
I *did* say UniVerse specific :)

Yes, it uses a really nice and well-designed B+Tree for the index keys but
once you're down to the data (the primary keys) they are stored in a regular
record format with @FM between each key. You can see that easily enough as
you can create a pointer to the INDEX.nnn record and just read/write it like
any other type 25 file. Which is lots of luurrvvelley out of line record
blocks to fill up when you do an insertion into the middle of a huge index


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: 05 October 2012 17:15
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Consuming Web Services (U2 Indexing)


I was under the impression that UniData uses a real B-Tree indexing system
while UniVerse uses some kind of linked list. e.g. UV has a single item for,
say, male/female and the item would look like

ID: male
001 1]2]3]4]5]6]...]9999999

...which would perform exactly as you say.  I don't think UniData performs
that way at all.


----- Original Message -----
*To:* 'U2 Users List' <>
*Date:* 10/5/2012 5:59 AM
*Subject:* Re: [U2] Consuming Web Services
> Will
>> I don't understand what's wrong with indexing, can you clarify this 
>> point,
> and I'll wipe out a fix in three days :)
> Well for a start I didn't say there's anything wrong, I said it could 
> be improved - not the same thing!
> But as to specifics, take the following scenario (UniVerse specific):
> - Grab a transaction file for say, 10 million records.
> - Assume a reasonable key length say 10 chars.
> - Add a field with two states (open/closed, male/female, that kind of 
> thing).
> - Index it, and watch what happens to the performance on that file.
> - Better still, don't use an existing file! Create a new file and a 
> program to copy or build the content in basic and show a counter every
1000 records.
> At the start it will be quick. After about 500,000 you can grab a beer 
> in between the counters.
> The problem is, that a UniVerse index is very good at establishing the 
> index
> key: it has a nice B+tree format with a decent level of fan-out.
> But when it comes to the list of primary keys being indexed against 
> each index key, that's really just treated as a block of data.
> If you have a good ratio with a lot of index keys 
> (date*type*something_else) each of which gives a relatively short list 
> of primary keys you can get very good indexing performance. But it 
> isn't very clever when you have a small number of index keys to a large
list of primary keys.
> So every time you changed the flag value in the file above it would 
> have to load up the two lists (one for old value, one for new), locate 
> and delete from the old and locate/fail/append to the new, each list 
> averaging 11 byte
> * 5 million entries. And then write it back to a succession of 
> oversize blocks in the index file.
> Now you might say -  well, you wouldn't index a transaction file like
> And you would be right - because of the design of the index. But it's 
> a perfectly legitimate and reasonable thing to want to do.
> How to better manage a large index list is, of course, the question. 
> Since it is a large list into which elements are potentially 
> inserted/deleted in order, the list itself could be made into a set of 
> B+Tree pages over a certain threshold, reducing the cost of 
> location/insertion and location/deletion. Other databases use 
> techniques such as key deltas and compression to alleviate this. And 
> I'm sure there are better options if I could be bothered to research them.
> So there you go, Will. Your job for the weekend. Redesign the UniVerse 
> indexing so it works for large lists, and get Rocket to adopt it.
> :)
> Brian
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