Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Huh ?? and Huh?? again

2006-01-16 Thread knpraise

See, The Prophet thinks you are giving me your understanding of my theology  --  only repeating back to me what you think I have said.  Nonsense.  And here is a perfect example.   "What is unassumed is unsaved"  has absolutely no heritage in my writings.   I don't even know what that means.   Just absolute nonsense surrounded by quotation marks.   If it wasn't so puzzling, it would be hilarious.
In fact, beginning with the words "If I remember correctly ."  I have no clue as to what you are talking about. And if David thinks I have given you this thought, whatever it is ,  well, he is just plain goofy.  
-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

JD Neither you or Bill are making any points that matter.
You are so obsessed with doctrine that can not be validated by God's Word.
If I remember correctly your thing is "what is unassumed is unsaved" so every vile thing had to be assumed
Actually - it was "at Calvary" ... But it was not in the person of the Christ neither of you seem to know.
So,  Judy brings up Adam before the fall,  Bill rebutts with a comment about Adam before the fall, and Judy then changes the subject  --  and ,  and ,  and what ? !!  I don't get it. Bill's point remains unanswered.  One must ask, "why?"  jd 
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:45:43 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Judy asks:    
Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the first Adam before the fall, ...
Bill responds
the first Adam before the fall did not need to be saved Judy. We do. 
And judy , well, does what?
The first Adam after the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.   Judy
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The first Adam after the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.  Our "humanity" is under a curse along with the rest of creation Bill
Which is spelled out in scripture.  Jesus went to the cross in order to institute a
"New Creation" and this is why he is called the Second Adam.  The first Adam
is earthy or of the earthy (as we are).  The Second Adam is the Lord from heaven.
Your gospel is inverted Bill.  It is not Jesus who takes on our likeness although he
passed in all the areas where the first Adam failed; and was without sin where we
are for the most part loaded down with it.  Read 1 Cor 15:42-52.  Sounds to me
like the second Adam is the Lord from heaven.  I don't see anything earthy about
him.  Temptation or no temptation.

From: Taylor 


Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the
first Adam before the fall, ...
Because the first Adam before the fall did not need to be saved Judy. We do.

- Original Message - 
From: Judy Taylor 
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] love and trinity THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IS NOT DIVINE

On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:29:01 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

so there is no way that this would be the same concept Bill.  
Why is that, Judy? Did "they" not create us in "their" likeness? (cf. Gen 1.26). 
Yes they did created the first Adam in their nature and character spiritually - which "likeness" 
Adam forfeited when he chose to go with Eve into disobedience by eating the wrong fruit.  
Thereafter all men (including us) are born into this world by procreation in the likeness of 
the first Adam rather than the likeness of God (Gen 5:3)
The only possible way to regain the image of God lost by the first Adam is to become
conformed to the image of the second Adam which is the sole purpose for His coming 
and His willingness to lay down His human life as a perfect sacrifice in our place.
Laying aside the fact that you are making much too much of Seth having been born in the image 
of Adam (see Gen 9.6 and answer for me what would be wrong, then, with killing someone who 
was no longer created in God's image, but in Adam's), 
At the beginnign they were created in God's image and now Noah who found grace is starting
over even though it didn't take too many generations for the whole of humanity (all but 8 ppl)
to be destroyed.  I don't believe God is interested in fellowshipping with a bunch of devils.
Judy, I fail to understand why that should even prevent Christ from being united in his person, 
his humanness with his divinity. 
I understand.  It is mixture; joining the holy with the profane which is something God hates.
The only thing which could have severed that union was the one thing which he did not do: 
sin. Hence in his person, he was able to undo that which had indeed produced schizophrenia 
in the relationship between humanity and God. 
Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the
first Adam before the fall, the one who was created?  

Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Huh ?? and Huh?? again

2006-01-16 Thread Judy Taylor

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:38:08 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  See, The Prophet thinks you are giving me your understanding of my 
  theology  --  only repeating back to me what you think I have 
  said.  Nonsense.  And here is a perfect example.   "What 
  is unassumed is unsaved"  has absolutely no heritage in my 
  writings.   I don't even know what that means.  
  What??  You must not read what the buddies 
  you fellowship write or else you are afraid of losing their
  fellowship and don't want to dispute it.  Lance 
  quotes this all the time.  How is it you are into the 
  and Baxter and the boys and are ignorant of 
  this?  I would say this is major. 
  Just absolute nonsense surrounded by quotation marks.   If it 
  wasn't so puzzling, it would be hilarious.
  Oooh!  my goodness, it is now getting worse 
  rather than better.  DO YOU SEE THIS LANCE???  JD is 
  publicly trashing your doctrine.
  In fact, beginning with the words "If I remember correctly 
  ."  I have no clue as to what you are talking 
  about. And if David thinks I have given you this thought, whatever it is 
  ,  well, he is just plain goofy.  jd
  Apparently you are not in the family I was thinking 
  you ran with JD,  you must be with them but not of them,
  an "independent" of some kind ... Hmmm the plot 
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

