Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Alan Gauld

Che M wrote

I have some functions that seem kind of long to me.  One of them, with

I realize I can and should refactor parts that are used in other places
in the code, but I don't there are that many in some of these.  Is
there a better way to think about organizing this?

The length as such is not the critical factor, its the maintainability 
and readability. Can you function be easily understood by another 
programmer? Can you make changes to the function without 
changing the interface (which implies changes elsewhere in your 

Where you have a lot of if statements you might benefit from 
using a dictionary of functions or a function which returns 
a function. But there may be good reasons to keep the if 
statements too.

Sorry, but a generalised question can only get a generalised answer.
57 lines of active code is big but not ridiculous. Over 100 liones 
I would be looking closely at breaking it up just for readability.

Remember the old adage that a function should ideally fit on a 
single editor screen (or sheet of printout) - when I started that meant
25-60 lines was the range, now you can go up to 60-100 lines if 
needs be...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread spir
Luke Paireepinart dixit:

 I'd say my personal hard-limit for functions before I start refactoring is
 probably around 150-200 lines.  But it's rare that functions get that long


Aside questions of personal style  taste, _I_ could not hold such long funcs. 
Far too much to manage for my head, about unmaintainable for me.

My common limit is about one editor screen (~ 35 lines), comments included, 
which reveals not only practicle, but also about what my head is able to cope 
with at once. And my programming style rather leans toward clarity (-- low 
code density), meaning that 1 line of a smart coder may map to 2 or 3 of 
mine. An absolute limit would be about 2 screens.

To sum up:
  150 lines by luke
  * 2 (density)
  * 2 (comments)
= 600 lines by myself

... compared to my ~ 50 lines medium limit means Luke is a ~ 12 times smarter 
coder than I am! ;-)
This is a new evidence that coding efficiency is more a question of coder 
quality than anything else...


la vita e estrany
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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/8/2009 8:27 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Remember the old adage that a function should ideally fit on a single
editor screen (or sheet of printout) - when I started that meant
25-60 lines was the range, now you can go up to 60-100 lines if needs be...

I disagree. I keep my text editor not maximized so I can have multiple 
editors open (or multiple splits when using (g)vim); a 100-lines 
function would take the all the screen and doesn't fit in one window. I 
generally would consider something above ~50 lines as very large. A 
large screen is better utilized for multiple windows rather than for 
larger functions.

While you should not refactor just for the sake of keeping line-counts, 
perhaps you should try the small editor approach. Keep your editor 
unmaximized, for around 20 lines, around half a screen.

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Re: [Tutor] loops

2009-12-08 Thread Dave Angel

Richard Hultgren wrote:

a = 0
b = 1
count = 0
max_count = 20
while count  max_count:
count = count + 1
# we need to keep track of a since we change it
old_a = a# especially here
old_b = b
a = old_b
b = old_a + old_b
# Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
# from switching to a new line
print old_a,


What's your question or comment?

If you're just looking for a challenge, I'll point out that the same 
result could be gotten with 4 lines of Python.


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Re: [Tutor] loops

2009-12-08 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/8/2009 9:39 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

Richard Hultgren wrote:

a = 0
b = 1
count = 0
max_count = 20
while count  max_count:
count = count + 1
# we need to keep track of a since we change it
old_a = a # especially here
old_b = b
a = old_b
b = old_a + old_b
# Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
# from switching to a new line
print old_a,

What's your question or comment?

If you're just looking for a challenge, I'll point out that the same
result could be gotten with 4 lines of Python.

you lose, 1 line is all it takes for me:
print 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

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[Tutor] Moving off topic: WAS Re: functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Alan Gauld
This is a new evidence that coding efficiency is more a question of coder 
quality than anything else...

Don't know about new, The book Peopleware was highlighting that fact 20 
years ago!
It also showed the type of environment that maximised the productivity of 

programmers - sadly, most of that is still ignored in businesses today.

