RE: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

   He is 'saved" when he stops serving
himself and begins the quest for expressed community and all the benefits that
are associated with community.   Smithson


Smithson, what if his chosen “community”
is Al Qaeda?  Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread Terry Clifton

for the record, the following are some of those things I brought into
this forum and where I am now.   I would be interested in a similar
contruct from any and all.  
Those words above were the first words of what I thought would be a
list issues.  Instead, writing this line after writing the following
(below) ,  the Lord has led me to a statement of faith of sorts and it
is ..  
.  Water baptism:  for me, the last of the great Mohicans as
regards my works salvationist upbring.    I believed that works
AND faith carried equal weight. That changed shortly before I came to
this list.  And at the time I came onto this list,  I  believed
that God had two considerations in His thinking on salvation:  1) that
the condition of the heart carried more weight in the soteriological
sense that any other consideration  ---  that salvation occured apart
from obedience.    A prayerful consideration  of Ps 51 and Romans
2:8-29  showed  me  the basis for God's judgment in our lives and
confirmed the  above thinking;    2) that when this salvation is
expressed in Jesus Christ  --   we have confidence and definition in
regard to our salvation.   We know we are saved.   The entire
letter of I john is written with this purpose in mind  --   that we
might have confidence in our salvation.   As luck would have it,  where
I was when I came to this forum was accidently correct, as far as it
(after coming to this list  --  this is what happened next)
Sadly, I did not understand why this was so  --   although I thought I
did  --  an accident. Paul's argument (Gal 3) that the Abrahmic
promise was extended to Jesus Christ (as the seed, not of many but as
of one   v 16)  opened the door to understanding that it is the faith
of Christ that has secured (aorist, if you will)  our salvation.   When
I combine this biblical fact with the idea that community is the very
image of God,  that we were created in this image,  that not only
attachment to others ("it is not good for man to be alone") but 
a profound and  expressed caring for those "others"  is the central
issue in any definition of this Image,  the conclusion if forced upon
me in this wise:   that Christ, in the flesh, was no less
involved in this Image (of community) than before or after the
incarnation event;  that He (in the flesh) gives definition of 
"God" (and I changed verb tenses, here,  intentionally for His was
an action begun during the incarnation and extending to this very
moment or any moment we call "now.")  and my imitation of Him (to
any degree) in deed and perhaps word has the benefit of a salvation
already procured for me in the Christ of the Cross.  I loose my
salvation when I move to serve myself and in so doing, deny the very
Image I am.  I am destroyed in serving self.   
  My faith in Christ does not save me  --  it gives me
confidence and opens the door to an understanding of the soteriological
process I am involved in as a human being  --  knowingly or
not.   When the biblical message speaks of "saved,"  "being saved" and
a future "salvation,"   it is demonstrating the process we are
all involved in.   The fact that "judgment day" is for all of mankind
proves, to me, that this process is for us all and that we are all
involved in it, like it or not  ---   whether they have heard of Christ
or not  -   no matter what.    
Water baptism?   How did that figure in?   Well,   I used to believe
that you had to be baptised to be saved.   Now, and here is the change
for me,  I believe that anything I do, including water baptism however
you define it (immersion or sprinkling, I do not care), and
especially those things done in the name of the Lord,  are acts that
reveal God in  Christ through me to others.   I can preach it or I can
simply perform.    All is to the revealed glory and certainty of the
Great God Almighty.   So baptism saved me years ago, at age 12, because
it was an _expression_ of the very faith of Christ Jesus Himself.   He
was even baptised !!!   And now I am doing it       that is
 His life is mirrored in mine when I do
what He did
   His life is confirmed in mine when I do
what He wills.  
-- me --
How could this not be salvation?  
And the "baptism" that really matters to me, is the one spoken of in
Gal 3:26,27  --   a full immersion into Christ Himself.   
"Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling for it is God at
work in you both to will and to perform His good pleasure"  (Phil
2:12,13).   Why did Paul add "fear and trembling".   The message is the
same without this parenthetical.  It is exactly the same, to me.   So
why?   Because, if the performance of righteousness is act of community
and its individual memership  --   the pronouncem

Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread Bill Taylor

John wrote  >  There is a very 
real sense, then, that salvation is ours to loose.   

