Re: [Tutor] Mod_python greedy url matching

2005-10-05 Thread Danny Yoo

On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Jay Loden wrote:

 I'm having trouble with Apache and Mod_python - mod_python is set to use
 /var/www/html and pass all *.htm files on to the handler I wrote.
 Unfortunately, mod_python does a greedy match, so
 /var/www/html/subdirectory/file.htm still gets passed to the handler!
 Is there some way to limit the handler to the directory and NOT include

Hi Jay,

You may want to ask the Apache folks about this one.  Your question
specific enough that the Apache folks will probably be better at this one
than Python-Tutor.

If you strip your question to its essentials, it really is an Apache
configuration problem more than anything else; it really isn't related to
Python except from the tangential relation to mod_python.  The behavior
you're seeing is how Apache deals with all Directory-specific directives:
subdirectories acquire the properties of their parent directory.

But from the notes in:

it sounds possible for you to apply a RemoveHandler directive on the
subdirectories of whatever parent directory you're trying not to handle.

However, since we're really straying away from programming topics and into
web-server system administration, I'd strongly recommend continuing this
question on a mailing list like the one listed in:

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Line continuation with readlines

2005-10-05 Thread Craig MacFarlane


Is there a way to make line continuation work with
the readlines function?


  this is \
one line.

Thank you,

Yahoo! for Good 
Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Help Needed

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Haley


I am trying to learn Python which I am brand new to. I have
run into a problem that I would appreciate help with.

When I am in Python Shell of the IDLE GUI, when I click
Edit/Run Script, I am getting a dialog box that is titled Not saved
and states The buffer for Python shell is not saved. Please save it
first. With an OK button that just takes me back to the
Shell window. I am going through a book (which suggests this resource as a
good place to ask questions) and Edit/Run Script was working just fine the
other day. 

I dont have a clue what is wrong or how to fix it. I
have searched the website but was unable to find any reference to
this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Line continuation with readlines

2005-10-05 Thread Danny Yoo

On Mon, 3 Oct 2005, Craig MacFarlane wrote:

 Is there a way to make line continuation work with
 the readlines function?


   this is \
 one line.

Hi Craig,

readline() doesn't look at the content of lines, so no, not out of the
box.  However, would it be satisfactory if you wrote a function to define
that behavior?

Good luck to you!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] FW: Help Needed

2005-10-05 Thread Daniel Watkins

When I am in Python Shell of the IDLE GUI, when I click Edit/Run
Script, I am getting a dialog box that is titled “Not saved” and
states “The buffer for Python shell is not saved.  Please save
it first.” With an “OK” button that just takes me back to the
Shell window.  I am going through a book (which suggests this
resource as a good place to ask questions) and Edit/Run Script
was working just fine the other day.  

Go to File  Save As... and save the file somewhere. Then attempt to run
the script. If this still doesn't work, I'm stumped, but it really


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Help Needed

2005-10-05 Thread Pujo Aji

make sure in the 
option/general/Startup preferences/at startup/open edit windowoption/general/Startup preferences/autosave preferences/NoPrompt

run the program by clicking F5

On 10/5/05, Steve Haley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am trying to learn Python which I am brand new to. I have run into a problem that I would appreciate help with.

When I am in Python Shell of the IDLE GUI, when I click Edit/Run Script, I am getting a dialog box that is titled "Not saved" and states "The buffer for Python shell is not saved. Please save it first." With an "OK" button that just takes me back to the Shell window. I am going through a book (which suggests this resource as a good place to ask questions) and Edit/Run Script was working just fine the other day. 

I don't have a clue what is wrong or how to fix it. I have searched the website but was unable to find any reference to this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much,
___Tutor maillist -
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] need help to understand terms for desinging a program

2005-10-05 Thread Hameed U. Khan
  I need to make a program which will accomplish following. I dont
need the code. I want to make it myself. But I need guidance from you
people because I am not a good programmer. I need help in
understanding following terms.

qmail-queue  reads  a  mail message from descriptor 0.  It
   then reads envelope information  from  descriptor  1.   It
   places  the  message  into  the  outgoing queue for future
   delivery by qmail-send.