But the real challenge is how to raise the standard of the average 
programmer to narrow
the gap between the best and the norm. Higher level languages like Python 
are one way

to do that.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

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Re: [Tutor] loops

2009-12-08 Thread spir
Lie Ryan dixit:

 On 12/8/2009 9:39 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
  Richard Hultgren wrote:
  a = 0
  b = 1
  count = 0
  max_count = 20
  while count  max_count:
  count = count + 1
  # we need to keep track of a since we change it
  old_a = a # especially here
  old_b = b
  a = old_b
  b = old_a + old_b
  # Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
  # from switching to a new line
  print old_a,
  What's your question or comment?
  If you're just looking for a challenge, I'll point out that the same
  result could be gotten with 4 lines of Python.
 you lose, 1 line is all it takes for me:
 print 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

you lose, I don't even need a one-liner python prog to write a text into 
whatever stdout may be -- except if remote ;-)


la vita e estrany
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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Alan Gauld

Lie Ryan wrote

editor screen (or sheet of printout) - when I started that meant
25-60 lines was the range, now you can go up to 60-100 lines if needs 

I disagree. I keep my text editor not maximized so I can have multiple 
editors open (or multiple splits when using (g)vim); a 100-lines function 
would take the all the screen and doesn't fit in one window.

Personally I tend to have about 35-40 lines available in my editor,
but if needs be - which is what I said, an exceptional case, not normal - 

can get 100 lines on screen(*) using a small font. Which means I can at a
pinch see a full 100 line function on screen. I don't recommend it, but it
can be done!

(*)Using a 24inch monitor set to 1600x1200 resolution

While you should not refactor just for the sake of keeping line-counts, 
perhaps you should try the small editor approach. Keep your editor 
unmaximized, for around 20 lines, around half a screen.

Hmm, I spent the first 10 years of my programming life using VT100 

with 24 lines max(*), I really don't want to go back there thanks!  :-)

(*)Actually I'm amazed how many Linux users with X Windows still bring
up the default sized console/xterm with 24 lines. One of the first things I 

on any new Linux install is set the xdefaults for xterm to 40 lines! (And
change the colours!)

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site 

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Re: [Tutor] mod_python authentication

2009-12-08 Thread Alan Plum
On Mo, 2009-12-07 at 23:10 -0500, Marc wrote: 
 While I agree with the cookie (as long as it has a short expiration),
 another way to do this is by using expiring tokenization (credentials+ some
 unique data for the transaction) in the URL header (see section 14.8 at  Tokenization
 substitutes some random string for confidential data (such as credentials).

This is essentially what I said about passing variables in the URL. The
important thing still is information hiding, though: you don't want the
user to have any clue what those variables mean so they can't modify
them too easily. This is also why you should never expose critical
variables (e.g. user ID) to possible modification.

 The payment card industry uses this in the form of an authorization code for
 card transactions.  Add to the data represented by the token some unique
 data (maybe a random number or some data from the last transaction - it
 doesn't matter as the token does not expose the data in any way) for each
 http transaction so you have unique token in each header and you can get an
 essentially stateful session with a method of checking authentication that
 has some spoof protection built in. 

The problem to keep in mind, though, is that your users may be
multi-tabbing, i.e. keeping several pages open at the same time. Don't
ever rely on a linear experience unless you're dealing with something
inherently linear like a survey (though in that case you should probably
try to keep it to one page, possibly updated with JavaScript requests if
the form doesn't look too friendly on one page) or a check-out process.

 Wrap it all in SSL/TLS and then you've
 got something.  Granted, this requires some serious server side work, and is
 probably not a good beginner exercise, but if this level is what you
 need  I have never coded anything like this in Python, but I can see
 abstractly how it could be done (I'm a novice with Python). If you're bored,
 you can read especially

I agree that if you're going for high security/safety tokenization can
help, but for most intents and purposes it really isn't necessary. The
idea is to avoid re-submission (especially of counter-intuitively
side-effect non-free actions like GET requests) and make each action
uniquely identifiable, if I understand the method correctly.

This is normally only necessary for things like checkouts (keep track of
the order ID and make sure the customer can't accidentally place an
order twice e.g. by double-clicking the submit button or re-clicking it
if the connection hangs) or form submission that affects the server
state (e.g. posting a message to a forum, sending an e-mail, ...).

SSL/TLS is also usually overkill for most purposes. Certificates
provided by many non-commercial authorities will still trigger security
warnings in most browsers, so the only way to get one that isn't
counter-productive (i.e. diminishes trust rather than increasing it --
dodgy certificates are still valid certificates) is to shell out the big
money -- and unless you're into serious business (i.e. anything big
enough to justify the expenses), you probably can't be arsed.


