Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice Logo Concept

2010-11-24 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 10:58, j_baer  wrote:
> Thank you for showing your support with your submission for this important
> community project.

+1 indeed :-)

The input from you guys of Ubuntu Artwork is bringing really valuable
results in the LibO project.

Thanks for all your support, too, John. Your goodwill and ideas were
what got the whole thing moving in the first place.

Thorsten, your creative and organisational proposals are very valuable for LibO.

If you have time, guys, I hope it will be an on-going thing. :-)

Please do persevere, even in the face of any inertia you encounter.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice - An Open Apology

2010-11-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi John, :-)

Thank you for the very kind words. And great thanks, too, for the
support you've offered to TDF and the LibreOffice project. :-)

As regards any apology, well, anyone who puts forward a controversial
idea in an Open Source project had better be thick-skinned, and had
better be ready with good arguments! I know how these things go, so no
worries there. ;-)

Also, in the LibO list thread, Thorsten did examine both sides of the
issue, so I can't fault his constructive discussion, even though I'm
aware that - on balance - he doesn't support the idea I'm advancing.

I'm not sure what the ultimate decision will be regarding a
logo/mascot contest. But I am certain that it was a very positive
thing to have established contact between TDF/LibO and Ubuntu - both
for LibO and as a general initiative between FOSS projects. I'm sure
this is just the start of what will turn out to be a longstanding
communication and collaboration.

So a big thanks to you, John, for having been so receptive, positive
and proactively helpful about it.

Meanwhile, for the moment, seeing the other messages incoming to this
thread, I think we'd better both just duck and run, mate! :-D

See you soon in another thread! ;-)

David Nelson

"The light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it."

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice Update

2010-11-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten, :-)

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 18:04, Thorsten Wilms  wrote:
> You use sentences like "if you have clear arguments against it, I'll
> drop the subject" and "OK, I'm ready to listen to all ideas against
> this. :-)", but then you don't wait for even a single reply before you
> carry this over to elsewhere.

In fact, I was responding to John's post, since he started this
LibO-related thread, and since the thread I started on the LibreOffice
marketing list relates directly to the communication and interaction
I'd love to ignite between the projects.

> I don't think this is fair to either project (and wherever else you may
> be posting).

Well, I'm sure no-one's mailbox is going to explode! As an
enthusiastic user of Ubuntu Linux, a supporter of the recently-formed
LibreOffice project, and a lover of FOSS software in general, I'd love
to contribute
towards breaking down the barriers between FOSS projects, and
perhaps to put forward some outsider's ideas, even if people seem to find
them unorthodox and convention-breaking.

It's healthy and interesting to debate ideas constructively with an open mind.
And it's intelligent and pragmatic to recognize and accept the learnings
when all points of view have been properly examined.

> Well, my reply can be found right below your message, following that
> nabble link, now.

Thank you for your time and goodwill in replying. I plan to let this
thread sit a few days, to see what responses it brings, and then
I'll post considered responses to all the ideas and opinions put forward.

> Note that I don't doubt that you have the best intentions.

Thank you for that, Thorsten. :-) And I'm sure you do, too.
I'd like to thank you for having "stepped across the wall" and
made contact with the guys on the LibO marketing list.
I hope it will be an on-going involvement.

I really invite other people on this list to come and interact
with the TDF/LibO people, too!

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice Update

2010-11-15 Thread David Nelson
Hi John, hi Ubuntu Artwork team :-)

First of all, John, I'd like to say publicly before your colleagues a
big thanks for your positive ideas and responses to the
contact-building started between the two projects. I think it's very
beneficial to the burgeoning LibreOffice project, but I think its a
positive thing for FOSS generally to do this kind of thing.

I'm actively promoting the idea of a LibreOffice logo/mascot
competition, and I would love to see an active involvement with Ubuntu
Artwork in this initiative. I've posted about it in a dedicated thread
in the LibO marketing list:

I'm very much hoping that there will be a positive outcome to this.
Guys, please do feel free to jump in with any ideas you have.

All the best, and more power to you (from a full-time and very happy
Ubuntu user). :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Vish, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 23:29, Vishnoo  wrote:
> In Gnome, We have traditionally had a lot of problem with theming and
> design of OpenOffice, other folks who would like to hear about and give
> some feedback might be at:
> Gnome Usability  and GnomeArt list: 

I have bookmarked those and will be making contact there too. Thanks
for the tip. :-)

> [As the mail sounds more of a call to join to the LibreOffice lists and
> to spread the message]

It is. :-)

>  Blogs like <> and <>
> have more readers than this mailing list.
> [OMG!Ubuntu seems to have more readers of the two]
> Contacting them as well would probably get the message out louder.

Again, thanks for the heads-up, Vishnoo. I'll be taking your advice.

If anyone else has good tips, I'd love to hear them. ;-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Contributining in Meaningful Ways - LibreOffice project

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi John, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 20:17, John Baer  wrote:
> Here is an opportunity to contribute to a project which has high
> visibility and the work so far is very good.
> My fear is the total effort is greater than this group can handle but we
> can certainly contribute in meaningful ways by creating specific items
> as requested.
> I agreed to pursue this further to discover specifically the items to be
> created.
> I also anticipate more requests will arrive soon.

