[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-14 Thread lcerf
We can sell our private information at the asking price unlike labour force.  
Each individual ought to tell Microsoft or whatever when they collect her/his  
private information that "I am an owner of my private information, you have  
to buy it for a billion or do not collect it. This is business".

It would not work in that way.  It would be Microsoft claiming that "it loves  
privacy", that it "values" it at US$ 1000 (or whatever large amount)... and  
that would increase the prices of all their products and services (including  
the gratis ones) by that same amount.  If the user accepts to "sell" her  
privacy for the generous amount Microsoft offers, Microsoft spies on her,  
like it does today, and the user pays what she pays today.  Only the happy  
few wealthiest users, who can afford the additional US$ 1000 per  
product/service, may consider buying (or "not selling") their privacy.

[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-13 Thread lcerf

Citing the Quadrature du Net, which expresses itself better than I would:

Admitting that consent could be an economic compensation would mean that  
fundamental freedoms may be attributed according to economic criteria.  
Privacy would become a luxury affordable only to the ‘happy few’.

Outside the communications sector, some practices are typical examples for  
this. This includes loyalty cards, offered by big stores and that allow  
companies to establish detailed profiles from their customers' daily  
consumption, hence characterizing their sheer intimacy. Whereas the ‘happy  
few’ can afford to escape this surveillance by not using these cards, the  
poorest people often have no choice. Refusing to submit to such surveillance  
would deprive them from promotions often necessary to close their budget.  
They cannot afford the ‘luxury’ of privacy nor the ‘ease’ of not  
being under surveillance. However, such things are not luxury nor ease but  
fundamental freedoms.

For this reason, and to fight against such abuses, these fundamental freedoms  
have all been taken off the market: physical integrity (Art 3(2)(b) of the EU  
Charter prohibits the sale of one’s own body parts), the freedom of  
decision over one’s own body (Art 5 of the Charter prohibits submission to  
forced labour), the freedom to marry, to vote, etc. This should be no  
different when it comes to privacy and to the confidentiality of  

Section "Freedoms have no economical value" of  

[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-13 Thread lcerf

Would you give me a source?


[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-13 Thread lcerf
I do not think giving a link to install a specific free software add-on means  
endorsing the proprietary add-ons on that same site:  

does the same, as far as I understand.

[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-13 Thread lcerf

Click on the link I gave you, or the one behind Jaret's link.

[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-13 Thread lcerf
I want an one click anonymous disposal email application or addon or  
something that sends an email to tell them my preference, or rather disgust  
with some sample forms automatically when it detects a creepy activity.

If you use a Firefox derivative, GNU LibreJS provides a button "Complain to  
site owner", which searches for (not always existing) contact info on the  
page, so that you can easily file a complaint:  

The button "Complain to site owner" appears when you click on LibreJS' icon,  
on the tool bar of the browser, only if the extension detected nonfree  
nontrivial JavaScript on the Web page.  That includes all websites with  
trackers, I believe.

[Trisquel-users] Re : about the "Do Not Track" signal

2020-06-12 Thread lcerf
By specification, the DNT header field only admits two possible values: "0"  
or "1" (or no such header if the user has not expressed any preference):  

Extensions were thought up though:  

However, none has ever been defined.  And none will ever be defined because  
the DNT specification was retired in January 2019.

Also, normal human beings do not read HTTP headers.  And machines do not  
understand free text.  You had better write emails to administrators of  
websites with trackers.