I agree with you, John. However, it is only 
before we have once placed our faith in Jesus Christ that we may 
lose our salvation -- and so, this may be a fairly significant 
HOWEVER that we will need to work out. I do not believe the one who has heard 
the good news of Jesus Christ and believed that message will ever lose 
his or her salvation, because upon believing in Jesus Christ, believers receive 
the gift of the Holy Spirit, who in the Power of God secures their salvation 
forever; the Gift guarantees their inheritance in Christ. Check out the 
wording here and see if you see what I am saying: In [Christ] you also 
trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your 
salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit 
of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of 
the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory" (Eph 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 10:11 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal 
  Sonship of Christ Matters to Me
  Just for the record, the 
  following are some of those things I brought into this forum and where I am 
  now.   I would be interested in a similar contruct from any and 
  Those words above were the first words of what I thought would be a list 
  issues.  Instead, writing this line after writing the following (below) 
  ,  the Lord has led me to a statement of faith of sorts and it is 
  ..  .  Water 
  baptism:  for me, the last of the great Mohicans as regards my 
  works salvationist upbring.    I believed that works AND 
  faith carried equal weight. That changed shortly before I came to this 
  list.  And at the time I came onto this list,  I  
  believed that God had two considerations in His thinking on salvation:  
  1) that the condition of the heart carried more weight in the soteriological 
  sense that any other consideration  ---  that salvation occured 
  apart from obedience.    A prayerful consideration  of Ps 
  51 and Romans 2:8-29  showed  me  the basis for God's judgment 
  in our lives and confirmed the  above thinking;    2) that 
  when this salvation is expressed in Jesus Christ  --   we have 
  confidence and definition in regard to our salvation.   We know 
  we are saved.   The entire letter of I john is written with this 
  purpose in mind  --   that we might have confidence in our 
  salvation.   As luck would have it,  where I was when I came to 
  this forum was accidently correct, as far as it went.  (after 
  coming to this list  --  this is what happened next)Sadly, I 
  did not understand why this was so  --   although I thought I 
  did  --  an accident. Paul's argument (Gal 
  3) that the Abrahmic promise was extended to Jesus Christ (as the seed, not of 
  many but as of one   v 16)  opened the door to understanding 
  that it is the faith of Christ that has secured (aorist, if you will)  
  our salvation.   When I combine this biblical fact with the idea 
  that community is the very image of God,  that we were created in this 
  image,  that not only attachment to others ("it is not good for man 
  to be alone") but  a profound and  expressed caring for those 
  "others"  is the central issue in any definition of this Image,  the 
  conclusion if forced upon me in this wise:   that Christ, in the 
  flesh, was no less involved in this Image (of community) than 
  before or after the incarnation event;  that He (in the flesh) 
  gives definition of  "God" (and I changed verb tenses, here,  
  intentionally for His was an action begun during the incarnation and extending 
  to this very moment or any moment we call "now.")  and my imitation of 
  Him (to any degree) in deed and perhaps word has the benefit of a 
  salvation already procured for me in the Christ of the Cross.  I loose my 
  salvation when I move to serve myself and in so doing, deny the very Image 
  I am.  I am destroyed in serving self.   
  My faith in Christ does not save me  --  it gives 
  me confidence and opens the door to an understanding of the soteriological 
  process I am involved in as a human being  --  knowingly or 
  not.   When the biblical message speaks of "saved,"  "being 
  saved" and a future "salvation,"   it is demonstrating the 
  process we are all involved in.   The fact that "judgment 
  day" is for all of mankind proves, to me, that this process is for us all and 
  that we are all involved in it, like it or not  ---   whether 
  they have heard of Christ or not  -   no matter 
  what.    Water baptism?   How did that figure 
  in?   Well,   I used to believe that you had to be 
  baptised to be saved.   Now, and here is the change for me,  I 
  believe that anything I do, including water baptism h

RE: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread ShieldsFamily



[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Taylor
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005
8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the
Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me


John wrote  >  There is a very real
sense, then, that salvation is ours to loose.   


I agree with you, John. However, it is only before we
have once placed our faith in Jesus Christ that we may lose our
salvation -- and so, this may be a fairly significant HOWEVER that we
will need to work out. I do not believe the one who has heard the good news of
Jesus Christ and believed that message will ever lose his or her
salvation, because upon believing in Jesus Christ, believers receive the gift
of the Holy Spirit, who in the Power of God secures their salvation forever;
the Gift guarantees their inheritance in Christ. Check out the wording
here and see if you see what I am saying: In [Christ] you also
after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also,
having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is
the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased
possession, to the praise of His glory" (Eph 1.13-14).




Bill, I’m tempted to show you the
scriptures that disprove the “once saved always saved” theology,
but I’m sure you must be familiar with them.  Folks who hold such
theology always argue, Well if they fell away from their faith/walk in Christ
they really weren’t saved in the first place.  It becomes a circular
argument, and no real consensus is possible.  Izzy

