learned that portable  
phones make many people's lives oppressive, because they feel compelled to  
spend all day receiving and responding to text messages which interrupt  
everything else. Perhaps my decision to reject this convenience for its deep  
injustice has turned out best in terms of convenience as well.

When I need to call someone, I ask someone nearby to let me make a call.  
If I use someone else's cell phone, that doesn't give Big Brother any  
information about me.

So, you still think he does not borrow a cell phone from someone else??? -.^

If you say that it is not such a big deal, that's one thing. It's your  
opinion and it's a fine opinion if you truly think that. But to say he does  
not do it, it's just not reading what he wrote himself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread gnuser
I think Grimlok might be the person here who actually has given it the best  
thought (even better than mine). By accepting that RMS might not be perfect  
but still he has done a lot of work for the free software world, Grimlok's  
reply actually appeal to me as a very sensitive and wise way of looking at  
After all, RMS is not a prophet, he is a man, and we should only take his  
opinions like we take everyone else's opinions. Take in consideration, but  
make our own mind.
Of course, given the fact that he is a popular person in the computer  
world, his opinions actually carry some weight (one good or bad statement  
could help or hurt the way people look at free software for example). In that  
regard, I think he should probably NOT take advantage of immoral things as  
long as they don't affect him personally. Again only my opinion, but that's  
the way I see it.
Michał Masłowski comment was also interesting. For me, BSD is actually the  
most free license because it gives you the freedom to do as you wish. Can  
it be used for enslaving of other people? Yes, but in the moment it's in your  
hands you actually have more freedom than with GPL. If we lived in community,  
instead of society, I would probably accept ONLY the GPL license. But given  
the fact that we live in society, I think BSD is a more realistic approach.  
Of course, GPL has done GRAAAT over the many years it has existed, so,  
maybe I am wrong thinking this way :P
I think my like for BSD licenses, come from the fact that I understand the  
need for a license different from GPL when it comes to free hardware or  
open source hardware, something that we desperately need, but can only be  
achieved with a license that allows for commercial use (without hiding any  
information of course).

In the end, I think I look at RMS the same way FSF looks at Debian. He does a  
lot of good, and thank God he exists, but he is not perfect and I would  
rather take his thoughts and work on top of them before presenting them to  
other people, rather than just provide a link to RMS homepage. And maybe  
it's for the better =)

Well, I thank everyone who commented on this thread, I only wanted to really  
hear other thoughts about this, and it gave me an opportunity to think about  
some other subjects. The admins might wanna close it now, since I think my  
original questions have been satisfied. Thanks again ;)

[Trisquel-users] Free software to record phone calls

2013-12-11 Thread gnuser

Hey everyone.
I have been looking on F-Droid but found nothing. I need a free software that  
allows to be installed in android (I am using CM7) to record phone calls. In  
my country companies can make a lot of deals over the phone, but later they  
change the rules of the contract and you can never request the original audio  
of the call (they keep one, but only present it when it suits them). So, I  
will start asking in the beginning of those calls can I record it? and if  
they say yes, I will record, if they say no, I will say Contact me by  
letter, preferably a registered one.
Problem is, I can't find any way to do it. The standard audio recorder on CM  
will not record phone calls :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] small, silent server

2013-12-11 Thread gnuser
The best (in terms of power consumption and features) are in fact the  
single-board computers. Even though it looks like the FSF does not approve of  
those, if you read carefully the link Lembas provided, you will notice that  
most of the time is because the graphics card requires non-free drivers and  
such... Which is of no problem, since you will only run an email server, you  
don't need 3d graphics or anything, so you can run those using ONLY free  
I have no experience with those machines, so, I can't really say which one is  
better. But I remember reading that the beagleboards could run on a really  
low power consumption. Take a look at the link lembas provided and  
investigate the ones that the FSF considers can run free software but needs  
non-free for wifi and graphics. You can add an external wifi later on  
(thinkpenguin has those that are compatible with free software).

