Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread Judy Taylor

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 22:47:25 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy - if I didn't know better, I'd say that you believe in 
words and I believe in THE Spirit !!!
I certainly do not equate the words of Christ with God The Spirit, that is 
for sure. 

They work in sync John.Where there is no 
Word the Spirit has nothing to work with; too many
words of men and no Spirit is a "dead letter" - Jesus 
called His Words Spirit and Life, why
don't you believe Him?

Meats and the reproof of the world? Judy, In I Cor 8:1-3 you have a problematic 
AND a principle that solves the problem. The 

What do you read as the "problematic circunstance" here 

That knowledge puffs up -- that when we think we know something, we do not 
yet know it as we 
ought. Now, if you do not care to include that principle 
in your theology, fine. But it should be there.

ATST we are not supposed to be ignorant JD. God 
does not bless ignorance - so how do
you reconcile the two in your own life? What in 
your words is this principle?

Meats and this principle are two very different things. 

  From: Judy Taylor
  His (Jesus) Words are Spirit and they are Life John 
  and they are far reaching includingthose who will believe 
  the words of Hisdisciples as well. So putting Jesus in a box is not contextual fact nor is it 
  spiritual reality. Tell me 
  what eating meat offered to idols has to do with the Holy Spirit being sent to reprove the world 
  of sin, righteousness, 
  and judgment? jt
  On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:29:47 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

John 16 is about a meeting Christ had withthe disciples who had 
known Him "from the beginning." The result of that meeting is the 
record found in John 16. Ditto for Mark 16.To build from 
those scriptures a theology that is corporate in application is a denial of 
this contextual fact .. and, in a way, proves the very point I am 
making.DM has all the 
confidence in the world that he is correct in this confusion of biblical 
nuance but that does not prevent God from working adidache in his life as a result. 
Down the road, someday, hopefully before the snake bite, he will see 
the passage(s) differently and the truth of I Cor 8:1-3 will be rekindled in his thinking. 


Lance wrote:
 I have no understanding of why the second paragraph
 is even included vis a vis John. Not one of us who has
 read him would ever believe that his theology denies the
 operation of the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us (real
 truth which cannot be wrong).

You apparently are not reading him very well, Lance.  I think you see what 
you want to see in his writings.

His response to me concerning this second paragraph was:

John wrote:
 John 16 does not apply to us today, David.

We really do not need to take him too seriously, though, because according 
to this author, neither he nor anyone else can be confident about whether 
his statement is true or not.  For anyone to be confident about whether the 
Holy Ghost can reveal truth to us (real truth which cannot be wrong) would 
be, according to John, the sin of pride.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

The point of my post is this: why do you think your interpretation of the "truth" IS the truth? Here is your understanding of what I have written:

My answer was yes, I do, but what I hear from John is that anybody who has any assurance regarding this truth that cannot be wrong, DM

Your words above speak of assurance! I do not attack the assurance of your "knowing." I have the same !!! My words were these: 

when we confuse our beliefs with that which "simply cannot be wrong" - it is pride IN EVERY INSTANCE, whether the presentation happens to make sense or not, that goes before us. JD

And you challenge what I have just written (and you misunderstanding of same) thusly: You present the case that the presence of assurance in a truth that cannot be wrong A comparison of the the two messages shows that we are not talking about the same thing! to demonstrate that difference, go to your explanation immediately above ("you present ."). God to " . assurance in a truth ..." and change that to read "assurance in my personal interpretation of scripture .."

Hoping that this helps. 

-Original Message-From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 23:39:18 -0400Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

John wrote:
 i say that you know this is misrepresentation:   what
 I hear from John is that anybody who has assurance
 regarding truth is operating in pride.  Now, what will
 happen next.   I will challenge you to produce my words.
 You will not be able to do this

Here are your words, John:
 ... when we confuse our beliefs with that which
 "simply cannot be wrong"  -  it is pride IN EVERY
 INSTANCE, whether the presentation happens
 to make sense or not,  that goes before us.

 I am saying that when you or anyone (myself) equate
 personal understanding (there is no other kind)
 with THE biblical message or with "scripture,"  that
 is pride which  is talking and nothing else.
 when we present our interpretations as being
 without the possibility of being wrong,  we
 speak out of pride.

Now the context of my quote is a response to Lance who was asking:
 2. Do either of you not anticipate some truth,
 absolute in nature (God's Truth), to be forthcoming
 through the Spirit-facilitated reading of His Holy Word?

So truth is defined in this context as that which is absolute in nature, 
God's Truth, which cannot be wrong.  Do we anticipate such truth to be 
forthcoming through the reading of His Holy Word?  My answer was yes, I do, 
but what I hear from John is that anybody who has any assurance regarding 
this truth that cannot be wrong, this absolute truth of God, would be 
operating in pride.  Your comments I quote above speak of this, do they not? 
You say that there is no understanding except personal understanding.  You 
warn against confusing this "personal" understanding we glean from reading 
the Word with the Biblical message itself.  You present the case that the 
presence of assurance in a truth that cannot be wrong would be a sin, it 
would be pride raising its ugly head.

