Re: [ubuntu-uk] OpenSSH Problems

2013-09-10 Thread Byte Soup
On 21 August 2013 17:05, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 On 21 August 2013 15:43, Colin Law wrote:

 On 21 August 2013 15:36, Nigel Verity wrote:
  I am on the lookout for a bit of advice on using SSH/SFTP to transfer
  files between devices on my home network.

 Have a look at rsync, it is generally much quicker than ftp.

 Remember that rsync uses ssh as its transport and if there are issues
 rsync might still be affected by them. A common issue with ssh is having
 name lookups enabled when DNS isn't available so adding 'UseDNS no' to
 /etc/ssh/ssh_config and /etc/ssh/sshd_config should help there. If there
 are genuine issues with connectivity then adding 'ServerAliveInterval 60'
 may help.

You could try using ssh/sftp with the -v for verbose or -vv for even
more verbose messages. This might help you getting some debug information
(you'll have to use the terminal) which might help you find what's going
on, example command:

sftp -v user@


[ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
Hi folks,

In light of some recent discussions I've seen on this list it seems a lot
of folks are keen to promote Linux and see it deployed and used more
especially on the desktop. I've been using Ubuntu daily (plus some other
distros on and off) for a few years now. I love it and wouldn't switch
back, however I have no real gripe against windows.

I have been wondering on one thing though, would we really want to see a
greater uptake of Linux by the general population? I think we can agree
that partially the success of windows has made it a target for criminals
and malware. So if for whatever reason tomorrow we saw a massive uptake
then where would that leave us? Would it really be a good thing?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
On 13 June 2013 14:11, Liam Proven wrote:

 On 13 June 2013 11:25, Byte Soup wrote:
  I think we can agree that partially the success of windows has made it a
  target for criminals and malware. So if for whatever reason tomorrow we
  a massive uptake then where would that leave us? Would it really be a

 I think this is possibly /the/ single greatest red herring and straw
 man put up by Windows advocates and I'm really sorry to see it
 repeated on a Linux list.

Hey don't tar me with that brush, im no windows advocate! I just thought if
I were a crim (and im not) I'd look at the most popular platform.

 * Apple's OS X is hugely popular.

Are you a Mac fan by any chance ;-)

 * OS X is a Unix.

BSD if im correct no?

 * OS X has not been compromised. There are no OS X viruses in the
 wild. (Yes, there are Trojans, but that's different - they don't
 spread unaided.)

You sure about that? I had a quick google and found this for example

 * Apple owners are richer than PC owners because Apple kit is more
 expensive than PCs.

I think that's a bit of a sweeping statement there?

 * Why? Because OS X is secure by design. Windows is not.

I dont disagree there, unix and linux have way better security.


[ubuntu-uk] Cloning and moving Win8 OS into a VM

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
I recently cloned a winXP image into a VM and then can run up the VM from a
Linux host. The Linux host is running on fairly new hardware which is UEFI
compatible but the Linux OS as far as I know is using legacy BIOS and grub.

Would I have problems with running the Win8 image considering its coming
from a machine thats running UEFI boot machine? To give you all the idea of
the process its quite simple, but just take a long time

1. Grab a raw image (mount win8 HDD in a caddy):

dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/to/image

2. Convert the image from Raw

Has anyone done this successfully on a UEFI image?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Cloning and moving Win8 OS into a VM

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
On 13 June 2013 16:27, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 This isn't really an Ubuntu question,

What I should have said was: The host machine would be converted from Win8
to Ubuntu and Ubuntu does support UEFI after 12.04 right?
Im hoping to basically image the machine and then flatten / rebuilt with
Ubuntu and run the orignal Win8 in a VM, reason: if the user messes things
up its easy to roll back with a snapshot

 but I don't believe UEFI is supported in Virtualbox as yet so it's
 unlikely that a Windows 8 image will boot. It looks like the evaluation
 version of Windows 8 Enterprise will and there's the cloud edition of 2012

Apparently there is a setting:

 Twitter: @sfgreenwood
 TBA are particularly glib



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
On 13 June 2013 16:33, Liam Proven wrote:

 On 13 June 2013 14:56, Byte Soup wrote:
  On 13 June 2013 14:11, Liam Proven wrote:
  Hey don't tar me with that brush, im no windows advocate! I just thought
  I were a crim (and im not) I'd look at the most popular platform.

 This *is* the red herring. It's what I attempted to logically
 demonstrate as false with the reasoning that followed.

Ok we'll agree to disagree :-P

 * OS X has not been compromised. There are no OS X viruses in the
  wild. (Yes, there are Trojans, but that's different - they don't
  spread unaided.)
  You sure about that? I had a quick google and found this for example

 #1 It's a Trojan, not a virus. Trojans do not  cannot infect on their
 own; they need to be installed.

 #2 It's based on a flaw that's now fixed  it no longer works.

  * Apple owners are richer than PC owners because Apple kit is more
  expensive than PCs.
  I think that's a bit of a sweeping statement there?

 Falsify it, then?

 I'd say it's a valid general observation.

Again we should agree to disagree :-)

  * Why? Because OS X is secure by design. Windows is not.
  I dont disagree there, unix and linux have way better security.

 They /can/ have. It can be turned off or not configured, as in Puppy Linux.

I thought it was just me, I tried puppy linux a little while ago on an old
PC and after I install it I noticed everything running as root and had a
bit of a wtf moment. Definitely not a good distro imo for that reason

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

2013-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
On 13 June 2013 17:22, Liam Proven wrote:

 On 13 June 2013 17:04, Byte Soup wrote:

  Ok we'll agree to disagree :-P

 As I said: falsify it, then. Refute me. In other words, provide a
 reasoned case as to why I am incorrect. Please. If I am wrong, I want
 to know about it, so that I can correct the flaws in my thinking. So
 please, tell me, show me, how I am wrong.

Liam, i'm not saying you are wrong, im just disagreeing, there's a
difference. My opinion is that if Linux becomes more popular will get it
more attention from the criminal element, there are security flaws in every
OS. You have told me why you think this is not true and that's fair enough,
but I still think that I have a point. I dont want to convert your
thinking, im no evengelist!

  Again we should agree to disagree :-)

 If I am wrong, then please show me how.

On the matter of what you said about richer people own Macs, Im pretty sure
there are plenty of well off people out there who arent IT savvy so they
just go into PC world and buy a new Windows PC just as easy as they would
buy a Mac. Just because they have a lot of cash to throw around doesn't
make them buy the most expensive product, in fact they might be more
careful with their money than most.


[ubuntu-uk] MPD question

2013-06-10 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Folks,

I tried a couple of Linux forums, but not had much joy, so I was wondering
if someone on this list might know:

Im running mpd on Ubuntu Server and for the most part it works ok, however
to get it to work after its been idle for a time or the home router gets
switched off, you have to login to the server in order to actually list the
playlists and get it to play a song or stream. I thought perhaps its
something I got wrong with configs etc, once you login you can play mpd all
day, and we often use it to play the radio or mp3 files.

