Re: [twitter-dev] Encrypted data over Twitter

2010-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:16:40AM -0700, John Adams wrote:
 I think you're referring to ITAR, most of which was repealed in 1997.
 Until 1996?1997, ITAR classified strong cryptography as arms and prohibited
 their export from the U.S. Times have changed quite a bit since then.

Also, as I understood the matter at the time, ITAR only restricted
international distribution of encryption technology (i.e., crypto
algorithms and implementations of those algorithms) and didn't care at
all about what might be done with the resulting ciphertext or where it
might be sent.

However...  Amateur radio regulations in the US do include (or at least
did include last I heard) an absolute ban on transmitting encrypted
information.  It used to be fairly common for ham radio operators to use
packet radio technologies to transmit TCP/IP data over the amateur bands
in order to get free roaming internet access; I expect this practice is
less common today (thanks to widespread cellular data access), but not
extinct.  When using packet radio on amateur bands, ssh/ssl/etc. are not
legal due to the crypto ban on those bands.  I would expect encrypted
tweets to be illgal under the same regulations, although that may be
dependent on whether the receiver has the means to decrypt them.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:22:56AM -0700, Jef Poskanzer wrote:
 Have you considered keeping basic auth enabled, but only for https?
 This would be secure against packet sniffing and would probably use
 less resources than OAuth.

The issue with Basic Auth isn't packet sniffing.

The issue with Basic Auth is that you're giving your Twitter login
credentials to a third party (i.e., some application that is not
Twitter) and, in most cases, allowing that third party to store your
Twitter login credentials for future use.  This is Very Bad.  General
security best practice states that you should *never* give your login
credentials for *any* system to *any* third party for *any* reason.

To put it another way, how about if you just give me the username and
password for your bank's website so that I can deposit some money for
you?  I won't use it to transfer money to my account, or to lock you out
of your bank account, and I'll forget them as soon as the deposit has
been made.  Really.  I promise.

*That* is the problem with Basic Auth, regardless of whether I use https
when I log in to your bank account or not.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Can our twitter app call /oauth/revoke?

2010-05-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 07:12:00PM -0700, Mr-Yellow wrote:
 oAuth Core 1.0
 Service Providers SHOULD allow Users to revoke Access Tokens.
 Without this end-point it's impossible for users to disconnect a
 twitter account.
 If a user links the wrong account then wishes to remove this link they
 their only option is a lot of navigation to twitters controls.

Your app can still have a 'logout' button which causes the app to forget
the user's oauth credentials.  As far as your app is concerned, this is
the same as if the credentials had been revoked.

It's not the ideal situation (if a third party had intercepted the
user's credentials and also had access to your app's credentials, they
could still use them to impersonate the user), but it *is* possible for
a user to disconnect one twitter account from an app and link another
without having to go to and find the 'revoke credentials'

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: countdown to OAuth / basic auth removal / OAuthcalypse

2010-04-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 11:09:38AM -0400, Dean Collins wrote:
 Yeh but John, who is going to install MySQL for a desktop client?

1) John was responding to someone who said a database wouldn't work for
[him] since I do not have a desktop app, end I do not store anything in
a database.  If he doesn't have a desktop app, then he's talking about
a web app and, as John said, pretty much every web host out there gives
you MySQL, no installation required.

2) MySQL isn't the only RDBMS out there...  If I were writing a desktop
app which needed to handle significant amounts of data, I'd use SQLite.
The SQLite libraries in every language I'm aware of aren't just
interfaces to the database, but rather contain the entire database
engine, so there's no external application to install.  This is a well-
proven approach, with Firefox probably being the biggest-name
application using an embedded SQLite database engine to handle its data.

Dave Sherohman

Subscription settings:

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Upcoming changes to the way status IDs are sequenced

2010-04-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 05:03:29PM -0700, Naveen wrote:
 However, I wanted to be clear and feel it should be made obvious that
 with this change, there is a possibility that a tweet may not be
 delivered to client if the implementation of how since_id is currently
 used is not updated to cover the case.  I still envision the situation
 as more likely than you seem to believe and figure as tweet velocity
 increases, the likelihood will also increase; But I am assuming have
 better data to support your viewpoint than I and shall defer.

Maybe I'm just missing something here, but it seems trivial to fix on
Twitter's side (enough so that I assume it's what they've been planning
from the start to do):  Only return tweets from closed buckets.

We are guaranteed that the buckets will be properly ordered.  The order
will only be randomized within a bucket.  Therefore, by only returning
tweets from buckets which are no longer receiving new tweets, since_id
works and will never miss a tweet.

And, yes, this does mean a slight delay in getting the tweets out
because they have to wait a few milliseconds for their bucket to close
before being exposed to calls which can use since_id, plus maybe a
little longer for the contents of that bucket to be distributed to
multiple servers.  That's still going to only take time comparable to
round-trip times for an HTTP request to fetch the data for display to a
user and be far, far less than the average refresh delay required by
those clients which fall under the API rate limit.  I submit, therefore,
that any such delay caused by waiting for buckets to close will be

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Whats the best practice for caching data?

