Re: [Tutor] Python equivalent of kill -0 PID

2012-04-26 Thread Martin Walsh
On 04/26/2012 02:24 PM, Sean Carolan wrote:
 In bash you can do this to see if a process is running:
 [scarolan@kurobox:~/bin]$ kill -0 24275
 [scarolan@kurobox:~/bin]$ echo $?
 Is there a python equivalent?  I tried using os.kill() but did not see
 any way to capture the output.

You might start with something like this ...

# python2.x
os.kill(24275, 0)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != 3: # 3 = No such process
# process is not running, do something
# process is running, do something

It would seem os.kill returns nothing if the signal is sent
successfully, and will raise an exception if not.

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Re: [Tutor] Help with choices for new database program

2010-07-03 Thread Martin Walsh
On 07/03/2010 10:25 AM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
 Jeff Johnson wrote:


 Please check it out. And go to and subscribe to the
 dabo-user email list.
 I would like to try out Dabo, but I don't see it in the Ubuntu
 repositories and I would like to avoid using svn if I can.  I didn't
 subscribe to the mailing list but I did read the archives and saw a
 thread about making a deb package.  It seems to have ended in April
 without a clear resolution.
 So is there a package available so I can use the Ubuntu package manager
 to install it?

Unfortunately, after poking around a bit it would seem the only reliable
way of installing dabo for Linux at the moment is checking out trunk
from the project's subversion repository. Someone better informed should
feel free to set the record straight, if I am mistaken.

If your interest in a deb package is mainly the ability to uninstall,
then I'd recommend using virtualenv[1] until a suitable deb package is
released. The steps would be roughly this (untested) ...

$ sudo apt-get install python-reportlab python-wxgtk2.8
$ sudo apt-get install subversion python-virtualenv
$ virtualenv daboenv
$ cd daboenv
$ source bin/activate # this is important
# now we install dabo as recommended, adapted from:
(daboenv)$ mkdir src  cd src
(daboenv)$ svn co dabo
(daboenv)$ cd dabo
(daboenv)$ python install # no sudo!
# and run the demo to verify the installation
(daboenv)$ demo/


Hmm, this might seem like a lot of work -- but by using this method,
dabo is installed under daboenv and not in the system-wide site-packages
-- particularly useful for evaluation, IMO. YMMV.


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Re: [Tutor] PIL problem

2010-05-07 Thread Martin Walsh
Jim Byrnes wrote:
 Running Unbuntu 9.10. The Synaptic Pkg Mgr reports python-imaging -
 1.1.6-3ubuntu1 - Python Imaging Library is installed.
 But trying to import PhotoImage gives these results:
 from ImageTk import PhotoImage
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 ImportError: No module named ImageTk
 What have I gotten wrong?

Apparently, ImageTk is part of a separate ubuntu package called

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Re: [Tutor] accessing Postgres db results by column name

2010-04-09 Thread Martin Walsh
Serdar Tumgoren wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 Ricardo was nice enough to post his solution as a recipe on ActiveState.
 For anyone interested in bookmarking it, here's the link:

I really like Ricardo's solution ... attribute access is a nice touch,
bookmarking it now.

FWIW, it would seem that psycopg2 also has a DictCursor (and


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Re: [Tutor] Running a dos program with python

2010-03-10 Thread Martin Walsh
Armstrong, Richard J. wrote:
 Hello all,
 This is my first post to the
 mailing list. I am in the process of switching from Matlab to Python and
 there is one task that I am having a hard time doing and cannot find the
 answer on the web. I want to write a script in python that will open up
 a windows dos program, send three inputs (file names) into program and
 then run it. I know one way to open up the dos program with
 os.system(r”c:\shake91.txt”) but cannot do the rest.
 Use the subprocess module:
 untested, but should work:
 subprocess.Popen([r'c:\shake91.txt', 'param1', 'paramN-1', 'paramN'])
 if you want to communicate with the process you can add ,
 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) to the function call.
 Check the docs for more info.

 It kindof works. I wrote
 subprocess.Popen([r'c:\shake91.exe', 'FLAC.txt', 'a.txt', 'b.txt'])
 The dos program pops up and if I hit the enter key three times then it
 runs. How can I add these three “enters” into the script?

Then perhaps something more like this (untested) ...

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
proc = Popen([r'c:\shake91.exe'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('FLAC.txt\na.txt\nb.txt\n')

If that doesn't work you may need something like 'expect' for windows
(or, pexpect and cygwin).


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Re: [Tutor] Example of use of (?Pname) and (?P=name) in Python regular expressions?

2009-11-28 Thread Martin Walsh
Michael Hannon wrote:
 Greetings.  While looking into the use of regular expressions in Python, I 
 saw that it's possible to name match groups using:
 and then refer to them using:

I'm not sure you've got that quite right. IIUC, the (?P=name) syntax is
used to match a previously defined group, in the regular expression
itself. (


x = 'Free Fri Fro Fro From'
y = re.sub(
r'(?PtestFro) (?P=test)',
r'Frodo (--matched from \gtest, twice in a row)', x
# y == 'Free Fri Frodo (--matched from Fro, twice in a row) From'

 But, as you can see, to refer to the match I used the \g notation (that I 
 found some place on the web).

The \g notation is appropriate for re.sub.


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Re: [Tutor] Iterable Understanding

2009-11-23 Thread Martin Walsh
Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
def __iter__(self):
while True:
for logline in self.logfile:
heappush(self.heap, (timestamp(logline), logline))
if len(self.heap) = self.jitter:
yield heappop(self.heap)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
 In this __iter__ method, why are we wrapping a for loop in a while True?

Are you more interested in one of the loops over the other? Do you have
a more specific question?

The for loop is a means to populate the heap to a predefined size before
this iterator yields any values. You may have noticed that the first
time through the heap is empty so it will loop a number of times, as
defined by self.jitter, while subsequent entries into the loop will
break after only one execution. Perhaps not the most efficient approach
-- not sure either way, you'll have to test.

The while True loop is where values are yielded, until the heap is empty
again (heappop raises an IndexError) -- a fairly common pattern for
generators in general, I think.

The way I see it (not a programmer by trade or training, FWIW), both
loops have something like a do-until style.

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Re: [Tutor] Iterable Understanding

2009-11-16 Thread Martin Walsh
Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
 Nope - but I can look it up.  The problem I have is that the source
 logs are rotated at 0400 hrs, so I need two days of logs in order to
 extract 24 hrs from  to 2359 (which is the requirement).  At
 present, I preprocess using sort, which works fine as long as the
 month doesn't change.

Still not sure without more detail, but IIRC from your previous posts,
your log entry timestamps are formatted with the abbreviated month name
instead of month number. Without the -M flag, the sort command will ...
well, erm ... sort the month names alphabetically. With the -M
(--month-sort) flag, they are sorted chronologically.

Just a guess, of course. I suppose this is drifting a bit off topic, in
any case, but it may still serve to demonstrate the importance of
converting your string based timestamps into something that can be
sorted accurately by your python code -- the most obvious being time or
datetime objects, IMHO.

 class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self, filename, jitter=10):
self.logfile =, 'r')
self.heap = []
self.jitter = jitter

def __iter__(self):
while True:
for logline in self.logfile:
heappush(self.heap, (timestamp(logline), logline))
if len(self.heap) = self.jitter:
 Really nice way to handle the batching of the initial heap - thank you!
yield heappop(self.heap)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration
 ... which probably won't preserve the order of log entries that have the
 same timestamp, but if you need it to -- should be easy to accommodate.
 I don't think  that is necessary, but I'm curious to know how...

I'd imagine something like this might work ...

class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self, filename, jitter=10):
self.logfile = open(filename, 'r')
self.heap = []
self.jitter = jitter

def __iter__(self):
line_count = 0
while True:
for logline in self.logfile:
line_count += 1
   ((timestamp(logline), line_count), logline))
if len(self.heap) = self.jitter:
yield heappop(self.heap)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration

The key concept is to pass additional unique data to heappush, something
related to the order of lines from input. So, you could probably do
something with file.tell() also. But beware, it seems you can't reliably
tell() a file object opened in 'r' mode, used as an iterator[1] -- and
in python 3.x attempting to do so raises an IOError.


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Re: [Tutor] Iterable Understanding

2009-11-15 Thread Martin Walsh
Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
 I think I'm having a major understanding failure.

Perhaps this will help ...

 So in essence this:
 logs = [ LogFile( /home/stephen/qa/ded1353/quick_log.gz, 04/Nov/2009 ),
  LogFile( /home/stephen/qa/ded1408/quick_log.gz, 04/Nov/2009 ),
  LogFile( /home/stephen/qa/ded1409/quick_log.gz, 04/Nov/2009 ) ]
 Gives me a list of LogFiles - each of which has a getline() method,
 which returns a tuple.
 I thought I could merge iterables using Kent's recipe, or just with

But, at this point are your LogFile instances even iterable? AFAICT, the
answer is no, and I think you should want them to be in order to use
heapq.merge. Have a look at the documentation
( and then
re-read Kent's advice, in your previous thread ('Logfile multiplexing'),
about using the iterator protocol (__iter__).

And, judging by the heapq docs
( ...

Merge multiple sorted inputs into a single sorted output (for example,
merge timestamped entries from multiple log files). Returns an iterator
over the sorted values.

... using heapq.merge appears to be a reasonable approach.

You might also be interested to know, that while heapq.merge is(was) new
in 2.6, it's implementation is very similar (read: nearly identical) to
the one of the cookbook recipes referenced by Kent.

It's unclear from your previous posts (to me at least) -- are the
individual log files already sorted, in chronological order? I'd imagine
they are, being log files. But, let's say you were to run your
hypothetical merge script against only one file -- would the output to
be identical to the input? If not, then you'll want to sort the inputs

 But how do I get from a method that can produce a tuple, to some
 mergable iterables?

I'm going to re-word this question slightly to How can I modify the
LogFile class, for instances to be usable by heapq.merge? and make an
attempt to answer. The following borrows heavily from Kent's iterator
example, but removes your additional line filtering (if
self.stamp.startswith(date), etc) to, hopefully, make it clearer.

import time, gzip, heapq

def timestamp(line):
# replace with your own timestamp function
# this appears to work with the sample logs I chose
stamp = ' '.join(line.split(' ', 3)[:-1])
return time.strptime(stamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')

class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.logfile =, 'r')

def __iter__(self):
for logline in self.logfile:
yield (timestamp(logline), logline)

logs = [

merged = heapq.merge(*logs)
with open('/tmp/merged_log', 'w') as output:
for stamp, line in merged:

Will it be fast enough? I have no clue.

Good luck!

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Re: [Tutor] Iterable Understanding

2009-11-15 Thread Martin Walsh
Stephen Nelson-Smith wrote:
 It's unclear from your previous posts (to me at least) -- are the
 individual log files already sorted, in chronological order?
 Sorry if I didn't make this clear.  No they're not.  They are *nearly*
 sorted - ie they're out by a few seconds, every so often, but they are
 in order at the level of minutes, or even in the order of a few
 It was precisely because of this that I decided, following Alan's
 advice, to pre-filter the data.  I compiled a unix sort command to do
 this, and had a solution I was happy with, based on Kent's iterator
 example, fed into heapq.merge.
 However, I've since discovered that the unix sort isn't reliable on
 the last and first day of the month.  So, I decided I'd need to sort
 each logfile first.  The code at the start of *this* thread does this
 - it uses a heapq per logfile and is able to produce a tuple of
 timestamp, logline, which will be in exact chronological order.  What
 I want to do is merge this output into a file.

Well, you haven't described the unreliable behavior of unix sort so I
can only guess, but I assume you know about the --month-sort (-M) flag?

I did misunderstand your intent for this thread, so thanks for
clarifying. The fact remains that if you are interested in using
heapq.merge, then you need to pass it iterable objects. And, I don't see
any reason to avoid adapting your approach to fit heapq.merge. How about
something like the following (completely untested) ...

import gzip
from heapq import heappush, heappop, merge

def timestamp(line):
# replace with your own timestamp function
# this appears to work with the sample logs I chose
stamp = ' '.join(line.split(' ', 3)[:-1])
return time.strptime(stamp, '%b %d %H:%M:%S')

class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self, filename, jitter=10):
self.logfile =, 'r')
self.heap = []
self.jitter = jitter

def __iter__(self):
while True:
for logline in self.logfile:
heappush(self.heap, (timestamp(logline), logline))
if len(self.heap) = self.jitter:
yield heappop(self.heap)
except IndexError:
raise StopIteration

logs = [

merged_log = merge(*logs)
with open('/tmp/merged_log', 'w') as output:
for stamp, line in merged_log:

... which probably won't preserve the order of log entries that have the
same timestamp, but if you need it to -- should be easy to accommodate.

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Re: [Tutor] Not workin!

2009-09-29 Thread Martin Walsh
Luke Paireepinart wrote:
 In this case you are saying is their input equal to this list with many
 elements? and the answer is always going to be No because a string
 won't be equal to a list unless both are empty.

I know you probably didn't mean this as it reads, or as I'm reading it,
but an empty string and an empty list aren't 'equal' either.

In [1]: '' == []
Out[1]: False


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Re: [Tutor] Confusion with $PATH

2009-09-25 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:32 AM, David Eric wrote:
 ok this is really weird . . . 
 i tried running the helloworld again, and it doesnt work :/
 DTm:~ davidteboul$ echo $PATH

Also, it looks like you missed a colon, to separate the newly added path
from the last one in the list.



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Re: [Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

2009-08-09 Thread Martin Walsh
Allen Fowler wrote:

 When using relative paths I got extra ../../ terms, so I changed  
 join_relative() to:
 def join_relative(base, path):
 return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(script_dir(base), path))

 Seems to work...

 Yeah, good catch ... looks great, and thanks for sharing your mod.

 Glad I could return the favor.  :)
 Since then, I took it a bit further for use in my code...  I am not finished 
 with it yet, but am curios what you think.  (I am not sure named things right 
 or structured it logically)
 import os
 class HomePath(object):
 For finding paths based on a home/install directory.
 def __init__(self, home_dir = None, home_file = None):
 Must be called with either a path to a directory or, as a 
 shortcut, a file in that directory.
 if home_file != None:
 # Set home based on a path to a file in its directory
 self.home = os.path.normpath(self.fix_path(home_file))
 elif home_dir != None:
 # Set home based on its path
 self.home = os.path.normpath(self.get_dir(home_dir))
 raise Exception(Must call with either a path to a directory 
 or, as a shortcut, a file in that directory.)
 def abs(self, rel_from_home):
 Return an absolute path when passed a path relative to home.
 return self.join_relative(self.home, rel_from_home)
 def fix_path(self, base):
 return os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(base))
 def get_dir(self, base):
 return os.path.dirname(self.fix_path(base))
 def join_relative(self, base, path):
 return os.path.normpath(self.fix_path(os.path.join(self.home, 

I'm not sure I understand your end goal, given the args to __init__. I'd
guess, perhaps incorrectly, that you may be trying to shoehorn
conflicting purposes.

If your only aim is to calculate an absolute path to a resource's
parent, or home, folder then your class can be simplified a lot, IMHO.
Specifically, I don't see a reason to differentiate between home_dir and
home_file. Please feel free to clarify if I'm missing the point.

import os

class HomePath(object):
def __init__(self, path):
# fix_path and get_dir on base path
self.home = os.path.dirname(

def join(self, relative_path):
return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.home, relative_path))

Also, have a look at

... the main point is that your initial path element must have enough
information in it to construct an abspath, otherwise os.getcwd() can
pollute the calculation. I believe if you use __file__ you're good, and
sys.argv[0], while potentially relative in nature should always be
relative to os.getcwd() AFAICT, so you're good there too. Otherwise
avoid constructing a HomePath object with a relative start path.


