Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Frequent errors when using OAuth, none when using basic

2010-08-04 Thread Dave Ingram

 However, if oauth-proxy is indeed doing OAuth as badly as your list of
 faults implies, I may have a bit of a job on my hands to figure out
 what it's doing and fix it, or might try to find some other OAuth
 proxy or client.  Pity, though, as oauth-proxy was about the only
 thing I'd found so far which lets me send tweets relatively easily
 from a shell script.  (There was a curl-alike with OAuth support whose
 name I forget, which had so many dependencies (Ruby, I think) that I
 eventually gave up trying to get it to work.)
I'm in the middle of tidying up a python-based oauth command-line client
that I've written[1], to improve debugging output and remove a
dependency. Would that be at all helpful? I aim to finish the tidyup in
the next couple of hours (as it's mostly just a case of committing code).

The only dependencies will be PyYAML[2] and httplib2[3], although the
current version also depends on python-oauth2[4] which, despite its
name, is an OAuth 1.0a client. I also plan to generate a setup script
that will automagically fetch and install the required dependencies.



Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Frequent errors when using OAuth, none when using basic

2010-08-04 Thread Cameron Kaiser
  However, if oauth-proxy is indeed doing OAuth as badly as your list of
  faults implies, I may have a bit of a job on my hands to figure out
  what it's doing and fix it, or might try to find some other OAuth
  proxy or client.  Pity, though, as oauth-proxy was about the only
  thing I'd found so far which lets me send tweets relatively easily
  from a shell script.  (There was a curl-alike with OAuth support whose
  name I forget, which had so many dependencies (Ruby, I think) that I
  eventually gave up trying to get it to work.)

ITYM twurl

 I'm in the middle of tidying up a python-based oauth command-line client
 that I've written[1], to improve debugging output and remove a
 dependency. Would that be at all helpful? I aim to finish the tidyup in
 the next couple of hours (as it's mostly just a case of committing code).
 The only dependencies will be PyYAML[2] and httplib2[3], although the
 current version also depends on python-oauth2[4] which, despite its
 name, is an OAuth 1.0a client. I also plan to generate a setup script
 that will automagically fetch and install the required dependencies.

I'll also throw in a plug for TTYtter, which has no dependencies other than
cURL itself (it includes its own OAuth code built-in) and is Perl. It has
specific support for scripting (look at -status=... and -runcommand).

 personal: --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * *
-- Today's Internal Revenue Service: We got what it takes to take what you got!

[twitter-dev] Re: Frequent errors when using OAuth, none when using basic

2010-08-04 Thread Charles
On Aug 4, 3:54 pm, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
 ITYM twurl

Could well have been.  I seem to remember spending ages installing
dependencies with gem install (few of them appeared to be available
in Debian packages) and eventually ran into a brick wall where the
versions required just didn't seem to be available from wherever gem
install gets them from.

Dave Ingram wrote:
  I'm in the middle of tidying up a python-based oauth command-line client

Cameron Kaiser again:
 I'll also throw in a plug for TTYtter, which has no dependencies other than

Thanks for the suggestions, but actually I think I've managed to fix
things without switching to something completely different.

Main thing was, I'd either misread, or just failed to read, the
documentation for curl's -d option.  It needs to be URL-encoded
before passing to curl.  I am how stuffing the text I want to send
through the following; probably overkill, but it seems to work:

TWEET=$(echo -n $MSG | head -c140 | od -An -tx1 -v | tr '\n' ' ' |
sed 's/^/ /;s/[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ /g;s/  *$//;s/  */%/g')

Basically, it %-encodes every character.

The other thing I fixed was oauth-proxy itself.  Including the status=
parameter in the Authorization header does seem to break things
sometimes, probably depending on which special characters are included
(and probably not properly escaped) in the value.  This patch seems to
fix that:

--- oauth/   2010-08-04 20:06:55.0 +0100
+++ oauth/oauth.py2010-08-04 16:16:42.0 +0100
@@ -118,12 +118,22 @@
 parameters[k] = v
 return parameters

+# get only oauth parameters
+def get_oauth_parameters(self):
+parameters = {}
+for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+# ignore oauth parameters
+if k.find('oauth_') == 0:
+parameters[k] = v
+return parameters
 # serialize as a header for an HTTPAuth request
 def to_header(self, realm=''):
 auth_header = 'OAuth realm=%s' % realm
 # add the oauth parameters
-if self.parameters:
-for k, v in self.parameters.iteritems():
+parameters = self.get_oauth_parameters()
+if parameters:
+for k, v in parameters.iteritems():
 auth_header += ', %s=%s' % (k, v)
 return {'Authorization': auth_header}

With these two fixes, I haven't yet had any problems.  Thanks for the


[twitter-dev] Re: Frequent errors when using OAuth, none when using basic

2010-08-03 Thread Charles
Hi Taylor,

Thanks for your analysis.  As mentioned, I'm using oauth-proxy (http://, I think was the URL); I wrote none of
the OAuth code, so I have no idea what it may or may not be doing.  I
tried it, it seemed to work (until these problems posting nagios
notifications) so I used it.  You mentioned % characters not being
properly encoded - I did wonder whether the problem was %-related
before, but tried some test tweets containing % characters and
generally found that they posted properly.  I had a bit of a brainwave
while on the train today, though, and realised that if = signs are
being mishandled (not sure why I overlooked = before!), that would fit
the symptoms.  And indeed, it does look like that might be the problem
- I just tried substituting _ for = in a previously failed
notification, and it posted fine.

However, if oauth-proxy is indeed doing OAuth as badly as your list of
faults implies, I may have a bit of a job on my hands to figure out
what it's doing and fix it, or might try to find some other OAuth
proxy or client.  Pity, though, as oauth-proxy was about the only
thing I'd found so far which lets me send tweets relatively easily
from a shell script.  (There was a curl-alike with OAuth support whose
name I forget, which had so many dependencies (Ruby, I think) that I
eventually gave up trying to get it to work.)

It's also possible that I may be curling data into oauth-proxy
incorrectly - I will try doing %-escaping on my argument to curl's -d
option and see how that affects things.

Anyway, for now, I can replace = with _. When I have time, I can
either try staring hard at oauth-proxy to try to understand and fix
it, or look for an alternative tool.  Hmm, maybe by then, curl will
have OAuth support...

Thanks for your help,