2010-02-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 05:52:28PM -0800, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:
 I have 2 choices: store the data in the database and put cookie in
 user's browser and next time user visits, I can just pull the
 username, name, etc from my database
 Or I can use user's access token/secret that I also store in database
 to get the fresh data from Twitter.
 Getting fresh data will guarantee that I have user's latest color
 settings, background, avatar, description
 But I may run over 150 requests per hour very easily.
 How is this usually done by other app developers? What's the best
 practice for synchronizing user's settings with Twitter?

The way I'm doing it on FishTwits is to cache the most recent profile
data for each user.  So I'm basically doing your first option (store it
in the database), but refreshing it with the latest fresh profile data
whenever I send or retrieve a status update for the user - that
information is already coming back with the status, so I can update it
without having to wait for any extra requests to complete.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: More OAuth Change Please - Simple Stuff

2010-02-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 04:07:29PM -0800, Dewald Pretorius wrote:
 I don't see how Allow being the default can be a security issue.

Authorizing an app that you don't intend to has the potential to result
in significant harm - forged status updates, follow list vandalism, etc.
It *is* a security issue.

In contrast, accidentally denying an app that you intend to authorize
(as would happen in the current setup) merely results in minor
inconvenience by requiring you to go back and try again.  Unless you
happen to be an automated tool which lacks the flexibility to allow the
actual user to specify which button you should hit, but I'd say that's
evidence that RoboForm is broken, not that there's a problem with
Twitter's oAuth form.

 user is specifically sent to that page for the purpose of granting
 access. Only a minuscule number of users will need to click the Deny

The user is specifically sent to that page because the app wants them to
grant access, which does not necessarily mean that the user wishes to do
so.  Most of us on this list are trivially capable of creating an app
that displays a click here to win $1,000,000 and a pony link which
takes the user to the Twitter oAuth page without giving them any prior
indication that Twitter would be involved.  In that case, the vast
majority of users would (or at least should) click Deny because they
were sent there under false pretenses.

Most frequent case does not imply secure.  If it did, we wouldn't
bother with passwords or authentication at all because, hey, it's pretty
much only ever me who uses my Twitter account.  Only a miniscule number
of attempts to update @DaveSherohman's status are made by people other
than me.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Source parameter request for mobile Twitter app ignored (and issues with Twitter's policy toward oAuth on mobile/desktop)

2010-02-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 08:29:18PM +, Aral Balkan wrote:
 I would really love to have a comment on from you guys for the blog post I'm
 writing: is Twitter actively discouraging the creation of new mobile and
 desktop apps?

I'm not Raffi.  I don't even work for Twitter.  But I am very confident
that the purpose of their policy regarding source params has nothing to
do with penalizing anyone or actively discouraging the creation of new

 I _really_ hope you can reconsider this as I see no logic whatsoever behind
 this policy.

The logic is very simple:

OAuth provides Twitter with the ability to identify the sending

Basic Auth does not.

Therefore, Basic Auth source params are easily forged, allowing apps to
trivially impersonate each other, which is clearly undesirable.

(Unfortunately, this logic is not watertight, in that desktop/mobile
apps are vulnerable to having their OAuth keys extracted from them, in
which case they could still be impersonated, but that's the reasoning
I've seen given previously for the policy.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-12 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 04:03:01AM -0800, Duane Roelands wrote:
  It seems clear to me from Raffi's
  comments on it that this third oauth flow is intended solely to enable
  Twitter use from embedded applications or in other environments in which
  it is not possible to use the existing oauth flows because there is no
  way to bring up a browser.
 And this will be

The same way that oauth usage is enforced today:  By attempting to
educate users that they should not provide their login credentials to
third-party websites.

 Developers who want the easier implementation and easier user
 experience will choose those methods,

As noted in my earlier message, I dispute your assertion that type in
name, remember password, type in password (even without an intermediate
try to remember which password was for Twitter, enter a couple
incorrect and/or typoed attempts, give up, go find the piece of paper
where password is written down phase) is an easier user experience
than click, click, click, done.

Again, I grant that enter username and password is more familiar from
long use, but it is not actually easier.

In my experience (both as a developer and as a sysadmin), users prefer
authentication methods which do not require them to remember or locate
credentials.  They often initially resist these alternative methods
due to unfamiliarity, but, once they've done it enough times that they
no longer have to think about how to carry out each step, they are
highly resistant to going back to more traditional authentication
methods which require them to do more work to log in.  The fact that
methods exist which remove this extra work while also being more secure
is just gravy for those of us who are concerned with such things.

