Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Invitation prochaines activités LinuQ - samedi 5 octobre 13h

2013-10-02 Thread Gabriel Cossette
Bonjour Fabian,

Je suggère que tu envoies tes commentaires à l'adresse courriel de LinuQ
qui est indiquée sur notre site Web :
Nous pourrons ainsi les transmettre aux présentateurs en question.

N'hésitez jamais à contacter LinuQ pour des commentaires/suggestions ou si
vous êtes intéressé à donner un atelier par exemple :)

Gabriel Cossette, président LinuQ
Le 2013-09-28 23:53, Gabriel Cossette a écrit :
   Atelier de formation sur Ubuntu – Séance 1 (Gregory Sanderson et
   Claude Fleury)
   * bien comprendre ce que sont les logiciels libres
   * installer vous-mêmes la distribution Ubuntu sur votre propre
   * qu’entend-on par  »logiciels libres »?
   * pourquoi Ubuntu?


J'aimerais suggérer de ne pas oublier d'expliquer qu'Ubuntu contient des
composantes non-libres.

Je trouve dommage qu'on propose uniquement cette distribution dans ces
activités, il serait utile de parler également de Trisquel et indiquer
les raisons pour lesquelles ce projet existe (en bref: pour proposer une
distribution dérivée d'Ubuntu mais sans les composantes non-libres).


Fabián Rodríguez

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list
Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Hamlib-developer] ham lib support for Yeasu Ft-757GXI?

2013-10-02 Thread eric oyen
I have the device now. Only problem I am getting is that ham lib and grig don't 
seem to be in the ubuntu package repositories  for 13.04 Ubuntu. I have checked 
and all repositories are enabled.

I am carbon copying this to ubuntu-accessibility to see if they also have some 
input on this.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Unresolved Bugs

2013-10-02 Thread Ali Linx (amjjawad)
Hi Team,

Is there anyway these bugs can be fixed any time before the final release?

NOT really critical but very annoying, specially the first one (1193716).

These two don't affect one distribution but many.


While a workaround might be helpful for experienced users, it will not be
the best option for a new user.

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Old but Alive and Doing Well with Saucy

2013-10-02 Thread Ali Linx (amjjawad)

Please check:

Let's hope this one got fixed ASAP :)

Thank you!

There are many duplicate of this bug. Just marked on as duplicate.

Remember: All of us are smarter than any one of us.
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Ubuntu-quality mailing list
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Re: Staying on GTK/GNOME 3.8 next cycle/for the LTS?

2013-10-02 Thread Marc Deslauriers
On 13-10-02 05:25 AM, Adam Dingle wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
 Le 01/10/2013 21:16, Adam Dingle a écrit :

 I've used Ubuntu every day for 7 years and am active in the GNOME
 community. The fact that Ubuntu lags one release behind GNOME is already 
 significant burden for me. I often spend time building the newest version
 of GNOME apps, which can be challenging since Ubuntu's libraries lag
 behind. If Ubuntu stays with 3.8 for Saucy+1 (i.e. starts to lag two
 releases behind GNOME), I'd quite possibly switch to Fedora or Debian.
 Staying with 3.8 could be fine for most users, especially if Canonical
 wants to focus most of its energy on phones and tablets. But for anyone
 who wants to use the latest GNOME apps and especially anyone who wants to
 contribute to GNOME development, two releases back is just too much. 

 Hey Adam, I'm sorry to read that Ubuntu being behind on GNOME releases is a
 burden for you :/ Can I ask if that's the opinion of an user, or from a
 developer wanting to contribute to GNOME?
 I'm somewhere between those, but actually more of a user.  In other words, I
 report a lot of bugs and like to comment on the very latest features, but 
 make many code contributions myself.  There's a continuous spectrum from users
 to power users to developers, and I think in a healthy software ecosystem they
 can all run the same codebase.  Suppose that developers are running release A
 and users are all running release B.  The greater the distance in time 
 between A
 and B, the harder it is to get a useful feedback loop from users to developers
 (and vice versa).  I think Ubuntu's lag behind the latest GNOME has 
 to the feeling of separation between the Ubuntu and GNOME communities, for
 better or for worse.

The closer we stay with upstream GNOME, the more the desktop ships with stuff
that is simply broken and doesn't work properly because of lack to time to get
all the integration and bug polishing done.

As a user, are you willing to sacrifice a nice, polished, desktop with few bugs
to be able to get a more bleeding edge GNOME?

 Anyway, I know I may not be a completely typical Ubuntu user.  The deeper 
 here is that it feels like Ubuntu is slowly separating from GNOME, and 
 lagging 2
 releases behind GNOME (for the first time ever in Ubuntu's history, I believe)
 may just be the next step in that process.

Lagging behind for stability reasons for an LTS doesn't mean we're separating
from GNOME. It just means we want our LTS to be rock-solid by concentrating
effort on fixing all the nagging bugs in a stable code base instead of spending
all our time fixing everything that breaks from using the latest version.

Latest release and buggy, or lagging behind and rock solid. Pick one.


ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Staying on GTK/GNOME 3.8 next cycle/for the LTS?

2013-10-02 Thread Sebastien Bacher

Le 02/10/2013 13:45, Tim a écrit :

That was a mistake, the commits/bugs all refered to GTK2 so I figured it 
wouldnt be a problem.

Well, that patch was maybe a mistake, but GTK 3.10 still drops support 
for those options:

So those are going to stop working the day we update GTK...

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Staying on GTK/GNOME 3.8 next cycle/for the LTS?

2013-10-02 Thread Sebastien Bacher

Le 02/10/2013 01:45, Tim a écrit :

Either way some concerns I have
- Ubuntu will keep holding back on GNOME updates until QML/Touch stack is ready 
and then just dump it
That's not going to be the case, I think that staying one release behind 
is a fair tradeoff and that we should keep doing that. One reason for 
the stronger pushback on the update is that, in my opinion, we should 
hold back on controversial changes for the LTS. If we get some hit, from 
unhappy users, after the LTS that's fine ... they can stay on the LTS or 
we have time address those during the next LTS cycle.

Transitioning from 3.8 - 3.12 would likely be a big nightmare, also if we end 
up with a 2 cycle divergance, mixing packages from
different releases will become much harder than it already is.

The transition shouldn't be harder, it's basically:
- update the libs (they are api/abi compatible so it's fine)
- update the apps
- update the components like g-s-d/g-c-c in sync

That shouldn't be more complex that usually, especially if the patch 
rebasing work happening in a ppa during that cycle

- We will most likely need to transition ubuntu GNOME to wayland at some point, 
however we can't really even start on that in an experimental
capacity until 3.10 is in the archives.
Even if Ubuntu was going to go for wayland (which is not likely the 
case, at least for Unity), that's enough changes that it wouldn't happen 
before the coming LTS. It makes sense to start those sort of transition 
at the beginning of a LTS cycle...

- There are a number of major bugs we have on the PPA's that are really outside 
of our scope to fix, but as long as they are PPA only packages,
no one cares to help fixing them. Things like the Software Center crash with 
updated Webkit plus a few new issues introduced with 3.10 such as
unity custom menus in GTK and the DisplayConfig needing to be implemented in 
I don't think that's true, and that's another reason for not wanting to 
go with the update. Those bugs don't get ignored because they are in the 
ppa, they are not addressed because nobody has spare cycle to work on 
those. Landing the update in the archive would lead to a situation where 
you would increase the stress level on people who are overworked 
already, and wouldn't get half the bugs looked at anyway in return. It's 
a no-win situation for everyone...

- Its really unlikely that we will be able to track 3.12 on a 3.8 base, we 
mostly get away with 3.10 since some of the core libraries in Saucy
did get updated to 3.10 versions, however there are packages we simply can't 
package on the PPA's such as glib, gvfs, cogl/clutter etc due the
massive list of rdepends. Right now we have had to revert a huge number of 
patches just to get gnome-shell 3.10 running on Saucy.
Right, that's one cycle only though, I don't think it would be the end 
of the world to hold back for another cycle, knowing that the net 
benefit is better stability for our users

- If the PPA's end up a cycle behind and there is complete lack of wayland 
support, we will likely start loosing users to Fedora etc.
To be honest I fail to see running on wayland as a something users 
want. Especially that the current goal is to reach parity. If things go 
perfectly, the next GNOME version is going to run as well on wayland 
that it is on xorg. It's going to be a win for the future, but probably 
not something that makes any day to day difference to users. By the time 
GNOME on wayland is ready, the LTS is going to be out. Sure, it might 
be an issue for some tech users who want to be on top of the most recent 
changes, but I don't think they are the primary target of a LTS version...

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Staying on GTK/GNOME 3.8 next cycle/for the LTS?

2013-10-02 Thread Sebastien Bacher

Le 02/10/2013 11:25, Adam Dingle a écrit :
Right.  I'm not concerned about specific features from GNOME 3.10 as 
much as staying closer to the upstream codebase so that developers and 
users can work together.

That's an understable position, the reality though is that we are trying 
to stay close from the Ubuntu user base and not so much from the GNOME 
one (Unity and GNOME are pretty much different experience nowadays).