(Its actually quite funny when you show people how it works and you happen
to be using a iPad or iPod client for example because they think its some
expensive apple solution and they are suprised when I tell them it costs £0
to setup and runs on a 12 year old laptop with a missing screen :-) )

...anyway... I digress... so I have another machine at home here and that
runs mpd too, I used it to set it up and test it before I setup the server
and it was still on there. I noticed I have the same problem. I can connect
to mpd when the machine is on but only when I login to a user account
locally I can play the song. Its almost as if something isn't quite started
until you login.

Has anyone seen this kind of problem? It would be great to get this sorted
because is a great example of how you can recycle an old PC and its not
just windows / apple devices that just work



[ubuntu-uk] VIA Neheima CPU and Ubuntu Server

2013-05-14 Thread Byte Soup
Hi All, has anyone tried to boot a Ubuntu Server live DVD / CD for the
above CPU, I managed to get knoppix to boot and I see the following details
on the CPU (using lscpu):

Architecture: i686
CPU(s): 1
Threads: 1
Cores: 1
CPU sockets: 1
Vendor Id: CentaurHauls
CPU family: 6
Model: 9
Stepping: 5
CPU Mhz: 1002.291

A bit of googling shows older release like 9.04 were ok with supporting
this but not later versions. Im thinking maybe I could boot the server DVD
and then go on to install it if I had the right kernel parameters?

Any advice would be appreciated



Re: [ubuntu-uk] The problem with Bug #1

2013-05-10 Thread Byte Soup
On 10 May 2013 10:02, James Tait wrote:

 On 09/05/13 23:04, SuperEngineer wrote:
  just one final word (sentence)- my word educate was deliberate...
  get the kids using Linux, let them think it's 'normal'.

 I'm sure my boys' response to that would be Why, isn't it?


Kids are impatient, they dont want to wait for things to happen, and
generally they dont want to be bothered with installing a package or
searching out equivalent application to get what they want, so when they
google how to do something invariably the answers will all come back
based on the most widely used operating system so they will say why cant
we just have a windows machine like our school / my mate steve etc

I can only speak from my personal experience, my kids are no strangers to
different interfaces but they are not interested in bringing up a command
shell to solve a problem and as this is not something seen commonly in the
schools, so we'll end up with a lot of the next generation being more
technology consumers than creators ... thats only my thoughts though.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Websites and your PC hardware details

2013-02-04 Thread Byte Soup
On 3 February 2013 23:19, Bruno Girin wrote:

 On 03/02/13 18:09, Simon Greenwood wrote:
  On 3 February 2013 16:00, Bruno Girin wrote:
  That makes sense in context - failed logins combined with the changed
  hardware would trigger an alert. From a service point of view it's
  very frustrating for a bank to freeze an account without some kind of
  notification - my bank have frozen my account after a detecting a
  fraudulent transaction in the past, but they do have the courtesy of
  phoning to tell me that they're going to do it.

 Well, yes. When their fraud engine is properly configured, they should
 only block your card when there is a very serious fraud risk. Any other
 situation, they should notify you of the dodgy transactions and let you
 confirm whether they are legit or not.

  It would be interesting to know if this system is able to extract
  something from Firefox, Chrome and other browsers available to Ubuntu.

That's exactly what I wanted to know too :-)

  Most if not all online banking services now work on Linux-based
  systems although we're still the poor cousin in terms of support.

 Not quite. All banks I've worked with run on UNIX, typically AIX or
 Solaris. Some are considering Linux and in particular RHEL but purely as
 an exercise to reduce costs and benefit from commodity x86 hardware (as
 opposed to IBM PPC or Oracle SPARC).

 Similarly, banks are very benefits focused in terms of what they support
 and as long as the Linux share of their web server stats is low, they
 won't (explicitly) support it. If I take the example of the one I work
 with, their logic is very simple: any browser + OS combination that
 shows more than 1% share will be explicitly supported. Interestingly,
 the result of this is that the recent rapid version changes in Firefox
 have meant that the reported share of FF has dropped because the logs
 have shown a fragmentation between different versions. Add to this that
 you have many different browsers on Linux and there is absolutely no
 chance that any given combination would reach 1% for the time being. On
 the other hand, such simple rules have meant that we've recently been
 able to drop explicit support for IE6!

 With regards to what device fingerprinting is able to extract, this
 depends on the browser but there are things that all of them expose.

I suppose also it depends on what plugins the browser has too?

 Panopticlick [1] is a good way to get an idea of the sort of information
 that this technique can extract. To come back to the original BBC
 article, something as simple as screen size and colour depth could have
 changed as a result of changing the motherboard.

No I agree, its probably like Simon mentions, the machine might have been
running some local applications which would have had access to this
information and fed it back to their servers, thats why the author likely
had trouble.



Bruno, thanks for the link above and the Digital fingerprinting wiki page,
very useful to bookmark.



[ubuntu-uk] Websites and your PC hardware details

2013-02-03 Thread Byte Soup
Hi all, just wanted to get the Ubuntu UK list take on this story from the
BBC below

Yes the guy was using windows, but will our browsers also give up this sort
of info down to the hardware level when running a Linux box too? I know we
can use a user a agent switcher on some browsers, but I'm wondering what is
given up by default. Perhaps it's just something particular to windows?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Websites and your PC hardware details

2013-02-03 Thread Byte Soup
oops! I posted the wrong link, it was from a related link at the bottom of
that page
On Feb 3, 2013 10:24 AM, Colin Law wrote:

 On 3 February 2013 10:16, Byte Soup wrote:
  Hi all, just wanted to get the Ubuntu UK list take on this story from the
  BBC below
  Yes the guy was using windows, but will our browsers also give up this
  of info down to the hardware level when running a Linux box too? I know
  can use a user a agent switcher on some browsers, but I'm wondering what
  given up by default. Perhaps it's just something particular to windows?

 I am not sure how your question relates to the twitter article, am I
 missing something at the link you posted?




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Websites and your PC hardware details

2013-02-03 Thread Byte Soup
On Feb 3, 2013 10:53 AM, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 On 3 February 2013 10:34, Byte Soup wrote:

 oops! I posted the wrong link, it was from a related link at the bottom
of that page

 That's almost certainly specfically related to Windows as Windows is the
only OS that I'm aware that binds its licencing to machine components. The
article is far too vague (and was factually incorrect but was corrected) to
really say anything concrete about the phenomenon but the screenshot
indicates that they were having issues with some Blizzard games, so it's
probably a DRM issue with game clients rather than browsers.

