Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server

2009-01-30 Thread Iuri Diniz
Olá todos

2009/1/30 Danilo Magrini

  Danilo, meu intuito é chamar mais profissionais de TI a migrarem, se eles
  tem um atrativo como uma interface gráfica isto ajuda, claro que com o
  e calejamento no sistema eles passam pro shell, e tabém seria uma forma
  webmin ganhar mais recursos, ou seja com uam jogada simples nós matamos 2
  coelhos com uma paulada.

 Eu entendi seu objetivo. Mas qual é o problema de digitar, literalmente,
 linha de comando?

Concordo com o Danilo no ponto em que não deve vir instalado por padrão, mas
o usuário final (administrador) deve saber que isto existe.

Então porque não melhorar a sugestão para:

Incluir na instação uma opção de instalar automaticamente o webmin


Incluir logo no inicio da documentação padrão do ubuntu server, uma seção:
'PARA QUEM VEM DO WINDOWS 2xxx' e colocar instale o webmin via 'apt-get

Iuri Diniz [Sou um agitador, não um advogado] [Linux on Limbo]
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

2009-01-30 Thread Marcelo Silva
Ué ?
Mas se eu coloco resolvido é justamente pra finalizar a thread... nao seria 
isso ?

Em todas as listas que participo é assim

mas se nao pode tudo bem

Marcelo Silva

- Original Message - 
From: Iuri Diniz
To: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

2009/1/30 Marcelo Silva

 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell

Bom, eu desisto de falar sobre NÂO alterar o subject

Iuri Diniz [Sou um agitador, não um advogado] [Linux on Limbo]
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[Ubuntu-BR] Pedido de desculpas

2009-01-30 Thread edgard
Pessoal da Lista

Antes tomar, merecidamente, um puxão de orelhas venho pedir desculpa.

Acabei de responder um questionamento na lista e esqueci de colocar o
Re: resposta.

Sei que quebra a thread. 

Foi distração. 

Mais uma vez desculpem

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Afinador para instrumentos musicais.

2009-01-30 Thread Tiago Poiares
é bem por isso... eu to aprendendo agora... ainda to pegando o jeito da
coisa... fica dificil... eu sei q tem alguma coisa fora do lugar mas nao sei
onde é e tbm nao quero que o afinador me diga o que fazer pq acho q assim
nao aprende nada... por isso procurei esse afinador pelo som consegui
afinar na primeira tentativa entao ele valeu de alguma coisa... e eu to
realmente pensando em comprar um diapasão... depois que o Filipe falou eu
vou até procurar na proxima semana...


2009/1/30 Salles

 Em Sex, 2009-01-30 às 16:58 -0200, Filipe Fedalto escreveu:
  Olá, boa tarde!
  Diapasão? É o melhor afinador que existe... o mais preciso...
  Afinadores eletrônicos ou por software tem uma margem de imprecisão maior
  que a do ouvido humano.

 Concordo Filipe, ainda sou desse tempo e só preciso de uma nota de
 referência, o resto vai de ouvido.
 Mas meu garoto ainda não educou a audição e se perde na afinação.
 Em casa eu só digo qual está desafinada e deixo ele acertar, mas quando
 está com os colegas... sabe como é: papai fica calado para ele não pagar
 mico :)
 Dou tempo ao tempo, ele aprende. Por enquanto vai de afinador, pedaleira
 e outros recursos eletrônicos...

 Salles (Nethell) Ubuntu User 24389

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Utilizando arquivos Access (.mdb) no seu Linux

2009-01-30 Thread hamacker
Você só converte os dados, os elementos de programação (formularios,
relatorios,...) terá de refazer no

2009/1/30 edgard

 Existe uma ferramenta chamada mdbtools.

 Nela vc converte seus dados de um database access. Depois é só importar
 para o oobase e nunca mais trabalhar com ferramenta proprietária.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server

2009-01-30 Thread Tiago Dib
Olá, trabalho com servidores linux, diversas distribuições. E realmente
não concordo com a instalação padrão do webmin, uma vez que ele carrega
vários módulos que não seriam necessários em todos os serviços.

Outra coisa, dependendo o tipo de servidor que você for fazer, não tem
jeito tela gráfica nenhuma vai te ajudar.

É a mesma coisa que você falar para o windows já vim com o ISA, o
SQL2005, o DNS, o IIS instalado sendo que vou usar ele somente para
compartilhar arquivos por exemplo.

O sistema tem que ser limpo, e você irá adaptar o mesmo a sua
necessidade. Se você quiser um linux mais gráfico existem distribuições
específicas para isso como por exemplo:


e muitos outros, alguns ate melhores que webmin.

Vejo muitas vantagens em utilizar algumas partes gráficas, mas como eu
disse, tudo depende de sua necessidade.

Por exemplo se eu sou o gerente de T.I de uma empresa, e trabalho
exclusivamente na manutenção dos servidores não instalarei nada de

Mas se vendo um servidor de internet para um cliente somente para
compartilhar a internet usando o squid e iptables, eu instalo o webmin
ou alguma outra distro como o untangle, pois é chato você passar para
uma pessoa leiga em informática como libera um site no squid por tela
texto.. Com as partes gráficas evito que eles abram um chamado para
somente liberar um site.

Espero ter ajudado.. E lembre-se essa é uma opinião pessoal minha...
Então vamos evitar flames.


Tiago Dib.

 Mensagem original 
De: Hálen Yuri Oliveira
Reply-to: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
Para: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
Assunto: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server
Data: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:18:03 -0200

Eu tenho pouca experiencia ainda nesta área, pois sou novo e estou estudando
mas acho que o Danilo tem razão, entendendo também seu lado, isso mostraria
também para os novos profissionail que não é preciso ficar só clicando em
next a vida toda que é facil a interface grafica, com alguns comandos que
nem dão uma linha direito o shell resolve tudo para você.

Apresente a eles a interface do webmin e depois mostre como instalar e como
é facil tudo isso. acho que seria melhor, assim ele já vai se familiarizando
com os dois.

É isso que eu acho, afinal aprendi assim.


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Linux UBUNTU em notbook LG R405

2009-01-30 Thread Jamilson Silva do Carmo
Celso Henrique,

Comprei um notebook LG E500, e funcionou tudo legal na minha máquina.
Estou usando a versão 8.04.