   The envelope information is  an  envelope  sender  address
   followed  by  a list of envelope recipient addresses.  The
   sender address is preceded by the letter F and  terminated
   by  a  0  byte.  Each recipient address is preceded by the
   letter T and terminated by a 0 byte.  The list of  recipi-
   ent addresses is terminated by an extra 0 byte.  If qmail-
   queue sees end-of-file before the extra 0 byte, it  aborts
   without placing the message into the queue.

 I want to inspect messages before passing them to actuall qmail-queue
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hameed U. Khan
Registered Linux User #: 354374
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] need help to understand terms for desinging a program

2005-10-05 Thread paul brian
This is a pretty big question, and it would be easier to answer if you
can give us more details about what you want to do.

It seems you want to inspect outgoing mails (possibly rewrite their
addresses?) before the mails are sent out.

If you are looking to send out emails to a list then I suggest looking
at mailman - a python mailing list manager.

If you want to use python to examine mail messages and do not care
what mailserver (MTA) you use you could try exim instead of qmail and
then try exim-python.

On 10/5/05, Hameed U. Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I need to make a program which will accomplish following. I dont
 need the code. I want to make it myself. But I need guidance from you
 people because I am not a good programmer. I need help in
 understanding following terms.

qmail-queue  reads  a  mail message from descriptor 0.  It
   then reads envelope information  from  descriptor  1.   It
   places  the  message  into  the  outgoing queue for future
   delivery by qmail-send.

   The envelope information is  an  envelope  sender  address
   followed  by  a list of envelope recipient addresses.  The
   sender address is preceded by the letter F and  terminated
   by  a  0  byte.  Each recipient address is preceded by the
   letter T and terminated by a 0 byte.  The list of  recipi-
   ent addresses is terminated by an extra 0 byte.  If qmail-
   queue sees end-of-file before the extra 0 byte, it  aborts
   without placing the message into the queue.

  I want to inspect messages before passing them to actuall qmail-queue
 Thanks in advance for your help.
 Hameed U. Khan
 Registered Linux User #: 354374
 Tutor maillist  -

Paul Brian
m. 07875 074 534
t. 0208 352 1741
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] FW: Help Needed

2005-10-05 Thread Alan Gauld
 When I am in Python Shell of the IDLE GUI, when I click Edit/Run

You shouldn't be running scripts when in the shell, it executes them 
You use edit/run when working in a script file window.


Alan G 

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] How to strip both single and double quotes

2005-10-05 Thread Dick Moores
I'm writing a script that takes any text and outputs to a file a list of 
duples (k, word) where k is the number of occurrences of word in the text.

The text will contain words beginning or ending with non-alphabetic 
characters. To strip them off I use string.strip([chars]). My question is 
how to use strip just once to get rid of both kinds of quotes, single and 
double. It seems necessary to do it something like this:

# L is the original list of words in the text.
newL = []
for word in L:
 word = lower(word)
 newWord = word.strip(.,!?;:*'=-/#@)()
 newWord2 = newWord.strip('.,!?;:*=-/#@)(')
 word = newWord2

But is it? Have I missed something?


Dick Moores

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Trying to prevent ftplib from locking my script

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Andrew P wrote:
 Normally I wouldn't pipe up here because threads really can be very 
 tricky.  But check out:
 I use this recipe, originally from Python in a Nutshell, all the time, 
 to solve exactly your problem.  Slow network stuff that I don't have 
 to/want to babysit.

There are also several recipes showing how to use a worker thread from a GUI 
program, for example this one:


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] htmllib

2005-10-05 Thread Ed Singleton
You're like some kind of god!

That's exactly what I need.



On 05/10/05, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ed Singleton wrote:
  I want to dump a html file into a python object.  Each nested tag
  would be a sub-object, attributes would be properties.  So that I can
  use Python in a similar way to the way I use JavaScript within a web

 I don't know of a way to run Python from within a web page. But if you want 
 to fetch an HTML page from a server and work with it (for example a 
 web-scraping app), many people use BeautifulSoup for this. If you have 
 well-formed HTML or XHTML you can use an XML parser as well but BS has the 
 advantage of coping with badly-formed HTML.