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Re: [Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Allen Fowler wrote:
 What is the recommended way to configure my application find the various 
 database and/or configuration files it needs?

 Recommemded by whom? A lot depends on the OS. Apple for example have one set 
 recommendations for MacOS, Windows has another and Linux has several to 

 Thank you good point.
 Planning on using a ConfigParser based .ini file located in the ./config 
 For instance my folder layout:


  and so on.  I would like to make an .ini in the config folder 
 Seems fair enough, however on a Unix system you should also consider 
 the user to have their own personalised version in their home directory. 
 Thus at 
 startup you get the current user ID / home directory and look for a suitable 
 config file. If it exists read it, if not read the default one in your 

 1) How does my main app file find the config file in the first place?
 Generally use a relative path so normally your app will run from its home 
 so you can look in ./config. You might also set a system environment 
 variable - 
 for example the CLASSPATH or PYTHONPATH variables, or the ORACLE_HOME used 
 Oracle for their database. If the environment var is not set then look in 

 Assuming the application could be invoked in odd ways that may alter the 
 notion of the current working directory, how do I unambiguously find the 
 absolute path to the current python source file?  (So I can load the nearby 

I use a helper function that calculates the absolute path of my app
script, then I am able to os.path.join relative elements to my heart's
content. I haven't had a problem with this approach so far, which of
course doesn't mean it's the right way, or even a correct implementation
for that matter.

Something like this ...

# lib/
# --

import os

def script_path(base):
return os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(base))

def script_dir(base):
return os.path.dirname(script_path(base))

def join_relative(base, path):
return os.path.join(script_dir(base), path)

# --


from lib.mypaths import join_relative
print join_relative(__file__, 'config/prefs.ini')

# this may work when calling from
# other modules, I suppose (untested)

import sys
print join_relative(sys.argv[0], 'config/prefs.ini')


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Re: [Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Allen Fowler wrote:
 As a follow-up question, how do give my modules stored under ./lib access to 
 the data in my ConfigParser object?  (For instance, database connection 
 string, storage path, etc.)
 I guess a global ConfigParser object would work, but that seems wrong.

And yet, to me it seems wrong to have more than one instance of config
data floating around. Instead of using a global you can pass the config
object, or just the appropriate attributes, around to your lib
functions/classes, as necessary -- and keep the flow in your main
script. For example (highly speculative, FWIW),

from database.connection import getcursor
from lib.persist import Storage

def main():
confp = ConfigParser(), 'config/prefs.ini'))
config = confp.defaults()

curs = getcursor(config[db_connection_string])


storage = Storage(config[storage_path])



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Re: [Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Allen Fowler wrote:
 Something like this ...

 # lib/
 # --

 import os

 def script_path(base):
 return os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(base))

 def script_dir(base):
 return os.path.dirname(script_path(base))

 def join_relative(base, path):
 return os.path.join(script_dir(base), path)

 # --


 from lib.mypaths import join_relative
 print join_relative(__file__, 'config/prefs.ini')

 # this may work when calling from
 # other modules, I suppose (untested)

 import sys
 print join_relative(sys.argv[0], 'config/prefs.ini')

 When using relative paths I got extra ../../ terms, so I changed  
 join_relative() to:
 def join_relative(base, path):
 return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(script_dir(base), path))
 Seems to work...

Yeah, good catch ... looks great, and thanks for sharing your mod.

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Re: [Tutor] Configuaration files and paths?

2009-08-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Allen Fowler wrote:
 Martin Walsh

 Allen Fowler wrote:
 As a follow-up question, how do give my modules stored under ./lib access 
 the data in my ConfigParser object?  (For instance, database connection 
 storage path, etc.)
 I guess a global ConfigParser object would work, but that seems wrong.

 And yet, to me it seems wrong to have more than one instance of config
 data floating around. Instead of using a global you can pass the config
 object, or just the appropriate attributes, around to your lib
 functions/classes, as necessary -- and keep the flow in your main
 script. For example (highly speculative, FWIW),

 from database.connection import getcursor
 from lib.persist import Storage

 def main():
 confp = ConfigParser(), 'config/prefs.ini'))
 config = confp.defaults()

 curs = getcursor(config[db_connection_string])


 storage = Storage(config[storage_path])

 I hear your point.  It makes sense.
 The above sample code seems like the way to go... if I can structure my 
 modules like that.
 For an object that needs many settings, what about passing in an instance of 
 ConfigParser?  (Or should I extract the settings to a dict, first?)
 Thank you again,

I don't see a problem with either of those approaches -- I suppose it
depends a little on the kind of config data you're working with, the
overall design of your app, which approach would be easiest to maintain.

If your intent is to package software that the general public will use,
then I believe Alan and Dave have correctly advised to follow the
packaging conventions for your target platform(s), and to be consistent
with user expectations (ie. how do popular apps typically handle config?)

I tend to write a lot of system automation scripts (sysadmin-style),
where I'm one of the few internal end users, and my toolbox module
contains wrappers for the various sources of config data (configparser,
optparse, os.environ, etc) each providing a common interface that I like
to use (and remember easily!) for dealing with config data in new
function and class definitions. But I use these a lot, and wouldn't
necessarily recommend the approach if you only need to consume config
data now and again. I think the point I may be trying to make is that it
took me a while to settle, after much trial and error, to find the
approach that works best for me -- others will have a different story to
tell, and I hope they do! :)

Good luck!


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Re: [Tutor] How to change the working directory in IDLE

2009-06-16 Thread Martin Walsh
Martin Walsh wrote:
 Elisha Rosensweig wrote:
 Hi Tutors,

 Im using Python 2.6.2 and the IDLE tool (also v. 2.6.2). However, when
 I open the editor I cannot seem to change the directory so as to allow
 for easy access to my modules. So, for example, the following occurs:

 import CSITest
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#9, line 1, in module
 import CSITest
 ImportError: No module named CSITest

 What am I doing wrong?
 You probably want to append to sys.path in your script, or to the
 PYTHONPATH environment variable, instead of using os.chdir.

Sorry, 'in your script' should read something like 'in Idle'. Here's
another doc reference.

 import sys
 import CSITest

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Re: [Tutor] Help..Concatenaton Error

2009-06-11 Thread Martin Walsh
ayyaz wrote:
 Randy Trahan wrote:
 Attached is an error I cannot get to work, I was doing a print
 concatenation but it won't let me get past + ibly impressive.  \
 (then to next line)
 Also Programming Lanquage Question:
 I have studied and an fairly proficient at XHTML and CSS, I tried
 Javascript but just didn't like it for some I am trying
 Python which so far fits my personality, needs, whatever that part is
 that makes you choose a lanquage. Will I be able to use Python in web
 pages as I would of used Javascript?  From what I have read there are
 Python to Javascript converters?...

The only python to javascript project I am aware of is pyjamas
(, which is a python port of the Google Web Toolkit.
Not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for. There are several
javascript libraries available now-a-days that help make programming
javascript more like programming in python. Mochikit comes to mind
( But, I'm not a web developer.

 Thanks in advance..
 Randy Trahan
 Owner, BullDog Computer Services, LLC

 Hello Randy,
 You have two plus signs after + ibly impressive.  \.
 That might be the problem.

And, it appears you've missed the quote before \nThis string , as well.

Perhaps also important to note, the line continuation character '\' may
not be followed by any character on the same line, including whitespace,
so ...

print \nThis string  + \space
may not

... where space indicates the presence of ... er, well ... a
whitespace character, would be invalid (a SyntaxError).

PEP8 ( outlines some
alternatives to the line continuation character. For example,

  s = (This is a  +
 ... long line +
 ... .)
 'This is a long line.'

Or, you can leave out the +, as string concatenation is implicit in the
following ...

  s = (This is a 
 ... long line
 ... .)
 'This is a long line.'

... but, beware -- it's easy to overlook when constructing a list (or

  lst = ['This is a',
 ... 'long' # - missing comma
 ... 'line',
 ... '.']
 ['This is a', 'longline', '.']

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] recursive glob -- recursive dir walk

2009-06-10 Thread Martin Walsh
spir wrote:
 A foolow-up ;-) from previous question about glob.glob().
 I need to 'glob' files recursively from a top dir (parameter). Tried to use 
 os.walk, but the structure of its return value is really unhandy for such a 
 use (strange, because it seems to me this precise use is typical). On the 
 other hand, os.path.walk seemed to meet my needs, but it is deprecated.

I often use Fredrik Lundh's implementation, when I need a recursive
'glob'. And even though it was contributed some time ago, it appears to
be 3.x compatible.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] How o convert spaces into tabs??

2009-06-02 Thread Martin Walsh
vince spicer wrote:
 regex will do it
 import re
 line = re.sub(r\s+, \t, line)
 print line

The above replaces the newline, which reminds me that even seemingly
trivial uses of 're' can become not-so-trivial in a hurry.

In [1]: import re
In [2]: line = '1  2  3  4  5\n'
In [3]: re.sub('\s+', '\t', line)
Out[3]: '1\t2\t3\t4\t5\t'

Maybe this is closer to your intent, but I refuse to guarantee it ;)
Better to stick with str methods whenever possible.

In [4]: re.sub('[ ]+', '\t', line)
Out[4]: '1\t2\t3\t4\t5\n'


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables

2009-05-23 Thread Martin Walsh
David wrote:
 David wrote:
 I have a budget program I am using to learn from.

 I can not figure out how to get the transaction details to return so
 that it looks nice. It returns like this now.

 Your transaction History is: [(1, u'Food', -100), (2, u'Deposit',
 -200), (3, u'Deposit', 500), (4, u'Python Book', -50)]

 Here is how it gets to that point;

 def get_transactions(self):
 ct.execute(select * from transact;)
 return ct.fetchall()

 def report_transactions(self):
 return self.database.get_transactions()

 def display_transactions(self):
 print Your transaction History is:,[5]=(Transaction History,self.display_transactions)

 Can I use the numbers 1,2,3,4 as a way to return the history?

 Thanks, I hope I explained it correctly :)
 Ok this seems to work OK;
 def display_transactions(self):
 transactions =
 for data in transactions:
 print Transaction History: , data[-2], data[-1]

It would be helpful if you showed the output you expect. Here is another
option ...

def display_transactions(self):
transactions =
print Your transaction History is:
for n, k, v in transactions:
print ' %-15s %10.2f' % (k, v)


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] finding difference in time

2009-05-15 Thread Martin Walsh
Kent Johnson wrote:
 On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:46 AM, R K wrote:

 I'm trying to write a fairly simple script that finds the number of hours /
 minutes / seconds between now and the next Friday at 1:30AM.

 I have a few little chunks of code but I can't seem to get everything to
 piece together nicely.

 import datetime,time
 now =

 i = 0
 dayOfWeek = '%a' )
 while dayOfWeek != 'Fri':
 delta = datetime.timedelta( days = i )
 tom = ( now + delta ).strftime( '%a' )
 if tom != 'Fri':
 i = i + 1
 print i
 print tom

 So with this code I can determine the number of days until the next Friday
 (if it's not Friday already).
 This could be simpler. I would write
 nextFriday = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, 1, 30, 0)
  while nextFriday.weekday() != 4:
   nextFriday += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
 Note the use of datetime attributes instead of relying on strftime().
 What do you want the answer to be if you run the script at 1am Friday?
 at 2am Friday? If you want the next Friday in both cases, you could
 write this as
 nextFriday = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,, 1, 30, 0)
 nextFriday += datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Make sure to get a Friday
 in the future
  while nextFriday.weekday() != 4:
   nextFriday += datetime.timedelta(days=1)

I don't believe you'll get much better than that, IMHO.

But, dateutil (3rd party) probably deserves a mention, at least, for
this kind of job. I'm pretty sure the dateutil equivalent of Kent's
second approach would look something like this, but I haven't thoroughly
tested it, YMMV ...

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta, FR

now =
delta = relativedelta(
days=1, weekday=FR, hour=1,
minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0
nextFriday = now + delta

print nextFriday


dateutil totally rocks, and I hope someday soon it will be included in
the standard library.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python popen command using cat textfile .... how to terminate

2009-05-14 Thread Martin Walsh
MK wrote:
 Hi there,
 i am using this code to send an cat  ThisIsMyUrl with popen.
 Of cos cat now waits for the CTRL+D command. 
 How can i send this command ?
 def console_command(cmd):
   print cmd
   console = os.popen(cmd,r)
   output =
   return output
 command=cat   + working_dir + / + subdir +

Ignoring the subprocess module for a moment, you could use os.popen2
instead of os.popen and then close the stdin fd to simulate a CTRL-D(EOF).

stdin, stdout = os.popen2(cmd)
stdin.write('This is line 1.\n')
stdin.close() # CTRL-D

With the subprocess module, you might do something like this (untested) ...

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
console = Popen(
cmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True
console.stdin.write('This is line 1.\n')
# ... or just ...
# console.communicate('This is line 1.\n')

But, I can't figure out why you would want to do this. Or I should say
it's not at all clear to me what you are trying to accomplish --
although I suspect you are making it difficult for yourself.

Can you provide a brief explanation of what you are trying to achieve?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches

2009-05-04 Thread Martin Walsh
Nick Burgess wrote:
 So far the script works fine, it avoids printing the lines i want and
 I can add new domain names as needed. It looks like this:
 import re
 outFile = open('outFile.dat', 'w')
 log = file(log.dat, 'r').read().split('Source') # Set the line delimiter
 for line in log:
 if not'|',line):

There is a subtle problem here -- the '.' means match any single
character. I suppose it's unlikely to bite you, but it could -- for
example, a line containing a domain named would
match. You should probably escape the dot, and while you're at it
compile the regular expression.

# untested
pattern = re.compile(r'notneeded\.com|notneeded1\.com')
for line in log:
if not


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string

2009-04-29 Thread Martin Walsh
David wrote:
 Martin Walsh wrote:
 ... but, you don't need to use subprocess at all. How about (untested),

 # grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt |head -n1|cut -d\ -f2
 infof = open('/tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt')
 for line in infof:
 if 'USE' in line:
 USE = line.split('')[1]
 USE = ''

 Thanks Martin works perfect. So I understand correctly, line.split('')
 splits the list on  so [1] grabs after USE =  and up till [2] starts.

That's right, in other words it emulates the behavior of 'cut -d\ -f2'.
Python having 0-based indexing, you use 1 instead of 2, etc.

 Again thanks, I like the comments :)

Welcome, glad it helped.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string

2009-04-29 Thread Martin Walsh
Sander Sweers wrote:
 2009/4/29 David
 Here is the whole program so far, what it does is it logs into a druple web
 site and posts. I would like to make it better, as you can see I do the same
 thing over and over.
 What you can do is define all the variables upfront. This way you can
 get rid of the else. Below is an example how you can do this with only
 looping once over the fle.
 CBUILD = ''
 for line in fname:
 if 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' in line:
 output = line.split('')[1]
 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS = textwrap.fill(output, 80)
 if 'CBUILD' in line:
 output = line.split('')[1]
 CBUILD = textwrap.fill(output, 80)

What is particularly important to note here is that Sander is iterating
over the file 'fname' only once. When you loop thru the lines of a file
with this form it is consumed, and you get nothing back for subsequent
attempts, unless you re-open the file, or explicitly move back to the
beginning, ie.


 etc etc
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] finding mismatched or unpaired html tags

2009-04-28 Thread Martin Walsh
A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
 Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
 I'm processing tens of thousands of html files and a few of them
 contain mismatched tags and ElementTree throws the error:

 Unexpected error opening J:/F2/663/blahblah.html: mismatched tag:
 line 124, column 8

 I now want to scan each file and simply identify each mismatched or
 tags (by line number) in each file. I've read the ElementTree docs and
 see anything obvious how to do this. I know this is a common problem but
 feeling a bit clueless here - any ideas?