Alan Plum

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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Luke Paireepinart
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 4:17 AM, spir wrote:

 Luke Paireepinart dixit:

  I'd say my personal hard-limit for functions before I start refactoring
  probably around 150-200 lines.  But it's rare that functions get that


 Aside questions of personal style  taste, _I_ could not hold such long
 funcs. Far too much to manage for my head, about unmaintainable for me.

 My common limit is about one editor screen (~ 35 lines), comments included,
 which reveals not only practicle, but also about what my head is able to
 cope with at once. And my programming style rather leans toward clarity (--
 low code density), meaning that 1 line of a smart coder may map to 2 or 3
 of mine. An absolute limit would be about 2 screens.

 To sum up:
  150 lines by luke
  * 2 (density)
  * 2 (comments)
 = 600 lines by myself

The 150-200 lines was including comments and everything else.  And I just
meant that is the point where I would be forced to refactor.  For shorter
functions that are unclear I would refactor before I got to that many lines.
 But like I said, most functions I write just tend to be naturally much
shorter than that anyway.

I was just trying to point out that there is a point where you are forced to
refactor just because of the size, but before that point, refactoring may
actually make your functions more confusing and harder to follow.  It's a
situational thing, which is why I asked for code originally.
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Re: [Tutor] loops

2009-12-08 Thread Rich Lovely
2009/12/8 spir
 Lie Ryan dixit:

 On 12/8/2009 9:39 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
  Richard Hultgren wrote:
  a = 0
  b = 1
  count = 0
  max_count = 20
  while count  max_count:
  count = count + 1
  # we need to keep track of a since we change it
  old_a = a # especially here
  old_b = b
  a = old_b
  b = old_a + old_b
  # Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
  # from switching to a new line
  print old_a,
  What's your question or comment?
  If you're just looking for a challenge, I'll point out that the same
  result could be gotten with 4 lines of Python.

 you lose, 1 line is all it takes for me:
 print 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

 you lose, I don't even need a one-liner python prog to write a text into 
 whatever stdout may be -- except if remote ;-)


 la vita e estrany
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This, of course is a rather dirty, implementation (and probably
version) specific hack, but I can /calculate/ the sequence, using just
one line:

 print  .join(str(i) for i in [x if x2 else 
 (locals()['_[1]'][-1]+locals()['_[1]'][-2]) for x in xrange(20)])
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

(CPython 2.6, on osx10.6)

It's slightly more typing than the plain string, but extend it to
about 30 entries, and I think I win?

Note to OP: don't _ever_ do it this way in a serious project.

Rich Roadie Rich Lovely

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who know binary,
those who do not, and those who are off by one.
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[Tutor] Fw: loops

2009-12-08 Thread Richard Hultgren

- Forwarded Message 
From: Richard Hultgren
Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 2:53:40 PM
Subject: loops
I'm quite new but determined.  Can you explain to me, step by step, what is 
going on in the computer in this loop.  I hope I am not being too dumb!

a = 0
b = 1
count = 0
max_count = 20
while count  max_count:
    count = count + 1
    # we need to keep track of a since we change it
    old_a = a# especially here
    old_b = b
    a = old_b
    b = old_a + old_b
    # Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
    # from switching to a new line
    print old_a,

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Re: [Tutor] Fw: loops

2009-12-08 Thread Serdar Tumgoren
 - Forwarded Message 
 From: Richard Hultgren
 Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 2:53:40 PM
 Subject: loops
 I'm quite new but determined.  Can you explain to me, step by step, what is
 going on in the computer in this loop.  I hope I am not being too dumb!

Hmm...that still seems like quite a broad question. Can you be more
specific about which portion you find confusing or unclear?

If not, you might do better by starting with a general programming
text. The top one is a list of texts for beginning programmers,
followed by a few specific links to online texts:

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[Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem

2009-12-08 Thread Roy Hinkelman
I can't find anything on this error I am getting when renaming some files.
I'm pulling info from a csv file and parsing it to build new file names.