 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to strip both single and double quotes

2005-10-05 Thread Dick Moores
Alan Gauld wrote at 04:38 10/5/2005:
  how to use strip just once to get rid of both kinds of quotes, single 
  double. It seems necessary to do it something like this:

JUst escape the quote character:


That did it!


Dick Moores

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) algorithm help

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Michael Cotherman wrote:
 I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to arrays in
 python, although the first time I see it done, I will
 have no problem. Can you help converting the below
 (what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?

OK I'll bite. Your code is copying from a src buffer to a dst buffer. The src 
buffer has a count byte followed by count-1 bytes of data. If the count is less 
that 0xFF, a zero byte has to be inserted into the dst. So the decode loop gets 
a count, copies that many bytes to the dst buffer, then optionally appends a 0.

Python doesn't have a direct equivalent to this sort of manipulation of memory 
pointers and raw memory buffers. They are commonly replaced by strings or 
lists. My function takes a string as an input argument, builds the output as 
string fragments in a list, then builds a string to return.

Note that Python strings include an implicit length so there is no need to pass 
and return a length argument.

I included a test case with the data from your previous email. Your data is 
evidently hex-encoded as well as COBS encoded - in other words your strings are 
hex values where each two chars represent a single byte. I have converted to 
and from byte strings to feed this to the decoder.


PS Please send your replies to the whole list, not to me personally. Thanks!

def unstuff(src):
# src is a COBS compressed string
current = 0 # index into src
dst = []# a list that will build the result

while current  len(src):
# Get the count and convert it to an integer
count = ord(src[current])

# Append count-1 chars from src to dst

# Do we need to add a zero byte?
if count  0xFF:

# Bump the counter and continue
if count0:
current += count
current += 1

# dst is a list of string fragments; this converts it to a single string
return ''.join(dst)

def hexToString(hexStr):
''' Convert a string of two-digit hex values to a string of bytes with 
those values '''
return ''.join([chr(int(hexStr[i:i+2], 16)) for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 

def stringToHex(src):
''' Convert a byte string to a string of two-digit hex values '''
return ''.join([ '%02x' % ord(s) for s in src ])

if __name__ == '__main__':
data = '0002860104DB203F0100'
print data
data = hexToString(data)

newData = unstuff(data)
print stringToHex(newData)

 UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst, UINT length)
   unsigned char *dstStart = dst;
   unsigned char *end = src + length;
   while (src  end)
   int i, code = *src++;
   for (i=1; icode; i++) 
   *dst++ = *src++;
   if (code  0xFF) 
   *dst++ = 0;
   return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Forwarding to the list

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) algorithm help
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 13:20:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Cotherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the response, the .NET code is really a
cluster, the whole cobs.cpp is below if needed. I
would think just by following the spec I could write a
cleaner program..

I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to arrays in
python, although the first time I see it done, I will
have no problem. Can you help converting the below
(what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?

even just comments to what is going on at each line...


UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
unsigned char *dst, UINT length)
unsigned char *dstStart = dst;
unsigned char *end = src + length;

while (src  end)
int i, code = *src++;

for (i=1; icode; i++) 
*dst++ = *src++;

if (code  0xFF) 
*dst++ = 0;

return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);

// includes
#include stdafx.h
#include CobsPackets.h

// defines

// global data

// Register the standard CCobsPackets COM message
const UINT CCobsPackets::mg_nDefaultCobsMsg =

// class CCobsPackets

m_hMsgWnd = 0;
m_nCobsMsg = 0;
m_lParam   = 0;
m_nMaxPacketSize = 0;

m_pInPacketData = NULL;
m_nInPacketPos = 0;

if (m_pInPacketData){
delete []m_pInPacketData;
m_pInPacketData = NULL;

while (!m_InPacketList.IsEmpty())
ListPacket *delPacket = (ListPacket

if (delPacket)
if (delPacket-packetData){
delete [](delPacket-packetData);
delPacket-packetData = NULL;

delete delPacket;

while (!m_OutPacketList.IsEmpty())
ListPacket *delPacket = (ListPacket

if (delPacket)
if (delPacket-packetData){
delete [](delPacket-packetData);
delPacket-packetData = NULL;