The fact that Ubuntu/Unity still relies on GNOME components is making 
harder to give a GNOME experience close from upstream on Ubuntu at the 
moment. That's not going to change before the next LTS, but in the 
future Ubuntu should be a ble to provide a first class experience both 
for Unity users and GNOME users (having less interactions should mean 
less frictions between the desktops, and more flexibility for GNOME to 
be closer from upstream on Ubuntu)

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Fwd: [Launchpad-translators] Minor string change in unity-home-scope and unity-lens-applications

2013-10-02 Thread David Planella
Forwarding this to the Ubuntu Tanslators list.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Robert Park
Date: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 6:50 PM
Subject: [Launchpad-translators] Minor string change in unity-home-scope
and unity-lens-applications

The string Search plugins has been changed to Dash plugins, in these

I'm not entirely sure what the status of translations are for these
two projects, but if everybody could update them, that would be


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[Tradutores-Ubuntu] estado da 13.10

2013-10-02 Thread Anton Meixome
O vindeiro día 10 conxélase a tradución

O galego está ao 98% neste momento, baixa 1% de un ano para aquí

Aquí están os paquetes prioritarios

Un saúdo,

Antón Méixome

Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

Re: [Tradutores-Ubuntu] estado da 13.10

2013-10-02 Thread Anton Meixome
2013/10/3 Marcos Lans
 Coido que esa estadística é atrasada, se entras nos paquetes verás que
 están ao 100%. Nesta outra páxina hai outra estadística actualizada ao
 100% e paréceme máis real:

 Agora mesmo tamén están traducidos os paquetes que hai dispoñíbeis para
 Ubuntu Phone ao 100%:
 # Core apps

 # System apps

 # Unity 8

Pois si que está desfasada pero a que ti envías corresponde á 13.04.
Total que non hai un sitio onde consultar sobre a 13.10 salvo
directamente andar navegando polos modelos directamente, non?

Por certo, actualicei bash coa tradución que hai dispoñible en
upstream (e tamén fixen a de grub2 completa)

 En 02/10/13 22:14, Anton Meixome escribiu:
 O vindeiro día 10 conxélase a tradución

 O galego está ao 98% neste momento, baixa 1% de un ano para aquí

 Aquí están os paquetes prioritarios

 Un saúdo,

 Antón Méixome

 Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

Antón Méixome - Galician Native Lang Coordination
Galician community LibO  AOO

Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

Re: [Tradutores-Ubuntu] estado da 13.10

2013-10-02 Thread Marcos Lans
Pois non coñezo como ver as estadísticas de Saucy á parte de revisar os
modelos coa dificultade engadida de saber cales se están traducindo en

En 03/10/13 00:37, Anton Meixome escribiu:
 2013/10/3 Marcos Lans
 Coido que esa estadística é atrasada, se entras nos paquetes verás que
 están ao 100%. Nesta outra páxina hai outra estadística actualizada ao
 100% e paréceme máis real:

 Agora mesmo tamén están traducidos os paquetes que hai dispoñíbeis para
 Ubuntu Phone ao 100%:
 # Core apps

 # System apps

 # Unity 8

 Pois si que está desfasada pero a que ti envías corresponde á 13.04.
 Total que non hai un sitio onde consultar sobre a 13.10 salvo
 directamente andar navegando polos modelos directamente, non?
 Por certo, actualicei bash coa tradución que hai dispoñible en
 upstream (e tamén fixen a de grub2 completa)

 En 02/10/13 22:14, Anton Meixome escribiu:
 O vindeiro día 10 conxélase a tradución

 O galego está ao 98% neste momento, baixa 1% de un ano para aquí

 Aquí están os paquetes prioritarios

 Un saúdo,

 Antón Méixome

 Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

[Ubuntu-BR] Kubuntu 13.10 + 2 monitores

2013-10-02 Thread César Ferreira
Bom dia, povo! Tenho um note lenovo com kubuntu 13.10 x64. Tudo funcionando as 
mil maravilhas!!! Ganhei de presente um monitor/TV Samsung, ´21 que estou 
colocando junto ao note. Caso: Quando ligo o monitor ao note via HDMI, o som 
passa a ser pelo monitor, que não tem nenhuma caixa de som ou home ligado, 
ficando o sistema mudo. Quando vou em configurações, só enxergo reprodução do 
monitor. Retiro o monitor e deixo apenas o note, o som volta normal e a saída 
passa a  ser áudio estéreo analógico. Porquê, ao ligar o monitor/TV não 
aparecem as 2 opções para eu selecionar por onde o som irá funcionar?

Abraços a todos!
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] [Bulk] Re: Problemas com su e plymouth

2013-10-02 Thread Robson Dantas de Aguiar

ihuuuruuu, consegui realizar depois de dois dias tentando rsrsrs

Tive de mudar dois arquivos de configuração no sistema. Instalei o 
nVidia corretamente.

vajam meu desktop como ficou:

Depois vou fazer um artigo no meu site sobre isso.
Quem for instalar o Linux e usar o xfce4.10 sem Ubuntu-Desktop, Xubuntu, 
vai ter sempre esse problema.

Se instalar o Xfce4.8 não vai ter esse problema.
Acho que deve ser um bug, pois a versão 4.10 é de desenvolvimento, a 
4.12 também (esta ultima ainda não usei).

Não tem nada a ver com o Ubuntu-Server.

Vou usar o minicd no virtualbox e testar. Depois de um trabalhão desse 
não vou reinstalar tudo novamente do zero. Quase uma semana de testes. 
Reinstalei o xfce4.10 umas 6 vezes (do zero) porque encontrava muitas 
dificuldades no boot, no ambiente gráfico, e em outras coisas como o 
synaptic, etc...
Tudo anotadinho no caderno, depois crio um artigo, mas vou fazer testes 
no virtualbox primeiro para poder anotar os passos corretos.

Agora vou curtir meu trabalho, próximo mês vejo isso.

Uma coisa eu sei, se não catucar não aprende. Se desistir no meio do 
caminho porque não está encontrando solução, nunca vai aprender a usar 
Linux de maneira avançada.

Valeu pessoal... :)

Em 01-10-2013 22:27, Robson Dantas de Aguiar escreveu:
Eu não devia nem responder, afinal, pediu um profissional com 
certificação LPI, mas também não se demonstrou inclinado a pagar por 
Não tive a intensão de chamar um profissional certificado, é apenas 
uma maneira de dizer que o problema é difícil de resolver. Tem gente 
que define como mestre e nem sempre a pessoa é um mestre. Desculpe 
se fiz entender dessa forma.

E quanto ao minicd eu não conhecia.
Obrigado pela informação.

Em 01-10-2013 22:04, Ivan Brasil Fuzzer escreveu:
Eu não devia nem responder, afinal, pediu um profissional com 
certificação LPI, mas também não se demonstrou inclinado a pagar por um.

Se não quer instalar tudo o que o Ubuntu traz, não é instalando o 
Ubuntu Server que vai resolver os seus problemas(na verdade vai gerar 
outros como já pode perceber), servidor não foi feito para ter 
interface gráfica. O que você precisa é o mini CD com a instalação 
básica. Baixe ele neste endereço[1] e aí sim faça a instalação do 
driver gráfico proprietário que deseja.


Em 01-10-2013 21:36, Robson Dantas de Aguiar escreveu:

Pessoal, boa noite.

Estou enfrentando um grande problema. Preciso instalar os drives da 
nvidia no Linux. O processo eu sei decorado, já fiz isso um milhão 
de vezes. O problema é, ao iniciar (no login do plymouth), 
ctrl+alt+f1 e ir para o terminal, tenho de informar a conta do root 
e ir ao prompt, até aí tudo beleza. Tenho de desativar o gdm para 
poder instalr o nvidia, senão ele não instala. Ao fazer: service gdm 
stop, trava tudo e dá um erro no plymouth. Só consigo sair com 
ctrl+alt+del para reiniciar o pc.

Acho que o plymouth não reconhece o root.
Instalei o Ubuntu Server (só o básico), e fui instalando os pacotes 
necessários que eu necessitava.

Tenho o xfce4.10 instalado, tudo funcionando redondinho.
O único problema que encontrei foi esse e não consigo encontrar a 
solução no Google.

Acho que falta algum pacote ou alguma configuração a realizar na unha.
Algum profissional (LPI) pode me ajudar com isso?
No Ubuntu-Desktop se usa o LightDM, e aí eu fazia: service lightdm 
stop e beleza, mas no gdm ele trava e mostra um erro do plymouth: 
mountall: Falha no comando Plymouth.
Não sei se esse plymouth deve ser instalado, instalei para ter um 
login gráfico, não me lembro quais pacotes são instalados no 
Ubuntu-Desktop referente a esse plymouth.

Sim, uso o Ubuntu-Server 12.04.3 32 bits.
Não me peçam para instalar o inchado do Ubuntu-Desktop, nem o Xubuntu!
Tudo foi atualizado, tudo está funcionando bem, testei 
programa-por-programa, serviços, etc.
O problema encontrado foi só esse de logar como root e parar o 
serviço do gdm.


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Kubuntu 13.10 + 2 monitores

2013-10-02 Thread Robson Dantas de Aguiar

Caramba, tu já instalou a nova versão? Cuidado com os novos bugs.

Veja eses links para tentar solucionar (mas é para a versão 13.04):

Se der resultado positivo, dê um retorno para ficar registrado.

Em 02-10-2013 10:16, César Ferreira escreveu:

Bom dia, povo! Tenho um note lenovo com kubuntu 13.10 x64. Tudo funcionando as 
mil maravilhas!!! Ganhei de presente um monitor/TV Samsung, ´21 que estou 
colocando junto ao note. Caso: Quando ligo o monitor ao note via HDMI, o som 
passa a ser pelo monitor, que não tem nenhuma caixa de som ou home ligado, 
ficando o sistema mudo. Quando vou em configurações, só enxergo reprodução do 
monitor. Retiro o monitor e deixo apenas o note, o som volta normal e a saída 
passa a  ser áudio estéreo analógico. Porquê, ao ligar o monitor/TV não 
aparecem as 2 opções para eu selecionar por onde o som irá funcionar?

Abraços a todos!

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Kubuntu 13.10 + 2 monitores

2013-10-02 Thread César Ferreira
Em casa testarei e darei retorno. Obrigado!

 Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 10:55:03 -0300
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Kubuntu 13.10 + 2 monitores
 Caramba, tu já instalou a nova versão? Cuidado com os novos bugs.
 Veja eses links para tentar solucionar (mas é para a versão 13.04):
 Se der resultado positivo, dê um retorno para ficar registrado.
 Em 02-10-2013 10:16, César Ferreira escreveu:
  Bom dia, povo! Tenho um note lenovo com kubuntu 13.10 x64. Tudo funcionando 
  as mil maravilhas!!! Ganhei de presente um monitor/TV Samsung, ´21 que 
  estou colocando junto ao note. Caso: Quando ligo o monitor ao note via 
  HDMI, o som passa a ser pelo monitor, que não tem nenhuma caixa de som ou 
  home ligado, ficando o sistema mudo. Quando vou em configurações, só 
  enxergo reprodução do monitor. Retiro o monitor e deixo apenas o note, o 
  som volta normal e a saída passa a  ser áudio estéreo analógico. Porquê, ao 
  ligar o monitor/TV não aparecem as 2 opções para eu selecionar por onde o 
  som irá funcionar?
  Abraços a todos!
 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:
 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] [Bulk] Re: Problemas com su e plymouth

2013-10-02 Thread Robson Dantas de Aguiar
Ivan, baixei o cd e tentei instalar no VirtualBox, não consigo continuar 
(após escolher os espelhos (mirror), escolhi outro mirror diferente do 
brasil  e nada). Tentei no modo Expert e não foi também. Existe um cd 
que tenha todos os pacotes mas só instala o sistema base?

Em 01-10-2013 22:04, Ivan Brasil Fuzzer escreveu:
... O que você precisa é o mini CD com a instalação básica. Baixe ele 
neste endereço[1] e aí sim faça a instalação do driver gráfico 
proprietário que deseja.


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[Ubuntu-be] hoesjes voor opstart-cdtje

2013-10-02 Thread peter

hallo ubuntu gebruikers
kan iemand mij aan materiaal , pps of pdf of odt  heeft
 met reclame om w gebruikers te overhalen een degelijk 
besturingssysteem te gebruiken
is er soms iemand die een voorbeeldje heeft van ubuntu12.04 hoesjes of 
die er eentje wil scannen voor mij

hartelijk dank daarvoor
vriendelijke groetjes
ubuntu-be mailing list /

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] hoesjes voor opstart-cdtje

2013-10-02 Thread Claudio Mammarella
Dag Peter, 

Download het volgende en je hebt 
denk ik alles wat je nodig hebt. 


- Oorspronkelijk e-mail -

Van: peter 
Verzonden: Woensdag 2 oktober 2013 15:37:46 
Onderwerp: [Ubuntu-be] hoesjes voor opstart-cdtje 

hallo ubuntu gebruikers 
kan iemand mij aa n materiaal , pps of pdf of odt heeft 
met reclame om w gebruikers te overhalen een degelijk bestu ringssysteem te 
is er soms iemand die een voorbeeldje heeft van ubuntu12.04 hoesjes of die er 
eentje wil scannen voor mij 
hartelijk dank daarvoor 
vriendelijke groetjes 

ubuntu-be mailing list / 

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[raring] linux 3.8.0-32.47 uploaded (ABI bump)

2013-10-02 Thread brad . figg
A new raring kernel has been uploaded into proposed. Note the ABI bump. 
The full changelog about all bug fixes contained in this upload can be found at:

This message was created by an automated script, maintained by the
Ubuntu Kernel Team.

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[quantal] linux-armadaxp 3.5.0-1623.32 uploaded (ABI bump)

2013-10-02 Thread brad . figg
A new quantal kernel has been uploaded into proposed. Note the ABI bump. 
The full changelog about all bug fixes contained in this upload can be found at:

This message was created by an automated script, maintained by the
Ubuntu Kernel Team.

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Re: Testing

2013-10-02 Thread Ali Linx (amjjawad)
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Joseph Godino wrote:

 I get a prompt to reboot the machine but then the screen goes black, the
 CD ejects but that is it the computer does not reboot. I tried a fresh
 install with the September 28 daily build and got the same result. This
 time I had to power off the machine since control-alt-delete would not
 work. However, I have been running that build for a couple of days and I
 have not encountered any serious issues just some minor bugs.

 I would like to continue testing but it will be difficult for me to do
 this on bare metal unless I can find another machine otherwise I would
 have to do it inside a virtualbox. Any suggestions.




Which is a duplicate of the old but still alive bug:

Please read my comment:

As a workaround: Use LiveUSB and use UNetbootin to create it OR 'dd' method
but you must be very careful whenever you are using 'dd' command.

Thanks :)

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Re: Testing

2013-10-02 Thread Ali Linx (amjjawad)
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Erick Brunzell wrote:

 Correct. What should happen after selecting either restart or shutdown
 is the screen should display a message saying something like, Please
 remove installation media, close tray if any, and press Enter. But the
 screen is often just blank.

 I find that this buggy behavior is more reliably reproduced if choosing
 install from the main menu rather than booting to the live DE first.
 Regardless all of the later bugs keep getting marked as a duplicate of:

 It does effect Ubuntu and Lubuntu images as well as Ubuntu GNOME images.


 That bug needs to be edited to reflect that it effects Saucy but I can't
 figure out how to do that.


Already done ;)

Thank you!

Remember: All of us are smarter than any one of us.
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Re: [Discussion/Opinion] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Stay On GTK/GNOME 3.8?

2013-10-02 Thread Erick Brunzell
On 10/02/2013 11:51 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:

 Whether this is a shocking news or not, I guess I have to share it
 here and read your opinion about this :)

 Read the link carefully before replying :)


As an official flavor of Ubuntu I'm not sure our opinion matters much,
but Ubuntu 14.04 will be an LTS (probably with 5 years of support like
12.04) so stability is a key aspect.

This might be a good time for our devs to start thinking about whether
Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 will be an LTS or not.


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Re: [Discussion/Opinion] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Stay On GTK/GNOME 3.8?

2013-10-02 Thread Joseph Godino
Hello All,

In terms of a LTS release it would make sense to stick with GNOME 3.8. I
have been running Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 for about a week on my main
computer and I feel that this release has all the stability requirements
to be considered LTS. As for GNOME 3.10 couldn't it be backported to a
ppa so the adventurous could give it a try.



On Wed, 2013-10-02 at 12:32 -0500, Erick Brunzell wrote:
 On 10/02/2013 11:51 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
  Whether this is a shocking news or not, I guess I have to share it
  here and read your opinion about this :)
  Read the link carefully before replying :)
 As an official flavor of Ubuntu I'm not sure our opinion matters much,
 but Ubuntu 14.04 will be an LTS (probably with 5 years of support like
 12.04) so stability is a key aspect.
 This might be a good time for our devs to start thinking about whether
 Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 will be an LTS or not.

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Re: [Discussion/Opinion] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Stay On GTK/GNOME 3.8?

2013-10-02 Thread Joseph Godino
On Wed, 2013-10-02 at 14:20 -0400, Manuel Cuadra wrote:
  In terms of a LTS release it would make sense to stick with GNOME 3.8. I
  have been running Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 for about a week on my main
  computer and I feel that this release has all the stability requirements
  to be considered LTS. As for GNOME 3.10 couldn't it be backported to a
  ppa so the adventurous could give it a try.
 I've been using Gnome 3.10 and it's not that much unstable, I can
 actually do my work with no problems, it's just the main programs that
 need some refinement.
 In the article, the main thing that worries them is that the latest
 GTK wants to get rid of the icons in menus and icons in buttons, so a
 lot of people report that as a bug and think that it's not a good
 I do think like @Joe that this could be a PPA to upgrade the version
 of Gnome but I think also that Gnome itself is changing anyways and
 people that wants to stick with it should be more focused on making it
 better, not trying to stop its growth by freezing the version, they
 should debate this things on the official gnome project if they want
 the icons back to the buttons and menus.

REASONS to consider a LTS release.

1. The kernel is frozen. Therefore kernel updates shouldn't break API's
which would lead to the stability of the proprietary drives provided by
the Ubuntu software center. In other words, a kernel update won't break
a system and render it unusable until a driver patch becomes available.
I believe this is what happened with the release of the 3.10 kernel.

2. Lagging development can catch up. For example, I would like to work
with CUDA applications. Unfortunately, this requires the Nvidia CUDA
tookkit. At the present time Nvidia only provides support for Ubuntu
12.04 and 12.10. One on the problems I ran into when trying to install
the CUDA toolkit on a newer version of linux was that the installer
complained about the version of the gcc compiler. It detected a new
version and aborted the installation. In as LTS release the compiler
version is frozen.

3. Software in the software center is frozen, enabling users to get a
system up and running that they can rely on without it becoming
unstable. I think this is a requirement for business and/or university
students who may be working on a research project that would last longer
than a six month development cycle.

REASONS why I chose Ubuntu and specifically Ubuntu GNOME.

1. A great collection of software both free and non-free.

2. Excellent fonts - especially useful when spending a long time with
the computer.

3. All my other proprietary software, for example, Maple, Mathematica
and CrashPlan, run flawlessly.

4. Easy installation of software not included in the distribution via
ppa, e.g Oracle Java, GNOME 3.10.

5. I prefer GNOME over Unity especially GNOME classic session. I don't
use the newer GNOME interface because I am mainly running a workstation
and/or desktop. The newer interface may be better for mobile devices.


In no way should a LTS release affect the continued development of
software. It is just a reference point in which to continue building
However, it provides users with a branch in which to run in a production

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Re: [Discussion/Opinion] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Stay On GTK/GNOME 3.8?

2013-10-02 Thread Manuel Cuadra
I completely agree with Joseph, so basically LTS is to have an amount
of stable packages ready to deploy and stable enough to work with
everything, and non LTS is for upgrading and testing new findings in
the Linux world, specially now that Gnome is porting to wayland and
making big changes, it would be wise to stick with the most stable
version before chaos lol, and also I think i've read that Gnome is
ditching classic on 3.12 if not 3.10 already, I haven't tested..

2013/10/2 Joseph Godino
 On Wed, 2013-10-02 at 14:20 -0400, Manuel Cuadra wrote:
  In terms of a LTS release it would make sense to stick with GNOME 3.8. I
  have been running Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 for about a week on my main
  computer and I feel that this release has all the stability requirements
  to be considered LTS. As for GNOME 3.10 couldn't it be backported to a
  ppa so the adventurous could give it a try.

