Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 or something)

2012-04-23 Thread John J. Wahl
Sorry John,

I dropped the ball on that one, I was indeed aware of that, and yes got 
past this entire portion months ago w/ my vendor.  I installed the 11.1.x 
client that is 64-bit on the 64-bit server, the download was a Nov 2011 
release, and as best as I know the newest thing I was back out a little bit ago 
and didn't see anything newer I could try.  As stated ODBC would be fine if 
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 allowed that... when I tried the old Connection 
string I was using in an OpenDataSource directly I was getting an error about a 
single threaded apartment model not being valid.  That led me to believe my 
install was messed up and found the DLL was not even present in the correct 
place, and more hours of fun ;)

The "older" string that the other machine uses returns an error like:
Msg 7308, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

OLE DB provider 'IBM.UniOLEDB' cannot be used for distributed queries because 
the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode.

... and ... doesn't actually show up as a provider anyway, so I was 

Thank you for the feedback,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896
 Add Me

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John Jenkins
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 18:40
To: U2 Users List
Cc: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 
or something)

To use 32 bit UniVerse client software on a 64 bit Windows platform, you need 
to set up the DSN with odbcad32.exe from syswow64 (not system32). If your 
client software is 64 bit then you need UniVerse 11.1 whIch has 64 bit client 
software, and updated SQL/ODBC as well.

Hope this helps.

Regards JayJay

Sent from my new toy.

On 23 Apr 2012, at 22:44, "John J. Wahl"  wrote:

> Greetings all,
>I've been parsing through the posts I've seen in the group and online, and 
> I'd love to get to a point where there's a conflict, but no such luck for me 
> I'm afraid.  Our issue seems a little different and I'm hoping someone has 
> seen this recently.  I have a single UniVerse server (10.1) it's running 
> Windows Server 2008, and had (as of this weekend) SQL Server 2008 on it as 
> well; both were setup as 32-bit.  This weekend I tried to move all my SQL 
> Server to a new box which is still SQL Server 2008, but the Server itself is 
> 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2.  To make a medium story shorter I cannot 
> get IBM.UniOLE to show up as a "Provider" in SQL Server, I had it working 
> pretty darn well on my old box and was quite happy.  Unfortunately no matter 
> what I do with installs (I have tried older, newer, 32-bit and 64-bit 
> drivers) I just cannot get it to work.
>So during my debugging and disassembling of this poor process I've made, I 
> noticed that the Registry says the following:
> Key:
> ValueName: (Default)
>Value: C:\Windows\SysWow64\UniOLEDB.dll
>I have no such file, I've looked w/ /a etc, so it's not just hidden.  In 
> fact, a quick search revealed no file w/ that name ANYWHERE on the HD.  Now I 
> was able to determine that the .msi package has a nested structure and the 
> file " _3C788511D64D4D17B7955EB0B3E14A56" really is the DLL in question, 
> but... I would rather do this the correct way and no brute force something 
> into place.  Could there be something I'm missing or do not understand about 
> the UniOLEDB 64-bit installer?
> Thank you everyone,
> ---
> John J. Wahl 
> Employee Owner
> Programmer / Analyst
> Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
> Fax:   (330) 342-3896
> Email:   <-- farm me I dare you ;)
> Web:
> ___
> U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 or something)

2012-04-23 Thread John J. Wahl
Thanks Bill,

Personally if it's windows, I normally just make a "new" Text document, 
then rename the file "Test {whatever}.udl" and the GUI usually has that 
associated to what is now called "Microsoft Data Link" file format, but I swear 
it used to be something else...   anyway, you can get your provider tabs, Data 
Source Tabs, Advanced, etc and I'm assuming Microsoft bought it's been in there 
since at least XP.  Then pick your provider and test away.  With this specific 
issue I'm having though, I'm now able to get the uvODBC 64-bit driver to work 
that way:

Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=xx;Persist Security Info=True;User 
ID=Server\user;Data Source=Data123

However that MsDASQL.1 provider, that's not working in SQL Server w/ 
that same set of variables, nor can I use OpenDataSource, or OpenRowSet, I'm 
running out of things to try.  I swear I did this two or three years ago w/ my 
current server ;)  Tried the old IBM.UniOLEDB driver I had before, I've tried a 
few ways.  I actually got a Linked Server to almost work using...

