[TYPO3-english] tt_news 7.6.3 archive menu

2018-02-05 Thread Graham Knight


I seem to be unable to get more than 5 years showing in the tt_news archive 
menu. There are news items going back to 2011 and all have archive dates set.

I have:

useHRDates = 1
archiveMode = year
amenuStart = -10 years
amenuEnd = now
reverseAMenu = 1
archiveMenuNoEmpty = 1
enableArchiveDate = 0
showYearHeadersInAmenu = 1
datetimeDaysToArchive = 0

Any ideas?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Re: Problem with "Special Menus" CE

2017-08-02 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

I found the fix. In the Access Lists for the user group, in Allowed excludefields 
-> Page Content you need to check Startingpoint (pages).


Since upgrading to v7.6 a problem has appeared with the form for editing the menu/sitemap 
CE. Specifically the text box headed "Selected Pages" appears for admin users 
but not for others.

I have looked through the access lists for users and groups but I cannot see 
which field would cause this effect.

Can anyone suggest the solution?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Problem with "Special Menus" CE

2017-08-01 Thread Graham Knight


Since upgrading to v7.6 a problem has appeared with the form for editing the menu/sitemap 
CE. Specifically the text box headed "Selected Pages" appears for admin users 
but not for others.

I have looked through the access lists for users and groups but I cannot see 
which field would cause this effect.

Can anyone suggest the solution?

Many thanks.

Graham Knight

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL spaceCharacter

2017-05-18 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

In case anyone runs into the same problem I found a solution via Stack Overflow 
and thanks to Heinz Schilling.

1. The pagePath/spaceCharacter feature is still present though deprecated and 
2. The "Extension Manual" link on the TYPO3 repository page for realURL v2.2.1 points to 
documentation for v1.13.7 - this misled me. The link to "External Manual" is correct.
3. Despite setting the spaceCharacter to underscore hyphens still appeared 
until I truncated all the realURL tables. Clearing the caches via the TYPO3 
backed, the install tool and the realURL backend module did not do the job.


Dear All,

I am upgrading a site from 6.2 LTS to 7.6 LTS. In the 6.2 installation the 
RealURL spaceCharacter was not configured so the default, underscore, was used. 
In 7.6 with the same configuration a hyphen is used. I have now set the 
spaceCharacter to underscore (see below) but this has no effect.

I am mystified also that I cannot find the file class.tx_realurl_advanced.php 
in the RealURL 2.2.1 installation.

  'pagePath' => array(
  'spaceCharacter' => '_',
  'type' => 'user',
  'userFunc' => 
  'expireDays' => 3,
  'disablePathCache' => '1',

What have I done wrong?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL spaceCharacter

2017-05-11 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

I am upgrading a site from 6.2 LTS to 7.6 LTS. In the 6.2 installation the 
RealURL spaceCharacter was not configured so the default, underscore, was used. 
In 7.6 with the same configuration a hyphen is used. I have now set the 
spaceCharacter to underscore (see below) but this has no effect.

I am mystified also that I cannot find the file class.tx_realurl_advanced.php 
in the RealURL 2.2.1 installation.

'pagePath' => array(
'spaceCharacter' => '_',
'type' => 'user',
'userFunc' => 
'expireDays' => 3,
'disablePathCache' => '1',

What have I done wrong?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Include HTML from file

2017-04-26 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

I am upgrading a site from 6.2 -> 7.6. Some pages use an extension called 
tgr_statichtml which provides a CE which displays HTML stored in a file. I want to 
provide the same function without the extension. My plan was to use a FILE CE 
invoked via TypoScript and the typoscript2ce extension.

This is my current effort with the TypoScript:

lib.fromHTML = FILE
lib.fromHTML {
  file.stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
field = rowDescription

I am using the field rowDescription in the typoscript2ce CE to store the 
path-name of the HTML file.

This does not work, I presume because "field = rowDescription" is referring to 
the FILE object rather than the typoscript2ce one. How can I access the correct object?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Limit on file size?