 I've been using Gnome 3.10 and it's not that much unstable, I can
 actually do my work with no problems, it's just the main programs that
 need some refinement.
 In the article, the main thing that worries them is that the latest
 GTK wants to get rid of the icons in menus and icons in buttons, so a
 lot of people report that as a bug and think that it's not a good

 I do think like @Joe that this could be a PPA to upgrade the version
 of Gnome but I think also that Gnome itself is changing anyways and
 people that wants to stick with it should be more focused on making it
 better, not trying to stop its growth by freezing the version, they
 should debate this things on the official gnome project if they want
 the icons back to the buttons and menus.

 REASONS to consider a LTS release.

 1. The kernel is frozen. Therefore kernel updates shouldn't break API's
 which would lead to the stability of the proprietary drives provided by
 the Ubuntu software center. In other words, a kernel update won't break
 a system and render it unusable until a driver patch becomes available.
 I believe this is what happened with the release of the 3.10 kernel.

 2. Lagging development can catch up. For example, I would like to work
 with CUDA applications. Unfortunately, this requires the Nvidia CUDA
 tookkit. At the present time Nvidia only provides support for Ubuntu
 12.04 and 12.10. One on the problems I ran into when trying to install
 the CUDA toolkit on a newer version of linux was that the installer
 complained about the version of the gcc compiler. It detected a new
 version and aborted the installation. In as LTS release the compiler
 version is frozen.

 3. Software in the software center is frozen, enabling users to get a
 system up and running that they can rely on without it becoming
 unstable. I think this is a requirement for business and/or university
 students who may be working on a research project that would last longer
 than a six month development cycle.

 REASONS why I chose Ubuntu and specifically Ubuntu GNOME.

 1. A great collection of software both free and non-free.

 2. Excellent fonts - especially useful when spending a long time with
 the computer.

 3. All my other proprietary software, for example, Maple, Mathematica
 and CrashPlan, run flawlessly.

 4. Easy installation of software not included in the distribution via
 ppa, e.g Oracle Java, GNOME 3.10.

 5. I prefer GNOME over Unity especially GNOME classic session. I don't
 use the newer GNOME interface because I am mainly running a workstation
 and/or desktop. The newer interface may be better for mobile devices.


 In no way should a LTS release affect the continued development of
 software. It is just a reference point in which to continue building
 However, it provides users with a branch in which to run in a production

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2013-10-02 Thread Joseph Godino

I just set up a machine so that I could continue testing the daily
builds of Ubuntu GNOME without disturbing my production machine which
is running Ubuntu GNOME 13.10. I only do upgrades to this machine
without doing fresh installs -that is what my test machine is for.

My experience with the test machine is as follows.

The computer has two hard disks which had nothing but free space before
installing 13.10. During the initial installation I installed 13.10
to /sda using lmv. Unfortunately, upon rebooting the machine 13.10 would
not load. I could not determine if this was a hardware or software

Next I tried a dual boot with Windows. Again after installing 13.10 only
Windows would load - not at all what I wanted.

Finally I tried a dual boot with Fedora 19. I installed Fedora to /sda
using lvm and upon rebooting the machine I was able to get into the
GNOME desktop. After that I installed 13.10 to /sdb. Upon rebooting I
obtained a grub menu allowing me to choose which OS to boot. Final
result - I can boot into 13.10 and Fedora 19.



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[Bug 1187001] Re: saslauthd[26791]: segfault at 0 ip b71de6f1 sp bfcd2d9c error 4 in[b7160000+1ad000]

2013-10-02 Thread Seth Arnold
Are you confident about multi-threading? I don't see any linker commands
to link against the threading libraries in our build logs:
.cyrus-sasl2_2.1.25.dfsg1-3_BUILDING.txt.gz  and I also see extensive
use of fork(2) in the upstream git:

From just the five minutes I've looked, I'd say it looks like usual
Unix-style preforking server, not threaded server.


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Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in Ubuntu.

  saslauthd[26791]: segfault at 0 ip b71de6f1 sp bfcd2d9c error 4 in[b716+1ad000]

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[Bug 1227033] Re: mdb-sql crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()

2013-10-02 Thread BokiC
** Information type changed from Private Security to Public

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mdbtools in Ubuntu.

  mdb-sql crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_vfprintf_internal()

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[Bug 1187001] Re: saslauthd[26791]: segfault at 0 ip b71de6f1 sp bfcd2d9c error 4 in[b7160000+1ad000]

2013-10-02 Thread chud
I think default THREADS=5 in /etc/default/saslauthd, after these all crash [as 
above] then thats the end of SASL working. (at least that is what happened for 
me, repeatedly).
Setting this to THREADS=0 has worked around the issue (for me anyway) as it 
makes it fork instead.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in Ubuntu.

  saslauthd[26791]: segfault at 0 ip b71de6f1 sp bfcd2d9c error 4 in[b716+1ad000]

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[Bug 1197878] Re: SNMPv3 not working with APC

2013-10-02 Thread Jernej Jakob
Also relevant:
Looks like I'll need a newer version of NUT anyway...

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Server Team, which is subscribed to nut in Ubuntu.

  SNMPv3 not working with APC

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[Bug 1185756] Re: drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

2013-10-02 Thread Stefan Bader
Thanks Lionel, I will update the SRU description and we will see.
Backporting a much newer version of anything into an older release
always is met with a lot of (justified by experience) reservations. It
probably will need more volunteers to make a case for it (at least
convincing the SRU team that there isn't any serious regression).

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Server Team, which is subscribed to drbd8 in Ubuntu.

  drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

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[Bug 1185756] Re: drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

2013-10-02 Thread Numérigraphe
I see your point.
You still have the option to ship the new version as drbd8-utils-lts-raring. 
The 8.3 compatibility would still be a bonus for those who downgrade.
Otherwise, maybe you could push it to precise-backports ? 

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  drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

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[Bug 1185756] Re: drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

2013-10-02 Thread Stefan Bader
** Description changed:

  Request for SRU:
- DRBD will not work (hang) on fresh install using Ubuntu 12.04.3 media, and 
will stop working on sites where the Raring Enablement Stacks is manually 
+ DRBD will not work (hang) on fresh install using Ubuntu 12.04.3 media, and 
will stop working on sites where the Raring Enablement Stacks is manually 
installed as the API between older and newer drbd kernel modules has changed.
+ [Fix]
+ The current version of drbd8 utils in Saucy/Raring can be compiled with 
legacy utils enabled (basically drbdadm and drbdsetup) and automatically 
switches to use the legacy version when an older kernel module is found. 
Comparing the code of those two legacy tools showed them to be mostly the same 
(except some things that actually look like bug fixes).
+ I only found two small issues, one was the init.d script which was changed to 
use a new command of drbdadm to activate resources. This would fail if drbdadm 
fell back to the legacy version. So I picked the shell function that the 
current util uses and verified that this still works with the new binary.
+ The other problem was the default config file which contained a new open 
which would cause the legacy util to fail. It does not seem to be a required 
one in the new tools to commenting it out by default seems to work in both 
cases, too.
+ Lastly (this did not seem to be a real issue) the legacy tools claimed to be 
a version 3.8.10 while the the code really looked like the 3.8.11 version we 
have in Precise. Since that also matches the version number of the drbd module 
in Precise I modified the legacy tools version to be 3.8.11.
  [Test Case]
- Install the Raring kernel in Precise, install/configure DRBD: you get No 
response from the DRBD driver! Is the module loaded?.
- [Regression Potential] 
- The current drbd8-utils must not be upgraded (it's needed for Precise  
Quantal kernels), a new package must be created for the DRBD 8.4 utils.
+ Install the Raring kernel in Precise, install/configure DRBD: you get No 
response from the DRBD driver! Is the module loaded?. With the proposed 
backport the mirror continues to work. Only for switching back to an older 
kernel a special procedure must be followed (see comment #21):
+ ---
  I've just installed linux-generic-lts-raring on 12.04.2 and my drbd device 
stoped working.
  Seems like drbd8-utils is not compatible with DRBD 8.4 in Kernel 3.8.
  I see that we can't upgrade the package since this would break compatibility 
with the older Kernels in Precise.
  But since the new Plans for the LTS-Enablement Stack [1] there should be
  a package like drbd8-utils-lts-raring. And the dependancies should be
  resolved automatically with apt.
  kind regards
  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.04
  Package: linux-image-3.8.0-22-generic 3.8.0-22.33~precise1
  ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.8.0-22.33~precise1-generic 3.8.11
  Uname: Linux 3.8.0-22-generic x86_64
  ApportVersion: 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.2
  Architecture: amd64
  Date: Thu May 30 11:53:13 2013
  InstallationMedia: Ubuntu-Server 12.04.1 LTS Precise Pangolin - Release 
amd64 (20120817.3)
  MarkForUpload: True
  SourcePackage: linux-lts-raring
  UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Changed in: drbd8 (Ubuntu Precise)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Stefan Bader (smb)

** Changed in: drbd8 (Ubuntu)
   Status: Confirmed = Invalid

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to drbd8 in Ubuntu.

  drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

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[Bug 1233831] Re: maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision environment

2013-10-02 Thread John A Meinel
We only have builds of juju-core on Arm for Saucy (1.14.0 and 1.14.1
both have official juju tools builds for saucy-1.14.1-armhf.tgz)

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision

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[Blueprint servercloud-s-openstack-hypervisor] Openstack Hypervisors

2013-10-02 Thread Stefan Bader
Blueprint changed by Stefan Bader:

Work items changed:
  Work items:
  Add a more recent version of XCP to the Ubuntu Archive: POSTPONED
  Write XCP documentation and Openstack: POSTPONED
  Test XCP and Openstack: POSTPONED
  Write documenation on vmware and Openstack: POSTPONED
  Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
  [zulcss] File FFE exception for new LXC driver in nova package: DONE
  [smb] File FFe exception for Xen 4.3: DONE
- [smb] Resolve outstanding issues with Xen 4.3 upload (zulcss to help): TODO
+ [smb] Resolve outstanding issues with Xen 4.3 upload (zulcss to help): DONE
  [zulcss] Rebuild of libvirt post Xen 4.3 upload to pickup new driver: TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
  Test libvirt-xen + Xen 4.3 and Openstack: TODO
  Write documentation on libvirt-xen: TODO
  Test vmware support and Openstack: INPROGRESS
  [zulcss] New LXC based driver for nova: DONE
  [zulcss] Add lxc block device support for apparmor: POSTPONED
  [zulcss] Add lxc qemu-nbd support for Openstack: POSTPONED
  Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
  [zulcss] Document supported configurations (including juju charm support): 
  Collect additional hardening profiles from users: TODO

Openstack Hypervisors

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[Bug 1185756] Re: drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

2013-10-02 Thread Stefan Bader
Backports might be an option, too. Though then requiring to be aware of
the problem and manually pick the backports version when upgrading to
the LTS Raring kernel. Usability looks to be simpler with a SRU but I
would defer that decision to the SRU team.

