Re: [Ubuntu-ch] planning the 10.10 release party

2010-09-24 Thread Theo Schmidt
Tormod Volden schrieb:
 The classic argument for having the RP some weeks after the release is
 the availability of official CDs. For a type 1 event this is not
 important. Personally I find it OK to hand out 10.04 LTS CDs in a type
 2 event at this time, since I think 10.04 is getting into good shape
 with past months' updates.
 So what do you Swiss Ubunteros think? 

My personal view is that I am beginning to dread release parties. I'm still
using Dapper Drake und my next task will be to upgrade to 10.04. When something
new and improved is advertised, it implies that the previous product was
somehow lacking. My own experience is that the new releases have more features
and are sexier but also have more problems and some are more difficult to use.

So, it is quite all right to hand out old CDs and the party should fcous on
Ubuntu as a whole and not on the new version itself. Which is usually the case.
It would be good if a 10.04 Swiss Remix were available, but I guess this won't
be in time.

Best, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Edubuntu now with LTSP live [working somewhat]

2010-05-14 Thread Theo Schmidt
Theo Schmidt schrieb:
 I just tried out Edubuntu 10.04...
 It has something new called LTSP live...
 Now my problem is, it doesn't work...

In the meantime, I've gotten it to work somewhat. I checked the MD5 sum of my 
DVD+RW and found errors, so reburned my DVD, using a DVD-RW at single speed 
time, resulting in a correct MD5 sum. LTSP-live still doesn't work as intended 
and seems to mix up eth0 and eth1 sometimes, but if you *repeatedly* run it 
*while* a thin client is running and waiting for DHCP offers, and trying out 
both eth0 and eth1 irrespective of actual network cards and routers present, it 
should eventually work - as a last resort you can try rebooting. It is possible 
to have a terminal server and thin clients running completely live within 10 
minutes, perhaps 5 minutes with fast machines! ( I know Knoppix has done this 
for years, but I never figured out how to.)

Booting the thin client takes rather long, almost as long as building LTSP 
itself, but with newer monitors you get automatic resolution configuration and 
the possiblity of changing the orientation on the thin client. In my case, I 
able to use the 1600x1200 screen upside-down (very useful if you want to mount 
your monitor from the ceiling but I wish there was a mirror-image option 
instead), but portrait mode didn't work and crashed X, as unfortunately the 
default is to continue with the new settings instead of resuming the old ones. 
I'll try to mention these in Launchpad.

With an old monitor, Edubuntu apparently tries to use either the same 
as the server on the thin client or perhaps the maximum resolution that the 
client provides - but the server seems to get 800x600 if its monitor isn't 
recognized, with no possiblity to change this.

The multimedia stuff works perfectly!

Edubuntu uses Gnome as default and has discontinued the previous rather nice 
juvenile look. This also makes it easy to get a KDE 3.5 type of look very 
quickly (take the top bar to the bottom, make it a bit bigger and delete the 
previous bottom bar)) and one KDE 4 program (Marble, including OpenStreetMap) 

The thin client is now also supplied with a mini-boot manager allowing to boot 
an installed or embedded system instead of the network system, without having 
remove the ethernet cable first.

Summary: Apart from bugs, you can now get a terminal server running from 
scratch within minutes, thus installing an entire computer classroom 
instantly and if desired temporarly. Well done, developers!!

Cheers, Theo Schmidt

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

[Ubuntu-ch] Who is

2010-05-14 Thread Theo Schmidt
Every time I send a message to, I get the error 
message below. Is this the case with others? Who is tomcat and could he be 
unsubscribed or resubscribed with a working address?

Cheers, Theo Schmidt

Betreff: Returned mail: see transcript for details
Datum: Fri, 14 May 2010 04:02:52 -0400
Von: Mail Delivery Subsystem

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 (reason: 550 SPF-check failed ...

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Edubuntu now with LTSP live (but not working)

2010-05-11 Thread Theo Schmidt
Theo Schmidt schrieb:
 I just tried out Edubuntu 10.04. It's great now having this as a live medium, 
 even if it no longer fits on a CD! Thank you so much.
 It has something new called LTSP live,...
 Now my problem is, it doesn't work...

I guess this is the wrong list for such questions. I tried again with another 
server and thin client and got as far as the splash screen, but no further, I 
have to assume that it is faulty. Daniel Stoni forwarded some mails suggesting 
to wait until the first snapshot on July 29th before upgrading a productive 

Best, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

[Ubuntu-ch] Edubuntu now with LTSP live (but not working)

2010-05-10 Thread Theo Schmidt
Hi, this is a question for Stephane Graber, if you're here, or maybe somebody 
else has the answer.