delete delPacket;

bool CCobsPackets::Init(HWND hwndDest, UINT nCobsMsg,
LPARAM lParam, UINT nMaxPacketSize)
m_hMsgWnd = hwndDest;
m_nCobsMsg = nCobsMsg?nCobsMsg:mg_nDefaultCobsMsg;
m_lParam   = lParam;
m_nMaxPacketSize = nMaxPacketSize;

m_nInPacketPos = 0;

if (m_pInPacketData){
delete []m_pInPacketData;
m_pInPacketData = NULL;

m_pInPacketData = new unsigned
//TRACE0(create m_pInPacketData\n);

if (!m_pInPacketData)
return false;

return true;

ListPacket* CCobsPackets::NewPacket()
ListPacket *newPacket = NULL;

if (m_nMaxPacketSize)
newPacket = new ListPacket;
if (newPacket)
newPacket-packetData = new unsigned

if (newPacket-packetData)
newPacket-packetLength = 0;
memset(newPacket-packetData, 0x00,

delete newPacket;
newPacket = NULL;

return newPacket;

void CCobsPackets::SendEvent 

Re: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Alan Gauld
 I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to arrays in
 python, although the first time I see it done, I will
 have no problem. Can you help converting the below
 (what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?

It won't be working code but I think this is whats happening...

 UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
 unsigned char *dst, UINT length)

def UnStuffData(src,dst,len):

 unsigned char *dstStart = dst;
 unsigned char *end = src + length;

# I don't think these are needed for Pyhon.

 while (src  end)

for code in src:

 int code = *src++;
 for (int i=1; icode; i++) 
 *dst++ = *src++;

for i in range(1,code):

 if (code  0xFF) 
 *dst++ = 0;

   if code  0xff
   dst.append('\0')   # may not be needed in python...

 return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);

This looks odd, I don't think I understand what it does.
It seems to return an address thats potentially (probably?!)
before the start of the original dst...

I think it should probably translate to 
  return dst

Does that help?

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Alan Gauld wrote:
 return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);
 This looks odd, I don't think I understand what it does.
 It seems to return an address thats potentially (probably?!)
 before the start of the original dst...

It's returning the length of dst.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Line continuation with readlines

2005-10-05 Thread bob
At 07:20 PM 10/3/2005, Craig MacFarlane wrote:

Is there a way to make line continuation work with
the readlines function?


Do you mean e.g.?

   this is \
 one line.

I assume the above is a 2 line file you wish to read using a file object's 
readlines method. There is nothing native to help you. I suggest you use 
the read method, then remove any sequence of \ followed by \n then split at \n.

input = file('c:/foo.txt').read()
input2 = input.replace('\\\n', '')
input3 = input2.split('\n')

Now you have a list of logical lines. Note there are no \n at the end. 
readlines leaves the \n at the end of the lines. 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Michael Cotherman
This is exactly what i was looking for

For those following, the \x00 added at the end of the
packet is just imaginary and represents

in the meantime, I made the following that just
'decobs' a series of packets (only 8-10 bytes) that
are coming in over the com port. (my incoming packets
also begin with x00 for some reason)

It accurately decodes that data stream (same result as
when I esc out and connect with the dev kit program)
I need to use what you have given me to make it
scalable for size 

#!/usr/bin/env python

#MJC 20051004
baudrate = 115200
port = 'com4'
echo = 1
convert_outgoing_cr = 1

import sys, serial, threading

s = serial.Serial(port,baudrate)

def reader():
loop forever and copy serial-console
cobspacket = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
while 1:
i = 0
cobschar =
cobspacket[i] = ord(cobschar)
if cobschar == '\x00':
cobschar =
cobspacket[i] = ord(cobschar)
codebyte = int(cobspacket[i])
while cobschar != '\x00':
if i == codebyte:
d = 0
codebyte = codebyte +
d = cobspacket[i]

if i0:
sys.stdout.write('%02X' % (d))

cobschar =
cobspacket[i] = ord(cobschar)


def writer():
loop forever and copy console-serial
while 1:
c = getkey()
if c == '\x1b': break   #exit on esc
s.write(c)  #send character
if convert_outgoing_cr and c == '\r':
if echo: sys.stdout.write('\n')

print --- Mikey's interface --- type ESC to quit
#start serial-console thread
r = threading.Thread(target=reader)
#enter console-serial loop

print \n--- exit ---

--- Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to
 arrays in
  python, although the first time I see it done, I
  have no problem. Can you help converting the below
  (what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?
 It won't be working code but I think this is whats
  UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
  unsigned char *dst, UINT length)
 def UnStuffData(src,dst,len):