That's what I was thinking it is a vague article. I just wondered what kind
of information our browsers gave up about us when running Linux


 Twitter: @sfgreenwood
 TBA are particularly glib



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Chrome flickering in Ubuntu 10.04

2012-08-08 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Alan,

Im running 10.04 on a Dell E6400, and using 18.0.1025.151 (Developer Build
130497 Linux) Ubuntu 10.04. I dont seem to have the flickering problem but
Ive only seen problems on Ebay. I used quite a variety of sites and ebay is
the only one. I have contacted ebay support but suspect they'll just say
the usual linux isnt a supported OS

I like you used firefox and completed my listing ok. The problem seemed to
be around some of the javascript elements on the page (im guessing thats
what they are im not a web developer). The category listing shows but you
cant select it and the same for payment methods. General ebay browsing
works ok.

Did you install Chromium from the general Ubuntu software center?


On 18 July 2012 17:34, Alan Gauld wrote:

 The last couple of updates to Chrome on my Ubuntu 10.04 have
 been well nigh unusable. If I move the mouse over the screen the
 whole thing starts flickering and redrawing itself. The latest
 release (Version 20.0.1132.57) is a lot better and I'm now
 only having problems with eBay. In particular if I scroll the
 page all the graphics go berserk and it continues to do this
 even after I move the mouse out of the window.

 Has anyone else experienced this? And does anyone have a cure?
 Firefox and Opera work OK but I really prefer Chrome...

 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web site



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hamachi

2012-08-08 Thread Byte Soup
Sorry I was slow to reply. Some very good points for an against here. It
seems a lot of kids are getting advice from you tube sites to use Hamachi.
Yes it does create a VPN tunnel, I suppose the best thing to do would be
setup a machine configure Hamachi and then go find yourself a good
(friendly) hacker somewhere and ask them to join your hamachi network and
see if they can access things you dont want to be accessed.

Its a tricky balance between being a grumpy dad who wont let us setup a
mineraft server to being cautious and trying to protect other machines and
our home network.

Ive tried explaining that even if you had a fantasic minecraft server at
home with lots of CPU and memory, the incoming players will only get a
shared connection speed of your upload bandwidth which is usually quite
slow on ADSL broadband and will affect their overall responsiveness. So its
probably better to investigate online minecraft server hosting packages.
All of this is usually met by blank vacant stares anyway...


On 4 July 2012 17:27, kasperd wrote:

 I will recommend that you don't use Hamachi as long as it is using
 addresses. Those addresses were never supposed to be used by Hamachi. There
 are now legitimate users of those addresses. The people behind Hamachi have
 known for years that this was going to happen. And though they have
 repeatedly been asked in their own forum, what they were going to do about
 it, they remained silent.

 If you install Hamachi, you will cut off your own access to parts of the
 Internet. Servers are now being deployed with legitimate addresses from the range. Hamachi users are unable to access those servers.

 It is not clear if using Hamachi or using a port forwarding will be best
 from a security point of view. With a port forwarding it is quite clear
 traffic is permitted into your network and what is not. However usually a
 port forwarding will be accessible to anybody on the Internet. So anybody
 can connect to the server, if the server has a vulnerability, then it can

 If you use Hamachi, I believe Hamachi has a feature to let you decide who
 gets to communicate with you using Hamachi. That way it will be restricted
 to only certain people. However those people who can connect will still be
 able to exploit any vulnerabilities which might exist in that server.
 Moreover, unless you explicitly filter it, they will be able to access
 ports on your computer as well. Additionally you have to trust Hamachi. It
 means another piece of software that could potentially have

 Those are the arguments for and against. You get to decide which you find
 more important. Overall I think avoiding Hamachi sounds like the best

 If you are worried about letting a port forwarding remain open for the
 entire world, there is a few things you can do to reduce the risk:
 - Keep up with updates for the server software running on the port being
 forwarded to.
 - Put the server software on a separate computer on a different segment of
 your network.
 - Put the port forwarding on a non-standard port where it is less likely to
 be found by port scanning.
 - Restrict the port forwarding to only work for specific client IPs.
 Each of those four suggestions will help even if you don't follow all four.

 You are welcome to send follow up questions to, but do it before that address get
 flooded with spam.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the ubuntu-uk mailing list archive at



[ubuntu-uk] Hamachi

2012-06-15 Thread Byte Soup
Hello folks,

One of my kids like playing minecraft and he asked about setting up a
server using Hamachi.

Now I know we could setup a machine and open a port on the home router, but
I wasn't too keen on the idea. I'm not sure if any incoming connections to
a minecraft server couldn't be used as a hop off onto the local network. I
don't know enough about the minecraft server to say if there are any

So Hamachi can be used to get around the port forwarding etc. but I'm not
sure how secure it is. It's seems to add a route into the routing table for and could it mean that even if you aren't hosting the server but
connected into the Hamachi network other users could possibly gain access
to your machine and even your local network?

Doors anyone have any experience of this?

Thanks, Mark

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem installing

2012-05-01 Thread Byte Soup
On May 1, 2012 12:10 AM, David Smith wrote:

 At the risk of someone having had a similar problem, I'm struggling to
install Ubuntu on my desktop.  My netbook accepted Xubuntu absolutely fine,
and I am getting to grips it.  My desktop however won't accept Ubuntu x86.

 I have tried with a CDROM and unetbootin, with the live CD and with the
alternative installler.  The best I have got is for it to install using the
alternative, but not boot up -- it just hangs indefinitely after GRUB.

 Intel E7300 CPU
 ECS GF7050VT-M5 motherboard
 Nvidia 1GB 550 Ti (Asus)
 SATA 0 is 1TB Seagate NTFS Windows 7 x64
 SATA 1 is 160GB Maxtor NTFS data (2x 80GB partitions for some reason).
 IDE Primary Master is EXT4 Ubuntu, Linux swap and GRUB loader.

The only thing I have seen like this is where a friend had a machine that
done a similar thing, he also had some random freeze ups on the Windows
side, it turned out too be the graphics card, luckily he had a VGA output
on three mother board so we're just pulled the graphics card and it worked
ok. It's a long shot but worth a try if you can do this


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Fwd: Re: Strange notification message on desktop

2012-04-17 Thread Byte Soup
On Apr 17, 2012 11:12 AM, David King wrote:

 On 03/04/12 12:34, Alan Pope wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 03/04/12 11:18, David King wrote:

 I am running Ubuntu 10.10. The message appeared again, and it was
 actually Semantic Disk Storage, but the message gives me no clue
 as to whether it is an error or a notification, or what it is
 trying to tell me.

 Can you take a screenshot of it next time it appears? Just press the
 Print Screen or PrtSc key on your keyboard and save the picture.
 Then we can take a look and maybe get a clue what's generating it.