If I have misunderstood you, John, then please teach us what you believe. 
There is no need to accuse me of dishonesty.  Tell us straight.  If I have 
assurance regarding an absolute truth of God which I gleaned through reading 
the Holy Word of God, and I teach this according to my assurance, 
representing that this truth is God's truth and hence has no possibility of 
being wrong, is this pride?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread David Miller

John, I'm going to take a shot at this, but if you are tempted to attack me 
or prove me wrong, please don't. I won't respond to that. I am not 
interested in debate, but in truth.

I'm going to use different words for a reason, not to discredit you, but to 
engage you to explain your viewpoint with different words. What you are 
trying to say is only approximated by the words you use, so being free to 
consider the use of different words to say what you are trying to say can 
facilitate communication. If my choice of words is objectionable to you, 
then simply say, "I would not say it that way, I would say it this way..." 
If your meaning is not being conveyed with the words you have already chosen, 
using other words might help convey what you are trying to say.

Now in your last post, you apparently perceivean important difference 
between having assurance in truth versus having assurance in one'spersonal 
interpretation of Scripture. You need to expound upon this more, because 
you had also written that there is no other kind of understanding of Scripture 
exceptpersonal understanding. Based upon how you have set this up, I 
see no room in your model for any difference between "assurance in the truth of 
Scripture" and "assurance in our understanding of the truth of Scripture." 
How can there be a difference if you say that there is no understanding of truth 
except personal understanding?

Keep in mind, that in contrast to you,my perspective is 
thatthere are many different levels of understanding, with personal 
understanding just being one of many. You have defined pride as being 
aconfidence in our personal understanding of truth, and that needs to be 
expounded upon. If you are right, you may save me from the sin of pride by 
helping me see your perspective, but if you are wrong, I will save you from the 
sin of bearing false witness against someone who you think has pride but really 
just has Godly understanding,faith and integrity.

Peace be with you.David Miller.

Re: [TruthTalk] Reflecting Theologically on Popular Culture as Meaningful by Turnau.htm

2005-07-12 Thread David Miller
Reflecting Theologically on Popular Culture as Meaningful by TurnauLance, if 
you would, please provide only a link to the articles you desire for us to 
read, and then give us at least a line or two concerning what you would want 
us to see in that article.  Including the entire articles has a tendency to 
bog down email systems for those of us who keep the posts rather than 
deleting them.  Saving many posts with lots of HTML code and graphics uses 
up a lot of resources.

I think this article by Turnau illustrates some of the problems on TruthTalk 
between those who lean toward the Calvinistic view of sin and those who lean 
toward the more evangelical view of sin.  Obviously, I think Turnau is 
walking off the straight and narrow path with his discourse.  I actually 
burst out in laughter here at work when I read one of his introductory 
paragraphs.  Here is the paragraph:

Turnau wrote:
Withdrawing from certain cultural texts and replacing them with others will 
not render the audience less sinful. Rather, the compulsive and organic 
nature of sin means that in eschewing certain cultural idolatries by 
disengaging ourselves from the surrounding culture, we are probably only 
setting up more socially acceptable idolatries that will be harder to detect 
and repent of (e.g., materialism, or the family, or pride in our own 

In other words, if we withdraw from the sinful engagements of this world, we 
will not become less sinful, but rather we will only disguise our own sin 
(which can never be avoided), replacing it with idolatries which are simply 
harder to detect and repent of.  LOL.  Right.  Avoiding sin and separating 
ourselves from this world system in which we live only makes us self 
righteous and would never make us holy.  Do you really believe this stuff?

I don't mean to sound antagonistic, and I probably disappoint you by 
commenting in this way, but most of the article was a sleeper for me, except 
for this humorous paragraph.  It was a lot of the same-old, same-old, 
worldly, brain-washing philosophy I find in virtually every college.  It 
facilitates an ivory tower mentality of being engaged with and involved with 
this world while maintaining an air of superiority in Christ.  Somebody 
needs to explain to Turnau what real self righteousness looks like.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] What's wrong with a Bold witness to Mormons?

2005-07-12 Thread Kevin Deegan
		 Sell on Yahoo! Auctions  - No fees. Bid on great items.

Re: [TruthTalk] Nukes in US?

2005-07-12 Thread Kevin Deegan nukes already in U.S.Terrorists, bombs smuggled across Mexico border by MS-13 gangsters__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 22:47:25 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy - if I didn't know better, I'd say that you believe in words and I believe in THE Spirit !!!
I certainly do not equate the words of Christ with God The Spirit, that is for sure. 

They work in sync John.Where there is no Word the Spirit has nothing to work with; too many
words of men and no Spirit is a "dead letter" - Jesus called His Words Spirit and Life, why
don't you believe Him?Roman 2 makes it clear that we are no long judged by the Law, but by the Spirit. The law is "the letter." written on tablest of stone and (of course) parchment/papyri. The Law is a set of words. The Spirit is a living "breathing" relaity (so we beleive) that is no less than Goed Himself !! In Romans 2:29 -- these two concepts, the non-living Law of God and the Spirit are contrasted. I take the word "law" and impose this definition: that by whihc we are judged.Before the incarnation, the written Law of God was that by which we were judged. Now, after the incarnation, the law of the Spirit (the rule of the Spirit) is that by which we are judged. There is much that is used by the Spirit IN ADDITION to the written message. 