EXEC  master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
  @server = N'Linked_Server_Name'
  ,@srvproduct = N'UniVerse'
  ,@provider = N'MSDASQL'

... but this lets me expand the catalog and see the "VIEWS" from the 
account in question, but not query a darn thing.  Any query gives me:

...[Table_or_View] contains no columns that can be selected or the current user 
does not have permissions on that object.

I hate to write a CLR trigger/addon for SQL just to read and write 
changes for some adhoc stuff that we've never written back in UniVerse.  The 
reads and writes really seemed to finally be getting faster too from my 
UniVerse server too.

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill Brutzman
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 18:02
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 
or something)


1. There are some third-party ODBC tools available.
2. I do something like this now with Adobe's ColdFusion... a free developer 
version of CF is available for download from Adobe.
3. Rocket has some tech manuals that cover this area.
4. When I was troubleshooting this with CF, I wrote a little Java connection 
string test program.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John J. Wahl
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 5:44 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 or 

Greetings all,

I've been parsing through the posts I've seen in the group and online, 
and I'd love to get to a point where there's a conflict, but no such luck for 
me I'm afraid.  Our issue seems a little different and I'm hoping someone has 
seen this recently.  I have a single UniVerse server (10.1) it's running 
Windows Server 2008, and had (as of this weekend) SQL Server 2008 on it as 
well; both were setup as 32-bit.  This weekend I tried to move all my SQL 
Server to a new box which is still SQL Server 2008, but the Server itself is 
64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2.  To make a medium story shorter I cannot get 
IBM.UniOLE to show up as a "Provider" in SQL Server, I had it working pretty 
darn well on my old box and was quite happy.  Unfortunately no matter what I do 
with installs (I have tried older, newer, 32-bit and 64-bit drivers) I just 
cannot get it to work.

So during my debugging and disassembling of this poor process I've 
made, I noticed that the Registry says the following:


ValueName: (Default)
Value: C:\Windows\SysWow64\UniOLEDB.dll

I have no such file, I've looked w/ /a etc, so it's not just hidden.  
In fact, a quick search revealed no file w/ that name ANYWHERE on the HD.  Now 
I was able to determine that the .msi package has a nested structure and the 
file " _3C788511D64D4D17B7955EB0B3E14A56" really is the DLL in question, but... 
I would rather do this the correct way and no brute force something into place. 
 Could there be something I'm missing or do not understand about the UniOLEDB 
64-bit installer?

Thank you everyone,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896
Email:   <-- farm me I dare you ;)

U2-Users mailing list

[U2] [UV] UniOLEDB driver 64-bit windows and installers (take 50 or something)

2012-04-23 Thread John J. Wahl
Greetings all,

I've been parsing through the posts I've seen in the group and online, 
and I'd love to get to a point where there's a conflict, but no such luck for 
me I'm afraid.  Our issue seems a little different and I'm hoping someone has 
seen this recently.  I have a single UniVerse server (10.1) it's running 
Windows Server 2008, and had (as of this weekend) SQL Server 2008 on it as 
well; both were setup as 32-bit.  This weekend I tried to move all my SQL 
Server to a new box which is still SQL Server 2008, but the Server itself is 
64-bit and Windows Server 2008 R2.  To make a medium story shorter I cannot get 
IBM.UniOLE to show up as a "Provider" in SQL Server, I had it working pretty 
darn well on my old box and was quite happy.  Unfortunately no matter what I do 
with installs (I have tried older, newer, 32-bit and 64-bit drivers) I just 
cannot get it to work.