 The message had not appeared for some time, but today it made an
appearance again.

 Here is what it looks like:

 And of course it says Semantic Data Storage rather than what I wrote
before, having not remembered it correctly.

 I looked at the syslog and this is what was there from booting to getting
into the desktop (just the last few entries):

 (Someone mentioned Ubuntu One, and there is a warning about that near the
end, with the client not being found, although I have had no problems
uploading files to Ubuntu One lately)

gnome-session[3061]: WARNING: Could not launch application
'alarm-clock.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child
process alarm-clock (No such file or directory)
 Apr 16 09:41:38 avourastudio gnome-session[3061]: WARNING: Could not
launch application 'ubuntuone-client-applet.desktop': Unable to start
application: Failed to execute child process ubuntuone-client-applet (No
such file or directory)

Looks like somethings gone wrong with the panel applets. I remember
something about deleting the .gnome2 and/or .gconf directories under your
home directory can reset the panels to default. It's just an idea,
obviously backup first :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread Byte Soup
 We're collating this round of testing at 07:00 UTC on Monday but if
 you do find any bugs over the next few weeks, do please let us know.

 - --
 Alan Pope

I run as many of the test I could. I installed a spare drive into a Dell
latitude D610 laptop and installed from DVD. I have run all previous
versions of Ubuntu on this machine since 8.04 and its always seen my
wireless card and compiz has always worked ok.

I know its not a powerful machine by a long shot but it seemed to be
running real slow. It turns out compiz kept crashing which meant the
desktop would freeze up completely. I had to drop to the console and kill X
and checkbox to restart. I got cheesed off after a while so skipped the
last bunch of tests.

So my question is, when compiz dies is it expected the desktop just
freezes? In gnome on my work machine which still runs 10.04 all windows
clutter onto one workspace and at least you can get a terminal and issue
the compiz --replace command to rescue your desktop, and save any work.

I did get a error pop up when compiz died but it said something along the
lines that its not a core ubuntu component and so I couldn't submit a error

Do I just submit a separate manual bug for the desktop issue?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Byte Soup
Just giving this a spin.. I downloaded a 32bit desktop ISO of beta 2,
booting from USB connected HDD and running like a live CD. I can see my
home network in the network manager wireless networking list but can't
select it to connect.

I bet I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems it only allowing
selection of open networks.

Is this a problem?
 On Apr 7, 2012 5:10 PM, Alan Pope wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
  I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please.
  I have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is
  a simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along
  side the version I use.

 There is. Download the ISO, use USB startup disk creator to put it on
 a USB stick, or burn the ISO to a CD/DVD.

 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.

 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.

 Once installed the grub boot menu will show both installs.

 - --
 Alan Pope
 Engineering Manager

 Canonical - Product Strategy
 +44 (0) 7973 620 164
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




[ubuntu-uk] Home networks, running different devices, OSes and backing up

2012-02-04 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Everyone,

Id like to hear opinions, experience and advice from those of you who have
a home network with multiple devices from iPods to PCs, and what you do to
back them up and centralise the data but also make the data available in
places where you need it.

Also when it comes to backing up, lets say you have a server that runs
weekly backups of devices on the network, how do you avoid it backing up
and overwriting a file if a user has infected some files on one of the
devices with malware? If you have incremental backups, how much more space
will you need?

Id just like to hear some ideas as Im sure some folks have some good
suggestions here.



[ubuntu-uk] Which boot options on the live CD?

2011-11-12 Thread Byte Soup

I was looking ar a PC for a neighbour and tried to boot from a live CD to
backup some data for them. The Ubuntu and Xubuntu live CDs wont boot, but a
Knoppix DVD will boot and run just fine. How can I tell what if any boot
options the knoppix system booted with?

Heres the output of lspci and lscpu on the machine in question:

knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ lspci
00:00.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 LPC Bridge (rev a2)
00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation MCP61 SMBus (rev a2)
00:01.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Memory Controller (rev a2)
00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP61 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation MCP61 USB Controller (rev a2)
00:04.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 PCI bridge (rev a1)
00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev
00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 IDE (rev a2)
00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2)
00:08.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation MCP61 SATA Controller (rev a2)
00:09.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 PCI Express bridge (rev a2)
00:0b.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 PCI Express bridge (rev a2)
00:0c.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 PCI Express bridge (rev a2)
00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6100
nForce 405] (rev a2)
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
HyperTransport Technology Configuration
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Address Map
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
DRAM Controller
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron]
Miscellaneous Control

knoppix@Microknoppix:~$ lscpu
Architecture:  i686
CPU op-mode(s):64-bit
Thread(s) per core:1
Core(s) per socket:1
CPU socket(s): 1
Vendor ID: AuthenticAMD
CPU family:15
Model: 95
Stepping:  2
CPU MHz:   2410.764
L1d cache: 64K
L1i cache: 64K
L2 cache:  512K



[ubuntu-uk] Education software - purplemash anyone?

2011-07-06 Thread Byte Soup
Hi All,

My kids school are considering spending money on a yearly subsciption
to this --

Now as most parents I think its a shame if the school spends money on
things they dont need and I also believe that the reason this happens
sometimes is that the school simply arent aware of alternatives.

Does anyone have any useful information, alternatives I could feedback
to the school?




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Education software - purplemash anyone?

2011-07-06 Thread Byte Soup
On 06/07/2011, Jon Reynolds wrote:
  On Wed, 6 Jul 2011 08:56:29 +0100, Byte Soup wrote:
 Hi All,

 My kids school are considering spending money on a yearly subsciption
 to this --

 Now as most parents I think its a shame if the school spends money on
 things they dont need and I also believe that the reason this happens
 sometimes is that the school simply arent aware of alternatives.

 Does anyone have any useful information, alternatives I could
 to the school?



  Just having a quick look at the site, what is it that you are objecting

Its the cost, apparently we are told its £800 a year for a license

  Jon Reynolds (j0nr)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Education software - purplemash anyone?

2011-07-06 Thread Byte Soup
On 06/07/2011, Paul Sutton wrote:
 On 06/07/11 08:56, Byte Soup wrote:
 Hi All,

 My kids school are considering spending money on a yearly subsciption
 to this --

 Now as most parents I think its a shame if the school spends money on
 things they dont need and I also believe that the reason this happens
 sometimes is that the school simply arent aware of alternatives.

 Does anyone have any useful information, alternatives I could feedback
 to the school?



 I think you need to look out side the box here,  I clicked on the news
 report for the moon landing and it really helps the user with what to
 put in their article,  pictures are drag and drop,  but it is
 scaffolding the user by asking questions and suggesting what to include,

 normal software does not do this,  with Openoffice, libreoffice, scribus
 you have blank canvas and are expected to know what to type and how to
 write stuff for it.