Poste os erros que esta acontecendo com você, pra vê se a gente pode de

Jamilson SIlva

2009/1/30 Renato Krause

 2009/1/30 Ednei Pacheco
  On 1/30/09, Celso Henrique wrote:
   Adquiri recentemente um notbook da LG (LG R405), uma boa maquina, se
   não fosse por um pequeno detalhe, fui tentar instalar o LINUX UBUNTU
   8.04 e não consegui. Voces saberiam me informar, qual versao do
   Ubuntu, funciona perfeitamente neste modelo de notbook.
  Quanto mais atual é a distro, maiores as possibilidades de funcionar à
  contento. Por isto, recomendo usar a versão 8.10. Ao menos, descartará
  a possibilidade do problema ser a distribuição! ;-D
  Att., Ednei Pacheco,
  Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:
  Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
  Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

 Seria razoavel você explicar o que aconteceu que impossibilitou a
 É realmente problema de instalação? Ele não instala ou instala e não
 roda (são 2 coisas completamente diferentes)?
 Tente usar a versão 8.10 e confira o md5 da imagem que você baixar
 Renato Krause
 Se você dá o peixe, alimenta o homem por um dia, se você ensina a
 pescar, alimenta pela vida inteira.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Pedido de desculpas

2009-01-30 Thread João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
2009/1/30 edgard

 Acabei de responder um questionamento na lista e esqueci de colocar o
 Re: resposta.

Vc não precisa colocar manualmente, se eh que foi isso que vc quis dizer.
Como to vendo que vc usa gmail, basta clicar em Responder (ou Reply) e
escrever a msg na caixa de texto que irá aparecer. O re é adicionado

João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação
Analista de Sistemas - Infraestrutura
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

2009-01-30 Thread João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
2009/1/30 Marcelo Silva

 Ué ?
 Mas se eu coloco resolvido é justamente pra finalizar a thread... nao seria
 isso ?

Não, isso é errado. Isso quebra a thread... qd alguem for procurar pelo
mesmo problema q vc teve e achar a thread antiga, lá não estará a sua
resposta, pois vc criou uma nova.

João Olavo Baião de Vasconcelos
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação
Analista de Sistemas - Infraestrutura
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Linux UBUNTU em notbook LG R405

2009-01-30 Thread Celso Henrique

Problema de instalação resolvido, com a troca de versão, da versão
8.04, passei para a 8.10 e instalou normalmente sem erros.
Agora só falta configurar a conecção wirelles, como resolvo isso?


2009/1/30 Jamilson Silva do Carmo
 Celso Henrique,

 Comprei um notebook LG E500, e funcionou tudo legal na minha máquina.
 Estou usando a versão 8.04.

 Poste os erros que esta acontecendo com você, pra vê se a gente pode de

 Jamilson SIlva

 2009/1/30 Renato Krause

 2009/1/30 Ednei Pacheco
  On 1/30/09, Celso Henrique wrote:
   Adquiri recentemente um notbook da LG (LG R405), uma boa maquina, se
   não fosse por um pequeno detalhe, fui tentar instalar o LINUX UBUNTU
   8.04 e não consegui. Voces saberiam me informar, qual versao do
   Ubuntu, funciona perfeitamente neste modelo de notbook.
  Quanto mais atual é a distro, maiores as possibilidades de funcionar à
  contento. Por isto, recomendo usar a versão 8.10. Ao menos, descartará
  a possibilidade do problema ser a distribuição! ;-D
  Att., Ednei Pacheco,
  Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:
  Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
  Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

 Seria razoavel você explicar o que aconteceu que impossibilitou a
 É realmente problema de instalação? Ele não instala ou instala e não
 roda (são 2 coisas completamente diferentes)?
 Tente usar a versão 8.10 e confira o md5 da imagem que você baixar
 Renato Krause
 Se você dá o peixe, alimenta o homem por um dia, se você ensina a
 pescar, alimenta pela vida inteira.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sistema gerenciamento de hotel

2009-01-30 Thread Felipe Eduardo Silva Sampaio
Posso contribuir caso o sistema seja Web usado PHP e base de dados MySQL.
Alguém conhece o YUI(Yahoo User Interface LIbrary),gosto dele e acho uma boa
alternativa para a criação da interface.

2009/1/30 Marcelo Silva

 Bem eu nao terei como participar... mas uma sugestão seria usar o Lazarus e
 MySQL excelente ferramenta...
 Interessante seria multi-plataforma facinho

 Trabalho com Delphi e PHP e estou portando meus sistema pra Lazarus :)

 É visual e facinho pra aprender :)

 Marcelo Silva

 - Original Message -
 From: Silas Ribas Martins
 To: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
 Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 10:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sistema gerenciamento de hotel


 Cadê o PaulinhoLinux?
 Temos que ver com ele se ele pode ajudar, já que ele procurou,
 tem conhecimento nessa área.
 Os links sobre os sistemas foram bons, o tem milhões de
 por ano, show de bola.

 E ai quem vai entrar no projeto? Idéias?Idéias?Idéias?Idéias?

 2009/1/29 Elliott Chaves

  e ai alguma resolução?
  2009/1/29 Elliott Chaves
   C++ / QT? Bom nao sei. Mas gostaria de ajudar no projeto de alguma
   2009/1/29 Silas Ribas Martins
   Sinceramente eu acho que deveria ser web, pra mim fica melhor PHP,
   não muito, mas PHP é tenho conhecimento e já trabalho extensivamente
   Agora precisamos primeiramente fazer as especificações do que vai
   ver um modo de sustentar o projeto.
   Acho que a melhor maneira, além das doações, seria criar módulos em
   particular que se faça X coisa ou a criação de módulos personalizado
   certo cliente.
   Quem vai querer entrar nesse projeto?
   Acho que poderiamos fazer web, com uma api, onde pode ter a
   se criar uma gui desktop pra usar a api.
   2009/1/29 Felipe D. Falce
Em Qua, 2009-01-28 às 18:22 -0800, PaulinhoLinux escreveu:
 Salve galera bl

 Alguém conhece algum sistema (qe rode em linux claro... hahha)
gerenciamento de Hotel  ??

 preciso de coisa simples, cadastro de cliente, entrada, saida,
coisa simples mesmo?

 alguém conhece algum?
   Boa sorte!
 .+-.  | |
 | Felipe Duarte Falce| Quando uma tecnologia é | / /__
 | | criminalizada apenas os |/ (___)
 |   | criminosos passam a ter |  (___)
 | Juiz de Fora - MG  | acesso a ela.   |  (___)
 | Debian/Ubuntu User |   (Phil Zimmermann) |\_(___)
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   Atenciosamente (=Ô.Ô=),
   Celular: 71 8892-6095
   Silas Ribas {Maximus_BR} - FRVJ.COM
   E-mail: silasrm[arroba];
   Skype: silasrm;
   Msn Msg:;
   Linux Distro - Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Xubuntu;
   Linux User Registered: 383742;
   Triste época em que vivemos, onde é mais fácil desintegrar um átomo
   quebrar um preconceito [Albert Einstein]
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   Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:
  Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:
  Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
  Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

 Atenciosamente (=Ô.Ô=),
 Celular: 71 8892-6095
 Silas Ribas {Maximus_BR} - FRVJ.COM
 E-mail: silasrm[arroba];
 Skype: silasrm;
 Msn Msg:;
 Linux Distro - Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Xubuntu;
 Linux User Registered: 383742;
 Triste época em que vivemos, onde é mais fácil desintegrar um átomo do que
 quebrar um preconceito [Albert Einstein]
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server

2009-01-30 Thread Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cruz
concordo com o Iuri Diniz acho que seria uma ato de respeito a ambos, e
todos ganhariam com isto, sobre a explanação do Tiago Dib sobre
configurações específicas isto cairia na questão do webmin ganhar novos
recursos tais estes que vc falou a opção de habilitar e desabilitar estas
configurações especiais.

