Re: [U2] Business ?

2014-03-30 Thread Brian Leach
Yes, they are a large UniData house producing software and services for the
PEO market, based mainly in Plymouth MA and with other regional offices in
the States.

They use SB+, DesignBais and a wealth of other tools.

They are also a great bunch of people :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of jeffrey Butera
Sent: 28 March 2014 19:55
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Business ?

Does anyone know much about FW Davidson

They came across my radar and I see references to Unidata along with SQL and
Oracle.  Just curious if anyone know precisely what solution(s) they run on

Jeffrey Butera, PhD
Associate Director for Application and Web Services Information Technology
Hampshire College

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Re: [U2] SpreadsheetML and Excel2013

2014-03-24 Thread Brian Leach

You're right about the format, but the interaction between the various XML
documents that make up a workbook takes some getting your head around.

I wrote an article back in 2010 for Spectrum magazine (free downloads from that goes over some of this.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: 24 March 2014 18:31
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SpreadsheetML and Excel2013

I'm not using 2013.  A friend was showing me that the new word and excel
files were nothing but XML inside a zip file.  So, open a ".xlsx" or ".docx"
file with a zip client and you can actually see its contents.  
Kind of amazing.


- Original Message -
*To:* U2 Users 
*Date:* 3/24/2014 11:00 AM
*Subject:* [U2] SpreadsheetML and Excel2013
> Is anyone else having issues with Excel2013 giving errors to 
> previously working XML files from Excel2003
> It keeps telling me there is an error in the table, and says there is log
file, which is blank - not helpful.
> George
> George Gallen
> Senior Programmer/Analyst
> Accounting/Data Division, EDI Administrator
> ph:856.848.9005 Ext 220
> The Wyanoke Group
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] Dump truck backup

2014-03-11 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Dale

Since the people objecting are not the people who actually USE your system
day to day, 
a better approach is to look to the functionality in your system, and decide
how to partition this so that you can shine up the exposed parts in ways
that will add value and rebrand your software..

Which means (in practical terms)

a) you don't need to do it all! Where you have green screens doing drudge
work, keep them so long as they continue to work well. Talk about the
training issues if you don't. Instead of changing those ..

b) Is there information locked in there that can be nicely represented using
web pages? I took a financial system that had 15 screens of client
information, 8 screens of financial instrument data, difficult to find (no
search) pages to get to the transaction history etc. and put them all into a
few web pages with easy drill through that meant managers could very quickly
see exactly what they wanted - that's where intelligent design and use of
fonts can really win over green screen. 

c) You can get creative if you want with tools like Google Visualisation for
anything that can be trended. It's a good face lift and can even sometimes
prove useful. With the same organization I wrote pages that showed trading
volumes, with lots of drill down and slicing so they could better optimise
their resources in supporting those. I wrote an article in a back issue of
Spectrum ( that shows how to do this from UniVerse.

d) As that was the view most of the management had, it was good branding
exercise.  Some of them are convinced they have a new system (and nobody is
about to disabuse them of that notion!) Getting information out of UniVerse
and into the web is very easy, and if you are worried about the learning
curve check out mvScript: it's a page markup language that looks like

e) Ditto any reports or printed output - easily done. Check out mvQuery,
mvPDF or a host of other ways to do this. If you can link up a query tool
(like mvQuery) that opens your system and gives a nice front end to a lot of
management activity.

f) Oh and make sure you sell it as an upgrade to the 'current' version. That
way you can recover your time in doing this AND make them feel that they
have invested in their future (i.e. they are now stakeholders).

We can talk about this off line if you want.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dale Kelley
Sent: 10 March 2014 21:12
Subject: [U2] Dump truck backup

This is mostly for you folks who are contractors but I'd be happy to hear
from anyone.  I have a customer, Nashville Metropolitan Government, for whom
I have provided flea market reservation/registration and buiding event
rental software. (UniVerse.)  I am a 1 man shop.  I look both ways before I
cross the street and so far its worked out.  But the issue of continuation
of development and support has come up for a second time; along with it the
nature of my character based software and some reactions to UviVerse as a
product.  This is an email from the assistant director of the Nashville

"Subject: ITS Help Selecting New Software
Importance: High
Our Flea Market and Corporate Sales components have been utilizing
proprietary software that is ancient, and without documentation for many
years.  It has not been supported by ITS, and there is only one known person
in the Tennessee area that can serviced this software. With the upgrade to
Windows 7, it will not operate.  Obviously, we need to purchase a package
that will provide the functionality we need and that can be supported by
ITS. I am requesting a meeting, with the appropriate ITS staff at the
earliest possible time; to identify our needs and possible software packages
that can be installed."

He is incorrect in most of his conclusions, but this is his perception.  I
have left behind a number of great systems that are now defunct because
management viewed them as "ancient".  Does anyone else meet this attitude? 
My customer defended the system with the following email.

Who said our software was ancient?  It is not, it aids in insuring the
revenue stream for both Flea Market and Facility Rental, you are correct
that the software is serviced by one individual since he wrote the program,
his name is Dale Kelley and he has other members on his team that know the
software in the event something happens to him.  As far as the upgrade to
Windows 7 who said that it will not operate?  This is certainly not the
case, the software can be updated to run with minimal effort.  You can
contact Dale Kelley if you like, I have copied him on this e-mail. 
Thank you for your time

Deborah's defense included a small lie about the "members of my team"; I'm
it.  This system is written entirely in BASIC; no procs, no scripts.  I
always have the source code on the system; it's theirs to use as they w

Re: [U2] Reporting Tools

2014-03-03 Thread Brian Leach

Try mvQuery, that should not have any problems with those volumes.


PS Of course for actual reports rather than CSVs, there's mvPDF..

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of jeffrey Butera
Sent: 28 February 2014 14:22
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Reporting Tools

I'm looking for feedback from those in any industry about your report needs
with U2 and what tools you use to solve them.  In short, Entrinsik has
serious inroads in the academic community and Informer is a reasonably good
and inexpensive tool for most reports.

However, we are running into issues with some users like to write large
reports.  Large, by out standards, are reports with 200+ columns in the

Are others writing reports with this many output fields?  If so, are you
ever running up against limits in the sentence size (U_SENTLEN)?  Our limit
is about 9700 chars and we have some reports hitting this limit.  
I'm having a hard time explaining to some VP types that the database can't
handle this size report...

Any feedback is welcome.

Jeffrey Butera, PhD
Associate Director for Application and Web Services Information Technology
Hampshire College

U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] "ED: The very finest of 1970s technology!" was: UniVerse Dictionary question

2014-02-06 Thread Brian Leach
Talking of the best of 1970s technology I just found these.

I especially love the hex/decimal tables and the instruction timings page.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] How do you verify windows printer is good before fatal error by PRINTing to a bogus printer.

2014-01-30 Thread Brian Leach
Not quite so easy -

Remember that under Windows a printer is a combination of a driver and a

If you link to a remote printer, it needs to install the driver locally on
your server so as to access the printer correctly .. that means either it
has to be a model that has previously been installed (say, if you have two
equivalent HP Lasers on different machines) or the client needs to have the
right drivers to publish back to you - which can give problems if they are
running different versions of Windows and e.g. 64 bit vs 32 bit and you
haven't loaded them all.

Also, BTW, being able to access the driver doesn't mean the printer is
working. Most drivers only check when they actually start printing. So any
'is this printer online or offline' messages only relate to the last thing
the driver knew about and not necessarily the current state.

That said, you can try the DOS NET commands. NET USE will show you what you
have visible already:

C:\Users\brian>net use
New connections will be remembered.

Status   Local RemoteNetwork

Unavailable  LPT1: \\tiny\text1  Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

Now this is NOT showing what is actually available.

C:\Users\brian>NET USE "\\tiny\HP Color LaserJet CP2020 Series PCL6"
The command completed successfully.

Now it is there:

Status   Local RemoteNetwork

Unavailable  LPT1: \\tiny\text1  Microsoft Windows Network
OK \\tiny\HP Color LaserJet CP2020 Series PCL6
Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Report Generation

2014-01-17 Thread Brian Leach

I should have added mvPDF if these reports are going to be automated from
the server. It has a report writer, merge forms and loads else, but is
really pitched at developers (e.g. if you need to create consignment notes,
invoices etc.).

For end user reporting I would +1 mvQuery of course..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 17 January 2014 14:05
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Report Generation

Thanks everyone. Your suggestions gave us plenty to look at. I am sure one
of these packages will work great.

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
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Re: [U2] BASIC code - upper, lower, CamelCase, what say you?

2013-12-21 Thread Brian Leach
And don't try coding on an iPhone with autocomplete :) Doh.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Dec 2013, at 20:18, Brian Leach  wrote:
> There are good reasons why every modern language uses mixed case. You don't 
> read novels in upper case and you should not read code that way. Reading is 
> about pattern recognition and mixed case makes for better patterning ONCE you 
> have adapted to it. This period of adapting is the reason why so many old 
> guard don't like it !
> I have coded mixed case for decades. For steam driven systems I use a 
> precompiler to upper case keywords. 
> You can follow conventions to ass meaning through case: Return from a GoSub 
> and RETURN from a Call; upper case for equated or special variables (file and 
> select vars); and more.
> As for searching use a decent editor.
> B
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 21 Dec 2013, at 14:23, Doug Averch  wrote:
>> "BFIND" are your really serious.  Is this one of those, we must us only use
>> UniBasic code?  Because if it is, we U2 programmers are really dinosaurs
>> not knowing the comet already has changed the world.
>> We have been using Eclipse since 2004.  The search engine is so fast and
>> will search my local machine, not the database, in seconds.  The Eclipse
>> search engine shows not only the program but the entire line that matches.
>> You can click on the line in the search window and the editor start up and
>> loads the program focusing on the line in question.
>> Gee, you should wonder how Eclipse compares to a single telnet window
>> driven program written UniBasic?
>> Regards,
>> Doug
>> "Industrial strength tools for U2 programmers and shops"
>>> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Symeon Breen  wrote:
>>> Not this one again 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>>> Sent: 20 December 2013 19:02
>>> To: U2 Users List
>>> Subject: [U2] BASIC code - upper, lower, CamelCase, what say you?
>>> First off - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
>>> I'm starting to write a lot of new BASIC (Universe 11.1) subroutines for
>>> our
>>> DesignBais application, and since I'll be starting with a blank code
>>> template instead of modifying existing code, and I thought 'hey why not
>>> join
>>> the 21st century' and make the code look more mainstream, and readable.
>>> (falling back on our last TEXMUG presentation by Clif Oliver on
>>> refactoring).
>>> And considering Universe 11.2 now supports local subroutines and functions,
>>> I should make the code look and behave more object-like.
>>> Does anyone know of a set of rules or guidelines on how to do this?Just
>>> experimenting briefly, Universe BASIC compiler will allow any mix of cases
>>> for keywords, but variables are case sensitive.  Example:
>>> ABC=1
>>> Abc=2
>>> abc=3
>>> Print Abc
>>> pRiNt abc
>>> stop
>>> end
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 3
>>> So, how are developers mixed case in their code these day? Do keywords,
>>> local variables, common variable, equates follow a standard method?
>>> thanks in advance,
>>> ___
>>> U2-Users mailing list
>>> ___
>>> U2-Users mailing list
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] BASIC code - upper, lower, CamelCase, what say you?

2013-12-21 Thread Brian Leach
There are good reasons why every modern language uses mixed case. You don't 
read novels in upper case and you should not read code that way. Reading is 
about pattern recognition and mixed case makes for better patterning ONCE you 
have adapted to it. This period of adapting is the reason why so many old guard 
don't like it !

I have coded mixed case for decades. For steam driven systems I use a 
precompiler to upper case keywords. 

You can follow conventions to ass meaning through case: Return from a GoSub and 
RETURN from a Call; upper case for equated or special variables (file and 
select vars); and more.

As for searching use a decent editor.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Dec 2013, at 14:23, Doug Averch  wrote:
> "BFIND" are your really serious.  Is this one of those, we must us only use
> UniBasic code?  Because if it is, we U2 programmers are really dinosaurs
> not knowing the comet already has changed the world.
> We have been using Eclipse since 2004.  The search engine is so fast and
> will search my local machine, not the database, in seconds.  The Eclipse
> search engine shows not only the program but the entire line that matches.
> You can click on the line in the search window and the editor start up and
> loads the program focusing on the line in question.
> Gee, you should wonder how Eclipse compares to a single telnet window
> driven program written UniBasic?
> Regards,
> Doug
> "Industrial strength tools for U2 programmers and shops"
>> On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Symeon Breen  wrote:
>> Not this one again 
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>> Sent: 20 December 2013 19:02
>> To: U2 Users List
>> Subject: [U2] BASIC code - upper, lower, CamelCase, what say you?
>> First off - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
>> I'm starting to write a lot of new BASIC (Universe 11.1) subroutines for
>> our
>> DesignBais application, and since I'll be starting with a blank code
>> template instead of modifying existing code, and I thought 'hey why not
>> join
>> the 21st century' and make the code look more mainstream, and readable.
>> (falling back on our last TEXMUG presentation by Clif Oliver on
>> refactoring).
>> And considering Universe 11.2 now supports local subroutines and functions,
>> I should make the code look and behave more object-like.
>> Does anyone know of a set of rules or guidelines on how to do this?Just
>> experimenting briefly, Universe BASIC compiler will allow any mix of cases
>> for keywords, but variables are case sensitive.  Example:
>> ABC=1
>> Abc=2
>> abc=3
>> Print Abc
>> pRiNt abc
>> stop
>> end
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
>> So, how are developers mixed case in their code these day? Do keywords,
>> local variables, common variable, equates follow a standard method?
>> thanks in advance,
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Exporting to File regularly

2013-12-12 Thread Brian Leach
Hi David

Whilst I would go with the trigger index option (you can't put a regular
trigger on a directory) or capturing an ls -lst, just for completeness if
you really want to use an enquiry statement UniVerse does also have SQL.

So if the file names are numeric as you seem to suggest, you can use the
MAX() function e.g.:

SELECT MAX(@ID) FROM yourfile;

You will need a dictionary item that is right justified to reference the id.

It may already have that, if not change the L in field 5 of DICT yourfile
@ID to R.

You can send this to XML:

SELECT MAX(@ID) FROM yourfile TOXML TO 'latest';

This will write it to the (fixed) &XML& directory as 'latest.xml':

COPY &XML& latest.xml (TS


Or you can divert the regular screen output from the command to a file using
Whatever is easier to parse.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David Campbell
Sent: 11 December 2013 05:39
Subject: [U2] Exporting to File regularly

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to universe (a complete noob) and I couldn't quite find what I was
looking for on google and I've been smashing my face against this for a
while until I stumbled upon this mailing list so I was wondering if anyone
could help me out here.

I'm writing a script that will hopefully alert me via email whenever a new
record is added to a particular universe file, if there is a better way to
do this I would be all ears. I'm working around another proprietary system
which operates on universe and I dont know enough about universe to really
say for sure what is proprietary and what is universe standard code and the
proprietary stuff is covered in NDA's and no touchy hand slappy orders so I
cannot really modify the way it works, I just need to know when a new entry
appears, preferably via an smtp email.

My Current plan works like this

I'm looking to regularly (every 5 minutes) output data into a text or csv
file, doesn't matter really, so long as it is not full of characters that
batch scripts hate and it can happen in an automated fashion.

The closest thing I can get to what I want right now is


this lists all the records and dumps them in a spool file under
/var/spool/uv/ and then a script I have written in the past retrieves that
spool file for me, I have trained that spool file to look for specific
markers in the first line of the file and apply a particular script to it

This spooled print job gives me a list of the records that I can then sort
numerically, pick the highest number, check that number against what the
number was last time and alert me via email if its different.

Ultimately I would love for a regularly running script to just output the
highest record (maybe sort numerically and give me the highest number and
dump just that number into a file on the unix box for me to retrieve and the
work with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

View this message in context:
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Re: [U2] UV and Mount -t CIFS

2013-10-09 Thread Brian Leach
Have you got the ALLOWNFS setting in your uvconfig set to 1 ?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: 09 October 2013 15:16
To: U2 Users
Subject: [U2] UV and Mount -t CIFS


When I had RHEL5 and UV 10.0.2 running, If I did a mount using type cifs
   All I needed to do in UV was <1>F , <2>/mnt/mountname, <3>D_SOURCE

And I could list the directory, no problem.

Due to a server issue, we had to put an emergency server in place that is
Running Fedora19 (64 bit) and installed the UV 10.0.2 - which appears to Run

EXCEPT - when I mount the share

Now when I attempt to LIST the File (or OPENPATH /mnt/sharename) it bombs
out Gives me "Unable to open -filename-"

I can as non-root, go into this share, create files, delete files and modify
files so it Also works as root.

So, I'm not sure if this is a UV related issue or a Fedora19/Windows machine
share problem.

Any ideas?

I'm currently doing:
mount -t cifs -o rw,username=windowsloginname
"//Sharename",file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,cifsacl /mnt/printwizard

What we do is use lpd to print our PCL to printwizard (which works)
Printwizard then produces a PDF (which works) Then we read the PDF from the
share on the printwizard machine (which is what is not working).
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Re: [U2] [OT] Interview Questions

2013-10-09 Thread Brian Leach

I remember a long time back working for a consultancy in Oxford we had long
and ineffective interview processes.
Then we took on a client that was an institute of personnel directors, and
found they published some very good materials on how to conduct interviews. 

The main lesson was to have a very clear set of goals and criteria drawn up
and agreed before you go in, and a clear way to assess against that. Sounds
obvious, but we weren't doing that. 

When we did it was much easier to decide whether they had demonstrated that
they had met those criteria and we could be more analytical especially at
the first interview stage.

That was more valuable than trying to come up with clever questions.

Technical assessment is a different story. For that, a clear task to perform
with measurable criteria for correctness.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Dick Pick

2013-09-27 Thread Brian Leach
Maybe Jonathan Sisk has that page also.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Charles Stevenson
Sent: 26 September 2013 19:13
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Dick Pick

Now I want to see page 146.