 It is also web based which means the school does not have to install
 software, (less time fixing software issues for IT co-ordinators)

 I am using firefox and it works fine,  or seems to, I would have an
 issue if it was written specifically for IE in which case your argument
 would be more about web standards, etc


Quoting from the site:

An annual licence costs just £500 +VAT a year and includes unlimited
use both at school and at home. This price is based on schools with
100-500 pupils. Please contact 2Simple if your school is outside of
this range.

Does this seem expensive if there are foss alternatives?


 Paul Sutton Cert SLPS (Open)

 Open Mic nights - Wednesday 8pm to 11pm (14+) Free entry
 Breakin' Ground - Street dance for young people (8+) Wednesday 6pm
 (starts May 11th)

 The Lighthouse,26 Esplanade Road, Paignton
 01803 411 812 or e-mail for more info.

 17th September 2011 - Software freedom day



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family friends

2011-03-29 Thread Byte Soup
Heres an interesting update to this. I was testing on a machine at home
before I configure ddclient at my the location I want it to run. I wondered
about if it would renew the IP address mapping when a new WAN ip was

When you configure ddclient it always seems to setup a config file like so:

use=if, if=eth0

It wasnt updating the WAN ip when I power cycled the router. I wasnt sure if
it would or not. Anyway a quick google yielded the following change

use=web,, web-skip='Current IP Address: '

Then when ddclient re-checks, it shows the following, when you check for the
process, its configured to run as a daemon.

$ ps -ef | grep ddclient
root  1717 1  0 09:46 pts/100:00:00 ddclient - connecting to port 80

$ ps -ef | grep ddclientroot  1717 1  0 09:46 pts/100:00:00
ddclient - reading from port 80

$ ps -ef | grep ddclientroot  1717 1  0 09:46 pts/100:00:00
ddclient - sleeping for 300 seconds

My /var/log/daemon.log shows

Mar 29 09:51:07 Bart ddclient[1717]: SUCCESS:  updating myhostname. good: IP address set to

What settings do you folks use in your /etc/ddclient.conf files? Do you run
the client as a daemon?

On 25 March 2011 12:55, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 25 March 2011 12:47, Byte Soup wrote:
  It seems if you add a new ssh key into seahorse it always generates a
  called and id_rsa, renaming old ones to .1 etc, is that

 No idea. I don't use Seahorse.

  When you generate your keys is it always done as the user you are logged
  as? For example my user name on my machine might be curtis but I may
  to create a username login on my friends machine as support is that
  possible and still able to generate a key?

 I generate my key as me, my user ID, they are stored in .ssh in my
 home directory.

 If I want to logon to a remote machine which has a different user ID
 then I put my public key in that users folder on the remote machine.
 E.g. in /home/support/.ssh/authorized_keys - on the _remote_ machine.

 I can then do:-



 vncviewer -via localhost




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family friends

2011-03-25 Thread Byte Soup
Thanks, couple of questions:

On 24 March 2011 17:00, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 24 March 2011 07:42, Byte Soup wrote:
  Do any of you have friends and family not living nearby, who use Ubuntu
  you provide remote support to them. What do you use? Teamviewer, VNC,
  What would you recommend and whats your experiences?

 At mums house when I installed the Ubuntu PC:-

 1) Install ssh-server, create my user account, add my ssh key so I can
 logon remotely

Ive not done much in the way of ssh keys, I looked at the guide on the
Ubuntu wiki here and it
seems the you always generate a file, this is the one you put
onto your mums machine and copied it into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?
It seems if you add a new ssh key into seahorse it always generates a file
called and id_rsa, renaming old ones to .1 etc, is that

When you generate your keys is it always done as the user you are logged in
as? For example my user name on my machine might be curtis but I may want
to create a username login on my friends machine as support is that
possible and still able to generate a key?

2) Enable remote desktop sharing in Ubuntu via the usual GUI options
3) Register a dynamic hostname with
4) Install and configure ddclient to connect and register with for the chosen hostname

Total time spent: 5 minutes, plus 1 hour mostly drinking tea, chatting
to my mum.

At my house

1) Phone rings!
Hello Alan, it's Mum, can you help me?
Sure, one moment

2) Open a terminal and type:-

vncviewer -via localhost

*bam* I see her desktop over an encrypted ssh tunnel. No ports exposed
her end other than ssh, and only key-based logon allowed.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family friends

2011-03-25 Thread Byte Soup
Thanks Jon

On 25 March 2011 09:41, Jon Spriggs wrote:

 SSH keys are created by producing a pair of cryptographically equivelent
 numbers with a size of (usually) 1024 or 2048 bits (I think!) long. When
 performing a complex equation, the result of encrypting one with the other
 returns the same value. It is not linked to a hardware value.

 You can share the same private key around all the machines you own and
 trust, and put the public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the accounts
 you are trusted to access. Typically, I create a new account with my
 username the same everywhere, but you may want to set it up differently.

So Id need the private key on each machine in doing the accessing *from?*

 Remember, network access (such as port forwarding the VNC port) does not
 require you to be in the same account as the user. If you need to act as the
 user, you can login with your account and type

 sudo su - USERNAME

Id need to create a user called support on one of my machines, to generate
a private / public key pair for the support user?

 where username is the person you are supporting. The hyphen in the su
 command means pretend I just logged in as them.

 If you are supporting a lot of machines, I'd start looking at creating a
 ~/.ssh/config file, but from the sounds of things, that's a while off yet!

 All the best,
 Jon The Nice Guy Spriggs
 On 25 Mar 2011 08:51, wrote:
  I believe ssh keys are generated from hardware I'd's, things like mac
 address etc.
  So I would expect if you created a new users, the old key would still
  Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
  -Original Message-
  From: Byte Soup
  Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:47:38
  To: UK Ubuntu
  Reply-To: UK Ubuntu Talk
  Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family  friends



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family friends

2011-03-25 Thread Byte Soup
Sorry just repeating my question as it might have got lost in the thread:

It seems if you add a new ssh key into seahorse it always generates a file
called and id_rsa, renaming old ones to .1 etc, is that

When you generate your keys is it always done as the user you are logged in
as? For example my user name on my machine might be curtis but I may want
to create a username login on my friends machine as support is that
possible and still able to generate a key?


On 25 March 2011 11:04, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:

 On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 10:22 +, Alan Pope wrote:
  On 25 March 2011 09:41, Jon Spriggs wrote:
   You can share the same private key around all the machines you own and
  That's not wise. If you put your private key on all your machines you
  trust then I only need to break into one of them to gain access to
  every machine your public key is on, and you will have to revoke that
  one key, meaning you can't ssh to anywhere until you generate new

 Indeed. Seconded. Concur, wholeheartedly.

 Just put all the keys in one authorized_keys file and copy that around.