So during my debugging and disassembling of this poor process I've 
made, I noticed that the Registry says the following:


ValueName: (Default)
Value: C:\Windows\SysWow64\UniOLEDB.dll

I have no such file, I've looked w/ /a etc, so it's not just hidden.  
In fact, a quick search revealed no file w/ that name ANYWHERE on the HD.  Now 
I was able to determine that the .msi package has a nested structure and the 
file " _3C788511D64D4D17B7955EB0B3E14A56" really is the DLL in question, but... 
I would rather do this the correct way and no brute force something into place. 
 Could there be something I'm missing or do not understand about the UniOLEDB 
64-bit installer?

Thank you everyone,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896
Email:   <-- farm me I dare you ;)

U2-Users mailing list

[U2] U2 UniVerse UCI Config Editor failure msvcr71.dll

2011-12-29 Thread John J. Wahl
Hi Everyone,

I've been having some trouble with Client Installs on some of my newer 
machines, and not just one or two workstations this is more like a half dozen.  
They're all getting the same error, and I've been unable to find any good 
answers online, any ideas?

The dialog is:

Caption: UCI Config Editor: UCICfgED.exe - Unable to Locate Component
Text is: This application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not 
found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I get the error from installing the u2 UniVerse 11.1 client tools disc 
(and I tried 10.3 my last set too) specifically the UniVerse ODBC driver.  Then 
attempting to run the UCI edit to setup the config and I get the Error at the 
Splash screen about said Microsoft shared DLL not being found, yet each machine 
has the DLL in the IBM folder from the install, so it doesn't seem to be an 
issue w/ the install having entirely failed.  Attempt re-install, uninstall and 
then a re-install, none of which change the outcome.

Thank you in Advance if you've dealt with this,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] UV ODBC Driver Install Problem {unclassified}

2010-08-19 Thread John J. Wahl

I wish I didn't need to go back this far, but I was on Vacation (and 
decided the group didn't need to hear about it every day, and I didn't need my 
own T-shirt either.  ;)

My problem actually had nothing to do with 64-bit as Mack pointed out 
in his follow-up post.  My problem with the uv admin tool was solved when I 
finally got patches from my Vendor for UniVerse 10.3, UniVerse 10.2 tools just 
did not work with the Java (jre) it came with on a 32-bit 2008 Windows Server, 
period (in our environment anyway).  I tried it in 6 environments, and 3 were 
fresh installs, none worked, but the Informix 9.6 tools worked great ;)  My 
admin tool finally works in 10.3 though!  Yay!

On a Similar note, I have a huge memory leak with the 10.2 ODBC against 
Microsoft SQL Server for 2008 (Std) sp1 and 2008 R2 Express w/ Adv Services as 
well, that takes my SQL Server to its knees about twice a week if I use a 
Linked Server in a Solution, this problem didn't occur in 2005 Dev or 2005 Std 
or Enterprise when I used linked Servers.  I have not tried getting all my 
clients to 10.3 ODBC yet though as I just got the patches before I left for 
Vacation.  I personally really hate the world of Drivers *sigh*  My new 
solution is going to be to only use UniOLE calls via .NET and ignore the ODBC 
and all Linked Servers all together for Raw Data pulls form our UniVerse box.

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of MACK ANDREW, MR
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 18:56
Subject: [U2] [UV] UV ODBC Driver Install Problem {unclassified}

Morning all

I am having a problem with installing the UV ODBC 10.3 client on a
Windows 2003 R2 SP2 64-bit server. The Rocket availability matrix shows
that this server version is supported by 10.3 client. I am trying to
install the ODBC drivers from the UniVerse Client 10.3 CD, which has
been copied onto the servers D drive, whilst logged on as a local

The install completes without error and there are no related events in
the application or system logs. After a server reboot, the ODBC Admin
tool shows the default User DSN's UV/ODBC Sales Sample and UV/ODBC
Service Sample and these are configured with the IBM UniVerse ODBC
Driver. However when you try to configure them, you get pop up windows
with the error messages "The setup routines for the IBM UniVerse ODBC
Driver ODBC driver could not be found. Please reinstall the driver" and
"Driver's ConfigDSN, ConfigDriver, or ConfigTranslator failed Component
not found in the registry". Clicking on the Drivers Tab shows that only
some SQL ODBC drivers are installed. I have tried re-installing the
drivers to no effect.

