[Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread nishihai

Just as the title:

What is the Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

(I mean Debian kernel as from its main repo, not "contrib" nor "nonfree"...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread jabjabs
I suppose to real big difference is that the Libre kernel won't recommend any  
non-free drivers where as the Debian one will. It doesn't included them from  
the get go and still needs user intervention to install them but Linux-libre  
won't even do that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread davesamcdxv
Linux-libre is the only one of the 2 programmed to refuse to run non-free  
firmware (whether or not that's DRM is up for debate IM(H)O)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
It does. Load a module that requires a proprietary firmware. Only Linux-libre  
will not suggest you install such.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
You make it sound like that's by design. It's not. In fact it is a bug, a  
very low priority one. AFAIK

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread onpon4
To clarify, when Linux is missing a firmware file that's needed for some  
hardware available, an error message is printed showing the name of the  
firmware file. Linux-libre removes these references, but a side effect of  
this is that it can't even load the firmware if it's available. Debian's  
Linux just removes the firmware, leaving the messages (and the ability to put  
the firmware there yourself) in place.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread nishihai

Gracias, guys.

So the difference is slight: just the notification/reference.

But I (seems) did not encounter the notice from the Debian installation when  
my wireless card did not fit to the free firmware...

I didn't install the nonfree firmware, so it was equivalent to the  
linux-libre kernel..

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread greatgnu
It never suggested to install the firmware for my ATI crap. I assure you of  
that! I never saw the deblobbed Debian kernel or any other part of Debian  
recommend the installation of the ati blob or mention the non-free firmware.  
But maybe I'm an exception to this. I don't know that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread greatgnu
Onpon - that's correct. You can clearly see the "missing firmware" on boot on  
the Debian kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
Sounds like you didn't read the logs or try manually loading the module.  
Dunno if the latter is even possible in this case.

If you install in expert mode, the Debian installer will ask you whether  
you'd like to add contrib and non-free.

In Iceweasel if you goto where ever > addons > get addons, you get to the  
Mozilla addons site who also host proprietary addons. Some addons don't  
mention any license, some say proprietary.

Debian the distro can be free if you know what you're doing and you're  
careful. But it's not something you can recommend to ordinary people if you  
care about their freedom. Also, Debian (the project) distributes proprietary  

Some related articles

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-17 Thread greatgnu

lembas: first of all I am not recommending anything. Period.

>If you install in expert mode, the Debian installer will ask you whether  
you'd like to add contrib and non-free.

That's another pair of shoes.

>In Iceweasel if you goto where ever > addons > get addons, you get to the  
Mozilla addons site which also hosts proprietary addons. Some addons don't  
mention any license, some say proprietary.

Sure. But that is not "Iceweasel recommending the installation of crap".  
Let's not mix words.
You can install a ton of proprietary software (addons included) on any fsf  
approved or whatever libre distro you use. In fact the only important thing  
is the firm rejection of any proprietary software, not the distro (browser  
included) you use (as long as it is 100& libre).

>Debian the distro can be free if you know what you're doing and you're  
careful. But it's not something you can recommend to ordinary people if you  
care about their freedom. Also, Debian the project distributes proprietary  

Debian is by default as libre as Trisquel.
Again, where do you see me recommending Debian?
Please, do show me. :)

I am very familiar with both the articles you linked.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread dilillo . agostino

debian kernel is linux-libre with patches of debian developers

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread onpon4
No it isn't. Debian has its own deblobbing process which is slightly  
different from Linux-libre's. See above.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu
in case you wonder who down-voted each and every single one of your posts -  
it was me. I'll do that every time one of my posts or anybody else's post  
gets unjustly and inappropriately down-voted.

peace :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread onpon4
I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable behavior. First of all, who are you to  
judge whether a downvote was "just" and "appropriate", and second of all, how  
do you presume to know who did it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu
I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable behavior. First of all, who are you to  
judge whether a downvote was "just" and "appropriate", and second of all, how  
do you presume to know who did it?

I'm just saying I see this behavior all the time here. Useful and honest  
posts get downvoted.
I don't care who does it. I don't like this abuse of the - button. That's  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread onpon4
Targeting random individuals with your own abuse of the - button is not going  
to end or even reduce abuse of the - button.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu
sure Onpon. We both know that is true. I'm pretty aware my decision is stupid  
and won't solve anything in this regard. But it is my way to express my view  
in this particular matter - consider it a protest against this highly abused  
and almost useless feature. You want a good forum? IMHO you need to remove  
this voting nonsense and place a "troll detected" button. As simple as that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu
Also, Onpon my friend, when you say who are to judge what is appropriate  
I can use the same logic to say who are you (generic you) to use the - button  
to downvote a post you don't like without spending a word to express why you  
don't agree and why that post deserves to be hidden and censored.