Any pointers appreciated


My code:
# RENAME FILES using META file - new name = [place]_[state]_[sku].tif

import re, os, csv

_meta_file = C:\\Documents and Settings\\rhinkelman\\My Documents\\My
Dropbox\\Public\\Python code examples\\topo_meta_TEST.csv
_files_to_mod = Dc2\\inetpub2\\Image Production\\missing_topo\\topo
_del_space = re.compile( ' ' )

#OPEN file containing TOPO meta, DEFINE OLD AND NEW NAMES
_meta = csv.reader(open(_meta_file, r))
for _row in _meta:
if _row[0] == NAME:
print '|'.join(_row) # test
old_name = _row[4].lstrip('o') + .pdf
new_name = _row[0] + _ + _row[1] + _ + _row[4] + .pdf
new_name = _del_space.sub( '_', new_name )
print old_name +  -  + new_name # test

for fname in os.listdir(_files_to_mod):
if fname == old_name:
print fname # test
os.rename(fname, new_name)

AND the error

36118h3.pdf - Aberdeen_CA_o36118h3.pdf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\rhinkelman\My Documents\My
Dropbox\Public\Python code examples\, line 25, in
os.rename(fname, new_name)
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
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Re: [Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem

2009-12-08 Thread spir
Roy Hinkelman dixit:

 I can't find anything on this error I am getting when renaming some files.
 I'm pulling info from a csv file and parsing it to build new file names.
 Any pointers appreciated
 My code:
 # RENAME FILES using META file - new name = [place]_[state]_[sku].tif
 import re, os, csv
 _meta_file = C:\\Documents and Settings\\rhinkelman\\My Documents\\My
 Dropbox\\Public\\Python code examples\\topo_meta_TEST.csv
 _files_to_mod = Dc2\\inetpub2\\Image Production\\missing_topo\\topo
 _del_space = re.compile( ' ' )
 #OPEN file containing TOPO meta, DEFINE OLD AND NEW NAMES
 _meta = csv.reader(open(_meta_file, r))
 for _row in _meta:
 if _row[0] == NAME:
 print '|'.join(_row) # test
 old_name = _row[4].lstrip('o') + .pdf
 new_name = _row[0] + _ + _row[1] + _ + _row[4] + .pdf
 new_name = _del_space.sub( '_', new_name )
 print old_name +  -  + new_name # test
 for fname in os.listdir(_files_to_mod):
 if fname == old_name:
 print fname # test
 os.rename(fname, new_name)
 AND the error
 36118h3.pdf - Aberdeen_CA_o36118h3.pdf
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Documents and Settings\rhinkelman\My Documents\My
 Dropbox\Public\Python code examples\, line 25, in
 os.rename(fname, new_name)
 WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

Why don't you simply print out fname? This should point you to the error.


la vita e estrany
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Re: [Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem (spir)

2009-12-08 Thread Roy Hinkelman
Why don't you simply print out fname? This should point you to the error.


I did here:
 if fname == old_name:
 print fname # test

and it looks correct.

On an WinXP, should I use shutil instead?

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Re: [Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem

2009-12-08 Thread Dave Angel

spir wrote:

Roy Hinkelman dixit:


I can't find anything on this error I am getting when renaming some files.
I'm pulling info from a csv file and parsing it to build new file names.

Any pointers appreciated


My code:
# RENAME FILES using META file - new name = [place]_[state]_[sku].tif

import re, os, csv

_meta_file = C:\\Documents and Settings\\rhinkelman\\My Documents\\My
Dropbox\\Public\\Python code examples\\topo_meta_TEST.csv
_files_to_mod = Dc2\\inetpub2\\Image Production\\missing_topo\\topo
_del_space = re.compile( ' ' )

#OPEN file containing TOPO meta, DEFINE OLD AND NEW NAMES
_meta = csv.reader(open(_meta_file, r))
for _row in _meta:
if _row[0] == NAME:
print '|'.join(_row) # test
old_name = _row[4].lstrip('o') + .pdf
new_name = _row[0] + _ + _row[1] + _ + _row[4] + .pdf
new_name = _del_space.sub( '_', new_name )
print old_name +  -  + new_name # test

for fname in os.listdir(_files_to_mod):
if fname == old_name:
print fname # test
os.rename(fname, new_name)

AND the error


36118h3.pdf - Aberdeen_CA_o36118h3.pdf
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\rhinkelman\My Documents\My
Dropbox\Public\Python code examples\, line 25, in
os.rename(fname, new_name)
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

Why don't you simply print out fname? This should point you to the error.


la vita e estrany

Actually he did, in the line immediately before the os.rename() call.  
See the line just before the traceback  36118h3.pdf

Roy, your problem is that you've confirmed that the file  36118h3.pdf 
exists in the test directory (specified in _files_to_mod), but you're 
trying to rename a different file in the current directory.

