> > However, if oauth-proxy is indeed doing OAuth as badly as your list of
> > faults implies, I may have a bit of a job on my hands to figure out
> > what it's doing and fix it, or might try to find some other OAuth
> > proxy or client.  Pity, though, as oauth-proxy was about the only
> > thing I'd found so far which lets me send tweets relatively easily
> > from a shell script.  (There was a curl-alike with OAuth support whose
> > name I forget, which had so many dependencies (Ruby, I think) that I
> > eventually gave up trying to get it to work.)

ITYM "twurl"

> I'm in the middle of tidying up a python-based oauth command-line client
> that I've written[1], to improve debugging output and remove a
> dependency. Would that be at all helpful? I aim to finish the tidyup in
> the next couple of hours (as it's mostly just a case of committing code).
> The only dependencies will be PyYAML[2] and httplib2[3], although the
> current version also depends on python-oauth2[4] which, despite its
> name, is an OAuth 1.0a client. I also plan to generate a setup script
> that will automagically fetch and install the required dependencies.
> [1] http://github.com/dingram/pycloc

I'll also throw in a plug for TTYtter, which has no dependencies other than
cURL itself (it includes its own OAuth code built-in) and is Perl. It has
specific support for scripting (look at -status="..." and -runcommand).


------------------------------------ personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- Today's Internal Revenue Service: We got what it takes to take what you got!

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