That I find unacceptable. It hurts the community. It's nonsense.
In fact I'm perfectly fine with up-votes - up-vote all you want (even if it  
doesn't deserve to be up-voted), that is perfectly fine - I do it all the  
time in Diaspora..
But when I read a post with two down-votes and consider it coldly and  
objectively and after a thorough analysis realize that the post has all the  
right to stay there and not being marked as inappropriate or whatever, I have  
the feeling I'm on the wrong website.
This voting system has done much more harm than good, really very much more  
harm than benefit.

It has to go IMHO.
I used to just put a + on one of those posts unjustly down-voted, but I'm  
tired of it so, yes I will behave as stupidly, as a sign of protest against  
it. And if this is unacceptable behavior and will ban me from this forum that  
is fine for me.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread onpon4
I don't much like the system either, and I've experienced the negative  
effects, but participating in a bad system is not a good way to protest it.  
That just makes you look like a hypocrite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu
I guess I'll look like a hypocrite then. I know that I'm not one. If you  
think I am while I'm not that's fine. You are free and should be free to  
think whatever you want. I think this downvoting system is a crap feature  
that censors posts and kills rational and productive discussion. I see no  
other way to express my dislike. So I'll keep "participating in the system  
prone to abuse".


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread davesamcdxv

In all honesty that's what I thought upon discovering it.

(I should check out how the bug unfolded.I guess I will when I become  
un-lazy enough to do that!)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread davesamcdxv
Come on let's just have Quidam get the number indicating "-"-es down leaving  
only the buttons to - or + them and the colour that the number of them can  
result in.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread legimet . calc
So I guess you lied here:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread dilillo . agostino

srly? i didn't know

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-18 Thread greatgnu

let me see:

I always read your text :)
Don't like the voting system and will never get tired repeating it. Never  
downvoted or upvoted a single post on this forum or any forum in general. I  
prefer words especially when I have to express simpathy or disagreement which  
are very important human feelings and require human words. not numbers or - +

I ignore the voting stuff and don't use it. never will.
But if you like it - well go ahead! I respect your (all of you not just  
magicb) opinion.

>Don't like the voting system and will never get tired repeating it.

In fact I'm repeating it right now. I did not get tired repeating it

>Never downvoted or upvoted a single post on this forum or any forum in  

When I wrote that that was absolutely true. I wish you could go back and view  
the likings or dislikes and confirm that.
Weeks or months later I started liking some posts (rarely) and disliking  
absolutely inappropriate or trolling/rude posts.

>I prefer words especially when I have to express simpathy or disagreement  
which are very important human feelings and require human words. not numbers  
or - +

This, perfectly written.

>I ignore the voting stuff and don't use it.

At the time when I wrote it that was absolutely the truth.

> never will.

I did use it later (months later) but when I rote that I sincerely believed I  
would not (ever).

>But if you like it - well go ahead! I respect your (all of you not just  
magicb) opinion.

I respect all opinions but this crap has to go.

Now, can you tell me where did I lie?
Please do tell me, don't dislike or ignore this post. Rather use "words  
especially when you have to express simpathy or disagreement which are very  
important human feelings and require human words".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-19 Thread legimet . calc
Not exactly a lie, but you said you would never use it, and here you are  
abusing it. If you're really against the abuse of the voting system as you  
claim to be, why are you doing it yourself? That makes no sense. (BTW, I  
agree with you that this forum should stop hiding posts, although I don't  
think the voting system should be completely removed)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-19 Thread greatgnu

>Not exactly a lie

A lie or not? There is no such thing as "not exactly a lie".

>but you said you would never use it, and here you are abusing it.

Read above. I already explained the "you said you would never use it" part.
Yes, I am abusing it and will keep to do so as long as it is here.

>If you're really against the abuse of the voting system as you claim to be,  
why are you doing it yourself?

That too, I already explained. It's the only thing I see available to me to  
express my rejection. Ironically by abusing an abused system I express my  
dislike for the abused system.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread cooloutac

The whole reason you're using debian is for ati drivers...

Are you arguing semantics because you're feeling guilty for being a debian  
user on the trisquel forums?  The reason some people prefer trisquel over  
debian, is because debian is not 100% libre.   Its doc's aren't 100% libre,   
its repos aren't 100% libre, and its kernel definitely is not,  which is the  
reason you are using it!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread cooloutac

Some see that as implying you need to install it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread cooloutac
The difference is you can't even accidentally install non free software on  
trisquel, from its repos or with kernel driver modules.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread cooloutac

I consider that a security benefit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread cooloutac
its not libre to me,  if it automatically will load non free modules,   or  
inform you that they are "missing",  implying they are needed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-20 Thread tomlukeywood
well its a libre system if it is made up of only libre software as Debian  
main is
but i agree it would be better if Debian did not imply that the non-free  
software is needed (this is the impression i got when i first tried Debian  
without knowing what free software was)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well, just an addendum:

First, I'm not recommending non-free software, but I'm just telling the
facts. That said, please read on.