 Don't use elementTree, use BeautifulSoup instead.
 elementTree expects perfect input, typically generated by another computer.
 BeautifulSoup is designed to handle your everyday HTML page, filled with
 errors of all possible kinds.

But it also modifies the source html by default, adding closing tags,
etc. Important to know, I suppose, if you intend to re-write the html
files you parse with BeautifulSoup.

Also, unless you're running python 3.0 or greater, use the 3.0.x series
of BeautifulSoup -- otherwise you may run into the same issue.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] finding mismatched or unpaired html tags

2009-04-28 Thread Martin Walsh
Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
 A.T. / Marty
 I'd prefer that the html parser didn't replace the missing tags as I
 want to know where and what the problems are.  Also, the source html
 documents were generated by another computer ie. they are not web page
 documents.  My sense is that it is only a few files out of tens of
 thousands.  Cheers ...

If this is a one time task, write a script to iterate over the html
files, and collect the traceback info from those that throw a
'mismatched tag' error. Based on your example below, it appears to
contain the line number. You'd only get one error per file per run, but
you can run it until there are no errors remaining. I hope that makes


 Message: 7
 Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 08:54:33 -0500
 From: Martin Walsh
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] finding mismatched or unpaired html tags
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
 Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
 I'm processing tens of thousands of html files and a few of them
 contain mismatched tags and ElementTree throws the error:

 Unexpected error opening J:/F2/663/blahblah.html: mismatched tag:
 line 124, column 8

 I now want to scan each file and simply identify each mismatched or
 tags (by line number) in each file. I've read the ElementTree docs and
 see anything obvious how to do this. I know this is a common problem but
 feeling a bit clueless here - any ideas?

 Don't use elementTree, use BeautifulSoup instead.

 elementTree expects perfect input, typically generated by another
 BeautifulSoup is designed to handle your everyday HTML page, filled with
 errors of all possible kinds.
 But it also modifies the source html by default, adding closing tags,
 etc. Important to know, I suppose, if you intend to re-write the html
 files you parse with BeautifulSoup.
 Also, unless you're running python 3.0 or greater, use the 3.0.x series
 of BeautifulSoup -- otherwise you may run into the same issue.
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string

2009-04-28 Thread Martin Walsh
David wrote:
 I am getting information from .txt files and posting them in fields on a
 web site. I need to break up single strings so they are around 80
 characters then a new line because when I enter the info to the form on
 the website it has fields and it errors out with such a long string.
 here is a sample of the code;
 import subprocess
 import os
 u_e = subprocess.Popen(
 'grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt |head -n1|cut -d\\-f2',

Did you copy and paste this faithfully? The 'cut -d\\-f2' looks a bit
odd. Is the delimiter a  (double-quote)? Perhaps you left out a space
before the -f2?

 shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,)
 os.waitpid(, 0)

'u_e.wait()' would wait the way you intend, as well, I believe.

 USE =

Or, if you use the communicate() method of the Popen object, the wait is
implicit. As in,

stdout, stderr = u_e.communicate()

... or perhaps ...

USE = u_e.communicate()[0].strip()

... but, you don't need to use subprocess at all. How about (untested),

# grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt |head -n1|cut -d\ -f2
infof = open('/tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt')
for line in infof:
if 'USE' in line:
USE = line.split('')[1]
USE = ''

 L = len(USE)
 print L
 print USE
 L returns 1337

cosmic :)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Add newline's, wrap, a long string

2009-04-28 Thread Martin Walsh
David wrote:
 vince spicer wrote:
 first, grabbing output from an external command try:

 import commands

 USE = commands.getoutput('grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emege_info.txt
 |head -n1|cut -d\\-f2')
 then you can wrap strings,

 import textwrap

 Lines = textwrap.wrap(USE, 80) # return a list

 so in short:

 import commands, textwrap
 data = textwrap.wrap(commands.getoutput('my command'), 80)

 Thanks Vince,
 I could not get command to work, but I did not try very hard;
 [cut: the delimiter must be a single character Try `cut --help' for
 more, 'information. head: write error: Broken pipe']

Ah, I see. This error is most likely due to the typo (missing space
before -f2).

 But textwrap did the trick, here is what I came up with;
 import subprocess
 import os
 import textwrap
 import string
 def subopen():
 u_e = subprocess.Popen(
 'grep USE /tmp/comprookie2000/emerge_info.txt |head -n1|cut
 -d\\ -f2',
 shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,)
 os.waitpid(, 0)
 USE =
 L = textwrap.wrap(USE, 80) # return a list
 Lines = string.join(L, '\n')

Just one more comment, string.join is deprecated, yet join is a method
of str objects. So ...

  Lines = '\n'.join(L)

... or use textwrap.fill which returns a string with the newlines
already in place ...

  Lines = textwrap.fill(USE, 80)


 fname = 'usetest.txt'
 fobj = open(fname, 'w')
 Here is the output;

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] PDF to text conversion

2009-04-21 Thread Martin Walsh
Robert Berman wrote:
 Hello Emad,
 I have seriously looked at the documentation associated with pyPDF. This
 seems to have the page as its smallest element of work, and what i need
 is a line by line process to go from .PDF format to Text. I don't think
 pyPDF will meet my needs but thank you for bringing it to my attention.
 Robert Berman

Have you looked at pdfminer?

Looks promising.


 Emad Nawfal (عماد نوفل) wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:54 PM, bob gailer wrote:

 Robert Berman wrote:


 I must convert a history file in PDF format that goes from May
 of 1988 to current date.  Readings are taken twice weekly and
 consist of the date taken mm/dd/yy and the results appearing
 as a 10 character numeric + special characters sequence. This
 is obviously an easy setup for a very small database
  application with the date as the key, the result string as
 the data.

 My problem is converting the PDF file into a text file which I
 can then read and process. I do not see any free python
 libraries having this capacity. I did see a PDFPILOT program
 for Windows but this application is being developed on Linux
 and should also run on Windows; so I do not want to
 incorporate a Windows only application.

 I do not think i am breaking any new frontiers with this
 application. Have any of you worked with such a library, or do
 you know of one or two I can download and work with?
 Hopefully, they have reasonable documentation.

 If this is a one-time conversion just use the save as text feature
 of adobe reader.

 My development environment is:

 Ubuntu version 8.10

 Thanks for any help  you might be able to offer.

 Robert Berman
 Tutor maillist  -

 -- Bob Gailer
 Chapel Hill NC

 Tutor maillist  -

 I tried pyPdf once, just for fun, and it was nice:
 لا أعرف مظلوما تواطأ الناس علي هضمه ولا زهدوا في إنصافه
 كالحقيقة.محمد الغزالي
 No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth

 Emad Soliman Nawfal
 Indiana University, Bloomington
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Sending a disconnect after openssl s_client command?

2009-04-21 Thread Martin Walsh
Kayvan Sarikhani wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Martin Walsh wrote:
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 openssl_cmd = 'openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect somewebsitename:443'
 openssl = Popen(
  openssl_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE
 stdout, stderr = openssl.communicate('GET /')
 Alternatively, if you're using python 2.6 and above, it looks like you
 can do something similar with a few lines of code, and the ssl module
 from the standard lib ...
 # untested!
 import ssl
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate(
('somewebsitename', 443), ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2
 except ssl.SSLError, ex:
# site may not support sslv2
 Thanks Marty; this does indeed just also means I need to
 really learn how subprocess works. ;) I wish I could claim to be using
 2.6, but unfortunately the most current version at work is Python
 2.5.2...most boxes here are even below, and I can't convince them to
 upgrade. Ah, well.

Yep, subprocess is the way to go.

In that case, if you're not offended by the extra dependency, then you
might be interested in, which appears to
be a backport of the 2.6 ssl module.

I haven't tried it myself, but it has a get_server_certificate helper
also, so I'd expect it to work the same way. Although, you'll probably
want to explore in greater detail the properties of the exception that
is raised by a site not supporting sslv2. When I tried I received an
SSLError(errno=6) for a server configured w/o sslv2.

 Thanks again though!

You're welcome, glad it helped. :)


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Sending a disconnect after openssl s_client command?

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Walsh
Kayvan Sarikhani wrote:
   I'm working on a script to verify whether a particular website
 supports SSLv2 via the following:
 --- BEGIN ---
 import os, re
 checkssl_out = open('checkssl.txt','w')
 website = 'somewebsitename'
 sslv2 = 'Protocol  : SSLv2'
 print 'Checking:', website
 checksslv2 = os.popen('openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect
 if, checksslv2) == None:
 print  checkssl_out, website, 'does NOT support SSLv2'
 print  checkssl_out, website, 'supports: SSLv2'
 --- END ---
   It works, but the problem is that OpenSSL does not automatically
 disconnect after end of input. I was curious if there's a way to send a
 CTRL-C at the end of the command, so that it *does* capture the output,
 and breaks after it. Any suggestions or help is appreciated!

You can do something like the following (untested) to simulate a CTRL-C,
but I'd recommend against it, as I doubt it will work as you expect ...

import os, signal
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

openssl_cmd = 'openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect somewebsitename:443'
openssl = Popen(openssl_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)

# dead, I bet, before any output is generated
stdout, stderr = openssl.communicate()

Instead, you may want to try to mimic this command-line behavior ...

echo GET / | openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect somewebsitename:443

... in which case, you can try something like this ...

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

openssl_cmd = 'openssl s_client -ssl2 -connect somewebsitename:443'
openssl = Popen(
  openssl_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE
stdout, stderr = openssl.communicate('GET /')

Alternatively, if you're using python 2.6 and above, it looks like you
can do something similar with a few lines of code, and the ssl module
from the standard lib ...

# untested!
import ssl
cert = ssl.get_server_certificate(
('somewebsitename', 443), ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv2
except ssl.SSLError, ex:
# site may not support sslv2



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] String Encoding problem

2009-04-20 Thread Martin Walsh
Matt wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 I'm hoping someone here can help me solve an odd problem (bug?). I'm
 having trouble with string encoding, object deletion, and the xml.etree
 library. If this isn't the right list to be posting this question,
 please let me know. I'm new to Python and don't know of any other help
 me Python mailing lists. I have tried debugging this ad-infinitem.
 Anyway, at the bottom of this e-mail you will find the code of a python
 file. This is a gross over-simplification of my code, with little
 exception handling so that the errors are obvious.
 Running this interactively, if you finish off with 'del db', it exits
 fine and creates a skeleton xml file called 'db.xml' with text 'root
 /'. However, if you instead CTRL-D, it throws at exception while
 quitting and then leaves an empty 'db.xml' which won't work. Can anyone
 here help me figure out why this is?
 Stuff I've done:
 I've traced this down to the self.commit() call in __del__. The
 stacktrace and a few print statements injected into xml.etree leads me
 to the call 'root'.encode('us-ascii') throwing a LookupError on line 751
 of xml.etree.ElementTree. This makes no sense to me, since it works fine

The environment available to __del__ methods during program termination
is wonky, and apparently not very consistent either. I can't say that I
completely understand it myself, perhaps someone else can provide a
better explanation for both of us, but some of the causes are described
in the documentation:

What is your rationale for using __del__? Are you trying to force a
'commit()' call on Database instances when your program terminates -- in
the case of an unhandled exception, for example?


 Thank you very much. Any and all help or pointers are appreciated.
 ~Matt ###
 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
 import os
 class Database(object):
 def __init__(self, path):
 self.__dbpath = path## Path to the database
 def __del__(self):
 ## FIXME: Known bug:
 ##  del db at command line works properly
 ##  Ctrl-D, when there is no db file present, results in a
 ##and empty xml file
 from StringIO import StringIO
 from traceback import print_exc
 trace = StringIO()
 print 5
 print 7
 except Exception:
 print_exc(100, trace)
 print trace.getvalue()
 def load(self):
 if os.path.exists(self.__dbpath):
 self.root = ET.parse(self.__dbpath).getroot()
 self.root = ET.Element(root)
 def commit(self):
 db = Database('db.xml')

Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] PyCon Videos

2009-04-16 Thread Martin Walsh
Hi All,

Not sure if it's common knowledge, particularly for those who didn't
make it to PyCon this year, but all of the talks were recorded and will
be available online in good time, thanks to Carl Karsten and his merry
band of A/V volunteers. I can't even begin to grasp how much work is
required to accomplish such a monumental task.

I noticed this morning that the tutorials, are making their way to the site, including Internet Programming with Python presented by
our very own Wesley Chun. And I presume An Introduction to
Object-Oriented Programming, announced on this list a couple months ago
by Michael Goldwasser, will be available soon as well. I'm really
looking forward to watching both.

Not a replacement for attending a PyCon in person -- which I highly
recommend for anyone interested in python, no matter your skill level --
but certainly the next best thing.

It seems, many presenters included links to additional material (code
examples, slides, etc) on the scheduled-talks page [1] -- not sure about
the tutorials [2], but it doesn't look like it.



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] list to string and string to list

2009-04-16 Thread Martin Walsh
johnf wrote:
 On Thursday 16 April 2009 05:04:39 pm Alan Gauld wrote:
 johnf wrote

 I want to save the list to the field and when I retrieve the string
 it back to a list.

 But this does NOT work.

 newlist= list(mystr)

 I keep thinking there must be a simple way of get this done.
 Is this a good way?
 newlist = eval(mystr)
 eval has all sorts of security implications so I wouldn't recommend
 it where you are reading data fropm an external source.

 One thing that might work is this:
 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
 s1 = ','.join(str(n) for n in L)

 newlist = [int(n) for n in s1.split(',')]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 Provided your original data doesn't have commas to start with
 it should work, I think... And the data needs to be pretty
 homogenous to allow a single conversion function.
 Kent Johnson suggested 
 newlist = map(int, mystr[1:-1].split(','))

Maybe that's a question in disguise, but I would think both suggestions
are valid.

Another, less valid, suggestion would be to pickle or shelve the list
before storing it in the database -- although this poses similar
security implications as eval. And the resulting string is not
particularly easy to read, if that's important to you.

import cPickle as pickle
mylist = [1,2,3,4]

mystr = pickle.dumps(mylist)
# '(lp1\nI1\naI2\naI3\naI4\na.'

newlist = pickle.loads(mystr)
# [1, 2, 3, 4]


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] list to string and string to list

2009-04-16 Thread Martin Walsh
Martin Walsh wrote:
 johnf wrote:
 On Thursday 16 April 2009 05:04:39 pm Alan Gauld wrote:
 johnf wrote

 I want to save the list to the field and when I retrieve the string
 it back to a list.

 But this does NOT work.

 newlist= list(mystr)

 I keep thinking there must be a simple way of get this done.
 Is this a good way?
 newlist = eval(mystr)
 eval has all sorts of security implications so I wouldn't recommend
 it where you are reading data fropm an external source.