RE: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Slade Henson

believe in hell fire. I believe there is a choice...Him or not. I believe the 
path is narrow and few find it. I wouldn't say I live and let live. I tend to 
"tell it like it is" in certain circumstances. However, I don't get in people's 
faces and scream at them about how they're whores and going to hell. I tell them 
what I believe Scripture says and why they may be struggling the way they are. I 
guess maybe I do take advantage of situations and emotions at times. I know that 
doesn't sound good the way it's written. For person comes to mind 
as an example right away.
was an atheist and I took her case. She was leery at first when she first 
contacted me because she knew I was a "Christian". She let me know she thought 
Christians were hypocrites who basically sucked and she was an atheist. She made 
it clear she didn't want to hear any "God stuff" because she thought He sucked, 
too. I worked with her for a few months and watched her life go downhill. Things 
escalated and she wound up getting into more trouble. I knew she was going to 
get a jail sentence, but I did help her beat one rap. When her trial and stuff 
was going on, I asked her if maybe she needed to think about there being 
"someone else" who could fill her gaps in her life. Did she think there may be 
another way? She asked me if I was going to "give me that Christian crap". I 
said I wasn't a preacher, but if she wanted to listen, I could tell her a few 
things. She gave me three minutes. HeheheI don't remember what I said to 
her. She did get sentenced and went to jail. No one wrote her. She would write 
me letters and I would answer her...with big envelopes. I'd send her stuff from 
the groups, updates, print off portions of a book she had wanted to read. The 
first couple of letters, I got a little "preachy"she couldn't talk back to 
me or tell me to shut up! Her letters were pretty sadshe would rather be 
dead and jail was awful. I guess you could say I "played" on her emotional state 
and told her about God. There was noone who could pull her out of the dump she 
was in, except for God. I gave her my own experience of being in jail (Yes, 
TTer's, been there, done that.) I knew what she was going through. I knew what 
got me through and what would get her through. I just had to wait for HER to see 
it. The next few letters, I began sending her CHICK tracts and other things I 
could find. Of course, I sent her the Messianic articles, too. I'm not an 
evangelizer, so I get help from things I find form others who have more talents 
in that area. Simply put, I improvise.
a quote from her letter to me dated 8-11-04:
107 days to go, out 
of 219. I'm learning alot about religion-what it means to live "God-like"--why 
it's good. So, I'm becoming educated about this. I really didn't know anything. 
I admit that there's a lot to be said for living in such a manner. It can't be 
bad, if done correctly and NON-JUDGMENTALLY. My sister just got religion 
big-time over the last year and she got baptized a few months ago. Now she's not 
worth talking to! Righteousness out the ying-yang...she wants me to look in the 
mirror and take a look into my heart, blah, blah, blah--with regard to fighting 
CPS and she couldn't spell tyranny! Sorry-she's smart but not educated like you 
and me.
that point, Cheryl saw her sister "getting religion" and dumping her off. 
Yelling and screaming at her, doing what she would perceive as judging her would 
not work with her. She was hurt that her sister had dumped her and didn't 
understand her. She blamed God for doing that to her sister. I had shown Cheryl 
an example...when she called me in the middle of the night, I talked to her. I 
didn't make her feel like crap or disown her. Her letter in late-October 
informed me"I HAVE FOUND GOD!!! I REALLY HAVE!!" Then she gave me 
the details of her new-found love. Her whole demeanor was different. Cheryl now 
had hope. Her letters were now very different. She was excited, alive, a new 
person. Cheryl was even released a few days November. She credited 
that to God. I've gotten a few emails from her, and she continues to 
be very vibrant. 
So, do 
I live and let live? Maybe in a sense. I let people know I don't agree with 
their lifestyle and what I know God says about it. But I'm not the one making 
the decision of where they spend eternity. Do I get pushy? No. It didn't work 
with me, in fact it caused me to NOT accept Messiah for a longer period of time. 
I treat others the way I wanted to be treated, using what worked with me, with 
my own "style" tailored into it. I can't change people. People change themselves 
by allowing God to do the work in them.

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Dave 
  HansenSent: Saturday, 08 January, 2005 00.36To: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related 

RE: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Slade Henson

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Friday, 07 January, 2005 16.49
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

Mormons are generally nice people
SADLY anyone that follows official Mormon Doctrine
could not possibly be a CHRISTIAN

Chris.tian( P )  Pronunciation Key  (krschn)
Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the
life and teachings of Jesus.
Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
Showing a loving concern for others; humane.

One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on
the life and teachings of Jesus.
One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

[Middle English Cristen, from Old English cristen, from Latin Chrstinus,
from Chrstus, Christ. See Christ.] adj. & adv.

[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American HeritageR Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright C 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


adj 1: relating to or characteristic of Christianity; "Christian rites"
[syn: Christian] 2: following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or
spirit of Jesus Christ [ant: unchristian] n : a religious person who
believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination
[syn: Christian]

Source: WordNet R 2.0, C 2003 Princeton University

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Hi, DaveH.
   I'll bet you are surprised that I responded to this email :-). Kevin is 
much more qualified than I to answer your question, but I thought that I 
would just recall some rather detailed posts I made some  months, maybe a 
year, back. Many of our current members have probably joined since those 
posts. The short answer is that the LDS worship a different jesus and 
different god than those decribed in the Bible. That excludes them from 
being Christian.

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2005 20:47:52 -0800

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Mormons are generally nice people SADLY anyone that follows official 
Mormon Doctrine
could not possibly be a CHRISTIAN

DAVEH:  Not only do I respectfully disagree with you on that, Kevin, but I 
am sad that you feel that way.:-(

   However, perhaps you define Christian differently than I do.  How do 
you define it so that it excludes LDS folks, Kevin?

--- Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread Judy Taylor

John also wrote:
1) that the condition of the heart carried 
more weight in the soteriological sense that any other consideration  
---  that salvation occured apart from 
The above is not true John because if 
it were then salvation would have to happen apart from the Holy Spirit 
because it is written:
God gives the Holy Spirit to 
those who obey Him (Jesus) Acts 
And being made perfect He (Jesus) 
became the author of eternal salvation unto all them 
that obey Him. Hebrews 5:9
Know ye not that to whom ye yield 
yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are 
to whom ye obey, 
whether of sin unto 
death, or of obedience unto righteousness Romans 
6:16.   and you continue .
entire letter of I john is written with this purpose in mind  
--   that we might have confidence in our 
John how can we have confidence in 
something we are not yet in possession of? It's a salvation ready to be revealed 
in the last time (1 Peter 1:5) and the entire letter of 1 John includes 
the conditions in 1 John 3:22-24: Whatsoever we ask we receive of him beause we keep his 
commandments and do those things that are pleasing in his sight; 
and this is his commandment that 
we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another 
as he gave us commandment. And he that 
keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him and he in him 
and hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us 
(the ones who obey him)
He that loveth 
not knoweth not God; for God is love 1 John 4:8
By this we know that we love the 
children of God, when we love God and keep 
his commandments. 1 John 5:2
For this is the love of 
God, that we keep his commandments and his 
commandments are not grievous 1 John 5:3
When I combine this biblical fact with the idea that 
community is the very image of God,  that we 
were created in this image,  that not only 
attachment to others ("it is not good for man to be alone") 
but  a profound and  expressed caring for those "others"  is the 
central issue in any definition of this Image,  the conclusion if forced 
upon me in this wise:   that Christ, in the 
flesh, was no less involved in this Image (of community) than 
before or after the incarnation event...
The above is a horrible distortion John - Is 
this the fruit of this "Eternal Son" doctrine, is this why that and the 
Tertullian idea of Trinity is so important? The man Jesus was not a "community" 
during His earthly ministry John and there is no "community" sitting at the 
RH of the Father in heaven interceding for us right now.  The "image" of 
God is His nature and character which could be seen in Jesus by those paying 
close attention; Phillip almost missed it... and this is the "image" we are to 
be conformed to in Him.  If you think you are already there then you've 
missed it.  Salvation is a walk of grace, one that we must cooperate with 
by obedience so that perfect love can drive out the fear in our hearts 
and they will be perfected in love... (as Paul wrote to Timothy "the goal of the 
instruction is love from a pure heart") So that when we "see Him" we 
will be like 
Grace and Peace, judyt

  Bill writes: John wrote  >  
  There is a very real sense, then, that salvation is ours to loose.   
  I agree with you, John. However, it is only 
  before we have once placed our faith in Jesus Christ that we may 
  lose our salvation -- and so, this may be a fairly significant 
  HOWEVER that we will need to work out. I do not believe the one who has heard 
  the good news of Jesus Christ and believed that message will ever lose 
  his or her salvation, because upon believing in Jesus Christ, believers 
  receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who in the Power of God secures their 
  salvation forever; the Gift guarantees their inheritance in Christ. 
  Check out the wording here and see if you see what I am saying: In 
  [Christ] you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the 
  gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with 
  the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until 
  the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory" (Eph 
  1.13-14). Bill
Just for the record, the 
following are some of those things I brought into this forum and where I am 
now.   I would be interested in a similar contruct from any and 
Those words above were the first words of what I thought would be a list 
issues.  Instead, writing this line after writing the following (below) 
,  the Lord has led me to a statement of faith of sorts and it is 
..  .  Water 
baptism:  for me, the last of the great Mohicans as regards my 
works salvationist upbring.    I believed that works 
AND faith carried equal weight. That changed shortly before I came to this 

Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Thanks for sharing Cheryl's surrender to the 
truth this morning.  Reading this has done me good :)  God certainly has you in the right place and He sure is 
faithful.  My brother told me the same - about not wanting to hear what I 
was into that is,  and I had to honor his wishes.  Sadly he didn't 
have as long as Cheryl to get it together and to my knowledge never 
did.   judyt
On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 10:30:21 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  believe in hell fire. I believe there is a choice...Him or not. I believe the 
  path is narrow and few find it. I wouldn't say I live and let live. I tend to 
  "tell it like it is" in certain circumstances. However, I don't get in 
  people's faces and scream at them about how they're whores and going to hell. 
  I tell them what I believe Scripture says and why they may be struggling the 
  way they are. I guess maybe I do take advantage of situations and emotions at 
  times. I know that doesn't sound good the way it's written. For 
  person comes to mind as an example right away.
  Cheryl was an atheist and I took her case. She was 
  leery at first when she first contacted me because she knew I was a 
  "Christian". She let me know she thought Christians were hypocrites who 
  basically sucked and she was an atheist. She made it clear she didn't want to 
  hear any "God stuff" because she thought He sucked, too. I worked with her for 
  a few months and watched her life go downhill. Things escalated and she wound 
  up getting into more trouble. I knew she was going to get a jail sentence, but 
  I did help her beat one rap. When her trial and stuff was going on, I asked 
  her if maybe she needed to think about there being "someone else" who could 
  fill her gaps in her life. Did she think there may be another way? She asked 
  me if I was going to "give me that Christian crap". I said I wasn't a 
  preacher, but if she wanted to listen, I could tell her a few things. She gave 
  me three minutes. HeheheI don't remember what I said to her. She did get 
  sentenced and went to jail. No one wrote her. She would write me letters and I 
  would answer her...with big envelopes. I'd send her stuff from the groups, 
  updates, print off portions of a book she had wanted to read. The first couple 
  of letters, I got a little "preachy"she couldn't talk back to me or tell 
  me to shut up! Her letters were pretty sadshe would rather be dead and 
  jail was awful. I guess you could say I "played" on her emotional state and 
  told her about God. There was noone who could pull her out of the dump she was 
  in, except for God. I gave her my own experience of being in jail (Yes, 
  TTer's, been there, done that.) I knew what she was going through. I knew what 
  got me through and what would get her through. I just had to wait for HER to 
  see it. The next few letters, I began sending her CHICK tracts and other 
  things I could find. Of course, I sent her the Messianic articles, too. I'm 
  not an evangelizer, so I get help from things I find form others who have more 
  talents in that area. Simply put, I improvise.
  Here's a quote from her letter to me dated 
  107 days to go, 
  out of 219. I'm learning alot about religion-what it means to live 
  "God-like"--why it's good. So, I'm becoming educated about this. I really 
  didn't know anything. I admit that there's a lot to be said for living in such 
  a manner. It can't be bad, if done correctly and NON-JUDGMENTALLY. My sister 
  just got religion big-time over the last year and she got baptized a few 
  months ago. Now she's not worth talking to! Righteousness out the 
  ying-yang...she wants me to look in the mirror and take a look into my heart, 
  blah, blah, blah--with regard to fighting CPS and she couldn't spell tyranny! 
  Sorry-she's smart but not educated like you and me.
  that point, Cheryl saw her sister "getting religion" and dumping her off. 
  Yelling and screaming at her, doing what she would perceive as judging her 
  would not work with her. She was hurt that her sister had dumped her and 
  didn't understand her. She blamed God for doing that to her sister. I had 
  shown Cheryl an example...when she called me in the middle of the night, I 
  talked to her. I didn't make her feel like crap or disown her. Her letter in 
  late-October informed me"I HAVE FOUND GOD!!! I REALLY HAVE!!" Then 
  she gave me the details of her new-found love. Her whole demeanor was 
  different. Cheryl now had hope. Her letters were now very different. She was 
  excited, alive, a new person. Cheryl was even released a few days 
  November. She credited that to God. I've gotten a few emails from her, and 
  she continues to be very vibrant. 
  do I live and let live? Maybe in a sense. I let people know I don't agree with 
  their lifestyle and what I know God says about it. But I'm not the one making 

RE: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread ShieldsFamily

Cool testimony, Kay. Izzy


So, do I live and let live? Maybe in a
sense. I let people know I don't agree with their lifestyle and what I know God
says about it. But I'm not the one making the decision of where they spend
eternity. Do I get pushy? No. It didn't work with me, in fact it caused me to
NOT accept Messiah for a longer period of time. I treat others the way I wanted
to be treated, using what worked with me, with my own "style"
tailored into it. I can't change people. People change themselves by allowing
God to do the work in them.








RE: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread ShieldsFamily




John also wrote:

1) that the condition of the heart carried more
weight in the soteriological sense that any other consideration  --- 
that salvation occured apart from


The above is not true
John because if it were then salvation would have to happen apart
from the Holy Spirit because it is written:

God gives the Holy
Spirit to those
who obey Him (Jesus) Acts

And being made perfect
He (Jesus) became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that
Him. Hebrews 5:9

Know ye not that to
whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye
are to whom ye

whether of sin unto
death, or of obedience
unto righteousness Romans 6:16.   and
you continue .


That’s why Jesus said:  
   Matt 13:12"(H)For
whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but
whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. 



RE: [TruthTalk] Judaizers within the Messianic Movement

2005-01-08 Thread Slade Henson

-Original Message-From: David 
MillerSent: Wednesday, 05 January, 2005 10.00Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
Judaizers within the Messianic MovementDAVIDMI 
think you very much have misunderstood my post. I testified that the Messianic 
movement is of God, but qualified that with the observation that like all 
movements of God, there are some dangerous elements within it. These would be 
those who function like the Judaizers in Paul's day. Kay asked for clarification 
on that statement and this is the context in which my post ought to be 

  Nice save... but 
  alas. It doesn't save. The 
  context of the message you gave was within 
   "what aspects of the Messianic Movement you feel may be 
  dangerous." This was the question posed to you, and the response you gave was 
  clearly understood within its context. Saying the Messianic Movement is of God makes no 
  sense within the context of this message. Your message is below and I have 
  dissected it from my understanding and within the context of it a specific answer to a 
  very specific question. DavidM remains in 12-point Courier font while I revert to 12-point 
  Times New Roman.
The dangerous aspects are those within the 
movement who emphasize shadows over reality.