On 9/26/2013 5:16 PM, Brian Leach wrote:
> This photo of Dick Pick was doing the rounds at a client this week - 
> from Jonathan Sisk's site:

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Re: [U2] Dick Pick

2013-09-26 Thread Brian Leach
>>Yes I know the link name is a little unfortunate..

> Cool picture. Thank you for acknowledging the 12-year old in all of us.

It's more that people might not click the link ..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 26 September 2013 16:10
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Dick Pick

>Yes I know the link name is a little unfortunate..

Cool picture. Thank you for acknowledging the 12-year old in all of us.

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[U2] Dick Pick

2013-09-26 Thread Brian Leach
This photo of Dick Pick was doing the rounds at a client this week - from
Jonathan Sisk's site:


Yes I know the link name is a little unfortunate..


Maybe it could catch on.





U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.

2013-09-26 Thread Brian Leach

Good catch.

Yes, as more of the UniData subsystem gets ported to UniVerse, those sites
will need to become more familiar with the dark art of tuning these. It's
not forgiving when you hit the limits and, frankly, most of the
documentation for this reads like machine speak. One of the nice things
about UniVerse is that it generally behaves even if badly tuned, and can
dynamically adapt to wildly changing workloads or huge differences in
resource needs between different processes - it just won't run optimally
rather than falling over in a heap (unless you fill up your lock table that
is ). So whilst we reap the benefits of better replication etc. the
flipside is getting used to 'No More LCT' style messages.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ladd, Ryan
Sent: 25 September 2013 19:01
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.

  Two other new parameters that may require changing are SHM_GNTBLS and
SHM_GNPAGES.  The "What you need to know for Eleven-One" document mentions
these, but in the segment that called "Shared Memory Parameters that should
not require changing".  The key word in that statement is "should".  When we
upgraded on AIX to 11.1.4 from 10.3.9 the defaults were used and we ran out
of GCT entries fairly early in the day.

  I would also say that if you use dynamic files with i-type indices as well
as triggers, pay close attention to the patches.  You may need to modify
your TXMEM parameter to avoid write errors for larger records.

  I remember change to the FMT statement.  I believe the "fix" was the
addition of the "FMT_TEXTMARK" configurable.  We were lucky with that one
and noticed the issue before upgrading our production environment.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rick Nuckolls
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 6:16 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.


I agree that they took a simple (but fine) route on the local scoping.  What
is funny is that the interpretation of it seems to be that it allows the
overriding of the production version of subroutines rather than simply
creation of a "safe" version of gosub.  It should work for both; I just
never pictured it that way.

Be sure to read the install notes on 11, in particular, the "NUSERS" config
item is new & important.  Fixtool finally seems to work well.  I know that a
lot of work has gone into that over the previous couple of years.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Charles Stevenson
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 3:53 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.

Thanks, Rick.

They're finally getting in your desired variable scoping into 11.2, too.
>From what I read, I like how they did it.

My prejudice against being an early adopter of major releases kicks in &
makes me not want 11.2.0.   11.2.4 maybe.  Also, if I wait until
November, my window closes.

The vast majority of the issues listed in the 11.1 release notes have to do
with stuff we don't use at all (DR, DARE, MQ, etc), or use so minimally that
complete regression testing is easy (XML, callHTTP, etc.)

There were several issues having to do with indexing.   I think if I
validate the indexes after regression tests, that should suffice.

Issues that involve locking are trickier.  It will require load testing and
lock contention.
I am not looking forward to that.

The only time in my whole career that I recall having any problem with
backward compatibility after a UV upgrade is also the only time I've seen a
day's worth of work for an entire company abandoned and the previous night's
backups restored.  There was an undocumented change to
FMT  was made that ended up truncating out data, if I recall.   It's in
the U2-list archives.  Some of the same people who suffered through that are
with me now.


On 9/25/2013 12:53 AM, Rick Nuckolls wrote:
> Chuck,
> We currently have one machine running 11.1.12 with no real problems.
11.1.13 is basically a one, only-on-severe-load, bug fix, and even then,
> There is at least one thing that I am expecting in 11.2 that is worth
waiting for, assuming it shows up.  I did not see it in the public beta. I
think that 11.2 is supposed to be out around Nov 1.
> -Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Charles 
> Stevenson
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:28 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.
> We're finally going to upgrade from 10.2.10 to 11.1.[something].
> But which point release?
> We're on Win2003.  (Linux ne

Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.

2013-09-25 Thread Brian Leach

That approach is understandable in offering a backwardly compatible solution
but I wish they had been a bit braver with it..

If they had looked at what OpenQM did with creating a more class-oriented
structure in their version of basic, which makes for better surfacing of
methods (especially with my unit testing hat on), that would potentially
have offered a lot more options. I'm guessing it's the same low-impact
mindset that stopped them from doing UDO's as first class citizens of the
language, instead hiding them behind an ugly function library that obscures
the structure (which is surely the whole point of JSON style objects?)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rick Nuckolls
Sent: 25 September 2013 00:16
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.


I agree that they took a simple (but fine) route on the local scoping.  What
is funny is that the interpretation of it seems to be that it allows the
overriding of the production version of subroutines rather than simply
creation of a "safe" version of gosub.  It should work for both; I just
never pictured it that way.

Be sure to read the install notes on 11, in particular, the "NUSERS" config
item is new & important.  Fixtool finally seems to work well.  I know that a
lot of work has gone into that over the previous couple of years.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Charles Stevenson
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 3:53 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.

Thanks, Rick.

They're finally getting in your desired variable scoping into 11.2, too.
>From what I read, I like how they did it.

My prejudice against being an early adopter of major releases kicks in & 
makes me not want 11.2.0.   11.2.4 maybe.  Also, if I wait until 
November, my window closes.

The vast majority of the issues listed in the 11.1 release notes have to do
with stuff we don't use at all (DR, DARE, MQ, etc), or use so minimally that
complete regression testing is easy (XML, callHTTP, etc.)

There were several issues having to do with indexing.   I think if I 
validate the indexes after regression tests, that should suffice.

Issues that involve locking are trickier.  It will require load testing and
lock contention.
I am not looking forward to that.

The only time in my whole career that I recall having any problem with
backward compatibility after a UV upgrade is also the only time I've seen a
day's worth of work for an entire company abandoned and the previous night's
backups restored.  There was an undocumented change to 
FMT  was made that ended up truncating out data, if I recall.   It's in 
the U2-list archives.  Some of the same people who suffered through that are
with me now.


On 9/25/2013 12:53 AM, Rick Nuckolls wrote:
> Chuck,
> We currently have one machine running 11.1.12 with no real problems.
11.1.13 is basically a one, only-on-severe-load, bug fix, and even then,
> There is at least one thing that I am expecting in 11.2 that is worth
waiting for, assuming it shows up.  I did not see it in the public beta. I
think that 11.2 is supposed to be out around Nov 1.
> -Rick
> -Original Message-
> From:
[] On Behalf Of Charles Stevenson
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:28 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: [U2] Recommended 11.1.point release to upgrade to.
> We're finally going to upgrade from 10.2.10 to 11.1.[something].
> But which point release?
> We're on Win2003.  (Linux next year.  Baby steps.)
> ReleaseDate   Issues
> 11.1.13   Sept 2013 3 brand new.
> 11.1.12   June 201338  rescinded
> 11.1.11   Mar 201330 Metadata Manager  introduced.
> 11.1.10   Dec 2012 66
> 11.1.9 May2012 75
> 11.1.8 ?  2
> 11.1.7Dec 2011 3
> 11.1.6?   4
> 11.1.5Nov 2011  42
> 11.1.4Aug 2011  17
> 11.1.3Jun 2011   17
> 11.1.2May 2011 29
> 11.1.1Feb  2011  45
> 11.1.0? 23
> I generally tend to not be an early adopter when the major release first
> comes out unless it has a new functionality that I have a strong
> business need for.
> The later point releases tend to be bug fixes, so I am more prone to get
> them sooner rather than wait.
> In this case though, we have new functionality, Metadata Manager,
> introduced at 11.1.11.
> Are many users on 11.1.11?  Happy?
> If i understand correctly, 11.1.12 was pulled off the market because of
> a bug that was fixed in 11.1.13, which just came out.  So not much
> experience in the wild with these 2.


2013-09-05 Thread Brian Leach
There's a similar product called Syncrify. Worth a look.

Re dynamic files - remember that copying dynamic files is ONLY acceptable if
the files have been closed and sync to disk. On your old version of UniVerse
IIRC a DB Pause/resume does not sync the dynamic file headers as it does on
current versions. I would check that with Rocket before you look at doing a

Dynamic files rely on current modulus, split and load information held in
shared memory. That information is only written back when the file is
closed. So you can copy the file over, but if that information is out of
date the file will not be usable and will eventually corrupt.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Peter Cheney
Sent: 05 September 2013 02:59
To: U2 Users List

Re rsync for windows. Try installing Cygwin and then rsync under that. I've
had good success in the past with a basic (non-gui) cygwin install on a
windows machine for other projects and rsync certainly works well in that
environment. You can also set it up with pub/priv key auth for
non-interactive operation too.

I think the more recent releases of rsync will allow you to pull or push
data in non daemon mode. At least that's how I use it to backup my daily
work from my centos workstation (no rsync daemon running) to my crunch-bang
(debian) laptop. The laptop runs the rsync out of cron. The script detects
which wireless network it's on so doesn't run when at home.

Setting some flags in the file system from UV and visa-versa would give you
a reasonably good integration with dbpause etc etc.


Peter Cheney

Universe Engineer

t 07 3017 8837 | f 07 3002 8400

e | w

[] on behalf of Anthonys Lists
Sent: Thursday, 5 September 2013 8:55 AM

On 04/09/2013 20:27, Ard956 wrote:
> We are on Windows Server 2003.
I think you can get rsync for Windows, but also investigate robocopy. I
don't know whether that can do the same.

Basically, rsync will normally check file metadata and not try to copy stuff
if it hasn't changed. If the metadata has changed, it will then compare MD5
sums or whatever of chunks of the file to identify which bits have changed.
That way, if you have a 2Gb file and change one record, rsync will find the
changed block and send just that, without having to copy the entire file.

If you can find something like that, it'll give you far shorter network
backup times.

(Combined with DBPAUSE/DBRESUME, it might well give you zero backup downtime
as seen by the users.)

> Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Wols Lists  wrote:
>> On 03/09/13 18:33, Ard956 wrote:
>>> and we would keep replication in place as a DR solution.
>> What OS are you on?
>> Given that, I'd be inclined to use rsync - DBPAUSE the database to 
>> make sure it's quiescent, run an rsync, and then bring the database back.
>> Dunno what the Windows equivalent of rsync is, but if you're backing 
>> up across machines, rsync tries to not copy stuff that hasn't changed.
>> Cheers,
>> Wol
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Sep 3, 2013, at 1:30 PM, Ard956  wrote:
 We are moving our servers to a new colo and wanted to replicate from
the server in the old colo to the one in the new colo and then flip over to
the new server one weekend.  Looking to have minimal down time.

 Sent from my iPad

 On Sep 3, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Baker Hughes 

> Andrea - are you wanting to replicate for the purposes of having a
warm backup as DR solution, or for reporting from, or some (what) other
> This question will dictate the strategy and what tools to employ.  We
copied the entire db every night to a hot system for Business Analysis.
That was put in place before EDA was available.
> You could spend a lot of resources and time cobbling a 'replication
solution' into place, while trying to dodge an upgrade... and perhaps spend
more and have less satisfactory results than proceeding with standard
methodology (upgrade to get the new toolset).
> HTH.
> -Baker
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ard956
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 11:19 AM
> To:
> Does anyone do replication with a tool outside of the U2 toolbox?  We
are on UV 10.2.10 which does not support UV replication.  We have no plans
to upgrade at this time but need a backup for our Universe server.  Our
database is about 180

Re: [U2] SQL Update Multiple rows

2013-08-23 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Riverman

That's obviously TSQL and therefore Microsoft specific. You can get clever
in that way by mixing UniVerse SQL and EVAL expressions (which are the same
as inline IDescriptors in RetrieVe)

This should work the same as the example below:

UPDATE Product  SET Availability = EVAL "IF ProductId = 1 THEN 5 ELSE IF
ProductId = 2 THEN 5 ELSE IF ProductId = 6 THEN 5 ELSE Availability" ;


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Riverman
Sent: 22 August 2013 18:23
Subject: [U2] SQL Update Multiple rows

Here is the SQL example I am trying to follow

UPDATE dbo.Product
   SET Availability=CASE When ProductId='1' Then '5'
 When ProductId='2' Then '5'
 When ProductId='6' Then '10'
 Else Availability

My attempts

UniVerse/SQL: A WHEN clause must have at least one multi-valued column

UniVerse/SQL: syntax error.  Unexpected symbol.  Token was "THEN".
CONTROL.NUMBER.NFMT = "900166550841" THEN 

Universe 10.1.1, Windows Server 2003

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Re: [U2] Stumped on a WRITE failure

2013-08-16 Thread Brian Leach
Can you trace the process using the SysInternals tools?

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Aug 2013, at 18:09, "Woodward, Bob"  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have a UNIDATA program that is being run from a Windows Task Schedule
> entry that is failing on a WRITE statement and I'm having a heck of a
> time figuring out why.  Here are some key observations and discoveries
> so far:
> -  The WRITE statement has an ON ERROR that is not being executed.
> -  Just before the WRITE statement, FILEINFO shows the file is OPEN and
> has a permissions value of 6 (R/W).
> -  It does not always fail but when it does fail, it will continue to
> fail on that input file every time the program is run from the Windows
> Scheduler.
> -  If I run the program directly, from my logged in session, it works
> perfectly every time.
> -  Every tool I have says there is nothing wrong with the file I'm
> writing into.
> -  There are 3 indexes on this file but they are all flagged to allow
> duplicates.
> -  There are 2 triggers on this file that monitor and report for
> specific record ID's. (Very basic/simple logic.)
> I've pretty much exhausted ways, and things, that I know of to check
> for.  This is a very specific problem that is somehow related to the
> data that is being processed.  Can anyone think of something else I can
> check for?
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> Bob W
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] [UV] ED PERMISSIONS subroutine

2013-08-15 Thread Brian Leach
On windows host file is at:

Or wherever your system32 directory lives.

I also remember having to turn off the netbios over tcp for all my network
connections (including virtual networking/vpns).


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: 15 August 2013 16:04
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] ED PERMISSIONS subroutine

When we had delays with telnet logins, we traced it back to the reverse DNS
That telnetd was doing.

If you put the IP addresses of the telnet clients into the hosts file on the
UV server Does the delay go away? I believe on windows servers the hosts
file is at c:\ but I'm not sure.

Format is: 



It does not have to be a fully qualified domain name, as if it's in the
hosts file, that Usually prevents a reverse DNS lookup.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dianne Ackerman
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:59 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] ED PERMISSIONS subroutine

Yes!  Actually, the login does also have the same delay.  Sad to hear you
didn't find a solution...

On 8/15/2013 10:35 AM, wrote:
> Dianne,
> Does your login to telnet sessions also have this same delay? We 
> experienced this problem (with ED and with Login); never fixed it. The 
> company was a multinational that managed user priveleges at an 
> international corporate level, so even though we are in Argentina, 
> supoosedly there was some validation going on at a server in the US or 
> elsewhere. The multinational sold local operations to a local company 
> and the problem went away when we left the corportate network.
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2013 09:25:35 -0500, George Gallen wrote:
>> To me, if it is causing a delay that was not there before - raises 
>> red flags and back hairs of read disk errors (or gonna be errors 
>> soon).
>> Can you do a disk scan?
>> George
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Dianne 
>> Ackerman
>> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 9:51 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [U2] [UV] ED PERMISSIONS subroutine
>> Does anyone know anything about the -PERMISSIONS subroutine used by 
>> the ED verb in Universe?  Running 11.1.12 on Windows, the ED verb has 
>> a huge delay and we've tracked it down to that subroutine call in the 
>> basic ED program.  If I could look at that subroutine to see what 
>> it's doing, maybe I can figure out what's causing that delay. Thanks!
>> -Dianne
>>> >ED BP ED.B The file "BP" is read-only and cannot be updated. 3988
>>> : L 0308: CALL
>>> : EX
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] KeyPressed

2013-08-12 Thread Brian Leach
Just for information now,

Input thisKey, -1 just returns whether or not there is anything in the input
buffer. It doesn't input it.

So -

* test ..
  Input IsSomethingThere, -1
Until IsSomethingThere Do
* and clear it out ..

Input IsSomethingThere,-1 Do
  While IsSomethingThere Do
Discard = KeyIn()


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: 09 August 2013 21:04
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] KeyPressed

With Dynamic Connect... and UniBasic...

I need a screen that continuously displays time... as we have an inspection
screen where press operators enter fresh data each hour.  Something like...


call *timeOfDay
call *displayOtherStuff

 input thisKey, -1

  until (thisKey = '1')

  gosub secondScreen

The trouble with this thing is... when a key is pressed... it wants to
display the key on asubsequent screen.

I tried...inputclear... but it is not doing what I want.

Suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: [U2] Large DICT affecting I/O

2013-08-07 Thread Brian Leach

By 'large dictionary' do you mean that the dictionary itself is too large -
has lots of synonyms - or that the data it is describing has that number of
fields and so has become too large for efficient storage?

If the former, I've found people often forget to resize their dictionaries
and the VOC file alongside the data. VOC is particularly vulnerable as
everything goes through it. I've seen a VOC file with half a million entries
in it on one site. Dictionary and VOC are no different storage wise to other
files, they need to be cared for :)

In terms of the records being described, however, that's more of an issue.
Are you getting efficient storage? If data is being prematurely pushed into
overflow - even level 1 - that's bound to cause performance issues. And
UniData doesn't have the hint mechanisms of UniVerse so I'd suspect that
accessing higher order fields would be slow, though I've not benchmarked


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of jeffrey Butera
Sent: 07 August 2013 04:09
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Large DICT affecting I/O

I'm curious how large of a DICTionary some of you have worked with and, in
particular, how very large DICTs can adversely affect applications.