 One thing that might work is this:
 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
 s1 = ','.join(str(n) for n in L)

 newlist = [int(n) for n in s1.split(',')]
 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 Provided your original data doesn't have commas to start with
 it should work, I think... And the data needs to be pretty
 homogenous to allow a single conversion function.
 Kent Johnson suggested 

 newlist = map(int, mystr[1:-1].split(','))

 Maybe that's a question in disguise, but I would think both suggestions
 are valid.
 Another, less valid, suggestion would be to pickle or shelve the list
 before storing it in the database -- although this poses similar
 security implications as eval. And the resulting string is not
 particularly easy to read, if that's important to you.
 import cPickle as pickle
 mylist = [1,2,3,4]
 mystr = pickle.dumps(mylist)
 # '(lp1\nI1\naI2\naI3\naI4\na.'
 newlist = pickle.loads(mystr)
 # [1, 2, 3, 4]

Sorry to reply to my own post, but the json module in python 2.6+
(formerly 3rd party, simplejson) might work for your purposes also. But
I must confess, I'm not that familiar.

import json

s = json.dumps([1, 2, 3, 4])
# '[1, 2, 3, 4]'
l = json.loads(s)
# [1, 2, 3, 4]

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Executing a C Program from RH Linux in Python for Win

2009-03-18 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne Watson wrote:
 If you can execute a C program compiled on a Linux with SWIG, then
 that's what I'm looking for. There's really no RH dependency according
 to the above posts. If it were compiled on Debian or Ubuntu, it appears
 it would not make any difference. That is, one could execute a RH
 executable from C on Ubuntu.

Yeah, probably -- if it's a static build, or if the dependencies
(required libraries/versions) are installed, assuming the program has
dependencies. But, I suppose we may be drifting a bit OT.

 Is there a simple example of this in action from a Python program and
 some small C Linux executable program?

The subprocess module is commonly recommended for this type of task (as
opposed to os.system, etc). In fact, I believe Alan already suggested it
in this thread. And speaking of ... Alan's tutorial has several very
good examples of using the subprocess module (OS topic under
Manipulating Processes).


I'll hazard a wild guess that you don't really want SWIG based on your
original question, and subsequent comments. IIUC, SWIG is intended to
ease the creation of a python wrapper (extension module) for existing
C/C++ code. And, I'm not sure you've given enough information about the
C program to determine if SWIG would be useful. Regardless, I suggest
you get a feel for running an external program using python first.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Grayson's Example 5_14

2009-03-17 Thread Martin Walsh
 Martin Walsh wrote:
 Wayne Watson wrote:

 it.  It works pretty well, but puts up a a few probably top level
 windows that are blank. How do I get around them, and is there anything


 root = Tk()

 Try adding this,


 dialog = GetPassword(root)


Wayne Watson wrote:
 That worked. Why the extra blank window though?

I'm no Tkinter expert -- far from it. But I would assume that
GetPassword, as a subclass of Dialog, creates a new window, and thus you
have no need for the root window. root.withdraw() hides the root window
from view, and allows the application to continue running. I imagine
there are other ways to accomplish the same thing.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Fun with Label and Entry--Why NoneType?

2009-03-17 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne Watson wrote:
 The program below is derived from an example in Grayson for showing how
 one might a dialog for entering passwords. The structure seems just like
 the original, down to the use of self, Label and Entry plus . Yet the
 print here statement produces:
 here None type 'NoneType'
 I'm missing something. The NoneType causes the print of the to
 fail with get().
 The original returns something from the corresponding body function, but
 taking it out does nothing in either program. The original program is
 posted above under Modifying Grayson's Example 5_14.
 # Derived from Grayson
 from   Tkinter import *
 from   tkSimpleDialog import Dialog
 import tkSimpleDialog
 import tkMessageBox
 #import Pmw
 class DialogPrototype(Dialog):
 def body(self, master):
 self.title(Enter Site Data)
 Label(master, text='Latitude:').grid(row=0, sticky=W), width=12).grid(row=0, column=1)

This is where you diverge from the Grayson example. What you're saying
is that should be set to the result of Entry(...).grid(...)
which is always None, presumably. What I think you want is to
be a reference to the Entry widget itself. Try this, = Entry(master, width=12), column=1)

 Label(master, text='Longitude:').grid(row=0, column=2)
 self.long=Entry(master, width=12).grid(row=0, column=3)

... and,
  self.long = Entry(master, width=12)
  self.long.grid(row=0, column=3)

 print here, self.long,type(self.long)

 def apply(self):
 print apply
 print self.long.get()
 print setting

Is that the way you indented the above, really? I suppose it could be
intentional, but probably not.

 root = Tk()
 dialog = DialogPrototype(root)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Modifying Grayson's Example 5_14

2009-03-16 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne Watson wrote:

 it.  It works pretty well, but puts up a a few probably top level
 windows that are blank. How do I get around them, and is there anything


 root = Tk()

Try adding this,


 dialog = GetPassword(root)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] merging dictionary values based on key

2009-03-12 Thread Martin Walsh
 greg whittier wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:24 PM, ski wrote:
 mylist = [{'a': 'x123', 'b':'12'}, {'a': 'x234', 'b': 'd33', 'c':
 'a23'}, {'a': 'x234', 'c': 'XX123'}  ]
 where mylist has nth number of dictionaries and i want to merge the
 of the keys that are the same?

 If I understand what you mean by merging, I  think you want

 mylist = [{'a': 'x123', 'b':'12'}, {'a': 'x234', 'b': 'd33', 'c':
 'a23'}, {'a': 'x234', 'c': 'XX123'}  ]
 merged_dict = {}
 for dictionary in mylist:
 for key, value in dictionary.items():

Or similarly with defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

merged_dict = defaultdict(list)
for d in mylist:
for k, v in d.items():

ski wrote:
 how would you do this for a specific key instead of all the keys?

alist = [d['a'] for d in mylist if d.has_key('a')]

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] probelm pyhton shell doesnt open help please

2009-03-08 Thread Martin Walsh
mustafa akkoc wrote:
 it gives this message socket error 

image text
IDLE's subprocess didn't make a connection. Either IDLE can't start a
subprocess or personal firewall software is blocking the connection.
/image text

IIRC, this was once a known issue with IDLE when combined with the
windows firewall service, or when running multiple instances of IDLE
(perhaps inadvertently). But, I'm having difficulty tracking down the
pertinent bug report(s) -- maybe these have been fixed? or I'm just
tired, probably the latter.

A couple of suggestions from memory ...
1. Check the process/task list for errant pythonw.exe processes, and end
2. Launch IDLE with the -n flag from a terminal (command prompt).
3. Report back to the list with your results, and include the python and
windows version info if you continue to have trouble.


PS. Keep in mind, some of us won't see images you post to the list so
you should generally include a text version of error messages whenever
possible. Or at least, note when you've included an image so that those
with sufficient interest can make the extra effort to view it, if

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] re.format a file

2009-02-26 Thread Martin Walsh
A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
 prasad rao wrote:
 helloThank you Lie and Kent.
 I forgot  about newline character and the fact that string can be sliced.
 Thanks for your timely help
 BTW I have gone through  the Python library reference and find no
 in fileinput module.
 The fileinput module only deals with reading and writing data from/to
 files, it does not deal with manipulating that data.
 How to manipulate strings is in the 'strings' or 'text' section of a
 for line in  z:
 ???if len(line)60:pass
 ???if len(line)60:
 Is it the right way to do?
 A nice step forward, I'd say.
 Did you consider what to do with ridiculous long lines, eg 200, 500,
 1000 or 1 characters long?
 If you want to deal with them, you'd need to repeatedly split the line.
 You could use a while loop for it.

Or if the lines resemble paragraphs, then one might use the textwrap
module which breaks on word boundaries by default I think, and provides
several options for tweaking -- perhaps not what the OP is looking for.

# untested
import textwrap
for line in z:
line = textwrap.fill(line, width=60)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Simple CGI script and Apache configuration

2009-02-24 Thread Martin Walsh
wormwood_3 wrote:
 I wasn't sure if that was needed, so I took it out, sorry about that. I put
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/
 in place, reloaded, and it works! I think the problem throughout was
 that I was mixing up what was necessary between CGI and mod_python.

The apache2 documentation isn't clear about the relationship between
ExecCGI and ScriptAlias (rather, it's not clear to me) and unless I've
missed something, seems to imply that either ScriptAlias or ExecCGI
alone should be sufficient. Unfortunately, I don't have time to
experiment. IIRC, all of the vanilla apache configs I've worked with
recently include both in definitions for cgi-bin.

In any case, glad it worked.

 If you'd like a random programming epigram served up by this new config,
 check out:

Very cool, thanks.

 wormwood_3 wrote:
 Thanks for all the suggestions! I tried to go through them, and will
 relate what results I encountered. I changed my Apache config to:

  Directory /var/www/
  AllowOverride None
  Options ExecCGI
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 I in fact did not have the cgi module enabled, so I did that. Then I ran
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload, and hit, which contains simply:

 print Content-type: text/html
 print html
 print centerHello!/center
 print /html

 I get prompted to download the file, but it does not execute or appear
 in plain text. The logs just show the request being made. What is the
 missing element to get this script to execute?

 When you look at the downloaded file, is it your python script?
 Looks like you changed the path where you're keeping your cgi script,
 did you update the ScriptAlias directive to suit?
 You may find this more helpful ...
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Simple CGI script and Apache configuration

2009-02-23 Thread Martin Walsh
wormwood_3 wrote:
 Hello all,

Hi Sam,

 I'll try to give as much detail as I can, but this is a somewhat vague
 problem. I have a very simple script that I would like to implement as a
 CGI script, just so I can hit a URL and get some output. However, after
 following a number of tutorials, I am still seeing some very odd
 results. I am almost sure it's in my Apache configuration, but I figured
 a few people on this list would likely know what the minimal related
 Apache config should be. (The Apache docs are pretty daunting...)
 Local version wise, I am on Ubuntu 8.10, with Apache 2.2.9 and Python
 2.5.2. I have libapache2-mod-python installed. Apache config is out of
 the box, along with:
 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/

You need more than this to make apache cgi work, I think.

Firstly, mod_cgi should be loaded -- look for a symlink named cgi.load
or some such, in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. Run 'a2enmod cgi' if you
don't have one. Secondly, ExecCGI is usually enabled using the Options
directive within a Directory definition -- but, less commonly, you might
see something like 'AddHandler cgi-program .py' in an apache or site

Of course, the script needs to be executable by the apache user (which
would be 'www-data' on ubuntu, IIRC), and contain an appropriate shebang
(#!) on the first line -- but it sounds like you have that covered.

Both 'Options ExecCGI' and 'Addhandler cgi-program .py' are allowed in
.htaccess also, given an appropriate AllowOverride directive for the
path in question. Something to look for on the working system, if all
else fails.

You do *not* need mod python to run python cgi scripts.

 In /var/www/cgi-bin, I have
 import cgitb
 print Content-type: text/html
 print html
 print centerHello!/center
 print /html
 Reload, hit http://localhost/cgi-bin/ in a browser, I get
 centered text just fine. Now I want to do this same process on my remote
 webserver. On there, I am on Ubuntu 7.10, with Apache 2.2.4 and Python
 2.5.1. I add:
 ScriptAlias /python/ /var/www/

You can try appending something like this (untested):

Directory /var/www/
  AllowOverride None
  Options ExecCGI
  # or, Options +ExecCGI to merge
  # with options from parent dir(s)
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

 Reload, hit, and I get a 404?
 The perms and ownership on the file is the same as in other directories.
 Do I need to add some sort of handler, with mod_python.publisher? I
 think I am just missing one of the basics of this whole process.

Hmmm, interesting. It's unlikely that any of my advice will help you
with a 404. With an incomplete apache cgi config, the response I'd
expect would be either a 403 (Forbidden), or the script itself in plain
text. Do the logs provide any additional information?

Re-check your spelling. A 404 with vanilla apache config might just
indicate a typo. When you say 'Reload', I assume you mean the apache
daemon (ie. /etc/init.d/apache2 reload or apache2ctl reload)?

Again, you do *not* need mod python to run python cgi scripts.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Simple CGI script and Apache configuration

2009-02-23 Thread Martin Walsh
wormwood_3 wrote:
 Thanks for all the suggestions! I tried to go through them, and will
 relate what results I encountered. I changed my Apache config to:
  Directory /var/www/
  AllowOverride None
  Options ExecCGI
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
 I in fact did not have the cgi module enabled, so I did that. Then I ran
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload, and hit, which contains simply:
 print Content-type: text/html
 print html
 print centerHello!/center
 print /html
 I get prompted to download the file, but it does not execute or appear
 in plain text. The logs just show the request being made. What is the
 missing element to get this script to execute?

When you look at the downloaded file, is it your python script?

Looks like you changed the path where you're keeping your cgi script,
did you update the ScriptAlias directive to suit?

You may find this more helpful ...


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Changing the Attribute of a Variable

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Walsh
Marc Tompkins wrote:
 Also - config_var_list is a tuple of lists.  (I'm guessing you intended
 to make it a list of lists - that's what the name indicates, after all -
 but putting it between ( ) makes it a tuple.)  

Sound advice, but a subtle clarification is warranted I think. It's the
comma(s) that make a tuple not the parens (and an absence of square
brackets, I suppose). Consider the following:

In [1]: a = (1)

In [2]: a
Out[2]: 1

In [3]: type(a)
Out[3]: type 'int'

In [4]: b = (1,)

In [5]: b
Out[5]: (1,)

In [6]: type(b)
Out[6]: type 'tuple'

In [7]: c = 1, 2, 3

In [8]: c
Out[8]: (1, 2, 3)

In [9]: type(c)
Out[9]: type 'tuple'


Wayne, I second Marc's advice that you're making it hard on yourself.
Understandable to a degree, if you are trying to avoid major
modification to inherited code.

But, loading and saving configuration data is a 'solved' problem in that
there are many choices of ready-made tools to help you accomplish the
task. And, I don't see anything in your description that would indicate
a custom solution is necessary -- except perhaps for the learning
experience, almost never a bad idea, IMHO.

Marc has already pointed out ConfigObj, which is excellent, but I
thought I would also suggest ConfigParser -- part of the standard lib,
if a bit less feature-full.

Back to your original question, and I'm probably overstating the obvious
at this point, but the underlying problem is that the operation causing
the exception is expecting a datetime.time object and getting a str. So,
it's less about adding a strftime attribute to the str object, and more
about 'converting' the str into a datetime.time object.

Short of re-writing for ConfigObj (which provides a type conversion and
validation mechanism), or pickle, or similar -- you'll need to work out
how to convert between str and datetime.time. Here are some (untested)

def time_to_str(t):
return t.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

def str_to_time(s):
h, m, s = [int(u) for u in s.split(':')]
return datetime.time(h, m, s)


PS. You can avoid posting images of tracebacks by enabling 'Quick Edit'
mode in your windows command prompt. More info here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Reply All Dilemma of This List

2009-02-10 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne Watson wrote:
 I belong to many, many forums, Yahoo Groups, (Usenet) newsgroups, and
 mail lists. Probably 100 or more. I think it's fair to say that none of
 them but this one has an implicit Reply All. For newsgroups and mail
 lists, I just press my Mozilla Seamonkey mailer Reply button and the
 resulting message is ready to be seen by everyone, a single address.
 Here a Reply goes only to the poster, none to Tutor. Elsewhere, for
 e-mail-like posts, if I really want to make a special effort to single
 out the poster too, Reply All works to additionally get it directly to
 them (actually they'd get two messages directly) and the entire list. 
 For YGs and forums, the  Reply All is implicit in a response.
 Since this group, in my world, is unique in these matters, I'll just
 offer the following header for a mail list I belong to, the ASTC, for
 someone's consideration. I suppose that someone might be whoever created
 this mail list. It' definitely different than used here, and no one uses
 Reply All to my knowledge.
 Maybe they can figure out if it has applicability here.