  The problem with this statement is the subjectivity of your definition 
  of "shadows." You are clearly one who sees Newer Testament fulfillment of Older Testament 
  "shadows" as nullifying these 
  OT "shadows" in favor 
  of NT "realities." Again, you make it clear that those of a different 
  theological slant than you are considered dangerous. This is a perfectly logical extension of your 
  thought here. Also, what happens when someone thinks your "reality" is indeed 
  "shadow?" Does that make you just as dangerous? Worse case scenario, it makes you alone in your own heaven at the end of 
  days. At best, it makes you alone here on earth until the end of 
For example, those who think that keeping Torah 
commandments that deal with shadows is the only way to be pleasing to 

  Here you give an example of your 
  opinion of emphasizing shadows over reality (see your comment, "For 
  example"). What you state here is 
  dangerous unless one is a prophet which you have been disqualified until 
  further notice. Why is it dangerous? Because you attempt to climb into the 
  heads of people and determine their heart. "The only way to be 
  pleasing" is a statement with no basis designed to elevate your argument. 
  Illogical, yet common argument... first used against the 
  Marranos if memory serves me correctly.
This would include the practice of killing a lamb in 
addition to faith in Yeshua

  What are you implying here? Are you 
  saying we sacrifice lambs? Are you saying we kill lambs to eat? You kill cows 
  for food and so do I. I kill lambs to eat... and you don't? Are you, 
  perhaps, referring to the remembrance of Passover? If so, what do you 
  think we think the Pascal [meal] lamb 
of observing the moedim in addition to 
remembering that to which they point, of sabbath 
observance in addition to entering the kingdom of God,

  I hear "obedience" touted on this 
  board a lot [by you and Judy Taylor], yet when one claims to be obedient, they 
  are dangerous. Are you are being double-minded or setting us up to fail? 
  Again, this argument is rooted in ignorance. When Messiah returns, we will be 
  celebrating the Sabbath, the New Moons, Feast of Tabernacles, etc., yet you 
  oppose it. You are suggesting a schizoid faith I want no part of. I'd rather 
  me pagan. Perhaps Dave Hanson and I have more in common than you and 
of circumcision of the flesh in addition to 
circumcision of the heart, etc.

  In addition to? Is there a specific 
  order to these circumcisions are you suggesting is wrong? Where do you 
  understand Jewish people never to circumcise their male children? Do you not 
  know that Moses required circumcision of the heart as 
Also, those who insist upon using Hebrew 

  You insist upon using Greek and 
  English names! Why is your way so much superior when we consider that 
  transliterations of modern Hebrew and Greek names are used today (i.e., 
  Yitzchak Rabin, Ariel Sharon, etc.).
of denouncing the Trinity, etc.

  No one here has renounced the Trinity 
  to my knowledge. Perhaps your greatest difficulty is with the Oneness 
  Pentecostal movement and not Messianism after all! I will admit to knowing 
  some in the Messianic Movement who oppose Trinitarianism, but I've never 
  considered that a big deal. I don't think it's a big deal that Oneness 
  Pentecostals and hardcore Trinitarians are going to share the Kingdom with me 
  either. Perhaps you are speaking of my refusal to be dogmatic about the 
  Trinity or about Oneness!
Generally, the Judaizing elements are causes of 

  A definition of "Judaizing" would be 
  nice... since you're generalizing here. In my definition, I

[TruthTalk] Moderator Report

2005-01-08 Thread Slade Henson
In the fourth quarter of 2004 (Oct-Dec), these are the ending numbers:

A total of 5,891 messages passed our port.

Clifton, Terry 334 Items5.67% of the total
Halverson, Marlin7 Items0.12% of the total
Hamm, Laura 63 Items1.07% of the total
Hansen, Dave24 Items0.41% of the total
Henson, Slade/Kay  717 Items   12.17% of the total
Hughes, Jonathan   232 Items3.94% of the total
Locke, Charles Perry13 Items0.22% of the total
Miller, David  422 Items7.16% of the total
Muir, Lance802 Items   13.61% of the total
Ottoson, Gary  337 Items5.72% of the total
Petersen, Suzy  62 Items1.05% of the total
Powers, Jeff   229 Items3.89% of the total
Shields, Izzy  925 Items   15.70% of the total
Smith, Ben   2 Items0.03% of the total
Smithson, Jon  980 Items   16.64% of the total
Taylor, Bill   146 Items2.48% of the total
Taylor, Judy   594 Items   10.08% of the total
???, Pete   12 Items0.20% of the total
???, Thomas  2 Items0.03% of the total

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
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join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Courtesy of Me as seen on KPTV12

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Moderator Report

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen
DAVEH:   Hmm.I do see the problem here..We need to 
encourage Ben and Thomas to post more so the rest of us won't look like 
we are hogging most of the bandwidth!   =-O