Once users are accustomed to the ease of passwordless oauth login from
one site, I fully expect them to want that same convenience on other
sites.  I further expect that this is already happening as users find
that the existing web-based oauth flow is easier for them than basic

(The exception to these comments is in the case where oauth fails to
work properly, which can be intensely frustrating for users.  However,
this is much less commmon now than it was even three months ago and,
more importantly, by allowing Twitter to focus exclusively on oauth, I
expect that replacing basic auth with this third oauth flow will lead to
increased reliability of *all* oauth flows.)

  It in no way prevents or discourages use of the existing oauth flows
  in scenarios where a browser is available.
 Prevents?  No.  Discourages?  Absolutely.  It provides an incentive
 for poor security decisions by developers and users.

Lazy developers will always take the easy way out, sure, and that's
generally going to be less secure.  But I'm still not seeing any
coherent argument for how the planned third oauth flow will, in any way,
be *worse* than the existing basic auth scheme.  It may not be an
absolutely perfect world in which absolutely nothing except Twitter
itself is capable of accepting a Twitter password, but it's still a big
improvement on what we have today.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 07:33:28AM -0700, John Meyer wrote:
 okay, forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the whole point of oAuth that  
 the application didn't need to know the username/password?  That the  
 user would grant access to the application and then the application  
 would store that rather than the actual username/password.  Or am I  
 missing the point of going to an oAuth system?

That is *a* point of oauth, not *the* point.

It's probably the most obvious point from a naive end-user viewpoint,
but there are also other advantages to oauth, even when the keys are
obtained by entering your username/password.  Just off the top of my

- The app doesn't need to store your username/password in a retrievable
  format, so an attacker who compromises the application's data store
  will not gain access to them.

- Your username/password will not be transmitted across the internet or
  wireless LAN connections on every request made, which greatly reduces
  the window of vulnerability for an attacker to intercept them in

- You can change your Twitter username and/or password without then
  having to immediately reauthorize the app by re-entering the new

- Conversely, if you wish to revoke a specific app's access, you can do
  so without affecting any other application.  (Unless the app in
  question has stored your username/password in a retrievable format, in
  which case it could just get new oauth credentials, of course.)

- If oauth is the only allowed authentication method, a rogue app would
  not be able to gain full access to your account.  Perhaps most
  importantly, it would not be capable of changing your password and
  locking you out.

- On Twitter's side, I'm sure it will simplify things considerably for
  all API methods to support only a single authentication method.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:40:20AM -0800, Duane Roelands wrote:
 Many of us in the developer community have been strongly pushing the
 point of view that third-party apps should never be asking for user
 credentials.  We did so because we believed that Twitter was firmly
 committed to the security of the ecosystem and protecting the accounts
 of its users.  It now appears that this belief was in error.

I see no evidence that Twitter is anti-security here.

   This decision is going to actively hurt developers who chose the
 more secure implementation.  Application A just lets me log in with my
 Twitter credentials, but Application B wants me to go through this
 harder process.  Most users will choose option A, and the more-secure
 application B loses users.  this decision punishes developers who
 chose the more secure model.  It's disappointing, because a lot of
 developers have worked very hard to bring OAuth implementations to the
 community that were robust and secure and **didn't require a user to
 hand over their Twitter credentials**.

1)  Given that third-party apps are currently able to request username/
password and use them for Basic Auth, I do not see how apps being able
to request username/password and use them for oauth makes things any
worse.  I can see an (IMO weak) argument that this may prevent things
from getting better, but it will not make them worse.

2)  I seem to be the odd man out here, but I consider the current oauth
web application auth method (which I'm assuming is the more-secure
application B) to be the easier method.  Click-click-click, done.  No
typing in my username or remembering my password required.  Username/
password is definitely the more familiar method for most users, since
it's what they've been using all their (online) lives, but I reject your
assertion that it's easier to complete.

 There was a great opportunity here for Twitter to be a security leader
 in the social network space by saying We don't want our users giving
 their Twitter credentials to anyone except Twitter.  It's a shame
 they didn't stick to their gun; the result is going to be a less-
 secure ecosystem.

They still can stick to their guns and say We don't want our users
giving their Twitter credentials to any *web site or desktop
application* except Twitter.  It seems clear to me from Raffi's
comments on it that this third oauth flow is intended solely to enable
Twitter use from embedded applications or in other environments in which
it is not possible to use the existing oauth flows because there is no
way to bring up a browser.  It in no way prevents or discourages use of
the existing oauth flows in scenarios where a browser is available.

Really, the current lack of oauth delegation is a far bigger obstacle to
being able to say don't give your Twitter password to anyone else than
the ability to turn a username/password into oauth credentials will ever

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Unexplored Dark Underbelly of OAuth

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 06:09:10PM -0800, Dewald Pretorius wrote:
 Now, will there be hackers and scammers that will decompile
 TweetDeck's code to get their grubby hands on its Consumer Key Secret?
 You bet your bottom dollar there will be. Many.
 Once they have that, they can spam the living shits out of Twitter,
 and there is nothing, NOTHING, Twitter can do to stop it.