Yahoo! for Good 
Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Michael Cotherman
def UnStuffData(src,dst,len):

   for code in src:
  for i in range(1,code):

  if code  0xff

the above is the below code uncommented...
 it(and the original code) just seem to find the end
and puts a zero there...

I do not see the existing zeroes replaced. this is
kinda why I wanted to start from the specification...

here is how i see the laymans verson of the spec:

get a packet (or the first 254 bytes of it)

if 254 bytes, put an FF in front of them and send it
on its way as a 255 byte packet, repeat this until
less than 254 bytes remain.

Place a byte in front of the packet that is equal to
the count until the first x00 byte is found. At the
location where that x00 byte was, put the count until
the next x00 byte... and so on and so on...  (this is
where the imaginary x00 at the end comes in)

decoding is:
pop the first byte of the packet off and place
subsequent bytes into the output until you get to the
byte pointed to by the popped byte. When you reach
that byte, read its value as the new 'relative'
pointer, and copy x00 to the output. Proceed as above,
placing bytes to the output until the relative pointer
is reached or the end of the packet occurrs.

I guess I need to look if I wish for this part of the
program to handle the input as one big existing
string, or work on it a byte at a time as it comes in.

-mike c

--- Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to
 arrays in
  python, although the first time I see it done, I
  have no problem. Can you help converting the below
  (what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?
 It won't be working code but I think this is whats
  UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
  unsigned char *dst, UINT length)
 def UnStuffData(src,dst,len):
  unsigned char *dstStart = dst;
  unsigned char *end = src + length;
 # I don't think these are needed for Pyhon.
  while (src  end)
 for code in src:
  int code = *src++;
  for (int i=1; icode; i++) 
  *dst++ = *src++;
 for i in range(1,code):
  if (code  0xFF) 
  *dst++ = 0;
if code  0xff
dst.append('\0')   # may not be needed in
  return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);
 This looks odd, I don't think I understand what it
 It seems to return an address thats potentially
 before the start of the original dst...
 I think it should probably translate to 
   return dst
 Does that help?
 Alan G
 Author of the learn to program web tutor
 Tutor maillist  -

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] New Python book

2005-10-05 Thread Dick Moores
Magnus Lie Hetland's new book, _Beginning Python: From Novice to 
Professional_ was published by Apress on Sept. 26 (in the U.S.). Very 
much worth a look, IMHO. But what do the tutors think?

Dick Moores

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Console output

2005-10-05 Thread Oliver Maunder
Does anyone know how I can update a line of console output without
creating a new line? I'm not explaning this too well, so here's an

When you download a file with wget, the console display looks like this:

] 344,192
16.28K/s ETA 02:19

All the figures and the progress bar get continously updated. The only
way I know of sending output to the console is to use print or
sys.stdout.write(), but that would give me:
] 344,192
16.28K/s ETA 02:19
] 344,192
16.28K/s ETA 02:19
20% [ 

] 344,192
16.28K/s ETA 02:19

...and that's really not what I'm after!