 Privacy has to be viewed in the context of relative power. For example,
 the government has a lot more power than the people. So privacy for
 the government increases their power and increases the power imbalance
 between government and the people; it decreases liberty. Forced openness
 in government – open government laws, Freedom of Information Act
 filings, the recording of police officers and other government officials,
 WikiLeaks – reduces the power imbalance between government and the
 people, and increases liberty.
   -- Bruce Schneier



[ubuntu-uk] Remote support for family friends

2011-03-24 Thread Byte Soup
Hi All,

Do any of you have friends and family not living nearby, who use Ubuntu and
you provide remote support to them. What do you use? Teamviewer, VNC, webex?
What would you recommend and whats your experiences?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LDAP server Invalid credentials

2011-01-20 Thread Byte Soup
On 19 January 2011 22:07, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

  On 17/01/11 09:00, Byte Soup wrote:

 Hi Jacob,

 I have a small amount of experience using Sun's LDAP, see my comment below


 On 14 January 2011 22:31, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

  I have been trying to set up an LDAP server for some time now. when I
 finally found an up-to-date tutorial at the
 first step of this has worked fine however when running the command

 ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,dc=cyberkingsolutions,dc=co,dc=up -W -f base.ldif

  try using the -w switch followed by a password. For example this is a
 command I used to import a schema

 ./ldapmodify -v -c -a -e /opt/schema_rejects -h localhost -p 390 -D
 cn=dmanager -w dmanager -f /path/to/schema/ldif-file

 I am prompted for a password. I enter the password I have used at all
 other points tn the tut and are met with a fail message: ldap_bind: Invalid
 credentials (49) when not entering a password at the prompt (just hitting
 return) I get ldap_bind: server is unwilling to perform (53) additional
 info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed.
 please help me get LDAP working,
 and thanks in advance (I know all of you awsome guys (and gals (or gales
 according to auto-correct)) will find the problem and help me fix it)

 Jacob Mansfield

 import disclaimer from email


  I ran:
 root@megacat:~# ldapmodify -v -c -a -x -D cn=admin -w MyPassWord -f
 and got:
 ldap_initialise( DEFAULT )
 ldap_bind: Invalid Credentials (49)
 so it didn't work, unless I got it wrong

When you installed LDAP you must have had to give the admin user name and
password? Try specifying the host and port too?


Jacob Mansfield

import disclaimer from email



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LDAP server Invalid credentials

2011-01-20 Thread Byte Soup
On 20 January 2011 10:41, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

 when I installed LDAP it didn't ask for anything, and running
 dpkg-reconfigure didn't ask for those anyay, like I said I followed
 the tutorial at the
 first to set it up as it is the only one I could find that doesn't say
 to edit /etc/ldap/slapd.conf

When you created the file db.ldif you used the same hashed password or did
you generate your own own one using  slappasswd?

And you used the 1234 password throughout previous steps as outlined in
the tutorial?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LDAP server Invalid credentials

2011-01-20 Thread Byte Soup
On 20 January 2011 14:33, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

 I used the same hashed password that I created using slappsswd
 it's not the same one that's in the tut
 Jacob Mansfield

 Can you try

ldapddd -v -x -D cn=admin,dc=cyberkingsolutions,dc=co,dc=up -w your
password -f base.ldif

So its just adding a -v and a -w (instead of the -W) switch from your
original one as per the tutorial


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LDAP server Invalid credentials

2011-01-20 Thread Byte Soup
Im trying my best to help here, but Im not sure how much more I can be of
use, bear with me though :-)

On 20 January 2011 17:51, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

  On 20/01/11 17:22, Byte Soup wrote:

 On 20 January 2011 14:33, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

 I used the same hashed password that I created using slappsswd
 it's not the same one that's in the tut
 Jacob Mansfield

   Can you try

 ldapddd -v -x -D cn=admin,dc=cyberkingsolutions,dc=co,dc=up -w your
 password -f base.ldif

 So its just adding a -v and a -w (instead of the -W) switch from your
 original one as per the tutorial


   same error as before.
 I have attached the previous ldiff I ran and the new one I'm trying to run

I noticed in the example when they set up the minumum configuration they use

olcSuffix: dc=example,dc=com
olcRootDN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

In your one you have

olcSuffix: dc=cyberjacob,
olcRootDN: cn=admin,dc=cyberjacob,

Then in the example base.ldif they use

# LDAP admin
dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

In your one

# LDAP admin
dn: cn=admin,dc=cyberkingsolutions,dc=co,dc=uk

So your using a different dn. Is this a problem or is this correct?

 Jacob Mansfield

 import disclaimer from email



Re: [ubuntu-uk] netbook wifi traffic disconnects all

2011-01-18 Thread Byte Soup
Is it possible to swap your device out for a spare router? Im not sure about
virgin media as I think you have the cable modem and then the wireless
router connected to that, or is it all in one unit? It sure sounds like the
router rather than your netbook. What happens is your run large downloads on
other machines using the connection?


On 17 January 2011 22:38, andres wrote:


 I've been looking for this for some time but I think I'm not doing the
 right word search in google. I don't even know how to report it if it's
 a bug... might not even be an OS problem so sorry.

 I have an ubuntu netbook 10.04 acer aspire one zg5 (same as AO110 I
 think but with SSD).
  I get yelled at because I am downloading files (podcasts, software,
 distros, ...) this for some reason disconnects my wifi but also all
 other kit that is connected to the router. Then my wifi recovers
 connection and slowly all the other stuff in the house gets connected
 (w7, itouch, internet radio). But if I continue downloading it will
 disconnect everything again. I've been able to see that this happens at
 when I reach a certain download speed.

 I use a netgear routher and my broadband is virgin.

 Any pointers are welcome!
 Correo enviado desde mi ubuntu netbook



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Nintendo Wifi USB Connector (Ralink rt2500) woes

2011-01-18 Thread Byte Soup
One more thing to check actually, because this caught me out before, do you
have another device on your LAN that might be running a DHCP server, like a
NAS drive?

On 18 January 2011 18:35, Liam Wilson wrote:

 On 17 January 2011 13:41, Byte Soup wrote:
  Hey Liam,
  Ive seen some odd behaviour with Ubuntu on a Toshiba laptop, not sure
  hardware, but I set the wireless connection to use a static IP and the
  says that they havent had hardly any connection drops. I think some
  have a problem with DHCP sync with some routers. Im sorry its not very
  specific, but my point is, sometimes its worth trying static IP to rule
  DHCP issues.

 Hi mark, I think it must be a problem with my router settings rather
 than the chipset.

 The reason i say that is because a friend popped round the other day
 with his Acer aspire ZG8 netbook, and although he was able to
 establish a connection, he wasn't able to send or recieve any data
 until the router was - like before - switched off and on again. I'll
 look into it, anyway.