I checked the registry and the drivers are all listed, including the
Microsoft drivers that should also be showing in the drivers tab of the
ODBC Admin tab. However when I check the System32 folder, the uvodbc.dll
driver is not there. I copied in the uvodbc.dll driver from another
installation but that made no difference. I suspect it needs registering
but I don't know how to do that outside of an install program.

I found an email on this list from 9 Jun 09 where John Wahl had a
problem with the UniAdmin tool on W2k8 server and Michael Dallaire noted
he had a similar problem with the UV ODBC drivers on a 64 bit system.
However, there wasn't a lot more detail. Can anyone elaborate?

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.

Andrew Mack
Senior Database Administrator (UV/SQL)
Systems Engineering Group
CIS Branch
New Zealand Defence Force

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If you have received this message in error, please Email or telephone
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U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] Very much OT - AUTO: Haydon Bishop is out of the office (again)

2010-07-01 Thread John J. Wahl

Now this T-Shirt of Awesomeness, does it have the "The Man the Myth the 
Legend" on the front or back and the opposite side says perhaps "I've seen Away 
People... (Like Haydon Bishop)"?   I'm game how much? :P

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 10:02
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] AUTO: Haydon Bishop is out ofthe office.(returning 26/06/2010)

inquieti wrote:
> I've ordered "I've seen Haydon Bishop" t-shirts.

Are you going to offer them for sale?

Charles Shaffer
Senior Analyst
NTN-Bower Corporation
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Redback jrgw.dll for Win64 systems

2010-05-14 Thread John J. Wahl

I've run into exactly the same issue, it's the windows 64 often has 32 
AND 64 bits ways of dealing with everything, including registration, Program 
Files (x32) folder, ODBC DSNs, etc.  I have done the same as Dan for most DLL 
issues and they seem to go away :)

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dan Goble
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 11:49
To:; U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Redback jrgw.dll for Win64 systems

I have not used redback in windows before, but other 32bit dll issues I have 
had with windows I corrected by doing the following:

%systemroot%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe file.dll

This takes the dll and registers it in the system for you and lets windows know 
it is a 32bit and how to work with it.

Good luck,
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] Listing via the SQL Interface...

2010-05-10 Thread John J. Wahl
Greetings All,

Platform: UniVerse
 Version: 10.2.x
O.S.: Windows Server 2008 (x86) 32-bit

I'm wondering if there a way to get a listing of READU locks (exactly 
like the Verb  LIST.READU, but via an SQL interface?  I was going through the 
documents and old forum posts, but I do not see anything.

Thank you for your time,

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

Record name = LIST.READU
4 lines long.

0001: V
0002: list_readu
0003: E
0004: BG
Bottom at line 4.
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Just testing (O.T.)

2010-05-10 Thread John J. Wahl

And dark too, might we be eaten by a Grue?

John J. Wahl 
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (888) 465-6737 Ext. 120
Fax:   (330) 342-3896

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Brian Leach
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 11:59
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: [U2] Just testing

It's very quiet..


U2-Users mailing list

[U2] The opposite of Export is.. sometimes not Import...

2010-01-21 Thread John J. Wahl

Off Topic but has anyone else noticed the Trend for the last three 
months is "Help my boss, customer, friend" wants to get ALL his columns, all 
his data or all his junk out of U2, and I'm not worried about getting it back 
in...  I'm in the opposite boat, I want to leave it in there, and I'm VERY 
comfortable with SQL Server, I'd rather they work together than choose one 
technology over the other.

My Question today is, if I'm writing a quick "view" in SQL Server I can 
write a nice little function to strip a field to just it's alpha numeric 
characters.  Then I'll be using this on a webpage to strip the Input of it's 
non-alphanumeric characters as well, thus showing more matches when values are 
entered for (in this case) part numbers were entered in an odd fashion.  