Not being able to install non-free modules in the kernel is actually a
bug in Linux-libre[1].

And non-free can slip through the Trisquel's official repositories[2].
Humans make mistakes. I guess (but I'm not sure) this is why the FSF
gives a GNU  Bucks for those who report a software freedom issue coming
from the recognized free operating systems[3], to motivate guidelines'


"Is there anything that the project wants to do that it can't do now? In
general, what are the future plans for the project?"


[3] https://www.gnu.org/help/gnu-bucks.html

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread blade . vp2020
> file. Linux-libre removes these references, but a side effect of this is  
that it can't even load the firmware if it's available. Debian's Linux just  
> the firmware, leaving the messages (and the ability to put the firmware  
there yourself) in place.

onpon4 my frend install non free firmware

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread blade . vp2020
in fact The problem is not from voteing system but from abuse of voteing  

Quidam put this system to Protect the Community Guidelines.
BTW, Imagine someone Down vote Quidam texts

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread davesamcdxv

Arrgh, you see..

We're somewhat flaming over something completely different :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread calmstorm
can't we all just get along lol. Debian isn't bad, it isn't as good as  
trisquel in some areas but lets not flame over it. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread cooloutac
I don't care if its a "bug"  I consider that a security benefit and I hope  
they don't fix it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread greatgnu

Debian is by default as libre as Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-21 Thread nishihai
I don't know much about the discrepancies between the Debian and Trisquel  
communities (in terms of libre and privacy). So I just wonder why Trisquel  
forked from Ubuntu which has poor and lowest trust from libre communities?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu
Absolutely not true. Programs in "main" don't recommend any proprietary crap  
(you are referring probably to contrib which is off by default as it is  
non-free). Have you even used Debian?

>Iceweasel for instance uses Mozilla's extension site I believe.

So what?
He who wants to install a proprietary extension for the browser WILL install  
it on Debian just as on Triskel or whatever. Iceweasel doesn't recommend  

The few packages with the Artistic License 1.0 are all double or triple  
licensed with GPL or some others approved licenses.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu






Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I think that the reason for the existence of the separated add-ons
repository for, for example, GNU IceCat is exactly because of the issues
caused by the suggestions made by Mozilla's add-ons repository

As a somewhat unrelated issue, although still discussing the issues
about dependencies, recommendations and suggestions: As recall watching
a speech, whose video was shared here, in which they were discussing
whether packages which were removed from repositories due to not being
free software should also be removed from other packages'

The reasoning for the removal from meta-data/control seems to be that
the absence of such package and the presence of it in other packages'
meta-data/controls makes these packages "cite" the formers, and so
contribute indirectly to non-free software dependency, recommendation or
suggestion. So, for example, let's say that I'm a very novice free
software student, and I have problems with my GPU, and I know how to use
Aptitude, and I have heard from a "free software supporter", that's a
"friend of mine" that "Linux" can load "modules", and that these can
include GPU drivers. So in Aptitude I would find, FOR EXAMPLE:

- linux-modules-nonfree (NOT AVAILABLE)

So now "I" have a "hint" as to what I should look for. A non-free software.

But in the other side, the reasoning for NOT removing the associated
meta-data/control from other packages SEEMS TO BE that could create
quite complex situations where, although the package is know to work
with the "newly acquired non-free software", it doesn't change the fact
that the main package will still not use the "acquired non-free
software". Furthermore, if the user decides to uninstall the free
dependency/recommendation/suggestion in order to use the "acquired
non-free software" as a replacement, the main package's
meta-data/controls will be read by the system's package manager and the
system will complain that the main package must be uninstalled.

Personally speaking, I'm in favor of the removal of all references to
non-free software in repositories and packages' meta-data/controls.
Besides, to me, the complex situation used to describe the opposite
argument's viewpoint could be easily solved by telling the package
manager to hold the main package. Furthermore, to my understanding, the
user who chooses to install the non-free package will still need to
configure the main package to use the "acquired non-free package", and
to me that would be something interesting to watch.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread moxalt
> its not libre to me, if it automatically will load non free modules,

What are you on about? The Debian kernel doesn't automatically load non-free
modules. By default, only free modules are installed, and only free modules are
available. If one wishes to install proprietary modules, one can enable the
'non-free' repo, but that's hardly 'automatic'. If it installed non-free
modules by default, then this would be an issue, but not only is the kernel
itself libre, so are the default and available selection of modules. I fail to
see your point.

> or inform you that they are "missing"

Example please?

> its not libre to me

It doesn't matter whether or not you consider it to be libre. There's a (more
or less) fine line separating free from non-free software- whether it affords
the user the four freedoms. The Debian kernel is free, as are all the default
installed and available modules. It is free software. 'nuff said.