Meats and the reproof of the world? Judy, In I Cor 8:1-3 you have a problematic circumstance 
AND a principle that solves the problem. The principle 

What do you read as the "problematic circunstance" here JD? In 1Cor 8:1-3, it is the insistence by some of the brotherhood that their knowing (these were those who did not have meat issues) was the final word and was to be considered as more important than the relationship we have in Christ via "love" and -- implied -- their relationship with the brother who beleives there to be more than one God. That MUST BE and is the issue here in I Co 8. that is why Paul invokes the principle of limited knowing verse relational love. 

That knowledge puffs up -- that when we think we know something, we do not yet know it as we 
ought. Now, if you do not care to include that principle in your theology, fine. But it should be there.

ATST we are not supposed to be ignorant JD. God does not bless ignorance - so how do
you reconcile the two in your own life? What in your words is this principle? If we think we know something, we do not know it as we ought but if we love God, we ARE KNOWN BY HIM. That is how I justify those extremely rare occasion when I am actually mistaken about something -- I realy on my love for God and His promise to love me in return (but, of course, "He started it!!")


Meats and this principle are two very different things. JD

From: Judy Taylor

His (Jesus) Words are Spirit and they are Life John and they are far reaching includingthose who will believe through
the words of Hisdisciples as well. So putting Jesus in a box is not contextual fact nor is it spiritual reality. Tell me 
what eating meat offered to idols has to do with the Holy Spirit being sent to reprove the world of sin, righteousness, 
and judgment? jt

On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:29:47 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John 16 is about a meeting Christ had withthe disciples who had known Him "from the beginning." The result of that meeting is the record found in John 16. Ditto for Mark 16.To build from those scriptures a theology that is corporate in application is a denial of this contextual fact .. and, in a way, proves the very point I am making.DM has all the confidence in the world that he is correct in this confusion of biblical nuance but that does not prevent God from working adidache in his life as a result. Down the road, someday, hopefully before the snake bite, he will see the passage(s) differently and the truth of I Cor 8:1-3 will be rekindled in his thinking. 

JdFrom: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Lance wrote:
 I have no understanding of why the second paragraph
 is even included vis a vis John. Not one of us who has
 read him would ever believe that his theology denies the
 operation of the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us (real
 truth which cannot be wrong).

You apparently are not reading him very well, Lance.  I think you see what 
you want to see in his writings.

His response to me concerning this second paragraph was:

John wrote:
 John 16 does not apply to us today, David.

We really do not need to take him too seriously, though, because according 
to this author, neither he nor anyone else can be confident about whether 
his statement is true or not.  For anyone to be confident about whether the 
Holy Ghost can reveal truth to us (real truth which cannot be wrong) would 
be, according to John, the sin of pride.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

-Original Message-From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 11:35:16 -0400Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

John, I'm going to take a shot at this, but if you are tempted to attack me or prove me wrong, please don't. I won't respond to that. I am not interested in debate, but in truth. Fair enough. Monologue is not necessarily a bad thing. 

I'm going to use different words for a reason, not to discredit you, but to engage"Engage ?? !!"  you to explain your viewpoint with different words. What you are trying to say is only approximated by the words you use, so being free to consider the use of different words to say what you are trying to say can facilitate communication. If my choice of words is objectionable to you, then simply say, "I would not say it that way, I would say it this way..." If your meaning is not being conveyed with the words you have already chosen, using other words might help convey what you are trying to say.

Now in your last post, you apparently perceivean important difference between having assurance in truth versus having assurance in one'spersonal interpretation of Scripture. You need to expound upon this more, because you had also written that there is no other kind of understanding of Scripture exceptpersonal understanding. Based upon how you have set this up, I see no room in your model for any difference between "assurance in the truth of Scripture" and "assurance in our understanding of the truth of Scripture." How can there be a difference if you say that there is no understanding of truth except personal understanding?Think of it this wise (and this is much over simplified): The Bible contains the Word of God - a body of truth that is absolute and without contradiction (believers are allowed to think such is the case -- I do). There it is, this Bible, laying over there on the desk, right
 next to my AT Robertson Greek grammar and a stack of other noteworthy reference books. That is over there -- I am over here. I have read this book many times. I have literally thousands of hours of study vest in this written message (at 60 years of age, no big deal !). Absolute truth over there. Me and my brain over here. Absolute truth over there on the desk, me and educational bias, by pathetic childhood, my disappointments and the many wonderful experience that are a part of me -- all of that over here. Over there verses over here. I know that "over here," all of those influences mentioned above make it impossible for me to say that my understanding of what I read in the Bible rises to the level of infallibility !!!
. Absolute truth over there - the conceit of the claim of infallibility over here. Thank God for the definition given to us in Heb 11:1 ff. My relationship with God is not the result of a pretense at rationalism. It is based on who I understand Heb 11:1ff . Faith is my substance and my assurance. Even when the subject of that faith might be considered unreasonable. That being true, it is a timely question : then why study or go back to he written message? Because this faith of which I speak has me believing that the biblical message contains that which is absolutely true. Knowing my limitations causes me to WANT to go back to the Good Book, time after time -- b
ecause I know that could have missed something or actually gotten something very very wrong. Pride prevents me from making this journey for this reason !!! 

