Re: [Trisquel-users] Which card do I need for wifi on laptop?

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu

May I ask you what do you hope to achieve by spoofing your mac address?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread moxalt
> Debian will remain 100% free

Debian is a distribution of free *software*. The Debian project should not
concern itself with the issue of free culture, which is an entirely separate
issue -or at least it should not take such precedence that free software is
rejected due to dependency on non-free artwork.

The free software and free culture movements can very well cooperate, but
Debian should retain free software as its one and only goal. As long as the
software is free- the part that actually matters- it should be accepted in main
IMLHO. The rejection of non-free data in main means that in order to access
certain free software, users must enable non-free repositories! I chose rather
to simply eschew using free software unfortunate enough to fall in non-free,
but others might not be so resolute.

Very well. I reconsider my position. In light of the ridiculous situation that
*there is free software in non-free (!!)* there should in fact be four sections
of the Debian repository: main (for free software and free data), fettered (for
free software and non-free data), contrib (for free software which depends on
packages in non-free) and non-free (for non-free software only (but not data)).
This way people who support the FSF line on non-free non-functional data could
enable 'fettered' (or whatever it would be called) and use non-free data
without actually exposing themselves to non-free software. The way things are
currently structured Debian judges non-free non-functional data to be just as
bad as non-free software, which is clearly ridiculous.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

This is no longer true.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well, I don't know much about VirtualDub, but I recommend Handbrake.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread mcz
Then I assume that the accessibility programs are still there (which is what  
I was trying to say, but it wasn't very clear/properly worded).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Totally Libre Version of Chromium?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
As an addendum, there is Iridium, whose version 44.1 is free software[1].



Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread onpon4

> owning hardware newer than 5 years old is a privilege, not the norm

GNOME Shell ran fine on my old laptop with 2 GB of RAM. This was a budget  
laptop (only a couple hundred dollars when it was bought) from 2007. That's 8  
years old. Of course, it had an Intel GPU which could do hardware  
acceleration, but that's only relevant to whether it can run GNOME Shell  
well; a similar computer with a Radeon GPU would run GNOME Flashback or MATE  
just fine.

> Rather than having a "Mini" option, I would create a "Maxi" option for new  
users with computers 1-2 years old, featuring a DE that can make use of all  
the potential of their hardware, and give them all the eye candy I presume  
they expect.

I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of GNOME 3's design. It's not  
"eye candy". In fact, GNOME Shell doesn't have a whole lot of eye candy. Its  
purpose is to make it easy to pick up and use the system without having to  
learn how to use it. I think it accomplishes this goal quite well.

It also doesn't "make use of all the potential" of your hardware. That would  
be a terrible design for a desktop environment; you have to use the hardware  
for other things, too. Even KDE doesn't do that, and that DE is known to be  
extremely heavy.

Advertising GNOME Shell as if it's an extremely power-hungry DE only suitable  
for those who have very recent hardware would not only be wrong, it would  
turn off pretty much everyone, including those who would benefit from GNOME  
Shell's easier design.

> GNOME Fallback doesn't run on this PC without throwing me into swap hell

How much RAM do you have? 2 GB of RAM was low-end in 2007, and my system is  
currently using about 1.4 GiB (that's with a Web browser and several other  
things open).

I looked for a report on RAM usage of desktop environments, and this was the  
best report I could find, from 2013:

Even KDE, the heaviest RAM user of all of the DEs tested, used only 201 MB by  
itself. GNOME 3 (with GNOME Shell) used 155 MB by itself. That's enough to  
cause a problem with real usage (you have to run other programs, after all),  
but not enough to prevent you from running the desktop environment at all if  
you have at least 1 GB of RAM.