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Server Team, which is subscribed to drbd8 in Ubuntu.

  drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

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[Bug 1228210] Re: libvirt-bin upstart job considers service started before it is ready

2013-10-02 Thread Robie Basak
Further discussion here:

Following that thread, I've come to the following conclusions:

libvirtd is perfectly acceptable in its current behaviour. upstart plans
to support this edge case in the future. The only impact of this bug at
the moment is in uvtool's postinst. A simple workaround can be used in
uvtool's postinst. Although we can patch libvirtd to support expect
stop, it seems pretty invasive for something that we might want to drop
in the future, and a the workaround in uvtool's postinst seems like the
easier option.

So I'll mark this as Won't Fix in libvirt for now, to reflect the
existence of this problem but my current intention to leave it as is.
And I'll work around the problem in uvtool.

** Changed in: libvirt (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Won't Fix

** Also affects: uvtool (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  libvirt-bin upstart job considers service started before it is ready

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[Bug 1228210] Re: libvirt-bin upstart job considers service started before it is ready

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package uvtool - 0~bzr36-0ubuntu1

uvtool (0~bzr36-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low

  * New upstream snapshot:
- Workaround to make sure that libvirtd is running and ready before
  attempting to create the volume pool (LP: #1228210).
  + d/uvtool-libvirt-postinst: wait logic.
  + d/control: add dependency on socat (used by the wait logic).
 -- Robie Basak   Wed, 02 Oct 2013 11:35:06 +0100

** Changed in: uvtool (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/uvtool

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Server Team, which is subscribed to libvirt in Ubuntu.

  libvirt-bin upstart job considers service started before it is ready

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[Bug 1226674] Re: openstack-dashboard should suggest python-lesscpy

2013-10-02 Thread James Page

I've fixed up lesscpy in Saucy for python2 and 3 (it was not built for 2
and broken with 3).

This should get into the cloud-archive IMHO; if you want to run with
online compression then you have to have this package installed.   We
did not have the same problem with nodejs/node-lessc as that is present
in Ubuntu 12.04.

** Summary changed:

- openstack-dashboard should suggest python3-lesscpy
+ openstack-dashboard should suggest python-lesscpy

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Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  openstack-dashboard should suggest python-lesscpy

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[Bug 1231901] Re: Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod, which is required

2013-10-02 Thread James Page
** Changed in: nagios3 (Ubuntu Saucy)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = James Page (james-page)

** Changed in: nagios3 (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: Triaged = In Progress

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in Ubuntu.

  Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod,
  which is required

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[Bug 1233831] Re: maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision environment

2013-10-02 Thread Peter Petrakis
Changed the env series, same result.

ubuntu@bysen:~$ juju -vvv bootstrap --constraints arch=arm -e maas
2013-10-02 11:18:08 INFO tools.go:82 filtering tools by 
released version
2013-10-02 11:18:08 INFO tools.go:29 reading tools with 
major version 1
2013-10-02 11:18:08 INFO tools.go:37 filtering tools by 
series: saucy
2013-10-02 11:18:08 INFO tools.go:40 filtering tools by 
architecture: arm
2013-10-02 11:18:26 ERROR list.go:113 cannot match 
tools.Filter{Released:true, Number:version.Number{Major:0, Minor:0, Patch:0, 
Build:0}, Series:saucy, Arch:arm}
2013-10-02 11:18:26 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:63 listing available tools
listing available tools
2013-10-02 11:18:27 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:76 found 32 tools
found 32 tools
2013-10-02 11:18:27 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:80 found 9 recent tools 
(version 1.14.1)
found 9 recent tools (version 1.14.1)
2013-10-02 11:18:27 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:86 listing target bucket
listing target bucket
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:112 found 9 tools in 
target; 0 tools to be copied
found 9 tools in target; 0 tools to be copied
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:117 copied 0 tools
copied 0 tools
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO tools.go:82 filtering tools by 
released version
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO tools.go:29 reading tools with 
major version 1
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO tools.go:37 filtering tools by 
series: saucy
2013-10-02 11:18:45 INFO tools.go:40 filtering tools by 
architecture: arm
2013-10-02 11:19:03 ERROR list.go:113 cannot match 
tools.Filter{Released:true, Number:version.Number{Major:0, Minor:0, Patch:0, 
Build:0}, Series:saucy, Arch:arm}
2013-10-02 11:19:03 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 command failed: no matching 
tools available
error: no matching tools available

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision

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[Blueprint servercloud-s-cloud-archive] Ubuntu Cloud Archive for Havana

2013-10-02 Thread James Page
Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-13.05:
  Open Cloud Archive for Havana development: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
  [james-page] Document proposed OpenStack SRU cadence process: DONE
  Update Cloud Archive documentation inline with support lifecycle: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
  [gandelman-a] CA pipeline reporting for updates: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Document backports tool in openstack-ubuntu-testing: DONE
  [gandelman-a] Investigate automated changelog creation as part of per-commit 
testing: DONE
  [zulcss] Backport of qemu for Havana: DONE
  [james-page] Create PPA's for cloud-tools pockets: DONE
  [james-page] Update cloud-archive configuration for new tools pockets (~): 
  [james-page] Induct gandelman-a into the Cloud Archive Admins team: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
  [james-page] Update tools for cloud-tools pockets (0.5): TODO
- Upload initial tools (maas, juju, golang, lxc) to cloud-tools pocket (1): TODO
+ Upload initial tools (maas, juju, golang, lxc) to cloud-tools pocket (1): DONE
  [james-page] Discuss communications plan around cloud-archive releases with 
jcastro (~): TODO
  Update SRU cadence for entry into ca-staging at same time as proposed queue 
(~): TODO
  Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
  [james-page] Implement workflow for critical security updates (1): TODO
  Automate cloud archive backports to staging for existing packages in the 
cloud-archive: TODO
  Work items:
  [gandelman-a] Document how to run point release update preparation 
verification testing against proposed updates: INPROGRESS
  [gandelman-a] add-apt-repository for cloud-archive: TODO
  Bug closure for cloud-archive bugs: TODO
  Figure out and document security update process for 3 month shortfall between 
distro and OpenStack support: TODO

Ubuntu Cloud Archive for Havana

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[Bug 1231901] Re: Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod, which is required

2013-10-02 Thread James Page
** Changed in: nagios3 (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in Ubuntu.

  Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod,
  which is required

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[Bug 1208455] Re: general protection fault running apt-get inside double nested kvm VM

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

** Changed in: qemu-kvm (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to qemu-kvm in Ubuntu.

  general protection fault running apt-get inside double nested kvm VM

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[Bug 1232469] Re: Apache coredump when started with dbd and php5 enabled

2013-10-02 Thread Robie Basak
Thanks for looking. I'm eager to fix any bugs of this sort with our
apache 2.4 transition to be released this cycle, but will be stuck
without being able to reproduce. Setting this bug Incomplete for now.
Please set back to New once you have steps to reproduce, or to Invalid
if you conclude that there isn't a problem.

** Changed in: apache2 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

  Apache coredump when started with dbd and php5 enabled

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[Bug 680202] Re: w3mman2html.cgi doesn't correctly underline UTF-8 characters

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package w3m - 0.5.3-11

w3m (0.5.3-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Update 130_siteconf.patch to fix segfault (closes: #718612)
  * New patch 180_execdict.patch to fix potentially segfault
  * New patch 190_Strchop.patch to fix potentially segfault
  * New patch 900_ChangeLog.patch to update ChangeLog
  * Update 015_debian-version.patch to 0.5.3+debian-11

 -- Tatsuya Kinoshita  Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:06:06 +0900

** Changed in: w3m (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to w3m in Ubuntu.

  w3mman2html.cgi doesn't correctly underline UTF-8 characters

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[Blueprint servercloud-s-mongodb] MongoDB activities for Saucy

2013-10-02 Thread James Page
Blueprint changed by James Page:

Work items changed:
  Work items for ubuntu-13.06:
  [james-page] Update to latest stable MongoDB release: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.08:
  [james-page] Update to latest stable MongoDB release: DONE
  [james-page] DEP-8 tests for MongoDB: DONE
  [james-page] Resync packaging with Debian: DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.09:
  Include mongodb in the cloud-tools and havana pockets of the cloud-archive 
(0.5): DONE
  Work items for ubuntu-13.10:
  [james-page] work with upstream to evaluate MongoDB for main inclusion (~): 
  [james-page] MIR for MongoDB and dependencies (~): BLOCKED
  [james-page] Resolve OpenSSL licensing issues with upstream: DONE
- [james-page] MRE for MongoDB (0.5): TODO
+ [james-page] MRE for MongoDB (0.5): POSTPONED
  Work items:
  [racb] Complete and feed arm porting work back upstream: POSTPONED
  [racb] Review memcpy hack in deserialization code prior to upstream 
submission: POSTPONED
  [racb] work with Jon Masters for Atomic operations patch review - upstream: 

MongoDB activities for Saucy

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[Bug 995719] Re: process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

2013-10-02 Thread Robie Basak
Uploaded, thanks!

I checked the package in Saucy, and see no process_name.rb there. If I
am right in understanding that this is fixed in Saucy, then, could you
please mark it as Fix Released?