Keep in mind, that in contrast to you,my perspective is thatthere are many different levels of understanding, with personal understanding just being one of many. You have defined pride as being aconfidence in our personal understanding of truth that rises to the level of infallibility (always say this when presenting MYopinion on this subject)and that needs to be expounded upon. If you are right, you may save me from the sin of pride by helping me see your perspective, but if you are wrong, I will save you from the sin of bearing false witness against someone who you think has pride but really just has Godly understanding,faith and integrity. A truly wonderful set of options !! 

Peace be with you.David Miller.

Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm

2005-07-12 Thread Christine Miller
Hi JD, how is my father's post out of context? I would
be interested to hear you thoughts on this.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Like I said David  -- you are way out of context
 here and you know it.   Shall I take time to 
 prove the contextual point of John 16 and Mark 16?  
 I can and will be happy to do so.   
 -Original Message-
 From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:20:06 -0400
 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm
 John wrote:
  No  --  somebody forgot to tell you.   Because
  you have no resepct for context in this case is
  of no matter to me.   But context is very
  Without it, we have the fantasy that accompanies
  snake handling and ex-cathedra spiritual
  brought, forever, into modern times.
 Sorry, John, but you are not going to sneak by with
 the lame out of 
 context argument.
 The point is that the Holy Ghost continues to
 operate this way whether you 
 recognize it or not.  You are free to testify to us
 that the Holy Spirit 
 does not operate in your life the way it is promised
 in John 16:13, but you 
 cannot testify to others that he does not operate in
 the lives of anybody 
 else like that.
 Jesus gave promises about the Holy Spirit and how he
 would operate in the 
 lives of believers.  Peter made it very clear that
 this promise was not 
 restricted to just the eleven apostles at that
 moment in time.
 Acts 2:38-39
 Then Peter said unto them ... ye shall receive the
 gift of the Holy Ghost. 
 For the promise is unto you, and to your children,
 and to all that are afar 
 off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
 Peace be with you.
 David Miller. 
 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
 salt, that you may know how 
 you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
 If you do not want to receive posts from this list,
 send an email to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be
 unsubscribed.  If you have a friend 
 who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
 he will be subscribed.

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Communicating Understanding....Joint participants in a story

2005-07-12 Thread Christine Miller
Lance wrote:
 What do you think of
 story as a vehicle for the communication of truth?

Lance, Jesus was fufilling prophecy when He spoke in

Mat 13:13  Therefore speak I to them in parables:
because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear
not, neither do they understand. 
Mat 13:16  But blessed are your eyes, for they see:
and your ears, for they hear.

I am not saying I think stories are useless for
communication, but I would say it would be faulty to
use Jesus' use of parables as evidence for doing so.

Jesus' use of stories made the Spirit an important
participant in His speaking. He was speaking
symbolically of spiritual things, forcing the listener
to rely on the Spirit for their understanding. 

It looks like I'm jumping in late, but would you mind
defining your use of the word stories here,
Lance/Judy? I notice you mention Lord of the Rings
below. Are we exploring the potential witnessing power
of these morally ingonito storylines? What a juicy
topic, if I do say so myself. :-)

Judy wrote:
 I told you what Jesus said about His own parables

I have a feeling I'm probably repeating a former post
of yours, Judy. But I am not weary and it sounds like
maybe Lance could benefit from hearing it again. :-)
Eh, Lance?


--- Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I told you what Jesus said about His own parables
 Lance; I didn't think I
 could improve on that.
 Actually I am not into storytelling because my
 belief is that Jesus and
 His Word are reality. Myth is what
 gets passed on from generation to generation around
 campfires.  jt
 On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 10:57:11 -0400 Lance Muir
 Or, more accurately in your case, who knows what he
 says also? Did you
 tell me what you made of Jesus' stories (parables)?
 What do you think of
 story as a vehicle for the communication of truth?
 From: Judy Taylor 
 Judyt did not say any such thing Lance - this is
 either  your cultural
 or common understanding or else it is
 a Canadian type joke.  Either way it's a figment of
 your imagination.
 On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:57:14 -0400 Lance Muir
 Jt, surprisingly says that the parables are no
 different (than the Lord
 of the Rings). Now, there's a step forward.
 Jt as for an explanation of the expression 'out of
 hand'. Rather than
 that just let me say that you might consider not
 adopting a 'Jesus vs the
 Pharisees' stance when speaking of him, others,
 Nicea, Church Fathers,
 theology per se and the like. As Judy Taylor says:
 'stick to the
 Scriptures'!  You little to nothing of the foregoing
 so, why not just
 give 'em a pass when you see 'wm?
 Jesus vs the pharisees is not my stance toward
 Torrance After all the
 pharisees did sit in the seat of Moses and
 Jesus said to do what they said - however they were
 hypocrites so noone
 was to follow their example - As for
 Torrance I don't receive what he says - and who
 knows what he does.   jt.
 From: Judy Taylor 
 On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 09:21:12 -0400 Lance Muir
 Well, sort of like LOR, Judy. Good observation. But,
 Jesus' parables
 (stories) certainly come closer. 
 What is your understanding of the parables, Judy?
 The parables are no different, they are given to
 illustrate spiritual
 realities to which common understanding is blind.
 When the disciples question Jesus about why he spake
 in parables he said
 nothing about common understanding 
 In fact he used them as a type of judgment ie
 Because it is given unto
 you (disciples) to know the mysteries of the 
 kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. For
 whosoever hath to him
 shall be given and he shall have more 
 abundance but whosoever hath not, from him shall be
 taken away even that
 he hath. Therefore speak I to them in 
 parables because they seeing see not and hearing
 they hear not, neither
 do they understand (Matt 13:10-17)
 As an aside, Judy. Feel free not to pursue the
 'content of TFT'. Just
 make an attemp not to critique him out of hand in
 the future, 
 What do you mean by out of hand?
 From: Judy Taylor 
 Lance Muir wrote: 
 Each living person draws upon two quite distinct
 sources of meaning. The
 current 'vulgate' or common understanding. This is
 that which enables us
 to communicate with one another. Hidden beneath this
 is a 'private
 thesaurus'. What any two people mean when they speak
 or hear will overlap
 only to a certain extent by virtue of their sharing
 the 'vulgate' of a
 particular human group.
 The above is myth. No person ever receives
 revelation from God through
 cultural or common vulgate/understanding and the
 Bible is a closed book
 to those who possess that alone.
 No reader comes to a text as a 'cultural virgin'.
 Our readings are
 affected at the outset by pre-understanding and
 private thesaurus.The
 meaning which we retrieve from a text will never be
 absolutely identical
 with the meaning which it had for its 