We have a DICT approaching 1500 data elements (no idescs)  - which is quite
large for us.  But I'm curious if others have DICTs this large or larger and
have no adverse affect on their application performance.

This is Unidata 7.3.4 if it matters.

Jeffrey Butera, PhD
Associate Director for Application and Web Services Information Technology
Hampshire College

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Re: [U2] Pick flavor in U2 personal edition

2013-08-04 Thread Brian Leach

The easiest way is to run Universe in a directory that isn't already set up
as an account.

Start -> Run -> cmd.exe


Cd \parent_for_accounts
Mkdir myaccount
Cd myaccount

This will then pop up asking you to create the account, and the flavor.
Choose option 3.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: 02 August 2013 21:30
Subject: Re: [U2] Pick flavor in U2 personal edition

Eric see

When you Create an Account it asks for the flavor, or at least allows you to
specify the flavor.




-Original Message-
From: Eric Armstrong 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Fri, Aug 2, 2013 1:19 pm
Subject: Re: [U2] Pick flavor in U2 personal edition

Thanks to all who responded.

I am using Universe 11.1.12

I currently have only one acct, C:\U2\UvPe.

I don't see UniAdmin anywhere. Where would I find it and/or where do I get

Thanks in advance,

Eric Armstrong
Lobel Financial 

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Re: [U2] XML or JSON converter for Unibasic

2013-08-02 Thread Brian Leach
My preferred solution is to use a middle tier web service in C#, that
exposes method calls for either XML or JSON (automatic, just depends on the
content-type in the request). Then you can call that from anything that
expects JSON or SOAP.

But that's only because I began doing that long before restful web services
got built into the product.

Or bypass PHP and use mvScript if you can live with IIS.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 02 August 2013 17:12
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] XML or JSON converter for Unibasic

I am looking for a way to send the output of a Unidata data query in
Unibasic back to a web server (PHP) for building web pages.

Up until now I have used a proprietary method (LF, HTAB, etc.), but I would
like to simplify/standardize the method.  Seems like this could be done with
XML, or JSON or "something I don't know about." Has anyone had experience
with this and could you offer some advice?

Hoping for a simple subroutine approach as opposed to a comprehensive
commercial package. Management here is very "price sensitive."  When I say
price sensitive, I mean that if it costs anything, they get their panties
all in a bunch.  A few hundred dollars might be sellable, a few thousand
would not be.

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
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Re: [U2] Anti-fraud software

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach

Do you mean

Software written in UniVerse that monitors anti-fraud activity


Software written to prevent fraudulent use of a UniVerse application?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jerry Banker
Sent: 01 August 2013 17:54
To: U2 Users Group Technical
Subject: [U2] Anti-fraud software

Are any of you using some sort of anti-fraud software? If so, what? Did you
build it yourself or is there a software package out there that will work
with UniVerse.
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Re: [U2] Anti-fraud software

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach

You might want to contact Susan Joslyn. 
She seems pretty switched onto anything in the compliance/fraud arenas.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jerry Banker
Sent: 01 August 2013 17:54
To: U2 Users Group Technical
Subject: [U2] Anti-fraud software

Are any of you using some sort of anti-fraud software? If so, what? Did you
build it yourself or is there a software package out there that will work
with UniVerse.
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Re: [U2] What is true

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
At T said that's in other languages (notably C style languages where = is
always assignment and == or === is equality/equivalence). In Pascal and
Delphi := is assignment, which gets confusing when you have three windows
open, one with UniVerse Basic, one with Delphi and one with C# or
JavaScript, and you're writing end-to-end code !

In MultiValue code = always binds to a LHS value as an assignment, and
otherwise as an equality.

So yes, X = Y = 3 is the same as X = (Y = 3)

But the parentheses make it clearer and do force precedence though in your
example the resulting ordering actually works out to be the same as the
original (it still forces an expression jump in a compiler). 


X = X + Y = 3

You'd want to know whether you mean:

X = (X + Y) = 3
X = X + (Y = 3)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jim Swain
Sent: 01 August 2013 17:46
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

Now I'm getting confused... its not a case of precedence

In the case of X = Y = 3

X is set to 1 (true) when Y = 3
X is set to 0 (false) when Y # 3

X in this instance will never = 3

Jim Swain - Developer
Telephone: +44 (0) 1295 701 810  | Fax: +44 (0) 1295 701 819

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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: 01 August 2013 17:34
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

Just adding a little more subtlety. Consider:
X = Y = 3
In some languages this sets Y to 3 and then X to Y, so X=3. But in BASIC, as
Brian said, we need to force the precedence on Y=3 before X=Y.

In other contexts, parentheses force an equation. Consider:
In this case, X and Y can be set and returned. But the third argument is an
equation, and while FOO can write to the variable in its own context, when
the data comes back it's read-only, since what went out was not a variable
but the result of the evaluation of an equation.

(X) does nothing to define the Boolean nature of a variable. While it's a
nice visual cue it's not "functional" in the code.


> From: Brian Leach
> It's not the parentheses that define the Boolean, it's the equality
> the way. Parentheses just force the precedence.

> From: Jim Swain
> This is not true as when A='HELLO'  IF (A) returns true.
> You use the parenthesis to set a Boolean variable, i.e  BRITISH =
> (COUNTRY = 'ENGLAND' OR COUNTRY = 'WALES')  etc   the var BRITISH is
set to 1
> when the conditions inside the parenthesis are met, otherwise
BRITISH is set to 0

> From: Tom Whitmore
> If you wrap a variable in parenthesis it will be treated as a
Boolean test.
> For example:
> IF (A) THEN CRT 'TRUE' ELSE CRT 'FALSE'   will result in TRUE.

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Re: [U2] What is true

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
Which is why I used it in my response.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ed Clark
Sent: 01 August 2013 17:10
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

on universe, it looks like only fileinfo(var,0) will let you test.
fileinfo(var,1) etc will abort complaining that var isn't a file variable

On Aug 1, 2013, at 9:52 AM, "Martin Phillips"

>> on universe (not sure of unidata), you can use FILEINFO() to see if
something is a file variable:
>> x=""
>> crt fileinfo(x,0)
>> returns 0. Would return 1 for an open file.
> This originated in Prime Information and is available on UniVerse,
UniData, PI/open, QM, and probably a few others.
> Martin Phillips
> Ladybridge Systems Ltd
> 17b Coldstream Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton NN4 6DB, England
> +44 (0)1604-709200
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach

The stamp I use assigns a dummy variable using strings that contain
searchable keys. That means when the code is compiled these strings end up
unaltered in the object code string table, so that they can be easily found
and extracted.

For example:

   VERDATA := 'Version=001000136;'
   VERDATA := 'VerBeta=;'
   VERDATA := 'VerDate=16637;'
   VERDATA := 'VerProd=mvPDF;'
   VERDATA := 'VerTM=mvPDF;'
   VERDATA := 'VerCopy=2013 Brian Leach Consulting Limited;'
   VERDATA := 'VerCo=Brian Leach Consulting Limited;'
   VERDATA := 'VerDesc=Produce a PDF Document by merging data;'
   VERDATA := 'CatName=PDF.MERGE;'
   VERDATA := 'VerModule=GENERAL;'
   VERDATA := 'VerModVer=002003022;'
   VERDATA := 'VerHist=19 JUL 13 1.0.136 Release 2.3.22;'

A useful addition is that I have a I Descriptor that returns this, so I can
list the source or object file and rip out these details:

LIST pdf.bp.O "PDF.MERGE" 01:02:24pm  01 Aug 2013  PAGE1
pdf.bp.O.. Version.. Version
Description... Module Version

PDF.MERGE  1.0.136   Produce a PDF Document by merging
data 2.3.22

I did put some free code on my website to do this - look for mvStamp.

As for cutting or build scripts, these refer to anything that builds your
software.. every site should have something to do this, to ensure a smooth
and automated transition from test to live or for deployment.

In my case, the build process usually consists of a script written in
vbscript (WSH) that runs the various client side builds (for Delphi, C#
etc.) then uses UniObjects to execute a server side cutting paragraph
passing the new version number. This typically updates the version stamps,
recompiles everything, handles any platform builds (most of my stuff runs on
UniVerse, UniData, QM and D3), updates a README document from my task
system, adds them all into revision control, then calls mvInstaller to build
the release package. Then control passes back to the vbscript to assemble
the setup (InstallShield or visual studio) and zip  the resulting setup
ready for upload.

I did think about kicking off all the unit tests as well but I prefer to do
that after a test installation.

All of which took some setting up to begin with but has saved enormous
amounts of time and agony since.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of dale kelley
Sent: 01 August 2013 12:27
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing


Is the stamp just

VERSION = "123"  ,?

Could you explain what you mean by "cutting routines",  I've either never
heard that term or my "old timers" is kicking in.


On 08/01/2013 06:09 AM, Brian Leach wrote:
> David
> I add version stamps to my code that compile into the object code, so 
> at least I can easily check that the source and object (including that 
> in
> catdir) matches what I expect. That's at least a small and easy step 
> in the right direction, though that doesn't rule out changes that 
> don't update the stamp of course.
> The stamps are always updated by my cutting routines and then the 
> items are then added to source control as part of the cut... If you 
> did something similar you can always diff what you've got against your 
> source code control system rather than reinventing the wheel.
> Brian
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Hona, David
> Sent: 01 August 2013 10:49
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing
> In UV we're had similar strange problems with seemingly unchanged 
> source/object code - not work as per normal and things going amiss for 
> no good reason...once we found the object code in BP and the catalog 
> space were mismatched and simply re-catalog'd it. Another time we 
> re-compiled a program
> - as it was always invoked via RUN BP PROGNAME... in both instances 
> the problem seem to go away.  This was in a controlled product 
> environment so it's in highly unlikely someone could of or would've
changed the code...
> In UV you can do a VCATALOG to verify the BASIC object to what is 
> actually catalogued...
> All of these issues made me wonder if our implementation routines need 
> to have a more robust. More robust in terms of storing some control 
> information for both pre/post verification - hence being able to 
> detect 'unauthorised changes' through the various stages. This could 

Re: [U2] What is true

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
Haha - so Scotland is already independent then ...

It's not the parentheses that define the Boolean, it's the equality by the
way. Parentheses just force the precedence.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jim Swain
Sent: 01 August 2013 13:24
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

This is not true as when A='HELLO'  IF (A) returns true.

You use the parenthesis to set a Boolean variable, i.e  BRITISH = (COUNTRY =
'ENGLAND' OR COUNTRY = 'WALES')  etc   the var BRITISH is set to 1 when the
conditions inside the parenthesis are met, otherwise BRITISH is set to 0

Jim Swain - Developer
Telephone: +44 (0) 1295 701 810  | Fax: +44 (0) 1295 701 819

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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tom Whitmore
Sent: 01 August 2013 13:17
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

To add a little more to the discussion.  I know in UniVerse this is true and
I suspect it is true in other flavors of Pick.

If you wrap a variable in parenthesis it will be treated as a Boolean test.
For example:

IF (A) THEN CRT 'TRUE' ELSE CRT 'FALSE'   will result in FALSE.
IF (A) THEN CRT 'TRUE' ELSE CRT 'FALSE'   will result in FALSE.
IF (A) THEN CRT 'TRUE' ELSE CRT 'FALSE'   will result in TRUE.
IF (A) THEN CRT 'TRUE' ELSE CRT 'FALSE'   will result in TRUE.

I have found this useful in coding.

Tom Whitmore
RATEX Business Solutions

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 4:40 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] What is true

To clarify

In multivalue, True is not False, where False is anything that is 'falsy'
i.e. zero or empty.
Obviously different than other languages, notably those where true is -1
(all bits set on a signed integer).




Regarding file variables, the best way to check for these being assigned on
UniVerse is to use FILEINFO().

If FileInfo(SomeUnassignedVariable, 0) Then
   Crt "This is an open file variable"
End Else
   Crt "This isn't"


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Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach

I add version stamps to my code that compile into the object code, so at
least I can easily check that the source and object (including that in
catdir) matches what I expect. That's at least a small and easy step in the
right direction, though that doesn't rule out changes that don't update the
stamp of course. 

The stamps are always updated by my cutting routines and then the items are
then added to source control as part of the cut... If you did something
similar you can always diff what you've got against your source code control
system rather than reinventing the wheel.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hona, David
Sent: 01 August 2013 10:49
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing

In UV we're had similar strange problems with seemingly unchanged
source/object code - not work as per normal and things going amiss for no
good reason...once we found the object code in BP and the catalog space were
mismatched and simply re-catalog'd it. Another time we re-compiled a program
- as it was always invoked via RUN BP PROGNAME... in both instances the
problem seem to go away.  This was in a controlled product environment so
it's in highly unlikely someone could of or would've changed the code...

In UV you can do a VCATALOG to verify the BASIC object to what is actually

All of these issues made me wonder if our implementation routines need to
have a more robust. More robust in terms of storing some control information
for both pre/post verification - hence being able to detect 'unauthorised
changes' through the various stages. This could include calculating and
storing (say) MD5 (etc) hashes on the source and object to cross verify
changes. Hence, make it more easy to detect object or source changes outside
the authorised/control deployment process... without having to go through
every single file and comparing to tape or disk backups, etc., etc.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: Wednesday, 31 July 2013 6:06 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing


That's an interesting thought.  We do backups of the application account
every night, so I do have the last 10 days object code in a backup (plus the
last four months weekly backups).  I'll look at this the next time it
happens.  Thanks,

Untitled Page

- Original Message -
*To:* U2 Users List 
*Date:* 7/30/2013 11:01 AM
*Subject:* Re: [U2] [UD] BASIC Code Failing
> I would also consider the possibility of data corruption at the 
> hardware level.  Granted, I would expect that you'd also occasionally 
> find anomalies within your source code and data files if this were the 
> case, but I don't know how your filesystems are set up.  If the object 
> code has become corrupt, that would explain why recompiling fixes the 
> problem.  The newly created object code will be stored on a new 
> location in the filesystem.  Fortunately this possibility is very easy 
> to test for.  Just make a copy of your application account on 
> alternate storage and wait for the problem to recur.  When it does, 
> open the live object file and your backup copy in an editor with diff 
> capability (Notepad++ is a good one) and see if they still match.
> -John

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Re: [U2] What is true

2013-08-01 Thread Brian Leach
To clarify

In multivalue, True is not False, where False is anything that is 'falsy'
i.e. zero or empty.
Obviously different than other languages, notably those where true is -1
(all bits set on a signed integer).




Regarding file variables, the best way to check for these being assigned on
UniVerse is to use FILEINFO().

If FileInfo(SomeUnassignedVariable, 0) Then
   Crt "This is an open file variable"
End Else
   Crt "This isn't"


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] CentOS with Universe?

2013-07-18 Thread Brian Leach
Has anyone tried running on Windows Core? Thats the preferred option for HIgh 
Availability with Sql Server.

Dont know if that is possible for uv.

Sent from my iPhone

On 18 Jul 2013, at 05:11, "Tony Gravagno" <> wrote:

> Dawn, you and I have had chats about Windows vs Linux before. In many
> ways the landscape has changed but honestly it's still the same for
> many of the reasons you had for avoiding Windows in the first place.
> My approach is the be versatile and many of our colleagues do the same
> - just use whatever works in a given context and try not to lock
> yourself in to any one OS. While that does introduce a need to add
> more skills into the toolkit, overall it's not that bad.
> I have more issues shifting mental gears between MV environments than
> OS's. My rule of thumb is to use IIS when I need .NET and Windows
> tools but to use Linux when I need shell and common FOSS packages like
> Drupal, WordPress, Bugzilla, etc. I don't care if I "should" be able
> to run WAMP, most GNU-based FOSS these days is coded with prejudice
> against Windows and we simply need LAMP to run it. All in all, while I
> haven't settled on a single provider yet, I have tried services with
> Amazon, RackSpace, Dreamhost, and a couple others I can't recall.
> They're pretty much all the same except when it comes to support when
> you really need it - caveat emptor. There are a few companies in our
> industry who also specialize in hosting MV environments - take a look
> around.
> As far as hosting, root-access hosts are dirt-cheap these days, and
> most don't weigh you down with licensing issues anymore either. With
> the exception of MV DBMS vendors, most tier-1 providers recognize that
> they make more from having a 10, 100, or 1000 systems out there than
> they do trying to get a single site to pay for 10, 100, or 1000
> licenses. (Rant on clueless MV marketing and industrial suicide
> omitted.)
> Finally, we're talking about doing business. If you're running a
> production server then your revenue needs to cover the total expense
> of doing business. You're not paying support fees, your clients are,
> and if that eats into your expected profits and budgeting then perhaps
> your business model needs a tweak rather than taking chances with lack
> of support. If you're not charging for services then you should
> consider a freemium model, as this is how other sites manage. If this
> is a totally unfunded operation then perhaps going with freeware is
> your best option.
> T
>> From Dawn Wolthuis 
>> We are nailing down costs from the hosting provider
>> for each option. It looks like Windows 2008 Standard is less
> expensive
>> per month than RHEL 6 with the hosting site we are using (primarily
>> because of the
>> $500 annual cost for RHEL). My colleague uses his own perl scripts
> with
>> apache, so he is not excited about IIS. My only issue with IIS has
> to do
>> with poor experiences to date, but when I check the date, it is
>> somewhere around 2001. Perhaps I need not hold a grudge that long?
>> cheers!  --dawn
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] File type 30 (dynamic)

2013-07-09 Thread Brian Leach

The idea behind a dynamic file is to spread the pain of administration over
the lifetime of an application. So yes, there are overheads and whilst a
well-sized static file will outperform it, a dynamic file in turn will
normally outperform a badly sized static file.