 Liam Wilson

  On 16 January 2011 00:41, Liam Wilson wrote:
  Well I managed ti fix it by turning the router off then on again, that
  worked somehow, but yeah, they are all runing 10.10. Thanks for the
  reply though, DaveG! :)
  On 13 January 2011 23:53, wrote:
   Hi all;
   I have a Desktop PC here running Ubuntu 10.10, and I'm trying to
   connect to my Wireless internet connection through a Nintendo Wifi
   connector (A re-branded Buffalo/Ralink rt2500 chipset). I know you
   connect to wireless networks with it, because I've given it to other
   people to use as one, and they've done it just fine.
   When I plug it into my desktop and turn it on, I click on the network
   icon in the panel, and I can see all of the available wireless
   networks, so I click on mine and i get the whole enter the password
   stuff. Then, when it attempts to connect to the network, the icon
   to the '2nd stage' (Where instead of going up and down, it goes just
   up), and then disconnects.
   Any idea what this could be so I can at least try to fix it? I've
   searched on google and such, and there doesn't seem to be this
   P.s: I've also tried the connector in other Ubuntu-powered PC's, and
   get the same result...
   Liam Wilson
   You dont say whether every instance of your trying is using the same
   update of Ubuntu - 10.10 but I'm guessing it may be.
   It may be worth a shot disabling the current network manager and
   wicd insead.  I have just found it more accepting to various networks,
   connectors and routers.  You dont have a lot to lose by trying.
  Liam Wilson

 Liam Wilson



Re: [ubuntu-uk] netbook wifi traffic disconnects all

2011-01-18 Thread Byte Soup
On 18 January 2011 20:36, andres wrote:

 I checked the light: both wireless and adsl light where on during

 I tried to check the temperature but I think I need to upgrade my router
 first: i cannot find the option. Plus I don't think it is the case as I
 reboot every day: it's off for most of the day. Though maybe i'm wrong.

 my router is:

 about traffic shaping. Don't know what that is. tried to understand
 wikipeida article still don't know what that is. But I'll keep trying.

Traffic shaping put simply is just a way of profiling the type of traffic
across a link. ISPs will mark (like a tag) the packets going through and
then it will apply restrictions maybe on an outgoing interface or even at
another router to restrict the traffic if its considered a lower priority.

So for example your bit torrent traffic may arrive at your ISP router and
they mark it as a low priority, if the link becomes congested they may even
drop some packets in favour of other traffic marked higher priority.

 But I think my case is different because even I disconnect. Not only
 everybody else.

 Did not try the wired connect. will need to do that some other day.

 if it is the router, why doesn't my wife have problems with her w7?

 I don't think it's virgin or the modem as the light stays on...

 Thanks for the help. I'll try to saturate via the eth0 to router.

  Correo enviado desde mi ubuntu netbook



[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu sync to iP[a|o]d - Apple ios4.2

2011-01-14 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Folks,

Im running Ubuntu 10.04, 64bit with libimobiledevice package installed as
per default. I used to be able to plug in an iPhone/Pod running Apple ios
4.1.x and see files on the device sync music etc.

However since upgrading the iPod and iPhone to ios4.2 this is no longer
possible. Ive tried googling around but not found much in the way of
information apart from a few mentions that ios4.2 has changed some things
with the internal DB and the linux side of things is yet to reverse engineer
this. Is this correct and if so has anyone else had this problem? I can see
the devices in lsusb but they dont seem to mount:

Bus 002 Device 004: ID 05ac:1294 Apple, Inc. iPhone 3GS

Bus 002 Device 005: ID 05ac:1293 Apple, Inc.

Bus 002 Device 006: ID 05ac:129a Apple, Inc.

Is there anything I need to change or alter to get these devices back to a
state where I can pull files off them? It was useful being able to drag
photos and music off of them rather than jumping through all the hoops you
need to with iTunes etc.



[ubuntu-uk] GnackTrack

2010-12-06 Thread Byte Soup
An ubuntu based distro with quite a few extra tools for penetration testing

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How do I turn off viewing all windows zoomed out?

2010-12-06 Thread Byte Soup
On 3 December 2010 14:38, David King wrote:

 ian pettitt (RRes-BB) wrote:
  That sounds like the scale plugin in Compiz. One way of changing the
 settings and the shortcut/mouse corner activation is to use the Compiz

 Thanks, that was it. I disabled Scale in Compiz and now I can put my
 mouse where I want without zooming out to all windows.

By default I think im right in saying hitting the super (windows) key and
w will scale all windows on your current workspace and super and a
will do the same but for all windows on all desktops, this is of course as
long as you dont have desktop effects turned off in appearance preferences.





Re: [ubuntu-uk] Streaming Audio - Cross-Platform

2010-09-27 Thread Byte Soup
On 20 September 2010 21:51, Daniel Case wrote:

 I'm not quite sure where this should be asked as it is a cross-platform
 thing. I am fed up of listening to my (Windows XP) gaming computer through
 headphones so I want to get it hooked to the stereo.

 Rather than use a heck of a lot of wire, I can sit my Ubuntu 9.10 netbook
 on top of the stereo and stream the audio across WiFi. So, ideally what I am
 after is something to capture the outgoing audio on the Windows computer,
 stream it across the wifi to the Ubuntu netbook and finally play it through
 the speakers.

 I will of course need it to be cross-platform too, does anybody have any

I would say VLC on both machines? You should be able to stream from the
windows machine to the Ubuntu one, not tried it, but quickly looking at the
options on VLC it sure seems like its possible. I used to use a app called
edcast and also winamp with the shoutcastDSP plugin in windows to stream
to a shoutcast server, but thats a bit over the top for what you need.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Lost Icons

2010-08-23 Thread Byte Soup
On 21 August 2010 16:46, Neville Crook wrote:

   No not a new Dan Brown book but a problem with my latest update of

 I have two systems working 10.04 one on a partitioned HDD Desktop and one
 on an external HDD connected to my laptop.

 Both systems loaded via Wubi, the desktop does not always load cleanly but
 after a couple of soft reboot manages OK.

 Now I have a further problem with the desktop.  A couple of days ago the
 normal Ubuntu update manager message appeared.  When I maximised it the page
 was blank.  I thought nothing of it and loaded from the menu Update Manager
 and updated the recommended updates. After rebooting I noticed that a number
 of the Icons in the menus had gone missing.  For instance under Graphics the
 icon is there for Picasa and Open Office .org Drawing, but not Document
 viewer and F-Spot viewer.

 When I opened Chrome the little tab icons for closing and adding another
 tab (x and +) were replaced by a red square. Firefox is not affected and
 whilst I have not tried every other piece of software. This problem does not
 seem to affect any other programs.  The vid driver is Nvidia accelerated
 graphics driver (version current)

 Whilst I have some knowledge of using Terminal I have mostly used the easy
 way of adding program and trouble shooting.  The computer also has Win 7 and
 this works perfectly so probably not a hardware issue.