In fact, I can speak on this from personal experience: I once accidentally  
left one of the RAM cards in that old laptop I mentioned partly dislodged,  
reducing the available RAM to 1 GB. I was always using GNOME Shell at the  
time. I did notice a performance hit, but it not from running GNOME at all.  
The performance hit happened when I opened a few programs that used a  
substantial amount of RAM, on top of GNOME Shell.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu

glxinfo | grep direct

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread strypey
>> if GNOME flashback is heavy for your PC, you're running a potato and  
should be using Trisquel Mini. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well... Here we go again...

Thank you very much moxalt for this reply. Just by taking a quick read
on it, I can say that I mostly agree with your reply.

I really don't have the time to keep repeating myself and perhaps, this
reply should be directed to cooloutac instead[1].



Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is more secure, peazip or Gnupg?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
It's like I'm reading my own comment here... :D

I use both OpenPGP and 7-Zip. I generally use OpenPGP for everything
that needs to be encrypted, and use 7-Zip to secure the OpenPGP
secret/private key and revocation certificates.

Re: [Trisquel-users] asus/kfsn4-dre libreboot

2015-11-08 Thread lilos1
Ok i think i was read somewhere that nvidia bios was reversed and coreboot  
can use this this vbios file to boot system.

I use quadro 3800 1G vram like this

Also i can change card if this bios is not reversed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread mcz
Rewording the norm to maxi and making mini the norm doesn't change a thing,  
besides feeling in the norm or something if you have a super old machine.

But it raises an interesting question : what that norm actually is. The main  
"Ubuntu/Debian/other very popular distro" LiveCD is (correct me if I'm wrong)  
a full-blown liveCD (GNOME/KDE). Why? It's easy to assume that that choice is  
made because most machines can handle it (beyond the 2 years old limit).
I know, two assumptions in a row, but for example this, from the Debian  
We recognize that there are only two important classes of users: the novice,  
and the expert. We will do everything we can to make things very easy for the  
novice, while allowing the expert to tweak things if they like.
We will try to ensure that software is configured for the most common desktop  
use. For instance, the regular user account added by default during  
installation should have permission to play audio and video, print, and  
manage the system through sudo.

If Enlightment is too demanding to set up, it will be too demanding to update  
(most likely).

There's also LXDE, even ligther than XFCE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Avahi error after login.

2015-11-08 Thread lord_abinadi
I guess my ISP has changed something; I switched to OpenDNS in my router and  
the error message is gone...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread nishihai

Thanks guys.
How do I test whether it works with 3D acceleration?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu

care to explain yourself?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My complements to the Devs

2015-11-08 Thread jason


And to those people that complain about ORCA automatically starting in the  
installer, this is why.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well... Denying to help a user of a non-free operating system, and
knowing that the user came here to seek some advice on what software he
should use to suit his needs, isn't really going to help the user to
reach the goal of a completely free computing. Instead, we should take
this moment to help him on using at least some free software, at least
for now, and also explain to him why free software is needed. Besides,
we must also tell him that if he needs further help or recommendation on
using free software, he's welcome to ask us for that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Sorry, but the license for just one software doesn't really prove
anything because the software could depend/recommend/suggest non-free
software, or even worse: have some obfuscated source code.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread shiretoko
Wouldn't there actually be a problem if one wants to, let's say, sell debian  

Maybe it would violate the license of some game data shipped with the dvd.

Besides I think the issue gets exaggerated.
If non-free art is in the free repos or not makes a minor difference.
As long as there is no nonfree _software_ in it..

I personally tend to agree that it's troublesome getting free games plus  
nonfree data somewhere else.
I think it would be great if the game data was free (i could use and build  
upon it) but i don't refuse to enjoy nonfree media. And since there are not  
so many free software games out there to begin with (compared to the  
proprietary world...) it's not so pleasent if the offer gets limited even  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread jason
vrms is a joke because it's not going to identify all of the non-free things  
that are there because it doesn't even look at everything in the first place  
and even the things it does look at are being judged by different criteria.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu
exactly Onpon. Not in non-free but contrib. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I take that was directed at me. I believe that used to be the method to find  
out. However for example I get direct rendering: yes as result but my wonkey  
old ATI card certainly provides me no 3d acceleration.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

I highly doubt it. Different input, different output.