Example:  User enters  "1-2-3-4"

My data for a Part Number, might have


My systems on the Intranet (Employees only) would say "no matches 
found" I'm not ok with this response.  I think a direct match should be done 
first, but THEN additional searches are done, I even have a fuzzy one off 
Search using the SQL single Char replace (using _ based on the LEN of the 
input) and then a massive union query.  However I want to do this in our 
UniVerse system instead, as that's where the data truly resides, and so I would 
hope would be the fastest place to run this type of search.

I have no idea how to write an I type or Paragraph or Subroutine that 
will take a string in as the Variable and then pass back another string 
stripped to the AlphaNumeric only response so that I can search it.  I'm 
assuming a Subroutine would do the trick and then I can use that Sub in an Dict 
Entry as an Type I, no?  Where to begin?  >.<

Thanks for your time,
John J. Wahl
Employee Owner 
Programmer / Analyst (Born in Microsoft, but now a U2 lover...) 
Tel:   (330) 528-0091 Ext. 120 
Fax:   (330) 655-8458 

If the ship is not sinking why are you all jumping off?

U2-Users mailing list

[U2] Speaking of MsSQL 2008 ...

2010-01-14 Thread John J. Wahl

Not to tread over the same path for a thousandth time (oh this poor 
path), but has anyone actually been able to get SQL Server 2005 or 2008 to 
actually do a linked server directly to UniVerse and still get that link to 
work when setting up SQL Agent jobs on the Microsoft SQL Server to run at 
night?  I had one working on a test server for a while, but it would only run 
in the Management Studio when I manually ran the SQL, it would never work at 
night using Jobs in the SQL Server Agent, so I gave up.  I've never gotten SQL 
Server to directly connect in my office, so they still have their half dozen 
work-arounds here, all using things like Microsoft Access and Linked Tables, 
then finally linking those Access Databases to SQL Server.  I've tried to make 
changes to some of their very duct-tape like solutions, but I too failed to get 
their UniVerse system to be read by SQL Server using any connection type for 
that matter, including Mecki's SSIS concept.

I have one machine here that is running SQL Server 2005 Developer 
edition, which seems to have far more Providers and has had more luck 
connecting to UniVerse in my tests, but once I try to do anything via a nightly 
job, the same queries that may have worked for me manually would fail to 

Of the 3 servers I have two running Windows Server 2003, and one is 
2008 Std 32-bit.  The 2008 box is also the UniVerse machine, which runs 10.2.x. 
 I'm fairly certain if the Linked Server idea would work, it's an issue w/ 
either using the wrong provider or having a bad string for the Connection, but 
everything I have personally read has failed (at least for UniVerse).

Anyone run into this type of headache in the past?

John J. Wahl
Employee Owner  (and U2 convert, yes I was an Microsoft only guy once *cry*)
Programmer / Analyst 
Tel:   (330) 528-0091 Ext. 118
Fax:   (330) 655-8458

> Datum: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 08:43:06 -0500
> Von: "Lettau, Jeff" 
> An: U2 Users List 
> Betreff: Re: [U2] Error connecting to UD 5.2 from SQL Server 2008 SSIS 
> [ad]

> You may not want to do this due to volume of data your trying to pull, 
> but...
> Have you tried setting up your UD5.2 server as a linked server in SQL, 
> then creating views to your linked server.  Then use SSIS to pull from 
> the views, that way it doesn't know it isn't a SQL data source?
> Performance isn't bad if your limiting your I-desc and keep the data 
> to single files in UD.  Also use indexes in your UD views to limit your data.
> You can't pass variables for data selection this way.  You can limit 
> data by day using @date-99 type i-descriptors or just write a quick 
> program to pull your data to a temp file, then pull the file for 
> updating things incrementally for Cognos.
> Jeffrey Lettau

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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] Basic Developer Toolkit - Eclipse SDK

2009-06-22 Thread John J. Wahl

I have to agree with Doug, I spend my entire day in Ms Visual Studio, 
save the modifications I do for our UniVerse system.  I started writing add-ins 
for my Visual Studio to do conversion for things like UniVerse dates to Windows 
dates, etcetera.  I don't think I did it because I felt I had to make them, but 
because I didn't know there was a tool like BASIC Developer Toolkit, or 
anything else for that matter that fit into how I work now.  Even the U2 .NET 
add-on doesn't really seem like it's the perfect solution from what I've seen 
so far.  Perhaps what you have all just explained really does say it all.  

