[ubuntu-uk] DVD

2008-01-08 Thread davisjo
Many thanks for the posts on DVD software.

I have tried the DeVeDe software in all it's guises and when I do a preview, 
the sound is totally distorted. So much so, that it is not worth transcoding 
the film.

Has anyone dragged a film off Ubuntu and used some other software, i.e Nero and 
recoded with any success ? 

Many thanks


[ubuntu-uk] Burning videos

2008-01-07 Thread davisjo
Hi Group,

  I have downloaded a film in NTSC format using aMule. The film 
plays really well on the download computer.
The film is just under the 700 megabyte limit for a normal cd.

I have tried burning the film to disc in order to play it on a conventional dvd 
player without much success.

I have tried the recoding route with Ubuntu software and end up with an 
unplayable film (sound out of sync) of nearly 4.7 gig

Does anyone on list know of an easier route ? My player is  PAL/SECAM

Many thanks

John Davis-- 

[ubuntu-uk] Spoke too soon!

2007-12-30 Thread davisjo
Hi All,

I installed the sound as Tom's suggestion and all worked perfectly. 
Today no sound again. Any ideas as to what is wrong ?

Also for the last few day upon switch on I have had to restore the bios 
settings. I replaced the battery but this does not seem to have cured the 
problem. it has worked before, I wonder if that something to do with the loss 
of sound ? Although the 2 don't seem connected,




[ubuntu-uk] No Sound

2007-12-30 Thread davisjo
Hi to the group,

Sorry to post again before receiving a reply. I have spent some time trying to 
restore the sound but to no avail. I must have every codec  going but still 
nothing. I expect I will have to remove all the sound application and try to 
rebuild it but I am not too sure how to do this using the terminal.

Have a good New Year,


[ubuntu-uk] DVD no sound !

2007-12-29 Thread davisjo
Hi to All,

   I would like to thank you Tom for your reply to my post. What you 
suggested worked a treat! 

Also the tip about Amule was just right and  now I have all the downloads on 
the desktop.
So much easier to see and manage;

Thank you very much,

A Good New Year to all,

John -- 

[ubuntu-uk] DVD sound

2007-12-28 Thread davisjo
Hi Everyone,

  I have tried to play a DVD and also a film on the hard drive 
but alas no sound.
I have downloaded most of the video players and selected all sources to include 
all the codecs but still no sound.

If I remember right, out teacher enabled the codecs via the terminal and a 
build all routine but have forgotten how to do it.

Can anyone help please ?

Also I have used Amule to download some music and saved it to a folder on the 
desktop. The music downloads and I clear the completed and then cannot find the 
files. I downloaded Amorok and enabled all the folders to search for music but 
it did not find any. I know it is there because people are uploading from me. 
Is there a way I can find it and also is it an issue with mp 3 codecs ?

Best wishes for the New year to All,


[ubuntu-uk] Learning Ubuntu

2007-12-21 Thread davisjo
I am early 60 and thought I should learn something new. Being an avid night 
schooler I saw a course of evening class tuition in Ubuntu and enrolled.

It was a good start to my transition but by the end of the course, had more 
questions than answers. This is because I want to configure things my way and  
also use ham radio and other software, written for Windows.

The course showed me the basics which would have taken a lot of magazine 
reading to become familiar with and probably saved  endless frustration.

Learning anything new requires transition through the pain barrier to get 
there. Now a year later, I feel I have done it and come out the other side. 
Studying with the OU was just the same.
I use only Ubuntu in the radio shack and XP in the study. Mainly because my 
wife would rather use software she is familiar with, however she now uses 
Firefox and Open Office so that is a start. 
You have to want the challenge to learn anything.

Have a Good Christmas

John Davis-- 

[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu courses

2007-12-21 Thread davisjo
Hi Stephen  the group,

The course I attended was at the Université Populaire in France. Ubuntu and 
Linux in general is very strong here. It is also used on business machines and 
commerce. They run course for that too and web site design.
I am in the department 68 and we have an active LUG 68 where you can use the 
group as a drop in and take your PC for help  advice; there is also a monthly 
meeting and talk.

I am not ageist but find the group a little young for me but I am never made to 
feel un-welcome.
Also I have only learnt French in the last few years and all the courses I 
attend are in French. It is a bit like beating myself on the head but I like a 
challenge !

Sorry I cannot point you in the direction of some where nearer,

Regards to all


[ubuntu-uk] Real Player

2007-12-05 Thread davisjo
Morning All,

 I had similar problems trying to install real player. My only 
need here in France is to hear the BBC listen again service. 