Re: [TruthTalk]Re: John 16:13-14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

Hello, Christine.John 16:13-14 does not apply to the general Christian population -- that is a position I affirm and your farther apparently denies. I defend my point by appealing to the actual context of John 16 -- noting the fact that Christ is speaking to his disciple (especially the 12) and to no one else in that passage.  Your father goes out of this passage and appeals to Acts 2:38-39. I believe that Acts 2:38-39 applies to us today and John 16 to the disciples who knew Him from the beginning (John 15:27).Our discussion also applies to Mark 16: 15-18. 

JD -Original Message-From: Christine Miller verilysaid@yahoo.comTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 12:58:45 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm

Hi JD, how is my father's post out of context? I would
be interested to hear you thoughts on this.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Like I said David  -- you are way out of context
 here and you know it.   Shall I take time to 
 prove the contextual point of John 16 and Mark 16?  
 I can and will be happy to do so.   
 -Original Message-
 From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:20:06 -0400
 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm
 John wrote:
  No  --  somebody forgot to tell you.   Because
  you have no resepct for "context" in this case is
  of no matter to me.   But context is very
  Without it, we have the fantasy that accompanies
  snake handling and ex-cathedra spiritual
  brought, forever, into modern times.
 Sorry, John, but you are not going to sneak by with
 the lame "out of 
 context" argument.
 The point is that the Holy Ghost continues to
 operate this way whether you 
 recognize it or not.  You are free to testify to us
 that the Holy Spirit 
 does not operate in your life the way it is promised
 in John 16:13, but you 
 cannot testify to others that he does not operate in
 the lives of anybody 
 else like that.
 Jesus gave promises about the Holy Spirit and how he
 would operate in the 
 lives of believers.  Peter made it very clear that
 this promise was not 
 restricted to just the eleven apostles at that
 moment in time.
 Acts 2:38-39
 "Then Peter said unto them ... ye shall receive the
 gift of the Holy Ghost. 
 For the promise is unto you, and to your children,
 and to all that are afar 
 off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
 Peace be with you.
 David Miller. 
 "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
 salt, that you may know how 
 you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
 If you do not want to receive posts from this list,
 send an email to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be
 unsubscribed.  If you have a friend 
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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
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he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk]Re: John 16:13-14

2005-07-12 Thread Christine Miller
Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 
Mar 16:16  He that believeth and is baptized shall be
saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Does this mean that only the disciples may preach the
gospel and baptize for the salvation of the lost?

Mar 16:17  And these signs shall follow them that
believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they
shall speak with new tongues; 
Mar 16:18  They shall take up serpents; and if they
drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they
shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Don't we see people lay hands and heal the sick today?
Wouldn't this seem to indicate that those 11 disciples
are not privy to the working of the Holy Ghost in
their lives, but all who believe are meant to be used
by the Holy Spirit?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello, Christine.  John 16:13-14 does not apply to
 the general Christian population  -- that is a
 position I affirm and your farther apparently
 denies.   I defend my point by appealing to the
 actual context of John 16  --  noting the fact that
 Christ is speaking to his disciple (especially the
 12) and to no one else in that passage.Your
 father goes out of this passage and appeals to Acts
 2:38-39.   I believe that Acts 2:38-39 applies to us
 today  and John 16 to the disciples who knew Him
 from the beginning (John 15:27).  Our discussion
 also applies to Mark 16: 15-18.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 12:58:45 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm
 Hi JD, how is my father's post out of context? I
 be interested to hear you thoughts on this.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Like I said David  -- you are way out of context
  here and you know it.   Shall I take time to 
  prove the contextual point of John 16 and Mark 16?
  I can and will be happy to do so.   
  -Original Message-
  From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:20:06 -0400
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm
  John wrote:
   No  --  somebody forgot to tell you.   Because
   you have no resepct for context in this case
   of no matter to me.   But context is very
   Without it, we have the fantasy that accompanies
   snake handling and ex-cathedra spiritual
   brought, forever, into modern times.
  Sorry, John, but you are not going to sneak by
  the lame out of 
  context argument.
  The point is that the Holy Ghost continues to
  operate this way whether you 
  recognize it or not.  You are free to testify to
  that the Holy Spirit 
  does not operate in your life the way it is
  in John 16:13, but you 
  cannot testify to others that he does not operate
  the lives of anybody 
  else like that.
  Jesus gave promises about the Holy Spirit and how
  would operate in the 
  lives of believers.  Peter made it very clear that
  this promise was not 
  restricted to just the eleven apostles at that
  moment in time.
  Acts 2:38-39
  Then Peter said unto them ... ye shall receive
  gift of the Holy Ghost. 
  For the promise is unto you, and to your children,
  and to all that are afar 
  off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
  Peace be with you.
  David Miller. 
  Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned
  salt, that you may know how 
  you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this
  send an email to 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be
  unsubscribed.  If you have a friend 
  who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
  he will be subscribed.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around 
 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
 salt, that you may know how 
 you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
 If you do not want to receive posts from this list,
 send an email to 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be
 unsubscribed.  If you have a friend 
 who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
 he will be subscribed.