I use Debian main. If it wasn't 100% free, I wouldn't use it.

Debian is an excellent distribution, and is just as free as Trisquel if you
know what you're doing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu

Adfeno: Hi mate!
I will repeat myself for the 600th time: he who wants to install a  
proprietary piece of software WILL install it no matter which distro he uses.  
Some distro make it more difficult to do so, but that is another matter and  
not even an important one.
All this work creating a special repo for addons it's good but it is nowhere  
essential. The one who absolutely and intimately decides not to install a  
proprietary whatever software will check 3 times the license of every and  
each package he downloads/installs outside of the libre repository.

I can guarantee you that.
The one who hasn't made that "absolute and intimate, strongly convinced  
decision" will install whatever proprietary crap on Trisquel as on Parabola  
as on Debian etc etc.
I see it this way: you can not force people into freedom. I'm not saying that  
implying that it is unethical (forcing people into anything could be viewed  
as unethical).
But I am not saying that. I'm just saying that it doesn't work. Sadly you can  
force people into slavery and dependence but you can not force them into  
freedom. It just doesn't work that way. It never did. It never will.
One does not become free because he installed gnewsense or Ututo. One becomes  
free when he unconditionally decides he will never ever and for no reason  
install/use/share proprietary software.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread greatgnu
see what I'm talking about? Some "micropower douche-inside" (to cite from  
quantumgravity) just downvoted my post above. The post is correct. It is  
polite and correct. There is no false info or anything that offends anyone.  
Yet the microdouche just pressed - with his stupid finger and let out the  
idiot inside without even leaving a phrase explaining why my post is not  
good. Now it just takes another douche to do the same for my correct and  
polite post to go censored and disappear, marked as inappropriate, incorrect,  

See why this utter voting crap has to go?

Btw. Whoever downvoted it: fuck you!

P.S - please do feel free to downvote this one being that it is very very  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-22 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I personally have never used this voting system. Specially because I
like mailing lists. :D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-23 Thread moxalt
I don't ever upvote or downvote either (I can't anyway; I post by mail). If I
have a disagreement with something, I'll say it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread cooloutac
Yes it does,  unlike trisquel which won't let you.  Whether you consider that  
a "bug or not,  I consider that a security benefit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread cooloutac
not true? lol,  the whole reason you are using debian is because your  
proprietary stuff doesn't work on trisquel...  imo,  you are the proof itself  
as to why debian is not 100% libre.  You don't have to add any 3rd party  
repos for your proprietary drivers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread cooloutac
lol,  I like how legimet caught you in a lie already in this threadcan't  
say i'm surprised.

I stand by everything I say,  sometimes the truth hurts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread cooloutac

to be user friendly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread onpon4
I don't know why you think this particular Linux-libre bug prevents execution  
of proprietary code: replace existing libre firmware. Heck, I'll give you a  
real-world example: there's an old, proprietary firmware blob that can be  
loaded onto the Atheros devices Think Penguin sells, and Linux-libre will  
happily load that if it's available.

On the other hand, if you develop a libre replacement for a proprietary  
firmware blob, Linux-libre will not use it, because it isn't aware that it  
can. Do you remember back when Think Penguin's wifi adapters first got  
certified by the FSF? There was a period of I think a month or something  
where they were completely useless in Trisquel without completely replacing  
the kernel because of this bug. This isn't a critical problem, but it's still  
a problem.

So no, this bug in Linux-libre is not a security feature.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-26 Thread moxalt
Trisquel could just as easily have forked from Debian main, and still be
equally user-friendly. What is the advantage (this is addressed to the thread
now) of forking from Ubuntu as opposed to Debian? Why fork from an absolutely
heinous distribution when one could fork from the Debian project itself, which
is PDF (pretty damn free) enough?

It's not as if Trisquel has newer packages or something, since it bases itself
off an Ubuntu LTS and then just sits there for a few years, with the packages
getting out of date. Wouldn't it be better to just make a fork of Debian with
main only (maybe tweaked a little bit further to be more FSG-compliant), like

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

If that is so, then please file a bug at


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread davesamcdxv
I guess Trisquel forked from Ubuntu because Ubuntu's non-prerelease-labelled  
software was more up-to-date (keep in mind Ruben did STS releases too up  
until Brigantia which I never used as my main runner).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread onpon4
I think gNewSense was one of the major reasons switched from being based on  
Debian to being based on Ubuntu. Ruben thinks there should be a completely  
libre version of Ubuntu available.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread greatgnu

greenman my friend :))
I have to say - this is the best comment I ever read on this forum, and I  
read a lot of them!

Why fork from an absolutely heinous distribution when one could fork from the  
Debian project itself, which is PDF (pretty damn free) enough?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
Its the whole reason jxself has to use the patch in his kernels for radeon  
driver as far as I understand..

