Re: ideological speed bumps

2010-05-17 Thread Eric S. Johansson
On 5/16/2010 11:07 AM, Hugh Sasse wrote:
> One would have hoped that 19 years after the Americans with
> Disabilities Act, and 15 years after similar UK legislation was
> (unfortunately commercial) system" problem immediately.  But a
> standard could drive innovation in some cases.  This hasn't worked
> perfectly for HTML and browsers, but it has worked to some extent, I
> think.

warning: I had way too much caffeine yesterday and I'm running on about two 
hours sleep so this may not make sense. I would delay responding normally but, 
I'm running short on time in the near future and don't want to lose the thread 
hence the too much caffeine and two hours sleep.

Hugh, I think this is a good segue from some of the other things I was talking 
about. As one person said (effectively) wwUd, what would Ubuntu do? Canonical 
has a long history of crossing the boundaries between commercial and open 
components and so they would be a natural to help support an effort for 
accessibility using both commercial and open-source components.

I also have an unshakable belief that across machine solution is the best one 
for the short and long-term. As of said elsewhere, I will be a broken record 
say here that accessibility features should be owned by the disabled person. If 
you're blind, you own the text-to-speech engine, if your hands are broken, you 
on the speech recognition engine. If all you can do is use a unicorn stick, 
you on the stick and the special keyboard. It is not the responsibility of the 
host running the application to provide any accessibility tools or 
It is the responsibility of the application host to provide you access to every 
single function the application provides publicly to any interface. This also 
includes the information the application operates on.

I prefer this solution because it is far more testable with lower resources on 
any application developer therefore they have no excuse for not making it work. 
No more will we hear the "we don't have a disabled people therefore we can't 
test text-to-speech or speech he keys or or or". A standard API drivenn test is 
simply and easily validate accessibility functionality.  one great test for the 
usefulness of the API in an application is if you can extract the GUI and make 
it run separately from the application. Like I said, all interfaces, one API.

Another reason why across machine solutions are better is the simple issue of 
licensing. I'm not on the run NaturallySpeaking on every single platform I use. 
Never mind most of them are Lennox but I would need to run on something like 30 
to 50 machines per year and that $500 per license, that would break the bank. 
But if I have a single license on my portable platform and connect to virtually 
any machine, this is a good thing because it reduces the number of instances of 
closed source software you need to use and maximizes OSS visibility for 
users and hopefully their employers once they can now do more things with a 
linux computer then they can Windows.

What this interface looks like is, quite frankly not clear. For example, one of 
my favorite tools to build would be the enhanced dictation box. How do you 
define that? Is it an application built on top of a standard disability API? 
Don't know.

on the legislative/legal question, one axiom I've come to embrace is law cannot 
prevent what technology enables. There lots of practical examples of this in a 
disability world, law cannot prevent disabled people  from being completely 
locked out by application technology. Every time a new revision comes, a new 
technology arrives (think iPhone), or a new business practice (cloud computing) 
arrives on the scene, we keep fighting the same old battle over and over again 
about putting in disability access and business criminals whingeing about how 
hard it is. If we can fight back with our own technology which reduces cost of 
inclusion, and, if it's built in, make the cost almost nothing, then then 
legislative efforts have a chance at succeeding. This is especially true if we 
could use public watchdogs to run test suites to say "fails or passes". If they 
want the answers of how, then they pay the watchdog organization for that 
information so the watchdog organization can keep doing what it does.

Anyway, got to go do other things which will hopefully involve sleep sometime 
the next few hours. :-)

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

How and where to develop

2010-05-17 Thread Thomas Lloyd
Hi Pia,

Thought i would point you in the direction of Vinux that is ubuntu
based. They are welcoming contributions that improve accessibility and I
am sure could benefit from your efforts. Ubuntu are making noises about
including some of there developments into the main distro but I ave no
experience that this is happening yet.

Back to Speech to Text. I am going to plug my project again because I am
still working on open-sapi that is an interface into the commercial MS
TTS & STT system. I have not heard anyone using the MS systems or that
have trained it up to be anything worth considering. This is why I have
left the SR elelment of the project well alone at the moment. But I am
implementing the text to speech so that any SAPI compliant voice will
work under in Linux. I am close to a stable release but have not been
working along on this for over a year or so. I have struggled to get
speech-dispatcher integration and again I would ask if there was anyone
able to help please drop me a line. If I can get it all to work under
ubuntu 10.04 then I will release a deb but until then I will keep
working away. 

Getting back to my original point is that commercial engines for
assistive technologies can be incorporated into Linux with a bit of glue
and sticky tape. You can get to the project site here.   

Project site: 
Discussion Group:

The project has been designed with the cloud in mind so until MS allow
us to use MS sapi software without an OS license Cloud bases it might
have to stay. That should not be such a big problem though. Someone
might just have to foot the bill  :(

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Taking A Break from Ubuntu]

2010-05-17 Thread Valdis
> I depend on the Desktop Zoom and color inversion capabilities of
> Compiz Fusion because of my visual disability.  The problem is NOT
> getting the Nvidia drivers installed.  Its getting a desktop
> resolution of higher than 640x480.  My monitor is non-standard.  Its a
> Sun Microsystem CRT with dual inputs, one is a huge plug for a Sun
> workstation, and the other is for standard VGA.  Prior to Ubuntu 7.10,
> where you selected your screen resolution there was a tab where you
> could scroll through a list of hardware manufacturers and select your
> specific model Monitor.  If it wasn't listed you could at least select
> one of the Default options.  I usually selected Generic 1024x768
> Monitor from the list, and I was good to go.  This feature was
> removed.  I issued bug reports about it, made complaints, and not a
> GODDAMN thing has been done to address the problem

IMHO forcing monitor to low resolution to show bigger fonts is outdated/wrong
solution, because it causes weird aliasing artifacts.

Much better is to change dots per inch for the monitor, i.e. leave monitor
native resolution, but go to system-preferences-appearance-fonts-details and set
"dots per inch" for about 200 or even more.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list