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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who 

Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm

2005-07-12 Thread Lance Muir
Have you taken any literature courses at University? Do you intend to. I
esteem the works of Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy, GKChesterson, Dorothy
Sayers, CSLewis, JRRTolkien, Susan Howatch along with many others. Short
stories are an excellent vehicle for life's narrative (the story we find
ourselves in) IMO it is far superior to more didactic, propositionally
structured forms of communication.

- Original Message - 
From: Christine Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 12, 2005 15:58
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm

 Hi JD, how is my father's post out of context? I would
 be interested to hear you thoughts on this.


 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Like I said David  -- you are way out of context
  here and you know it.   Shall I take time to
  prove the contextual point of John 16 and Mark 16?
  I can and will be happy to do so.
  -Original Message-
  From: David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:20:06 -0400
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Sinless Perfection.htm
  John wrote:
   No  --  somebody forgot to tell you.   Because
   you have no resepct for context in this case is
   of no matter to me.   But context is very
   Without it, we have the fantasy that accompanies
   snake handling and ex-cathedra spiritual
   brought, forever, into modern times.
  Sorry, John, but you are not going to sneak by with
  the lame out of
  context argument.
  The point is that the Holy Ghost continues to
  operate this way whether you
  recognize it or not.  You are free to testify to us
  that the Holy Spirit
  does not operate in your life the way it is promised
  in John 16:13, but you
  cannot testify to others that he does not operate in
  the lives of anybody
  else like that.
  Jesus gave promises about the Holy Spirit and how he
  would operate in the
  lives of believers.  Peter made it very clear that
  this promise was not
  restricted to just the eleven apostles at that
  moment in time.
  Acts 2:38-39
  Then Peter said unto them ... ye shall receive the
  gift of the Holy Ghost.
  For the promise is unto you, and to your children,
  and to all that are afar
  off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
  Peace be with you.
  David Miller.
  Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with
  salt, that you may know how
  you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
  If you do not want to receive posts from this list,
  send an email to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be
  unsubscribed.  If you have a friend
  who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
  he will be subscribed.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

 If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread Judy Taylor

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:11:52 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy - if I didn't know better, I'd say that you believe in 
words and I believe in THE Spirit !!!
I certainly do not equate the words of Christ with God The Spirit, that is 
for sure. 

They work in sync John.Where there 
is no Word the Spirit has nothing to work 
with; too many words of men and no Spirit is a "dead letter" - Jesus 
called His 
Words Spirit and Life, why 
don't you believe 

Roman 2 makes it clear that we are no long 
judged by the Law, but by the Spirit.
The law is "the letter." written on 
tablest of stone and (of course) parchment/papyri. 

JD in Romans 2:16 Paul writes "In the day when 
od shall judged the secrets of
men by Jesus Christ according to my 
gospel. Jesus is the Word of God - There
is no place that I know of in the NT where the 
Spirit is said to be our Judge.

The Law is a set of words. 
The Spirit is a living "breathing" relaity (so we beleive) 

that is no less than Goed Himself 
!! In Romans 2:29 -- these two concepts, the 

non-living Law of God and the Spirit are 

Romans 2:29 is speaking of circumcision of the 
heart rather than of the flesh
because this is the New Covenant. Yes the 
Spirit is a member of the Godhead
and He is the Spirit of 
Christ but He is not a lone ranger. 

I take the word "law" and impose this 
definition: that by whihc we are 
Before the incarnation, the written Law 
of God was that by which we were judged. 
Now, after the incarnation, the law of the 
Spirit (the rule of the Spirit) is that by 
which we are judged. There is much 
that is used by the Spirit IN ADDITION to 
the written 

We are still judged by the Words Jesus spoke 
even after the incarnation JD
according to John 12:48"He that rejecteth 
me, and receiveth not my words, hath
one that judgeth him; the word that I have 
spoken, the same shall judge him in
the last day"

Meats and the reproof of the world? Judy, In I Cor 8:1-3 you have a problematic 
circumstance AND a principle that solves the problem. The 

What do you read as the "problematic 
circunstance" here JD? 