The beauty of linux is that nothing is impossible with knowhow,  All I'm  
implying, is that chances are pretty nil for me to accidentally install non  
free software or drivers on trisquel,  contrary to debian.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
I don't think Quidam would do something like that, he is one of the nicest  
people I've met involved with linux,  and I'm sure rms is busy with other  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
I got that on an intel driver,  but only when looking at the syslog,  not  
actually displayed on the screen at boot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
you and calinou didn't bother,  thats why you are using debian instead.   
probably cause it would defeat the purpose of trisquel and is Easier then  
compiling your own kernel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
I guess its an opinion,  but I believe most people would say ubuntu is more  
user friendly then debian.

For example,  I love how ubuntu has premade apparmor profiles for everything,  
Including THe Browser!!!  The most important!!(Trisquel has one for  
abrowser), On Debian I would have to make my own.  plus ppa's which make  
things a whole lot easier,  like when I wanted to install peerguardian as an  

Another example,  is the sound settings for my surround sound,  only work  
properly on ubuntu based systems, specifically mint and trisquel, no matter  
the de.  On debian,  not having the channel levels work properly drives me  
nuts cause I could never figure it out, even with debianuser helping me.  and  
even on other distros.  Filed many bug reports over it with fedora.

I think trisquel picked everything right,  the distro to fork,  the de's and  
wm's to use.  Quidam seems like a really righteous dude to me.  He must  
really only care about whats practical and the best for all hardware and new  
users no matter their competency level, and no matter the politics.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
well when you guys say up to date,  that means new features imo.   Security  
updates are still received on lts releases, and I look at it as less new  
bugs/security issues are introduced and it remains more stable.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread davesamcdxv
This was about Ruben's opinion (about how things werealmost a decade ago  
or so) rather than mine, or yours, though..but yeah. Your opinion, his  
decision :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac

I'm not sure what you are saying, is his opinion any different?

I'm pretty sure trisquel's original purpose was for educational environments  
and to be user friendly as its primary goals.  I've heard him say in  
interviews himself that its about usability and accessibility.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac

it was probably supertramp83 lol, wasn't me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread cooloutac
Trisquel does not stop you from installing another kernel at all so  
nothing is "DRM".The difference is,  such a thing is not easily done by  
"accident",  unlike on debian.

And nothing is unfounded if already admitted publicly by themselves.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread greatgnu

Hi there Coolout, the security concerned expert and a very coherent guy. :)






Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-27 Thread onpon4
"DRM" in this context means "Direct Rendering Manager". It has nothing to do  
with digital restrictions, and I don't know if you would even have a  
functional display without it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-10-29 Thread moxalt
I have a simple request- can you prove that Calinou and SuperTramp are using
non-free Debian systems? Just using Debian is not evidence enough. I use
Debian, but I don't necessarily use non-free software.

Stuff that they supposedly said in IRC (without logs) is not very trustworthy
evidence, especially when coming from you, since you've blatantly lied about
things in the past and see conspiracy everywhere.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-03 Thread cooloutac
So you think purposely designing restrictions is the same thing as them being  
an unintentional result?  Or You think that using 3rd party software to to  
illegally hack around drm restrictions with alot of hassle,  is the same as  
simply installing non free software (such as new kernel) with no hassle?
Thats very interesting   I think you're reaching...

And no, Supertramp83 wants to call me a liar about him using non free video  
drivers,  but he already admitted that he uses debian, and I'm not psychic  
and I was not taking a wild guess when I said he did. This information came  
from the horses mouth.Same for Calinou, who admitted on these very forums  
that he uses non free video drivers on his debian.  If you don't want to  
believe these things are true,  even when they admit them themselves in  
public.  Then you have bigger issues with yourself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-03 Thread cooloutac
You lead by example or noone will take you seriously.  They also can't take a  
project seriously that its own users don't even take seriously.

One of the problems is they are not doing it in private, If people choose to  
use non free software thats fine. But talking about how it is better is the  
same as recommending it. I'm not psychic and i'm not taking lucky guesses  
about supertramps debian use or calinous video drivers.  They talk about it  
in public and are obvious about it.  Calinou doesn't even recommend debian  
anymore,  now he recommends fedora...lol  I can't go in the trisquel chatroom  
anymore,  cause I got tired of certain users, who don't even use trisquel,   
constantly putting it down. And when I debate people on the reasons they  
think other distros or certain non free software is better,  or why certain  
security mechanisms or certain software choices should not be changed,   i'm  
the one who is considered being rude and offtopic.

And when i see certain users putting other users down, or refusing them  
proper support and saying "they should be punished" for using non free  
software,   when they themselves use non free software I consider that not  
only hypocritical,  but harmful to new users and trisquel's popularity and I  
cannot stay silent about it.