Any help and ideas would be appreciated


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] New Python book

2005-10-05 Thread Andrew Fant
Kent Johnson wrote:
 Dick Moores wrote:
Magnus Lie Hetland's new book, _Beginning Python: From Novice to 
Professional_ was published by Apress on Sept. 26 (in the U.S.). Very 
much worth a look, IMHO. But what do the tutors think?
 This seems to be an update to his previous book, Practical Python, rather 
 than a completely new book. The TOC is almost identical. I haven't read the 
 earlier book, either, so I don't have an opinion. The same sample chapter is 
 available for each if anyone wants to compare. (see

Has he at least changed the GUI chapters away from AnyGUI to one of the standard
toolkits?  The last edition would have been more use to me if it didn't do all
of its GUI programming in a toolkit that the author has removed from 

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Console output

2005-10-05 Thread Roel Schroeven
Oliver Maunder wrote:
 Does anyone know how I can update a line of console output without
 creating a new line? I'm not explaning this too well, so here's an example.
 When you download a file with wget, the console display looks like this:
 14% [===]
 344,192   16.28K/sETA 02:19
 All the figures and the progress bar get continously updated. The only
 way I know of sending output to the console is to use print or
 sys.stdout.write(), but that would give me:
 14% [===]
 344,192   16.28K/sETA 02:19
 18% [=   ]
 344,192   16.28K/sETA 02:19
 20% []
 344,192   16.28K/sETA 02:19
 ...and that's really not what I'm after!
 Any help and ideas would be appreciated

You need to:
- not write a newline
- backup to the beginning of the line

Simple example:

import sys
import time

def progress(n):
for i in range(n+1):
sys.stdout.write('\r%3s%% [%s%s]' % (i, '='*i, ' '*(n-i)))


No newline is written, and the program backs up to the beginning of the
line using carriage return, '\r'. You can also put the carriage return
at the end of the line; the difference is that the cursor will be left
at the beginning of the line instead of at the end.

It's also possible to back up using backspaces ('\b'), but then you need
to count how many characters you wrote and use the equal amount of

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] need help to understand terms for desinging a program

2005-10-05 Thread Hameed U. Khan
On 10/5/05, paul brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a pretty big question, and it would be easier to answer if you
 can give us more details about what you want to do.

 It seems you want to inspect outgoing mails (possibly rewrite their
 addresses?) before the mails are sent out.

 If you are looking to send out emails to a list then I suggest looking
 at mailman - a python mailing list manager.

 If you want to use python to examine mail messages and do not care
 what mailserver (MTA) you use you could try exim instead of qmail and
 then try exim-python.

 On 10/5/05, Hameed U. Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I need to make a program which will accomplish following. I dont
  need the code. I want to make it myself. But I need guidance from you
  people because I am not a good programmer. I need help in
  understanding following terms.
 qmail-queue  reads  a  mail message from descriptor 0.  It
then reads envelope information  from  descriptor  1.   It
places  the  message  into  the  outgoing queue for future
delivery by qmail-send.
The envelope information is  an  envelope  sender  address
followed  by  a list of envelope recipient addresses.  The
sender address is preceded by the letter F and  terminated
by  a  0  byte.  Each recipient address is preceded by the
letter T and terminated by a 0 byte.  The list of  recipi-
ent addresses is terminated by an extra 0 byte.  If qmail-
queue sees end-of-file before the extra 0 byte, it  aborts
without placing the message into the queue.
   I want to inspect messages before passing them to actuall qmail-queue
  Thanks in advance for your help.
  Hameed U. Khan
  Registered Linux User #: 354374
  Tutor maillist  -

 Paul Brian
 m. 07875 074 534
 t. 0208 352 1741

Thanks paul for you quick reply but I have to stick with qmail. I want
to check envelopes when user attempts to send message. Because our
company want to restrict some users to send message to selected
domains only. I've been given this task. Anyway thanks again for your
Hameed U. Khan
Registered Linux User #: 354374
*Computer without Linux is just like the world without computer.*
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Console output

2005-10-05 Thread Oliver Maunder
Just what I needed - thanks everyone. I never realised '\r' was actually good for something other than Windows line breaks!


Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Accessing Variables

2005-10-05 Thread Matt Williams
Dear List,

I'm trying to clarify something about accessing variables.

If I have file with some variable a, and ONE imports TWO, which
has a variable b, can TWO access variable a (I don't think so, but I
just thought I'd check).

I guess the way round this is just to make some classes  objects, and
then they can easily pass parameters to each other, but I just thought
I'd check.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] need help to understand terms for desinging a program

2005-10-05 Thread paul brian
I would suggest that you look firstly at qmails own built in ruleset.
something like that must be achieveable without writing a special plugin.

qmail control files are usually in /var/qmail/control. Nothing obvious
in the man pages i am afraid.