This sounds like the perfect spot for a decent sized open source group 
to spring up and fill the hole, making a tool or the many plug-ins required to 
fill the void you're describing.  Since I had never even heard of Eclipse 
(mostly because I live 95% of the time in the Ms world), I think it needs more 
preaching and tweaking so it speaks for itself.

John J. Wahl
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Doug Averch
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 11:26
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] Basic Developer Toolkit - Eclipse SDK


Having worked for a lot of different organizations that build code on other
platforms, I would disagree with your comments.  You will see MS programmers
in Visual Studio all day, day after day.  You will see Java programmers do
the same in Eclipse.  Oracle programmers are no different.

Why are UniBasic programmers so different?

Because we have not had a tool that we can live in since the dawn of "Pick".
When a CEO looks at me coding in AE/ED at their site, they invariable ask if
UniBasic is a DOS tool.  So, when a SQL server software vendor comes by to
sell them on merits of their new software, the invariable listen and
sometimes buy.

If we want to sell this database to management so that they realize the
power of U2, we better show them the we have a great tool set like those MS
programmers.  We cannot just talk the talk, we have to walk the walk.

I know I don't have all of the power tools yet for Eclipse.  I still have to
login into the database to perform whatever, but I know that this "madness"
has to stop.  Whether it is SOX compliance or by management degree, we
programmers need to stay out of the database. 

I know the U2 world is different, but why am I typing "C/VAR/VAR1/G100" or
my favorite "=t 31`R 12`FI`=t".

The power of Eclipse is the plug-ins.  I do have other tools but they are
plug-ins to Eclipse.  I have my HTML editor from Eclipse, my JavaScript
editor from Adobe, my UniBasic editor from U2logic, my Web Developer from
U2logic, CVS from Eclipse, my Resizer from U2logic, my report writer is BIRT
from Eclipse, and someday other U2 plug-ins from whomever.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Results
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 8:45 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Basic Developer Toolkit - Eclipse SDK

   I agree. I have yet to see a compelling reason to have just one tool. 
My projects and needs vary too much to just use AccuTerm, or just use
mvDeveloper, or just use *anything*. I need a variety of tools in my

- Chuck "Have More Than Just Hammers, See More Than Just Nails" Barouch

U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] OT: Pick pocket guide

2009-06-10 Thread John J. Wahl
 Reminds me of the book, Eats Shoots and 
 how easy it is to hear what you want to read into something that isn't meant 
by the author if they don't use proper punctuation.  I really do wonder how 
often people have similar issues with a book title, or a programmer document.  
I had a friend write a document called "ODBC on the Fly", and so his image was 
the Acronym on the side of a zoomed in Fly.

John J. Wahl
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst

Add Me<>

[] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 13:48
To: U2 Users List
Subject: [U2] Pick pocket guide

I recently stumbled across this link

I love the comment at the bottom, about them being held up or confiscated at 

I remember when I moved from one apartment to another, my wife's two uncles
both police officers, were gravely concerned, took me into another room and
demanded an explaination as why I had a "pick pocket guide". It didn't help at
the time when I started laughing! saying, it's not a "pick pocket guide", but 
it's a "pick, pocket guide".