Twitter or anyone else.  This is the same basic issue as that faced by
DRM manufacturers:  It is fundamentally impossible for me to allow you
to cryptographically authenticate yourself without providing the
necessary crypto keys and algorithms to you in some form.  Once I have
done so, there is no way to prevent you from using them in ways other
than those which I intended.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: A New API For Browserless Apps?

2009-12-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 01:27:48AM -0600, Abraham Williams wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 00:53, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  - If oauth is the only allowed authentication method, a rogue app would
   not be able to gain full access to your account.  Perhaps most
   importantly, it would not be capable of changing your password and
   locking you out.
 Currently this is not true.

Hrm.  Didn't know about that one.  In that case, amend my quoted
statement to replace both occurrences of would not with should not.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: How to detect 'Duplicate text' failure to send tweet

2009-12-09 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 10:08:14AM -0800, Stuart Smith wrote:
 Hi Abraham, so I should keep a list of all of the tweets I send and
 check the id of each and every status I send to see if it matches a
 previously sent id? That's quite a lot of additional processing.

Not necessarily...  What I've been doing is just keeping a record of the
highest status ID my application has seen and checking whether the
returned ID is larger than that highest-seen ID or not.  Very quick,
simple, and effective.

 Is this what I have heard called 'recurring tweets'? If so, I read
 somewhere that they are going to be allowed to re-occur at some point
 soon - is this correct?

Related, but distinct.  What you've described is repeated tweets sent
manually for a game, probably in short bursts.  The recurring tweets
(mis-)feature offered by some sites is automatically tweet this text
once every three hours for the next month.

Either way, though, it sounds pretty spammy to me (would your users'
friends really want to see their timelines clogged up with N, N,
E, S...?) and I'm all for Twitter doing what they can to suppress
it.  It just would have been nice if rejected updates had been reported
as errors (which they are) from square one.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter Photo service for oauth clients

2009-12-06 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Dec 05, 2009 at 10:00:30PM -0800, Michael Steuer wrote:
 Are any of you aware of a photo service that allows picture uploads from 
 my oauth based Twitter client? The Api for all the usual suspects  
 (twitpic, yfrog, tweetphoto, etc) requires  passing of the user's  
 Twitter username and password, but being an oauth client, I don't have  
 the user's password available to me. How are other oauth based clients  
 dealing with this? It seems my only option is building my own, but I'd  
 rather hook into an existing service.

You're going to have to roll your own, I expect.  The Twitter API
doesn't currently support OAuth delegation, so a user wanting to use
your site to upload a photo to one third-party site and tweet about it
would have to authenticate twice, once from your site to the photo site
(to do the upload) and a second time from your site to Twitter (to send
the tweet, since it's not possible for the photo site to use the
credentials from their login on your site to tweet on their behalf).

Offhand, I do know of one site which takes OAuth logins and accepts
photo uploads, but:
a) It's a fishing niche site, so non-fishing photos wouldn't be entirely
   welcome there,
b) it does not provide an API, OAuth-based or otherwise, and
c) I had to write it myself.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: How does twitter recognize @username in tweets?

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 03:37:51AM -0800, yegle wrote:
 But I still want to know what regex twitter is used to recognize
 @username ,
 because the regex used to recognize @username in dabr doesn't work
 exactly same as

You mean the list that appears when you click the @yegle link on your homepage?  I'm pretty sure that's not a regex at all.  Try
the statuses/mentions API method
to retrieve that list.  If you're implementing your own search through a
local database of tweets, my first thought to emulate this would be to
check the tweets' in_reply_to_user_id properties.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Hashtag widget

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
That sounds very similar to the original design of (and I
submitted Twitter::TagGrep to CPAN, which handles the filtering by
hashtag part in Perl), although we eventually decided not to worry about
hashtags and just filter on any occurence of the words of interest,
tagged or not.

I haven't put it into widget form and I did it in Perl rather than PHP,
but feel free to contact me if you think I might be able to help with
what you're doing.

On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 04:15:37AM -0800, BenR wrote:
 Hi all just wondering if anyone has done anything with hashtags.
 I'd like to be able to display only posts from selected accounts using
 a specific hashtag.
 So I need to have an array of accounts and search these posts for a
 hashtag and if the hashtag is used pull the post into a widget.
 Has anyone done this using PHP or know of anything like it?
 Thanks all

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Track streaming : how to match tweets?

2009-12-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Dec 03, 2009 at 03:12:05PM -0800, Julien wrote:
 Well, then I'd need some help with that...
 Again, it's easy with single search keywords, but I haven't found a
 solution for combined searches like twitter+stream or photo+Paris...
 because I would have to compare each combination of tokens in the
 Can someone give more details.