Good luck

On 10/5/05, Hameed U. Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/5/05, paul brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is a pretty big question, and it would be easier to answer if you
  can give us more details about what you want to do.
  It seems you want to inspect outgoing mails (possibly rewrite their
  addresses?) before the mails are sent out.
  If you are looking to send out emails to a list then I suggest looking
  at mailman - a python mailing list manager.
  If you want to use python to examine mail messages and do not care
  what mailserver (MTA) you use you could try exim instead of qmail and
  then try exim-python.
  On 10/5/05, Hameed U. Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I need to make a program which will accomplish following. I dont
   need the code. I want to make it myself. But I need guidance from you
   people because I am not a good programmer. I need help in
   understanding following terms.
  qmail-queue  reads  a  mail message from descriptor 0.  It
 then reads envelope information  from  descriptor  1.   It
 places  the  message  into  the  outgoing queue for future
 delivery by qmail-send.
 The envelope information is  an  envelope  sender  address
 followed  by  a list of envelope recipient addresses.  The
 sender address is preceded by the letter F and  terminated
 by  a  0  byte.  Each recipient address is preceded by the
 letter T and terminated by a 0 byte.  The list of  recipi-
 ent addresses is terminated by an extra 0 byte.  If qmail-
 queue sees end-of-file before the extra 0 byte, it  aborts
 without placing the message into the queue.
I want to inspect messages before passing them to actuall qmail-queue
   Thanks in advance for your help.
   Hameed U. Khan
   Registered Linux User #: 354374
   Tutor maillist  -
  Paul Brian
  m. 07875 074 534
  t. 0208 352 1741

 Thanks paul for you quick reply but I have to stick with qmail. I want
 to check envelopes when user attempts to send message. Because our
 company want to restrict some users to send message to selected
 domains only. I've been given this task. Anyway thanks again for your
 Hameed U. Khan
 Registered Linux User #: 354374
 *Computer without Linux is just like the world without computer.*

Paul Brian
m. 07875 074 534
t. 0208 352 1741
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Accessing Variables

2005-10-05 Thread Adam
What you can do is if has a class with the variable a, in it,
you can pass the class instance (ie. self) and then you can call any
function or get any global class variable.
def foo(parent):
 print parent.aOn 05/10/05, Matt Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear List,I'm trying to clarify something about accessing variables.If I have file with some variable a, and ONE imports TWO, whichhas a variable b, can TWO access variable a (I don't think so, but Ijust thought I'd check).I guess the way round this is just to make some classes  objects, and
then they can easily pass parameters to each other, but I just thoughtI'd check.Matt___Tutor
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Handling Objects

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Eric Walker wrote:
 New to Python and trying to do some class stuff with a simple task. 
 1) get a list of file names in a directory
 2) create variables with the same name of each filename pulled from the 
 3) Create an object for each and pass into the __init__ method the stringname 
 of the file name.
 This way I get a collection of objects that are the same name as the file 
 and within each instance of the class , a particular attribute will have the 
 string name of the object.  Hope this isn't too confusing.. example.

What will you do with the names and objects once you have them? A better 
approach is probably to keep a dictionary that maps names to objects. If your 
object is really just storing the name you might as well just keep a list of 
names - the object isn't adding any value. If the object is going to have more 
behaviour then use a dict. If you really just want to print the names then you 
don't need to store them at all. For example with a dict:

class TPROJ:
# as before

def getNames():
import os
temp=currentDir + '/TEMP'
nameDict = {}
for name in baseList:
nameDict[name] = TPROJ(name)
print name
return nameDict

 class TPROJ:
 def __init__(self,value):#createMethod auto executes since it has __
 self.BASENAME = value
def display(self):#display method
 print self.BASENAME
 def getNames():
 import os
 temp=currentDir + '/TEMP'
 for name in baseList:
 name = TPROJ(name)
 print name
 Can anyone see what I am trying to do?
 Python Newbie...
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Accessing Variables

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Matt Williams wrote:
 Dear List,
 I'm trying to clarify something about accessing variables.
 If I have file with some variable a, and ONE imports TWO, which
 has a variable b, can TWO access variable a (I don't think so, but I
 just thought I'd check).