Certainly, involvement from Ubuntu would be a really positive thing
for LibreOffice. If there's anything I can do to facilitate things in
some way, do let me know. But I know you'd get a positive response if
you guys make contact directly. I'll be giving feedback to TDF about
this contact-making later today. They'll certainly be responsive, I'm
sure. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Boudhayan, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 19:30, Boudhayan Gupta  wrote:
> That apart, the "big enhancements to the user interface" sounds
> exciting, and the way that the project, or rather the foundation, has so
> swiftly done so much make me want to be a part of the TDF community
> ASAP :-)

The user interface is up for major revision. There's a lot of
brain-storming going on right now. It will be great if there are lots
of creative minds contributing to the process. I'm certain that the
results are going to to be really good. Do jump in and join the
effort. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Boudhayan, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 18:51, Boudhayan Gupta  wrote:
> The very name LibreOffice suggests that the office suite gives a lot
> more about being free rather than make sure it works. Of course we want
> a free office suite, but it also has to able to be used to type a
> letter, or create a expense report.

My personal experience is that it is a very high-quality product, and
the project is very active. Upcoming 3.3 is likely to be the last
version before big enhancements to the user interface. There's a lot
of exciting work in progress and planned, with lots of opportunity for
creativity and inventiveness... A great time to join the project as a
contributor. ;-)

> But OTOH, I've tried out the 3.3 Betas of LO, and they sure rock.

See what I mean? :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Thorsten, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 17:22, Thorsten Wilms  wrote:
> give me the impression that a logo (and color scheme) has been selected
> and is on the way of being established!?

The situation is that some initial provisional choices have been made,
with the idea that those choices are up for possible change in the
near future. That notably apples to the color scheme. I think the logo
is still open to influence if interesting alternatives are proposed.
In particular, there is a wide opening for a MASCOT cum LOGO.

I'm pretty sure I'm not contradicting TDF intentions if I say that
*nothing* is set in stone yet, especially as the first LibreOffice
release has not shipped. "Let meritocracy and creativity rule" would
still be the rule of thumb.

One thing that is certain is that there is going to be a lot of work
upcoming on artwork for the distrib and for branding in the coming
months, and contributors are definitely needed for that.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-10 Thread David Nelson
Hi Martin, :-)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 16:00, Martin Owens  wrote:
> Thanks for getting us an email about your needs. Does the TDF have a set
> of requirements and/or briefs to work from and a place to upload
> contributions?
> How wide would you like participation? We could throw this further than
> just this Ubuntu group if you like.

About all we've got right now can be seen at the pages below. We need
to make a lot of progress quickly. But please do feel free to sign up
and post to the marketing mailing list, especially. Then maybe you'd
like to take a look at the pages below and jump right in with an
introduction of yourself (you might care to mention this thread). You
could also have a look at the Nabble archive, beforehand, where you'll
see some good threads to write to.

It would definitely be great if you can spread the word further than
this Ubuntu group. I didn't want to post to too many Ubuntu lists
because I didn't want to be seen as spamming. But the more people we
can reach, the better.

OT: By the way, I'm a full-time Ubuntu user myself. Just wanted to say
a big thanks for a great distro. I love you guys' artwork. :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

2010-11-09 Thread David Nelson
Hi, :-)

I'm a member of the LibreOffice community. LibreOffice (LibO) is the
office suite project of The Document Foundation (TDF), the
community-driven organization that recently forked from the
Oracle-managed project.

TDF/LibO is currently working on its branding and on its artwork for
the LibreOffice distribution. We are currently very short of GRAPHIC

Notably, right now, we urgently need creative talent to help us design
artwork for our websites. We need to develop a logo, and - hopefully -
a MASCOT along the lines of Linux's Tux, to act as a "living"
ambassador that achieves lasting recognition of our brand and products
in people's minds.

But we also need talent to work on icon sets and other artwork on an
ongoing basis.

A number of Linux distributions have announced their intention to ship
LibreOffice with their future releases. We know that they frequently
do re-branding work to integrate their chosen office suite in lines
with their project's thinking.

So we are keen to involve you in our project branding and development,
so that we ship releases that better fit your needs.

LibreOffice and The Document Foundation could also benefit from
MENTORING and from close and ongoing involvement from established
Linux projects, especially in these early days when we are developing
our infrastructure and organization.

Like you, we passionately value and believe in Free Open Source
software (FOSS).

We very much ask you to get involved in our project and influence our
development. We seek your comments and advice and contributions. For
this, below you will find a number of links as a starting point:

LibreOffice marketing mailing list:

The Document Foundation general discussions mailing list:

LibreOffice developers mailing list:

TDF steering committee discussions mailing list:

LibreOffice user support mailing list:

Our Nabble gateway for easy mailing list browsing:

The Document Foundation contacts page:

Mail address distributing to all TDF press and media contacts:

LibreOffice dedicated IRC channel: #libreoffice at

TDF dedicated IRC channel: #documentfoundation at

Follow TDF via @docufoundation on Twitter:

Follow TDF via @docufoundation on

Visit the TDF website:

And, of course, if necessary, you can contact me, too, at the address
from which this mail was sent, or via this mailing list.

Thank you for your time reading this message. Thank you, also, for
your own valuable work in bringing the world Open Source software.

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list