This is a contentious topic which comes up at least once a year on this
list. A search of the archives will turn up some interesting debate,
most likely. FWIW, I like the behavior of this list as opposed to others.

You may find these additional references illuminating ... you may not.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Want to write a Perl based IP to Domain Name converter.

2009-01-31 Thread Martin Walsh
wesley chun wrote:
 The script in the following can do the batch conversion from domain
 name to IP:
  This is a Python list, not Perl!
 OMG!  It's my mistake, sorry for this.
 Lol..thats okay. Now that you are here and have seen what fun we have
 writing Python code - why not join the party?

 Don't be shy to join us :p - i bet you won't be sorry.
 well, he had to join Tutor to post, unless a mod allowed his msg, so
 there should be *some* interest in doing it in Python. after all, the
 equivalent code is already slightly shorter and easier to read than
 the Perl version...
 import socket
 import sys
 for hp in sys.argv[1:]:
 h, p = hp.strip().split(':')
 print '%s - %s:%s' % (hp, socket.gethostbyname(h), p)

Here's my attempt, a few lines longer. The 'split /:/ or next' part
confuses me a bit, though I suspect it's a bug ... 'cause I guess, as
long as the line has value even if it doesn't match the host:port
pattern, it won't be an exception, or undef, or false, or whatever you
call it in perl. :D

import socket
import fileinput

for line in fileinput.input():
line = line.rstrip('\n') # chomp
try: # split /:/
host, port = line.split(':')
except ValueError:
continue # or next
ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
print '%s - %s:%s' % (line, ip, port)

... and the opposite ...

for line in fileinput.input():
line = line.rstrip('\n')
ip, port = line.split(':')
except ValueError:
host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip)[0]
print '%s - %s:%s' % (line, host, port)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Date comparison across time zones

2009-01-13 Thread Martin Walsh
frenc1z 1z wrote:
 I would like to compare some dates (date+time really). The dates all
 have the following RFC2822 format:
 Eg. is d1  d2?
 d1 = Tue, 13 Jan 2009 03:27:29 -0800
 d2 = Tue, 13 Jan 2009 02:40:00 -0600
 My thinking is that I first need to make these two dates comparable, and
 eliminate the impact of time zone and dst. Understand that I can acheive
 this using strptime.
 Been trying to parse these dates as follows: print
 datetime.strptime(Tue, 13 Jan 2009 02:40:00 -0800, %a, %d %b %Y
 %H:%M:%S %z).
 I get the following error on the conversion ValueError: 'z' is a bad
 directive in format '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'.

I'm not sure how one would accomplish this with only the stdlib, but
there are at least two 3rd party modules which you may find useful.


Each of these implement a timezone aware date-string parser, here is an
(untested) example or two:

d1 = Tue, 13 Jan 2009 03:27:29 -0800
d2 = Tue, 13 Jan 2009 02:40:00 -0600

from dateutil import parser
dparser = parser.parser()

p1 = dparser.parse(d1)
p2 = dparser.parse(d2)

print p1  p2

from mx.DateTime import DateTimeFrom

m1 = DateTimeFrom(d1)
m2 = DateTimeFrom(d2)

print m1  m2


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] changing string in place

2009-01-09 Thread Martin Walsh
Jon Crump wrote:
 Dear all,
 I've been around and around with this and can't seem to conceptualize it
 I've got a javascript object in a text file that I'd like to treat as
 json so that I can import it into a python program via
 simplejson.loads(); however, it's not proper json because it has new
 Date() object declarations in it. So I thought to pre-process it by
 translating the dates into ISO format, but RE is making me cross-eyed.
 example string:
 s = {title : Hebertot, Normandie, start : new Date(1203,10,7),
 description : Hardy's long name: Hebertot, Normandie. lt;brgt;
 lt;img src=\document.png\ style=\cursor: pointer\
 return false\/gt;pg.035: 1203-10-10 to 1203-11-18},{title :
 Newark-Upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire, start : new Date(1216,9,16),
 end : new Date(1216,9,18), description : Hardy's long name:
 Newark-Upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire. lt;brgt; }
 I can locate the dates with:
 jdate = re.compile('new Date\(\d{4},\d{1,2},\d{1,2}\)')

I think you're pretty close...

# note the extra parens
jdate = re.compile('new Date\((\d{4}),(\d{1,2}),(\d{1,2})\)')

... then ...

print jdate.sub(r'\1-\2-\3', s)

{title : Hebertot, Normandie, start : 1203-10-7, description :
Hardy's long name: Hebertot, Normandie. lt;brgt; lt;img
src=document.png style=cursor: pointer
return false/gt;pg.035: 1203-10-10 to 1203-11-18},{title :
Newark-Upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire, start : 1216-9-16, end :
1216-9-18, description : Hardy's long name: Newark-Upon-Trent,
Nottinghamshire. lt;brgt; }

You can also use named groups which *might* help make clearer what's
happening above, something like:

jdate = re.compile('new

print jdate.sub(r'\gYear-\gMonth-\gDay', s)

More info here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] changing string in place

2009-01-09 Thread Martin Walsh
Jon Crump wrote:
 I'm still faced with the problem of the javascript months being 0
 indexed. I have to add 1 to group \2 in order to get my acurate
 date-string. Obviously I can't do

 print jdate.sub(r'\1-\2+1-\3', s)

 because the first argument to sub() is a string. How can I act on \2
 before it's substituted for the matched string?

Ah, sorry I missed that part the first time through.

The first argument to jdate.sub ('repl') can also be a function that
accepts an re.match object and returns a string, so something like the
following (*untested*) may be helpful:

jdate = re.compile('new Date\((\d{4}),(\d{1,2}),(\d{1,2})\)')

def repldate(match):
y, m, d = map(int, match.groups())
return '%04d-%02d-%02d' % (y, m+1, d)

print jdate.sub(repldate, s)


 Thanks again,
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Script to take a screenshot of my website.

2008-12-22 Thread Martin Walsh
Bryan Fodness wrote:
 I would like to take a screenshot of my website without opening the
 browser or importing extra packages.  Is there a way to do this?

Unless you're keen on writing your own html/css/javascript/etc rendering
engine, I'm pretty sure you're going to need extra package(s), or a
browser (even if opened w/o a visible ui).

Perhaps these links will provide inspiration...

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] subprocess adds %0A to end of string

2008-12-21 Thread Martin Walsh
Hi David,

David wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 Just learning :) I have one program to parse a podcast feed and put it
 into a file.


 def getFeed():
 url = raw_input(Please enter the feed: )
 data = feedparser.parse(url)
 for entry in data.entries:
 sys.stdout = open(podcast.txt, a)

You should probably try to avoid reassigning sys.stdout. This is usually
a bad idea, and can cause odd behavior that is difficult to
troubleshoot, especially for a beginner. A reasonable approach is to
assign the open file object to a name of your own choosing...

. podcast_file = open('podcast.txt', 'a')

... and then, use the write method of the file object ...

. podcast_file.write('%s: %s' % (entry.updated,

More info here:

 print '%s: %s' % (entry.updated,
 for entry in data.entries:
 sys.stdout = open(podcast_links.txt, a)
 print '%s' % (
 next to get the latest item;
 lname = podcast_links.txt
 L = open(lname, 'r')
 print The Latest Link\n
 download = L.readline()

The readline method returns a line from the file *including* the newline
 character(s) ('\n').

 print download
 answer = raw_input(Do you want to download the podcast? )
 if answer == y:
 wget = wget[wget, download])
 print oops

OK. There's the problem. Let's assume that after 'download =
L.readline()' that download equals this (you can confirm by adding a
'print repr(download)'):


... then the call becomes (behind the scenes)['wget',

... so the newline is passed as part of the first argument to the wget

Not so coincidentally, the '%0A' represents a newline ('\n') in a
properly quoted/escaped URL.

. import urllib2
. urllib2.unquote('%0A')

I suspect it is the wget command which is quoting the newline, not the
subprocess call, as subprocess doesn't know anything about valid
characters for urls.

You can work around this problem as you already have by dropping the
last character as in 'download[:-1]', or use the strip (or rstrip) str

. download.rstrip()

More info here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] subprocess adds %0A to end of string

2008-12-21 Thread Martin Walsh
David wrote:
 Martin Walsh wrote:

welcome (uh oh, infinite loop warning)

 This podcast_file.write('%s: %s' % (entry.updated,
 writes it in one very long string

Copy and paste gets me every time. Try this, and note the presence of
the newline ('\n'):

podcast_file.write('%s: %s\n' % (entry.updated,

 The Latest Link
 and sys.stdout prints to the file one line at a time

The primary issue is not that you're writing to sys.stdout, it's that
you're using the print statement which implicitly adds a newline.
Technically you can also do the following (python = 2.5, and maybe 2.6)
which should demonstrate the concept...

podcastfile = file(somepath, 'a')
print  podcastfile, '%s: %s' (entry.updated,

... however, I would recommend against using the above print statement
syntax for anything other than experimentation because 1) it's not
common practice IMHO, and 2) it's gone starting with python 3.0. 'print'
will be a builtin function instead of a statement going forward.

I second Alan's recommendation to read a tutorial or two to solidify
your understanding of the basic concepts. Alan's tutorial is very good,
and covers everything we have discussed so far, particularly the
Handling Files section. Check the link in his email sig.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Class Extend Help

2008-12-20 Thread Martin Walsh
Omer wrote:
 I'm trying to do something I think is basic and am failing.
 The goal is:
 [mimicking the google urlopen syntax]
 from google.appengine.api.urlfetch import fetch
 from urllib import urlopen as fetch

 How do I add this fetch the property of content?

Apparently, the urlfetch.fetch function returns a 'Response' object
which holds the attribute 'content' (among others).

So, I suppose it makes sense to do something similar. Here's another
idea (untested):

from urllib2 import urlopen

def fetch(url):
class Response(object): pass
response = Response()
response.content = urlopen('').read()
return response

... or if you later want to match the appengine api more closely, then
just add what you need (something like) ...

from urllib2 import urlopen

class Response(object):
def __init__(self, url):
response = urlopen(url)
self.status_code = response.code
self.content =

def fetch(url):
return Response(url)

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] listen in on other program's tcp connections

2008-12-16 Thread Martin Walsh
phpfood wrote:
 On windows XP, I'm running a program that sends TCP connections on port
 5039. I'v ran wireshark to determine this. I want to create a simple
 program that listens for these connections and intercepts and then turns
 the data transferred into a string. From there I'd obviously like my
 program to act and manipulate those strings, but for now just spitting
 out that intercepted TCP data is good enough.

IIRC, wireshark uses libpcap for which there are no fewer than two
python extension modules (though, I have not used either):

Less like a socket proxy, more like packet sniffing.

 I was reading up on Twisted.
 Can someone get me started on how to do this with twisted framework or
 anything else?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Newbie Wondering About Threads

2008-12-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Damon Timm wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 6:25 PM, Python Nutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm on my phone so excuse the simple reply.
 From what I skimmed you are wrapping shell commands which is what I do
 all the time. Some hints. 1) look into popen or subprocess in place of
 execute for more flexibility. I use popen a lot and assigning a popen
 call to an object name let's you parse the output and make informed
 decisions depending on what the shell program outputs.
 So I took a peak at subprocess.Popen -- looks like that's the
 direction I would be headed for parallel processes ... a real simple
 way to see it work for me was:
 p2 = subprocess.Popen([lame,--silent,test.wav,test.mp3])
 p3 = subprocess.Popen([lame,--silent,test2.wav,test2.mp3])
 top showed that both cores get busy and it takes half the time!  So
 that's great -- when I tried to add the flac decoding through stdout I
 was able to accomplish it as well ... I was mimicing the command of
 flac --decode --stdout test.flac | lame - test.mp3 ... see:
 p = subprocess.Popen([flac,--decode,--stdout,test.flac],
 p2 = subprocess.Popen([lame,-,test.mp3], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
 That did the trick - it worked!  However, it was *very* slow!  The
 python script has a real time of 2m22.504s whereas if I run it from
 the command line it is only 0m18.594s.  Not sure why this is ...

I'm not certain this completely explains the poor performance, if at
all, but the communicate method of Popen objects will wait until EOF is
reached and the process ends. So IIUC, in your example the process 'p'
runs to completion and only then is its stdout (p.communicate()[0])
passed to stdin of 'p2' by the outer communicate call.

You might try something like this (untested!) ...

p1 = subprocess.Popen(
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
p2 = subprocess.Popen(
[lame,-,test.mp3], stdin=p1.stdout, # --
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE

... where you directly assign the stdin of 'p2' to be the stdout of 'p1'.

 The last piece of my puzzle though, I am having trouble wrapping my
 head around ... I will have a list of files
 [file1.flac,file2.flac,file3.flac,etc] and I want the program
 to tackle compressing two at a time ... but not more than two at a
 time (or four, or eight, or whatever) because that's not going to help
 me at all (I have dual cores right now) ... I am having trouble
 thinking how I can create the algorithm that would do this for me ...

Interesting problem, and not an easy one IMHO, unless you're content
with waiting for a pair of processes to complete before starting two
more. In which case you can just grab two filenames at a time from the
list, define the Popen calls, and wait for (or communicate with) both
before continuing with another pair.

But since you probably want your script to stay busy, and it's
reasonable to assume (I think!) that one of the processes may finish
much sooner or much later than the other... well, it is a bit tricky
(for me, anyway).

Here is my simplistic, not-very-well-thought-out, attempt in
pseudo-code, perhaps it will get you started ...

paths = [file1.flac,file2.flac, ... file11.flac]
procs = []
while paths or procs:
procs = [p for p in procs if p.poll() is None]
while paths and len(procs)  2:
flac = paths.pop(0)
procs.append(Popen(['...', flac], ...))

The idea here is to keep track of running processes in a list, remove
them when they've terminated, and start (append) new processes as
necessary up to the desired max, only while there are files remaining or
processes running.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] using windows wide proxy settings

2008-12-03 Thread Martin Walsh
Tim Michelsen wrote:
 is there any possibility in python to retrieve the system wide internet
 connection settings?
 I would like to access the proxy settings stored in
 Internet Explorer - Extras - Options - Connection - LAN settings.

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't just see it work this way, but... On
windows, proxy settings configured the way you describe above (if no
auth is required) are retrieved from the registry and used automatically
by urllib(2).urlopen.

from the urllib docs,

The urlopen() function works transparently with proxies which do not
require authentication. In a Unix or Windows environment, set the
http_proxy, ftp_proxy or gopher_proxy environment variables to a URL
that identifies the proxy server before starting the Python interpreter.
For example (the % is the command prompt):


In a Windows environment, if no proxy environment variables are set,
proxy settings are obtained from the registry's Internet Settings section.