Your call to os.rename() needs to have a full path to the actual file.  
See os.path.join() to build such.


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Re: [Tutor] Fw: loops

2009-12-08 Thread christopher . henk
You should probably read some of the links sent to you earlier but here is 
a stab at an explanation.

Richard Hultgren wrote on 12/08/2009 10:36:08 AM:

 - Forwarded Message 
 From: Richard Hultgren
 Sent: Mon, December 7, 2009 2:53:40 PM
 Subject: loops
 I'm quite new but determined.  Can you explain to me, step by step, what 
is going on in the computer in this loop.  I 
 hope I am not being too dumb!

 a = 0
 b = 1
 count = 0
 max_count = 20

The above steps are initialization of your variables.  'a' points to the 
value 0, 'b' points to 1, etc.
Since the values of the variables are used within the loop we need to give 
it somewhere to start, otherwise we will get an error. 

 while count  max_count:

The while loop will continue until 'count  max_count' evaluates to False 
(20 loops, due to line below)
the loop is defined as everything that is indented below this line.

 count = count + 1

Increase the value of count by one each loop iteration, otherwise the 
statement 'count  max_count' will never change value, and the loop will 
never end.

 # we need to keep track of a since we change it
 old_a = a# especially here
 old_b = b

Keep the old values of the variables since we want to add them together 
for the new value of b and will change the values in the next steps. 

 a = old_b
 b = old_a + old_b

reassign 'a' to the value of 'old_b'.  If we didn't save the value of 'a' 
into 'old_a' above we wouldn't know what it was anymore.
reassign 'b' to the sum of 'old_a' and 'old_b'

 # Notice that the , at the end of a print statement keeps it
 # from switching to a new line
 print old_a,
prints the value of old_a followed by a space.  Without the comma at the 
end the print statement each loop would print on a new line.

The best way to follow what is happening is to trace the variables through 
the program.  you would get a table that loops something like :

max_count   count   a   b   old_a   old_b 
countmax_count OUTPUT
20  0   0   1   no ValueNo Value  
T   No output yet 
20  1   1   1   0   1   T  
20  2   1   2   1   1   T  
0 1
20  3   2   3   1   2   T  
0 1 1
20  4   3   5   2   3   T  
0 1 1 2
20  5   5   8   3   5   T  
0 1 1 2 3
20  6   8   13  5   8   T  
0 1 1 2 3 5
20  19  2584676541812584T 
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181
20  20  2584676541812584F 
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 
(You might want to check the last two rows, not guaranteeing the values 
are right)

In the last row countmax_count is False the loop won't run and therefore 
nothing will change. 

Hope this helps some, but would recommend you try following some of the 
tutorials online for beginning programming to help explain some of the 
concepts, feel free to ask here whenever you get confused.

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Re: [Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem (spir)

2009-12-08 Thread Roy Hinkelman
I got it.

Switched to shutil and made to paths complete paths. The added benefit is
that it didn't trash the original file.

shutil.copy2(_files_to_mod + \\ + fname, _files_to_mod + \\ + new_name)


-- Forwarded message --
From: Roy Hinkelman
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: File renaming using os.rename problem (spir)

Why don't you simply print out fname? This should point you to the error.


I did here:
 if fname == old_name:
 print fname # test

and it looks correct.

On an WinXP, should I use shutil instead?

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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/8/2009 10:43 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

While you should not refactor just for the sake of keeping
line-counts, perhaps you should try the small editor approach. Keep
your editor unmaximized, for around 20 lines, around half a screen.

Hmm, I spent the first 10 years of my programming life using VT100
with 24 lines max(*), I really don't want to go back there thanks!  :-)

Whoaa... who puts 20 there!! A doppelganger of me? Ignore that. Half a 
screenful would be more than 20 lines even with laptop widescreen.