There are some caveats, mostly relating to accessing the file outside of the
database. If you use an OS level backup or snapshot, or anything that looks
at these from the OS level, you need to make sure your dynamic files are
closed OR you have paused your database - Universe holds runtime dynamic
file parameters in shared memory and without those getting written back to
the file header (which happens in the pause) the files will break if you
restore them.

Most of the prejudice against them goes back to the old PICKies who migrated
to Universe at a time when they weren't particularly stable and had
performance issues around concurrency with the way they effectively single
threaded their sizing operations. They were also doubly expensive on UNIXes
that had tight limitations on the number of open (OS level) files. But that
was a long time ago.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Zachary
Sent: 09 July 2013 17:15
Subject: [U2] File type 30 (dynamic)

I have very little experience with using dynamic (type 30) files and I'm
looking for some pointers in that regard. I have a file that I am
considering creating as a dynamic file. The file will be a log file with
sequential numeric keys. The record size will normally range from about 200
to 700 bytes, with a probable maximum size of less than 1,000 bytes. We
expect the file to continually grow without deletions and we will likely
purge it annually. What are the pro's and con's of creating this file as
type 30 verses other file types?


Scott Zachary
UniVerse Developer
Gardens Alive! Inc

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Re: [U2] Not a U2 question - Graphics on a dot matrix

2013-06-19 Thread Brian Leach
Is there a windows driver for it?
If so you could use mvPDF rather than Esc-P to drive the graphics.
Might be a lot easier in the long run.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Leckie
Sent: 18 June 2013 10:35
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] Not a U2 question - Graphics on a dot matrix

Sorry  guys,
Does anyone have any  example code of sending graphics to dot matrix
printers using ESC/P commands in  Unibasic or similar ?
Jonathan Leckie

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Re: [U2] Resurrecting a crashed session

2013-06-13 Thread Brian Leach
I second that - I know one investment bank uses screen for their telnet/ssh


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
Sent: 12 June 2013 22:16
Subject: Re: [U2] Resurrecting a crashed session

On 12/06/13 15:35, Dan Goble wrote:
> If you are using unix / linux as your OS then, use the tandem command to
attach to the session.   At the unix prompt as root type in
> tandem unidata_session_number
> Then the esc key F to enter and esc key X to exit

Or use the "screen" command. It sticks a layer between your network session
and the command you're running specifically so you can do that sort of

I've never really used it so I can't give you any hints but I know that's
what it's meant for.

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[U2] Rocket Software User Group

2013-05-31 Thread Brian Leach

For anyone who hasn't seen the announcements - 


Dear U2UG members and all U2 Users,


As many have noticed, U2UG has been very quiet lately. U2UG began in the
Fall of 2003 via an exchange of ideas on the U2-USERS listserv. The concept
for a user group was to facilitate a way to unite users of the U2 products
and to provide an umbrella for 'all things U2'. The idea included a common
way to exchange ideas, discuss technical information, provide marketing
stories, share resources, and promote the technology - all from a grass
roots effort.  U2UG has benefitted from wonderful contributions by past and
present board members and from the significant contributions of the U2
community. At this juncture, 10 years later, the current board felt that it
was time to evaluate where we are, assess what we've learned, focus on where
we want to be, and how to best serve the Rocket Software user community.


As such, we have some exciting news!  With the support of Rocket Software,
we've formed The International Rocket Software Users Group or RSUG. This new
group will provide a framework for numerous special interest groups based on
specific products in Rocket's family of products. One of these SIGS will be
U2UG. In this way, U2UG can reach out to the other technology groups, help
understand those products and how we may be able to use them within our
environment, and to spread the word about U2 technology outward to these
other product groups. Examples of these special interest groups include
CorVu, Legasuite, and Aldon. We expect to have members on the RSUG board
from U2UG as well as from the other SIGS.


We'd love to have you involved. If you're interested, please contact  And please look for more announcements in the near
future. Thank you for your continued support, and for your support of all
things U2.



The Establishing Board of RSUG



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Re: [U2] AES Encryption Of CC Numbers

2013-05-03 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Gary

Sadly the Basic ENCRYPT() function only does DES and RCn encryption.

You should look at the Automatic Data Encryption features in the database
itself - these are described in the security manual. That includes AES
encryption, but you need to do careful planning and impact assessments
before switching on ADE - it is not trivial and has ramifications.

Otherwise you are probably looking at GCI or a service call to handle the

Which product (UniVerse or UniData) and which platform (Windows/*nix) are
you on?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gary Heiman
Sent: 03 May 2013 06:37
Subject: [U2] AES Encryption Of CC Numbers

Hi folks - I'm new to this community, but aged in Multivalue Experience.
Forgive me if this was aswered previously, but does anybody know of an
algorithm in MV Basic to Encrypt/DeCrypt Credit Card Numbers based on one of
the industry standards AES ? Thanks in advance ! Gary

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 12:00 PM
Subject: U2-Users Digest, Vol 49, Issue 2

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"Re: Contents of U2-Users digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO? (Allen Bell)
   2. Re: Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
  (Brian Whitehorn)
   3. Re: Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
  (Gregor Scott)
   4. Re: Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
  (Bill Haskett)
   5. Re: Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
  (Brian Whitehorn)
   6. Re: History of Prime Information (Anthonys Lists)
   7. Re: History of Prime Information (Wjhonson)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 15:15:54 -0500
From: Allen Bell 
To: U2 Users List 
Subject: Re: [U2] Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

I vote yes.

Drives me crazy how it works

On 5/1/2013 10:56 AM, Jeff Schasny wrote:
> That would be a nice feature. I do believe that it only processes 
> files with a * or *SELECT dictionary item however.
> Gregor Scott wrote:
>> I am trying to get Rocket to improve the behaviour of *HS.UPDFINFO to 
>> support active select lists so that only the files I want built into 
>> the ".hs_fileinfo" cache item (rather than have EVERY SINGLE F/Q-type 
>> item from the VOC included).
>> Support inform me that I seem to be the only person interested in 
>> such a change, so I thought I would at least ask the question of the
>> U2 community.
>> Would anyone else find it useful to have the *HS.UPDFINFO command 
>> enhanced to support select lists, or have a new command created that 
>> deals with select lists?
>> Thanks
>> Gregor
>> This email and any attachments to it are confidential.
>> You must not use, disclose or act on the email if you are not the 
>> intended recipient. Liability limited by a scheme approved under 
>> Professional Standards Legislation.
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 09:04:21 +1000
From: Brian Whitehorn 
To: U2 Users List 
Subject: Re: [U2] Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Dan, perhaps something along the lines of uservoice (
where "votes" and feedback can be collated might add additional value, this
being a good example.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gregor Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 1 May 2013 3:29 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Would anyone else like a change to *HS.UPDFINFO?

I am trying to get Rocket to improve the behaviour of *HS.UPDFINFO to
support active select lists so that only the files I want built into the
".hs_fileinfo" cache item (rather than have EVERY SINGLE F/Q-type item from

Re: [U2] Write failure FB8 error!

2013-04-26 Thread Brian Leach
Hello Ara

The pc = FB8 error is the program counter - it can tell you where in your
program the error occurred, but not the reason. It should relate to a VLIST
of the program. The most likely is that something has affected the file
being written, but it could also be an index on that file.

What type of file is the GL file?

Generally -
1. take a backup of the file
2. take a copy of the file at the operating system level to play with.
3. use fixtool to scan and look for any errors.
4. if you can work out the record that failed to write, you can use the
RECORD command to find out which group it would hash to in order to narrow
down the search.
5. If you are on Windows, check the error log.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Aramaies
Sent: 25 April 2013 22:56
Subject: [U2] Write failure FB8 error!

Good afternoon,

I was wondering if anyone has seen "pc = FB8" WRITE FAILURE errors on
I am running a module which updates the account numbers in G/L file.
The program does a readseq, removes, control characters, and attempts to
write 10 digit G/L numbers into G/L file.
It runs properly in development and test accounts, however in production
platform it fails on different account numbers and give "write failure"
error msg.
I have added display command to display the account numbers as program
runs..and the final run crashed with the WRITE FAILURE pc FB8 error.

Any idea/comments will be appreciated!

Ara Baghdasraian

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Re: [U2] Refactoring Tools

2013-04-24 Thread Brian Leach
Hello Tony

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll take a look.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: 22 April 2013 21:29
Subject: Re: [U2] Refactoring Tools

Brian, on my freeware page I have a Merge/Split routine. I use it to merge
Included code modules so that I can run, debug, and edit them as a unit,
then split the modules off back into their components. From there,
re-compiling all code allows the entire app to benefit from an individual
The utility gets a uniquely stamped backup of every item before every
operation to ensure nothing gets lost.

WRT your query, it sounds like you want to factor out common code. I'd
approach this by writing a utility that scans items for common blocks of
text, wrapping those blocks with start/end markers which I use in the
Merge/Split. So let's say you have 100 lines that start with label
"FOO: * do foo". Wrap that as follows:

FOO: * do foo


With all program items marked like that, run the Merge/Split on them and do
a split (without a prior merge since you're creating new Includes). You'll
get a single INC.FOO item and all other items will then INCLUDE INC.FOO at
the right location.

This will take some manual effort. You don't really know what blocks to
refactor out until you've looked around for common patterns, and you will
find a lot of blocks that are close but not quite the same.
You could factor out all FOO subroutines into individual items, then delete
items that are the same, and modify code which includes that code to use a
single Include item.

The most benefit comes when  you find lots of large common blocks of code.
This usually comes in the form of long EQUate lists, Common definitions,
blocks of Open statements, and logging and other housekeeping. You may even
find value in Includes of Includes.

If you do use the Merge/Split freeware, I'd appreciate if you'd pass back
any updates you make for this specific purpose.

Aside from that more manual approach, check out mvToolbox. It has a ton of
features that do all sorts of magical things - for all I know it might have
some hidden function to help to refactor out an entire application. Some
developers load it to every new site they work on, to organize app code
before doing any other work on it. (Yes,  that needs to be done properly.)
Use that link to avoid getting passed off to the awful awful web ring.
While marketed via  a poor website, mvToolbox is great software which only
suffers from having too many features and too much documentation.
Get over the  too/too issue and you will find a number of gems in there at
too low of a price for such a useful tool.


> From: Brian Leach
> I'm doing some intensive work with a large UniVerse site to assist
> in migrating their 20 year old code base and working practices to
> Agile, XP and TDD. They are really enthusiastic in embracing the 
> modern world and making good progress, but there is a huge amount of 
> legacy code to be cleaned up and test harnessed.
> So before I spend time possibly reinventing the wheel, does anyone 
> know of any good refactoring tools for UniVerse Basic?

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Re: [U2] Refactoring Tools

2013-04-22 Thread Brian Leach
Jeff -

Exactly :)

I mean refactoring as in restructuring old code to make it more testable and
consistent. You find these tools for .NET, java and other languages though
there the model is different because of the OO nature. Universe code doesn't
decompose down the same way but I was just wondering whether anyone had
built some assisting tools before I have to start designing and building

Example, an slice through a program that mixes UI and business logic to rip
out the useful guts into external subroutines for unit testing whilst
preserving the overall logic safely. Which means the tool needs at least a
rudimentary understanding of code syntax and scope rather than just
stripping lines out. (e.g. this block sets a local variable as a by-product,
that also just happens to be used 5,000 lines later on in a GoSub so it
needs to be surfaced if the block is externalized - that kind of stuff that
could easily get lost). 

I've written plenty of code analysis software but not specifically for this.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: 22 April 2013 19:49
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Refactoring Tools


Code refactoring is a "disciplined technique for restructuring an existing
body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external
behavior",[1] undertaken in order to improve some of the nonfunctional
attributes of the software. Advantages include improved code readability and
reduced complexity to improve the maintainability of the source code, as
well as a more expressive internal architecture or object model to improve

My translation:
Remove the spaghetti without changing functionality.

*Wjhonson wrote:
> Perhaps by "refactoring" you mean just to make the code more consistent.
> Yes and no.  Decompiling the object code, will enforce consistency,
however at the expense of readability.
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Leach 
> To: 'U2 Users List' 
> Sent: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 5:26 am
> Subject: [U2] Refactoring Tools
> Hi All
> I'm doing some intensive work with a large UniVerse site to assist 
> them in migrating their 20 year old code base and working practices to 
> full Agile, XP and TDD. They are really enthusiastic in embracing the 
> modern world and making good progress, but there is a huge amount of 
> legacy code to be cleaned up and test harnessed.
> So before I spend time possibly reinventing the wheel, does anyone 
> know of any good refactoring tools for UniVerse Basic?
> Brian
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list


Jeff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
jschasny at gmail dot com

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[U2] Refactoring Tools

2013-04-21 Thread Brian Leach
Hi All


I'm doing some intensive work with a large UniVerse site to assist them in
migrating their 20 year old code base and working practices to full Agile,
XP and TDD. They are really enthusiastic in embracing the modern world and
making good progress, but there is a huge amount of legacy code to be
cleaned up and test harnessed.


So before I spend time possibly reinventing the wheel, does anyone know of
any good refactoring tools for UniVerse Basic?




U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [uv] Phantom question

2013-03-27 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Mark

If you have it, try running pwdx process_id

PS for anyone wanting this for Windows, the SysInternals process monitor
shows it.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mark Eastwood
Sent: 27 March 2013 17:59
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] [uv] Phantom question

I see several phantoms running with I do a "PORT.STATUS"
Question is - is it possible to determine which Account they are running in?
I have several accounts and not sure where they are actually running.
They launch with the BRIEF option, so no output in &PH&

Uv 10.2 RH Linux 

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Re: [U2] List..

2013-03-26 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Satya

When you LIST a file, the database shows you one of a number of things.

1. If you are on UniData and have an @UQ phrase, it will show that.
2. If you have an @ phrase, it will show that.
3. If not, it will show the key field (@ID).

Now, the @ and @UQ phrases are known as the default listing.
The idea of this is to give an indication of what the file holds - not all
the fields in the file as that be a pain to look through, but just enough to
give a sense of the main fields.

So you have a number of choices:

1. Change the @ID field so it only returns the first part. Bad idea - it
will confuse others who expect to see and select the whole key.
2. Create an @ phrase to make the default listing. That is generally okay so
long as everyone knows that is what is being shown.
3. Create your own phrase and use that i.e. LIST FILENAME SATYA

For (2) and (3) you can word your phrase like this assuming you are on
UniVerse or UniData in ECLTYPE U:

1> PH
2> EVAL "@ID['*',1,1]" ID.SUP

That will give you just the first part of the @ID field.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sathya
Sent: 26 March 2013 14:32
Subject: [U2] List..

Hi all,..

I have a small issue in listing a file. When I use LIST FILENAME, the data
comes like

I would like to display the data as

Can someone please help me in doing this?

Sathya V. 

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Re: [U2] Date conversion..

2013-03-22 Thread Brian Leach
Which of course on UniVerse (for mixed case month) is 


For Excel I find the ISO date format (-mm-dd) is the safest. Then it's
just down to the Excel options as to how it formats that column.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mecki Foerthmann
Sent: 22 March 2013 14:11
Subject: Re: [U2] Date conversion..

I use OCONV(DATE(),'D') and that works just fine because it displays today
as 22 Mar 2013.

On 22/03/2013 11:19, Martin Phillips wrote:
> Hi,
> Try
> M

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Re: [U2] Social Networks for MV

2013-03-18 Thread Brian Leach

Good post well stated.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: 17 March 2013 04:13
Subject: Re: [U2] Social Networks for MV

Wow, what an awesome set of responses. Thank you VERY much.

There are consistent opinions in many of the responses. So I hope all of you
will forgive if I respond to my own post here with a new sub-thread, and
with another blog, as I wanted to keep all of the thoughts together.
In summary, what We think about social media is unimportant. What is
important is, that is where other people are, so that is where we should be
too. I'd be interested to know if this second blog entry prompts any

I recognize that this isn't directly a U2 topic. This is more of an industry
topic, of which U2 users are a part. Increasingly, U2 is becoming less
associated with the MV industry and more a self-contained industry of its
own. I don't think that's the right direction. We all lose personally, and
"the industry" suffers, because there are so few common places where MV/Pick
users congregate. I'm encouraging people to broaden the horizons rather than
furthering the contraction. Our scope as more diversified professionals
shouldn't be limited to any one group, or just to U2 groups in different web

In this forum in the past, we've discussed the merits of email versus
browser-based forums, Usenet, Google Groups, etc. The passionate preferences
expressed for all of these media is exactly the same as that expressed, for
or against the various social media. I'm suggesting that now the question is
not just "which forum" but what other media should we consider in addition
to forums? It's almost the next inevitable question ...

Twitter is OK for some purposes, not others. Same with LinkedIn, etc.
No one medium is good for all purposes.  I think everyone should give proper
consideration to each venue, individually, on its merits as a tool for
providing and receiving specific kinds of information.

Your (really really verbose, thankful, and apologetic) colleague  :)

Tony Gravagno, Nebula Research and Development  
USA 949-380-1668 Skype: gravagnot 
Visit! Contribute!   

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Re: [U2] Social Networks for MV

2013-03-16 Thread Brian Leach
All social networks are not the same. I am happy to be on LinkedIn which 
incidentally has good Rocket and Pick groups, but share the distrust of 

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Mar 2013, at 10:31, "Symeon Breen"  wrote:

> Every company I am involved in has a facebook/linkedin/twitter account and
> we keep them updated regularly - it is essential in modern business
> marketing to do this.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
> Sent: 15 March 2013 22:12
> To:
> Subject: [U2] Social Networks for MV
> I'm on a mini campaign to make more MV colleagues aware of the benefits of
> using Twitter and other social media. Everyone is welcome to visit my blog
> on the topic and to comment here or there.
> Tony Gravagno  
> Nebula Research and Development  
> TG@  
> Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products  
> worldwide, and provides related development services  
> Visit! Contribute!  
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2012.0.2240 / Virus Database: 2641/5677 - Release Date: 03/15/13
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Replacements for Old SB?

2013-03-14 Thread Brian Leach

> It's that I haven't had a single department manager tell me they want a
thick client GUI in almost a decade. Anyone who is looking to me for GUI
these days wants a browser. 