[Trisquel-users] My complements to the Devs

2015-11-08 Thread hokehunterj
Hi. My name is hunter, and I'm totally blind (hence the username Blinux). I  
wish to thank those that develop Trisquel OS, and all the other dev who  
create packages for Trisquel. I have been using Trisquel in a virtual Machine  
on a 2012 MacBook pro, and I must say that Trisquel is much more accessible  
and user-friendly than other distros I've used. Also, if you develop packages  
for Trisquel, please make sure they are accessible with the assistive  
technology included in Trisquel. For sighted users, Orca and similar  
technology may be an annoyance. However, it makes a huge difference to those  
who require it.

Best wishes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My complements to the Devs

2015-11-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
I'm glad to hear this as well. That said there could be a big red button for  
the seeing to disable orca.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread shiretoko
I have an old partition containing linux mint. Didn't use it since ages but  
i'm kind of running out of disk space...

can I trisquelize linux mint just like ubuntu?
They have almost the same repos, afaik.
And the version i'm running is rebecca, i.e. trusty .
Can I just replace "trusty" with "belenos" and replace the repo url with  
trisquel's repo?

Re: [Trisquel-users] More ram for my thinkpad?

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu

Here quantumgravity ->

You have no excuse now, flash or install windows 10! :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
Can't really answer, but I suspect Mint will have proprietary packages that  
trisquelize might not remove. I would recommend running vrms first and  
trisquelize second. Other than that only you will know which undesired  
packages you will have installed in the past. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] My complements to the Devs

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
Agreed! As I have said in another thread, all software that brings people  
with handicaps to technology are winners.
Also, agree with lembas, I was one of the people who complained about Orca  
and would love to have a big button to disable it :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu
lembas: when I tried that on the lappy with acceleration it said yes. When I  
try it on a lappy without accel. it says yes.

So, it appears to work indeed.

Here, see if one of the following will do ->

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread shiretoko

Thanks for all of your comments.
I decided to get rid of mint and go with a fresh install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread onpon4
I kind of agree that there shouldn't be some arbitrary distinction made for  
inclusion of non-libre cultural works. What's the problem, anyway? So there  
are some libre software games that aren't in the main repository because  
they're not libre culture. (But mind, those games are in contrib, not  
non-free.) All you have to do is get those games from another source. I  
haven't had any problem doing this with The Ur-Quan Masters on Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
Well, since he is asking for free software help, I don't think it's totally  

Maybe the troll hole would be a better place, but still...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser

They need a user friendly way to do it, and handbrake is not what I consider  
user friendly. At least not compared to VirtualDub. You can basically do it  
with a couple of mouse clicks. And besides it runs very well in windows,  
having multiple "forks" for all needs. AND it's filters were simply  
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! It's the one software piece I miss from windows. GNU/Linux  
is amazing but it could use a tool like VirtualDub.

Sorry for the virtualdub-fanboy moment :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
What we can't do, however, is suggest/recommend/teach/install non-free
software for the user.

For example, if he were to ask us how to make a desktop shortcut on
Windows, Fedora, OpenSUSE, SteamOS or whicever non-free operating system
there is (hypothetically assuming that all this operating systems would
be using some non-free desktop environment, which is not always the
case, but anyway), then we must ask him to look for support on the
appropriate community, and not here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread lloyd

Err... please don't ask for Windows help on a Trisquel forum!

Unless your question is really "how do I get my video card running on  
Trisquel using libre drivers", it probably doesn't belong here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Hm... Well, I don't know that much about VirtualDub because there's no
proof that it's actually free software. I have checked the Free Software
Directory, Trisquel's repository (using the on-line search and the
package manager), and Parabola's repository (using the on-line search),
but I couldn't find it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
Hum... maybe because it doesn't run in linux, so it would never be on linux  
distros repos...?
read the first line, GNU-GPL licensed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My complements to the Devs

2015-11-08 Thread greatgnu

welcome to the community Blinux. Stay libre!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why can't i use the file search in PCManFM?