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Re: [Tutor] duplication in unit tests

2009-12-08 Thread Kent Johnson
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Serdar Tumgoren wrote:

 As part of my program, I'm planning to create objects that perform
 some initial data clean-up and then parse and database the cleaned
 data. Currently I'm expecting to have a FileCleaner and Parser
 classes. Using the TDD approach, I've so far come up with the below:

 class FileCleaner(object):
    def __init__(self, datastring):
        self.source = datastring

    def convertEmDashes(self):
        Convert unicode emdashes to minus signs
        self.datastring = self.source.replace(u'\u2014','-')

    def splitLines(self):
        Generate and store a list of cleaned, non-empty lines = [x.strip() for x in
 self.datastring.strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]

 My confusion involves the test code for the above class and its
 methods. The only way I can get splitLines to pass its unit test is by
 first calling the convertEmDashes method, and then splitLines.

 class TestFileCleaner(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.sourcestring = uThis    line   has an em\u2014dash.\n
                So   does this  \u2014\n.
        self.cleaner = FileCleaner(self.sourcestring)

    def test_convertEmDashes(self):
        convertEmDashes should remove minus signs from datastring
        teststring = self.sourcestring.replace(u'\u2014','-')
        self.assertEqual(teststring, self.cleaner.datastring)

    def test_splitLines(self):
        splitLines should create a list of cleaned lines
        teststring = self.sourcestring.replace(u'\u2014','-')
        data = [x.strip() for x in teststring.strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]

 Basically, I'm duplicating the steps from the first test method in the
 second test method (and this duplication will accrue as I add more
 cleaning methods).

I see a few problems with this.

You are confused about what splitLines() does. It does not create a
list of cleaned lines, it just splits the lines. Because of your
confusion about splitLines(), your test is not just testing
splitLines(), it is testing convertEmDashes() and splitLines(). That
is why you have code duplication. test_splitLines() could look like
   def test_splitLines(self):
   splitLines should create a list of split lines
   teststring = self.sourcestring
   data = [x.strip() for x in teststring.strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]

Your tests are not very good. They don't really test anything because
they use the same code that you are trying to test. What if
str.replace() or split() or strip() does not work the way you expect?
Your tests would not discover this. You should just hard-code the
expected result strings.  I would write test_splitLines() like this:
   def test_splitLines(self):
   splitLines should create a list of split lines
   data = [uThisline   has an em\u2014dash., uSo   does
this  \u2014, u.]

You probably don't want to hard-code the source string in the setup
method. Typically you want to test a function with multiple inputs so
you can check its behaviour with typical values, edge cases and
invalid input. For example test_splitLines() doesn't verify that
splitLines() removes blank lines; that would be a good test case. You
might make a list of pairs of (input value, expected result) and pass
each one to splitLines().

 So my questions -- Am I misunderstanding how to properly write unit
 tests for this case? Or perhaps I've structured my program
 incorrectly, and that's what this duplication reveals? I suspected,
 for instance, that perhaps I should group these methods
 (convertEmDashes, splitLines, etc.) into a single larger function or

Yes, your tests are revealing a problem with the structure. You should
probably have a single process() method that does all the cleanup
methods and the split. Then you could also have a test for this.

There is really no need for a class here. You could write separate
functions for each cleanup and for the split, then another function
that puts them all together. This would be easier to test, too.

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Re: [Tutor] File renaming using os.rename problem (spir)

2009-12-08 Thread Sander Sweers
On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 14:55 -0800, Roy Hinkelman wrote:
 shutil.copy2(_files_to_mod + \\ + fname, _files_to_mod + \\ +

You can make os.path.join sort out the directory seprator for you. It
will add a / under linux and \ under windows.

 os.path.join('Testing dir','oldname dir','filename')
'Testing dir/oldname dir/filename'

So the code above can be like,
import os
oldname = os.path.join(_files_to_mod, fname)
newname = os.path.join(_files_to_mod, new_name)
shutil.copy2(oldname, newname)

Not sure if it is a concern in your case but as far as I know
shutil.copy2 will overwrite any existing files with the new_name without

Have a look at [1] for a great explanation on os.path.