2016-07-04 Thread Graham Knight


I have a simple piece of TypoScript which accesses a file:


This is invoked via the Typoscript2ce extension and works fine on small test 
files. However, the full file is 2.4MB and this never returns anything. Is 
there a configurable file size limit somewhere? I have looked at 
[BE][maxFileSize] and this is set to 100MB.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Processing data from Powermail tables with Typoscript

2016-02-20 Thread Graham Knight


I am using Powermail to generate a form to collect data. (The data concerns 
bike rides; name of rider, date of ride, distance etc.) This is all working and 
the form data ends up in the table tx_powermail_domain_model_answers. I was 
hoping to write some Typoscript to select data from this table and display it 
in various ways; list all rides by one rider, list riders ordered by total 
distance ridden etc.

It seemed to me it was difficult to do this with Typoscript given the way the 
data is stored in the Powermail table - one row per form field rather that one 
row per form. So, I decided to create my own table with one row per form. This 
works fine, however, TYPO3 (v6.2.13) refuses to process my table as it is not 
defined in the TCA.

Is a Typoscript-only approach simply wrong? Would I be better to write an 
extension and do all the processing with PHP?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] 302 redirect when invoking file browser

2015-10-17 Thread Graham Knight


I found the solution to this and it may be of interest to others.

The request:


was being bounced in the Apache server by the ModSecurity module. Rule 981319 
was being triggered. Once this rule was removed normal service was restored.

I know nothing about ModSecurity and a glance at the definition of rule 981319 
suggests there is a lot to learn. Purely for academic interest, can anyone 
explain what it is in the GET request that would look like a security risk?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] 302 redirect when invoking file browser

2015-10-15 Thread Graham Knight


On one system I manage I have the following problem (TYPO3 6.2.13, PHP5.6.13 ):

When editing a Text+Images CE I select the Images tab and click "Add Image". A 
new window pops up but, after a pause, the website home page appears in it instead of the 
file browser.

I have looked at a packet trace and I see:


With response:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\n and Location http://{domain name of the website}/\r\n

Unfortunately I have no clue as to where this redirect comes from.

I cannot see anything relevant in TYPO3 logs. Unfortunately I do not have 
access to the Apache error log. I have a .htaccess file in my document root 
(see below). I have tried clearing caches but with no result.

I used to see this problem intermittently in the past but it is now persistent.

Has anyone seen something similar or can suggest a debugging strategy?

Many thanks.



AuthName "www"
AuthUserFile "/home/hert3292/.htpasswds/public_html/passwd"

RewriteEngine On

# Rules to redirect to maintenance page as long as maintenance.html exists
# and remote address does not match
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^109\.148\.84\.119
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/maintenance.html -f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/maintenance.html$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*$ /maintenance.html [R=302,L]

RewriteRule ^typo3$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^typo3/.*$ - [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule .* index.php
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.hertscyclerides\.org\.uk$
RewriteRule ^favicon\.ico$ 

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] BE won't safe

2015-10-14 Thread Graham Knight

Hi Paul,

I think I had something like this whilst upgrading to 6.2. In my case it was an 
incompatible extension throwing an exception. Looking at the web server log 
(Apache) pointed to the offending extension.


On 14/10/15 15:44, P. Boomkamp wrote:

Hello All,

My typo3 site has a problem i can't safe any thing in the BE. I get a blank 
page on the right side of the BE page. When i change some settings in the 
system templates i get an error telling me typo3 can't safe the changes.
I can't find out where to look so here i ask now.


TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Social media

2015-03-31 Thread Graham Knight


If you want to post to a Facebook page (not group) then you can set up an RSS 
feed from your news pages and use Twitterfeed.


On 31/03/15 13:51, steve Ant wrote:

Hello all,

I am seeking support on how to create links between my Website and Facebook 
etc. Ideally I would like a post I pre-load on my website to be automatically 
post to my Facebook page.

So far I have not been successful in find a way...

Does anyone have a answer?

Thanks in advance
TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Automatic posting to Facebook group

2015-03-29 Thread Graham Knight

Hi Robert,

If you are posting to a Facebook page then Twitterfeed can do it. However, 
Twitterfeed cannot post to aFacebook group, which is what I need.

I did discover that you can email a post to a group - see 
http://science.opposingviews.com/facebook-post-via-email-group-19545.html for 
example. There are online services which will monitor an RSS feed and generate 
emails. However, I assume the sender of these messages will be the online 
service rather than me. That will not work in my case as the group is closed 
and the online service will not be a member.