And when people publicly say they use debian instead of trisquel, because  
debian is "more popular" it is even more apalling to me, becaues I don't  
consider that a valid reason especially if we want trisquel to be more  
popular.   I like to promote security along with 4 freedoms, usability and  
accessibility, and trisquel is my fav linux distro because it easily has all  
four of those things  and I try to mention it to people everywhere that this  
is my main o/s.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-03 Thread cooloutac
1. I have installed qubes-os now.  I use it for some things but its still  
experimental and limited, and my hardware can't take full advantage of its  
security features.  Trisquel is still my main o/s.

2. Yes shellshock got a 10/10 on every cve rating.   heartbleed was only a 2  
or 5 in some cases.  And yes those are my personal experiences on windows vs  
linux as well as the changing public view by security experts.

3. Ask quidam yourself.

4. Ask quidam yourself.

5. I don't consider grub password totally useless at all,  especially if you  
use a laptop in public places.

Any more questions supertramp83,  the non free debian gamer?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-03 Thread greatgnu

Dear moron (coolutac)

And no, Supertramp83 wants to call me a liar about him using non free video  
drivers, but he already admitted that he uses debian, and I'm not psychic and  
I was not taking a wild guess when I said he did.

>And no, Supertramp83 wants to call me a liar about him using non free video  

exactly. you are a liar and a highly disturbed dude.

> but he already admitted that he uses debian

Sure, I never felt the necessity nor I ever saw a reason for hiding I am  
using Debian and I prefer Debian over Trisquel. Since day one I installed  
Debian I openly stated that I use Debian now.

>and I'm not psychic and I was not taking a wild guess when I said he did.

In fact you are not a psychic. You are a moron.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread moxalt
> Any more questions supertramp83, the non free debian gamer?


And even if he was a 'non-free Debian gamer', why should it matter? I don't see
him recommending non-free software. Unlike you, it should be noted, who prefers
a good dose of Winblows over GNU/Linux any day. Not only is this far more
extreme than recommending (even if it is true) non-free firmware, you have done
it publicly in the forum, on record, unlike ST83, who has only done such things
according to you. No one else seems to remember him going round saying things
like that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread moxalt
> And when I debate people on the reasons they think other distros or certain
> non free software is better,  or why certain security mechanisms or certain
> software choices should not be changed,   i'm the one who is considered being
> rude and offtopic.

Ever heard of a thing called persecution mania?

> I like to promote security along with 4 freedoms, usability and  
> accessibility, and trisquel is my fav linux distro

Don't bother. Just promote the four freedoms- security is a feature, and stems
from the freedom of the software. It is one particular feature that free
software usually excels in due to its community-oriented nature. But we've been
there before *cough*
https://trisquel.info/en/forum/returned-trisquel7?page=1#comment-75698 *cough*.
Good times.

Also, GNU/Linux.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread cooloutac

even logs won't be proof enough for you.

I have never blatantly logged about anything, don't be mad because you're  
another debian user posing on the trisquel forums...lol

Here is a recent log for Calinou, you can ask him yourself he won't deny it.   
 In this log shows he is now using fedora instead of debian and uses non free  
video drivers for games.  Why you people are even in the trisquel forums or  
chat rooms is beyond me.   I guess because you can't feed your egos in the  
debian and fedora channels... I personally to come here to read about  
trisquel not other distros.

I can't be bothered to search for when supertramp told me, but he already  
admitted he uses debian in this thread, you'll have to take my word for it he  
also uses non free drivers for gaming.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread greatgnu
listen moron. I had enough of your bullshit. There will be consequences. Take  
my word on it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread cooloutac
Because of this thread.   
 I wanted to snatch him by the neck after reading his hypocritcal posts,  and  
its why i'm here posting again on these forums.

I use windows for certain games that require it,  unlike calinou and  
supertramp who taint their linux systems. And I also dont' pretend otherwise.  
  Otherwise i'd prefer to solely use linux which I use for everything else.   
I've explained why already because I think MS is abusive and untrustworthy  
and sometimes sabotages their own users.

supertramp83 already admits he hasn't use trisquel for more then a few months  
on these very forums, it wasn't a lucky guess.  And I think the reason you  
are trolling me right now,  is probably because you don't use trisquel  
either...  Be a man and dump your debian and install a 100% libre distro like  
trisquel if thats what you want to promote.  I wouldn't trust the debian  
kernel and I wouldn't trust their repos, and I wouldn't trust their gnome or  
kde.  There are so many reasons why I prefer trisquel over debian.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-04 Thread legimet . calc

What's wrong if people use Debian? I use both Debian and Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-07 Thread moxalt
> Be a man and dump your debian and install a 100% libre distro

If you hadn't noticed, Debian is already 100% free by default. My Debian system
is also 100% free. I do not use the non-free repositories. I have not used
them, do not use them, and will never use them.