Gente sei que este assunto é polemico e a maioria acha esta idéia absurda,
mas meu intuito é realmente calar a boca dos TI da geração Micro$oft, que
não sabem de nada e ficam botando banca de super TI. Embora seja um cara de
propaganda que só usa software livre em minhas produções, eu gostaria
realmente de ver uma massa de profissionais pelo menos experimentarem as
ferramentas livres, sem o famoso medo inicial da tela preta com letra

2009/1/30 Tiago Dib

 Olá, trabalho com servidores linux, diversas distribuições. E realmente
 não concordo com a instalação padrão do webmin, uma vez que ele carrega
 vários módulos que não seriam necessários em todos os serviços.

 Outra coisa, dependendo o tipo de servidor que você for fazer, não tem
 jeito tela gráfica nenhuma vai te ajudar.

 É a mesma coisa que você falar para o windows já vim com o ISA, o
 SQL2005, o DNS, o IIS instalado sendo que vou usar ele somente para
 compartilhar arquivos por exemplo.

 O sistema tem que ser limpo, e você irá adaptar o mesmo a sua
 necessidade. Se você quiser um linux mais gráfico existem distribuições
 específicas para isso como por exemplo:


 e muitos outros, alguns ate melhores que webmin.

 Vejo muitas vantagens em utilizar algumas partes gráficas, mas como eu
 disse, tudo depende de sua necessidade.

 Por exemplo se eu sou o gerente de T.I de uma empresa, e trabalho
 exclusivamente na manutenção dos servidores não instalarei nada de

 Mas se vendo um servidor de internet para um cliente somente para
 compartilhar a internet usando o squid e iptables, eu instalo o webmin
 ou alguma outra distro como o untangle, pois é chato você passar para
 uma pessoa leiga em informática como libera um site no squid por tela
 texto.. Com as partes gráficas evito que eles abram um chamado para
 somente liberar um site.

 Espero ter ajudado.. E lembre-se essa é uma opinião pessoal minha...
 Então vamos evitar flames.


 Tiago Dib.

  Mensagem original 
 De: Hálen Yuri Oliveira
 Reply-to: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
 Para: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
 Assunto: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server
 Data: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:18:03 -0200

 Eu tenho pouca experiencia ainda nesta área, pois sou novo e estou
 mas acho que o Danilo tem razão, entendendo também seu lado, isso mostraria
 também para os novos profissionail que não é preciso ficar só clicando em
 next a vida toda que é facil a interface grafica, com alguns comandos que
 nem dão uma linha direito o shell resolve tudo para você.

 Apresente a eles a interface do webmin e depois mostre como instalar e como
 é facil tudo isso. acho que seria melhor, assim ele já vai se
 com os dois.

 É isso que eu acho, afinal aprendi assim.


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Carlos Eduardo
Design Livre

Faça parte do GNUGRAF deste ano!
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Sugestão pro ubuntu server

2009-01-30 Thread Renato Krause
Hash: SHA1

Acredito que o webmin não deva ser incluido. Defendo que o servidor
seja disponibilizado na forma mínima.
Claro que você pode pegar e gerar uma personalização pessoal sua com
webmin. Se for realmente útil os usuários começaram a fazer a
personalização, isso poderia virar uma modificação - todavia acredito
que isso seja um longo processo. Processo cujo ínicio depende só de
Renato Krause
Se você dá o peixe, alimenta o homem por um dia, se você ensina a
pescar, alimenta pela vida inteira.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


2009/1/30 Iuri Diniz
 Olá todos

 2009/1/30 Danilo Magrini

  Danilo, meu intuito é chamar mais profissionais de TI a migrarem, se eles
  tem um atrativo como uma interface gráfica isto ajuda, claro que com o
  e calejamento no sistema eles passam pro shell, e tabém seria uma forma
  webmin ganhar mais recursos, ou seja com uam jogada simples nós matamos 2
  coelhos com uma paulada.

 Eu entendi seu objetivo. Mas qual é o problema de digitar, literalmente,
 linha de comando?

 Concordo com o Danilo no ponto em que não deve vir instalado por padrão, mas
 o usuário final (administrador) deve saber que isto existe.

 Então porque não melhorar a sugestão para:

 Incluir na instação uma opção de instalar automaticamente o webmin


 Incluir logo no inicio da documentação padrão do ubuntu server, uma seção:
 'PARA QUEM VEM DO WINDOWS 2xxx' e colocar instale o webmin via 'apt-get

 Iuri Diniz [Sou um agitador, não um advogado] [Linux on Limbo]
 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

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[Ubuntu-BR] Open Office 3.0.1

2009-01-30 Thread Nelson Corrêa

Alguém conseguiu atualizar o OOo 3.0 para o 3.0.1 automaticamente?

Eu autorizei ele fazer o download, autorizei fechar o OOo e por último 
autorizei instalar... e nada acontece.

Será que terei que desinstalar o OOo 3 e fazer o procedimento de 
instalação completo?


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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Open Office 3.0.1

2009-01-30 Thread Tiago Branquinho Oliveira

Fiz a atualização e so me ferrei hehehe se você tiver afim atualize... eu não 
tento mais :) Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 23:58:30 -0200 From: To: Subject: [Ubuntu-BR] 
Open Office 3.0.1  Caros,  Alguém conseguiu atualizar o OOo 3.0 para o 
3.0.1 automaticamente?  Eu autorizei ele fazer o download, autorizei fechar o 
OOo e por último  autorizei instalar... e nada acontece.  Será que terei que 
desinstalar o OOo 3 e fazer o procedimento de  instalação completo?  
Abraços, Nelson  --  Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:  Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil Histórico, 
descadastramento e outras opções:
Cansado de espaço para só 50 fotos? Conheça o Spaces, o site de relacionamentos 
com até 6,000 fotos!
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[Ubuntu-BR] Software Leitor de Cartão Resposta d e Provas

2009-01-30 Thread Sergio Gurgel

Alguem sonhece uma solução em software livre que execute a leitura de
cartão resposta de provas?