Not always - there is thick client and thick client.

If you mean a true thick client that requires an installation on every
desktop - that's probably out for all but the smaller shops or those who
need the extra processing power: even the best browser software still lags
far behind in terms of usability - but that's down to the model (and before
the flames, I do write browser based solutions as well). 

But there are plenty who, once shown, are happy to have lightweight
sandboxed clients that get kicked off through the browser - in the same way
as, for example, starting a GotoMeeting session. No installation, no
deployments, no hassles.

Which is why mvStudio offers both :)


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Replacements for Old SB?

2013-03-12 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Tony

SB+ used to have (don't know if it does still) wrappers for the old SB
screens, but they are really different animals and from what I dimly recall
the wrapper never really flowed right - mixing models. 

I used to have tools to take SB to uvCase - giving them an immediate Windows
GUI - and my current mvStudio product is mostly backward compatible with
uvCase (i.e. it's uvCase with multiple platforms and another 15 years'
lessons learned), so that might well be an option. I'd need to do some
digging, though - it's a while since I converted an oldtime SB system!

SB was never quite as adept at naval gazing as SB+, so it was in may ways a
cleaner conversion. The problem with getting anything out of SB+ is that it
constantly references itself and there is no separation between the logical
model and its implementation, so if you go beyond parsing out all the file
definitions and tools you just end up with another SB+. So an 80% conversion
is easy ..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: 12 March 2013 20:12
Subject: [U2] Replacements for Old SB?

I'm still running across sites that have 1990's versions of SystemBuilder on
different DBMS platforms.

What's the latest wisdom on either migrating away from SB to another
cross-platform product, or the pain of migrating/upgrading to a current
UV/SB+ ?

I'm fully aware that DesignBais is very familiar looking to SB users but
there are no good conversion tools to get to that product.

I'm also aware of another product based in the UK that has excellent tools
for migrating From SB, but I don't like where they migrate To.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Tony Gravagno   
Nebula Research and Development 
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET worldwide   
and provides related development services  
Visit! Contribute!   

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Re: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

2013-03-12 Thread Brian Leach
And after all of *that*, make sure you have installed .NET framework 4 on
the web server, and if you are using old ASP style pages, you need to
register the COM wrappers. Only supports the connection by name (the old
open2 syntax) not the older connection via ADODB.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Israel, John R.
Sent: 12 March 2013 14:55
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

My PC dies a few weeks ago and I am trying to re-install the U2 Web DE
package on my PC so that I can connect to UniData & Redback on my UNIX box.
Note that my web server running IIS is on yet a 3rd box.

My documentation is slim to none and I am hoping to get some guidance.

Everything is working fine on my UNIX box (RedBack and UniData) and all is
good on my web server.  I just need to get U2WebDE running from my PC.

As I recall, when it asks if I want the Complete or Custom setup, I choose
I am fine with the destination of C:\IBM\U2WEBDE When it asks for which
features, it defaults to 1) U2 Web Designer, 2) IIS Gateway & 3)
International Licenses.
If I click "Next", I get a window showing an empty box stating: "0 IIS web
sites are defined. Select one to use in this installation."

Obviously, I am missing something here.

If I backup to the features and also turn on the RedBack Object Server for
UniData, and click next, it wants to start a Database service on my PC, but
UniData is on a UNIX box.

Where am I going wrong?


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Re: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

2013-03-12 Thread Brian Leach
Also, to set up the database side portion, you need to run WebDE developer,
connect to the account and use the option to enable the account from there.

Remember that unlike RedBack, there are no responders on the server. It is
all done from the web server running pooled UniObjects connections.

So you need to set up the new ini file (rgw5.ini) in place of the old
rgw.ini on the web server, with the min/max pools and the connection
credentials (encrypted password). Bad luck if that has an expiry policy. 

Setting up the ini file also requires WebDE developer, though once created
you can copy the rgw5.ini around.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Israel, John R.
Sent: 12 March 2013 14:55
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

My PC dies a few weeks ago and I am trying to re-install the U2 Web DE
package on my PC so that I can connect to UniData & Redback on my UNIX box.
Note that my web server running IIS is on yet a 3rd box.

My documentation is slim to none and I am hoping to get some guidance.

Everything is working fine on my UNIX box (RedBack and UniData) and all is
good on my web server.  I just need to get U2WebDE running from my PC.

As I recall, when it asks if I want the Complete or Custom setup, I choose
I am fine with the destination of C:\IBM\U2WEBDE When it asks for which
features, it defaults to 1) U2 Web Designer, 2) IIS Gateway & 3)
International Licenses.
If I click "Next", I get a window showing an empty box stating: "0 IIS web
sites are defined. Select one to use in this installation."

Obviously, I am missing something here.

If I backup to the features and also turn on the RedBack Object Server for
UniData, and click next, it wants to start a Database service on my PC, but
UniData is on a UNIX box.

Where am I going wrong?


U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

2013-03-12 Thread Brian Leach

You need to make sure that you have install the IIS 6 compatibility options
(under Add/Remove Windows Components), or the setup won't find your web


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Israel, John R.
Sent: 12 March 2013 14:55
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] U2 Web DE Re-install

My PC dies a few weeks ago and I am trying to re-install the U2 Web DE
package on my PC so that I can connect to UniData & Redback on my UNIX box.
Note that my web server running IIS is on yet a 3rd box.

My documentation is slim to none and I am hoping to get some guidance.

Everything is working fine on my UNIX box (RedBack and UniData) and all is
good on my web server.  I just need to get U2WebDE running from my PC.

As I recall, when it asks if I want the Complete or Custom setup, I choose
I am fine with the destination of C:\IBM\U2WEBDE When it asks for which
features, it defaults to 1) U2 Web Designer, 2) IIS Gateway & 3)
International Licenses.
If I click "Next", I get a window showing an empty box stating: "0 IIS web
sites are defined. Select one to use in this installation."

Obviously, I am missing something here.

If I backup to the features and also turn on the RedBack Object Server for
UniData, and click next, it wants to start a Database service on my PC, but
UniData is on a UNIX box.

Where am I going wrong?


U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] ISO Date Format

2013-03-11 Thread Brian Leach

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: 11 March 2013 13:57
Subject: [U2] ISO Date Format

Has anyone come up with an OCONV string that will product an ISO standard
date (-MM-DD)? After a vendor insisted on this last week I ended up
creating a subroutine called by an I descriptor but it seems like there
should be an easier way. A quick trip through the Universe Basic manual, my
old Prime Info-Basic manual, and Pick Basic: A programmer's guide didn't
shed any light.

Jeff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
jschasny at gmail dot com

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2013-03-09 Thread Brian Leach
Traditionally WHEN is an output limiter and WITH is a selector, so they occupy 
different branches of the process. But with a SELECT SAVING that difference 
becomes blurred, so I would vote for a WHEN to be allowed in that case.

Of course on unidata it would no doubt have to be on some dumb UDT.OPTION to 
preserve compatibility. 


Sent from my iPad

On 8 Mar 2013, at 20:23, Jeffrey Butera  wrote:

> Stupid question: is there a good reason why WHEN/ASSOCIATED can only be used 
> with LIST and not SELECT?
> -- 
> Jeffrey Butera, PhD
> Associate Director for Applications and Web Services
> Information Technology
> Hampshire College
> 413-559-5556
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] Another silly job ad

2013-03-09 Thread Brian Leach
i wonder if that includes the wonderful IN2 franglais and never knowing if a 
prompt needed a Y or an O. Those were the days...

Sent from my iPad

On 9 Mar 2013, at 13:21, Wjhonson  wrote:

> Obviously since the company is moving from PI/Open to Universe you *must* 
> have IN2 compatibility
> Bizarre.
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] I Descriptor no longer working in UniSQL after UD upgrade

2013-03-05 Thread Brian Leach
Sorry, that can't be the case. Should have read more carefully :(

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: 05 March 2013 13:12
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] I Descriptor no longer working in UniSQL after UD upgrade

Could it be that the dates are coming through in the wrong format?
e.g. if you need to change the DEFAULTS definition in your ENGLISH.MSG file?

Just a thought


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mecki Foerthmann
Sent: 05 March 2013 12:42
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] I Descriptor no longer working in UniSQL after UD upgrade


we upgraded from UD 5.2/Solaris to UD 7.2/RH about a month ago and so it
looked fine so far.
Now I had a call that there are purchase orders missing on a Cognos report.
When I investigated I noticed that from the day of the upgrade I have rows
in the table used for that report with missing dates.

The report is based on a SQL Server 2000 table that gets updated every night
with Purchasing information from UD using DTS.
We want to track supplier performance so I take a snapshot of the
outstanding Purchase order deliveries every night and add them to this
Each row also contains the date the snapshot was done.
Some order line have multiple deliveries so I created a I-type dictionary
item using REUSE(@DATE).
This is mapped in the schema and was working just fine under 5.2 but now
there is only a date for the first multivalue.

I created a new subtable using the 7.2 VSG and the result is the same.
The dictionary works just fine from ECL but in SQL only the first row has a
date and all others are null.

Any idea why this doesn't work anymore under UD 7.2?

U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] I Descriptor no longer working in UniSQL after UD upgrade

2013-03-05 Thread Brian Leach
Could it be that the dates are coming through in the wrong format?
e.g. if you need to change the DEFAULTS definition in your ENGLISH.MSG file?

Just a thought


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mecki Foerthmann
Sent: 05 March 2013 12:42
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] I Descriptor no longer working in UniSQL after UD upgrade


we upgraded from UD 5.2/Solaris to UD 7.2/RH about a month ago and so it
looked fine so far.
Now I had a call that there are purchase orders missing on a Cognos report.
When I investigated I noticed that from the day of the upgrade I have rows
in the table used for that report with missing dates.

The report is based on a SQL Server 2000 table that gets updated every night
with Purchasing information from UD using DTS.
We want to track supplier performance so I take a snapshot of the
outstanding Purchase order deliveries every night and add them to this
Each row also contains the date the snapshot was done.
Some order line have multiple deliveries so I created a I-type dictionary
item using REUSE(@DATE).
This is mapped in the schema and was working just fine under 5.2 but now
there is only a date for the first multivalue.

I created a new subtable using the 7.2 VSG and the result is the same.
The dictionary works just fine from ECL but in SQL only the first row has a
date and all others are null.

Any idea why this doesn't work anymore under UD 7.2?

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Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

2013-02-26 Thread Brian Leach
'k then I need to explain it better :)

Back to the docs.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: 26 February 2013 18:39
Subject: Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

I don't understand the key mapping at all for your Z.
I admit I haven't spent a lot of time looking at it, but that totally went
over my head.




-Original Message-----
From: Brian Leach 
To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 12:50 am
Subject: Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

Hi Bill

If you find something difficult to do in my editors - tell me!
How else am I going to improve them?


Sent from my iPad

On 25 Feb 2013, at 20:14, Bill Haskett  wrote:

> Symeon:
> That may be true these days, but wIntegrate has always been 
> significantly more
expensive than AccuTerm, and AccuTerm always worked better with Linux and
SSH (rather than using SSL like wIntegrate does/did).  Also, AccuTerm's
licensing was significantly easier to manage (we still have clients
struggling with the old site-licensing of wIntegrate).
> Nowadays, however, we use UniObjects to connect to our servers and run 
> our
application.  Even now, I still use AccuTerm mostly, and VS2010 (which I
mostly dislike - but that's just the environment).  I've tried xLr8, BST,
Brian's but there's always something that just trips me up each and every
day with these packages.  Every time I get one of these set up and running,
something changes or something I do on a common basis is just very difficult
to accomplish.  :-(
> Bill
> Untitled Page
> --
> --
> - Original Message -
> *From:*
> *To:* 'U2 Users List' 
> *Date:* 2/25/2013 10:56 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [U2] UV full screen editor
>> Also If you want an editor integrated into your terminal emulator I 
>> have always found wintegrate to be the best solution out there.
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

2013-02-26 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Bill

If you find something difficult to do in my editors - tell me!
How else am I going to improve them?


Sent from my iPad

On 25 Feb 2013, at 20:14, Bill Haskett  wrote:

> Symeon:
> That may be true these days, but wIntegrate has always been significantly 
> more expensive than AccuTerm, and AccuTerm always worked better with Linux 
> and SSH (rather than using SSL like wIntegrate does/did).  Also, AccuTerm's 
> licensing was significantly easier to manage (we still have clients 
> struggling with the old site-licensing of wIntegrate).
> Nowadays, however, we use UniObjects to connect to our servers and run our 
> application.  Even now, I still use AccuTerm mostly, and VS2010 (which I 
> mostly dislike - but that's just the environment).  I've tried xLr8, BST, 
> Brian's but there's always something that just trips me up each and every day 
> with these packages.  Every time I get one of these set up and running, 
> something changes or something I do on a common basis is just very difficult 
> to accomplish.  :-(
> Bill
> Untitled Page
> - Original Message -
> *From:*
> *To:* 'U2 Users List' 
> *Date:* 2/25/2013 10:56 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [U2] UV full screen editor
>> Also If you want an editor integrated into your terminal emulator I have
>> always found wintegrate to be the best solution out there.
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] FW: UV full screen editor

2013-02-25 Thread Brian Leach
Ouch, apologies, I *meant* Doug A of course.
I must have been glancing at Doug C's post as I typed it.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Leach [] 
Sent: 25 February 2013 14:13
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: RE: [U2] UV full screen editor

Two options from my website (both free):

Z is a terminal based full screen editor with syntax highlighting for
UniVerse Basic.

mvDeveloper 2 is a Windows based editor with syntax highlighting for
UniVerse Basic, PROC, and loads of other stuff.

And I'm sure Doug C will chime in with his (U2 Logic's) editor.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nirvan Wijesekera
Sent: 25 February 2013 14:04
Subject: [U2] UV full screen editor

Hello all,
I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this topic has been brought up
before. Can anyone recommend a decent full-screen editor for Universe? I
require it for editing source code as well as modifying data files. Seems
like most of them can do one or the other, but not both. We do not run
System Builder, so is there anything else available? We are trying to move
away from the native UV line editor.
Many thanks.  
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

2013-02-25 Thread Brian Leach
Two options from my website (both free):

Z is a terminal based full screen editor with syntax highlighting for
UniVerse Basic.

mvDeveloper 2 is a Windows based editor with syntax highlighting for
UniVerse Basic, PROC, and loads of other stuff.

And I'm sure Doug C will chime in with his (U2 Logic's) editor.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nirvan Wijesekera
Sent: 25 February 2013 14:04
Subject: [U2] UV full screen editor

Hello all,
I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this topic has been brought up
before. Can anyone recommend a decent full-screen editor for Universe? I
require it for editing source code as well as modifying data files. Seems
like most of them can do one or the other, but not both. We do not run
System Builder, so is there anything else available? We are trying to move
away from the native UV line editor.
Many thanks.  
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Dumping data to file from TCL

2013-02-21 Thread Brian Leach

If you really want to do that ..

You can use SAVING with an EVAL clause and save the results to your

SAVE.LIST SomeList.txt

But why don't you want to use DOWNLOAD or another program like EXPORT (from
my website)? That's what they are designed to do.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Phil Walker
Sent: 20 February 2013 20:57
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Dumping data to file from TCL

Does Universe now have the ability to dump data to a file using a SELECT or
LIST from TCL?  I believe Unidata does have this capability..

For example, I can do a

>SAVE.LIST ExportDirectory Datadump.dat

But I would rather just say

>LIST File IType TO ExportDirectory Datadump.dat

I know I could use DOWNLOAD or use

>LIST File Itype TOXML

But I don't want to really use xml for this as there are a large number of
records and the contents of IType are long and I would prefer not to use
DOWNLOAD, or have to write a program if I can help it.

Any ideas?

U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [AD] FREE pick date conversion android app [/AD]

2013-02-14 Thread Brian Leach

I don't know of any that would, and you would have the problem of managing
the number of connections since UOJ is a) stateful b) licensed per
concurrent connection and c) doesn't always handle dropouts well (and we all
know how reliable mobile networks can be). So much as I love UO I wouldn't
select it as the route of choice from a mobile app.

I would rather use JSON enabled web services in the middle using standard
ajax calls. That's supported by all mobile toolsets. Also I've found Android
isn't that good at handling large data transfers as a socket stream so
splitting across multiple HRQ calls works better. Of course I may have just
been unlucky there. 

The apps I've developed haven't been U2 backed (they've been for SQL server
sites) and so I've just created .NET JSON web services for those, but I
would probably follow the same model for anything that was U2 based.

Anyone know better?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Schasny
Sent: 14 February 2013 14:24
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [AD] FREE pick date conversion android app [/AD]


Brian (and Doug),

I too have been using Basic4Android to make a some simple Android apps and
I've posted some questions to the Basic4Android community about the
inclusion of 3rd party libraries like Uniobjects for Java and really have
not gotten a satisfactory answer, or at least one I understand (the answer
was: yes we  support 3rd party .jar libraries but you'll have to write a
wrapper around it, to which I said "wrapper??" and got no response). So my
question is, do any or the other alternative VB like environments support
the inclusion of Uniobjects for Java?


Brian Leach wrote:
> Now there really IS an app for it ... :)
> PS if you want a VB-like way of building apps, also check out NS Basic.
> Simple and cool.
> (Neither of which are the first things to spring to mind about Titanium,
> which I use... the results are blistering but I always feel I'm running
> up-hill avoiding potholes)
> Brian
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list


Jeff Schasny - Denver, Co, USA
jschasny at gmail dot com

U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [AD] FREE pick date conversion android app [/AD]

2013-02-14 Thread Brian Leach
Now there really IS an app for it ... :)

PS if you want a VB-like way of building apps, also check out NS Basic.
Simple and cool.

(Neither of which are the first things to spring to mind about Titanium,
which I use... the results are blistering but I always feel I'm running
up-hill avoiding potholes)


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing

2013-02-05 Thread Brian Leach

I would be honoured (honored) !

I'll contact you off list to get that sorted.