The urllib and urllib2 modules also provide a helper function for
retrieving proxy info...

 import urllib2
{'ftp': '', 'http': ''}

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] array of different datatypes

2008-09-23 Thread Martin Walsh
Reed O'Brien wrote:
 On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:50 PM, Steve Willoughby wrote:
 Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
 Thanks Steve.  How do you sort on the second element of each list to
 a' = [[42, 'fish'],
[1, 'hello']
[2, 'world']

 something like this would do the trick:

 a_prime = sorted(a, key=(lambda i: i[1]))

 sorted(a) returns a new list consisting of the elements in a
 but in sorted order.  the key= parameter says how to derive the
 sort key from any given element; in this case, the elements
 being sorted are themselves lists, and element #1 in the sub-list
 (a.k.a. row) is the key.
 try itemgetter:
 In [1]: a = [[42, 'fish'],
...:  [2, 'world'],
...:  [1, 'hello']]
 In [2]: from operator import itemgetter
 In [3]: sorted(a, key=itemgetter(1))
 Out[3]: [[42, 'fish'], [1, 'hello'], [2, 'world']]
 From: Steve Willoughby Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 8:16 PM
 To: Dinesh B Vadhia Cc: Subject: Re: [Tutor] array
 of different datatypes
 Dinesh B Vadhia wrote:
 I have looked (honestly!) and cannot see an array structure to allow
 different datatypes per column.  I need a 2 column array with column
 1 = an integer and column 2 = chars, and after populating the array,
 sort on column 2 with column 1 sorted relatively.

itemgetter also allows you to do something like this (2.5 and later)...

In [1]: a = [[42, 'fish'],
 [1, 'hello'],
 [2, 'world'],
 [41, 'fish']]

In [2]: sorted(a, key=itemgetter(1, 0))
Out[2]: [[41, 'fish'], [42, 'fish'], [1, 'hello'], [2, 'world']]

... which would give you the relative sort you asked about for column
1.  But at that point, if I had control over the input data structure --
I would probably reverse the order, and then just use a vanilla sorted
call without any key arg.

 If by array you mean a regular Python list, the data type of
 every single element may be different.  So it's just how lists
 always work.
 a = [[1, 'hello'],
  [2, 'world'],
  [42, 'fish'],


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Addition, Dictionary, KeysError

2008-09-13 Thread Martin Walsh
Rilindo Foster wrote:
 Scratch that, I'm a dork:
 OrderDict[(o[0])] = OrderDict.get(o[0],0) + float(o[1])

For this case you might also be interested in collections.defaultdict,
added in python 2.5 I believe.

from collections import defaultdict

orders = defaultdict(float)
orders[o[0]] += float(o[1])


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Addition, Dictionary, KeysError

2008-09-13 Thread Martin Walsh
Martin Walsh wrote:
 Rilindo Foster wrote:
 Scratch that, I'm a dork:

 OrderDict[(o[0])] = OrderDict.get(o[0],0) + float(o[1])


 For this case you might also be interested in collections.defaultdict,
 added in python 2.5 I believe.
 from collections import defaultdict
 orders = defaultdict(float)
 orders[o[0]] += float(o[1])

It is so unlike me to respond without the obligatory doc reference:

FWIW, you can also accomplish something similar by subclassing dict and
defining a __missing__ method (also added in 2.5). Something like this

class OrderDict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return 0.0

orders = OrderDict()
orders[o[0]] += float(o[1])


Note that it doesn't actually update the dict with any access as
defaultdict would...

In [3]: orders = defaultdict(float)

In [4]: orders['somekey']
Out[4]: 0.0

In [5]: orders
Out[5]: defaultdict(type 'float', {'somekey': 0.0})

In [6]: orders = OrderDict()

In [7]: orders['somekey']
Out[7]: 0.0

In [8]: orders
Out[8]: {}


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] No Blank Separator between Date and Time Valid?

2008-09-11 Thread Martin Walsh
Wayne Watson wrote:
 This program segment allows an invalid date to go undetected. See below.
 def set_time_stamp(d1):
 # /mm/dd hh:mm:ss in, vmmdd_hhmmss.27 out
 formatin = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
 d1 = d1.lstrip()
 date1 = datetime(*(time.strptime(d1, formatin)[0:6]))
 except ValueError:
 print; print Invalid date input. Use /mm/dd hh:mm:ss.
 return False
 Enter date and time: 2008/1/100:00:30 - Why is this valid. The
 fields are not spearated.
 dout:  20080110_30
 prefix:  v20080110_30.27
 OK:  v20080110_30.27

I have confirmed there is a difference in the behavior of time.strptime
between python 2.4 and 2.5, and I assume you're using 2.4.

It is possibly related to this bug (but hard to say for sure without
looking at the source)...

... and the subsequent fix for 2.5. But, clearly something changed
between releases.


- Bug #1340337: change time.strptime() to always return ValueError when
there is an error in the format string.
- Bug #1290505: Fix clearing the regex cache for time.strptime().

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] cmd module

2008-09-04 Thread Martin Walsh

Kent Johnson wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Tony Cappellini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was just reading the PYMOTW article on the cmd module, and trying
 the examples.

 Scroll down to Auto-Completion.

 Does the tab key work for anyone running Windows ?
 Is this an OS specific feature?
 The command completion uses the Python readline library which,
 according to the docs, is only available on Unix.

There is pyreadline for windows, based on the installation instructions
it might take a little effort to get it to work with the cmd module --
I've never tried.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python open of c:\ path Problem

2008-08-23 Thread Martin Walsh
Alan Gauld wrote:
 Wayne Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 BTW, how does one continue a long statement
 that has, say, a long path to a file?
 You can create a long string by adding the shorter string
 elements :
 f = open(
 f = open(a:/very/long/path/name/ +
  that/needs/a/whole/ +
 or by using a line continuation character.
 f = open(a:/very/long/path/name/ \
  that/needs/a/whole/ \
  line/to./, w)

or just

f = open(a:/very/long/path/name/
  line/to./, w)

because of the enclosing parentheses. This works for expressions in
brackets or braces as well -- any enclosing form.

PEP8[1] suggests this as the preferred style (adding that sometimes
using a backslash looks better), which is a little surprising to me,
but not in a bad way. Then again, perhaps I've misunderstood -- which
would *not* be surprising.

# for those who aren't familiar


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] something is fundamentally wrong...

2008-08-09 Thread Martin Walsh
Joshua Nikkel wrote:
 IDLE 1.2.2   No Subprocess 
 s = 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in module
 TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

My guess would be that you've reassigned the name 'len' to some other
object, in this case a string. Does the error persist after you restart
IDLE (or Restart Shell from the Shell menu)?

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Raw string

2008-07-21 Thread Martin Walsh
Neven Goršić wrote:
 I read from one file plenty of parameters and among them one file name
 of other file.
 That file name is 'e:\mm tests\1. exp files\5.MOC-1012.exp' and I hold
 it in variable s.

As John pointed out, if you're really reading this string from a file
(with something like or ConfigParser) it should already be
escaped properly, and you'd get back something like 'e:\\mm tests\\1.
exp files\\5.MOC-1012.exp' instead. Which would probably work for your

Can you show us an example of the approach you're using to 'read'
parameters from a file, including the variable assignment?


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] continuouse loop

2008-07-19 Thread Martin Walsh
Monika Jisswel wrote:
 Thanks or your replies, in fact I need my server to recieve queries from
 some 40 clients, process the recieved text (some calculations)  send a
 response back to them, in my previouse application I used a database,
 (they entered thier queries into the db  my calculating script looks at
 new records in db every 2 minutes  inserts  the answers  into the db
 too so that the users could see them on thier interface. but now I need
 to move to a server/client design because at the time i had created this
 program I didn't have much time  I had to put it into production.

Assuming your 40 clients represent real human users, and not automated
processes, I almost always approach this kind of problem with a web
application, usually a cgi script or simple mod_python handler. That way
I can spend more time solving the problem at hand, and less on
client/server design details or client installation/upgrade scheduling.
But then browsers and web servers are very common in our environment.

 Right now I am working on some code using the SOCKET module as it was
 the only module that allows inter-process communication  was simple
 enough for me  to understand how it works.

In that case, you might want to have a look at the SocketServer module

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] creating pop method for stack class

2008-07-18 Thread Martin Walsh

Christopher Spears wrote:

I see what you mean.  I have tested it, and I have gotten a weird result:

def shorten(lst):

... lst = lst[:-1]

lista = [1,2,3,4]
print lista

[1, 2, 3, 4]

lista = [1,2,3,4]
lista = lista[:-1]
print lista

[1, 2, 3]

Strange...why does it work outside of the function but not in it?  Let me try 
something else:

def shorten(lst):

... lst = lst[:-1]

Perhaps it would be helpful to consider the following...

def shorten1(lst):
lst[:] = lst[:-1]

... or ...

def shorten2(lst):

Why might these exhibit different behavior?


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] continuouse loop

2008-07-17 Thread Martin Walsh
Monika Jisswel wrote:
 Would a program using a continuouse loop such as in this code take up
 resources on the system if left for long period ?
 import sys
 while 1: = sys.stdin.readline()

Not much, I would think, until something is written to stdin of this
program, and then it would depend on what function_1 does.

 What are my other options is I want to have a running program  other
 programs communicate with it  get responses from it ?

If I understand what you're asking, there are a few options outlined in
the python library reference, here:

I would add named pipes as another option for *nix, windows may have
something similar. And, depending on what you're trying to accomplish
maybe xmlrpclib, soappy, pyro, or perhaps even cgi.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] parsing sendmail logs

2008-07-15 Thread Martin Walsh
Monika Jisswel wrote:
 to say the truth I never  thought about additional overhead of getting
 the input/output data transferred because the suprocess itself will
 contain the (bash)pipe to redirect output to the next utility used not
 the python subprocess.PIPE pipe so it will be like one subprocess with
 each utility piping stdout to the next as if run from the shell, what

I agree with Alan. Personally, I find trying to replace shell scripts
with python code, just plain awk-ward ... ahem, please forgive the pun.
:) No doubt the subprocess module is quite handy. But in this case it
would be hard to beat a shell script, for simplicity, with a chain of
subprocess.Popen calls. I realize this is subjective, of course.

 python comes in for ? well, its always sweet to work with python as it
 will allow you to make whatever logic you have in yoru head into real
 life with ease and at the end of the subprocess you can always parse the
 stdout using python this time  load results to some database.

If you follow the unix philosophy(tm) it might make more sense to pipe
the result (of a shell pipeline) to a python script that does only the
database load.

 I have to say that I have seen awk, grep  sort, wc, work on files of
 handreds of Mbytes in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds ... why would I replace
 such a fast tools ?

I can think of a few reasons, not the least of which is the OP's -- as
a programming exercise.

 Alan do you think python can beat awk in speed when it comes to
 replacing text ?  I always wanted to know it !

Well, maybe. But IMHO, the the question should really be is python 'fast
enough'. Especially when you consider how the OP is using awk in the
first place. But the only way to know, is to try it out.

 Any pragmatic advice on building or working with a framework to get
 to the point where i can do analysis on my logs would be cool.

As an exercise, I think it would be a reasonable approach to write
python derivatives of the shell commands being used, perhaps tailored to
the data set, to get a feel for working with text data in python. Then
ask questions here if you get stuck, or need optimization advice. I
think you'll find you can accomplish this with just a few lines of
python code for each (sort -u, grep, awk '{print $n}', etc), given your
use of the commands in the examples provided. Write each as a function,
and you'll end up with code you can reuse for other log analysis
projects. Bonus!


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Another assert() question

2008-07-13 Thread Martin Walsh
Dick Moores wrote:
 At 11:44 AM 7/13/2008, Steve Willoughby wrote:
 Dick Moores wrote:
 Yes! A rule, not logic. I'm not contradicting Kent, just helping
 myself understand. First the rule, then logic in the application of
 the rule. And I assume the rule is there in Python because it makes
 things work better.

 Yes, so a statement like if foo: becomes an idiom for if the
 collection foo has stuff in it: which is handy whether foo is a text
 string or a list of objects.
 Yes, I've been using that, a bit uneasily.
 One question about the data I listed. Why is bool(set([])) false,
 whereas bool([[]]) is true?

In the first example you're passing an empty list to the set
constructor, and getting back an empty set object. In the second, you're
providing a list with one element, which just so happens to be an empty
list, but it doesn't matter -- since the outer list is not empty.
Perhaps a better comparison would be bool(list([])) = False.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Another assert() question

2008-07-12 Thread Martin Walsh
Dick Moores wrote:
 At 07:39 PM 7/12/2008, Kent Johnson wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Dick Moores [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 01:34 PM 7/12/2008, Kent Johnson wrote:

  In [2]: assert(False, Asserted false)
  This is assert condition where the condition is a tuple with two
  elements, hence true so there is no output.
  In [13]: assert(3  2 , qwerty)
  In [14]:
  I don't understand that logic. Could you unpack it for me?

 (False, Asserted false) is a tuple containing two values, False and
 Asserted false.

 assert x evaluates x as a boolean; if it evaluates to False, the
 assertion is raised. A tuple with two elements will always evaluate to
 True so the assertion is never raised.
 But why will a tuple with two elements will always evaluate to
 In [2]: (3,5) == True
 Out[2]: False
 In [3]: (qwerty, asdfg) == True
 Out[3]: False
 In [4]:

You might find it easier to think about this way:

In [1]: bool((3, 5))
Out[1]: True

In [2]: bool((qwerty, asdfg))
Out[2]: True

More info here:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] list objects are unhashable

2008-06-30 Thread Martin Walsh
Hi Norman,

Norman Khine wrote:
 for brain in brains:
 x = getattr(brain, horizontal)
 x = string.join(x, '' )
 y = getattr(brain, vertical)
 y = string.join(y, '' )
 if x and y and (x, y) in table:
 table[(x, y)] += 1
 table[(x, '')] += 1
 table[('', y)] += 1
 table[('', '')] += 1

For what it's worth, string.join has been deprecated since the addition
of the join method for str and unicode types. Other deprecated string
module functions are documented here:

If I'm not mistaken, the conventional form would be:

  x = ''.join(x)

 So now my list becomes a string, which is not really good for me, as
 this fails when there is more then one item.
 Is there a better way to loop through this and sum up all occurrences of
 each entry ie  'airport-car-parking'

Maybe, can you show us a brief excerpt of what 'table' might look like
before the loop, and what you expect it to look like after one
iteration, with data samples for both x and y?

Most likely it's just me, but I'm having trouble reconciling your code
examples with your questions. AFAICT, either you want more than just a
simple count of occurrences from your data set, or you have some
confusion regarding dictionaries (if 'table' is a dictionary, of course).

If you want a count of each unique occurrence in a list -- not sure if
it's better, but something like this might get you started (untested):

from sets import Set
x = ['airlines-scheduled', 'airport-car-parking',
 'more-than-100ml', 'do-not-bring-toothpaste',
 'airport-car-parking', 'airlines-scheduled']

entity_count = dict((item, x.count(item)) for item in Set(x))
print entity_count['airlines-scheduled']
# 2


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Problem Euler 26

2008-06-29 Thread Martin Walsh
kinuthiA muchanE wrote:

Hi Kinuthia,

 I am trying to solve Problem Number 26
 ( on project
 Euler but apparently the answer I am submitting is wrong.

I am a big fan of Project Euler also. Fun stuff.

 I suspect I have completely misunderstood the question.

You're probably right, but it's not clear from your description (to me
anyway), what your understanding of the question is.

 Any ideas?

Perhaps it would be helpful to look at the next few values of d, as
defined by the question (note: the parens enclose the repeating pattern):

1.0/11 = 0.(09)
1.0/12 = 0.08(3)
1.0/13 = 0.(076923)
1.0/14 = 0.0(714285)
1.0/15 = 0.0(6)
1.0/16 = 0.0625
1.0/17 = 0.(0588235294117647)

No spoilers there, hopefully :)

Have fun!