Because of problems with Windows, I did a clean install (wrote zeros to the 
disc and then started again)

I installed Ubuntu and went to the BBC home page selected a programme and 
pressed play. A flash came up, you need plugins to play this file- do you wish 
to install them? I clicked yes and it gave me a choice of Xine or Mozilla. I 
have tried Xine before and knew that it did not work, so clicked the Mozilla. 
The plugins installed and now the BBC streams works fine and without the stand 
alone player bar being utilized.

Now I never bother with Real player, there are so many dead links and 
redirection to a unix sites and installation problems.

I hope this helps someone,


[ubuntu-uk] Bin.gz files

2007-12-04 Thread davisjo
Afternoon All,

   I have had some limited success installing bin. downloads. I 
have also installed Wine. This is a far cry from the wine I used to know. 

This is in the repository and is now amazing.(I found Wine difficult to run on 
early distro's) I have deleted the morse programme Aldo and used Wine with 
G4FON and also installed the Winlog 32 programme using Wine, both work really 

This is the first time I have really felt at home with Ubuntu and happy with 
the whole setup.
I have tried all the distros in the learning process, Ubuntu is without doubt 
the best, it just takes time to become 2nd nature.

Thanks to the group for all your help,

John Davis F5VLM -- 

[ubuntu-uk] Ham Radio Fldigi

2007-12-02 Thread davisjo
Morning All,

 I have down loaded the Fldigi program from a web site. This is 
a digital radio decoder for radio hams. The file is a bin.tar.gz file, now 
resident on my desktop.

I have unzipped it using the tar -xvzf filename bin tar .gz

I have used the cd filename and the ./configure, make , sudo make install, 
mostly the response is this is not a directory. I am sorry for not giving you 
the actual response as the computer is in the radio shack at another location 
and there is no printer attached.
My desktop is [EMAIL PROTECTED]/Desktop, obviously I am not entering the 
correct file string. Can some one help me with the dialogue I need to enter.

I have also downloaded some amateur radio stuff using synaptic, now I cannot 
find the downloads. What do I have to do to install and create a desktop icon ?
I am sorry to be so demanding but this is the area I do not understand properly.

Many thanks for any help,

John Davis

[ubuntu-uk] Netgear Pci Adapter

2007-11-20 Thread davisjo
Hi to the group,

  I have written to the group a few times about the Netgear 
PCI adapter. I worked really hard to install this card with Ubuntu but to no 
avail. I researched forums, posted questions. I also did a clean install after 
mixing up the software. The only distro I found that worked with the card and 
was easy to configure was Mandriva. I am not really keen on Mandriva and went 
back to Ubuntu. I will use it without the internet.

Today I found a Wifi USB dongle lying in a draw and thought why not plug it 
in Ubuntu found it and configured it. In a matter of minutes I was on line  
and sorting out the email and listening to the Archers.
With XP the connection was weak, now with the usb dongle signal strength is 
about 95%

I am going to download all the repositories later, can you tell I am pleased 
?Happy days


[ubuntu-uk] Netgear PCI adapter

2007-11-11 Thread davisjo

Hi to the group.

I posted to the group a couple of weeks ago about wi-fi and Ubuntu installation.

I have an AMD 1100 mhz K7 Athlon  processor
60 hard drive Maxtor  Dual boot with Windows

The board is Amercan Mega trends  

NVIDIA Gforce 4mx4000 graphics card

I am using Gutsy Gibbon and  trying to install Netgear WG311 v3 pci adapter.

I install ndiswrapper through the package manager and it shows it is installed, 
I have tried various ways of installing the WG311 v3.ini file Ubuntu says it is 
installed but says it is the wrong driver.

  If I drag ndiswrapper from a cd onto the desktop and then extract it, 
what do I type to install it ?

  my problem is wrapping ndiswrapper round the .ini file.I have installed 
ndiswrapper.  I then do not know the syntax for installing the WGv3.ini file 
into the driver folder. Everything I type is wrong or not found even when I 
verify installation with ndiswrapper - the driver is not shown.

  I have then done lshw -C network
  it the responsds with 

  *-network UNCLAIMED

  description: ethernet controller
  product: 88w 8335 [LIBERTAS] 802.11b/g Wireless
  Vendor:Marvell Technology group Ltd
  Physical ID: 11
  Bus info [EMAIL PROTECTED]:00:11.0
  Version 03
  Width: 32 bits
  Clock: 66 mhz
  Capabilities: Bus master cap_list
  Configuration: latency =64

  I am comfortable installing packages, the problem is installing from the 
cd drive and the path required to install.

  Ndiswrapper is on a cd with the latest drivers for the pci adapter.

  All help gratefully received

  John Davis




[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu profile

2007-10-29 Thread davisjo

Renjith Nair has described exactly my feelings on installing hardware in Linux.

I know my problems are caused by lack of experience, something shared by many 
Once installation issues are eased, Ubuntu will sell itself.