Sent from my iPad

On 5 Feb 2013, at 20:13, "Susan Joslyn"  wrote:

> Brian,
> Oh my goodness that is great news!  I can't wait!  I'll take an early
> release of that - and of course I will want to talk to you about integrating
> it into PRC's test framework!
> Can't wait to see it!
> Susan Joslyn
> Message: 11
> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2013 11:13:31 -
> From: "Brian Leach" 
> To: "'U2 Users List'" 
> Subject: Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing
>w/integration with HP QualityCenter
> Message-ID: <003d01ce0391$d5284350$7f78c9f0$>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="us-ascii"
> Hi David
> I've recently released a testing product called (predictably!) mvTest.
> This supports automated testing of U2 applications using a dedicated
> scripting language modelled after UniBasic for familiarity but with a number
> of key extensions to handle data validation, test data handling, UI
> scripting and assertions. 
> You can use this to create unit tests, UI tests (currently TELNET and
> U2-compatible secure TELNET/SSL but with SSH to follow shortly), regression
> and volume tests.
> Here's a quick overview of how it works -
> - You create unit or UI tests using the scripting language. These can be run
> through either of a Windows client or through a server-side script runner
> e.g. if you want to perform CI testing through a phantom. There's a nice
> Windows based editor to create, organize and test these.
> - The tests return pass or fail information based on assertions, so you can
> see at a glance if anything has broken. You can save the information and run
> various reports against it.
> - The tests can run direct against the database through a UO.NET connection
> (e.g. for testing subroutine calls and parameters) or through a
> terminal-style UI. It embeds a complete terminal emulator with all the
> necessary functions, and this allows you to drive screens, perform spot
> checks, branch on different results (e.g. handling error messages raised
> from your screens), handle send/expect style scripting and more complex
> conditions (such as wait until the cursor is at this location and this
> message has appeared here). 
> - It keeps a separate shared server connection open while the UI tests run
> so you can, for example, script an entry screen via the terminal UI that
> ends up saving some data like a sales order, and then immediately check what
> has been written to the database through the underlying connection as part
> of the same script.
> - Unit tests can be organized into batches in which the tests run in order,
> so you can set up sequences that match business operations. 
> - Batches can be organized into runs, so you can test whole suites of your
> application. Each run can be customized, so you can feed in per-site or
> per-system information. Runs can optionally randomize the order in which
> batches are executed, and you can set up different run scenarios and
> iteration patterns.
> - You can feed in and randomize test data and from the client side runner,
> access local features as well as the database operations.
> - Volume testing can take place using the Windows client. This is a
> multithreaded client supporting multiple concurrent UI sessions - I've
> tested up to 250 concurrent connections from a single PC running against an
> SB+ system for one customer last year who needed to stress test their system
> performance coming up to the New Year sales. 
> This first release is targeting U2 with other MVDBMS to follow. I'm also
> adding support for GUI testing using the Microsoft Automation APIs and WebUI
> testing going forward.
> Anyone interested can contact me for an evaluation version, or download the
> user guide from
> Regards
> Brian
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing w/integration with HP QualityCenter

2013-02-05 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Cameron

IIRC SB/XA is WPF (XBAP) based - or am I misremembering?

If it is, the GUI testing I'm adding should handle that - it's designed to
cope with native Win32, .NET WinForm and WPF. In fact, WPF is probably the
neatest as it was built with specific support for the automation UI (which
in turn in built on top of the accessibility UIs). It's just that the
automation UI is a complete and utter bear to program and really, really
ugly... which is why I'm trying to encapsulate it in something more usable.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brawn, Cameron
Sent: 05 February 2013 13:05
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing
w/integration with HP QualityCenter

Great start - Can I be really demanding and ask for SBXA (XUI) support as
well?  ;)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013 22:14
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing
w/integration with HP QualityCenter

Hi David

I've recently released a testing product called (predictably!) mvTest.

This supports automated testing of U2 applications using a dedicated
scripting language modelled after UniBasic for familiarity but with a number
of key extensions to handle data validation, test data handling, UI
scripting and assertions. 

You can use this to create unit tests, UI tests (currently TELNET and
U2-compatible secure TELNET/SSL but with SSH to follow shortly), regression
and volume tests.

Here's a quick overview of how it works -

- You create unit or UI tests using the scripting language. These can be run
through either of a Windows client or through a server-side script runner
e.g. if you want to perform CI testing through a phantom. There's a nice
Windows based editor to create, organize and test these.

- The tests return pass or fail information based on assertions, so you can
see at a glance if anything has broken. You can save the information and run
various reports against it.

- The tests can run direct against the database through a UO.NET connection
(e.g. for testing subroutine calls and parameters) or through a
terminal-style UI. It embeds a complete terminal emulator with all the
necessary functions, and this allows you to drive screens, perform spot
checks, branch on different results (e.g. handling error messages raised
from your screens), handle send/expect style scripting and more complex
conditions (such as wait until the cursor is at this location and this
message has appeared here). 

- It keeps a separate shared server connection open while the UI tests run
so you can, for example, script an entry screen via the terminal UI that
ends up saving some data like a sales order, and then immediately check what
has been written to the database through the underlying connection as part
of the same script.

- Unit tests can be organized into batches in which the tests run in order,
so you can set up sequences that match business operations. 

- Batches can be organized into runs, so you can test whole suites of your
application. Each run can be customized, so you can feed in per-site or
per-system information. Runs can optionally randomize the order in which
batches are executed, and you can set up different run scenarios and
iteration patterns.

- You can feed in and randomize test data and from the client side runner,
access local features as well as the database operations.

- Volume testing can take place using the Windows client. This is a
multithreaded client supporting multiple concurrent UI sessions - I've
tested up to 250 concurrent connections from a single PC running against an
SB+ system for one customer last year who needed to stress test their 
SB+ system
performance coming up to the New Year sales. 

This first release is targeting U2 with other MVDBMS to follow. I'm also
adding support for GUI testing using the Microsoft Automation APIs and WebUI
testing going forward.

Anyone interested can contact me for an evaluation version, or download the
user guide from



U2-Users mailing list

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Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing

2013-02-05 Thread Brian Leach
Oh and -

If anyone here is subscribed to International Spectrum magazine (and if not,
why not?) I'm writing a series on automated testing with the first
instalment to appear in the March/April edition. So I'd be interested to
hear any user stories ...


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: 05 February 2013 11:14
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing
w/integration with HP QualityCenter

Hi David

I've recently released a testing product called (predictably!) mvTest.

This supports automated testing of U2 applications using a dedicated
scripting language modelled after UniBasic for familiarity but with a number
of key extensions to handle data validation, test data handling, UI
scripting and assertions. 

You can use this to create unit tests, UI tests (currently TELNET and
U2-compatible secure TELNET/SSL but with SSH to follow shortly), regression
and volume tests.

Here's a quick overview of how it works -

- You create unit or UI tests using the scripting language. These can be run
through either of a Windows client or through a server-side script runner
e.g. if you want to perform CI testing through a phantom. There's a nice
Windows based editor to create, organize and test these.

- The tests return pass or fail information based on assertions, so you can
see at a glance if anything has broken. You can save the information and run
various reports against it.

- The tests can run direct against the database through a UO.NET connection
(e.g. for testing subroutine calls and parameters) or through a
terminal-style UI. It embeds a complete terminal emulator with all the
necessary functions, and this allows you to drive screens, perform spot
checks, branch on different results (e.g. handling error messages raised
from your screens), handle send/expect style scripting and more complex
conditions (such as wait until the cursor is at this location and this
message has appeared here). 

- It keeps a separate shared server connection open while the UI tests run
so you can, for example, script an entry screen via the terminal UI that
ends up saving some data like a sales order, and then immediately check what
has been written to the database through the underlying connection as part
of the same script.

- Unit tests can be organized into batches in which the tests run in order,
so you can set up sequences that match business operations. 

- Batches can be organized into runs, so you can test whole suites of your
application. Each run can be customized, so you can feed in per-site or
per-system information. Runs can optionally randomize the order in which
batches are executed, and you can set up different run scenarios and
iteration patterns.

- You can feed in and randomize test data and from the client side runner,
access local features as well as the database operations.

- Volume testing can take place using the Windows client. This is a
multithreaded client supporting multiple concurrent UI sessions - I've
tested up to 250 concurrent connections from a single PC running against an
SB+ system for one customer last year who needed to stress test their system
performance coming up to the New Year sales. 

This first release is targeting U2 with other MVDBMS to follow. I'm also
adding support for GUI testing using the Microsoft Automation APIs and WebUI
testing going forward.

Anyone interested can contact me for an evaluation version, or download the
user guide from



U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] U2 Test Tools for system/unit & regression testing w/integration with HP QualityCenter

2013-02-05 Thread Brian Leach
Hi David

I've recently released a testing product called (predictably!) mvTest.

This supports automated testing of U2 applications using a dedicated
scripting language modelled after UniBasic for familiarity but with a number
of key extensions to handle data validation, test data handling, UI
scripting and assertions. 

You can use this to create unit tests, UI tests (currently TELNET and
U2-compatible secure TELNET/SSL but with SSH to follow shortly), regression
and volume tests.

Here's a quick overview of how it works -

- You create unit or UI tests using the scripting language. These can be run
through either of a Windows client or through a server-side script runner
e.g. if you want to perform CI testing through a phantom. There's a nice
Windows based editor to create, organize and test these.

- The tests return pass or fail information based on assertions, so you can
see at a glance if anything has broken. You can save the information and run
various reports against it.

- The tests can run direct against the database through a UO.NET connection
(e.g. for testing subroutine calls and parameters) or through a
terminal-style UI. It embeds a complete terminal emulator with all the
necessary functions, and this allows you to drive screens, perform spot
checks, branch on different results (e.g. handling error messages raised
from your screens), handle send/expect style scripting and more complex
conditions (such as wait until the cursor is at this location and this
message has appeared here). 

- It keeps a separate shared server connection open while the UI tests run
so you can, for example, script an entry screen via the terminal UI that
ends up saving some data like a sales order, and then immediately check what
has been written to the database through the underlying connection as part
of the same script.

- Unit tests can be organized into batches in which the tests run in order,
so you can set up sequences that match business operations. 

- Batches can be organized into runs, so you can test whole suites of your
application. Each run can be customized, so you can feed in per-site or
per-system information. Runs can optionally randomize the order in which
batches are executed, and you can set up different run scenarios and
iteration patterns.

- You can feed in and randomize test data and from the client side runner,
access local features as well as the database operations.

- Volume testing can take place using the Windows client. This is a
multithreaded client supporting multiple concurrent UI sessions - I've
tested up to 250 concurrent connections from a single PC running against an
SB+ system for one customer last year who needed to stress test their system
performance coming up to the New Year sales. 

This first release is targeting U2 with other MVDBMS to follow. I'm also
adding support for GUI testing using the Microsoft Automation APIs and WebUI
testing going forward.

Anyone interested can contact me for an evaluation version, or download the
user guide from



U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

2013-01-30 Thread Brian Leach
Hi David

Thanks - this was probably back on version 10.x when I first heard about the
UniData version so it may have been added since.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hona, David
Sent: 30 January 2013 10:41
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC


*UOLOGIN works for me in UV11.1.9 AIX. What arguments are you specifying?

I haven't got been able to get *ODBCLOGIN to work. I'm speculating if the
arguments the same though - such is the nature of "undocumented" features?

Perhaps they should have *APILOGIN to for all API clients? Plus a new
@-variable that can identify what server-side interface is handling the call
- thus eliminating the need for UOLOGIN and ODBCLOGIN... ?


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 8:05 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

Sadly these appear to be UniData only.

Or at least, in the past I've tried with local catalog, global catalog as
*UOLOGIN and global catalog as the (illegal) UOLOGIN. None of these got

Would be really useful as a central consolidation point for things like
setting DATE.FORMAT.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Phil Walker
Sent: 28 January 2013 21:23
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

Is this only Unidata or Universe?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Daniel McGrath
Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 9:15 a.m.
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

Glad to hear that!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 12:25 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

> There is an undocumented feature: ' ODBCLOGIN'. This is a subroutine 
> that is called for every ODBC call. You can use this to either blank 
> prevent ODBC, or setting up restricted login access & login.
Dan, I got the info from our VAR and it works great. Thanks!

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U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe

2013-01-29 Thread Brian Leach

Yes, they are still cached but you can derive the name - it's an overhead but 
I've created systems with master triggers that read a list of subordinate 
triggers from a control file and call them in order. Then these can have a 
version stamp appended when catalogued. 

IN practice I found the overhead of reading the list was minimal compared with 
the overheads on calling the trigger in the first place, and because it's 
happening all the time on a busy system that control file is constantly cached 
in memory anyway.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Peter Cheney
Sent: 28 January 2013 23:26
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe

Could use the trigger program to call one or more external subroutines based on 
the trigger action required?
I understand that the external subroutines are not cached and can be updated 
without needing to stop/start the master trigger.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Saturday, 26 January 2013 20:19
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe

Remember also that triggers, as subroutines, are cached in memory so if you 
recompile a trigger  the changes won't be picked up by any processes that have 
not logged off or returned to TCL. 


Sent from my iPad

On 25 Jan 2013, at 22:18, Bobby Worley  wrote:

> That's what I did, Perry!  GMTA ;)
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Perry Taylor wrote:
>> You can globally catalog in a Pick-flavored account.  Copy the 
>> CATALOG VOC record from the UV account to your Pick-flavored account 
>> VOC renaming it something like ICATALOG.  We do it all the time for our 
>> file-based triggers.
>> Perry
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 3:03 PM
>> To: U2 Users List
>> Subject: Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe
>> The problem was the locally cataloged program.I was in an account that
>> is PICK flavor and wouldn't allow global cataloging.  When I catalog 
>> the program globally from the UV account the CREATE TRIGGER now works.
>> Thanks!
>> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Woodward, Bob 
>> >> wrote:
>>> In Unidata the problem would be that the trigger has to be cataloged 
>>> globally, not locally.  I'm not sure how to do that in Universe, though.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [mailto:
>>>] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>>> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 1:33 PM
>>> To: U2 Users List
>>> Subject: [U2] Triggers in Universe
>>> I'm up against a wall here - trying to use triggers for the first 
>>> time,
>> on
>>> Universe.  Can't seem to get my test to work -
>>> Universe on AIX:
>>> 001 X
>>> 002 11.1.9
>>> 003 PICK
>>> 005 11.1.9
>>> Compiling: Source = 'BDW/TRIGTEST', Object = 'BDW.O/TRIGTEST'
>>> *
>>> Compilation Complete.
>>> "TRIGTEST" cataloged.
>>> 001 V
>>> 003 B
>>> 004 BNP
>>> 005
>>> 007 S N P I A E H
>>> 009 BDW.O
>>>> FOR
>>> Unable to locate trigger program "BDW.O/TRIGTEST".
>>> --
>>> *Bobby D. Worley*
>>> IT Applications Developer
>>> Coburn Supply Company
>>> o: 903.753.8613 | m: 214.676.9825
>>> ** **
>>> ___
>>> U2-Users mailing list
>>> U2-Users@listse

Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

2013-01-29 Thread Brian Leach
Sadly these appear to be UniData only.

Or at least, in the past I've tried with local catalog, global catalog as
*UOLOGIN and global catalog as the (illegal) UOLOGIN. None of these got

Would be really useful as a central consolidation point for things like
setting DATE.FORMAT.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Phil Walker
Sent: 28 January 2013 21:23
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

Is this only Unidata or Universe?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Daniel McGrath
Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2013 9:15 a.m.
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

Glad to hear that!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 12:25 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UD] Disabling/blocking ODBC

> There is an undocumented feature: ' ODBCLOGIN'. This is a subroutine 
> that is called for every ODBC call. You can use this to either blank 
> prevent ODBC, or setting up restricted login access & login.
Dan, I got the info from our VAR and it works great. Thanks!

U.S. BANCORP made the following annotations
Electronic Privacy Notice. This e-mail, and any attachments, contains
information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy
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retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this
information in any manner. Instead, please reply to the sender that you have
received this communication in error, and then immediately delete it. Thank
you in advance for your cooperation.


U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe

2013-01-26 Thread Brian Leach
Remember also that triggers, as subroutines, are cached in memory so if you 
recompile a trigger  the changes won't be picked up by any processes that have 
not logged off or returned to TCL. 


Sent from my iPad

On 25 Jan 2013, at 22:18, Bobby Worley  wrote:

> That's what I did, Perry!  GMTA ;)
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Perry Taylor wrote:
>> You can globally catalog in a Pick-flavored account.  Copy the CATALOG VOC
>> record from the UV account to your Pick-flavored account VOC renaming it
>> something like ICATALOG.  We do it all the time for our file-based triggers.
>> Perry
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:
>>] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 3:03 PM
>> To: U2 Users List
>> Subject: Re: [U2] Triggers in Universe
>> The problem was the locally cataloged program.I was in an account that
>> is PICK flavor and wouldn't allow global cataloging.  When I catalog the
>> program globally from the UV account the CREATE TRIGGER now works.
>> Thanks!
>> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Woodward, Bob >> wrote:
>>> In Unidata the problem would be that the trigger has to be cataloged
>>> globally, not locally.  I'm not sure how to do that in Universe, though.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [mailto:
>>>] On Behalf Of Bobby Worley
>>> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 1:33 PM
>>> To: U2 Users List
>>> Subject: [U2] Triggers in Universe
>>> I'm up against a wall here - trying to use triggers for the first time,
>> on
>>> Universe.  Can't seem to get my test to work -
>>> Universe on AIX:
>>> 001 X
>>> 002 11.1.9
>>> 003 PICK
>>> 005 11.1.9
>>> Compiling: Source = 'BDW/TRIGTEST', Object = 'BDW.O/TRIGTEST'
>>> *
>>> Compilation Complete.
>>> "TRIGTEST" cataloged.
>>> 001 V
>>> 003 B
>>> 004 BNP
>>> 005
>>> 007 S²N²P²I²A²E²H
>>> 009 BDW.O
>>> Unable to locate trigger program "BDW.O/TRIGTEST".
>>> --
>>> *Bobby D. Worley*
>>> IT Applications Developer
>>> Coburn Supply Company
>>> o: 903.753.8613 | m: 214.676.9825
>>> ** **
>>> ___
>>> U2-Users mailing list
>>> ___
>>> U2-Users mailing list
>> --
>> *Bobby D. Worley*
>> IT Applications Developer
>> Coburn Supply Company
>> o: 903.753.8613 | m: 214.676.9825
>> ** **
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
>> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any
>> attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)
>> and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any
>> unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is
>> prohibited. ZirMed, Inc. has strict policies regarding the
>> content of e-mail communications, specifically Protected Health
>> Information, any communications containing such material will
>> be returned to the originating party with such advisement
>> noted. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact
>> the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the
>> original message.
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> -- 
> *Bobby D. Worley*
> IT Applications Developer
> Coburn Supply Company
> o: 903.753.8613 | m: 214.676.9825
> ** **
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list


2013-01-24 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Clif

Why are you using REVISE? It's HORRIBLE ..

