Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-02-27 Thread Theo Schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
> Version 8.04 is NOT an LTS version for the KDE packages, only for the
> underlying base system. 

I don't think that's an issue in this case, because Scribus is not a KDE 
package. However it does depend on QT, so perhaps you're right.

> upgrade to Karmic, since it is absolutely pointless to keep 8.04 for
> KDE users, it never was an LTS for KDE.

In our office each and any change of anything generates problems. We planned on 
getting new hardware this summer and making the switch to this, to Lucid and 
KDE4 all at once. Maybe this is wrong and we should get people used to KDE4 
first. However at the moment lots of things are working perfectly with KDE3.5, 
so I'm putting off problems related to this as long as possible.

However, I didn't want to start a KDE-disscussion, but rather ask if there is 
conceivably any truth in the scribus-developers claim that Ubuntu was the most 
unsatisfactory of the large distribution to run Scribus with, because of large 
changes within QT by Canonical, and if it would be preferable to use Debian 
QT-packages rather than Ubuntu QT-packages.

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-02-27 Thread Theo Schmidt
Daniel Stoni schrieb:
> many people recommend LTS versions for business use. I assess the situation
> - and usually recommend to use current or last instead because LTS would be
> bad for Ubuntu ;-) 

Thanks, Daniel. The main reason for using LTS is IMHO not so much the 
but freedom from update-terror for two years. Unfortunately this breaks when 
important packages have major updates out of step with the LTS-cycle, as with 
KDE, QT and Scribus, presumably also soon with Gnome. I personally would be 
happier to forget the LTS versions, but to also only have one new version per 

> Since at least Jaunty there is a package called scribus-ng with a more
> recent version of scribus. This is the edition chosen by default in the
> SwissRemix. You might have a look if there is scribus-ng in Hardy also.

Yes, in Hardy scribus-ng *is* version 1.3.4, which contains most of the 
of 1.3.5. but using QT3 instead of QT4. Understandably nobody wants to fix the 
bugs in this now that 1.3.6 will be out soon. It was my mistake to use 
scribus-ng at all, but now it is too late to go back, as it uses a new file 
format incompatible with Scribus 1.3.3. In this respect free software is no 
better than propietary SW; the format trap may not be intentional, but it is 
still there.

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-02-27 Thread Simon Schneebeli
Hello all,

As a occasional user of Scribus on Ubuntu (currently 9.10, but also used 
on previous versions),  I have never had much difficulties. I recently 
designed a brochure using Scribus 1.3.5 and can't remember any crash. So 
maybe it would be an option to indeed change from Kubuntu to Ubuntu.

But probably this also depends on the complexity of your layout work 
(not being a professional, mine is usually rather simple.


Theo Schmidt wrote:
> Hello list,
> In our office we started to use Scribus in Kubuntu 8.04 LTS. Constant crashes 
> with version 1.3.4, which was recommended to us. Unfortunately the users have 
> become accustomed to the features of 1.3.4, which are roughly those in 1.3.5 
> and 
> 1.3.6, so going back to the stable version 1.3.3 is not a willing option. 
> However 1.3.5 and 6 require QT4, which doesn't seem availble for Kubuntu 8.04.
> Unfortunately the users need to work right now and not wait for Kubuntu 10.04 
> LTS. I can bridge this gap until April/May with a separate PC just for 
> Scribus, 
> but the question arises what to do afterwards and indeed whether to continue 
> to 
> use Kubuntu. A Scribus developer (partially quoted below in German) claims 
> that 
> Ubuntu is the worst distribution for Scribus because Canonical manipulates 
> the 
> QT libraries.
> As Scribus is a must-have for our office this question is rather important to 
> us. Does anybody here know if this cristicism will still have any basis in 
> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS? Or is it possible to use "original" QT libraries instead of 
> those from Canonical, presumably from Debian?
> Best regards,
> Theo
> PS Although this is a kind of support question, I'm bringing it here because 
> of 
> the implications against Ubuntu's version of QT.
> Quote:
> "Was die von Ihrer Grafikerin verwendete Version 1.3.4 angeht, muß ich jedoch
> warnen: Sie ist nicht nur "etwas" instabil, sondern geradzu katastrophal
> instabil, und sie ist auch niemals als stabil deklariert worden.
> ...
> "Empfehlenswert ist also entweder wirklich die stabile Version oder
> eben 1.3.6, das in den nächsten Tagen oder Wochen veröffentlicht werden wird.
> Qt3 und Qt4 lassen sich problemlos nebeneinander verwenden, wobei man
> allerdings sagen muß, daß Ubuntu für Scribus die denkbar ungeeignetste
> Plattform ist (selbst Windows oder gar das alte OS/2 sind hier besser!), weil
> Canonical die Bibliotheken derart manipuliert, daß zumindest reine
> Qt-Anwendungen haufenweise unerklärliche Fehler aufweisen, die nicht den
> Anwendungsprogrammierern, sondern der Ubuntu-Version von Qt (3 und 4)
> anzulasten sind."

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