   BTWHow many TTers are currently subscribed?
Slade Henson wrote:
In the fourth quarter of 2004 (Oct-Dec), these are the ending numbers:
A total of 5,891 messages passed our port.
Clifton, Terry 334 Items5.67% of the total
Halverson, Marlin7 Items0.12% of the total
Hamm, Laura 63 Items1.07% of the total
Hansen, Dave24 Items0.41% of the total
Henson, Slade/Kay  717 Items   12.17% of the total
Hughes, Jonathan   232 Items3.94% of the total
Locke, Charles Perry13 Items0.22% of the total
Miller, David  422 Items7.16% of the total
Muir, Lance802 Items   13.61% of the total
Ottoson, Gary  337 Items5.72% of the total
Petersen, Suzy  62 Items1.05% of the total
Powers, Jeff   229 Items3.89% of the total
Shields, Izzy  925 Items   15.70% of the total
Smith, Ben   2 Items0.03% of the total
Smithson, Jon  980 Items   16.64% of the total
Taylor, Bill   146 Items2.48% of the total
Taylor, Judy   594 Items   10.08% of the total
???, Pete   12 Items0.20% of the total
???, Thomas  2 Items0.03% of the total

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
Hi, DaveH.
   I'll bet you are surprised that I responded to this email :-). Kevin
is much more qualified than I to answer your question, but I thought
that I would just recall some rather detailed posts I made some 
months, maybe a year, back. Many of our current members have probably
joined since those posts. The short answer
DAVEH:   How does your answer pertain to my below question,

 is that the LDS worship a different jesus and different
god than those decribed in the Bible. That excludes them from being
  Kevin Deegan wrote:

Mormons are generally nice people SADLY
anyone that follows official Mormon Doctrine
could not possibly be a CHRISTIAN

DAVEH:  Not only do I respectfully disagree with you on that, Kevin,
but I am sad that you feel that way.    :-(

   However, perhaps you define Christian
differently than I do.  How do you define it so that it excludes LDS
folks, Kevin?


Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen
DAVEH:  Thanx for contributing to the discussion, Slade.  Do you feel 
the below definitions you provided disqualifies LDS folks from being 

Slade Henson wrote:
Mormons are generally nice people
SADLY anyone that follows official Mormon Doctrine
could not possibly be a CHRISTIAN

Chris.tian( P )  Pronunciation Key  (krschn)
Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the
life and teachings of Jesus.
Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
Showing a loving concern for others; humane.
One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on
the life and teachings of Jesus.
One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

[Middle English Cristen, from Old English cristen, from Latin Chrstinus,
from Chrstus, Christ. See Christ.] adj. & adv.
[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American HeritageR Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth
Copyright C 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
adj 1: relating to or characteristic of Christianity; "Christian rites"
[syn: Christian] 2: following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or
spirit of Jesus Christ [ant: unchristian] n : a religious person who
believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination
[syn: Christian]
Source: WordNet R 2.0, C 2003 Princeton University

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Mormon Related #2

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen

DAVEH:   Thank you for sharing that with us, Kay.  It gives me a good
insight as to your character, and I do appreciate I'm sure
will the other TTers as well.

Slade Henson wrote:

  I believe in hell fire. I believe there is
a choice...Him or not. I believe the path is narrow and few find it. I
wouldn't say I live and let live. I tend to "tell it like it is" in
certain circumstances. However, I don't get in people's faces and
scream at them about how they're whores and going to hell. I tell them
what I believe Scripture says and why they may be struggling the way
they are. I guess maybe I do take advantage of situations and emotions
at times. I know that doesn't sound good the way it's written. For person comes to mind as an example right away.
  Cheryl was an atheist and I took her case.
She was leery at first when she first contacted me because she knew I
was a "Christian". She let me know she thought Christians were
hypocrites who basically sucked and she was an atheist. She made it
clear she didn't want to hear any "God stuff" because she thought He
sucked, too. I worked with her for a few months and watched her life go
downhill. Things escalated and she wound up getting into more trouble.
I knew she was going to get a jail sentence, but I did help her beat
one rap. When her trial and stuff was going on, I asked her if maybe
she needed to think about there being "someone else" who could fill her
gaps in her life. Did she think there may be another way? She asked me
if I was going to "give me that Christian crap". I said I wasn't a
preacher, but if she wanted to listen, I could tell her a few things.
She gave me three minutes. HeheheI don't remember what I said to
her. She did get sentenced and went to jail. No one wrote her. She
would write me letters and I would answer her...with big envelopes. I'd
send her stuff from the groups, updates, print off portions of a book
she had wanted to read. The first couple of letters, I got a little
"preachy"she couldn't talk back to me or tell me to shut up! Her
letters were pretty sadshe would rather be dead and jail was awful.
I guess you could say I "played" on her emotional state and told her
about God. There was noone who could pull her out of the dump she was
in, except for God. I gave her my own experience of being in jail (Yes,
TTer's, been there, done that.) I knew what she was going through. I
knew what got me through and what would get her through. I just had to
wait for HER to see it. The next few letters, I began sending her CHICK
tracts and other things I could find. Of course, I sent her the
Messianic articles, too. I'm not an evangelizer, so I get help from
things I find form others who have more talents in that area. Simply
put, I improvise.
  Here's a quote from her letter to me dated
days to go, out of 219. I'm learning alot about religion-what it means
to live "God-like"--why it's good. So, I'm becoming educated about
this. I really didn't know anything. I admit that there's a lot to be
said for living in such a manner. It can't be bad, if done correctly
and NON-JUDGMENTALLY. My sister just got religion big-time over the
last year and she got baptized a few months ago. Now she's not worth
talking to! Righteousness out the ying-yang...she wants me to look in
the mirror and take a look into my heart, blah, blah, blah--with regard
to fighting CPS and she couldn't spell tyranny! Sorry-she's smart but
not educated like you and me.
  At that point, Cheryl saw her sister
"getting religion" and dumping her off. Yelling and screaming at her,
doing what she would perceive as judging her would not work with her.
She was hurt that her sister had dumped her and didn't understand her.
She blamed God for doing that to her sister. I had shown Cheryl an
example...when she called me in the middle of the night, I talked to
her. I didn't make her feel like crap or disown her. Her letter in
late-October informed me"I HAVE FOUND GOD!!! I REALLY
HAVE!!" Then she gave me the details of her new-found love. Her
whole demeanor was different. Cheryl now had hope. Her letters were now
very different. She was excited, alive, a new person. Cheryl was even
released a few days November. She credited that to God. I've
gotten a few emails from her, and she continues to be very vibrant. 
  So, do I live and let live? Maybe in a
sense. I let people know I don't agree with their lifestyle and what I
know God says about it. But I'm not the one making the decision of
where they spend eternity. Do I get pushy? No. It didn't work with me,
in fact it caused me to NOT accept Messiah for a longer period of time.
I treat others the way I wanted to be treated, using what worked with
me, with my own "style" tailored into it. I can't change people. People
change themselves by allowing God to do the work in them.
-Original Message-

Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

2005-01-08 Thread Dave Hansen

In a message dated 1/7/2005 9:40:10 PM
Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

.  Water baptism:  for me,
the last of the great Mohicans as regards my works salvationist
upbring.    I believed that works AND faith carried equal
weight. That changed shortly before I came to this list.  And at
the time I came onto this list,  I  believed that God had two
considerations in His thinking on salvation:  1) that the condition of
the heart carried more weight in the soteriological sense that any
other consideration  ---  that salvation occured apart from obedience. 

DAVEH:  ???   Do you believe one can be saved without obedience
to repentance?

John David Smithson
Pastor and Bishop of Calfornia

Aaah.   My first real question after stating that I know what I
What we might call "obedience",  which would include repentance, doing
good,  confession, visiting the widows and the fatherless, taking
communion and the like, are things we do because we have been saved 
--   because we are already involved with God.  That passage in
Philip 2:12,13 is critical to me.    The notion that "no man comes to
the Son except the Father draw him" ( a paraphrase of John 6:44) is
explained in this passage --- "work out your salvation in
fear and trembling for it is God at work in you both to will and do His
good pleasure."   BOTH TO WILL AND TO PERFORM.  
There is a sense, a very real sense, that God is a part of our
lives already.   When Chrsit speaks of the children, he says
" for such is the Kingdom  ..."   God is already there.  
He created us, He draws us unto Himself,  if you believe that Christ is
God Manifested and Defined;   He is the influence that wills good
works,  He is power that performs those good works. What we are doing
when we repent or confess or feed the poor  --  is this:   we are
responding to the God within.   In view of the scriptures above, how
could we not think and believe that our actions or God's actions.   I
am not saved by that response  --   rather, I am saved by that
relationship.   The reponses just happen. 
An obedience to repentance?  If you mean, by that, actions that
demonstrate a change of heart/mind, my answer is the same.   The
prodigal son demonstrates this obedience to repentance, does he not?  
But why did he turn around?   Two reasons.   1) he was headed in the
wrong direction  --   leaving his community and moving away for the
expressed purpose of serving himself.   Correct?   2)  He turns around
because there is a reason to turn around  --    a father who is already
there.   A home.   An inheritance.  A life.   Acceptance without
question.  Forgiveness without reservation.   He is 'saved" when he
stops serving himself and begins the quest for expressed community and
all the benefits that are associated with community.   
It just dawned on me  --   the child is not lost at birth, born into
sin and all that; rather, he is saved and then lost in self serving
crap, and then saved as he responds to what is already his, crucifies
himself,   and chooses to live the life he was created to live.  
What do you think about THAT   ?? 
DAVEH:   HmmI think you forgot to answer my question,
John.  Please considerI'm not the sharpest tack in TT.  I ofttimes
have trouble understanding obtuse answers.  Could I possibly persuade
you to answer with a simple yes or no?  

I could be wrong, but probably not.  
Your friend

Dave Hansen
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things I find interesting,
I maintain six email lists...