Hope it helps.
And congratulations on running your own email server =D Wish I could do the  
same. You are much better off that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread Michał Masłowski
 Michał Masłowski comment was also interesting. For me, BSD is actually
 the most free license because it gives you the freedom to do as you
 wish. Can it be used for enslaving of other people? Yes, but in the
 moment it's in your hands you actually have more freedom than with

Unless making a nonfree program, practically the only additional
permission is to make derived works including code under some
GPL-incompatible licenses like the four clause BSD license.  It is
useful in some specific projects, like BSD kernels (with much
GPL-incompatible code).

Copyleft leads to having more free software when other developers use
copyleft code instead of reimplementing it to make their works nonfree.
This is why its supporters don't consider permissively licensed software
more free.

I think the support for state regulation in RMS's political notes can be
similarly explained with this meaning of freedom.

 If we lived in community, instead of society, I would probably
 accept ONLY the GPL license. But given the fact that we live in
 society, I think BSD is a more realistic approach.

What is the difference between a community and a society?

 I think my like for BSD licenses, come from the fact that I
 understand the need for a license different from GPL when it comes to
 free hardware or open source hardware, something that we
 desperately need, but can only be achieved with a license that allows
 for commercial use (without hiding any information of course).

GPL allows commercial use (like all free software licenses), there are
many businesses using, distributing and developing GPLed software
commercially.  (No need to count the ones preventing users from changing
such software on their own devices here.)

Are there widely used GPL-incompatible licenses for hardware designs, or
is there a different reason for a different license for them?  Or are
there patent issues?

(There are less opportunities for users to reprogram their hardware with
modified designs than software; nearly all FPGAs need nonfree tools.)

 In the end, I think I look at RMS the same way FSF looks at Debian. He
 does a lot of good, and thank God he exists, but he is not perfect and
 I would rather take his thoughts and work on top of them before
 presenting them to other people, rather than just provide a link to
 RMS homepage. And maybe it's for the better =)

I agree with his explanations of some issues and not others (like free
culture, works of opinion licensing or the existence of non-capitalist
stateless societies).

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] Home on LVM

2013-12-11 Thread malcomyork

Hello to the Trisquel community!

I'm trying to mount a partition I have on an lvm vg during boot, but have no  
idea how to. After investigating a little bit, found out that initramfs  
scripts are set on /usr/share/initramfs-tools, so I pretend to create a  
script to do:

vgchange -a y

and then mount the filesystem within the init process. The filesystem was set  
on /etc/fstab, so to let init take care of it.
I took 3 days to search on the Ubuntu and Trisquel documentation about  
initramfs and how it's structure is, but found nothing related to Trisquel  
Does anyone know where can I find initramfs documentation for Trisquel, or  
else can someone explain to me how the initramfs-tool works so I can set my  
own script?

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread gnuser
I am in a little hurry right now, but one thing I would like to give you an  
answer to is the difference between society and community.
While this is something that I have been thinking about for some time and  
have not yet figured the best way to express the whole thing clearly, the  
fundamental idea is that in a society you have different classes of people  
(like rich an poor), in a society you have business and commerce as  
fundamental parts of living. In a community you don't because everyone is  
equal to everyone and they all contribute something to the whole (that is the  
community) and they all live from the whole. I know that in a first looking  
at it, it seems like evil communism but that is not what I am trying to  
target at here. Of course, a community of equal people is always in danger  
of one being more equal than other and you have the book Animal Farm to  
read if you want to take a look at how easy it is to fall for that mental  
trap but I am trying to think of a community that REALLY works. You don't  
have to be poor and you don't have to be rich because if one richness comes  
up, it is freely available to all. And no one is poor because through the  
work of EVERYONE, everyone is feed and happy. So, of course, if we were to  
live in a community, there would be no need to be able to sell things,  
because commerce would not be the same as we have today. But in a society you  
need to, because you are expected to earn your own living, on your own and  
not as a part of the whole society. Ofcourse, if you read some newspapers you  
might think that we live in a good society and that everyone is equal,  
but truth is, things are not like that. There are people who are privileged  
and live a rich life by oppressing other people who are poor and enslaved. A  
politician makes sure that the law says politicians have these and these  
rights because he himself will get gain from those rights. If those laws  
mean that other people will have to pay more taxes, he does not care. So,  
yeah, there are a few good people in society, but for the most part, the  
system of society is good at making divisions and putting people under the  
power of other people. That is not good, and we should be able to live in  
community. That would apply to software too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread shiretoko
 I know that in a first looking at it, it seems like evil communism but  
that is not what I am trying to target at here. 