2015-11-08 Thread rhutter

Coming back to the original problem:
File search works after installing the package libfm-modules.
More details in the issue i created:

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread lcerf
Why don't you use GParted on a Live system (such as Trisquel's) to delete the  
Mint partitions and move/enlarge the remaining partitions?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira

I'm not judging whether it's free software or not based on which
operating system it's compatible with.

Anyway, we have two options here:

* Consider VirtualDub as non-free software and stop recommending it, not
because of the license, but because it depends on non-free software, and
because it is not a reverse engineering effort of the very same
dependency, and is not an effort to replace the very same dependency too.

* Wait for the review of VirtualDub, and that way, since we need to wait
for the review, we can't really recommend some software that we don't
know whether it's free or not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread rhutter
I like the idea of making the normal edition small, so that the other one is  
called maxi instead of mini.
Couldn't it be enough to make the original iso-image 700 MB big, so that it  
fits onto a CD, like in earlier times? Every GNU/Linux user has to learn what  
package management is very soon anyway, so it would be no problem to tell  
them: If you want the maxi version, just download the metapackage xyz-maxi  
right after seting up your system.
As some people here are talking of their old computers and the corresponding  
RAM: I own two laptops, one from 2005 and the other one from around 2006 (i  
bought it 2nd hand). They have 512 MB RAM. The only thing that was ever  
broken was the hard drive of one of them. And its battery is not much worth  
anymore, it lasts not even half an hour even without running many programs.  
But i don't need it to run longer on battery.
So, why should i buy a new laptop? Time has passed quickly, so it seems now -  
i am 10 years older now than when i bought my first laptop! But i still have  
it. Developers are going ahead all the time, making me feel running a potatoe  
(good expression, didn't know that one). Consider how old your stereo sound  
system is, or the one of your parents - it is still running and playing the  
cd's well, even after 20+, or even 30+ years.
So, a change in focus in the GNU/Linux world would be good. I'm glad Trisquel  
is offering a mini version.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
" The best solution is to nuke the GNU/Linux Mint install and put Trisquel in  
its place."


"vrms is a joke"
I disagree. vrms does one thing and does it right: identify packages that  
come from non-free debian repositories. That is a step forward when trying to  
"clean" a buntu-based system. It's not perfect and people certainly feel  
offended by the use of rms initials, but other than that, vrms is a good  
option to remove some stuff from your machine. Far from being perfect anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
It can't be included in Trisquel ADFENO, like I said... VirtualDub only runs  
on Windows! It won't work in GNU/Linux. It's the way the program works. You  
can have it in the repos, but it simply will not work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread onpon4
Something significant about Mint is that the Mint repositories, unlike  
Ubuntu's, are not segregated based on whether they're free or non-free. So  
that necessarily means that vrms won't work correctly on it. (I think I  
actually tried running vrms on a Mint live CD, and it told me, incorrectly,  
that the system had no proprietary software on it; but don't quote me on  
this, because my memory's fuzzy and I might be thinking of a different  

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread jadedml

Mate, when I said he was using a potato, I meant it.
I'm using full Trisquel on a ten-year-old desktop, and it works well enough.
It's a Dell Dimension (something-something.) Doesn't even have USB ports. :p
If your computer can't do what this desktop can do, your computer is a  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread zwiebel444
I have to look if handbrake can handle the ripping of the VHS, or if I have  
to use the vendor own software...

But the converting would be pretty much the same process. Could someone give  
me a format recommendation?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread zwiebel444
I said: "I can´t find a way for getting the tv cards running, and the chinch  
to usb converter isn´t Linux compatible."

I could try a Trisquel live DVD, but I don´t think, that it will work.
I know the importance, but not the hardware developer. Ok, for distributed  
computing I don´t see it as bad as in other parts, but its still bad.