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Problem Euler 26

2008-06-29 Thread Martin Walsh
kinuthiA muchanE wrote:

  (28, '035714286')
  (38, '026315789')
  (81, '012345679')

 For 28, the digit, in the fractional part, after 8 is 5, so 5 is
 repeated and as for, 81 the next digit after 7 is 0, so again 0 occurs
 twice. But for 38, the next digit after 9 is 4, and because it has NOT
 occurred before, I assume 38 is the correct answer... and I am wrong! 

Ah, sorry -- I didn't parse this properly the first time through. You
should also be aware of the limitations of representing a decimal
fractions as a float. I'll defer to the docs, instead of trying (and
failing) to explain this myself:

Also, have a look in the standard library, there was a module added in
2.4 which will provide additional assistance.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] local variable 'l1' referenced before assignment

2008-06-28 Thread Martin Walsh
Douglas Drumond wrote:
 In a2() you do l1 += l2, ie, l1 = l1 + l2

A subtle clarification is warranted I think. l1 += l2 is not the same as
l1 = l1 + l2, when l1 and l2 are lists. l1 += l2 is an augmented
assignment statement, and as such will perform the operation in place if
possible, IIUC. Consider the following:

In [1]: l1 = l2 = [1, 2, 3]

In [2]: l1 is l2
Out[2]: True

In [3]: l1 += [4, 5, 6] # in-place

In [4]: l1 is l2
Out[4]: True

In [5]: l1 = l1 + [7, 8, 9] # not

In [6]: l1 is l2
Out[6]: False

Perhaps there is a better reference, but this behavior is discussed
briefly here:

 But if you don't have l1 defined yet, you can't add to l2
 It's like:
 def a2():
 l1 = foo + l2
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'foo' referenced before assignment
 It's because l1 (and foo at above example) is a local variable.
 a1's l1 is different from a2's l1.
Yes, but as Alan pointed out it's considered local because of the
assignment attempt. Obligatory doc reference:

snip = \
If a name binding operation occurs anywhere within a code block, all
uses of the name within the block are treated as references to the
current block. This can lead to errors when a name is used within a
block before it is bound. This rule is subtle. Python lacks declarations
and allows name binding operations to occur anywhere within a code
block. The local variables of a code block can be determined by scanning
the entire text of the block for name binding operations.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor]

2008-06-22 Thread Martin Walsh
Jordan Greenberg wrote:
 def addcommas(s): # assumes type(s)==str
 for i,v in enumerate(s):
 i+=1 # easier to understand w/ 1-based indexing, i think.
 if (l-i)%3==0 and not i==l:
 return ''.join(b)
 or, somewhat more tersely:
 def addcommas2(s):
 return ''.join(v+',' if (l-(i+1))%3==0 and not i+1-l==0
 else v for i,v in enumerate(s))

Excellent, thanks Jordan! That's much more elegant, and efficient, than
my juggling act :)
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] os.waitpid non spawned pid

2008-06-20 Thread Martin Walsh
John [H2O] wrote:
 Hello, I would like to write a script that would have a command line option
 of a pid# (known ahead of time). Then I want my script to wait to execute
 until the pid is finished. How do I accomplish this?
 I tried the following:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import os
 import sys
 def run_cmd(cmd):
import subprocess as sub
p = sub.Popen( ['/bin/bash' , '-c' , cmd ],
  stdout = sub.PIPE , stderr = sub.STDOUT )
output =
return output

To approximate the behavior you're looking for, I've seen it suggested
that you can send signal number 0 to a non-child process until you get a
meaningful result. Never used this approach myself, but it might look
something like this:

import os, time
def waitncpid(pid):
while 1:
os.kill(pid, 0)
except OSError:


Not sure what this would do on a windows machine. And, I suppose it is
possible that your process could end, and another start with the same
pid while sleeping between kill attempts, but this seems unlikely to me,

 cmd = 'echo Now %s has finished  ' %r

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor]

2008-06-20 Thread Martin Walsh
Christopher Spears wrote:
 I'm working on an exercise from Core Python Programming.  I need to create a 
 function that takes a float value and returns the value as string rounded to 
 obtain a financial amount.  Basically, the function does this:
 dollarize(1234567.8901) returns- $1,234,567,89

 I strip off the symbols, break the string apart, convert it to a float, and 
 then round it.  I'm not sure how to add the commas back after the string has 
 been converted to a rounded float value.  Any hints?

Quick and dirty attempt (and did I mention ugly?) ...

def addcommas(f):
  This amounts to reversing everything left
  of the decimal, grouping by 3s, joining
  with commas, reversing and reassembling.
  # assumes type(f) == float
  left, right = ('%0.2f' % f).split('.')
  rleft = [left[::-1][i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(left), 3)]
  return ','.join(rleft)[::-1] + '.' + right

I think you can also accomplish your broader goal with the locale module
(python2.5), though I don't know it very well.

import sys, locale
def dollarize(s):
s = ''.join([n for n in str(s) if n not in ('$', ',')])
if sys.platform == 'win32':
lcl = 'US'
else: # linux and mac?
lcl = 'en_US.UTF8'
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_MONETARY, lcl)
return locale.currency(float(s), 1, 1)

print dollarize(12345678.)
# $12,345,679.00
print dollarize('123456780.0999')
# $123,456,780.10
print dollarize('$12345670.')
# $12,345,671.00
print dollarize('$12,345,678.123')
# $12,345,678.12


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] for loop

2008-06-10 Thread Martin Walsh
Sean Novak wrote:
 I know I'm going to feel stupid on this one..
 I would normally write this in PHP like this:
 for($i=1; i count($someArray); $i++)
 print $someArray[i]
 essentially,, I want to loop through an array skipping someArray[0]
 but in python the for syntax is more like foreach in PHP..

I can think of a few approaches, in no particular order -- the decision
is somewhat data dependent, IMO.

1. Use the enumerate built-in

somelist = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
for count, element in enumerate(somelist):
if count  0: print element

2a. Slice the list to omit the first element

for element in somelist[1:]:
print element

2b. If somelist is a sequence of strings...

print '\n'.join(somelist[1:])

 I've tried this to no avail
  count = 0
  for i in range(1,10):
  if count == 0:
 count += 1
 print i
 it prints absolutely nothing.

This never reaches 'print i', because count is not incremented when
count == 0, and so it remains for all of the values in range(1, 10).


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Modifying files in a directory.

2008-05-29 Thread Martin Walsh
. soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
. ord_tbl_price = soup.find('td', {'class': 'order_tbl_price'})
. ord_tbl_price
 td class=order_tbl_pricespan class=order_table_price_small
 /span $32.66/td
 So now, how do I reduce the price by 15% and write it back to the 
Not sure if this is the right way, but it seems to work for me, YMMV:

html = \
td class=order_tbl_pricespan
class=order_table_price_smallFrom/span $32.66/td

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
otp = soup.find('td', {'class': 'order_tbl_price'})
price = float(otp.contents[1].lstrip(' $'))
otp.contents[1].replaceWith('$%0.2f' % (price * 0.85))

print soup.renderContents()

td class=order_tbl_pricespan

I'll second Kent's suggestion to experiment on the command line, and go
one further -- download and install the ipython interpreter[1]. It
offers tab-completion of methods and attributes of an object (for
example, type, easy access to doc-strings with a
single ?, the source code (when available) with ??, and much much
more[2]. It's a real time saver, even if you don't use the fancier
features it beats dir()/help() hands down.



Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] free loop device

2008-05-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Nathan McBride wrote:
 Yup, I got some help in IRC.  What I ended up doing was using regex to
 pull out each /dev/loopX.  Then
 took the X and fed it to max which in turn gave me the highest numbered
 loop device in use.  After which I
 then just added 1 to X and added it to the end of /dev/loop_.  The
 only other thing I had to do was put a
 check in incase there were no used loop devices in which case then it
 defaults to /dev/loop0.

One might also consider reimplementing 'losetup -f' in python, but after
my own attempt I realize it might not be that practical, and is
potentially dangerous I suppose -- if, like me, you don't fully
understand the underlying system calls. I've attached my attempt for the
sake of discussion only, and not as a solution -- perhaps someone with
interest will correct any errors and make it usable. I would definitely
appreciate it.

Drifting off topic now... I copied most of the find_unused_loop_device
implementation in util-linux/lomount.c[1]. The main points of interest,
and potential doom due to my ignorance, are related to the fcntl.ioctl call:

1) the LOOP_GET_STATUS ioctl op const, isn't exposed in any of the
typical python modules that I can find, and as such I'm worried that
it's value is somehow platform dependent.

2) for a similar reason, I am passing a string of the largest allowed
length as the 3rd arg to the fcntl.ioctl call on line 33, since the size
of the returned data seems to be governed by a struct defined in loop.h,
which needs dev_t from a kernel header. Whew. This seems to work fine on
my ubuntu system, if sloppy. But, since I don't know, I tend to assume
it could cause problems with stability or security.

Anyway, thanks for the interesting question Nathan. Now I have some
reading to do. :)


#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
import os
import stat
import errno
import fcntl

if os.uname()[4] == 'x86_64':

def find_unused_loop_device():

Return the next unused loop device node, returns None if the 
next device cannot be determined (and swallows exceptions 
encountered along the way: permission denied, no such file, etc). 

for loop_format in ['/dev/loop%d', '/dev/loop/%d']:
for i in range(256):
dev = loop_format % i
st = os.stat(dev)
except OSError:
break # assume invalid loop_format

if stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
except OSError:
pass # assume permission denied
fcntl.ioctl(fd, LOOP_GET_STATUS, 1024*'\x00')
except IOError, e:
if e.errno == errno.ENXIO:
return dev

if __name__ == '__main__':
print find_unused_loop_device()

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] seeking help to a problem w/ sockets

2008-04-27 Thread Martin Walsh
James Duffy wrote:
 I have a problem w/ a file transfer receiver. They way it works is it
 binds a port for incoming transfer , when the file transfer is complete.
 It closes the connection and the socket, then loops back and restarts
 the bind and listen. I have it set so that the socket is reuseable,
 which is why this works. However, if the program that is using this
 function is closed while listening, it appears that it does not
 ”un-bind” because when the program is reopened and a listen attepted to
 start I get a “port already in use” error. Only a reboot fixes this
 issue. This code is imported into a main GUI script. We have it set to
 execute some cleanup functions on exit, I need a function that can dig

It should be noted that my socket, threading, and related gui skillz are
lacking, so beware.

IIUC, the usual cause for an 'address already in use' error is when the
server closes it's end of the socket first, leaving it in a TIME_WAIT
state. Presumably, this would be a feature of tcp, and the socket is
released after some timeout period to be sure the client is no longer
communicating. However setting the socket options as you have, with
setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1), is the typically
suggested workaround in this situation.

Also, given that you need to reboot to clear the error, I suspect that
your gui program isn't actually terminating -- but instead hanging on
the Receiver thread, and thus holding on to the socket. You can, of
course, confirm with netstat and/or by checking the process list. If you
just want the thread to die when you close the gui app, then you could
also try to setDaemon(True) on your Receiver class -- which should allow
the program to exit, that is -- if there are no non-daemon threads

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] urllib2.urlopen(url)

2008-04-20 Thread Martin Walsh
Monika Jisswel wrote:
 can i stop urllib2.urlopen() from  following redirects automatically ?

It doesn't answer your question directly, but if you care more about the
initial request/response than the content at the other end of a redirect
-- you can use httplib. It might look something like this:

import urlparse
import httplib

url = urlparse.urlsplit('')
host = url[1]
path = urlparse.urlunsplit(('', '')+url[2:])

con = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
con.request('GET', path)
response = con.getresponse()

print 'status:', response.status
print 'reason:', response.reason
print 'document:',

You lose many advantages of the higher-level urllib2, as it does much of
the mundane work for you -- parsing urls, choosing http or https
transparently, etc -- but I think httplib is still appropriate if your
needs are simple.

More information here:


 thanks in advance
 Monika Jissvel

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] PyMOTW: difflib

2008-04-06 Thread Martin Walsh
Dick Moores wrote:
 And my try with the Differ example,, which also shows the error,
 E:\Python25\pythonw.exe -u E:\PythonWork\
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File E:\PythonWork\, line 12, in module
from difflib_data import *
 ImportError: No module named difflib_data
 What is difflib_data ?

It is the example data provided with the PyMOTW tutorial.

Near the top of the article (from the link you provided) you'll see the
heading Test Data. I assume the author wants you to copy and paste the
source into a new file named in your working dir.
Alternatively, it looks like you can download all the source and example
data for all PyMOTWs in one compressed file:

PyMOTW has a cheese shop entry also (, so one
would assume you could get the source with easy_install as well, but
I've never tried it.


 Dick Moores

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()

2008-03-17 Thread Martin Walsh

Hi Nathan,

Nathan McBride wrote:
 Yup I use the pexpect module for a lot however couldn't get '' to 
 work with mysqldump piping to gzip 

Just to hazard a guess -- when you want to pipe commands with pexpect
you have to spawn ('run', it seems, would work the same way) the shell
command as an argument to bash (or similar) since pexpect does not
natively interpret shell operators or wildcards, like redirect, pipe, etc...


Remember that Pexpect does NOT interpret shell meta characters such as
redirect, pipe, or wild cards (, |, or *). This is a common mistake.
If you want to run a command and pipe it through another command then
you must also start a shell. For example::

child = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash -c ls -l | grep LOG  log_list.txt')


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Younker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 6:59 PM
 To: Nathan McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to get response from os.system()
 Would you mind perhaps show an example running an interactive  
 command like su and show how to send input to the commands waiting  
 If you're doing that then you *really* want to be using the pexpect
 cmd = pexpect.spawn('su - SOMEINTERACTIVECOMMAND')
 cmd.expect('# ')   # the prompt
 cmd.sendline('A COMMAND')
 cmd.expect('# ')   # wait for the prompt again
 output = cmd.before  # the stuff before the prompt
 - Jeff Younker - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Processing unix style timestamp

2008-03-07 Thread Martin Walsh
Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
 I have a log file that prints the date and time in the following format:
 Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008
 I am expecting multiple timezone entries (eg: PST, PDT and GMT) on the
 system running in America/Los Angeles time zone.
 I am looking for a way to internally store all the different timezone
 entries in GMT.
 I looked at datetime, but it seems slightly complex to work with non GMT

 Any pointers?

If you are not offended by a 3rd-party module, then the string parser
included in the egenix mxDateTime module[1] is hard to beat. You may
even have it installed already, as it appears to be a popular dependency
of other 3rd-party modules, especially db adapters.

In [1]: import mx.DateTime

In [2]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 CST 2008')

In [3]: d
Out[3]: mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2008-02-11 07:34:52.00' at

In [4]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[4]: 'Mon Feb 11 07:34:52 2008'

In [5]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 EST 2008')

In [6]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[6]: 'Mon Feb 11 06:34:52 2008'

In [7]: d = mx.DateTime.DateFrom('Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 UTC 2008')

In [8]: d.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
Out[8]: 'Mon Feb 11 01:34:52 2008'




Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Output of list

2007-12-23 Thread Martin Walsh
János Juhász wrote:
  It is nice place to use a generator:
 def pairs(sliceit):
 streamlist = list(sliceit)
 while streamlist:
 pair = streamlist.pop() 
 try:pair += streamlist.pop()
 except: pass
 yield pair
 ## Probably it is easier to understand
 def pairs2(sliceit):
 while sliceit:
 yield sliceit[:2]
 sliceit = sliceit[2:]
 except: # oops, it was odd length
 yield sliceit

... Or, by extending Alan's solution ...

def splitStringByN(s, n):
for m in range(0, len(s), n):
yield s[m:m+n]

k = 'abcdefghi'
list(splitStringByN(k, 2))

As it turns out, this is similar to an ASPN Cookbook recipe contributed
by Dmitry Vasiliev:

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Output of list

2007-12-23 Thread Martin Walsh
János Juhász wrote:
 Dear Marty,

Hi Janos,

 ... Or, by extending Alan's solution ...

 def splitStringByN(s, n):
for m in range(0, len(s), n):
yield s[m:m+n]

 k = 'abcdefghi'
 list(splitStringByN(k, 2))
 It seems to be the most readable solution for me.