In 1Cor 8:1-3, it is the insistence by 
some of the brotherhood that their knowing 
(these were those who did not have meat issues) 
was the final word and was to 
be considered as more important than the 
relationship we have in Christ via 
"love" and -- implied 
-- their relationship with the brother who beleives there 

to be more than one God. That MUST 
BE and is the issue here in I Co 8. that 
is why Paul invokes the principle of limited 
knowing verse relational love. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "limited knowing" 
vs "relational love"
Where is this "relational love" clearly 
articulated in God's Word rather than
the extra Biblical doctrines when God's Word 
clearly saysin Isa 5:13 and
other places "Therefore my people are gone into 
captivity, because they 
have no knowledge; and their honorable men are 
famished and their 
multitude dried up with 

That knowledge puffs up -- that when we think we know something, we do 

not yet know it as we ought. Now, if you do not care to 
include that principle in
your theology, fine. But it should be there.

ATST we are not supposed to be ignorant 
JD. God does not bless ignorance -
so how do you 
reconcile the two in your own life? What in your words is this 


If we think we know something, we do not know 
it as we ought but if we love 
God, we ARE KNOWN BY HIM. That is 
how I justify those extremely rare 
occasion when I am actually mistaken about 
something -- I realy on my 
love for God and His promise to love me in 
return (but, of course, 
"He started it!!")

I understand 1 Cor 8:1-3 to be addressing those 
who are acting smart
over knowing that idols and other gods have no 
power so that their own
attitude would trip them up even if what they 
did know was right. jt


Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread ttxpress

myth (anyone 
interested in the truth would neither write this nor respond to 

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 11:35:16 -0400 "David Miller" 

  I am not interested in debate, but in 
  What you[JD] are trying to say is only 
  approximated by the words you use, so being 
  free to consider the use of different words to say 
  what you are trying to say can
  facilitate communication. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

LOL --- Gary, we would make the best of neighbors  

Jd-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:08:53 -0600Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

myth (anyone interested in the truth would neither write this nor respond to it)

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 11:35:16 -0400 "David Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am not interested in debate, but in truth.
What you[JD] are trying to say is only approximated by the words you use, so being 
free to consider the use of different words to say what you are trying to say can
facilitate communication. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread knpraise

-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor jandgtaylor1@juno.comTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 17:06:29 -0400Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:11:52 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy - if I didn't know better, I'd say that you believe in words and I believe in THE Spirit !!!
I certainly do not equate the words of Christ with God The Spirit, that is for sure. 

They work in sync John.Where there is no Word the Spirit has nothing to work 
with; too many words of men and no Spirit is a "dead letter" - Jesus called His 
Words Spirit and Life, why don't you believe Him?

Roman 2 makes it clear that we are no long judged by the Law, but by the Spirit.
The law is "the letter." written on tablet of stone and (of course) parchment/papyri. 

JD in Romans 2:16 Paul writes "In the day when od shall judged the secrets of
men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Jesus is the Word of God - There
is no place that I know of in the NT where the Spirit is said to be our Judge.

I should have said it this way: the law is no longer the standard by which we are judged. The Spirit is that standard in Christ. We are judged in Christ. JD 

The Law is a set of words. The Spirit is a living "breathing" reality (so we believe) 
that is no less than Goed Himself !! In Romans 2:29 -- these two concepts, the 
non-living Law of God and the Spirit are contrasted.

Romans 2:29 is speaking of circumcision of the heart rather than of the flesh
because this is the New Covenant. Yes the Spirit is a member of the Godhead
and He is the Spirit of Christ but He is not a lone ranger. 

I take the word "law" and impose this definition: that standardby which we are judged.
Before the incarnation, the written Law of God was that by which we were judged. 
Now, after the incarnation, the law of the Spirit (the rule of the Spirit) is that by 
which we are judged. There is much that is used by the Spirit IN ADDITION to 
the written message.

We are still judged by the Words Jesus spoke even after the incarnation JD
according to John 12:48"He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath
one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in
the last day"

This passage cannot be used to mean the re establishment of the rule of law.Why? 
there is just so much in scripture that opposes such a conclusion. If we are to be judged by law, 
there would be no point in the coming of Christ. JD

Meats and the reproof of the world? Judy, In I Cor 8:1-3 you have a problematic 
circumstance AND a principle that solves the problem. The principle 

What do you read as the "problematic circumstance" here JD? 

In 1Cor 8:1-3, it is the insistence by some of the brotherhood that their knowing 
(these were those who did not have meat issues) was the final word and was to 
be considered as more important than the relationship we have in Christ via 
"love" and -- implied -- their relationship with the brother who beleives there 
to be more than one God. That MUST BE and is the issue here in I Co 8. that 
is why Paul invokes the principle of limited knowing verse relational love. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "limited knowing" vs "relational love"
Where is this "relational love" clearly articulated in God's Word rather than
the extra Biblical doctrines when God's Word clearly saysin Isa 5:13 and
other places "Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they 
have no knowledge; and their honorable men are famished and their 
multitude dried up with thirst"?

That knowledge puffs up -- that when we think we know something, we do 
not yet know it as we ought. Now, if you do not care to include that principle in
your theology, fine. But it should be there.