Sérgio Gurgel Menezes
icq.: 60970223 skype.: sergio_gurgel

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[Ubuntu-BR] Res: Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

2009-01-30 Thread Silvio Clécio
Olá Amigos,

Então, eu não sabia tb sobre isso, mas, sem problemas :)

Nem tirei o (RESOLVIDO) para não quebrar outra vez, acho que aqui é só colocar 
a palavra no corpo da mensagem, eu mesmo vou fazer assim agora. :)

[]'s, Silvio Clécio
Linux User: #481900
Skype: silvioprog
ICQ: 432519902
E-mail, Y! Messenger:
Gmail, GTalk:
Hotmail, MSN:
°oO| Seja livre, use Linux! |Oo°

De: Marcelo Silva
Para: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 30 de Janeiro de 2009 17:28:47
Assunto: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

Ué ?
Mas se eu coloco resolvido é justamente pra finalizar a thread... nao seria 
isso ?

Em todas as listas que participo é assim

mas se nao pode tudo bem

Marcelo Silva

- Original Message - 
From: Iuri Diniz
To: Lista de discussão do LoCoTeam Brasileiro
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell - (RESOLVIDO)

2009/1/30 Marcelo Silva
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Reiniciar Desktop via Shell
Bom, eu desisto de falar sobre NÂO alterar o subject
Iuri Diniz [Sou um agitador, não um advogado] [Linux on Limbo]

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Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
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Re: [Ubuntu-be] help: ?

2009-01-30 Thread Pierre Buyle

You are right, the site is not really friendly to user without access
to a browser supported by Google Map. The fact is that it has not been
a primary goal when developing the map. Since the deployment of the
current map, I had lost both interest and time to work on it for many
not-so-good reason. I may restart work on it later but I wont make any
promise on what or when. The basic idea is to leverage the Drupal
website to avoid reinventing the wheel (user registration, etc.) and
help spreading the application (Drupal is the Canonical recommended
CMS for LoCo teams).

In the meantime, you can still use the map with a browser supported by
Google Map. You can contact support points through the contact
available when clicking on one of the contact links available when
clicking on a support point. The URLs for these contact form are
bookmarkable, so you can pass them to your firend if you don't want to
contact them on his/her behalf.

PS: If anyone wants to work on the map, either from what's done, as a
Drupal module, from scratch or whatever and drive its development, I
would be more than happy to contribute.

2009/1/30 Y P

 I'd like to help a friend of Oupeye, (Liège):
 he's blind and wants to migrate from an old Debian Sarge to Ubuntu (with
 Orca screenreader and Espeak etc):
 I advised him to have a look at the site, but this site
 seems no longer to be as easy as before to be used:
 I did tried myself under a text browser (Lynx) and i wasn't able to find
 some local help for him under Liège of by selecting the entire List.

 Can someone tell me more about that site: IMHO its not so simple and
 intuitive as before, so not easy to find the information you were looking
 If someone know about a support point for him near postcode 4680 Oupeye or
 so, thanx in advance to tell me.

 Y P

 ubuntu-be mailing list /

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mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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Re: i386 vs 64Bit

2009-01-30 Thread stragaw
День добрый!

Но опять же, если карта nvidia и используем xen (на бытовом уровне - 
поэксперементировать\диплом написать) - то под i386 дрова быстрее обещают ))

Dmitry Mityugov wrote:
 2009/1/30 Сергей Бейлин
 В сообщении от 30 января 2009 Dmitry Mityugov написал(a):
 Однако 64-битные программы занимают немного больше памяти, поэтому
 если на системе 512 MB или меньше - лучше ставить 32-битную версию.
 Гм, Дмитрий, а лично Вы встречали 64-битные системы с менее чем 1Гб памяти?
 :-) ...

 У дочурки была такая. Когда GIMP стал тормозить, проапгрейдил :-)


WBR, Straga

ubuntu-ru mailing list

Re: i386 vs 64Bit

2009-01-30 Thread Vyacheslav Karamov
Дмитрий Куликов пишет:
 Хочу поставить Kubuntu на 64-битный компьютер. Имеет ли смысл
 устанавливать именно 64 битную версию или лучше всё-таки установить
 версию для i386? Если можно - аргументируйте Ваш ответ.
Год назад ставил себе Kubuntu 7.04 64 bit на свой iMac 5.1 (1 Gb RAM). 
Потом так получилось, что систему я угробил, пришлось поставить 32-битную.
Никакой разницы в производительности не заметил, разве что с Opera 9.2x 
были проблемы и с Flash.

Опять же, на 64 битах переменная типа int занимает уже не 32, а 64 бита, 
что в свою очередь приводит к тому, что программа может и в полтора-два 
раза памяти больше кушать.

Если ОЗУ 4 Гб и выше - тогда 64 бит.

ubuntu-ru mailing list

Re: i386 vs 64Bit

2009-01-30 Thread Ivan Surzhenko
Замечено, что на некоторых компьютерах 64битный Linux (независимо от
дистрибутива) почему то подвисает во время загрузки секунд на 20.

Думаю, что на сегодняшний день нет домашних задач, которые будут
принципиально лучше работать на 64битной платформе (сказано на правах имхо)
и действительно все упирается в объем памяти.

30 января 2009 г. 10:34 пользователь Vyacheslav Karamov написал:

 Дмитрий Куликов пишет:
  Хочу поставить Kubuntu на 64-битный компьютер. Имеет ли смысл
  устанавливать именно 64 битную версию или лучше всё-таки установить
  версию для i386? Если можно - аргументируйте Ваш ответ.
 Год назад ставил себе Kubuntu 7.04 64 bit на свой iMac 5.1 (1 Gb RAM).
 Потом так получилось, что систему я угробил, пришлось поставить 32-битную.
 Никакой разницы в производительности не заметил, разве что с Opera 9.2x
 были проблемы и с Flash.

 Опять же, на 64 битах переменная типа int занимает уже не 32, а 64 бита,
 что в свою очередь приводит к тому, что программа может и в полтора-два
 раза памяти больше кушать.

 Если ОЗУ 4 Гб и выше - тогда 64 бит.

 ubuntu-ru mailing list


With best regards,
Ivan Surzhenko
ubuntu-ru mailing list

Re: i386 vs 64Bit

2009-01-30 Thread elstop elstop
Посмотрите вот здесь . Может это
поможет сделать доополнительные выводы

 30.01.09, 09:29, Сергей Бейлин

 В сообщении от 30 января 2009 Дмитрий Куликов написал(a):
  А если предполагается использовать компьютер как простой домашний? Без
  всяких специальных задач?