If you want a free, command-line field-driven screen update processor,
download ENTER from my website .. highly configurable and functional.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gregor Scott
Sent: 24 January 2013 05:35
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Help with REVISE (AKA ENTRO/ENTROC)

According to the UV11 System Description manual:

> Inserts a new line item above the current line item. ReVise displays an
explanation and prompts you to enter the new set of associated multivalues.
>#n Copies all associated multivalues of line item n and puts it above the
current line item.

Perahps the double ">" is causing the grief?

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You must not use, disclose or act on the email if you are not the intended
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U2-Users mailing list

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Web service

2013-01-17 Thread Brian Leach
Rudy -

Which web services are you using? Are we talking the newer Universe RESTful web 
or older style SOAP? That makes a difference.

T -

Just a small addition -

> Note - these days ASMX and SOAP services are getting a little passe', and the 
> favored approach is using WCF and REST.

That's the received wisdom but it's worth pointing out to the group that from 
.NET 3.5 ASMX pages automatically switch to JSON format if they receive a 
suitable http content type that avoids the XML bloat so you can call them 
directly from jQuery, DOJO etc., and are far less messy to set up and deploy 
than WCF.


-Original Message-
From: Rudy.Cooper
I�ve been banging my head against the wall but getting nowhere trying to find a 
good example of of a c# program consuming a web service.
Specifically, I need an example of a c# program consuming a UV web service.  We 
have a few web services in UV that are consumed by a Seibel app.  I would like 
to write the same thing in C# using vs 2010.  Does anyone have an example in C# 
that they could send me or provide a link to a good working example?

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Re: [U2] Redback w/o Web Page

2013-01-14 Thread Brian Leach
Hi John

What I've done to test RBOs is to replace the RBO.getProperty and
RBO.setProperty functions with my own wrappers that just map the properties
to a name-value pair held in a common block. When you don't want to run in
test mode the wrappers can fall back to calling the real RBO.getProperty and
RBO.setProperty functions.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Israel, John R.
Sent: 14 January 2013 17:15
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] Redback w/o Web Page

Normally, a web page will create an object, populate some properties, then
execute a method to pass the object and its properties to a U2 program (in
my case UniData).  No problem.

I am working on a new and complicated process and I would like to cut out
the web part of this for the moment and make sure that I have a solid
foundation in my basic code & data.  I have written my main program, and I
have written a very small driver program that simply loads the properties of
the object, then calls the main program.  The problem is, the web page
usually creates the object.

My driver program can "set" a property (simulating what the web page would
do), but if I "get" the property in the very next line, it is empty.  I
assume this is because the object does not exist (though it did not give any

How do I build an object from within a basic program?


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Re: [U2] External database

2013-01-14 Thread Brian Leach

You don't need to recompile - the infobasic object code is interpreted, so
there is no difference in running it on a 32 bit or 64 bit platform. 

Also, you don't need to set the 64BIT_FILES flag in the uvconfig to do this
- that just sets the default for creating new files. Any files you need to
convert can be changed on a one-by-one basis.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of asad50089
Sent: 14 January 2013 15:22
Subject: Re: [U2] External database


Thanks for guidance. Please let me know, my most of the work is on UniVerse
32-bit edition including massive coding in infobasic as well. Now if I
turned 64-bit on switch, what will be the complications I can face otherwise
it will be safe ride? Do I need resize all files again and also compile code
on 64-bit? 


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Re: [U2] {BDT] Commenting A Block Of Code

2013-01-10 Thread Brian Leach

Even better would be to use a $IFDEF so the compiler strips it out, and that
way it's not confused with other Ifs.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dave Davis
Sent: 10 January 2013 15:15
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] {BDT] Commenting A Block Of Code

You could surround the lines with an IF statement that always evaluates to

Not the same as commenting out of course.

  Code you don't want to run.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:25 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] {BDT] Commenting A Block Of Code

Rather than going line-by-line... is there a way... or a trick to
highlighting several lines of code...

And commenting out all of these lines in aggregate?

I have a legacy program whose code is no longer compliant... that I am
trying to isolate.

U2-Users mailing list

Dave Davis
Team Lead, R&D

P: 614-875-4910 x108
F: 614-875-4088

6110 Enterprise Parkway
Grove City, OH

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you have received this message in error, please notify the sender
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Re: [U2] {BDT] Commenting A Block Of Code

2013-01-10 Thread Brian Leach

Different options in ascending order of usefulness:

1. In ED, use block commands to start and finish and then replace the start
of each line, e.g.

10 (goes to line 10)
< (starts block)
20 (goes to line 20)
> (ends block)
c//*/B (comments block)

2. In Z (free from my site), use the cursor to block the lines and hit the
Comment (*) command.

3. In mvDeveloper (free from my site), use the mouse to highlight and click
the Comment Out button or right click -> Comment Out



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: 10 January 2013 01:25
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] {BDT] Commenting A Block Of Code

Rather than going line-by-line... is there a way... or a trick to
highlighting several lines of code...

And commenting out all of these lines in aggregate?

I have a legacy program whose code is no longer compliant... that I am
trying to isolate.

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Re: [U2] How to check which sproc is called by user

2013-01-08 Thread Brian Leach
If it is a session hang you're possibly looking at locking issues so check
the lock table to see what is waiting and also check for any group locks
that persist.

If it is UniVerse, It's also a good idea to check the errlog file in the uv
account: if that does not exist, create it as a zero length file (you can go
into the UV account and ED &UFD& errlog and just file it) and it will log
the last 100 errors.

If you can catch the session that has hung you can use the PORT.STATUS
command to see where they were and their calling stack.

Phil's idea of using the remote item security subroutine to audit calls is
good once you've managed to identify the routine concerned, but it doesn't
help you get to that point.

How is your application constructed? Is it terminal based, UniObjects, Web?
If it is terminal based, create a COMO on the LOGIN for that user session
and see if that helps find it.

If it is UniObjects based and you can clearly identify the user (and you
have the time and space) and nothing else has worked, you can actually watch
their session using a network tracer.

I think we need to know a little more about the context of the problem.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ravindranath
Sent: 07 January 2013 21:55
Subject: [U2] How to check which sproc is called by user

Hi U2 Guru's


Can I tell when a sproc was last executed or who executed it.  If so how.
Some way to get statistics and access logs. Reason we are asking this is we
are having a session hang issue we have tracked it down to a session user
but have no clue which sproc did the call to trouble shoot.


Thanks in advance

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Re: [U2] Wally Terhune

2012-12-14 Thread Brian Leach

You *can't* retire!
What will all the UniData crowd do without you?

Thanks for all your help, guidance (and patience) over the years. It's been
a privilege to meet you and I wish you a long and happy retirement.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dan Goble
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 10:04 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Wally Terhune

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement.  Thanks for all the support you
have given us over the years for us Unidata guys.   Your breadth of
knowledge will surely be missed.

Enjoy retirement,

Dan Goble | Senior Systems Engineer

Interline Brands, Inc.
804 East Gate Drive Suite 100, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Office: 856.533.3110 | Mobile: 609.792.6855
E-mail: | Website:

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solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.  Please
notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail in
error and delete all copies of this message.

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Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-12-09 Thread Brian Leach
since I often find myself working in mvBasic, Delphi, C#, javascript and 
sometimes VB.NET at the same time it is the multiline end and else syntax that 
is the one that trips me.


If cond Then
End Else


If cond Then Begin
End Else Begin


If cond Then
End If

.. So sometimes the C# and javascript braces are welcome!

But I would add that good code is beautiful irrespective of the syntactic 
vagaries of the chosen language - except for TSQL of course which is always 


Sent from my iPad

On 9 Dec 2012, at 17:38, Wjhonson  wrote:

> For a single line.
> I don't understand how an IF would know, for multiple lines, where it's 
> supposed to end.
> With a semi colon?  Horrible.
> Computer languages should be written for humans to read, not machines.
> -Original Message-
> From: u2ug 
> To: louiebergsagel ; U2 Users List 
> Sent: Sun, Dec 9, 2012 9:32 am
> Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue
> mv basic doesn't require an END to an IF either
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Louie
> Bergsagel
> Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2012 3:21 AM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue
> I'm in my current job because I was willing to learn Python at work and
> on my own dime.  I took a beginner's course in Python at the University
> of Washington because I didn't know much besides Prime Information,
> Henco's Info, Structure/4, UniVerse, UniData and MITS.  It was fun to
> learn Python as the syntax was so similar to Pick basic.  Program
> controls is through indentation, which we usually use anyway.  They even
> go Pick one better:
> an IF statement doesn't need an END.  They all require one, right, so
> why
> not assume it?  I love that thinking.   Learn some Python.  You'll be
> glad
> you did.
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] How can I create DataSet using U2 Toolkit for .NET's Add-ins and Visual Studio 2010 DataSet Designer?

2012-12-04 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Rajan

Good job!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of rajank
Sent: 04 December 2012 17:17
Subject: [U2] How can I create DataSet using U2 Toolkit for .NET's Add-ins
and Visual Studio 2010 DataSet Designer?

Please read :


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Re: [U2]

2012-12-03 Thread Brian Leach

There isn't a single standard, it depends on a) how easy it is to generate
the data in the first place and b) what you want to do with it after..

Going UniXML gives you the option to generate a dataset which is easy for
binding but has large overheads,  or more usefully to grab the content into
an XDocument and parse it into List using LINQ whilst
preserving the structure: the latter gives you more flexibility and you
don't need to normalize or navigate the parent/child relations created in a
dataset if you have multivalued data. 

Of course you don't have to use UniXML to bring back XML for LINQ - you can
bring that back in a subroutine argument, having generated it directly in
BASIC. If you create a template for your XML document and for the row and
just use the CHANGE() function to populate placeholders, that's often
quicker than calling out to the XML features in the database - just make
sure you handle the escapes. 

Ditto JSON, but unless you're calling from a web service consuming context
there isn't really the tooling exposed in .NET to then do anything useful
with it (there is a LINQ provider for JSON but it converts it into XML
behind the scenes before parsing).

If you want to work raw returning data from a subroutine, you can delimit
your records with char(255) and simply split() them on the client into an
array and possibly List.AddRange(array). But you would still then have to
do the work of interpreting the individual record contents after separating

All of which is an answer that is no answer..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Symeon Breen
Sent: 03 December 2012 15:55
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2]

I could use a basic subroutine, but in order for it to return a couple of
hundred records, it would have to either delimit the records somehow  or
generate an xml or json string, and I just wanted to see if there was a
better/more standard way of doing this.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 03 December 2012 15:07
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2]

 If the supposed access time for these records is rather quick, 200  records
is a relatively small record set. Although there are technically  more
elegant ways of doing this, why cant you just stick with your  proven basic
subroutine call?

 On Mon, 3 Dec 2012 14:59:43 -, Symeon Breen wrote:
> Ahh yes  - upto about 200 ish
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: 03 December 2012 14:47
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2]
>  For me the key is in how many is "a number of records"?
>  On Mon, 3 Dec 2012 14:48:45 -, Symeon Breen wrote:
>> Hi - I have been using for many years now,   however 
>> I
>> usually use it to call a basic subroutine on the u2 server.  I now 
>> have a little project where I need to get a number of records from a 
>> file, ideally like the output of a list command as I have some itypes 
>> I also need to get.
>> I could do this via a select list and read the ids into a unidataset 
>> and then call other programs to get the itype data, or I could do a 
>> unixml probably a few other ways.
>> So what is the best way to do this ?
>> Thanks
>> Symeon.
>> ___
>> U2-Users mailing list
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
> -
> No virus found in this message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2012.0.2221 / Virus Database: 2634/5433 - Release Date: 
> 12/02/12
> ___
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Re: [U2] mvquery

2012-11-26 Thread Brian Leach

I'll respond off-list. If it is intermittent that sounds like permissions on
the licence files.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bob Witney
Sent: 26 November 2012 12:50
Subject: [U2] mvquery

We use mvquery to pull reports from Universe 10

Just  occasionally we get this


Any ideas ?


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Re: [U2] converting D3 to UniData

2012-11-23 Thread Brian Leach
> As someone who uses both platforms I'd have to ask why anyone would want
to do such a thing.

I'd certainly question why, if you want to move a D3 application to U2, you
would choose UniData over UniVerse? That's not a general "uv is better
than/worse than udt" comment so don't make this a flame war (like Tony I
have products running on several platforms), but just that the UniVerse PICK
flavor is much closer to D3 than the UniData P mode.

With UniVerse you would at least start out with:

Q pointers
PICK style A and S type dictionaries
PICK flavoured compiler options
PICK flavoured options in the enquiry language
Decent PROC support

All of which would make the initial migration easier.


U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] converting D3 to UniData

2012-11-22 Thread Brian Leach
As others have said, it largely depends on how vanilla your d3 application

Things like the %-operations in FlashBasic will need special treatment as
will any user exits, there are equivalents to %open() in the socket api and
the sequential file operations but they will need converting over. Obviously
if you're using the header files in dm and such like, they will need

At the file system level you don't have the structural files like SYSTEM
(UniVerse has a near equivalent in UV.ACCOUNT) and the VOC which is the
equivalent of the MD is a regular file, so MD and DICT MD are not the same.
File and field names are case sensitive as is searching in the enquiry

If you're using dictionaries, UniData (unlike UniVerse) only supports the
PRIME style and doesn't have the implicit fields *A1 etc.
Controlling/dependent series are handled as associations, and T-correlatives
become TRANS() functions that use regular delimiters between values when
passed multivalued keys. More legible, though.

Q pointers will also cause problems, these need to be changed to F types on
UniData (supported on UniVerse though).  

There are differences in the enquiry language but many of these can be
sorted by setting the UDT.OPTIONS which are runtime flags determining how
certain operations work.

Integration with the underlying OS is generally quite different, e.g. you
can't use the copy (d)os: command, you would just create a file pointer to a

The middleware of choice is UniObjects, much nicer than the D3 equivalents
IMHO but again not compatible.

These are just the first things off the top of my head - basically there are
lots of little things to consider, but all surmountable given time and a
good test bed.

Note that you can download personal editions of both UniVerse and UniData
from the Rocket website to become familiar before you start to get in too


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Daniel Ruckel
Sent: 22 November 2012 03:59
Subject: [U2] converting D3 to UniData

Can I convince someone in this group to share their experience/s converting
D3 to UniData?





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Re: [U2] Unidata 6.1.15 Oddity

2012-11-08 Thread Brian Leach
FWIW not just @VM. I have standard include code that does a CONVERT
CHAR(222) TO @FM after doing MCU conversions on UniData. Since it just gets
poked in various places I haven't checked if it is still a problem.
BASICTYPE P, but no other UDT.OPTIONs strangely set ..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug Averch
Sent: 08 November 2012 15:11
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Unidata 6.1.15 Oddity


Many releases ago on Unidata we noticed that this particular code was not
working.  The code would work when we had it in another program.  The
program would fail even when we added CRT statements around the code.  So,
we moved the offending code to another area of the program and the problem
was no longer.  It seems there was something in the area of code that was
causing the compiler to work correctly.  Of course we have not seen any of
the problem on the current release of 7.3.


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Kevin King  wrote:

> We have a customer who has a system that was rebooted a couple days ago.
>  Since then, and only in one certain subroutine, when doing an MCU 
> conversion on a multivalued list, the ASCII 253 value marks are 
> replaced with ASCII 221.  Understanding that the difference between an 
> lower and upper case A is 32 in the ASCII table (97 - 65), it seems 
> like Unidata is treating the delimiters like normal characters.  But 
> again, this only happens in certain programs.  If I extract the lines 
> of code that exhibit this behavior into its own program, the problem does
not occur.
> Any ideas what might be causing this and only in one subroutine?  Both 
> my test program and the real program with the problem are $BASICTYPE "U".
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
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Re: [U2] [OT] Sql Query

2012-11-07 Thread Brian Leach
Hi Barry

The first question with sql is - which sql? There are lots of variants, all
offering very different capabilities and features (like U2 vs R83). SQL*Plus
for Oracle is very different from TSQL for SQL Server: SQLite is a very
'standard' SQL but almost nobody uses the ANSI syntax to that level..

If you're an MSDN subscriber, Microsoft has partnered with PluralSight to
offer some of their courses. I haven't done their SQL ones, but I have been
through some of the other PluralSight stuff and it's been good.

If not, download SQL Server Express anyway and the Management Studio. Then
you want to download the adventureworks sample databases and then you can
find some very good materials on MSDN and the SQL Server Books Online. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Barry Rogen
Sent: 07 November 2012 16:18
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Sql Query

Thank you all for places to get my foundation built. I think from there, I
can build my own house

Barry Rogen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
PNY Technologies, Inc.
(973) 560-5327

    We are continually faced with great opportunities brilliantly
disguised as insoluble problems. 
 John W Gardner


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 10:10 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [OT] Sql Query

If your just interested in an easy paced method, and not something you need
to master tomorrow.
Look into They work with many of the community colleges and
offer many 6 week Mini-classes. They are not college credit classes, but
they are fairly inexpensive apx $95.00 A class.