I use Debian. I do not use Trisquel, and like ST83, did not use it for more
than a few months. I feel there is nothing hypocritical in promoting Trisquel
while using Debian. While they are both essentially free distributions, Debian
also provides a non-free repository. As long as one does not enable the
non-free or contrib repositories, and only uses the default main repository
(like I do) then Debian is also a fully free system. Personally I prefer Debian
over Trisquel. I know what I'm doing and can keep it free.

However, Trisquel is the distribution I recommend to and install for others
because it is more newbie-friendly and makes it harder to stray from the path
of freedom. It is ideal for those new to free software.

So I use Debian, but promote Trisquel. I see no hypocrisy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-07 Thread moxalt
> Here is a recent log for Calinou, you can ask him yourself he won't deny
> it. In this log shows he is now using fedora instead of debian and uses non
> free video drivers for games.  Why you people are even in the trisquel forums
> or chat rooms is beyond me.   I guess because you can't feed your egos in
> the debian and fedora channels... 

Well I have to go somewhere to feed my ego, don't I? Might as well be here ;)

> I personally to come here to read about  
> trisquel not other distros.

Yes. This is the Trisquel forum. The most talk about other distros actually
comes from you.

> I can't be bothered to search for when supertramp told me, but he already  
> admitted he uses debian in this thread, you'll have to take my word for it
> he also uses non free drivers for gaming.

The former statement I agree with (and see no problem with, as I explained
elsewhere), but I will not just 'take your word for it' as to the latter claim.
Evidence as with Calinou is still required.

> http://dpaste.com/0VZZZHS

Of course, these could have been fabricated, but somehow I doubt it. Thank you
for the evidence. I'm very surprised that Calinou would surrender his freedoms
just for better graphics. What makes it even more surprising is that in the
very log you posted, he criticises Debian for 'not being ethical' while using
Fedora! That is hypocritical. There is method behind your madness, it seems.

Calinou being on the Trisquel forums, on the other hand, is not hypocritical.
He does not recommend non-free software or advertise himself as a user of the
same (except that one time in IRC), as per the Community Guidelines. He is
helpful and generally makes positive contributions. I see no benefit in this
witch-hunt (though I am relieved that maybe it can stop now that the evidence
has been placed on the table, so to speak).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-07 Thread greatgnu

> I can't be bothered to search for when supertramp told me, but he already

moxalt: you really think this major troll wouldn't have pasted a log on me if  
he actually had one? He is a liar, he has no evidence to support his false  
claims on me and the reason is all he's been saying regarding my persona on  
this forum is an utter lie.
He's never posted a useful comment on this forum, he's never helped anyone  
here with any issue or whatever. Ever since he appeared here and on IRC he's  
done nothing else but provoking people, taking logs, lying and acting as an  
obsessive maniac.
I had enough of this dude. He's been posting shit about me for months now. I  
wish he disappeared into his miserable oblivion, never to be heard again. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Well... Here we go again...

Thank you very much moxalt for this reply. Just by taking a quick read
on it, I can say that I mostly agree with your reply.

I really don't have the time to keep repeating myself and perhaps, this
reply should be directed to cooloutac instead[1].



Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-08 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Yes, this is indeed something people forget about.

Security is a feature, while software freedom is an essential need.

Security can be achieved through software freedom, while software
freedom never comes from security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-11 Thread adfeno
Oh, and look, a new article by Richard Stallman on the very same subject came  
up[1]. :D


[1] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/applying-free-sw-criteria.html

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-16 Thread cooloutac
I wasn't wrong about you not using trisquel was I?  Why don't you tell us all  
why you don't...  The reasons you gave me was that Debian is more popular and  
that you need video drivers for your gaming...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-16 Thread cooloutac
They do it all the time,  which is why I don't go in the irc channel anymore.  
 I can't just stand by quiet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-16 Thread cooloutac

you're too noob to make threats like that...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-16 Thread cooloutac
So what are you doing here then?   Weird,  in another thread you are saying a  
future trisquel should be based on debian implying it is newby friendly,  but  
yet here you are in this thread saying you recommend trisquel over debian  
because it is more newby friendly?  Are you confused?

I think we can figure out what your true motives are.   You use Debian for  
the same reasons some others do,  Because it is more popular and you are  
scared or ashamed to use a distro that is not supported by alot of people.   
Trisquel is not part enough of the cool crowd for you, You don't feel  
superior over othoers using it.   You also can't get noticed on the debian  
forums or help channels like you can with trisquel to feed your ego.   Thats  
basically what it boils down to.

IMO,  you don't do any favors recommending trisquel,  but publicly stating  
you use debian and never even used trisquel for more then a few months.
Because in reality,  that promotes debian more then trisquel.

That would be like mint and ubuntu supporters and contributors not actually  
using ubuntu or mint. Ludicrous.  Even the gov't hacking spies that lurk in  
there make it their main distro.  Trisquel is too nooby for you to use? There  
is no such thing.  It just doesn't work like that bud,  you are not doing  
trisquel any favors,  you are actually hurting it and I hope people learn if  
we actually want trisquel to be as popular as debian.  We need less people  
like you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-16 Thread greatgnu

barfrebarfbarf :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-18 Thread moxalt
> So what are you doing here then?