JD Neither you or Bill are making any points that 
You are so obsessed with doctrine that can not 
be validated by God's Word.
If I remember correctly your thing is "what is 
unassumed is unsaved" so every vile thing had to be assumed
Actually - it was "at Calvary" ... But it was 
not in the person of the Christ neither of you seem 
to know.
So,  Judy brings up Adam before the 
fall,  Bill rebutts with a comment about Adam before the fall, and Judy 
then changes the subject  --  and ,  and ,  and what ? 
!!  I don't get it. Bill's point remains unanswered.  One 
must ask, "why?"  jd 
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:45:43 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to 
  be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the 
  first Adam before the fall, 
  Bill responds
  the first 
  Adam before the fall did not 
  need to be saved Judy. We do. 
  And judy , well, does what?
  The first Adam after 
  the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God 
  and so do we.   Judy
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The first Adam after the fall 
did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.  Our "humanity" is under a 
curse along with the rest of creation Bill
Which is spelled out in scripture.  Jesus 
went to the cross in order to institute a
"New Creation" and this is why he is called the 
Second Adam.  The first Adam
is earthy or of the earthy (as we are).  
The Second Adam is the Lord from heaven.
Your gospel is inverted Bill.  It is not 
Jesus who takes on our likeness although he
passed in all the areas where the first Adam 
failed; and was without sin where we
are for the most part loaded down with 
it.  Read 1 Cor 15:42-52.  Sounds to me
like the second Adam is the Lord from 
heaven.  I don't see anything earthy about
him.  Temptation or no 

From: Taylor 


Tell me why he (Jesus) 
HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like 
first Adam before the 
fall, ...
Because the first 
Adam before the fall did not need to be saved Judy. We 

  - Original Message - 
  Judy Taylor 
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 
  2006 11:50 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] 
  On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:29:01 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

so there is no way 
that this would be the same concept Bill.  
Why is that, Judy? Did "they" not 
create us in "their" likeness? (cf. Gen 

Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Huh ?? and Huh?? again

2006-01-17 Thread Lance Muir

See Irenaeus & Athanasius 'The unassumed is 
unhealed' If (wo)men are to be fully saved, Christ would have to be FULLY 
IMO, if He were not fully human then we are yet in 
our sins. This is who Jesus is.

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; 
  Sent: January 16, 2006 19:38
  Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Huh ?? and 
  Huh?? again
  See, The Prophet thinks you are giving me your understanding of my 
  theology  --  only repeating back to me what you think I have 
  said.  Nonsense.  And here is a perfect example.   "What 
  is unassumed is unsaved"  has absolutely no heritage in my 
  writings.   I don't even know what that means.   Just 
  absolute nonsense surrounded by quotation marks.   If it wasn't so 
  puzzling, it would be hilarious.
  In fact, beginning with the words "If I remember correctly 
  ."  I have no clue as to what you are talking 
  about. And if David thinks I have given you this thought, whatever it is 
  ,  well, he is just plain goofy.  
Original message -- From: Judy Taylor 

JD Neither you or Bill are making any points that 
You are so obsessed with doctrine that can not 
be validated by God's Word.
If I remember correctly your thing is "what is 
unassumed is unsaved" so every vile thing had to be assumed
Actually - it was "at Calvary" ... But it was 
not in the person of the Christ neither of you seem 
to know.
So,  Judy brings up Adam before the 
fall,  Bill rebutts with a comment about Adam before the fall, and Judy 
then changes the subject  --  and ,  and ,  and what ? 
!!  I don't get it. Bill's point remains unanswered.  One 
must ask, "why?"  jd 
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:45:43 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to 
  be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the 
  first Adam before the fall, 
  Bill responds
  the first 
  Adam before the fall did not 
  need to be saved Judy. We do. 
  And judy , well, does what?
  The first Adam after 
  the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God 
  and so do we.   Judy
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The first Adam after the fall 
did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.  Our "humanity" is under a 
curse along with the rest of creation Bill
Which is spelled out in scripture.  Jesus 
went to the cross in order to institute a
"New Creation" and this is why he is called the 
Second Adam.  The first Adam
is earthy or of the earthy (as we are).  
The Second Adam is the Lord from heaven.
Your gospel is inverted Bill.  It is not 
Jesus who takes on our likeness although he
passed in all the areas where the first Adam 
failed; and was without sin where we
are for the most part loaded down with 
it.  Read 1 Cor 15:42-52.  Sounds to me
like the second Adam is the Lord from 
heaven.  I don't see anything earthy about
him.  Temptation or no 