 Лично я поставил бы 64-бит, т.к. пока не сталкивался со специфическими
 проблемами из-за ее использования.

С уважением, Сергей Бейлин
Jabber ID:

 ubuntu-ru mailing list

  Завершение пересылаемого сообщения 

ubuntu-ru mailing list

Re: i386 vs 64Bit

2009-01-30 Thread Aleksandr
On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 01:06 +0900, elstop elstop wrote:
 Посмотрите вот здесь . Может
 это поможет сделать доополнительные выводы
 30.01.09, 09:29, Сергей Бейлин
 В сообщении от 30 января 2009 Дмитрий Куликов написал(a):
  А если предполагается использовать компьютер как простой
 домашний? Без
  всяких специальных задач?
 Лично я поставил бы 64-бит, т.к. пока не сталкивался со
 проблемами из-за ее использования.
С уважением, Сергей Бейлин
Jabber ID:
 ubuntu-ru mailing list
  Завершение пересылаемого сообщения ---
стояла 7.10 -amd64 c 512 , потом 8.04 - больше подгружался проц, теперь
1г - проц стал меньше кушать...работает все стабильно... 
сейчас 8.10 с 1гиг... полет нормальный... правда в игрушки не играю...

ubuntu-ru mailing list

Хотелось бы навести сп равки по безопасности

2009-01-30 Thread Сергей Иванов

У знакомой установил на ноутбук антивирус (под офф-топик), когда она сидит
в интернете то время от времени появляется сообщение, что типо атака с 
ip *.*.*.* успешно
блокирована и т. д.

Мне стало интересно у себя в Linux я не настраивал никакого сетевого 
экрана, что же происходит,
атакует ли меня из интернета?
Установил Firestarter запустил, узнал - атакуют.

Кто, что может посоветовать? Постоянно использовать Firestarter или есть 
другой способ?
Как повысить безопасность? Нужно ли вообще что то с этим делать?

Система Ubuntu 8.04.2 + Updates


ubuntu-ru mailing list

Re: Хотелось бы навести справки по безопаснос ти

2009-01-30 Thread Vladimir Smagin
забей. эти атаки простая вирусня, спамботы и искатели халявы. а так как
ты не корпоративный сервер, не держишь на компе почтовых серверов, внц,
расшареных дир в сетях микрософта и других вкусных сервисов (я имею
ввиду, что по дефолту в убунте все порты молчат, пока ты сам этого не
захочешь), то ничего с тобой не сделают.

On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 04:15 +0500, Сергей Иванов wrote:
 У знакомой установил на ноутбук антивирус (под офф-топик), когда она сидит
 в интернете то время от времени появляется сообщение, что типо атака с 
 ip *.*.*.* успешно
 блокирована и т. д.
 Мне стало интересно у себя в Linux я не настраивал никакого сетевого 
 экрана, что же происходит,
 атакует ли меня из интернета?
 Установил Firestarter запустил, узнал - атакуют.
 Кто, что может посоветовать? Постоянно использовать Firestarter или есть 
 другой способ?
 Как повысить безопасность? Нужно ли вообще что то с этим делать?
 Система Ubuntu 8.04.2 + Updates

ubuntu-ru mailing list

перепрограммирование д ополнительной клавиату ры

2009-01-30 Thread lists . skimua
есть идея использовать дополнительно подключаемую клавиатуру для  
управления неким процессом. вопрос как перепрограммировать обыкновенную  
клавиатуру в убунту
подскажите куда копать, ключевые слова или на что обратить внимание
за ранее благодарен

ubuntu-ru mailing list

[Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread flaccid
I agree of course. You just described the Ubuntu project!

The thing is people solve Launchpad Ubuntu bugs all the time. The problem is 
the managers of the distro. The other problem is how hard it is to get a fix 
This is not the only example of where I have done the pro-active thing and 
raised a bug, I am stopping reports of any bugs for Ubuntu. It simply is not 
worth the effort.

Ubuntu has proved to be a political project and not an active one. It is
far from Linux for human beings, that it claims. What a joke.
Congratulations Ubuntu you have proven to be like a company full of lies
and marketing bullshite.

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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[Bug 208695] Re: Cannot upgrade to mysql-server-5.0

2009-01-30 Thread Steve Langasek
This package has been copied to hardy-updates, which now has version
-3ubuntu5.4 of the package.

** Changed in: mysql-dfsg-5.0 (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

Cannot upgrade to mysql-server-5.0
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-dfsg-5.0 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 319553] Re: No Wired Internet Connection in 8.10

2009-01-30 Thread Andres Mujica
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 274069 ***

ok according to the triage at the channel and:


I 'm marking this as dupe from bug #274069

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 274069
   error send_packet:message too long

No Wired Internet Connection in 8.10
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu (via bug 274069).

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[Bug 296256] Re: No wired internet connection in Ibex

2009-01-30 Thread Andres Mujica
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 274069 ***

** This bug is no longer a duplicate of bug 319553
   No Wired Internet Connection in 8.10

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 274069
   error send_packet:message too long

No wired internet connection in Ibex
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu (via bug 274069).

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[Bug 274069] Re: error send_packet:message too long

2009-01-30 Thread Andres Mujica
** Tags added: intrepid

error send_packet:message too long
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 252686] Re: Reload action on init script kills daemon

2009-01-30 Thread Thierry Carrez
Confirming on hardy. Fixed in intrepid by the LSB bugfix.

** Also affects: exim4 (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: exim4 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Invalid

** Changed in: exim4 (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Status: New = Confirmed

Reload action on init script kills daemon
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323158] [NEW] alt installer looping, dhcp request every second

2009-01-30 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
You have been subscribed to a public bug:

alt installer is trying to shut down.   not sure why it didn't finish and 
reboot, but instead gave me a menu.  I picked Finish the installation but 
nothing happened.  looking at syslog and my dhcpserver logs, I see it is 
looping doing a dhcp requests every second, 
and erroring: Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: dhclient.c(2138): null pointer 

Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: Adding [MENU] - [Choose language, Configure the 
keyboard, Detect network hardware, Configure the network, Download debconf 
preconfiguration file, Choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive, Download 
installer components, Configure
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- 0
Jan 30 06:44:40 main-menu[1516]: INFO: no default menu item
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- GET debconf/priority
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- 0 high
Jan 30 06:44:40 main-menu[1516]: INFO: Modifying debconf priority limit from 
'high' to 'medium'
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- SET debconf/priority medium
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: Setting debconf/priority to medium
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- 0 value set
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- INPUT medium debian-installer/main-menu
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- 0 question will be asked
Jan 30 06:44:40 debconf: -- GO