I just tried out Edubuntu 10.04. It's great now having this as a live medium, 
even if it no longer fits on a CD! Thank you so much.

It has something new called LTSP live, which I guess you helped develop, 
Stephane. I just saw your tutorial on Youtube, very neat!

Now my problem is, it doesn't work. I have two network cards, eth0 and eth1. 
Internet ran without any configuration on eth1, so I asked LTSP-live to use 
eth0. It installed OK, no errors and the new ltsp folders are all there in 
But the Thin Client connected to eth0 doesn't get any DHCP offers. I tried 
switching network cards and connections to no avail. Just once, with the Thin 
Client running while trying another installation, it did get an IP before the 
installation finished but then failed with ARP timed out. And afterwards 
was no DHCP either. It doesn't seem possible to restart the DHCP server. The 
exact same Thin Client and network work perfectly with LTSP normally, I use it 
every day on Hardy.

Any idea what could be wrong? Have you ever tried it with a real thin client 
network, not a virtual machine as in your video? I can't find any bugs on the 
internet, but of course it's very new.

Cheers, Theo Schmidt

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-03-01 Thread Theo Schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
 first. However at the moment lots of things are working perfectly with 
 so I'm putting off problems related to this as long as possible.
 Well, I don't think this is necessary, there are not more changes
 between KDE 3.5x and KDE 4.3.x than there are between Windows Vista
 and Windows 7, and people are used to switch those OS since years.

Thanks, Myriam.
I know people still using Windows 98, because if you have an environment set up
to work well, *every* change is a nuisance and costs money. With free software,
it is almost worse, as progress is faster. (I assume you are aware of the
gigantic waste of taxpayers' money by updating the federal desktop from
Windows XP to Windows Vista instead of going directly to Windows 7) (apart from
the even larger wastage of using Windows at all ;-) ).

In my case, one of the things is a script to batch-process pictures which works
by drag and drop in KDE3.5, which I need to transfer to KDE4.

 However, I didn't want to start a KDE-disscussion, but rather ask if there is
 conceivably any truth in the scribus-developers claim that Ubuntu was the 
 unsatisfactory of the large distribution to run Scribus with, because of 
 changes within QT by Canonical, and if it would be preferable to use Debian
 QT-packages rather than Ubuntu QT-packages.
 I don't know where you heard or read that, but it is complete and
 utter rubbish. Could you please provide some source on that? Kubuntu
 doesn't modify Qt. On the contrary, it is most likely the distribution
 that uses the most vanilla KDE 4 and Qt. As an example: try to get
 OpenSuSE's KDE to work correctly with the latest Qt 4.6.2... judging
 from the amount of bug reports we get lately it is much, much worse
 than Kubuntu, and OpenSuSE patches a lot :(

Well, it's statement against statement here. As it was a private mail, I'll have
to ask the Scribus developer for permission to give his name here.

 Also, I just checked here, using Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE SC 4.4, Qt
 4.6.1 and Scribus-ng 1.3.5.dfsg~svn20090208-2ubuntu2  and everything
 works fine, no crashes so far. Are you sure you have all the
 dependencies installed correctly?

Thank you. Yes, but the issue for me is Scribus-ng from Hardy, which is 1.3.4.,
which literally seems a bastard between new features and old toolkit.

Cheers, Theo

PS For every posting to this list I get the following:

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 (reason: 550 SPF-check failed: Please see

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-02-27 Thread Theo Schmidt
Daniel Stoni schrieb:
 many people recommend LTS versions for business use. I assess the situation
 - and usually recommend to use current or last instead because LTS would be
 bad for Ubuntu ;-) 

Thanks, Daniel. The main reason for using LTS is IMHO not so much the 
but freedom from update-terror for two years. Unfortunately this breaks when 
important packages have major updates out of step with the LTS-cycle, as with 
KDE, QT and Scribus, presumably also soon with Gnome. I personally would be 
happier to forget the LTS versions, but to also only have one new version per 

 Since at least Jaunty there is a package called scribus-ng with a more
 recent version of scribus. This is the edition chosen by default in the
 SwissRemix. You might have a look if there is scribus-ng in Hardy also.

Yes, in Hardy scribus-ng *is* version 1.3.4, which contains most of the 
of 1.3.5. but using QT3 instead of QT4. Understandably nobody wants to fix the 
bugs in this now that 1.3.6 will be out soon. It was my mistake to use 
scribus-ng at all, but now it is too late to go back, as it uses a new file 
format incompatible with Scribus 1.3.3. In this respect free software is no 
better than propietary SW; the format trap may not be intentional, but it is 
still there.