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to puppet in Ubuntu.

  process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

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[Bug 1233703] Re: openvswitch-datapath-dkms fails to build kernel modules in cloud-repo

2013-10-02 Thread Chuck Short
Which kernel was this with?

** Changed in: openvswitch (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openvswitch in Ubuntu.

  openvswitch-datapath-dkms fails to build kernel modules in cloud-repo

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[Bug 1227153] Re: cinder missing build-depends on python-netaddr

2013-10-02 Thread Chuck Short
** Changed in: cloud-archive
   Status: New = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cinder in Ubuntu.

  cinder missing build-depends on python-netaddr

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[Bug 1228433] Re: nova-compute needs sysfsutils package moved to depends

2013-10-02 Thread Chuck Short
** Changed in: nova (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: cloud-archive
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nova in Ubuntu.

  nova-compute needs sysfsutils package moved to depends

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[Bug 1229892] Re: package php5-common 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 10

2013-10-02 Thread Marc Deslauriers
Thanks for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu
better. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but this appears
to be a regular (non-security) bug.  I have unmarked it as a security
issue since this bug does not show evidence of allowing attackers to
cross privilege boundaries nor directly cause loss of data/privacy.
Please feel free to report any other bugs you may find.

** Information type changed from Private Security to Public

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to php5 in Ubuntu.

  package php5-common 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: sub-
  processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída
  de erro 10

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[Bug 1226674] Re: openstack-dashboard should suggest python-lesscpy

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:~zulcss/horizon/lesscpy

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  openstack-dashboard should suggest python-lesscpy

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[Bug 1234177] [NEW] Moonshot power type is not supported

2013-10-02 Thread Andres Rodriguez
Public bug reported:

Moonshot power type in maas-enlist is not supported which causes that
enlisted moonshot machines into maas will fail.

** Affects: maas-enlist (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas-enlist in Ubuntu.

  Moonshot power type is not supported

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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[Bug 995719] Re: process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

2013-10-02 Thread Haw Loeung

Marked as Fix Released as requested.

What about for Precise? Are we going to backport the fix to Precise? In
IS, we currently have puppet ensure that the file is absent / deleted.



** Changed in: puppet (Ubuntu)
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to puppet in Ubuntu.

  process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

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[Bug 995719] Re: process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

2013-10-02 Thread Robie Basak

Thanks. For Precise, I just reviewed, tested and uploaded Adam's
debdiff. It's in queue now pending review from the SRU team.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to puppet in Ubuntu.

  process_name.rb removed in 2.7.11 but still provided by puppet-common

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[Bug 1220701] Re: FFE: 13.10 Native nova lxc driver

2013-10-02 Thread Chuck Short

This was decided that we wanted to have in mid cycle due to the
limations of the libvirt-lxc driver in openstack (lack of security,
maintainability, etc), there is a proposal to have this included in the
next release of openstack.


You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nova in Ubuntu.

  FFE: 13.10 Native nova lxc driver

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[Bug 1234177] Re: Moonshot power type is not supported

2013-10-02 Thread Andres Rodriguez
** Changed in: maas-enlist (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Andres Rodriguez (andreserl)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas-enlist in Ubuntu.

  Moonshot power type is not supported

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[Bug 1185756] Re: drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

2013-10-02 Thread Scott Kitterman
Generically, I think that an SRU to get it working with the HWE stack is
reasonable.  It will need to be tested with both the original and HWE
stacks, so please update the test procedure to include testing both.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to drbd8 in Ubuntu.

  drbd8-utils not compatible with linux-lts-raring kernel in 12.04

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[Bug 1231901] Re: Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod, which is required

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/nagios3

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in Ubuntu.

  Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod,
  which is required

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[Bug 1210253] Re: With Havana 2 installed, Launching horizon UI results in the error NameError: name 'Dashboard' is not defined

2013-10-02 Thread rick stokkingreef
** Branch linked: lp:~zulcss/horizon/1210253

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  With Havana 2 installed, Launching horizon UI results in the error 
  NameError: name 'Dashboard' is not defined

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[Bug 1211876] Re: keepalived reload buggy due to improper ipv4 address comparison

2013-10-02 Thread Adam Stokes
** Changed in: keepalived (Ubuntu)
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to keepalived in Ubuntu.

  keepalived reload buggy due to improper ipv4 address comparison

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[Bug 1233752] Re: openstack-dashboard should not write to /etc/openstack-dashboard

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package horizon - 1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu2

horizon (1:2013.2~b3-0ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low

  * Don't use /etc/openstack-dashboard for in-process generated data
(LP: #1233752):
- d/openstack-dashboard.{dirs,postinst}:
  + Create /var/lib/openstack-dashboard with restricted permissions,
allowing www-data user to write a secret_key if need be.
  + Move /etc/openstack-dashboard/secret_key to correct location if
it already exists.
- d/p/ubuntu_settings.patch: Use /var/lib/openstack-dashboard for
  secret key storage instead of /etc/openstack-dashboard.
 -- James Page   Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:31:15 +0100

** Changed in: horizon (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  openstack-dashboard should not write to /etc/openstack-dashboard

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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[Bug 1231901] Re: Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod, which is required

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package nagios3 - 3.4.1-5ubuntu2

nagios3 (3.4.1-5ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low

  * d/nagios3-cgi.postinst: Enable cgi module for compatibility with
apache 2.4 (LP: #1231901).
 -- James Page   Wed, 02 Oct 2013 12:25:10 +0100

** Changed in: nagios3 (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in Ubuntu.

  Installing Nagios3 and Apache2 in Saucy does not enable the cgi mod,
  which is required

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[Bug 1234291] [NEW] flask tests fail with older versions of python-werkzeug

2013-10-02 Thread James Page
Public bug reported:

nosetests tests/
FAIL: test_custom_clientside_error (test_flask.FlaskrTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 135, in test_custom_clientside_error
assert json.loads(['faultstring'] == '403: Forbidden'
  begin captured stdout  -
{u'debuginfo': None, u'faultcode': u'Server', u'faultstring': u403: You're not 
allowed in there!}

-  end captured stdout  --
  begin captured logging  
wsme.api: ERROR: Server-side error: 403: You're not allowed in there!. 
Traceback (most recent call last):

 line 65, in wrapper
result = f(*args, **kwargs)

 line 52, in model_secret
abort(403, description=You're not allowed in there!)

  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/werkzeug/, line 525, in 
raise self.mapping[code](*args, **kwargs)

Forbidden: 403: You're not allowed in there!

-  end captured logging  -

Ran 10 tests in 0.023s

FAILED (failures=1)

This is not an issue per-say in Saucy; however this package is a
backport target for the Ubuntu Cloud Archive and the test fails due to
different handling of the description keyword in newer versions of

Dropping the custom description (which is then ignored in the actual
test case) resolved the issues on 13.10 and 12.04.

** Affects: python-wsme (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Medium
 Assignee: James Page (james-page)
 Status: In Progress

** Affects: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
 Importance: Medium
 Assignee: James Page (james-page)
 Status: In Progress

** Also affects: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: New = Fix Released

** Changed in: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: Fix Released = In Progress

** Changed in: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium

** Changed in: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = James Page (james-page)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to python-wsme in Ubuntu.

  flask tests fail with older versions of python-werkzeug

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[Bug 1226855] Re: Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

2013-10-02 Thread Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
Assuming I should use the init script for this, attached output from
running the following in the container:

strace -o iscsi-start.txt service open-iscsi start

** Attachment added: iscsi-start.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to lxc in Ubuntu.

  Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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[Bug 1229778] Re: [MIR] cherrypy3

2013-10-02 Thread Adam Conrad
Override component to main
cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy: universe/python - main
python-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy amd64: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy arm64: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy armhf: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy i386: universe/python/optional/100% - 
python-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy powerpc: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python3-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy amd64: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python3-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy arm64: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python3-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy armhf: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python3-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy i386: universe/python/optional/100% 
- main
python3-cherrypy3 3.2.2-4ubuntu1 in saucy powerpc: 
universe/python/optional/100% - main
Override [y|N]? y
11 publications overridden.

** Changed in: cherrypy3 (Ubuntu)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cherrypy3 in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] cherrypy3

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[Bug 1226855] Re: Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

2013-10-02 Thread Serge Hallyn
Thanks - unfortunately we need the -f flag added to strace to follow

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to lxc in Ubuntu.

  Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

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[Bug 1218526] Re: FFE 13.10: maas ubuntu integration of new upstream development

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package maas - 1.4+bzr1655+dfsg-0ubuntu1

maas (1.4+bzr1655+dfsg-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low

  * New Upstream release. (LP: #1218526)
  * debian/control:
- Depends on python-djorm-ext-pgarray, python-curtin,
  python-simplestreams, ubuntu-cloud-keyring.
- Depends on maas-dns, maas-dhcp to get them seeded and
  into main (LP: #1227353)
 -- Andres Rodriguez   Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:17:44 -0400

** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/maas

** Changed in: maas (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to the bug report.

  FFE 13.10: maas ubuntu integration of new upstream development

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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[Bug 1227353] Re: Please promote maas-dns, maas-dhcp to main

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package maas - 1.4+bzr1655+dfsg-0ubuntu1

maas (1.4+bzr1655+dfsg-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low

  * New Upstream release. (LP: #1218526)
  * debian/control:
- Depends on python-djorm-ext-pgarray, python-curtin,
  python-simplestreams, ubuntu-cloud-keyring.
- Depends on maas-dns, maas-dhcp to get them seeded and
  into main (LP: #1227353)
 -- Andres Rodriguez   Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:17:44 -0400

** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/saucy-proposed/maas

** Changed in: maas (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: New = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  Please promote maas-dns, maas-dhcp to main

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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[Bug 1233831] Re: maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision environment

2013-10-02 Thread Peter Petrakis
@John, I don't dispute that the tools aren't there, but I'm starting to think  
 isn't able to find it.

I created a saucy VM to try and drive this MAAS, it still won't find the
arm tools.