Why not? You're describing many (sensible) communist ideas and why shouldn't  
we name it this way?
Under the flag of communism a countless number of crimes have been commited  
but this is true for christianity as well, and I would not hesitate to  
appreciate many christian ideas.
Capitalism is not the worst system on earth but it sure has many negative  
effects (you described some of them) and we should feel free to think of  
something better.

[Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-11 Thread dadix

Hi all. Today I found a new Indian and Telugu distribution.

Here is their site :

I don't know if they have English language.
The operating system is in this clip:

Does this distrution have a libre kernel? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel project goals and finances

2013-12-11 Thread janith

sure need to update

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-11 Thread Sachin Dey
 Hi all. Today I found a new Indian and Telugu distribution.
 Here is their site :

There's an another known as Boss GNU/Linux, which is used in some
government offices. I saw it's advertisements on TV some time ago.

 Does this distrution have a libre kernel?

Just the standard Debian kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-11 Thread dadix

I transformed the beta2 to a torrent file for a fast download.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Indian and Telugu libre gnu/linux distribution?

2013-12-11 Thread dudeski
In other words a libre kernel. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel project goals and finances

2013-12-11 Thread arielxgbarton
Does canonical hire full time developers? We are benifitting from them as  
trisquel is based on ubuntu, but does not contain any of the spyware whatever

A full time developer would probabaly cost at least 30k/year.

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2013-12-11 Thread arielxgbarton

Are you saying that they are stopping unity?

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread superbyelich
Freedom imposed on others is not freedom.  Freedom is only freedom if you  
have a choice in the matter.  Freedom to succeed, freedom to fail.  So  
Communism, and Socialism do not lead to freedom, they only lead to  
oppression, history has proven this time and time again.  We are seeing this  
in the United States.  Everyone says that the U.S. is a Capitalist nation,  
but it isn't.  I will agree with Stallman it is a Plutocracy.  I disagree  
with him on the idea that Communistic/Socialistic government oversight fixes  
this.  I say Communistic/Socialist because he holds himself as Progressive,  
and that is just a friendly way of saying the former.  He calls the U.S. a  
democracy, it was never that.  It was founded as a Constitutional Republic.   
Pure Capitalism is dead in the U.S. we have Crony Capitalism now led by  
greed, corruption, and want of power.  Government in bed with Business.  This  
is NOT what was intended by our framers.

So my problem is that he says all the right things about freedom as far as  
software is concerned, but why not politically?  Again, that is a question  
for him, and not for here.

I believe that someone who makes code should be allowed to do with it as they  

I also believe that people need to be informed that using programs that the  
code is not available, that is kept in secret takes away THEIR freedom.   
Because people are corrupt and greedy, and by not seeing that code, you don't  
know what is in the program you are using.  For that I believe free software  
is essential.  That is why I use it, tell people about it, and in the future  
tend on supporting it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel project goals and finances

2013-12-11 Thread trisquel
In essence, my question is, what's the vision for Trisquel? At the moment the  
project is ticking along at a certain level. Ubuntu has a clear vision, and  
Mark Shuttleworth has basically funded it out of his own pocket for all this  
time. Ubuntu is driven by him and his company, with Canonical hiring  
developers. Debian also has its own vision, not driven by any one company,  
and is largely driven by volunteers. Both support free software to various  
degrees, but don't strictly adhere to the FSF's criteria, which is the reason  
for Trisquel's existence.

But I am interested in hearing from the project leaders about their vision.  
Given sufficient resources, what would Trisquel be? If they worked fulltime  
on Trisquel, what would they want to achieve? If sufficient volunteers were  
involved, what would they be working on?