Jan 30 10:52:46 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to 
port 67
Jan 30 12:50:14 dhclient: DHCPACK of from
Jan 30 12:50:14 dhclient: dhclient.c(2138): null pointer
Jan 30 12:50:14 dhclient: DHCPDECLINE on eth0 to port 67
Jan 30 12:50:14 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 
interval 3
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: DHCPOFFER of from
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: DHCPACK of from
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: dhclient.c(2138): null pointer
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: DHCPDECLINE on eth0 to port 67
Jan 30 12:50:15 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 
interval 8
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: DHCPOFFER of from
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 67
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: DHCPACK of from
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: dhclient.c(2138): null pointer
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: DHCPDECLINE on eth0 to port 67
Jan 30 12:50:16 dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 
interval 8

** Affects: dhcp3 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

alt installer looping, dhcp request every second
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Server 
Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323158] Re: alt installer looping, dhcp request every second

2009-01-30 Thread Colin Watson
** Changed in: dhcp3 (Ubuntu)
Sourcepackagename: debian-installer = dhcp3

alt installer looping, dhcp request every second
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 322952] Re: several reports will not allow submitting parameters

2009-01-30 Thread Thierry Carrez
Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make
Ubuntu better.

The url_encode calls were added in 3.0.2 to fix XSS security issues,
however the implementation was buggy, as you saw.

It was later fixed in 3.0.4 by using a new escape_string function. We
need to pull that one (from cgi/cgiutils.c) to properly fix this bug,
together with all the CGIs modified to take advantage of it.

I am closing this bug because it has been fixed in the latest
development version of Ubuntu - the Jaunty Jackalope.

If you need a fix for the bug for 8.10, please do steps 1 and 2 of the
SRU Procedure [1] to bring the need to a developer's attention.


** Changed in: nagios3 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

several reports will not allow submitting parameters
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to nagios3 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 320212] Re: cannot access samba share after mount.cifs

2009-01-30 Thread Marc G.
The share is on a Windows box. This is a server of an university so I
cannot try anything special on it.

This is the output of cat /proc/fs/cifs/DebugData :

Display Internal CIFS Data Structures for Debugging
CIFS Version 1.54
Active VFS Requests: 0
1) Name:  Domain: WORKGROUP Uses: 1 OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 
3790 Service Pack 1
NOS: Windows Server 2003 R2 5.2 Capability: 0x1f3fd
SMB session status: 1   TCP status: 1
Local Users To Server: 1 SecMode: 0xf Req On Wire: 0
1) \\\data Mounts: 1 Type: NTFS DevInfo: 0x20 Attributes: 
PathComponentMax: 255 Status: 0x1 type: DISK 


cannot access samba share after mount.cifs
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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[Bug 314915] Re: gnutls fails to use Verisign CA cert without a Basic Constraint

2009-01-30 Thread Jamie Strandboge
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 305264 ***

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make
Ubuntu better. This particular bug has already been reported and appears
to be a duplicate of bug 305264, so it is being marked as such. Please
look at the other bug report to see if there is any missing information
that you can provide, or to see if there is a workaround for the bug.
Additionally, any further discussion regarding the bug should occur in
the other report. Feel free to continue to report any other bugs you may

** Changed in: gnutls13 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Invalid

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 305264
   gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation

gnutls fails to use Verisign CA cert without a Basic Constraint
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openldap in ubuntu (via bug 305264).

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[Bug 305264] Re: gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation

2009-01-30 Thread Jamie Strandboge
Commenting per request in #ubuntu-meeting.

It is a really unfortunate situation that these certificates
unintentionally passed verification before the updates. IMO, the
security fix (that is also in other distributions now) is needed and
should not be backed out. Without it, man-in-the middle attacks against
certificate chains are much easier to conduct. From a security
perspective, the patch needs to stay and the gnutls defaults of
disabling V1 certificates need to stay the same.

I am well aware that the current situation breaks certain
configurations, and do not feel I can make the final decision.

There is also the patch in bug #314915, also discussed upstream, that
may be an option. AFAICT, this patch has not been applied upstream yet
and I feel uncomfortable applying it without more Debian and Gnutls
feedback (lately, each time this section of code has been touched
another bug in the certificate chain verification popped up).

gnutls regression: failure in certificate chain validation
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openldap in ubuntu.

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[Bug 274069] Re: error send_packet:message too long

2009-01-30 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package dhcp3 - 3.1.1-5ubuntu2

dhcp3 (3.1.1-5ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low

  * Raise minimum valid MTU to 577 to avoid broken devices that send 576,
which is unlikely to be correct either (LP: #274069, debian bug #513616).

 -- Kees Cook   Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:13:15 -0800

** Changed in: dhcp3 (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Released

error send_packet:message too long
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to dhcp3 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 320212] Re: cannot access samba share after mount.cifs

2009-01-30 Thread Thierry Carrez
** Changed in: samba (Ubuntu)
   Status: Incomplete = New

cannot access samba share after mount.cifs
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323324] [NEW] package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2009-01-30 Thread Stefan Ebner
Public bug reported:

just installed updates (from today - 30.01.2009)

ProblemType: Package
Architecture: i386
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 9.04
ErrorMessage: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia
Package: mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5
SourcePackage: mysql-dfsg-5.1
Title: package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: 
subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Uname: Linux 2.6.28-5-generic i686

** Affects: mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package

package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess 
post-installation script returned error exit status 1
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-dfsg-5.1 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323324] Re: package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2009-01-30 Thread Stefan Ebner

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.gz

package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.30-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess 
post-installation script returned error exit status 1
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to mysql-dfsg-5.1 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread bobp
I also did the right thing and reported this bug in one of the reports
that was marked as a duplicate.  Yes it is frustrating to see bugs take
so long to get fixed, and ultimately lack of a positive result teaches
users to give up bothering to file bug reports.  That's not a good
thing, as it causes bugs to go unreported and impedes progress.

In the big scheme of things, using Linux teaches you patience, teaches
you to learn to live with disappointment, and teaches you to look on the
bright side:  I left Gentoo development many years ago because of
problems like this.  With that other distro, bugs would remain unfixed
and some developers would deny that bugs exist and invalidate bug
reports without fixing the bugs, just to buff up their bug closure
statistics.  Then users would fight to have them reopened, and the
developer would immediately re-close it.  It was like beating your head
against the wall.  The entire process of user reporting and developer
invalidating would repeat itself over and over again in a never ending
cycle.  It evolved into a farce.

Watching the Gentoo developers insist that the bugs don't exist can be
quite amusing -- even though I have not used the distribution any more,
I'm still receiving email updates regarding an rsync time logging bug
that remains unresolved 5 years after I first reported it, and the same
developer continues to close the bug reports every time that users re-
open them.  Ubuntu may be far from perfect, but at least the price is
right and you don't have to waste hours or days COMPILING an entire
operating system only to find that it doesn't work right.  Look on the
bright side -- our situation could be much worse than it is.