 Any ideas?

Hi, you could try re-installing the desktop, as a precaution backup your
data first.

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop


[ubuntu-uk] Shredding HDD data

2010-08-11 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Folks,

One of my family wants to shred some HDDs before discarding them, or giving
them away on freecycle. What application would you all recommend to do this?
I have used shred to remove files, but I dont think it can do an entire
disc (i.e. some previously deleted files)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Shredding HDD data

2010-08-11 Thread Byte Soup
On 11 August 2010 13:36, Rob Beard wrote:

 I'd also recommend DBAN, I've used it quite a bit, personally and also
 for companies getting rid of machines.  I believe it'll even do multiple
 drives at once if you want to erase a few drives (although as mentioned
 elsewhere, make sure you disconnect any drives you don't want to be


This is the only reason Im not to keen on DBAN as I want something to run
from my laptop here, and then I can just plug the HDD(s) into a caddy and
point and shoot! It looks like with DBAN you have to nuke the internal drive


[ubuntu-uk] Update manager showing base files

2010-08-09 Thread Byte Soup

I see my update manager this morning showing a update to base-files, when
going to install these are listed as uncertified. It seems odd how the
changes doesnt list here but on other packages they do, my connection is
fine. Im a bit suspicious

*Changes tab shows*

Changes for the versions:

Failed to download the list of changes.
Please check your Internet connection.

*Description tab shows*

This package contains the basic filesystem hierarchy of a Debian system, and
several important miscellaneous files, such as /etc/debian_version,
/etc/host.conf, /etc/issue, /etc/motd, /etc/profile, /etc/nsswitch.conf, and
others, and the text of several common licenses in use on Debian systems.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Update manager showing base files

2010-08-09 Thread Byte Soup

 That's certainly the latest version according to

 Looks like a security update:-


Thanks Al, :-)

[ubuntu-uk] Dell on Ubuntu - the register

2010-06-15 Thread Byte Soup
Did anyone see this yesterday?

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Streaming to a shoutcast server

2010-06-13 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your advice, Ive found that Ice2 only streams to a icecast
server, at least thats what I was told on #icecast irc. Ive found darkice
and darksnow in the repos, but i seem to be having problems with them,
hopefull its just a config problem. Has anyone used darkice successfully?


On 11 June 2010 20:44, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 On 11 June 2010 19:58, Byte Soup wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 A coupe of years back, I was using WinXP and winamp with the shoutcast
 plugin, or Edcast to stream to a shoutcast server for live feed to an
 internet radio station. Id like to find out how I could do the same thing in
 Linux. Does anyone acheive the same thing, or know what apps / packages id
 need to do that?

 I was simply routing a sound feed into the PC from a mixer and then out to
 the shoutcast server. The encoding was 96K mp3

 Try icecast, from VLC from will stream directly to
 an Icecast server. There is a wizard for simple streaming and it is
 basically a case of setting up an icecast server and pointing the VLC output
 at it via a wizard.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Firefox and Flash

2010-06-11 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Mark

On 9 June 2010 20:13, Mark Fraser wrote:

  Just tried watching Jono's stream on my wife's computer using Firefox.
 For some reason although the video works fine, I get an 'install flash' icon
 where the chat box is supposed to be.

 On my computer both are working fine.

 Any ideas on what could be causing this?

What version of flash do you have when you type about:plugins into your
browser url?

[ubuntu-uk] Streaming to a shoutcast server

2010-06-11 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Folks,

A coupe of years back, I was using WinXP and winamp with the shoutcast
plugin, or Edcast to stream to a shoutcast server for live feed to an
internet radio station. Id like to find out how I could do the same thing in
Linux. Does anyone acheive the same thing, or know what apps / packages id
need to do that?

I was simply routing a sound feed into the PC from a mixer and then out to
the shoutcast server. The encoding was 96K mp3



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Error during update - duplicate entries

2010-06-05 Thread Byte Soup

 Tried that, now I get:
 Failed to fetch  Could
 not connect to ( - connect (110:
 Connection timed out)
 Failed to fetch
  Unable to connect to
 Failed to fetch
  Unable to connect to
 Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones
 used instead.

 Im not sure what is, is it another repository?

 I noticed was down recently, so that may be the problem?

 If its down then I would say that error message makes sense, can you
install any other packages from the regular archives? Try installing zsync
for example

sudo apt-get install zsync

Thanks -Mark

[ubuntu-uk] ISO testing: Kubuntu test points to image not avail?

2010-06-05 Thread Byte Soup

I was going to start some ISO testing today, and I thought Id run some tests
on Kubuntu seeing as there looked like a few needed doing there. I visited
this link listing the tests im looking to do

On the tests you have a link to the image required, however this generates
the following error which is correct as this image does not exist This
build wasn't found on
no longer exists). There are images here though:

Is it ok to proceed with tests using the images under the current

Thanks -Mark

Re: [ubuntu-uk] 10.04 software center - cannot install untrusted packages

2010-06-05 Thread Byte Soup

 Just out of interest, which bit solved the problem?

It was this bit

apt-get clean
apt-get autoclean

Thanks -Mark


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Site Rebranding - Mockups

2010-06-03 Thread Byte Soup

On 3 June 2010 13:31, micheal harker wrote:

 Hi Ubuntu UK Team!

 Last Night in the meeting It was decided we are going to re-brand so I have made some mockups. Each Mocup has different ideas
 but with similar layouts.

 Mockup 1:
 Mockup 2:
 Mockup 3:
 Mockup 4:
 Mockup 5:
 Mockup 6:

 lets narrow it down to 3 ideas. I will make live demos of the Site then we
 will vote for the final one.

 Micheal H

 #1 is the one Id prefer. The others the text seems grainy, but it might
just be me



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 10.04 software center - cannot install untrusted packages

2010-06-03 Thread Byte Soup
Hi Neil

Do you get error messages about missing keys when updating the list of
 packages on the command line (i.e. using either 'sudo apt-get update'
 or 'sudo aptitude update')?

 No I dont, this is what it looks like when i use the command line:

cur...@homer:~$ sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.
Need to get 1,419kB of archives.
After this operation, 3,662kB of additional disk space will be used.
WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
Install these packages without verification [y/N]? y
Get: 1 lucid/universe p7zip-full
9.04~dfsg.1-1 [1,419kB]
Fetched 1,419kB in 4s (291kB/s)
Selecting previously deselected package p7zip-full.
(Reading database ... 154608 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking p7zip-full (from .../p7zip-full_9.04~dfsg.1-1_amd64.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Setting up p7zip-full (9.04~dfsg.1-1) ...

Thanks - Mark