Re: [Trisquel-users] One thing that bothers me about Richard Stallman

2013-12-11 Thread onpon4
I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but copyleft doesn't force freedom  
onto someone else. A user of a GPL-licensed program can run the program the  
way they don't wish, not take the source code and compile it, not  
redistribute, etc. The GPL forces people to not force non-freedom onto  
someone else.

Proprietary software developers don't like to think of it this way, but  
that's what proprietary software does; it forces non-freedom onto someone  
else. The GPL just says you can't do that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Think Penguin capable of making a computer that RMS can use?

2013-12-11 Thread arielxgbarton

Isn't the Loongson 3A Notebook reasonabaly good?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The bright brave new future world as Google sees it

2013-12-11 Thread arielxgbarton
Hopefully the microphones are not so deeply embedded that it will take more  
than 5 minutes to remove them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The bright brave new future world as Google sees it

2013-12-11 Thread Ivaylo Valkov
В 20:37 +0100 на 11.12.2013 (ср), написа:
 Hopefully the microphones are not so deeply embedded that it will take more  
 than 5 minutes to remove them.

Remove them?  I'm not planning installing them/letting Google install
them in the first place. :)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] The bright brave new future world as Google sees it

2013-12-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I don't want google even in my browser, much less a google chip in my head...

If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you  
shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. --Eric Schmidt (google CEO)

[Trisquel-users] Free software is getting better...and faster that it seems

2013-12-11 Thread franparpe
Greetings. A little time ago I asked for a Freedom respectful program that  
can replace most of the Autocad's functionalities; and some of you suggested  

Librecad is very good and I tried first the version 1.0.4 and then the 2.0  
and I can say that the improvements raised the bar to a whole new level; now  
Librecad have nothing to envy Autocad; more the opposite because even if they  
are on the rc status, the program is rock-solid in comparison to autocad.

I could do all my job making plan of buildings and machines without any  
obstacle and if I needed 3d, there are a lot of Free software that allow me  
to extrude.

What I'm trying to communicate is that you don't need user subjugating  
software to make your job because free software is getting better and better  
and the only way to keep it this way is to support these projects.

I've already recommended Librecad to some of my companions and some of them  
are very impressed and I could use the situation for transmit to them why is  
important to have freedom over the programs (very pragmatic arguments but are  
better than nothing).

I'm sure that you use free software that is improving so ¿Why not use this  
post to share your experience? It would help newcomers to progressively use  
more free software

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help booting the Toutatis image from HDD

2013-12-11 Thread Teodorescu Petre
I hate replying to my own subjects but just in case anyone else finds
itself in my situation;
the solution looks something like this:

presudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom/pre

premenuentry 'Trisquel 6 amd64' {
set isofile=/trisquel_6.0_amd64.iso
loopback loop (hd0,msdos1)$isofile
linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper
iso-scan/filename=$isofile noprompt noeject
initrd (loop)/casper/initrd

presudo update-grub/pre

I use: | | | | | | | | | | |

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2013-12-11 Thread lddimov
If you're looking for a mapping program that can let you do complex spatial  
analyses, adding various layers, etc., consider QGIS. It is the alternative  
to the proprietary ArcGIS from ESRI.

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2013-12-11 Thread adel . afzal

If I install Marble, will it install a lot of the KDE desktop packages too?

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] free video formats

2013-12-11 Thread adel . afzal
Hey -- thanks for following up.  I got frustrated editing the letter before;  
I decided to forget about it for a while and try again with a clear head.  I  
did -- here's what it looks like now.  I'm going downtown next week; I'm  
thinking of dropping it off then.  As always, I'll appreciate any critique.

I am writing to ask the Toronto Police Service to accomodate a few issues  
related to video disclosure.  The issues, in my view, arise because video  
disclosure arrives in proprietary formats, and as proprietary software.