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Re: [Tutor] loops

2009-12-08 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/9/2009 3:18 AM, Rich Lovely wrote:


This, of course is a rather dirty, implementation (and probably
version) specific hack, but I can /calculate/ the sequence, using just
one line:

print  .join(str(i) for i in [x if x2 else 
(locals()['_[1]'][-1]+locals()['_[1]'][-2]) for x in xrange(20)])

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181

(CPython 2.6, on osx10.6)

the best one-liner golf score for now (83 chars, requires python3), 
quite obfuscated:

(lambda*n:n[0](*n))(lambda f,n,a=0,b=1:n0 or print(a,end=' ')or 

and though not a pure one-liner, the most straightforward method is 
just a char away (84 chars, python2):

a=[0,1];[a.append(sum(a[-2:]))for x in range(3)][0];print' 
'.join(str(x)for x in a)

if you don't require one-liner you can make it even shorter (81 chars, 
'\n'==1char, requires python2)

for x in range(18):a.append(sum(a[-2:]))
print' '.join(str(x) for x in a)

All codes tested on command-line with -c argument (i.e. the shell's 
default repr()-ing of expressions is ignored), result must be printed to 
screen as numbers separated by space (printing with list repr, e.g. [0, 
1, ...] is not acceptable). Trailing space is ignored.

It's slightly more typing than the plain string, but extend it to
about 30 entries, and I think I win?

Think again...

Note to OP: don't _ever_ do it this way in a serious project.

OP: In a real project, readability counts. Inglfng,spcecnts.

PS: Perl fans might complain that their favorite pastime is stolen

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Re: [Tutor] Fw: loops

2009-12-08 Thread Alan Gauld

Serdar Tumgoren wrote

Note the new URL in my sig. Freenet are due to close this site soon.
Its been locked for over a year.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] duplication in unit tests

2009-12-08 Thread Lie Ryan

On 12/9/2009 10:43 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:

So my questions -- Am I misunderstanding how to properly write unit
tests for this case? Or perhaps I've structured my program
incorrectly, and that's what this duplication reveals? I suspected,
for instance, that perhaps I should group these methods
(convertEmDashes, splitLines, etc.) into a single larger function or

Yes, your tests are revealing a problem with the structure. You should
probably have a single process() method that does all the cleanup
methods and the split. Then you could also have a test for this.

I should add, a unittest can be a white-box testing. You can have 
TestCases for the whole process (blackbox test), but you can also have 
TestCases for each splitLine, convertEmDashes, etc (whitebox test).

The test for the large process will be, sort of, a simple integration 
test for each sub-processes.

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Re: [Tutor] duplication in unit tests

2009-12-08 Thread Serdar Tumgoren
Hi Kent and Lie,

First, thanks to you both for the help. I reworked the tests and then
the main code according to your suggestions (I really was muddling
these TDD concepts!).

The reworked code and tests are below. In the tests, I hard-coded the
source data and the expected results; in the main program code, I
eliminated the FileCleaner class and converted its methods to
stand-alone functions. I'm planning to group them into a single,
larger process function as you all suggested.

Meantime, I'd be grateful if you could critique whether I've properly
followed your advice. And of course, feel free to suggest other tests
that might be appropriate. For instance, would it make sense to test
convertEmDashes for non-unicode input?

Thanks again!
from cleaner import convertEmDashes, splitLines

class TestCleanerMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_convertEmDashes(self):
convertEmDashes to minus signs
srce = uThisline   has an em\u2014dash.\nSo   does this
expected = uThisline   has an em-dash.\nSo   does this  -.\n
result = convertEmDashes(srce)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)

def test_splitLines(self):
splitLines should create a list of cleaned lines
srce = uThisline   has an em\u2014dash.\nSo   does this
expected = [u'Thisline   has an em\u2014dash.', u'So
does this  \u2014.']
result = splitLines(srce)
self.assertEqual(result, expected) 
def convertEmDashes(datastring):
Convert unicode emdashes to minus signs
datastring = datastring.replace(u'\u2014','-')
return datastring

def splitLines(datastring):
Generate list of cleaned lines
data = [x.strip() for x in datastring.strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]
return data
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Re: [Tutor] functions--how long is too long?

2009-12-08 Thread Che M

Thank you to all who replied.  That does help me get a better
idea of all this.  I think if I apply a number of the thoughts
expressed I can come to a good, readable re-do of these
longer functions.  

Chat with Messenger straight from your Hotmail inbox.
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Re: [Tutor] duplication in unit tests

2009-12-08 Thread Kent Johnson
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Serdar Tumgoren wrote:
 Hi Kent and Lie,

 First, thanks to you both for the help. I reworked the tests and then
 the main code according to your suggestions (I really was muddling
 these TDD concepts!).

 The reworked code and tests are below. In the tests, I hard-coded the
 source data and the expected results; in the main program code, I
 eliminated the FileCleaner class and converted its methods to
 stand-alone functions. I'm planning to group them into a single,
 larger process function as you all suggested.