So, at the moment I am stuck. I don't think it would be too hard to write some 
code to do the job (there are some hints here - 
http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-english/2011-May/075051.html) but these 
things always take much more time than I expect, so I am reluctant to start!


28/03/15 20:43, Robert Hafenried wrote:

Hi Graham,

I'm sorry that you didn't get any replies. I have the same problem and just 
want to ask whether you found a solution in the meantime.

TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Automatic posting to Facebook group

2015-03-18 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

I have been generating an RSS feed under TYPO3 and using a Facebook app call RSS Graffiti 
to post automatically to a Facebook group (note, group). RSS Graffiti is to 
be withdrawn. Does anyone know of an alternative way of arranging posts to a Facebook 
group from a TYPO3 website?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Special treatment for a jfmulticontent plugin

2015-01-28 Thread Graham Knight


I am using the jfmulticontent extension (V2.9.9) to display multiple pages in 
an accordion. For this particular accordion I want to pick up just the first 
content element of each page. I know the Typoscript line to give this behaviour:

plugin.tx_jfmulticontent_pi1.views.page.content.select.max = 1

What I can't figure is how to arrange that this behaviour applies only to 
selected accordion plugins. There don't seem to be any spare fields I can 
hijack to mark an accordion for special treatment. Has anyone any ideas?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Problem creating new CEs

2014-07-02 Thread Graham Knight


I look after two systems a) runs 4.5.34, b) runs 4.5.29. There are lots of 
configuration differences between the two.

This problem concerns the creation of new CEs using the Create new content 
element icon at the top of the screen when using the Page module.

System b) shows two dialogues: 1: Select type of content element: and 2: Select 
position: and everything is fine.

System a) just shows the first dialogue and results in an error when the new CE is saved 
1: Attempt to insert record on page '[root-level]' (0) where this table, 
tt_content, is not allowed. Presumably TYPO3 does not know where to put the new CE.

I guess I must have something (TSCONFIG?) wrongly configured in b) but I cannot 
find it. Can anyone give me a clue?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Flash uploader

2014-03-03 Thread Graham Knight


I am using TYPO3 4.5.32, Firefox 27.0.1 and Linux Mint.

When I use the flash uploader the file picker that starts does not remember the last 
directory I used - it defaults to Recently Used files. Without the flash 
uploader it returns to the last directory used - which is desirable behaviour as far as I 
am concerned.

If I use Chrome then both with and without the flash uploader the file picker 
starts with the last directory used.

Is there some magic piece of configuration I can use to change Firefox's 

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] typoscript2ce usage

2014-02-07 Thread Graham Knight


I have written a library typoscript object which takes images referenced from an 
images CE and formats them suitably for a script. The library TS object is 
invoked via a typoscript2ce plugin CE.

I planned to use the Record Storage Page field of the plugin CE to store a 
reference to the images CE. I am stuck on how to access this field from within my library 
TS object. Can anyone help?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] [TYPO3-core] Announcing TYPO3 CMS 6.1.5, 6.0.10, 4.7.15 and 4.5.30

2013-09-16 Thread Graham Knight


I just upgraded from 4.5.22 to 4.5.30. Initially I got an exception at line 120 in the 
file class.t3lib_spritemanager.php - invalid argument supplied to foreach(). 
This seems to be related to skins.

After some investigation I found I could eliminate the problem by changing the 
TYPO3 version number in the file .../t3lib/config_default.php (line 676). I 
tried several version numbers. The only one which causes the problem is 30!

I guess I must have got something broken in my configuration to cause this 
behaviour. Has anyone any ideas about what I need to change?

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Analysing performance problems

2013-09-10 Thread Graham Knight


Many thanks to all who have given me useful lines to pursue. I will let you 
know how I get on.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Analysing performance problems

2013-09-09 Thread Graham Knight


I am experiencing occasional periods of very poor performance on a TYPO3 
(4.5.22) site. When this occurs pages may take up to a minute to be delivered. 
Both normal pages and the TYPO3 backend seem equally affected. This does not 
seem to be a network problem - the time seems to be lost at the server. I do 
not have command line access so the main diagnostic tools I have are those 
provided by TYPO3 itself. I have read several articles on TYPO3 performance 
tuning but these invariably refer to tools I am not able to use. The hosting 
company is not very helpful ...

