[Trisquel-users] Re : DuckDuckGo Ups Ante: Gives $300K to ‘Raise the Standard of Trust

2017-02-24 Thread lcerf

I want good free software results.

google.com includes proprietary JavaScript.

DDG has hidden important free software projects from users the same way  
Microsoft's search engine does.

Reference needed.

secret mixing algorithm

As if Google's algorithms were published.  What is known is Google's  
involvement in the PRISM program!

lacks the technical competence to protect the quality of their search results

That does not even mean something.

is a willing Microsoft partner.

Conspiracy theory.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doubts about libreboot flashing and configuration

2017-02-24 Thread prian

Hi Megver83,

first of all, I am sorry that I am not going much into detail now, because I  
don't have a lot of time.

I will come back to this topic. ;-)

You don't need a PSU! The 3.3V of the RPi is sufficient. The Jumper cables  
are only different in colour so that you can identify connections more  
easily. It makes it more comfortable to work with.

A set of jumper cables is very cheap, so I would use (and have used) jumper  
cables bought from a shop because they have a header that makes sure that  
everything stays where it should. You don't want to lose a cable during  

Make sure that you have everything you will need: Pomona Clip, Jumper Cables,  
RaspberryPi ready to go (I forgot what else there is).

There is another manual for flashing with a Raspberry Pi. There is not much  
different when flashing a T400. Just be careful with the pinouts.


The manual is very detailed, just make sure to follow it closely:

Good luck and do not hesitate to ask for help. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doubts about libreboot flashing and configuration

2017-02-24 Thread stas . mihaylenko
Джордж: тут кириллические никнеймы  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Use this bash init script snippet to get an improved prompt. Also can you donate to help us to get a friend out of jail?

2017-02-24 Thread greatgnu

Mario, I did read it, in fact I've read it twice.

"In 2016, Alina Davis was abusively and unfairly accused of drugs  

Abusively? Unfairly? Citation need.

Metamphetamine possession is a crime, my friend. So is driving with a fake  


Now, the question of the single cell is another pair of shoes. The old motto,  
which is just that (a meme that applies only  to the poor; the rich and  
powerful are beyond it, they can do whatever they want to, apparently) goes:  
All are equal before the law.
What I mean is, if the law says driving with a fake license is illegal and  
punishable with x months of detention, then **everyone** doing so should  
serve time.
If the law says possessing metamphetamine is illegal and punishable with x  
months in jail, then **everyone** getting caught with it should serve that  

She should have been absolutely given a single cell. Alina should have NOT in  
any case been placed in a cell with 4 males. That is an indecency, for  
obvious reasons (I don't need, I hope, to provide explanations on why it is  
unacceptable) but she SHOULD be in a jail, like **everyone** else who commits  
illegalities, she should serve the time in accordance to the violation of the  
legal code.

The intro of your website talks about bigotry and human stupidity, the fear  
of the diverse etc etc, but that, my friend has nothing to do with "driving  
with a fake license and possessing meth". You omitted the "fake license".
You also throw in one single sentence without providing any citation or proof  
whatsoever accompanying your claim: "In 2016, Alina Davis was abusively and  
unfairly accused of drugs possession."

I hate bigotry, and I hate injustice, but I find your website lacking  
transparency. When you are asking people to help you with donations or with  
any kind of action you should be absolutely transparent. You are being not,  
far from it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Use this bash init script snippet to get an improved prompt. Also can you donate to help us to get a friend out of jail?

2017-02-24 Thread marioxcc . MT

>Mario, I did read it, in fact I've read it twice.

What you think that the page and the news article say is not at all what they  
say. If you have read the page twice and you couldn't understand it properly,  
then I am afraid that you are functionally illiterate.


The charge that my friend Alina is accused of, is related to amphetamine not  
methamphetamine, nor driving with a false license. These are different  
compounds with different effects.

Amphetamine is considered benign, to the point that is medically prescribed  
to children and adults for narcolepsy and attention deficit. Methamphetamine  
on the other hand, is mostly used recreationally and is known to damage  
dopaminergic neurons, although it is occasionally used in medical practices  
in very severe cases where amphetamine is not effective.

>The intro of your website talks about bigotry and human stupidity, the fear  
of the diverse etc etc,

The web page of the fundraising campaign says exactly what the facts are,  
that Alina faced obstacles and the scorn of people, and then it describes as  
an example the problems he faced when he married. Nowhere does the web page  
call anybody "stupid" or "bigot". It also says what Alina is accused of, and  
that we are confident that we can prove his innocence.

>but she SHOULD be in a jail, like **everyone** else who commits  
illegalities, she should serve the time in accordance to the violation of the  
legal code.

Here you are assuming that my friend Alina committed the crime that he is  
accused for. Given that you are so keen on proofs, where is your evidence  
that he committed this crime?.

My friend Alina is in jail awaiting for his trial. The reason we are asking  
for money is because we can prove that he is innocent, but my friend's family  
can't afford the attorney feeds, even after we, his friends, have contributed  
with money already.

It also surprises me that you place so much faith in the moral of the legal  
system. You are saying that if the bureaucrats that make laws that say that  
something is wrong, then it is wrong. It is thus only fair that once my fried  
Alina is exonerated you admit that you were wrong.