Free formats allow anyone to read the technical specifications, write  
software to run the format, and use the format.  Non-free (proprietary)  
formats do not.  By “free”, I mean those specific freedoms, and not  

The freedoms (and free formats) guarentee interoperability, a competitive  
commercial market for playback, and also gratis options for playback.   
Non-free formats are like trade secrets and impose a particular software  
solution.  With non-free formats, interoperatibility and market competition  
exist at the format-owner's discretion.  The format-owner can also decide not  
to allow gratis playback options; this raises access-to-justice concerns.

Prorpietary software is a privacy concern, because lawyers must trust it not  
to access lawyers' and clients' information on the computer.  Disclosure as  
proprietary software raises this concern.  Disclosure in a proprietary format  
raises the concern as well, because it encourages lawyers to use proprietary  

Free formats allow playback with free software, and also with proprietary  
software.  Free sofware allows public audits.  The audits give lawyers a  
reason to trust free software not to access lawyers' and clients' information  
on the computer.

Here are two examples of free video formats: ,

The Toronto Police Service already provides document disclosure in a free  
format (PDF).  I am hopeful that the Service will adopt a similarly free  
policy for video disclosure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2013-12-11 Thread gramex


[Trisquel-users] Wifi dongles

2013-12-11 Thread legimet . calc
I want to switch from Kubuntu to Trisquel, so I booted up a live USB and  
found that it works great. The only thing that didn't work was my wifi card,  
a Ralink RT3090. (Actually on the download page for their firmware, it says  
it's under the gpl, but when opening the archive, you get a binary blob with  
a nonfree license.)

So, I think I should get a dongle. Which dongles are the best with free  

[Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread bluejersey112
I'm trying to install Trisquel 6.0 on my computer, which has Windows 8 on it  
right now.

Every time I press enter to go ahead and install Trisquel: The screen  
freezes, and about 5 minutes later: Green numbers with a black background  
appear. Which say:

EDD Error 1888 Reading Sector 353663
EDD Error 1888 Reading Sector 353608

And so on. Other than the disc itself having a problem: I'm stumped.

I've also gone into the Setup menu and have disabled the SecureBoot(Tyranny)  
option, and have set the DVD Drive as the first device to boot from.

I bought the install disk from, so there shouldn't be a problem  
with the disk.

Does anyone have an idea what is happening?

Thank You

Re: [Trisquel-users] Documentation fonts

2013-12-11 Thread adel . afzal
It's a sans font, and you're right it is really nice to look at.  Is it the  
official Ubuntu font?

Wikipedia says that the Ubuntu font license is copyleft:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre fonts I've found

2013-12-11 Thread adel . afzal

Alegreya Sans looks nice.

On the fonts-documentation-page; what does it say in the non-English  
language?  Is it Polish?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] maps program

2013-12-11 Thread george . standish

I'd say YES... YMMV?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Wifi dongles

2013-12-11 Thread magicbanana
The only company that guarantees all its hardware works with Linux-libre  
(hence the 100% free GNU/Linux distributions such as Trisquel) is  
ThinkPenguin. By using the following link, 25% of the benefits on your  
purchase will be donated to the Trisquel project:

Another solution is to search for second-hand cards whose vendor indicates  
the actual chipset. As far as I understand (anyone to confirm?), Linux-libre  
can now drive any ath9k chipset. You may need to update the kernel though.

Only consulting 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp
Hi sorry to hear you having problems. I problably can not help you much but  
can you try to do a liveUSB from the disc you have? Then change model bios  
startup accordingly.

also, to help others that problably know more than myself understand better  
your problem please provide the make and model of your computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread Andresmp

the domain does not exist. What made it trust worthy?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Having Trouble Installing Trisquel 6.0

2013-12-11 Thread mikko . viinamaki

There should be an option to check the integrity of the disk.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with File Browser

2013-12-11 Thread cya
There has been a bug in Nautilus-share for over a year. I replaced it with  
PCmanFM, which is faster.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I set up a mail server?

2013-12-11 Thread cya has simple, useful tutorials on all topics.

How to configure mail servers -

You may prefer Postfix rather than SendMail, for reasons discussed in this  
Mail Server tutorial -

I use SSL on ports 587 and 993. ISP blocking of port 25 is not an issue.