I would be very grateful for any suggestions of where to look for problems and, perhaps, how best to use 
TYPO3 logging tools to locate the problem. I have been using the Admin Panel to try see where the delays 
occur. Is there documentation somewhere on this? For example, in the Typoscript section, what is the meaning 
of the columns Time Own and Sub?

Graham Knight

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Jquery datepicker and Firefox 20

2013-04-13 Thread Graham Knight


Since I upgraded to Firefox 20 the date picker which is used by with PowerMail 
1.6.9 no longer works for me. It appears but when I try to select a month or 
year is disappears without returning a date.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Very simple e-commerce application

2013-04-03 Thread Graham Knight


I am producing a set of local cycling guides as PDF and GPX files. I would like 
to charge a small amount for access to these (~ €5). The model I had in mind 
was that payments would be made by Paypal and a username/password pair would be 
returned to the customer. This would allow access (via a FE login) to the pages 
and associated files. The files will be secured using the naw_securedl 

The bit I am missing is a way to get username/password pairs issued once a 
payment has been made. Paypal offers some support for this in that it will POST 
payment notification to a designated URL.

I have looked at various e-commerce extensions to TYPO3. No doubt something 
there would do the job but I thought it worth asking, first, whether something 
simpler might be possible.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] a tags with empty anchor text

2013-03-07 Thread Graham Knight


Occasionally some of our editors end up generating a tags with no anchor 
text. For example:

a href=www.something.com/a. Normal TYPO3 processing renders these as:

a href=www.something.comwww.something.com/a

These empty a tags are not visible in the RTE unless HTML mode is selected - 
which is not something most of our editors are familiar with. Consequently they are 
mystified by the rendering and it is difficult for them to deal with the problem.

I think these empty tags arise when an editor modifies an existing link and the 
text they select does not exactly match the existing linked text - for example 
it includes a trailing space.

Ideally I would like to have these empty tags silently removed but I cannot see 
a way of doing this with TYPOScript. Can anyone suggest a solution?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Recording FE logins

2012-11-11 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

Do FE logins/logouts get logged anywhere?

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] question about html template

2012-11-07 Thread Graham Knight


For my site this works:

In the back-end select your home page
Start the Template Module
Select Typoscript Object Browser
Look at page.10.template.file.


On 07/11/2012 13:47, tom wrote:


I tried, but still hard to find the right one in \fileadmin\templates,
because there are many html templates inside, and some of them look pretty
Is there any way that I can clearly know which is the right html template
the page is using through typo3/admin site or database, or TemplaVoila(I
guess the site is  probably built through TemplaVoila )?


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 3:33 PM, bernd wilke t...@bernd-wilke.net wrote:

Am 07.11.2012 03:50, schrieb tom:


I want to edit a page, see screenshot here:

I want to put a picture next to the text *tag*, I think I need to find the
html template of this page and then put the picture on that html template,
right? But how could I find out which html template that page is using?

there are multiple ways to build up the resulting HTML-frame a website is
some of them base on a HTML-Template.

you have to see what is used in your configuration.
I prefer a pure Typoscript solution being more flexible with reordering
the elements based on conditions or configurations.

you may blindly guess it searching all subdirs of fileadmin for a file
containing some pieces of HTML you find in your FE-HTML (e.g. div
id=rightcolumn), but a change might destroy your website.


TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Secure file access

2012-09-17 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

Is there a TYPO3 extension that allows access permissions to be applied to 
files? For example I would like to be able to ensure that a certain file is 
only accessible when a user is logged in to a particular FE group.

Currently I am using the Secure Downloads (naw_securedl) extension. This almost 
does what I want in that if I have a page whose access is restricted to (say) 
FE group 6 then file URLs on that page are mapped to URLs that work only for 
people logged in to group 6. However, if I put a link to the same file from an 
unsecured page then a link is generated that works for everyone. I have lots of 
backend editors and I cannot guarantee that one of them will not make this 

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL filename wildcards

2012-07-27 Thread Graham Knight

Hi Viktor,

Thank you very much for spending time on this. What you suggest works fine.

I nearly got there but I missed the 'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' = true part so that my 
solution did not work if there was a dot in the final component.