For completeness, one could also pull it out of the function def and use
a generator expression directly. If I'm not mistaken, this would be more
or less equivalent:

k = 'abcdefghi'
list((k[m:m+2] for m in range(0, len(k), 2)))

 As it turns out, this is similar to an ASPN Cookbook recipe contributed
 by Dmitry Vasiliev:

 Thanks for the link.

No problem.

Happy Holidays!
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Output of list

2007-12-22 Thread Martin Walsh
Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
 Emil wrote:

 I want to be capable of converting a string into a list where all the items, 
 in  the list, have a fixed length not equal to 1 e.g i have k = 'abcdefgh' 
 and I want the fixed length for all the the items to be 2 then the list 
 would look like ['ab', 'cd', 'ef, 'gh']. How do i do this?

 Also : [''.join(i) for i in zip(k[::2], k[1::2])]

Cool use of 'zip' and extended slicing!

Just thought I would add that 'zip' truncates after the shortest
sequence, which would cause data loss for strings of odd length -- of
course, the OP may not consider this a problem.

In [1]: k = 'abcdefghi' # - note the 'i'

In [2]: len(k)
Out[2]: 9

In [3]: [''.join(i) for i in zip(k[::2], k[1::2])]
Out[3]: ['ab', 'cd', 'ef', 'gh'] # - 'i' is gone


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Selecting a browser

2007-12-03 Thread Martin Walsh
Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
 Martin Walsh wrote:
 Hi Marty, thanks for your help.
 I've tried your suggestions but they don't seem to work for me. In W's
 system window I can do :
 C:/ S:\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe
 and it will open my browser ok. But no matter what I try :
 c:/program files/mozilla firefox/firefox.exe %s  or c:/program
 files/mozilla firefox/firefox.exe %s as input to webbrowser.get() it
 won't work.

Hi Ricardo,

Never would have guessed that you were using a portable browser :) But
it really shouldn't matter. And by the way, the '' has special meaning
to the webbrowser.get method -- it determines whether a
BackgroundBrowser or GenericBrowser object is returned.

 Here's my session :
 import webbrowser
 ff = webbrowser.get(S:\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe %s )'')

I suspect (with no way to confirm at the moment) that something in the
webbrowser module is confused by the backslashes. As you may know, the
backslash has special meaning in python strings, used as an escape
character to denote newlines (\n), tabs (\t), among others. I believe it
is helpful to be aware of this when using subprocess.Popen also. And, I
think you have more than one option for dealing with slashes in windows
paths, but I typically just replace the backslashes with forward slashes:

ff = webbrowser.get(S:/FirefoxPortable/FirefoxPortable.exe %s )

 Besides looking at the Python 2.5 documentation gave me no clues. It is
 very poorly documented e.g. :
 register( name, constructor[, instance])
   Register the browser type name. Once a browser type is registered, the
 get() function can return a controller for that browser type. If
 instance is not provided, or is None, constructor will be called without
 parameters to create an instance when needed. If instance is provided,
 constructor will never be called, and may be None.
   This entry point is only useful if you plan to either set the BROWSER
 variable or call get with a nonempty argument matching the name of a
 handler you declare.
 But it does not define what a 'constructor' is (I guess a function, but
 no clue about what it's signature or functionality should be) or what an
 instance is (but I can guess). Trouble is when you guess and things
 don't work you don't have a clue if the fault lies in your 'guess' or in
 your code. Note that it mentions 'the BROWSER variable' but does not say

Based only on my own review of the webbrowser module source, the
constructor is the '*Browser' class object [ in other words
BackgroundBrowser and not BackgroundBrowser() ], presumably it should be
a subclass of webbrowser.GenericBrowser. And instance is what you would
think, an instance of a '*Browser' class.

 what it is, what it's value should be, nor any clue about it's use.
 Probably I lack knowledge in the subject, but hey! the whole purpose of
 this module is to be able to call the browser WITHOUT any knowledge of
 the subject.
 I guess I'll have to look at the code when I have a couple of free hours.

I would highly recommend it. It's straight forward, and very readable.

A helpful tip, perhaps: one of my favorite features of ipython, allows
fairly trivial access to a module's python source (not that it's
difficult by other means, really):

In [1]: import webbrowser

In [2]: webbrowser??

A single question mark prints the doc string if available, where the ??
pages the source. On linux, not sure about windows, I can move around
and search for text with all the same familiar keyboard commands (less

 I'd rather go with the 'webbrowser' module than the subprocess.Popen
 option, as it 'should' abstract me from browser management. Anyway if I

I think that's the intent of the module, and a worthwhile pursuit. But,
IMHO you may find it's more work, and less flexible, than keeping track
of the browser paths yourself and calling subprocess.Popen -- on Windows
at least. YMMV. And it is certainly possible that you'll discover some
feature of the webbrowser module that I've overlooked. So, I hope you'll
report back to the list with your progress.

Good luck!

 can't advance through webbrowser I'll give your examples a try.
 Thanks a lot for your help.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Selecting a browser

2007-12-01 Thread Martin Walsh
Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
 Hi, I've checked webbrowser module and so far I find no way of selecting
 a browser other than the default one. Say I want certain places opened
 with IE and others with Mozilla, and I don't want to mess with the
 user's setting of the default browser. Any tips?

I think one would normally use the form webbrowser.get('firefox'), on
unix systems. But if I understand correctly, the problem with the
webbrowser module on windows (and perhaps it is similar on a mac) is
that unless the program can be found on your system PATH, only a generic
'windows-default' browser class is registered, which uses os.startfile,
releasing control to the os, and serves to open the url in the user's
default browser.

If you're determined to use the webbrowser module on windows, you might
be able to do something like this:

import webbrowser

ffcommand = c:/program files/mozilla firefox/firefox.exe %s 
ff = webbrowser.get(ffcommand);)

iecommand = c:/program files/internet explorer/iexplore.exe %s 
ie = webbrowser.get(iecommand);)

I suppose you could also register them manually for later use with the
webbrowser.get(browser_name) form.

webbrowser.register('firefox', None, ff)

Personally, I would probably just cut out the middle module and use
subprocess.Popen to start the browser, after checking if it is installed
(with os.path.isfile, or similar) -- which seems to be, more or less,
what the webbrowser module does if it finds one of the predefined
browsers on your system PATH. Something like this (pseudo-code):

browser = 'c:/program files/mozilla firefox/firefox.exe'

if os.path.isfile(browser):
p = subprocess.Popen([browser, ''])
# if you want to wait for the browser to
# close before continuing use p.wait() here
... web browser not found ...

For dispatching based on site (url, or some other criteria), one idea
would be to wrap something like the above in a function which accepts
the web browser program path as an argument, and then pass the function
a path appropriate for the given criteria. Here is another (untested)
example to demonstrate:

import subprocess
import urlparse
import sys, os

FFPATH = 'c:/program files/mozilla firefox/firefox.exe'
IEPATH = 'c:/program files/internet explorer/iexplore.exe'

IESITES = ['', '']

def launch(url, browser, wait=False):
if os.path.isfile(browser):
p = subprocess.Popen([browser, url])
if wait:
print 'Invalid browser.'

def main(url):
# pick browser path by domain name
netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
if netloc in IESITES:
launch(url, IEPATH)
launch(url, FFPATH)

if __name__ == '__main__':
if sys.argv[1:]:
print 'Not enough arguments.'

In theory, if you run this script from a console on windows with any url as an argument, it should open in IE -- where all
others open in firefox. Really rough, but I hope it helps.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Python on T-Mobile Wing???

2007-11-21 Thread Martin Walsh
Trey Keown wrote:
 Hey all,
 I just got a brand new T-Mobile Wing, and, as you might guess, I want to
 install python on it. Well, I tried both the pythonce main build (with the
 .exe), and the build for the smartphone (also used .exe), but once I
 downloaded them, when I tried to run them, a dialog comes up saying that
 this is not a valid pocket pc app. Any ideas?

I think the exe installer is for running on a windows pc with activesync
-- you would need the cab version to install directly on a windows
mobile device.

From the pythonce wiki:

 Note- the wing uses windows mobile 6. The specs can be found at-
 Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] subprocess help, nohup

2007-11-18 Thread Martin Walsh
John wrote:

Hi John,

I didn't see a response to your question, so I'll make an attempt ...

 I've written a script which conducts several subprocess calls and then
 ultimately calls a shell script which runs even more programs... my
 script is using subprocess to execute a few sed calls, and then execute
 the script. I'm getting strange behavior:

Just a suggestion, if you find you are preforming sed replace operations
regularly, you might consider writing your own sed-like replace
function. This way you avoid spawning a subprocess altogether for
search/replace functionality, and as an added bonus you can re-use it in
future scripts. The following (untested) code should get you started, if
you choose to go this route:

import re

def sed_replace(search, replace, text):
pattern = re.compile(search)
return pattern.sub(replace, text)

def infile_sed_replace(search, replace, path):
text = file(path).read()
newtext = sed_replace(search, replace, text)
file(path, 'w').write(newtext)

infile_sed_replace('RunMin=[0-9][0-9]*', 'RunMin=%s' % k, runFile)

 You'll notice, the last subprocess call is commented out. Right now I'm
 just getting to that point to make sure everything is working. So, it
 seems to work, but I'm not sure how to get it to work if I change the
 command to nohup. I still want python to wait for it to return, in fact,
 I would like to set the python job running in the background as well...
 so what I'm looking at doing is:
 % nohup
--- which will make several including some that
 should be 'nohupped' as well...

This strikes me as nohup abuse, though I'm not entirely certain what you
are trying to accomplish. Since you plan to nohup *and* background your
script anyway, you might be better served by preemptively detaching from
the controlling terminal (or daemonizing) instead. If so, you may find
one or both of the following recipes useful:

Of course, you may need to handle logging a little differently.

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Re: [Tutor] Wrong version of Python being executed

2007-11-12 Thread Martin Walsh
Alan Gauld wrote:
 Tony Cappellini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 I have to switch between 2.3 and 2.5, so to make it easy, I use an
 environment variable called CURRENT_PYTHON.
 (someone on this list or the wxPython list told me I should NOT use
 PYTHONPATH and modify it the way I am using CURRENT_PYTHON)

 (The existing path isn't shown, only for brevity)
 Note, these are entered in Ctrl Panel, System environment variables,
 NOT at the command line.

That seems like a perfectly rational approach, and good advice.

Unfortunately I don't have a windows machine to test/confirm at the
moment, but IIRC you can set both user-space and system-wide environment
variables this way. I think PATH is special, in that user-space PATH is
appended to the *end* of the system-wide PATH, where other vars set in
user-space override the system defaults? Is it possible you have
python23 in your system-wide path, and you've edited user-space path to

Regardless, as a test you might try to add C:\Python25 to the front of
your system-wide PATH temporarily. This should aid in diagnosing a
simple PATH lookup problem. But, I'm stumped also. I don't know of any
reason why you would be seeing this behavior if you are invoking python
in a consistent way.

 Umm, have you rebooted? Probably an obvious step but I don't
 think environment vars get reset in real time. They didn't used
 to on NT but that may have changed in W2K or XP... I haven't
 checked in a while.

I believe that this has changed somewhat, where the environment is read
at program startup. So the env is not refreshed until you close and
re-launch the program in question (in this case 'cmd'). Not sure how
windows explorer is effected, which may require a logoff/logon.  But,
again I don't have a windows machine available to confirm, so take that
for what it's worth. It's not going to hurt to reboot, that's for certain.

 Othewise I'm as stumped as you.
 Alan G 

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Re: [Tutor] Wrong version of Python being executed

2007-11-11 Thread Martin Walsh
Tony Cappellini wrote:
 Martin Walsh mwalsh at
 Sun Nov 11 06:13:10 CET 2007
 That is odd.
 Try using the full path to python, just to be sure: c:\python25\python -- do you get the same behavior?
 This works just fine- I would expect it to.

Actually, I would have expected the opposite. My initial thought based
on your description was that python2.5 is being invoked with PYTHON* env
vars from a previous install, or some site module weirdness. But, the
fact that running python.exe with it's full path corrects the issue,
seems to indicate a problem with your PATH, rather than any python
specific environment setting. What does 'set PATH' report?

Though this still doesn't explain why you get python2.5 interactively,
and python2.3 when running a script -- perhaps I'm still unclear what
you are seeing. Would the following be an accurate description of the

- you run inside a fresh 'cmd' console each time (typing 'cmd' at the
run dialog, or similar), to be sure there is no app environment kruft

- the current working directory doesn't contain any programs, scripts or
possibly links that could interfere (preferably an empty path)

- you don't have any PYTHON* environment vars set (including PYTHONSTARTUP)

you observe:
- when you type 'python' (only 'python') at the prompt, you get
python2.5 interactively

- when you use the form 'python', the script is run with
python2.3 (can you verify with sys.version?) with sys.path appropriate
for 2.3

- when you use the form 'c:\python25\python.exe', the script
is executed with python2.5 and you have the correct sys.path (for 2.5)

 Also, if you haven't already, you can run python with the -E and/or -S
 flags (ex. 'c:\python25\python -E -S'). The -E flag will cause
 the PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME environment variables to be ignored. And
 This also works just fine. I've tried both switches independently, and
 the scrip runs normally when I use either and both at the same time.
 If I don't use them, then Python2.3 is being invoked somehow.

Yeah, very odd indeed.

  Very strange indeed. It's starting to remind me of an episode from The
 Twilight Zone ;-)
 Is ti possible that my registry is corrupted?

I wouldn't think so, but I suppose it is possible. I believe all the
pertinent registry keys are store under
HKLM\Software\Python\Pythoncore\version, so you could have a look.
There are settings stored elsewhere, but I think they are all related to
file associations, and enabling double-click launching etc. I hope
someone will correct or clarify, if I'm wrong.

If it is a registry issue, re-installing python2.5 *may* provide a quick
fix. BTW, are you using an alternate distribution of python (ex.
ActiveState), or the standard version?

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Re: [Tutor] Wrong version of Python being executed

2007-11-10 Thread Martin Walsh
Tony Cappellini wrote:
 What do you get if you print sys.path from
 the interpreter?
 I've printed out sys.path from inside the script as well,
 and all references to Python25 are replaced with Python23
 FWIW- This isn't a problem unique to this script.
 I've just printed out sys.path from another script in another
 directory, and Python2.3 is referenced.
 So, it's a system wide issue- but I still don't know how or why it's 

That is odd.

Try using the full path to python, just to be sure: c:\python25\python -- do you get the same behavior?

Also, if you haven't already, you can run python with the -E and/or -S
flags (ex. 'c:\python25\python -E -S'). The -E flag will cause
the PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME environment variables to be ignored. And
the -S flag prevents 'import site' at python startup. Regardless, even
if these are configured incorrectly I would expect the same behavior if
running a script or using the interactive interpreter.

You mentioned that python 2.4 is installed also... does it have the same
sys.path problem?


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