@John (anyone), have you actually seen this work?

ubuntu@saucy:~$ uname -a
Linux saucy 3.11.0-8-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 20 04:11:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 
x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

ubuntu@saucy:~$ juju version

ubuntu@saucy:~$ lsb_release  --all
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch)
Codename:   saucy

ubuntu@saucy:~$ juju -vvv bootstrap --constraints arch=arm
2013-10-02 17:53:02 INFO tools.go:82 filtering tools by 
released version
2013-10-02 17:53:02 INFO tools.go:29 reading tools with 
major version 1
2013-10-02 17:53:02 INFO tools.go:37 filtering tools by 
series: saucy
2013-10-02 17:53:02 INFO tools.go:40 filtering tools by 
architecture: arm
2013-10-02 17:57:28 ERROR list.go:113 cannot match 
tools.Filter{Released:true, Number:version.Number{Major:0, Minor:0, Patch:0, 
Build:0}, Series:saucy, Arch:arm}
2013-10-02 17:57:28 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:63 listing available tools
listing available tools
2013-10-02 17:57:29 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:76 found 32 tools
found 32 tools
2013-10-02 17:57:29 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:80 found 9 recent tools 
(version 1.14.1)
found 9 recent tools (version 1.14.1)
2013-10-02 17:57:29 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:86 listing target bucket
listing target bucket
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:112 found 9 tools in 
target; 0 tools to be copied
found 9 tools in target; 0 tools to be copied
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO juju.environs.sync sync.go:117 copied 0 tools
copied 0 tools
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO tools.go:82 filtering tools by 
released version
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO tools.go:29 reading tools with 
major version 1
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO tools.go:37 filtering tools by 
series: saucy
2013-10-02 18:01:54 INFO tools.go:40 filtering tools by 
architecture: arm
2013-10-02 18:06:20 ERROR list.go:113 cannot match 
tools.Filter{Released:true, Number:version.Number{Major:0, Minor:0, Patch:0, 
Build:0}, Series:saucy, Arch:arm}
2013-10-02 18:06:20 ERROR juju supercommand.go:282 command failed: no matching 
tools available
error: no matching tools available

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas doesn't return zookeeper instances for newly provision

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[Bug 1226855] Re: Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

2013-10-02 Thread Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
Aha! Attached: strace -f -o iscsi-start_f.txt service open-iscsi start

** Attachment added: iscsi-start_f.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to lxc in Ubuntu.

  Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

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[Bug 1234331] Re: cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

2013-10-02 Thread Scott Moser
** Also affects: cloud-init (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

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[Bug 1234331] Re: cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

2013-10-02 Thread Scott Moser
fix-committed in revno 882.

** Changed in: cloud-init
   Importance: Undecided = Low

** Changed in: cloud-init
   Status: New = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

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[Bug 1231693] Re: maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

2013-10-02 Thread Scott Moser
** Also affects: cloud-archive
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Also affects: maas (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: cloud-archive
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: cloud-archive
   Importance: Undecided = High

** Changed in: maas (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: maas (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

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[Bug 1226855] Re: Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

2013-10-02 Thread Serge Hallyn
** Changed in: lxc (Ubuntu)
   Status: Incomplete = Confirmed

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Server Team, which is subscribed to lxc in Ubuntu.

  Cannot use open-iscsi inside LXC container

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[Bug 1234331] Re: cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:cloud-init

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Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init should respect /etc/growroot-disabled

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[Bug 1234291] Re: flask tests fail with older versions of python-werkzeug

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package python-wsme - 0.5b5-1ubuntu2

python-wsme (0.5b5-1ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low

  * d/p/fix_403_test_case.patch: Fixup test case for 403 error code;
older versions of python-werkzeug handle this differently which
creates issues in the Ubuntu Cloud Archive (LP: #1234291).
 -- James Page   Wed, 02 Oct 2013 17:51:52 +0100

** Changed in: python-wsme (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Released

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Server Team, which is subscribed to python-wsme in Ubuntu.

  flask tests fail with older versions of python-werkzeug

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[Bug 1220427] Re: [MIR] simplestreams

2013-10-02 Thread Adam Conrad

** Changed in: simplestreams (Ubuntu)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

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Server Team, which is subscribed to simplestreams in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] simplestreams

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[Bug 1231693] Re: maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

2013-10-02 Thread Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
** Tags added: patch

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

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[Bug 1234376] [NEW] HOSTALIAS doesn't update after changing config files

2013-10-02 Thread Filipegiusti
Public bug reported:

Description:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS

  Installed: 3.2.3-3ubuntu1
  Candidate: 3.2.3-3ubuntu1

The problem is described here

The solution that worked for me is here
wrong-host-alias-name but instead of fully deleting
/var/lib/nagios3/retention.dat I stopped the nagios service update the
alias and restarted it.

** Affects: nagios3 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in Ubuntu.

  HOSTALIAS doesn't update after changing config files

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Re: [Bug 1180777] Re: RDP traffic freeze on quiet network

2013-10-02 Thread f3a97
Thanks for the tip Dumitrescu,

I'll rive it a try AMD report here che result.

 Il 29/set/2013 14:50 Vasile Dumitrescu ha

 I added a rtl8139c netcard to the VM and connected through it by RDP -
 no more freezes.

 It looks like kvm does not play well with virtio network cards and RDP.

 Red Hat virtio net windows driver version:, 6/19/2013

 I left the RH adapter on the VM, I just connect via RDP through the
 rtl8139c network card.

 You received this bug notification because you are subscribed to the bug

   RDP traffic freeze on quiet network

 Status in QEMU:
 Status in “qemu-kvm” package in Ubuntu:
 Status in Debian GNU/Linux:

 Bug description:
   To summarize what I think has been found so far,

 1. The main symptom is that RDP connections hang after some time
 2. This bug affects qemu 1.0 .. 1.6.5
 3. This bug affects at least windows xp and windows 7 guests
 4. Keeping another network connection open, such as vnc, prevents the
 RDP connection from hanging.


   I have recently setup a Windows 7 VM on KVM and started using it
   through remote desktop.

   What happens is that, after some hours of usage, the remote desktop
   connection freezes. I thought it was a remmina bug, as the it was
   enough to kill and restart it to successfully connect again to the VM.

   However, today I've switched to a different RDP client (2X Client
   chromium app) and the freeze just happened again!

   Some information:
   - the host and the VM are completely idle when the freeze occurs
   - I've tried sniffing the network packets toward the RDP port during the
 freeze and found that the client is sending packets but no packet is sent

   Could this be a KVM issue? How can I further debug this one (I expect
   the freeze to happen again...)?

   ProblemType: Bug
   DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.04
   Package: kvm 1:84+dfsg-0ubuntu16+1.0+noroms+0ubuntu14.8
   ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.2.0-41.66-generic 3.2.42
   Uname: Linux 3.2.0-41-generic x86_64
   ApportVersion: 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.2
   Architecture: amd64
   Date: Thu May 16 14:12:40 2013
   MachineType: Hewlett-Packard HP ProBook 4520s
   MarkForUpload: True
PATH=(custom, no user)
   ProcKernelCmdLine: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-41-generic
 root=UUID=D2E20BC3E20BAAB5 loop=/hostname/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash
   SourcePackage: qemu-kvm
   UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install) 08/26/2010
   dmi.bios.vendor: Hewlett-Packard
   dmi.bios.version: 68AZZ Ver. F.0A 1411
   dmi.board.vendor: Hewlett-Packard
   dmi.board.version: KBC Version 57.30
   dmi.chassis.type: 10
   dmi.chassis.vendor: Hewlett-Packard
 dmi:bvnHewlett-Packard:bvr68AZZVer.F.0A:bd08/26/2010:svnHewlett-Packard:pnHPProBook4520s:pvr:rvnHewlett-Packard:rn1411:rvrKBCVersion57.30:cvnHewlett-Packard:ct10:cvr: HP ProBook 4520s
   dmi.sys.vendor: Hewlett-Packard

 To manage notifications about this bug go to:

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Server Team, which is subscribed to qemu-kvm in Ubuntu.

  RDP traffic freeze on quiet network

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[Bug 1231693] Re: maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

2013-10-02 Thread Scott Moser
complex patch that seemingly works, but we've decided not to do this.

cloud-archive will deliver isc-dhcp-server of quantal version (same as saucy) 
to 12.04.
maas packages will not be supported on 12.04 without cloud archive.

This simplifies the code dramatically, and means we can just revert to
the saucy working code.

** Patch added: functional patch with coverage for all likely dhcpd versions

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

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[Bug 1231693] Re: maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:~smoser/maas/packaging.1231693

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

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[Bug 1219879] Re: [FFe] juju-core 1.16 for Ubuntu 13.10

2013-10-02 Thread Tim Penhey
1.16 will also fix the local provider, which is broken on saucy with
1.14 due to changes in upstart and lxc.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to juju-core in Ubuntu.

  [FFe] juju-core 1.16 for Ubuntu 13.10

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[Bug 1176020] [NEW] initctl status autofs gets stuck on stop/starting

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
You have been subscribed to a public bug:

We have an issue with Upstart not restarting the autofs job when the
automount process dies, and the Upstart job status gets stuck in the
stop/starting state. The process is not automatically restarted by
Upstart like it is supposed to. Trying to manually control the job fails

root@www1:~# initctl status autofs
autofs stop/starting
root@www1:~# initctl stop autofs
initctl: Job has already been stopped: autofs
root@www1:~# initctl start autofs
^C  -- hangs
root@www1:~# initctl restart autofs
^C  -- hangs

Starting the automount process manually works just fine, but Upstart
still does not recognize that the job is running.

I've tried initctl reload-configuration but that didn't change anything.

Rebooting has fixed the problem in the past, but is not a permanent
solution since this is a production web server and we've seen this
problem pop up a few times - often months apart from each other. We need
to track down the problem and find a fix for it.

I tried posting at
autofs-is-stuck-on-stop-starting before reporting a bug but I received
no suggestions.