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu bad for Scribus?

2010-02-27 Thread Theo Schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
 Version 8.04 is NOT an LTS version for the KDE packages, only for the
 underlying base system. 

I don't think that's an issue in this case, because Scribus is not a KDE 
package. However it does depend on QT, so perhaps you're right.

 upgrade to Karmic, since it is absolutely pointless to keep 8.04 for
 KDE users, it never was an LTS for KDE.

In our office each and any change of anything generates problems. We planned on 
getting new hardware this summer and making the switch to this, to Lucid and 
KDE4 all at once. Maybe this is wrong and we should get people used to KDE4 
first. However at the moment lots of things are working perfectly with KDE3.5, 
so I'm putting off problems related to this as long as possible.

However, I didn't want to start a KDE-disscussion, but rather ask if there is 
conceivably any truth in the scribus-developers claim that Ubuntu was the most 
unsatisfactory of the large distribution to run Scribus with, because of large 
changes within QT by Canonical, and if it would be preferable to use Debian 
QT-packages rather than Ubuntu QT-packages.

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Release Candidate: SwissRemix for Karmic Koala

2010-02-19 Thread Theo Schmidt
Tormod Volden schrieb:

 The Swiss GPRS-modems don't seem to work properly any more because of a bug 
 the kernel or the network-manager or both.
 Do you have a reference to a bug report? I know this was working well
 in 8.10 and also in Lucid when I tried a couple of months ago.

Here is a bug report regarding the Huawei E220. It seems to be a bug of this 
device's firmware, but while older Ubuntus could cope, Karmic can't. A fix 
committed, but not releasd.

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu in the News

2010-01-15 Thread Theo Schmidt
Daniel Stoni schrieb:
 Hello all
 you might want to have a look at today's press. WOZ has published a full
 one-pager about Open Source in Switzerland and Ubuntu. During their
 investigations, they have contacted Markus, Myriam and me.

Thank you Daniel, also for your excellent statements in the article!

This article was partially initiated due to PR efforts by Wilhelm Tux. WOZ 
originally wanted something about a Ubuntu Release Party. I wrote an article 
which is here (in German):
together with the lovely poster:

I sent the article to WOZ but they have done something quite different and as 
you will agree much better. However being for the political left, the article 
doesn't include many business-related aspects.

Cheers, Theo Schmidt

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Release Party in Bern this Saturday!

2009-11-19 Thread Theo Schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
 This is a last attempt to raise the call for help, if nobody steps up
 to give a hand I will go partying in Bern with the Puzzle people who
 so kindly offered to host this event together with Hassan and Mark
 (who are the only people who are in the Attendees list) and ask the
 Ubuntu admins to dissolve this group, it doesn't make any sense if
 nobody has an interest for Team activities.

Somehow I didn't realise it was next weekend... Maybe we should do release 
parties only once per year? In any case I'm coming, not sure of the time yet.

 We would like to have people giving a hand to:
 - demonstrate Ubuntu/Kubuntu to visitors,

Happy to. But I havn't tried Karmic yet. I'm reasonably proficient with the 
Swiss Remix though.

 - present Ubuntu and/or specific applications or projects related to Ubuntu,

I can show some of the Edubuntu programs, or Marble with OpenStreetMap.

For anybody interested and willing to walk four minutes, I can show a working 
LTSP Terminal Server with Thin Clients, managed by Puzzle, based on Kubuntu 
Hardy Heron.

 We still need people to spread the word in Switzerland.

Yes. I havn't seen a notice anywhere and forgot to hang up one myself. Did 
anybody inform the local papers?

See you soon, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: Free book request on behalf of the Swiss Ubuntu LoCo Team

2009-07-31 Thread theo . schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
 Let's hope that a free pdf version will be available soon, too :)
I think I did mention it here: the Swiss Remix Edition of the Official
Ubuntu Book (third edition) is at (and has been for some time):

This is the HTML-version of the Official Ubuntu Book with very few
slight additions which are easily deleted. Except for printing out, the
PDF version doesn't offer much else.

Cheers, Theo Schmidt

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu 9.04 SwissRemix RC

2009-06-03 Thread Theo Schmidt
Pierre Graber schrieb:
 I have no time yet to update the french translation.
 But let me point out a new edition of the book Simple comme Ubuntu  : (9.04 version !, 336 pages)

Super Pierre, thank you! I'll update this.