You owe me and my friend Alina a public apology for claiming that he is guilt  
without proof, and I will remind you of it when he is exonerated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doubts about libreboot flashing and configuration

2017-02-24 Thread megver83
Something else that I forgot, what is the difference between vesafb and  
txtxmode? Which one is more convenient?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doubts about libreboot flashing and configuration

2017-02-24 Thread prian

Check the install instructions page as well:

"Available modes: vesafb or txtmode. The vesafb ROM images are recommended,  
in most cases; txtmode ROM images come with MemTest86+, which requires  
text-mode instead of the usual framebuffer used by coreboot native graphics  

I used vesafb like recommended.

Remember, you have to go through the whole process of disassembling only  
once. Updates can then be flashed via terminal.

Sorry,my Russian is pretty bad so I answer in English. I can't think of a  
reason why one shouldn't be allowed to use the Russian alphabet for the  
username. Worked for me ;-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Use this bash init script snippet to get an improved prompt. Also can you donate to help us to get a friend out of jail?

2017-02-24 Thread greatgnu

>functionally illiterate


>The charge that my friend Alina is accused of, is related to amphetamine not  
methamphetamine, nor driving with a false license. The article you linked  
mentions amphetamine, not methamphetamine. These are different compounds with  
different effects.

Meta or not, it's an illegal drug. She was found with an illegal drug, so she  
was welcomed to have some time in jail. That's the way it works, mate.  
Whether the laws are just or not, it is not up to me to say. But do not  
wonder if they trow you in jail when they find meta or not meta amphetamine  
in your pocket.

>Amphetamine is considered benign

Yeah.. So is marijuana, here where I live, still.. not legal. Whether it  
should be, it's not up to me to say, but guess what happens when they charge  
you with possession of?

>The web page of the fundraising campaign says exactly what the facts are,  
that Alina faced obstacles and the scorn of people, and then it describes as  
an example the problems he faced when he married. Nowhere does the web page  
call anybody "stupid" or "bigot".

You completely misunderstood and missed the point. I will try to explain it.  
What you describe as "scorn of people" is exactly what I refer to as bigotry  
and human stupidity.
I did not say you used those terms, in fact I used them to point out how  
those who scorned Alina are just stupid bigots. But I also pointed out how  
this episode has nothing to do with her driving without a license or  
possessing illegal drugs.

>Here you are assuming that my friend Alina committed the crime that he is  
accused for. Given that you are so keen on proofs, where is your evidence  
that he committed this supposed crime?.

I'm not assuming anything. I am just saying that driving without a license  
and possessing illegal drugs is illegal, illegal for me, for you, for Alina.

>It also surprises me that you place so much faith in the moral of the legal  

Ha! Law and morals (or more correctly ethics) are two very different things.

>You are saying that if the bureaucrats that make laws that say that  
something is wrong, then it is wrong.

No, I'm saying that if you drive without a license and possess illegal drugs  
you wind up in jail. So, Alina, is not "innocent" as you say in your article.  
Unless she indeed was not driving without a license and was not found with  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Use this bash init script snippet to get an improved prompt. Also can you donate to help us to get a friend out of jail?

2017-02-24 Thread greatgnu
So, as I really wonder, being a curious person, why are you so keen on  
supporting Alina, other than "they are my friend", I've researched more on  


You say her family is poor, but that article says she was at the time a  
"bored kid from a wealthy family", who thought placing an explosive in a cafe  
was somehow a good way to express her ennuì and disgust.

So, to recap:

2009 - Alina (then Dmitry) explodes a cafe and gets away with it.

2015 - Found with 12 g of amphetamine  

Again, gets away with it...

2016 - Drives with a fake license

This time, and about time, the authorities think it is probably better to  
apply the law.

Can you explain me again why would people donate to Alina? You know, being  
functionally illiterate it might just be that I'm missing the point. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Use this bash init script snippet to get an improved prompt. Also can you donate to help us to get a friend out of jail?

2017-02-24 Thread marioxcc . MT

So, to recap:

You skimmed through Alina's fundraising page, and concluded that there is a  
"lack of transparency" because you missed the statement where it is explained  
what he is accused of doing, while at the same time assuming that he is  
gullible without proof.

Then you read a news article according to which my friend is accused of  
amphetamine possession, and you post here claiming that the accusation is for  
methamphetamine possession which is a different compound (not a trivial  
difference, because while amphetamine is safe and therefore used  
therapeutically, metamphetamine is harmful in its primary use).

Now again you show your functional illiteracy. My friend never "exploded a  
coffee". I should note that nowhere does the article that you linked, which  
is from 8 years ago, says that the coffee "exploded" or even that anybody was  
hurt. That my friend may have played a teenager's practical joke which people  
made a big fuss about, is a different matter.

Sputnik News made it up that my friend is rich along with the term "Golden  
Youth". If you make a search for it, you will see that basically only this  
Sputnik News article mentions this term. It is not used, or at least not in  

>why are you so keen on supporting Alina, other than "they are my friend"

Well, if helping a friend because he is a friend is not enough of a reason  
for you, then I am sorry for your friends! I on my part am not indifferent to  
my friends problems and I need no more of a reason to help them than  

>she SHOULD be in a jail, like **everyone** else who commits illegalities

I remind you that here you accused my friend of committing a crime without  
proof. And you owe Alina and me a public apology for this and a retraction of  
your words.

I do not know you do it where you live, but in Russia, people is not trialed  
by linking to popular newsletters but by evidence. That is the job of an  
attorney in law. We do not have enough money to pay for what they charge, and  
that is why I came here to as for help.