ATST we are not supposed to be ignorant JD. God does not bless ignorance -
so how do you reconcile the two in your own life? What in your words is this 

If we think we know something, we do not know it as we ought but if we love 
God, we ARE KNOWN BY HIM. That is how I justify those extremely rare 
occasion when I am actually mistaken about something -- I realy on my 
love for God and His promise to love me in return (but, of course, 
"He started it!!")

I understand 1 Cor 8:1-3 to be addressing those who are acting smart
over knowing that idols and other gods have no power so that their own
attitude would trip them up even if what they did know was right. jt

Yes this is true. But beyond the specifics of this passage, there is that principle thing -- we should always guard against becoming puff up because of what we know. And the "truth" we know, I think will "puff" us up quicker than anything because such knowledge actually works !!

Example: the most obnoxious carpenters in the trade are those who know what they are doing and use this knowledge as a mark of superiority. 


Re: [TruthTalk] Re:John 16:13,14

2005-07-12 Thread Judy Taylor

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:11:52 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:JD: Judy 
- if I didn't know better, I'd say that you believe in words and I believe 
in THE Spirit !!!I certainly do not equate the words of Christ with God The 
Spirit, that is for sure. 

They work in sync John. Where there is no Word 
the Spirit has nothing to work with; too many words of men and no Spirit is 
a "dead letter" - Jesus called His Words Spirit and Life, why don't you 
believe Him? 

JD: Roman 2 makes it clear that we are no long judged by the Law, but by 
the Spirit. The law is "the letter." written on tablet of stone 
and (of course) parchment/papyri. 

In Romans 2:16 Paul writes "In the day when God shall 
judged the secrets ofmen by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Jesus 
is the Word of God - Thereis no place that I know of in the NT where the 
Spirit is said to be our Judge.

JD: I should have said it this way: the law is no longer the standard 
by which we 
are judged. The Spirit is that standard in Christ. We are 
judged in Christ. JD 

The standard remains the same since love is the 
fulfillment of the Law and love is 
the royal law or the law of Christ, so how have things 

JD: The Law is a set of words. The Spirit is a living 
"breathing" reality (so we believe) that is no less than Goed Himself 
!! In Romans 2:29 -- these two concepts, the 
non-living Law of God and the Spirit are contrasted. 

Romans 2:29 speaks of circumcision of the heart rather 
than of the fleshbecause this is the New Covenant. Yes the Spirit is a 
member of the Godheadand He is the Spirit of Christ but He is not a lone 

JD: I take the word "law" and impose this definition: 
that standard by which we 
are judged. Before the incarnation, the written law of God was that 
by which wewere 
judged.Now after the incarnation the law of the Spirit (the rule of 
the Spirit is that bywhich we are judged. There is much that is used by the 
Spirit in ADDITION to thewritten message.

We are still judged by the Words Jesus spoke even after 
the incarnation JDaccording to John 12:48 "He that rejecteth me, and 
receiveth not my words, hathone that judgeth him; the word that I have 
spoken, the same shall judge him inthe last day" 

JD: This passage cannot be used to mean the re establishment of the rule of 
law.Why? there is just so much in scripture that opposes such a 
conclusion. If we are to be 
judged by law, there would be no point in the coming of Christ. 
Why? God needed a permanent sacrifice for sin; the 
blood of bulls and goats was
just temporary. Jesus was born of Mary, died, and 
was raised by the eternal Spirit

Meats and the reproof of the world? Judy, In I Cor 8:1-3 you 
have a problematic circumstance AND a principle that solves the 
problem. The principle 

What do you read as the "problematic circumstance" here 

In 1Cor 8:1-3, it is the insistence by some of the brotherhood that 
their knowing (these were those who did not have meat issues) was the 
final word and was to be considered as more important than the relationship 
we have in Christ via "love" and -- implied -- 
their relationship with the brother who beleives there to be more than one 
God. That MUST BE and is the issue here in I Co 8. that 
is why Paul invokes the principle of limited knowing verse relational 

I'm not sure what you mean by "limited knowing" vs 
"relational love"Where is this "relational love" clearly articulated in 
God's Word rather thanthe extra Biblical doctrines when God's Word clearly 
says in Isa 5:13 andother places "Therefore my people are gone into 
captivity, because they have no knowledge; and their honorable men are 
famished and their multitude dried up with thirst"?

That knowledge puffs up -- that when we think we know something, we do 
not yet know it as we ought. Now, if you do not care to 
include that principle inyour theology, fine. But it should be there. 

ATST we are not supposed to be ignorant JD. God 
does not bless ignorance -so how do you reconcile the two in your own 
life? What in your words is this principle? 

If we think we know something, we do not know it as we ought but if we love 
God, we ARE KNOWN BY HIM. That is how I justify those extremely 
rare occasion when I am actually mistaken about something 
-- I realy on my love for God and His promise to love me in 
return (but, of course, "He started it!!")

I understand 1 Cor 8:1-3 to be addressing those who are 
acting smartover knowing that idols and other gods have no power so that 
their ownattitude would trip them up even if what they did know was 
right. jt

Yes this is true. But beyond the specifics of this passage, 
there is that principle 
thing -- we should always guard against becoming puff up 
because of what we 
know. And the "truth" we know, I think will "puff" us up 
quicker than anything 
because such knowledge actually works !!

Example: the most obnoxious carpenters in the trade are those who know 

what they are doing