Best, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu 9.04 SwissRemix RC [CTRL-ALT-Backspace]

2009-06-03 Thread Theo Schmidt
Myriam Schweingruber schrieb:
 In Jaunty the useful CTRL-ALT-Backspace combination for killing a crahed
 X-server has been discontinued, much to my regret. See discussion:

 Do you think we should keep it that way, reinstate CTRL-ALT-Backspace, or
 preinstall Dontzap (which allows switching the feature on and off)?
 please, don't change the current, just advise people they can install
 dontzap if really necessary.
 The whole point of disabling Ctrl.+Alt+Backspace is to avoid having
 non registered KDE sessions and subsequent data loss by users who just
 kill without thinking, and that's unfortunately the majority of our
 users in K/X/Ubuntu. Advanced users who really have to kill the X
 server can use Ctlr+SysRq+k so the current KDE session can be saved,
 or install Dontzap. These changes have been made by Xorg and adopted
 by the Ubuntu core devs, period.

Thank you Myriam, also WaVeR. Good points; I tried Ctlr+SysRq+k and it works. 
I'll just mention this in the documentation. I don't see any need for Dontzap 

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu 9.04 SwissRemix RC [CTRL-ALT-Backspace]

2009-06-02 Thread Theo Schmidt
Another question:

In Jaunty the useful CTRL-ALT-Backspace combination for killing a crahed 
X-server has been discontinued, much to my regret. See discussion:

Do you think we should keep it that way, reinstate CTRL-ALT-Backspace, or 
preinstall Dontzap (which allows switching the feature on and off)?

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: ubuntu cd swiss remix

2009-01-27 Thread Theo Schmidt
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Daniel Stoni
 Date: Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 16:54
 Hello Myriam
 I've been in contact with Matthias S and Daniel B. We may formally
 announce that the next Swiss Remix Ubuntu DVD will be built by the
 ubuntu-ch community. Here some base conditions:
 - I have offered to lead this task
 - I'm collecting sponsoring agreements for the DVD, we already have
 promises of half of the budget required for toasting and shrinkwrapping
 - /ch/open assumes a new Swiss DVD based on jaunty jackalope to be
 available as of may, 5 2009
 - installzone at openexpo on April 2 also requires a current Ubuntu
 build. I rather hesitate to distribute the existing 8.04 SwissMix as
 being quite outdated now and suffering from the bad certificate problem.
 In short - an updated and released version of 8.x should be available as
 source, also. We should have a chat about how to achieve this.

AFAIK Daniel Baumann could rather easily produce an updated LTS version, i.e. 
8.04.2, but you would still have to start soon! Judging from my experience with 
the 8.04, producing a totally new version, e.g. Jaunty Jackalope, would take 
longer than by April 2nd, as there are sure to be new bugs.

There are still enough existing 8.04 Swiss Remixes for the install zone, but as 
you say, they are best used live and not for installing, as many of the 
should be updated, which takes considerable time and bandwidth.

An idea might be to produce some 8.04.2 remixes for the install zone by 
not pressing.

 - I'm collecting ideas and requirements for the DVD also and it is
 interesting to note how many of these ideas are already being discussed
 on the brainstorm pages. Nevertheless we should agree on the procedure
 and about the features in the team and I would appreciate help of people
 familiar with CD building (is the ubuntu customization kit, UCK, the
 utility of choice?)

If you are working with Daniel Baumann, he has written a script which more or 
less builds the distribution. However I suspect that Daniel is the only person 
able to use the script and there is still a lot of manual adjustment and bug 
chasing required.

Regarding the extras, i.e. documentation and multimedia, I'm willing to help 
update this.

The present Swiss Remix DVD does not show in some Windows systems. This should 
be fixed if possible.

I agree with Myriam, that for the next DVD it might be time to use a KDE4 
default for once. Alternatively there should be proivision for switching the 
desktops easily, either before booting or live. The present Swiss Remix does 
allow live switching between Gnome, KDE and Xfce, but it needs too much effort 
to be useful. Should be a one-click thing.

Besides the technical issues, I think we should think more on distribution. At 
the moment, Swiss Remixes are for example in the reduced bin at Thalia Books 
in Bern for CHF 4.95. People aren't buying them. In spite of the attractive 
cover, we need a professional looking display box or even larger boxes per DVD. 
In the last few years, Linux has been forgotten by the public. We need to 
increase awareness, in this case the surface area a potential buyer or user 
at the first glance.

We can disscuss some of this in person soon, Daniel!

Cheers, Theo

Ubuntu-ch mailing list