I have taken a lot of these for fundamentals.

The only thing I don't like, is when you want to do more, they only release
the lessons twice a week, And you can't work ahead...

The advantage is that the class is easy paced, and has an instructor (forum
formatted for questions) that You can ask questions from, who will usually
answer advanced questions that the course does not cover, just Because they
can, not because they have to.


I was in the same boat. Also, If you don't apply it, it really makes it
difficult. Setup a MySQL (WAMP) on A PC, and start playing with some
database projects. I have found that having a PICK background gives me An
unusual style in creating SQL queries, such as creating functions as mini
I-DESC, then using the Functions in SQL queries vs trying to setup a
complicated JOIN. 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Barry Rogen
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:45 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] [OT] Sql Query

Our environment here is changing considerably and the focus is more
and more inclusive of Sql database(s).  My knowledge of Sql extends slightly
past the ability to spell it.  If  I could get some suggestions on some good
venues to learn the query language for this new database, it would be
appreciated.  There are so many books and venues out there, it is difficult
to separate the good from the bad from the ugly.


Barry Rogen

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Re: [U2] Is the LMODE column helpful for something?

2012-11-06 Thread Brian Leach

You can visualize the lock table as consisting of a number of columns and
rows. The size of these are dictated by your uvconfig settings.

The group lock table has GSEMNUM rows, each with GLTABSZ entries.
The readu lock table has GSEMNUM rows, each with RLTABSZ entries.

The group lock and readu lock tables are both linked through the GSEMNUM.

To protect access to these whilst giving a reasonable spread of locks, each
row of the table is protected by a specific semaphore. 

When Universe needs to take a group lock, it calculates the row that should
hold that lock in a similar way to how it goes about calculating the right
block to store a record in a hashed file: it converts the lock into an
address (group address + inode), divides it by GSEMNUM and the modulus gives
the row in which to try to place the lock.

It means that like a hash file you can have concurrent access to different
parts of the lock table.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: 06 November 2012 17:59
Subject: Re: [U2] Is the LMODE column helpful for something?

Okay it's called a "lock semaphore"
What is that, and why would two different users have the same lock




-Original Message-
From: Wjhonson 
To: u2-users 
Sent: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 9:37 am
Subject: [U2]  Is the LMODE column helpful for something?

In my lock table there is a column called Lmode it has a two digit number
and also "RU" which I guess means "Read Update" although I haven't tested
other types of locking.

What is this two-digit number and can it be useful to me for something?
It's not unique across users, and also one user can have several
simultaneous values.
What is it?

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Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-11-02 Thread Brian Leach
There's a comedy radio show I listen to, and a few weeks back they had a 'My
New App Does ..' round.
One of the contributors said (paraphrased)

"I've got a brilliant new app!

It shows a set of numbers on my display.. 
and if you press them in the right order .. it sends a message to one of
your friends.. 

And you know what? If they respond - you can even talk to each other!

Whoever would have thought of adding that to a phone?"


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
Sent: 02 November 2012 10:57
Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

On 02/11/12 02:49, Bill Haskett wrote:
> Kind of reminds me of my phone.  It's gotten so many functions, that 
> barely work, now I can't even make a simple phone call.  So I ditched 
> my Android and went to a pay-as-you-go simple phone.  Now I can 
> receive and make calls without any problems.  Who'd have thought?  :-)

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-11-01 Thread Brian Leach
and I overlooked the obvious, using the ! buffer for IEnumerable.. its a winner.

Now, lambdas.. that might be a challenge.. they're already ugly enough.


Sent from my iPad

On 1 Nov 2012, at 22:25, Wjhonson  wrote:

> Where's my pitchfork?
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Leach 
> To: U2 Users List 
> Cc: U2 Users List 
> Sent: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 3:22 pm
> Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue
> hmm and there was I thinking it was tiime for RPL.NET.
> All it would need is a tortuously non obvious syntax for property and method 
> setting and class instantiation and it would be job done..
> just need another buffer type for handles..
> C instantiate my form and return handle
> IS ^1 MyForm ELSE \XNothing doing\END
> C set title property to hello
> MV ^1.Title hello
> C get value of client width indirectly
> MV %2 ClientWidth
> MV %3 ^1.%2
> C double it
> F;%3;%3;+;?^1.%2
> Cshow it
> MX ^1.Show
> Couldn't be more legible.
> Brian
> Sent from my iPad
> On 1 Nov 2012, at 19:32, wrote:
>> I did a lot of RPL coding in the 80s. I remember when I left that job 
>> telling them that I would rather slide down a razor blade into a vat of 
>> alcohol than write one more line of RPL code. But that's just my opinion.
>> Charles Shaffer
>> Senior Analyst
>> NTN-Bower Corporation
>> ___
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Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-11-01 Thread Brian Leach
hmm and there was I thinking it was tiime for RPL.NET.

All it would need is a tortuously non obvious syntax for property and method 
setting and class instantiation and it would be job done..

just need another buffer type for handles..

C instantiate my form and return handle
IS ^1 MyForm ELSE \XNothing doing\END
C set title property to hello
MV ^1.Title hello
C get value of client width indirectly
MV %2 ClientWidth
MV %3 ^1.%2
C double it
Cshow it
MX ^1.Show

Couldn't be more legible.

Sent from my iPad

On 1 Nov 2012, at 19:32, wrote:

> I did a lot of RPL coding in the 80s. I remember when I left that job 
> telling them that I would rather slide down a razor blade into a vat of 
> alcohol than write one more line of RPL code. But that's just my opinion.
> Charles Shaffer
> Senior Analyst
> NTN-Bower Corporation
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Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-11-01 Thread Brian Leach
It was the precursor to RPL.
Just as GIRLS was the precursor to PICK.

SMI's Language Extender.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Barry Rogen
Sent: 01 November 2012 18:01
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

So what does SMILE stand for ?

Barry Rogen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
PNY Technologies, Inc.
(973) 560-5327

    We are continually faced with great opportunities brilliantly
disguised as insoluble problems. 
 John W Gardner


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David Wolverton
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:38 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

HA!  I had to go look up SMILE for GIRLS -- what a  GREAT acronym!  

They were really were creative (and yes, maybe a bit sexist...) in their

David W.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:02 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

> Show me a single person in the world who has all of : Universe, 
> Unidata,
D3, Jbase, Revelation AND RPL and I will show you a liar

Better keep my mouth shut, then, hadn't I ? .

Mind you I'm surprised they didn't add SMILE for GIRLS...


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Re: [U2] Another job ad written by people who have no clue

2012-11-01 Thread Brian Leach
> Show me a single person in the world who has all of : Universe, Unidata,
D3, Jbase, Revelation AND RPL and I will show you a liar

Better keep my mouth shut, then, hadn't I ? .

Mind you I'm surprised they didn't add SMILE for GIRLS...


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2012-10-29 Thread Brian Leach
> Maybe you could give an example of why you would read the Dict for an

Since one of my free tools has already come up in the discussion :)

For my various versions of IMPORT (including BCI.IMPORT) dictionaries are
used for two reasons:

1. to identify which fields to update in each source, so it can be used like
a regular verb.
2. to handle calculated fields that may also need to be inserted based on
the import data.

Here's the usage for BCI.IMPORT to give an idea:


BCI.IMPORT by Brian Leach

Import SQL data into Universe.


BCI.IMPORT [FROM datasoure]
  [AS username][PASS[WORD] password]
  [EXEC statement|{TEXT|SQL} statement]
  [PARAM parameter..]
  [FIRST rows]
UPDATES filename
  [FIELD] fieldname {$n|EXPR expression|@special|'value'}
  [LIST 'xxx,xxx'][RELATES file][BETWEEN n AND m]
  [PATTERN xxx][operator][REQUIRED]
  [MAP 'code=value[,code=value]']
[UPDATES filename ...]




EXPR[ESSION] 'Expression'

Expression is made up of:
   numbers  eg 1.23
   operatorseg +
   dictionary names eg SURNAME
   uV Basic functions   eg FIELD()
   @Variables   eg @UserNo
   import column $n eg $2

eg. EXPRESSION "TRIM($1:' ':$2:' ':$3)"



   AS sa PASSWORD admin
   EXEC 'sp_getData' PARAM 'OPEN'
  FIELD @ID $4

I write a lot of my utilities to be re-usable in this way, to be used as


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ross Ferris
Sent: 29 October 2012 07:17
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] UPLOAD not DOWNLOAD

You would use the dictionary item to know WHERE to put the data in U2 
which file, attribute etc.  if you are talking multi-values (or
"deeper") then this could also be driven from the dictionary, which would
provide you with the capability of performing some "mapping" 


you are in the position to dictate the format of the file you are trying to
import (aka "upload"?) into UV.

But, if you wanted to be able to map an arbitrary data source, as suggested
by George, using a dictionary would allow you to achieve the result in a
"point & click" manner --> and depending on the dictionary could also ensure
that you don't "download" incomplete or invalid data into an otherwise
(hopefully) "clean" environment, setup defaults etc

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage > Better by Design!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Saturday, 27 October 2012 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] UPLOAD not DOWNLOAD

I'm confused about your mention of Dict items because I don't see how you
use Dict items for Uploading.  I see how you use them for Downloading.
Maybe you could give an example of why you would read the Dict for an


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Re: [U2] [BDT] A giant leap forward

2012-10-25 Thread Brian Leach
> Rocket Software had to write a parser for Unidata and Universe in Eclipse
to accomplish what the U2 compilers do.

I guess they are trying to use regular parsing tools for what just isn't a
standard language: UniBasic doesn't follow normal syntax rules.

And of course, it only works if you're using regular UniBasic - not if you
have a pre-compiler or want to edit anything else (e.g. a PROC, Paragraph,
script, or some other asset like an HTML template or data item).. 

That's why mvDeveloper has always had its own hand-built parser and syntax
definitions that can be customized. The new version extends this to allow
new syntax types to be added based on standard 'families' and a new plug-in
architecture to support a wider range of tools. It affects all kinds of
things from the comment in/out rules, through navigation e.g. by next/prev
labels to the build/compile commands. 

I'll be officially releasing version 2 early next month - so watch this
space for announcements .


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Re: [U2] Selection Suggestions for using UV instead of SQL

2012-10-18 Thread Brian Leach
Since the index files are actually type 25 files, you can always (though of
course I would NEVER recommend this ... ) create a file pointer direct to
the INDEX.nnn and read the entries as records ... saves grabbing a select
list ..


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
Sent: 18 October 2012 09:53
Subject: Re: [U2] Selection Suggestions for using UV instead of SQL

On 18/10/12 09:29, Martin Braid wrote:
> I think you mean
> SELECTINDEX[,key.val] FROM file.var [TO list.num]
> Martin

Followed by a READLIST ...
Quite possibly - I can't remember.

One *important* point to note - if you are planning to call this from an
i-descriptor, as I did, don't forget you MUST save that to a non-default
list, or any attempt to LIST the idescriptor will go horribly wrong...

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
> Sent: 18 October 2012 08:55
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] Selection Suggestions for using UV instead of SQL
> On 17/10/12 16:40, George Gallen wrote:
>> How would I get the contents of the Index?
>> George
> Don't have the UV BASIC manual in front of me, but it's something like
> READINDEX variable FROM filedescriptor, indexname[, indexvalue]
> If you only pass filedescriptor and indexname, it will return a list of
> all the index values. If you also pass indexvalue, it will return a list
> of all keys for that value.
> I'll have a look later and see if I can find that routine - it's
> probably on my system somewhere, but my archives aren't that
> organised...
> Cheers,
> Wol
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:38 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [U2] Selection Suggestions for using UV instead of SQL
>> On 17/10/12 14:59, George Gallen wrote:
>>> Ok.
>>> I have file1 - "people" that has @ID of PID I have file2 - 
>>> "registration" that has @ID of PID+EID+RID  (EID = event id,  RID = 
>>> registration id)
>>> I want to select people who are not in the registration file with an
> EID of "1".
>>> With an SQL statement - I could join the two, then do the select or 
>>> use a subquery (I'm on UV 10.0.2 - not sure if sub querys work) Just
> curious how this could be done with UV Native, and without involving a
> program.
>>> But that returned 0 - since the NSELECT only works off the current 
>>> select list, not the whole file
>>> Yes, I could create a temporary file, then select off that Yes, I 
>>> could read each people record, then loop through registration to see
> if it doesn't exist.
>>> Both of the above require programming I guess I could create a 
>>> subroutine that does the looping through registration, and put that
> into an I descriptor - looking for another option.
>> Hmmm...
>> What I guess I'd do - create an index on file2 based on PID.
>> Create an idescriptor on file1 that gets the contents of that index. I
>> had a routine somewhere that got fed an index value and file, and 
>> returned the contents of the index. It was quite useful, iirc.
>> Manipulate it from there. Probably selecting where there is no value 
>> matching ...+1+...
>> Cheers,
>> Wol
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Re: [U2] Wouldn't it be nice if

2012-10-10 Thread Brian Leach

What's your end point?

If you're trying to get an enquiry-like set of data and then mess around
with it in Basic, you can use UniVerse SQL to generate a data set then
iterate through it programmatically. 

That's quick and unlike the external SQL access (e.g. ODBC) it doesn't try
to normalize it so you end up with sensible multivalued entries if you need.

Something along the lines of:

  SQL = "SELECT col1, col2 FROM some_file WHERE some_criteria ORDER BY

  Ok = SQLExecDirect(@HSTMT, SQL)
  Ok = SQLNumResultCols(@HSTMT, NumColumns)

  DIM COLS(NumColumns)
* bind these for each fetch
  For I = 1 To NumColumns
 Ok = SQLFetch(@HSTMT)
* COLS() now has the data for this row
 For I = 1 To NumColumns
Crt COLS(I):"|":
  Ok = SQLFreeStmt(@HSTMT, SQL.DROP)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: 10 October 2012 15:25
Subject: Re: [U2] Wouldn't it be nice if

Hmm I'd say build the structure.
I already have a verb WALK where you can give it a filename on the
commandline and it will build a BASIC program to select and readnext and
read each record in order.

But it's not yet smart enough to handle a request to SORT... BY that might
be a simple additional tweak not sure.




-Original Message-
From: Buss, Troy (Contractor, Logitek Systems) (Contractor, Logitek Systems)

To: U2 Users List 
Sent: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 2:13 am
Subject: Re: [U2] Wouldn't it be nice if

Hmm, I tend to work the other way and take basic programs that would be far
less maintenance being a query, even if it takes a little idescriptor work
to get it right.

What is your tweakery challenge?

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 1:51 PM
Subject: [U2] Wouldn't it be nice if

We had a vendor provided command which would turn a Query statement into a
BASIC program ?

For those situations where you just want to make some tweaks to a query
that's basically working ok just not perfectly.

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Re: [U2] Consuming Web Services (U2 Indexing)

2012-10-05 Thread Brian Leach

I *did* say UniVerse specific :)

Yes, it uses a really nice and well-designed B+Tree for the index keys but
once you're down to the data (the primary keys) they are stored in a regular
record format with @FM between each key. You can see that easily enough as
you can create a pointer to the INDEX.nnn record and just read/write it like
any other type 25 file. Which is lots of luurrvvelley out of line record
blocks to fill up when you do an insertion into the middle of a huge index


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: 05 October 2012 17:15
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Consuming Web Services (U2 Indexing)


I was under the impression that UniData uses a real B-Tree indexing system
while UniVerse uses some kind of linked list. e.g. UV has a single item for,
say, male/female and the item would look like

ID: male
001 1]2]3]4]5]6]...]999

...which would perform exactly as you say.  I don't think UniData performs
that way at all.


- Original Message -
*To:* 'U2 Users List' 
*Date:* 10/5/2012 5:59 AM
*Subject:* Re: [U2] Consuming Web Services
> Will
>> I don't understand what's wrong with indexing, can you clarify this 
>> point,
> and I'll wipe out a fix in three days :)
> Well for a start I didn't say there's anything wrong, I said it could 
> be improved - not the same thing!
> But as to specifics, take the following scenario (UniVerse specific):
> - Grab a transaction file for say, 10 million records.
> - Assume a reasonable key length say 10 chars.
> - Add a field with two states (open/closed, male/female, that kind of 
> thing).
> - Index it, and watch what happens to the performance on that file.
> - Better still, don't use an existing file! Create a new file and a 
> program to copy or build the content in basic and show a counter every
1000 records.
> At the start it will be quick. After about 500,000 you can grab a beer 
> in between the counters.
> The problem is, that a UniVerse index is very good at establishing the 
> index
> key: it has a nice B+tree format with a decent level of fan-out.
> But when it comes to the list of primary keys being indexed against 
> each index key, that's really just treated as a block of data.
> If you have a good ratio with a lot of index keys 
> (date*type*something_else) each of which gives a relatively short list 
> of primary keys you can get very good indexing performance. But it 
> isn't very clever when you have a small number of index keys to a large
list of primary keys.
> So every time you changed the flag value in the file above it would 
> have to load up the two lists (one for old value, one for new), locate 
> and delete from the old and locate/fail/append to the new, each list 
> averaging 11 byte
> * 5 million entries. And then write it back to a succession of 
> oversize blocks in the index file.
> Now you might say -  well, you wouldn't index a transaction file like
> And you would be right - because of the design of the index. But it's 
> a perfectly legitimate and reasonable thing to want to do.
> How to better manage a large index list is, of course, the question. 
> Since it is a large list into which elements are potentially 
> inserted/deleted in order, the list itself could be made into a set of 
> B+Tree pages over a certain threshold, reducing the cost of 
> location/insertion and location/deletion. Other databases use 
> techniques such as key deltas and compression to alleviate this. And 
> I'm sure there are better options if I could be bothered to research them.
> So there you go, Will. Your job for the weekend. Redesign the UniVerse 
> indexing so it works for large lists, and get Rocket to adopt it.
> :)
> Brian
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