$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['domain.tld'] = array(

   'init' = array(
   'enableCHashCache' = true,
   'appendMissingSlash' = 'ifNotFile',
   'enableUrlDecodeCache' = true,
   'enableUrlEncodeCache' = true,
   'emptyUrlReturnValue' = true,
   'emptySegmentValue' = '-'
   'fileName' = array (
   'defaultToHTMLsuffixOnPrev' = true,
   'pagePath' = array(
   'type' = 'user',
   'userFunc' = 
   'spaceCharacter' = '-',
   'expireDays' = 3,
   'languageGetVar' = 'L',
   'rootpage_id' = 1,
   'disablePathCache' = false,
   'autoUpdatePathCache' = false
   'preVars' = array(
   'postVarSets' = array(
   'fixedPostVars' = array(
   '4' = array(
   'GETvar' = 'tx_people_pi1[field]',
   'autoUpdate' = true,
Is it correct?
Or you mean something else?
TYPO3-english mailing list

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL filename wildcards

2012-07-25 Thread Graham Knight

Hi Victor,

Don’t know, what you exactly need, but, if you mean, that you have some plugin on a page 
people and want to get value of something on that page within your plugin - 
yes, that is possible with RealURL. Actually, it is the main usage case of RealURL.

I have a lot of URLs of the form http://my.domain.com/people/personal_name.html

I can see that something like this:

'fileName' = array (
'index' = array(
'.html' = array(
'keyValues' = array (...

will pick up the personal_name.html part. However, I only want the behaviour in 
pages with URLs starting http://my.domain.com/people/

Can I simply start with

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['realurl']['http://my.domain.com/people/'] = 
array(... ?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] RealURL filename wildcards

2012-07-24 Thread Graham Knight


I am being lazy and hoping someone can short-circuit my RealURL learning curve.

I want URLs of the form:


to be handled by a user function on the page http://x.y.z/people/ with the 
something being accessible to the function.

Can this be done with RealURL?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Synchronising front-end and back-end layouts

2012-02-07 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

We have upgraded to 4.5 and I would like to use the grid-view back-end layout.

Our pages use 3 layouts selectable by individual editors. Under 4.5 editors 
currently see both front-end and back-end selector boxes. I would like to 
remove this duplication and just show the back-end selectors. I would then 
refer to the back-end selector when rendering the page.

My problem is that our existing pages do not have back-end layouts set. Is 
there a way I can set these by reference to the existing layout fields?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Overriding denied page content types

2011-11-28 Thread Graham Knight

Dear All,

Under the Access Lists tab in backend user group configuration I can explicitly 
deny particular page content types to the group. Is it possible to override 
such denials for individual members of the group using (say) user TSConfig?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Insert Records isn't in the list of content

2011-10-01 Thread Graham Knight


On 30/09/2011 12:08, Stephen Bungert wrote:

Sorry... found out how to do it.

Create any kind of content element and then select insert records from the
CE's type field.

Why isn't it just listed on the insert new content page with all the other
types of content?

Stephen Bungertstephenbung...@yahoo.de  schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Some of this is configurable I think. See 

I used this to make Insert Records appear:

mod.wizards.newContentElement.renderMode = tabs

mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.special.elements.insert_records {
icon = gfx/c_wiz/regular_text.gif
title = Insert Records
description = Inserts a record stored elsewhere
tt_content_defValues {
CType = shortcut

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Cleaning the TYPO3 filestore

2011-09-27 Thread Graham Knight


I am running into file space problems on my server. I am conscious that there 
are many files that are no longer referenced, especially in the uploads 
sub-tree. Is there a simple way to identify these files so they can be removed?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Bulk publishing from draft workspace

2011-08-31 Thread Graham Knight


I inadvertently copied a large sub-tree of pages whilst in the default draft 
workspace. I would like to publish the whole of this subtree without affecting 
other pages in the default draft workspace. I can see how to publish individual 
pages or the whole of the workspace but I can't see any way of publishing a 
sub-tree. Is there a way?

I am using version 4.3.13.

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] tt_news URL problem

2011-06-27 Thread Graham Knight


Many thanks. That does the trick.


tt_news is USER ext so it use caching. In order to retrieve the correct
record from cache, links need to have cHash parameter set.

You can set tt_news extension as USER_INT for your single view page, but
if you use indexed search on you site, news won't be indexed.



TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] tt_news URL problem

2011-06-24 Thread Graham Knight


I am using the extension PMK News Twitter which posts to a twitter account when 
a tt_news item is edited. The extension can add a link to the twitter message 
which points back to the news item. This is all working and generates 
back-links like these:


The id=20 refers to the page with the news plugin which will display the single 
view. The 288 and 289 identify the individual the news items.

The problem is that if I use the links above one after the other I get the 
first news item twice. I cannot make the second one work until I manually clear 
the page cache.

I really haven't a clue whether this is a problem with the extension, with 
tt_news or with RealURL. Can anyone help?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Flagging new news items

2011-06-22 Thread Graham Knight


I solved my problem posted yesterday

I am using tt_news on a site where new news postings are fairly infrequent. I 
would like to flag new postings in some way - perhaps by pre-pending a small 
image. Is there some way of doing this with TYPOScript?

The following TYPOScript worked for me:

plugin.tt_news.displayList.title_stdWrap {
outerWrap = h3|/h3
prepend = COA
prepend {
10 = IMAGE
10 {
file = fileadmin/images/layout/new.gif
altText = New Item
params = class=newNewsImage
if {
value = 4
isLessThan.field = datetime
isLessThan.age = days

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Table properties dialogue

2011-06-21 Thread Graham Knight


I am using tt_news on a site where new news postings are fairly infrequent. I 
would like to flag new postings in some way - perhaps by pre-pending a small 
image. Is there some way of doing this with TYPOScript?

Many thanks.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Table properties dialogue

2011-04-13 Thread Graham Knight

I am using TYPO3 v4.4.3 HTMLAreaRTE 2.0.4. The table properties General tab 
includes options to set styles for body and header. I would like to eliminate 
these but still allow setting of a class for the whole table. I can't see how 
to do this. Can anyone advise?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] FE Login and Firefox

2010-11-18 Thread Graham Knight

I have a front-end login form that works fine. However, Firefox doesn't prompt 
me to remember my password. Is this normally the case and can anything be done 
about it?

Graham Knight
TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Access control via the TS template

2010-11-01 Thread Graham Knight

I have a sub-tree of pages which should be accessible only to members of a 
particular FE group. I can achieve this by placing the standard login form at 
the root of the sub-tree and applying the appropriate access controls to the 
root page and all its sub-pages. The problem with this solution is that a user 
attempting to access a page in the sub-tree gets a page not found error 
rather than a prompt to log in.

One solution to this that I have seen is to avoid the use of the normal page 
access controls and, instead, do everything in the template. Essentially the 
template has a conditional expression which tests whether the user is logged in 
to the correct FE group. If yes, the page is displayed. If no, a login form is 

This solution seems to me to work fine. My question is whether it is less 
secure than using the normal page access controls?

Graham Knight
TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] usergroup conditional

2010-10-21 Thread Graham Knight

In a TypoScript template I have the following conditional:

[usergroup = {$usergroup}]

where $usergroup is defined in the constants section. If I do a front-end login 
for the relevant usergroup then this works as expected - i.e. it evaluates to 
true. However, if I do the same things whilst logged in to the back-end it 
evaluates to false. 

Is this the expected behaviour and is there a way I can suppress the effect of 
the back-end log in?

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Workflow

2010-09-01 Thread Graham Knight

I would like to apply a work-flow to a group of users along the lines below (I 
am working with TYPO3 v4.4.2, versioning 1.2.0):

1. No access to the live workspace, all new and modified content to be made in 
a custom draft workspace.
2. Publication is via a selected user who will normally swap the new content 
with the old so that the old content becomes archived. I want to end up with an 
archive comprising all the superseded versions.

I have this working (more-or-less). However, once the swap has been made my 
restricted users can now only see the archived version and not the current, 
live version. Obviously this makes it very difficult for them to create new 
drafts from the live content. 

Is there any way round this?

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Using spell checker of RTE in windows, server

2010-07-01 Thread Graham Knight

 Fortunately most browsers have spell check functionality. This works 
 very well for example in Firefox.

The only way I know to invoke the Firefox spell-checker is via the right mouse 
button. This is masked by the RTE's context-specific menu which I would not 
like to lose. Is there any way around this?

TYPO3-english mailing list