I use non-free software only if needed or humanity/freesoftware profits from  
I especially asked about the format to use, since h.264 isn´t really a free  
format, or at least the next version is non-free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread onpon4
> Couldn't it be enough to make the original iso-image 700 MB big, so that it  
fits onto a CD, like in earlier times?

Maybe, maybe not. Debian was having great difficulty trying to fit GNOME into  
700 MB, and that was one of the reasons they considered switching to Xfce.

For the main version of the system, I don't see any particular reason why it  
should have to fit on a CD. Most computers today that have an optical drive  
at all can read and boot from DVDs just the same as CDs. For a "mini"  
version, maybe.

> I own two laptops, one from 2005 and the other one from around 2006 (i  
bought it 2nd hand). They have 512 MB RAM. The only thing that was ever  
broken was the hard drive of one of them. And its battery is not much worth  
anymore, it lasts not even half an hour even without running many programs.  
But i don't need it to run longer on battery.

> So, why should i buy a new laptop?

512 MB should be enough to handle MATE. Xfce is very similar in terms of RAM  
usage, and the original OpenPandora manages to meaningfully use Xfce with  
half as much RAM.

The thing is, if you have a tiny amount of RAM, you know this, and as such  
you know to go for more lightweight DEs. Additionally, I don't think it's  
typical for users to have such a small amount of RAM, and I don't think a  
small subset of users should be treated as the default. You should be  
accounted for, but a "mini" version based on MATE should account for you just  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread jason
"vrms does one thing and does it right: identify packages that come from  
non-free debian repositories."

And that's *ALL* it does. It might (emphasis added) work okay on Debian but  
you'd figured that anyone enabling their non-free rpeository would know that  
they're installing packages from it. But, as soon as someone branches out and  
installs software from some other repository vrms is clueless

"That is a step forward when trying to "clean" a buntu-based system."

It's made for Debian not buntu. As soon as it's used on a distro other than  
Debian that's added more non-free packages (but didn't update vrms to know  
about them) it'll happily tell someone that their system is free of non-free  
things, and that RMS would be proud, even if that's not the case. So problem  
#1 is that it doesn't identify all non-free things and people rely on it when  
it's not accurate. Problem #2 is it claims to be a Virtual RMS but doesn't  
judge things as he would - i.e. it follows "Debian Free" not "Ubuntu Free" or  
"Fedora Free" or "FSF Free" and so comes to different conclusions about the  
packages it DOES know about as a result. So all in all it's a problem best to  
be avoided.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread zwiebel444
Sorry, I know, I personal use almost only free software. That hardware needs  
windows, because those developers can barley develop windows driver, they  
don´t even try Linux driver (since most of them run on kernel level, they  
doesn’t have to do with the gnu tools), let alone free one. I´m as sad  
about that as you. I could ask if the tv-card from think penguin supports the  
needed thing (dvb-c and or cinch input (for digitalising vhs). On the other  
hand I don´t like e-waste so I would like tips. Btw. I don´t know how my  
father will react (and do the exchange stealthy would be very hard).  
Exchanging the digitalising hardware and os would be really easy. Btw. the  
drivers for the digitalising hardware is very bad, I had to downgrade and use  
an old version of that proprietary OS.

I saw how important open standards are. I also saw how bad h.265 is, so I  
wanted to ask what format to use and what tool they should try, since "free  
video converter" (free as in free beer) is very easy but proprietary, buggy  
and limited.

If you want to look at what I try to do for free software look at the  
attachment and I also try to (slowly) make a more free Boinc version.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Iru Cai
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 3:39 AM,  wrote:

> Why?
> They need a user friendly way to do it, and handbrake is not what I
> consider user friendly. At least not compared to VirtualDub. You can
> basically do it with a couple of mouse

You can you avidemux, which has many features of VirtualDub and supports
more formats. More importantly, it runs on GNU/Linux.