I don't mean to be flogging my site today, but take a look at for the results I'm producing (just click the logo
at the top of the page to view the full site without logging in):  Any
tweets from users followed by FishTwits are scanned for fishing-related
terms and all such terms found in the tweet are displayed below it.  At
this moment, for instance, the first displayed tweet shows matches for
both Fly Fishing and Sole.

This is accomplished with the following Perl code (edited to remove
parts which aren't directly relevant):

sub load_from_text {
  my ($class, $text) = @_;

  unless($topic_regex) {
require Regexp::Assemble;
my $ra = Regexp::Assemble-new(
   chomp = 0,
   anchor_word_begin = 1,
   anchor_word_end = 1,
for my $topic (@topic_list) {
  $ra-add(lc $topic);
$topic_regex = $ra-re;

  $text = lc $text;
  my @topics = $text =~ /$topic_regex/g;

  return sort @topics;

It first uses Regexp::Assemble to build a $topic_regex[1] which will
match any of the words/phrases found in the topic table, then does a
global match of $text (the body of the tweet being examined) against
$topic_regex, capturing all matches into the array @topics, which is
then sorted and returned to the caller.

After the match is performed, @topics contains every search term which
is matched, no matter how many there may be, which should fill your
requirement for combined searches, unless I'm misunderstanding it.

If you mean you would want that Fly Fishing, Sole tweet to return
three hits rather than two (Fly Fishing, Sole, Fly Fishing+Sole),
that's easy enough to create from @topics, just generate every
permutation of the terms which the individual tweet matched.

[1]  If you're only dealing with 10 or so keywords, you'd probably be
just as well off building the regex by hand.  The main reason I'm using
Regexp::Assemble to do it on the fly is because manually creating and
then maintaining a regex that will efficiently match any of 1300 terms
would be a nightmare.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Perl script for retrieving twits

2009-12-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 06:20:05AM -0800, Oreste wrote:
 I'm using Net::Twitter module which is working nicely. I'm getting
 back a lot of variables, I need to grab just those variables giving me
 the message and date. Could you help me to find them out?
 This is the script I'm using:
 use Net::Twitter;
 use Data::Dumper;
 my $nt = Net::Twitter-new(
 traits   = [qw/API::REST/],
 username = 'user',
 password = 'pass'
 print Dumper $nt;

Your $nt is just the interface to the API.  If you want to, say, get the
latest status updates to your/your friends' accounts, you need to use
that interface to retrieve them:

my $timeline = $nt-friends_timeline;
for my $tweet (@$timeline) {
  print $tweet-{created_at} . ': ' . $tweet-{text};

(Code is untested, but should work.  Note that the maintainer of
Net::Twitter was talking a couple months ago about wrapping the
retrieved messages up into objects, so $tweet may no longer be a bare
hashref; I just haven't needed to update my direct Twitter-interfacing
functions since then so I haven't stayed on top of it.  Check the
Net::Twitter documentation for full details.)

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] How does twitter recognize @username in tweets?

2009-12-02 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 07:14:25PM -0800, yegle wrote:
 I have a saved search which is yegle -...@yegle to track tweets which
 intends to mention me, I found some tweets with format described below
 can be found using yegle -...@yegle but also appear in my
 Here is sometext and then w...@yegle (no space before the @ )
 So my question is, what regex does twitter use to recognize @username
 in tweets?

You're imagining that this is being handled in a more complex (more
intelligent?) way than it actually is.  The search function operates on
complete words only, with no special-case handling for @usernames.
w...@yegle doesn't match @yegle for the same reason it doesn't match
it: they're substrings embedded within the word, not the complete

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Call for action #StopBritneyBots

2009-12-01 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 04:23:40PM -0500, TJ Luoma wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 4:19 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
  Twitter, what say you? Developer community, what say you?
 Twitter, Inc. can't even keep up with porn spammers reported manually
 using the Report As Spam links, what makes you think they would be
 able to keep up with an automated version?

As Ed demonstrated in his original message, this particular class of
spambots can be detected and auto-blocked quite easily.  With the
information he provided, I (and I expect many others on this list) could
create an anti-BritneyBot-bot to do so in very short order, if not for
the potential legal/TOS issues which could arise from doing so without
Twitter's official sanction.

It's not a question of keeping up with them; Twitter could use Ed's
suggested technique to shut them all down en masse at the cost of less
than one day of a single employee's time (and they may have other
techniques they could use which would be more effective and/or even
quicker to implement).  It's a question of will and of policy.

Dave Sherohman

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Retweets - where are they placed on timeline

2009-11-18 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:37:32PM -0800, Dewald Pretorius wrote:
 This collapsing behavior is far from ideal and will cause people with
 busy timelines to completely miss retweets.

I disagree completely.  If you have 57 retweets of the same status in
your timeline, then all this duplicated, redundant noise forces fresh,
new content off the end prematurely.  It gets bad enough at times that
I'm forced to tell TweetDeck to filter out everything containing the
text RT @.