I was Trisquel user for several months. I joined the forum some time into my
Trisquel adventure. I remain because I enjoy partaking in the discussion and
helping GNUbies when I can. I use GNU/Linux and free software generally. I
think that gives me license enough to be here- and on top of that I have
experience with running Debian-based distributions (including Trisquel) which
means I can occasionally lend a hand (though others usually beat me to it). I
don't recommend non-free software or use it. I promote free software when the
opportunity presents itself. I think I have every right to be here.

> Weird,  in another thread you are saying
> a future trisquel should be based on debian implying it is newby friendly,
> but yet here you are in this thread saying you recommend trisquel over
> debian because it is more newby friendly?  Are you confused?

You have completely misrepresented my argument. I did not say that Trisquel
should be based on Debian because Debian was newbie-friendly, but because
Debian is primarily a free software project, which should be supported by free
derivatives. I think distributions based on Ubuntu are a bad thing, because
they support Ubuntu, which is a heinous pile of 'open-source' blocking out the
sun in the free world.

Regardless of where it draws packages from, Trisquel will be more user-friendly
than Debian because unlike Debian, Trisquel's entire purpose is to be
user-friendly and usable by the masses. Trisquel being based on Debian would
not in any way result in sacrificing user-friendliness, because the Trisquel DE
could be kept, the Trisquel community, website, and most of the documentation
could be kept, even the spins (Mini, Standard) could be kept. Trisquel being
based on Debian or Ubuntu has no significant impact on user-friendliness, just
package sources.

It is you who is confused.

> I think we can figure out what your true motives are.   You use Debian for  
> the same reasons some others do,  Because it is more popular and you are  
> scared or ashamed to use a distro that is not supported by alot of people.

Popularity in itself is not an argument for anything. If I was really just in
it for the popularity, I'd be using Windows and not GNU/Linux.

I use Debian because I want newer and more vanilla packages, more control over
my system, and freedom from the Ubuntu taint. I personally prefer Debian over
Trisquel, and that is hardly a crime. I see no point in going on witch-hunts
for Debian users.

I am no longer a newbie, and I care about my freedom. I also know how to stay
free, and ensure that I do not install non-free software. That is why I do not
have contrib or non-free enabled in my /etc/apt/sources.list, and do not
install non-free software from third party sources either.

To others, however, I recommend Trisquel because it is more user-friendly, has
a (mostly) friendly community, and has a stronger stance towards non-free
software than, say, Debian. I also install Trisquel for others and prepare
Trisquel installation media for new users of GNU/Linux.

> Trisquel is not part enough of the cool crowd for you, You don't feel  
> superior over othoers using it.

This is not true. I prefer Debian. I use Debian because I prefer it. I myself
went from using Debian (and after discovering free software) to using Trisquel
and back to using Debian. Trisquel is certainly not beneath me- if I was that
egotistical and 'coolness'-obsessed I certainly would not be associating myself
with Trisquel by even participating in this forum.

> You also can't get noticed on the debian  
> forums or help channels like you can with trisquel to feed your ego.   Thats  
> basically what it boils down to.

This is essentially true. I am not an established member of the Debian
community. I have found a niche here, and I like it that way.

> IMO,  you don't do any favors recommending trisquel,  but publicly stating  
> you use debian and never even used trisquel for more then a few months.
> Because in reality,  that promotes debian more then trisquel.

Yeah... no. Most people haven't even heard of GNU at all, let alone Trisquel
and Debian. I recommend Trisquel to everyone I talk to about free software. But
if someone asked me what distro I used, then I wouldn't lie to them about it. I
use Debian, and admit it when asked.

> That would be like mint and ubuntu supporters and contributors not actually  
> using ubuntu or mint. Ludicrous. 

Not really. Exclusively using the distribution you develop is not a requirement
of contributing to said distribution. On the other hand, if someone promoted a
distribution without using it, I don't see how that is hypocritical. I use
Debian for certain reasons, and I promote Trisquel for other reasons.

> We need less people like you.

Who's the one criticising GNU/Linux for being 'insecure' and praising Windows
for the opposite? Who's the one insisting that freedom doesn't matter, only
'privacy', mangling the 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Difference between Linux-libre kernel and Debian (main) kernel?

2015-11-18 Thread moxalt
> I wasn't wrong about you not using trisquel was I?  Why don't you tell us
> all why you don't...  The reasons you gave me was that Debian is more popular
> and that you need video drivers for your gaming...

Being right about one thing doesn't make you right about everything. As for the
latter claim, we are still waiting for concrete evidence as opposed to hearsay
from a particularly unreliable source.