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.04
Package: upstart 1.5-0ubuntu7.2
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.2.0-40.64-virtual 3.2.40
Uname: Linux 3.2.0-40-virtual x86_64
ApportVersion: 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.2
Architecture: amd64
Date: Fri May  3 08:55:16 2013
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu-Server 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin - Release amd64 
MarkForUpload: True
 PATH=(custom, no user)
SourcePackage: upstart
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Affects: autofs (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug precise
initctl status autofs gets stuck on stop/starting
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Server 
Team, which is subscribed to autofs in Ubuntu.

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[Bug 1176020] Re: initctl status autofs gets stuck on stop/starting

2013-10-02 Thread Steve Langasek
** Package changed: upstart (Ubuntu) = autofs (Ubuntu)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to autofs in Ubuntu.

  initctl status autofs gets stuck on stop/starting

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[Bug 1231693] Re: maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

2013-10-02 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:~smoser/maas/packaging.1231693-2

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  maas-dhcp backport does not start on precise

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[Bug 1210447] Re: Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2013.1.3 Stable Update

2013-10-02 Thread Adam Gandelman
This bug has been fixed in the Ubuntu Cloud Archive (precise-grizzly):

nova: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0
keystone: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0
horizon: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0
quantum: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0
cinder: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu2~cloud0
glance: 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1~cloud0

** Changed in: cloud-archive
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nova in Ubuntu.

  Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2013.1.3 Stable Update

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[Bug 1233919] Re: linux-armadaxp: 3.5.0-1623.31 -proposed tracker

2013-10-02 Thread Ike Panhc
** Summary changed:

- linux-armadaxp: version to be filled -proposed tracker
+ linux-armadaxp: 3.5.0-1623.31 -proposed tracker

** Description changed:

- This bug is for tracking the version to be filled upload package. This
- bug will contain status and testing results related to that upload.
+ This bug is for tracking the 3.5.0-1623.31 upload package. This bug will
+ contain status and testing results related to that upload.
  For an explanation of the tasks and the associated workflow see:
  kernel-stable-Prepare-package-start:Wednesday, 02. October 2013 01:05 UTC
  kernel-stable-phase-changed:Wednesday, 02. October 2013 01:05 UTC
  kernel-stable-Certification-testing-end:Wednesday, 02. October 2013 02:02 UTC
  kernel-stable-Security-signoff-end:Wednesday, 02. October 2013 02:02 UTC

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/prepare-package
 Assignee: Canonical Hardware Enablement ARM Kernel 
(canonical-hwe-arm-kernel) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/prepare-package-meta
 Assignee: Canonical Hardware Enablement ARM Kernel 
(canonical-hwe-arm-kernel) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/upload-to-ppa
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: kernel-sru-workflow/verification-testing
 Assignee: Canonical Hardware Enablement ARM Kernel 
(canonical-hwe-arm-kernel) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Quantal)
   Status: New = In Progress

** Changed in: linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Quantal)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Ike Panhc (ikepanhc)

** Changed in: linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Invalid

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  linux-armadaxp: 3.5.0-1623.31 -proposed tracker

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1233988] [NEW] maliit-server crashed with SIGABRT in raise()

2013-10-02 Thread Jean-Baptiste Lallement
Public bug reported:

This crash file was in /var/crash/ after using the phone for a few
minutes. No specific steps to reproduce.

ProblemType: Crash
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 13.10
Package: maliit-framework 0.99.0+git20130615+97e8335-0ubuntu3
Uname: Linux 3.4.0-3-mako armv7l
ApportVersion: 2.12.5-0ubuntu1
Architecture: armhf
Date: Wed Oct  2 05:46:34 2013
ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/maliit-server
InstallationDate: Installed on 2013-10-01 (0 days ago)
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu Saucy Salamander (development branch) - armhf 
LocalLibraries: /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/egl/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
/android/system/lib/ /android/system/lib/ 
MarkForUpload: True
ProcCmdline: maliit-server
Signal: 6
SourcePackage: maliit-framework
 ?? () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
 raise () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
 abort () from /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
 __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() () from 
 ?? () from /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
Title: maliit-server crashed with SIGABRT in raise()
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)
UserGroups: adm autopilot cdrom dialout dip nopasswdlogin plugdev sudo tty video

** Affects: maliit-framework (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-crash armhf local-libs need-armhf-retrace qa-manual-testing 
qa-touch saucy

** Information type changed from Private to Public

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  maliit-server crashed with SIGABRT in raise()

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1232123] ProcCpuinfo.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: ProcCpuinfo.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Xorg freeze

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1232123] XorgLogOld.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: XorgLogOld.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Xorg freeze

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1232123] ProcEnviron.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: ProcEnviron.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Xorg freeze

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[Bug 1232123] XorgLog.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: XorgLog.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Xorg freeze

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[Bug 1232123] ProcInterrupts.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: ProcInterrupts.txt

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  Xorg freeze

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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1232123] Re: Xorg freeze

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Tags added: apport-collected ubuntu

** Description changed:

  After upgrade from 13.04 I can login but there is no panel. The mouse is
  still active, also other ttys (console). I also tried a new user with
  clean home, but no effect. How can I further inspect this, esp. Where it
  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 13.10
  Package: xorg 1:7.7+1ubuntu5
  ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.11.0-8.15-generic 3.11.1
  Uname: Linux 3.11.0-8-generic x86_64
  NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia
  ApportVersion: 2.12.5-0ubuntu1
  Architecture: amd64
  Date: Fri Sep 27 18:11:20 2013
  MarkForUpload: True
   PATH=(custom, no user)
  SourcePackage: xorg
  Symptom: display
  Title: Xorg freeze
  UpgradeStatus: Upgraded to saucy on 2013-09-21 (6 days ago)
+ --- 
+ .proc.driver.nvidia.gpus.0: Error: [Errno 21] Ist ein Verzeichnis: 
+ .proc.driver.nvidia.registry: Binary: 
+ .proc.driver.nvidia.version:
+  NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  304.88  Wed Mar 27 14:26:46 
PDT 2013
+  GCC version:  gcc version 4.8.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu4)
+ ApportVersion: 2.12.5-0ubuntu1
+ Architecture: amd64
+ CompizPlugins: No value set for 
+ CompositorRunning: None
+ DistUpgraded: 2013-09-21 17:32:50,299 DEBUG enabling apt cron job
+ DistroCodename: saucy
+ DistroRelease: Ubuntu 13.10
+ DistroVariant: ubuntu
+ DkmsStatus: nvidia-304, 304.88, 3.11.0-11-generic, x86_64: installed
+ ExtraDebuggingInterest: Yes
+ GraphicsCard:
+  NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] [10de:03d0] (rev a2) 
(prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
+Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device [1043:8234]
+ LightdmGreeterLog:
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1154): WARNING **: Failed to open sessions 
directory: Fehler beim Öffnen des Ordners »/usr/share/lightdm/sessions«: Datei 
oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1154): WARNING **: Failed to open sessions 
directory: Fehler beim Öffnen des Ordners »/usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions«: 
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1154): WARNING **: Failed to load user image: Datei 
»/home/koenig/.face« konnte nicht geöffnet werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht 
+ LightdmGreeterLogOld:
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1141): WARNING **: Failed to open sessions 
directory: Fehler beim Öffnen des Ordners »/usr/share/lightdm/sessions«: Datei 
oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1141): WARNING **: Failed to open sessions 
directory: Fehler beim Öffnen des Ordners »/usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions«: 
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
+  ** (lightdm-gtk-greeter:1141): WARNING **: Failed to load user image: Datei 
»/home/koenig/.face« konnte nicht geöffnet werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht 
+ MachineType: System manufacturer System Product Name
+ MarkForUpload: True
+ NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia
+ Package: xorg 1:7.7+1ubuntu5
+ PackageArchitecture: amd64
+ ProcKernelCmdLine: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-11-generic 
root=UUID=8df10269-ada3-42b6-8f71-743075d423fa ro splash quiet
+ ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.11.0-11.17-generic 3.11.3
+ Tags:  saucy ubuntu
+ Uname: Linux 3.11.0-11-generic x86_64
+ UpgradeStatus: Upgraded to saucy on 2013-09-21 (10 days ago)
+ UserGroups: adm cdrom dip libvirtd lpadmin plugdev sambashare sudo
+ 03/26/2008
+ dmi.bios.vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
+ dmi.bios.version: 1004
+ dmi.board.asset.tag: To Be Filled By O.E.M.
+ M2N-MX
+ dmi.board.vendor: ASUSTeK Computer INC.
+ dmi.board.version: Rev 1.xx
+ dmi.chassis.asset.tag: Asset-1234567890
+ dmi.chassis.type: 3
+ dmi.chassis.vendor: Chassis Manufacture
+ dmi.chassis.version: Chassis Version
+ dmi.modalias: 
+ System Product Name
+ dmi.product.version: System Version
+ dmi.sys.vendor: System manufacturer
+ version.compiz: compiz N/A
+ version.ia32-libs: ia32-libs N/A
+ version.libdrm2: libdrm2 2.4.46-1
+ version.libgl1-mesa-dri: libgl1-mesa-dri 9.2-1ubuntu3
+ version.libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental: libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental N/A
+ version.libgl1-mesa-glx: libgl1-mesa-glx 9.2-1ubuntu3
+ version.nvidia-graphics-drivers: nvidia-graphics-drivers N/A
+ version.xserver-xorg-core: xserver-xorg-core 2:
+ version.xserver-xorg-input-evdev: xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.7.3-0ubuntu3.1
+ version.xserver-xorg-video-ati: xserver-xorg-video-ati 1:7.2.0-0ubuntu9
+ version.xserver-xorg-video-intel: xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.21.14-4ubuntu4
+ version.xserver-xorg-video-nouveau: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau 
+ xserver.bootTime: Wed Oct  2 07:35:52 

[Bug 1232123] DpkgLog.txt

2013-10-02 Thread Christoph
apport information

** Attachment added: DpkgLog.txt

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  Xorg freeze

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