I still wonder to this day, if they really believed it was programming 
reference book.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] UniVerse Admin Tool for Window

2009-06-09 Thread John J. Wahl
I thought the same thing for a long time, but everything else works, 
everything in that tool, Accounts, Backup, Config Editor, Data Sources... etc.  
The only two things that do not seem to get good data from (I'm assuming the uv 
RPC?) is the "Users" and "Locks" modules of the tool.  My tool's version is 
UniAdmin 1.3.6, and I haven't seen it mentioned as NOT working on 2008 in any 
tools, or any bug reports, that's why I was hoping the User Group might know.  
On top of this, we had calls in before we decided to do the install from our 
IBM rep and he was told to go ahead and do it, it should all work.  So far it 
all has, and I've been more than happy, for a 99% Microsoft guy this makes me 
shut my mouth ;)  So far it's been a dream to run, so it's more just an 
annoyance then a real bug in my book to not have that GUI version of the Admin 
tool running.  Was just hoping one of the list gurus had perhaps seen this 
issue come up before ;)

John J. Wahl
Employee Owner
Programmer / Analyst 
Tel:   (330) 528-0091 Ext. 118
Fax:   (330) 655-8458
Add Me 

-Original Message-
From: IT-Laure Hansen [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 17:13
To: John J. Wahl
Subject: RE: UniVerse Admin Tool for Window

Hi John,

Is UV 10.2 certified for Windows 2008 server? I know it is for Windows 2003 
(and the admin tool works on that version), but that is a slightly different 
technology. We have not gone the Win2008 route here yet so I can't help you, 
but am wondering whether that might be your problem.

Laure Hansen,
City of Redwood City - Information Technology
1017 Middlefield Road - Redwood City, CA 94063
Office 650-780-7087 - Cell 650-207-3235 - Fax 650-556-9204

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-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of John J. Wahl
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 2:08 PM
Subject: [U2] UniVerse Admin Tool for Window

Hello everyone,

I'm having an issue with a recent install of UniVerse 10.2 on Windows.  
The Admin Tool the system had in the past was on NT 4.0, and worked great but 
was very slow.  The new install is on Windows 2008 Server, and the Admin tool 
is now the IBM version, it loads, it authenticate but displays zero users 
connected, so I cannot use that tool to administer the server.  The tool old 
version of the tool gave you a gui display of what is basically LISTU, and a 
way to right click and disconnect user sessions that had issues, List.Locks, 
etc.  All the uv commands via Telnet/Dynamic Connect work fine, in fact I'm 
loving UniVerse (don't let Microsoft hear that *crosses fingers*).
Anyway, I had a work around for a while, where one of my workstations 
had the Old Ardent/Informix version running (vmuvadm.exe) and that actually 
queried the new server correctly and displayed all my users, locks etc.  The 
new Java version is not working at all, it's just blank.  Everything else on 
the Server seems to work and has been for about 6 months.

Does anyone have any ideas, or have you run into something Similar? 

Thank you for your time,
John J. Wahl
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (330) 528-0091 Ext. 118

U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] UniVerse Admin Tool for Window

2009-06-09 Thread John J. Wahl
Hello everyone,

I'm having an issue with a recent install of UniVerse 10.2 on Windows.  
The Admin Tool the system had in the past was on NT 4.0, and worked great but 
was very slow.  The new install is on Windows 2008 Server, and the Admin tool 
is now the IBM version, it loads, it authenticate but displays zero users 
connected, so I cannot use that tool to administer the server.  The tool old 
version of the tool gave you a gui display of what is basically LISTU, and a 
way to right click and disconnect user sessions that had issues, List.Locks, 
etc.  All the uv commands via Telnet/Dynamic Connect work fine, in fact I'm 
loving UniVerse (don't let Microsoft hear that *crosses fingers*).
Anyway, I had a work around for a while, where one of my workstations 
had the Old Ardent/Informix version running (vmuvadm.exe) and that actually 
queried the new server correctly and displayed all my users, locks etc.  The 
new Java version is not working at all, it's just blank.  Everything else on 
the Server seems to work and has been for about 6 months.

Does anyone have any ideas, or have you run into something Similar? 

Thank you for your time,
John J. Wahl
Programmer / Analyst
Tel:   (330) 528-0091 Ext. 118

U2-Users mailing list