One of the first features that got me thinking about building a custom
Twitter client was that I wanted to be able to identify and filter out
duplicate updates so that I would see each status update *once*, no
matter how many people were repeating it.  Thankfully, Twitter is now
(or will shortly be) providing that function automatically.  (Although,
if I were to have done it, I would go a step further and suppress *all*
retweets if the original had appeared in my timeline.)

 With old-style retweets, if I saw ten retweets of the same thing, I
 knew to check it out because obviously a lot of people felt it was
 something worth sharing with their followers.

And if I saw them, I would think Oh, good god...  I wasn't interested
in it the first nine times, I'm not going to be interested this time
either.  How long do I have to wait before people just shut up about
that already?

 In my irrelevant opinion, the new retweet feature is trying to fix
 something that was not broken.

As another response mentioned, clients have the ability to un-collapse
retweets, so those of us who view constant retweets of the same thing as
worthless noise can get our timelines uncluttered and those of you who
use them as a means to judge social approval and/or importance have the
tools to do that as well.  Give it a couple weeks, and I bet someone
will be working on a way to do that which works even better than the
old-style retweets, perhaps based on preiodically polling the retweets
timeline and presenting its contents sorted by most retweets in the last
hour/day.  This change sets the stage for serving both of us better.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: PHP/cURL statuses/update results in 200 OK, but no actual update

2009-11-14 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 01:56:40PM -0800, EvilJordan wrote:
 Very simple PHP/cURL script to update a status.
 With the curl output set to verbose, I see the connection being made
 and a response code of 200 OK.
 Unfortunately, my status isn't actually updating and I can't figure
 out why. The status message is urlencoded, basic authentication is
 successful, and using curl from the command line works just fine.

For the last month or so, Twitter has been silently rejecting status
updates which either exceed 140 characters or are duplicates of any
previous status for that user (not just the most recent).  When this
occurs, the response is a 200 OK and carries the user's most recent
successful status as its body.

You can easily avoid the silent failures for exceeding 140 characters by
double-checking the length of the text before sending it, but predicting
whether an update will fail due to duplication is not such a simple

Twitter has stated that providing a clear indication of when this has
occurred (I don't recall whether it was stated whether it will be an
error code per se or not) is on the short list, but no ETA on a fix
has been given.

Until this is resolved, you basically have two options for trying to
detect it:

1) Keep track of the highest status ID you've encountered.  When a
status update is submitted, check the status ID in the response.  If the
update succeeded, the new ID will be higher than any old ID.  If it
failed, you'll get an older status (with an older, lower ID) instead.

2) Compare the text that you sent with the text you got back.  If
they're different, it failed - or Twitter did automatic URL shortening
or modified the text in some other manner.  If the new status is an
exact duplicate of the previous status, this would also falsely lead you
to believe that it had succeeded when it actually failed; depending on
your application, this may or may not be relevant.

Obviously, I consider method 1 to be the more reliable (although there
are certain race conditions in which it would fail, too), but it does
require you to keep that latest seen ID around and relatively

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: the new retweet feature might break my app

2009-11-13 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 08:00:56AM -0800, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
 Speaking for TTYtter only, while I'll support receiving retweets, I am
 unhappy with the API as it currently exists and retweets received will
 be canonized into the older format (and retweets sent will be done
 programmatically in the older fashion instead of through the retweet
 methods). I suspect there are other app authors who will also do something

I haven't looked closely at the RT API (it's not currently relevant to
FishTwits, so I figure I'll let it stabilize before concerning myself
with it), but would you mind sharing your issues with it, either here or
off-list if you think that would be more appropriate?

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Oauth API not updating statuses consistently

2009-11-03 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Mon, Nov 02, 2009 at 09:38:48PM -0800, Enlai wrote:
 Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can't find an answer online.
 This is happening right now so I thought I'd see if something is up
 with the API.
 Sometimes, I get no response from the status update post and other
 times, I get a response with a successful post result. However, the
 text in the post shows the previous successful post rather than the
 one I just posted.
 What does this mean? Has some rate been tripped?

This has been noted by a few of us since mid-October.  Twitter changed
the API behaviour such that a status update will fail silently and
return the user's most recent prior status in two (known) cases:

- If the text of the update exceeds 140 characters.  (This is a change
  from the documented behaviour of truncating the text to 140

- If the text of the update is a duplicate of *any* previous status
  update within an as-yet-unknown time period.  I know from my own
  experience that the time period is at least an hour and I suspect that
  it it much longer, perhaps even unlimited.  (This is a change from the
  documented behaviour of only rejecting duplicates when consecutive.)

There has been a comment made here on the list to the effect that
Twitter intends to respond with an error code in these cases rather than
failing silently, but no indication was given regarding an expected

Until Twitter does get around to telling us when updates have been
rejected, two basic approaches have been suggested for detecting these
silent failures:

- Store the highest status ID which has been seen by your application.
  When you submit an update, check the ID of the returned status.  If
  the returned ID is less than the stored ID, you know the update was
  rejected and an old status was returned.