> clicks. And besides it runs very well in windows, having multiple "forks"
> for all needs. AND it's filters were simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! It's the one
> software piece I miss from windows. GNU/Linux is amazing but it could use a
> tool like VirtualDub.
> Sorry for the virtualdub-fanboy moment :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread onpon4

> handbrake is not what I consider user friendly.

Really? I used Handbrake to rip every episode of Samurai Jack from the DVDs  
we have, and I found it to be very easy. At the very least, it was easy  
enough that the experience was uneventful. This was my first, and so far  
only, use of Handbrake.

I don't know anything about ripping from VHS (I assume you need some kind of  
special equipment?), but I'd imagine it would be largely the same process,  
wouldn't it? Maybe even easier since you don't have to deal with chapters and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread gnuser
Well, this software is written to run on windows, it uses the OS own way of  
dealing with video to work. So, it depends on windows to work. Does that make  
the software non-free? I don't think so. If I am writing a software and share  
the source code, with a license that gives you the right to:

run the program;
share the program;
change the program;
share the changed program;

it is a free software, and the OS where it runs is irrelevant. If someone  
wants to change the software to run on another OS, he can because the  
software is free.  For example, for a long time I used ONLY FLOSS programs in  
windows XP (later 7). I was not computing in freedom, but those programs were  
indeed free.

I agree with you in the obfuscated code thing. IF it happens is a dangerous  
thing, and a malevolent action. However I don't know of any indication of  
that in this program. Of course I can't be sure.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Video/Audio format tipp for saving Vhs Videos and sd (pal) TV

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well then, we must send it to be reviewed. Tomorrow I'm filling the
submission form. :D

Hope for the best! :D

Better yet: hope for the entry, once approved doesn't get remove due to
a late discovery that it wouldn't be free software. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread calmstorm

Am i the only one who thinks xfce and lxde are the best options?

probably... seeing as i am more interested in battery life.

Meh, XFCE is my favorite. but the mini lxde is also good.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Yes, this is indeed something people forget about.

Security is a feature, while software freedom is an essential need.

Security can be achieved through software freedom, while software
freedom never comes from security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Now we'll see how far this goes: For some reason, Alien Arena existed in
the Free Software Directory. Actually I was the one who sent to to be
reviewed (that is, I didn't approve it, but I was the one who sent it to
be evaluated). And, although I don't like the game that much, I remember
being very happy when Alien Arena was approved as free software, just
like I aways feel when some new free software is approved there (just to
give you an idea, I have the news freed for new entries).

However, some weeks later, the entry for Alien Arena was suddenly
removed. According to what I can recall, the history stated that it was
non-free software.

I'm not saying that I agree or disagree. I'm just saying that we might
as well be careful as to who reviews entries on the Free Software Directory.

For the purposes stated in the previous paragraph, I was going to
suggest something along the lines of "if the reviewer is working on the
Free Software Directory, even if he follows the Debian Free Software
Guidelines personally, he has to follow the GNU Free Systems
Distribution Guidelines when working on the Free Software Directory".
That might seem obvious, but it doesn't really work all the time. Even
we, as simple humans, can't manage to let our personal feelings out of
our daily work. That is, according to my teacher of human resources
management, most researchers usually recommend people to just "wear
masks" to try to separate personal feelings from daily work, but that
doesn't work well, and will probably blow up worse later on.

So, just get the right people that really follow the guidelines we do
follow, and we should be o.k. :D

[Trisquel-users] Re : Is foxyproxy libre?

2015-11-08 Thread calinou
There should be incentive to develop fully free games; look at how many  
"free" games are plagued by non-free artwork or worse, non-free software as  
"game scripts" (like Warsow)...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 runs on ThinkPad T450

2015-11-08 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
For me without -i it says yes and with -i no. The devil as usual is in the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] FX Settings difficult in Audacity

2015-11-08 Thread ivaldaloucha

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquelize linux mint?

2015-11-08 Thread commodore256

Mint==Ubuntu with even more non-free software