 Meantime, I'd be grateful if you could critique whether I've properly
 followed your advice.

Yes, this is much better. Notice how much less code it is! :-)

 And of course, feel free to suggest other tests
 that might be appropriate. For instance, would it make sense to test
 convertEmDashes for non-unicode input?

If you expect unicode input then it makes sense to test for it. If you
don't expect unicode input, it might make sense to test for an
expected error - how do you want the function to behave with invalid
inputs? You could add other tests as well, for example does it work if
there are two dashes in a row? Does splitLines() correctly remove
blank lines?

These are simple functions but the idea is to think of all the desired
behaviours and write test cases to cover them.

By the way I applaud your effort, unit testing is a valuable skill.

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Re: [Tutor] numerical simulation + SQLite

2009-12-08 Thread Faisal Moledina
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Faisal Moledina wrote:
 Eike Welk wrote:
 Just in case you don't know it, maybe Pytables is the right solution
 for you. It is a disk storage library specially for scientific

 Wow, that looks pretty good. I work with a lot of numpy.array's in this 
 simulation so I'll definitely look into that.

For those of you following along at home, my problem has been solved
with Pytables. Discussion available at
on the Pytables-users list. Thanks again, Eike.

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[Tutor] What books do you recommend?

2009-12-08 Thread Khalid Al-Ghamdi

I wan't to buy some books about python 3. Do you have any recommendations?

I started with no previous programming experience, and I've finished a few
tutorials  and I guess I can be considered a beginner.

My problem, though, is I still find it difficult to write meaningful code or
use the built in libraries effectively and/or correctly because I can't find
example code to mimic. I tried sifting through ActiveState recipes page, but
most of the code seems uninteresting or useful only if utilized in a bigger

I hope you have some suggestions.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: [Tutor] duplication in unit tests

2009-12-08 Thread Dave Angel

Serdar Tumgoren wrote:

Hi Kent and Lie,

First, thanks to you both for the help. I reworked the tests and then
the main code according to your suggestions (I really was muddling
these TDD concepts!).

The reworked code and tests are below. In the tests, I hard-coded the
source data and the expected results; in the main program code, I
eliminated the FileCleaner class and converted its methods to
stand-alone functions. I'm planning to group them into a single,
larger process function as you all suggested.

Meantime, I'd be grateful if you could critique whether I've properly
followed your advice. And of course, feel free to suggest other tests
that might be appropriate. For instance, would it make sense to test
convertEmDashes for non-unicode input?

Thanks again!
from cleaner import convertEmDashes, splitLines

class TestCleanerMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_convertEmDashes(self):
convertEmDashes to minus signs
srce = uThisline   has an em\u2014dash.\nSo   does this
expected = uThisline   has an em-dash.\nSo   does this  -.\n
result = convertEmDashes(srce)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)

def test_splitLines(self):
splitLines should create a list of cleaned lines
srce = uThisline   has an em\u2014dash.\nSo   does this
expected = [u'Thisline   has an em\u2014dash.', u'So
does this  \u2014.']
result = splitLines(srce)
self.assertEqual(result, expected) 
def convertEmDashes(datastring):
Convert unicode emdashes to minus signs
datastring = datastring.replace(u'\u2014','-')
I think the 'dash' should be a unicode one, at least if you're expecting 
the datastring to be unicode.

   datastring = datastring.replace(u'\u2014',u'-')

It will probably be slightly more efficient, but more importantly, it'll make 
it clear what you're expecting.

return datastring

def splitLines(datastring):
Generate list of cleaned lines
data = [x.strip() for x in datastring.strip().split('\n') if x.strip()]
return data

And in both these functions, the doc string doesn't reflect the function 
very well (any more).  They both should indicate what kind of data they 
expect (unicode?), and the latter one should not say that the lines are 
cleaned.  What it should say is that the lines in the list have no 
leading or trailing whitespace, and that blank lines are dropped.

Once you have multiple cleanup functions, the unit tests become much 
more important.  For example, the order of application of the cleanups 
could matter a lot.  And pretty soon you'll have to document just what 
your public interface is.  If your user may only call the overall 
cleanup() function, then blackbox testing only needs to examine that 
one, and whitebox testing can deal with the functions entirely 

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