From: Taylor 


Tell me why he (Jesus) 
HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like 
first Adam before the 
fall, ...
Because the first 
Adam before the fall did not need to be saved Judy. We 

  - Original Message - 
  Judy Taylor 
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 
  2006 11:50 AM
  Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] 
  On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 11:29:01 -0700 "Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

so there is no way 
that this would be the same concept Bill.  
Why is that, Judy? Did "they" not 
create us in "their" likeness? (cf. Gen 
Yes they did cr

Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] Huh ?? and Huh?? again

2006-01-20 Thread knpraise

Man,   I think I have misspoken  !!      
Judy attributes the following to me.  Understand,   I have not seen the post from Lance , in which these words apparently originated  -  so ,  of course ,  without any context at all,   I decide that the following is appropriate !   I do hope Lance understands.   
I have to laugh at myself , here.  For once,  I kind of wished I had simple shut up !
Here is my response to Judy false accusation  (that I wrote these words, not knowing that they they were Lance's.)  :
John writes:  

See, The Prophet this is a reference to DM.  One should never single someone out if, within a matter of a minute or two, that one becomes manifestly stupid"    thinks you are giving me your understanding of my theology  --  only repeating back to me what you think I have said.  Nonsense.  Clearly, this is not going to be good.    And here is a perfect example.   "What is unassumed is unsaved"  has absolutely no heritage in my writings.   Insert foot.   I don't even know what that means.  Take foot out,  take off shoe
What??  You must not read what the buddies you fellowship write or else you are afraid of losing their
fellowship and don't want to dispute it.  Lance quotes this all the time.  How is it you are into the perichoresis
and Baxter and the boys and are ignorant of this?  I would say this is major. Do I listen to Judy?   Ohh noo!
Just absolute nonsense surrounded by quotation marks. Re-insert shoeless foot If it wasn't so puzzling, it would be hilarious.  all the way to the stinking knee cap  !!!   
Oooh!  my goodness, it is now getting worse rather than better.  DO YOU SEE THIS LANCE???  JD is now
publicly trashing your doctrine.
In fact, beginning with the words "If I remember correctly ."  I have no clue as to what you are talking about. And if David thinks I have given you this thought, whatever it is ,  well, he is just plain goofy.  jd  And here,  I have clearly NOT learned the lesson taught to me by my Mother  --  "never talk with mouth full  !!!"  
jd     I am an idiot !!  
-- Original message -- From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:38:08 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

See, The Prophet thinks you are giving me your understanding of my theology  --  only repeating back to me what you think I have said.  Nonsense.  And here is a perfect example.   "What is unassumed is unsaved"  has absolutely no heritage in my writings.   I don't even know what that means.  
What??  You must not read what the buddies you fellowship write or else you are afraid of losing their
fellowship and don't want to dispute it.  Lance quotes this all the time.  How is it you are into the perichoresis
and Baxter and the boys and are ignorant of this?  I would say this is major. 
Just absolute nonsense surrounded by quotation marks.   If it wasn't so puzzling, it would be hilarious.
Oooh!  my goodness, it is now getting worse rather than better.  DO YOU SEE THIS LANCE???  JD is now
publicly trashing your doctrine.
In fact, beginning with the words "If I remember correctly ."  I have no clue as to what you are talking about. And if David thinks I have given you this thought, whatever it is ,  well, he is just plain goofy.  jd
Apparently you are not in the family I was thinking you ran with JD,  you must be with them but not of them,
an "independent" of some kind ... Hmmm the plot thickens!!!
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

JD Neither you or Bill are making any points that matter.
You are so obsessed with doctrine that can not be validated by God's Word.
If I remember correctly your thing is "what is unassumed is unsaved" so every vile thing had to be assumed
Actually - it was "at Calvary" ... But it was not in the person of the Christ neither of you seem to know.
So,  Judy brings up Adam before the fall,  Bill rebutts with a comment about Adam before the fall, and Judy then changes the subject  --  and ,  and ,  and what ? !!  I don't get it. Bill's point remains unanswered.  One must ask, "why?"  jd 
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:45:43 + [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Judy asks:    
Tell me why he (Jesus) HAD to be like US in every way?  Why couldn't he have been like the first Adam before the fall, ...
Bill responds
the first Adam before the fall did not need to be saved Judy. We do. 
And judy , well, does what?
The first Adam after the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.   Judy
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

The first Adam after the fall did indeed need saving from the wrath of God Bill
and so do we.  Our "humanity" is under a curse along with the rest of creation Bill
Which is spelled out in scripture.  Jesus went to the cross in order to institute a
"New Creation" and this is why he is called the Second Adam.  The