You are right. TWO can import ONE to get access to ONE.a but circular imports 
are usually a bad idea and can cause subtle bugs.
 I guess the way round this is just to make some classes  objects, and
 then they can easily pass parameters to each other, but I just thought
 I'd check.

That is a good solution. An alternative is to make a module THREE that both ONE 
and TWO import.


 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Handling Objects

2005-10-05 Thread Eric Walker
I think I probably can do this easier in perl but I took a vow I would try and 
learn python.  I know I am using classes here and really don't need objects. 
This is just another way for me to learn how to work with classes within 
python. My object actually will be storing like 5 or 6 different attributes 
but I didn't include them in the example.  These attributes  will be certain 
things that are read from the file.  Once I get the objects i want to create 
in another directory the same files with the same names but put different 
data into the new files depending on what I read from the original files.

Python Newbie

On Wednesday 05 October 2005 04:29 pm, Kent Johnson wrote:
 Eric Walker wrote:
  New to Python and trying to do some class stuff with a simple task.
  1) get a list of file names in a directory
  2) create variables with the same name of each filename pulled from the
  3) Create an object for each and pass into the __init__ method the
  stringname of the file name.
  This way I get a collection of objects that are the same name as the file
  name and within each instance of the class , a particular attribute will
  have the string name of the object.  Hope this isn't too confusing..

 What will you do with the names and objects once you have them? A better
 approach is probably to keep a dictionary that maps names to objects. If
 your object is really just storing the name you might as well just keep a
 list of names - the object isn't adding any value. If the object is going
 to have more behaviour then use a dict. If you really just want to print
 the names then you don't need to store them at all. For example with a

 class TPROJ:
 # as before

 def getNames():
 import os
 temp=currentDir + '/TEMP'
 nameDict = {}
 for name in baseList:
 nameDict[name] = TPROJ(name)
 print name
 return nameDict


  class TPROJ:
  def __init__(self,value):#createMethod auto executes since it has __
  self.BASENAME = value
 def display(self):#display method
  print self.BASENAME
  def getNames():
  import os
  temp=currentDir + '/TEMP'
  for name in baseList:
  name = TPROJ(name)
  print name
  Can anyone see what I am trying to do?
  Python Newbie...
  Tutor maillist  -

 Tutor maillist  -

Eric Walker
EDA/CAD Engineer
Work: 208-368-2573
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Consistant Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)algorithm help]

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Michael Cotherman wrote:
 def UnStuffData(src,dst,len):
for code in src:
   for i in range(1,code):
   if code  0xff
 the above is the below code uncommented...
  it(and the original code) just seem to find the end
 and puts a zero there...
 I do not see the existing zeroes replaced. this is
 kinda why I wanted to start from the specification...

The above is the decoding code, it does what you describe below. It is adding 
the zeros back in, that is the dst.append('\0')


 decoding is:
 pop the first byte of the packet off and place
 subsequent bytes into the output until you get to the
 byte pointed to by the popped byte. When you reach
 that byte, read its value as the new 'relative'
 pointer, and copy x00 to the output. Proceed as above,
 placing bytes to the output until the relative pointer
 is reached or the end of the packet occurrs.
 I guess I need to look if I wish for this part of the
 program to handle the input as one big existing
 string, or work on it a byte at a time as it comes in.
 -mike c

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How to write this to a file?

2005-10-05 Thread Kent Johnson
Dick Moores wrote:
 I have a script that writes it's output to a file. I also print the time with
 print Time was %.4g seconds % (timeEnd - timeStart)
 How could I also have the same output of the print expression, written to 
 the file?

The formatting part of the print is just an expression with a string value, you 
can assign it to a variable and write it to your file. You might want to add a 

timeMsg = Time was %.4g seconds\n % (timeEnd - timeStart)

If you have a lot of output that you want to put to the console and to a log 
file you might like to look at the logging module. A single line of logging can 
be written to multiple places by the module.


Tutor maillist  -