- Compare the text of the sent status to the text of the returned status
  to see if they match.

I prefer the ID-based method, as the text-based method is subject to
both false positives (if Twitter applies shortening, you'll think
it failed unless you remember to ignore URLs when comparing the text)
and false negatives (if the update is a duplicate of the user's most-
recent status, the text will match even though the update failed), but

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Lists Need Optional Hashtag binding with list subscription

2009-10-30 Thread Dave Sherohman

This sounds like what I've already done (for fishing) at ...

With my codebase, creating similar sites for sports, food, tech,
whatever would mostly just be a matter of getting a new layout designed
and new lists of keywords made up.  Feel free to contact me off-list if
you'd like to talk about doing so.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 07:14:58PM -0400, Chad Etzel wrote:
 This sounds like a 3rd party API application opportunity to me...
 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:11 PM, leonspencer wrote:
  The new lists are a great way reduce the clutter in timeline. However,
  I immediately notice management problems with the lists where tweets
  are duplicate in timeline and list for tweets that have nothing to do
  with the list. For example, let's say I have a sports list:
  I add userA that tweets about sports. But userA also tweets about
  food. And being a friend, userA will tweet about personal stuff.
  If a user tweets about sports, dining, and personal stuff, ALL of
  these tweets are shown under the sports list as well as my timeline.
  Furthermore, if I create a second list for food/dining and add userA,
  ALL of the tweets regardless of food or sports will display under both
  So what would be great is for Twitter to allow the optional
  specification of one or more hashtags when associating an account with
  a list, which would indicate tweets from that account should only
  appear under this list IF these hashtags are part of the tweet.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Automated Tweets

2009-10-29 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:48:02PM +0700, Dwi Sasongko Supriyadi wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:40 PM, Jai wrote:
  What is the criteria for dupliate tweets? then how the polling
  applications works? they may have several tweets with similar text?
 Duplicate tweets = consecutively, exactly same tweet.
 tweet1 = foo;
 tweet2 = bar;
 rv1 = send_tweet(tweet1);
 rv2 = send_tweet(tweet1);
 rv3 = send_tweet(tweet2);
 above sequence, only rv1 and rv3 are succeed.

That is not the full definition, or at least it wasn't around two weeks
ago when I first noticed it.  Once tweet1 has been sent, any attempt
to send tweet1 again within the next hour (probably longer, but I have
not attempted to determine the upper bound) will fail, regardless of how
many additional updates have been sent during that time.

rv1 = send_tweet(tweet1); # OK
rv2 = send_tweet(tweet2); # OK
rv100 = send_tweet(tweet100); # OK
rv101 = send_tweet(tweet1); # Fails, if within some unknown time limit

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 04:20:36PM -0700, Dewald Pretorius wrote:
 Instead of all of us having to do fancy tap-dances, the proper
 solution is for Twitter to issue an error response when a sent tweet
 is rejected for whatever reason.

Yep, exactly.  That's my big gripe about the whole thing.  Failing
silently is *never* the right answer in an API or other library code.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: New behaviour for statuses/update API call for 141+ char sized messages and duplicates?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman

These are deliberate changes on Twitter's part, so they are not bugs.
Whether they are features depends on who you ask...

As it currently stands, you must either check the returned status ID to
see if it's higher than previous IDs or compare the submitted status to
the returned status (ignoring URLs) to determine whether the update was
actually successful or if it was silently rejected by Twitter.

Hopefully, in the (very near) future, Twitter will start providing some
indication in the response that will make it simple and reliable to
determine when an update has been rejected without requiring app
developers to try to figure that out on our own, but, so far as I am
aware, Twitter has not yet made any statement regarding this.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 08:53:16AM -0700, Kevin Menard wrote:
 I'm seeing the same thing that Ole is.  Twitter is not truncating the
 status, but rather returning the last correctly updated status.
 On Oct 16, 4:58 am, janole wrote:
  According to my tests, messages will not be truncated anymore!
  Instead, you will get the most recentstatusupdateas a reply.
  Is this a bug or feature?
  Also, it seems as if the API now checks for duplicates in your
  backlog of statuses and not just you most recent tweet.
  Previously, only the last tweet was checked:
  - Last tweet test
  - Send new tweet with status=test will return the oldstatus(with
  the old status_id)
  but if you had something like this:
  Last tweet Hello, world.
  Second last tweet test
  Then you were able to create a new tweet with status=test!
  This is not possible at the moment.
  Bug or feature?
  I'm getting a lot of complaints from my Twitter client users who
  apparently experience both of these new behaviours or bugs (long
  tweets fail, duplicates fail.)
  Ole @
  On Twitter:
  On Oct 15, 8:26 pm, Josh Roesslein wrote:
   If you send a message longer than 140 twitter will truncate it and set
   the truncate value on thestatusto True.
   For duplicates it will just ignore thestatus.
   On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:20 PM, janole wrote:
I just figured out that when calling statuses/updatewith a text
longer than 140 chars, the reply of that API call will be 200 OK with
the laststatusof the user.
Wouldn't it be better to return some sort of error message?
The same seems to be happening when sending a duplicate tweet.
Jan Ole Suhr
On Twitter:

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-24 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 02:24:53PM -0700, AJ Chen wrote:
 I noticed this behavior a long time ago (may be a month) and reported the
 problem on this list, but it did not get any response from the api team. I
 thought it was a bug, but just realized yesterday that the api probably
 ignores 140+ chars status update intentionally. but' I'm not sure this is
 the policy or temporary tactic to reduce workload on api. it would be good
 that api team can clasify on this issue. to check if this happens or not,
 you can compare the status sent to api and the status returned from api in
 your application code.

Note that duplicate statuses are silently failing in the same manner as
those over 140 characters.  Aside from the already-mentioned issue of
Twitter doing automatic shortening on URLs, comparing the
submitted status to the received status will also produce incorrect
results when the submitted status is rejected for being identical to the
user's most-recent previous status.  Depending on your application,
failure in this scenario may or may not be relevant.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Comparing Posted Tweet to Current Status in PHP

2009-10-22 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:22:44AM -0700, JB wrote:
 Does anyone have a way to compare these two strings in PHP?
 I have tried 3 different ways of comparing strings and they all fail.
 Even more so recently.
 Looking for a solid way to see if a tweet was accepted by the API or

Remember that every new status will be assigned a higher ID than any
previously-existing ID.

Therefore, when you get/store the user's current statusprior to sending
the update (which you must be doing if you have its text), you can also
remember its ID.  Comparing the ID against the returned ID from the
attempted update will tell you whether it was accepted or not.
Alternately, if this is the only reason you're checking/storing the
user's previous status, you may be able to save yourself a few API calls
by saving the last seen ID globally instead of keeping it updated for
each user individually.

Using the ID rather than the status text should be more reliable, not
only because numeric comparison is much more straightforward than string
comparison, but also because the IDs are guaranteed to always be unique.

This method could fail if the user updates his status using another
application, then comes back and submits an update from yours before
yours checks in with Twitter and is made aware of the new update, but
there's really no way to reliably detect whether the update from your
app has been rejected in that scenario.  Which is why Twitter really
needs to stop rejecting updates silently and add some kind of indicator
(a non-200 HTTP status, an extra flag in the response payload, whatever)
to tell us when the update had been rejected (and, ideally, why).

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: API 140 character truncation change?

2009-10-21 Thread Dave Sherohman

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 07:37:03AM -0700, James Tymann wrote:
 Has anyone else noticed a change in the way that the 140 character
 limit is enforced via the API? I noticed a change sometime between the
 13th and the 16th that is now causing all my 140+ character posts to
 be rejected by the API.

 Also a side note is that the api is not returning errors, they return
 proper responses however they are the proper response for the current
 status of the account, not the new status that was just attempted to
 be posted.

My users first reported issues arising from this on the 15th, although I
didn't identify the cause until the 17th, at which point I asked about
it in #Net::Twitter and Marc Mims brought the question here under the
subject line Bug? Updates  140 characters return success with prior
update  payload.  See the discussion under that thread for more on it,
but the overall upshot is:

- This is an intentional (if poorly-announced) change, not a bug.
- Status updates are known to be getting silently rejected in this
  manner both due to exceeding 140 characters and due to violation of
  the expanded no duplicates policy.
- Twitter has not stated whether there are any additional circumstances
  beyond those two cases in which updates will be silently rejected.
- Twitter has not stated any plans regarding adding an indicator for
  when a 200 OK status update has, in fact, been rejected.

I am attempting to compensate for this change by checking the returned
status ID against the previous highest-seen ID to determine whether the
status returned with the 200 OK response is a new one or the user's
pre-existing status.  This seems to work, but does not indicate the
reason for the silent failure, so I can't report the cause to my users.
Andy Freeman has mentioned that, in the case of rejection due to
duplication, this is also unsatisfactory in that it does not allow him
to identify the original status which was duplicated.

Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Re: Bug? Updates 140 characters return success with prior update payload

2009-10-18 Thread Dave Sherohman

 On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Marc Mims wrote:
  Updates longer than 140 characters should be forcibly truncated
  according to the documentation.  Instead, the update call returns with
  a 200 status and the payload contains the prior update.
  Has there been a change to the API or is this a bug.

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 05:15:42PM -0500, Josh Roesslein wrote:
 This is a change in the API confirmed by one of twitter's API members.
 The docs should be updated soon.

In that case, is there any change (planned or current) which will
indicate when this has happened, or if the update has been rejected for
any other reason?  Failing silently does not seem appropriate,
particularly when the failure returns the user's previous status.

Dave Sherohman