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
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[Bug 256621] Re: [CVE-2008-3459] OpenVPN vulnerability allows arbitrary command execution via crafted configuration

2009-01-30 Thread Jamie Strandboge
** Changed in: openvpn (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

** Changed in: openvpn (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: openvpn (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Importance: Undecided = Low

[CVE-2008-3459] OpenVPN vulnerability allows arbitrary command execution via 
crafted configuration
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Server Team, which is subscribed to openvpn in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323362] [NEW] While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: tomcat6

E: tomcat6: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit
status 1

ProblemType: Package
Architecture: i386
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10
ErrorMessage: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Package: tomcat6 6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1
PackageArchitecture: all
SourcePackage: tomcat6
Title: package tomcat6 6.0.18-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess 
post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Uname: Linux 2.6.27-9-generic i686

** Affects: tomcat6 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package

While updating system, it reported an error.
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to tomcat6 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323362] Re: While updating system, it reported an error.

2009-01-30 Thread Hardy

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.txt

While updating system, it reported an error.
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to tomcat6 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 286851] Re: CVE-2008-3658,2008-3659,2008-3660

2009-01-30 Thread Jamie Strandboge
** Changed in: php5 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

** Changed in: php5 (Ubuntu Hardy)
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to php5 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323409] [NEW] sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install

2009-01-30 Thread Fabien Tassin
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: sasl2-bin

Jaunty (both 32 and 64bit)

Setting up sasl2-bin (2.1.22.dfsg1-23ubuntu2) ...
: Successful return: 0
DB-fd: method not permitted before handle's open method
/var/lib/dpkg/info/sasl2-bin.postinst: line 15: 29135 Done
echo '!'
 29136 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) | saslpasswd2 -c 'no:such:user'
DB-fd: method not permitted before handle's open method
/var/lib/dpkg/info/sasl2-bin.postinst: line 15: 29278 Segmentation fault  
(core dumped) saslpasswd2 -d 'no:such:user'
warning: --update given but /etc/sasldb2 does not exist
 * To enable saslauthd, edit /etc/default/saslauthd and set START=yes

so saslpasswd2 segfaulted during install.
Confirmed manually:

r...@ix:~ # saslpasswd2 -c fake
Again (for verification): 
: Successful return: 0
DB-fd: method not permitted before handle's open method
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
r...@ix:~ # sasldblistusers2
DB-get: method not permitted before handle's open method
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have the same issue on my servers using SASL2 with sendmail, meaning
SMTP AUTH is broken.

** Affects: cyrus-sasl2 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323409] Re: sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install

2009-01-30 Thread Fabien Tassin
SourcePackage: cyrus-sasl2
 #0  0xb7b2c393 in strchrnul () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #1  0xb7aef87b in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #2  0xb7af45f0 in buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #3  0xb7aefaae in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #4  0xb7babb81 in __vfprintf_chk () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #5  0xb7cdfb65 in __db_errfile () from /usr/lib/
 #6  0xb7ce9b7f in ?? () from /usr/lib/
 #7  0xb80c95aa in ?? () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #8  0xb80c9aa9 in _sasldb_putdata () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #9  0xb80c7180 in ?? () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #10 0xb80ac5b2 in sasl_auxprop_store () from /usr/lib/
 #11 0x080495d5 in ?? ()
 #12 0xb7ac6775 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #13 0x08048d51 in ?? ()
 strchrnul () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 __vfprintf_chk () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 Thread 1 (process 8861):
 #0  0xb7b2c393 in strchrnul () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #1  0xb7aef87b in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #2  0xb7af45f0 in buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #3  0xb7aefaae in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #4  0xb7babb81 in __vfprintf_chk () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #5  0xb7cdfb65 in __db_errfile () from /usr/lib/
 #6  0xb7ce9b7f in ?? () from /usr/lib/
 #7  0xb80c95aa in ?? () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #8  0xb80c9aa9 in _sasldb_putdata () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #9  0xb80c7180 in ?? () from /usr/lib/sasl2/
 #10 0xb80ac5b2 in sasl_auxprop_store () from /usr/lib/
 #11 0x080495d5 in ?? ()
 #12 0xb7ac6775 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #13 0x08048d51 in ?? ()
Title: saslpasswd2 crashed with SIGSEGV in strchrnul()

sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread flaccid
I'm not sure that your closing point has much relevence to completing this bug. 
It merely suggests you accept the mediocrity of the situation. Of course the 
situation could be much worse than this, thats just stating the obvious. This 
does not mean its acceptable.
Oh and there are many other out of the box style Linux distros out there as 
well as desktop solutions such as PC-BSD. If you have a look around you will 
find there are dozens of alternatives to Ubuntu.
Also the good old 'but its free' argument is always bogus and classically used 
as an excuse. Ubuntu has a lot of members on board and is sponsored 
commercially so there isn't an excuse for no action here.

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323409] Re: sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install

2009-01-30 Thread Fabien Tassin
a better stack trace:

 #0  0xb7a1f393 in strchrnul () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #1  0xb79e287b in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #2  0xb79e75f0 in buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #3  0xb79e2aae in vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #4  0xb7a9eb81 in __vfprintf_chk () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #5  0xb7bd2b65 in __db_errfile (dbenv=0x9dc2140, error=0, 
 fmt=0x41df5000 Address 0x41df5000 out of bounds, 
 ap=0xbfde904c ôïû·ôïû·Àoú·Ø\220Þ¿©Êû·\200\rÜ\t\001)
 at /usr/include/bits/stdio2.h:128
fp = (FILE *) 0xb7b01560
sysbuf = 
äÿÿÿñI¡·$à ·ô\017°·Ì\214Þ¿;â ·ÈQÜ\täÿÿÿ\200!°·®Z®·Hu®·ND®·\232C®·\000\000\000\000p\215Þ¿Ôš£·Ñ1Ü\tn\215Þ¿\002\000\000\000\001\000\000\000àQÜ\tÓ1Ü\t\000\000\000\000\017H®·\0243®·#3®·\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\221ö ·p!°·ØQÜ\tÀQÜ\tîÞ ·š\214Þ¿\003\000\000\000õ\037\000\000ô\017°·ÈQÜ\t\200\214\232·\020ii\rØ\214Þ¿\210lý·\036T\233·\036T\233·Ô\214Þ¿ei¡·0µ\203·\002\000\000\000...
 #6  0xb7bdcb7f in __dbh_err (dbp=0x9dc2b98, error=0, 
 fmt=0x41df5000 Address 0x41df5000 out of bounds)
 at ../dist/../db/db_method.c:351
 No locals.
 #7  0xb7fbc5aa in berkeleydb_close (utils=0x41df5000, mbdb=0x25252525)
 at db_berkeley.c:144
ret = value optimized out
 #8  0xb7fbcaa9 in _sasldb_putdata (utils=0x9dbe520, context=0x9dc0d80, 
 authid=0x9dbf1c8 fake, realm=0x9dbf1b8 hostname, 
 propName=0x8049846 cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5, data_in=0x0, data_len=0)
 at db_berkeley.c:345
result = value optimized out
key = 0x9dbf1d8 fake
key_len = 29
dbkey = {data = 0x9dbf1d8, size = 29, ulen = 0, dlen = 0, doff = 0, 
   app_data = 0x0, flags = 0}
mbdb = (DB *) 0x9dc2b98
 #9  0xb7fba180 in sasldb_auxprop_store (glob_context=0x0, sparams=0x9dbe328, 
 ctx=0x9dbe2c0, user=0xbfdeae08 fake, ulen=4) at sasldb.c:182
userid = 0x9dbf1c8 fake
realm = 0x9dbf1b8 hostname
user_realm = value optimized out
ret = -20
tmp_res = value optimized out
to_store = value optimized out
cur = (const struct propval *) 0x9dc259c
user_buf = 0x9dbeee0 fake
 #10 0xb7f9f5b2 in sasl_auxprop_store (conn=0x9dc0d80, ctx=0x9dbe2c0, 
 user=0xbfdeae08 fake) at auxprop.c:948
getopt = (sasl_getopt_t *) 0xb7fa5f40 _sasl_conn_getopt
ret = 0
found = value optimized out
context = (void *) 0x9dc0d80
plist = 0x0
ptr = (auxprop_plug_list_t *) 0x9dc01c0
sparams = (sasl_server_params_t *) 0x9dbe328
userlen = 4
 #11 0x080495d5 in ?? ()
 #12 0xb79b9775 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 #13 0x08048d51 in ?? ()
 strchrnul () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 buffered_vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 vfprintf () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
 __vfprintf_chk () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323409] Re: sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install

2009-01-30 Thread Andreas Olsson
I can confirm these errors, using jaunty 64bit.

** Changed in: cyrus-sasl2 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 323409] Re: sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install

2009-01-30 Thread Saša Bodiroža
Same here... Jaunty 32bit

sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install
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Server Team, which is subscribed to cyrus-sasl2 in ubuntu.

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[Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread Ramon Rocha
Until this is fixed, what can we as a user community do to help
mitigate the annoyances caused by this bug?  Would it be sufficient to
describe the issue and various workarounds in the relevant places in the
community documentation?  Maybe here...

Maybe a Known Issues section should be added.

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
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Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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Re: [Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread Scott Severance

Complaining about Ubuntu's bug-fixing process won't get this bug fixed any
quicker. It just fills people's inboxes with useless drivel. Let's keep the
discussion on-topic, shall we?

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in ubuntu.

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[Bug 211631] Re: CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down

2009-01-30 Thread flaccid
Let the inboxes be filled until it is committed!

CIFS/SMBFS shares not unmounted before network is shut down
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
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2009-01-30 Thread Tahar
Bonjour à tous,

J'ai installé Ubuntu server 8.04 et j'ai installé et configuré chillispot 
dessus, la configuration est correcte mais dès que je veux démarrer le service 
j'ai une erreur  chillispot[561]: chilli.c: 373: Could not resolve IP address 
of uamserver: http://HotSpot.domainname.Net/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi! ... or 
même si je desactive cette option j'ai toujours le même message donc il ne 
prend pas en charge mon fichier de conf, même chose si je vais chilli -c 
/etc/chilli.conf j'obtiens le même message d'erreur.

Quelqu'un aurait une idée? je n'arrive pas à résoudre ce problème

Y a-t-il d'autres solutions qui font la même chose que chillispot ? 

Merci pour votre aide.
ubuntu-fr mailing list

des bonnes nouvelles pour les linuxiens

2009-01-30 Thread Constantin FABRIKEZIS


Phi-Kappa Consultant
25bis avenue du Gal DeGaulle
33640 Ayguemorte les Graves

Tel : 0033(0)5 56 677 990
Fax : 0033(0)5 56 677 991
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ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: chillispot

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Leunen
Tahar wrote:

 J'ai installé Ubuntu server 8.04 et j'ai installé et configuré 
 chillispot dessus, la configuration est correcte mais dès que je veux 
 démarrer le service j'ai une erreur  /chillispot/[561]: chilli.c: 373: 
 /Could not resolve IP address of uamserver/: 
 http://HotSpot.domainname.Net/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi! *...* or même 
 si je desactive cette option j'ai toujours le même message donc il ne 
 prend pas en charge mon fichier de conf, même chose si je vais chilli -c 
 /etc/chilli.conf j'obtiens le même message d'erreur.

Je ne connais pas ce programme mais manifestement, l'adresse
http://HotSpot.domainname.Net n'existe pas. Et c'est ce que te dit le 
message d'erreur. Le DNS ne connaissant pas ce nom de domaine, il ne 
peut en faire la résolution de nom. D'où le message d'erreur.
Ne dois-tu pas remplacer cette adresse par une autre, une qui 
t'appartient, le nom de domaine de ton access point par exemple?

Michel Leunen

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re : chillispot

2009-01-30 Thread Tahar
Le problème est là justement même si je remplace par n'importe quelle adresse, 
il me laisse le même message et la même adresse inconnue voir si je commente le 
champs UAM il me laisse toujours la même chose même URL inconnue c'est pour ça 
que je ne comprends pas ce que je dois faire réellement

De : Michel Leunen
À : Tahar
Cc : Ubuntu
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 30 Janvier 2009, 9h54mn 24s
Objet : Re: chillispot

Tahar wrote:

 J'ai installé Ubuntu server 8.04 et j'ai installé et configuré chillispot 
 dessus, la configuration est correcte mais dès que je veux démarrer le 
 service j'ai une erreur  /chillispot/[561]: chilli.c: 373: /Could not resolve 
 IP address of uamserver/: 
 http://HotSpot.domainname.Net/cgi-bin/hotspotlogin.cgi! *...* or même si je 
 desactive cette option j'ai toujours le même message donc il ne prend pas en 
 charge mon fichier de conf, même chose si je vais chilli -c /etc/chilli.conf 
 j'obtiens le même message d'erreur.

Je ne connais pas ce programme mais manifestement, l'adresse
http://HotSpot.domainname.Net n'existe pas. Et c'est ce que te dit le message 
d'erreur. Le DNS ne connaissant pas ce nom de domaine, il ne peut en faire la 
résolution de nom. D'où le message d'erreur.
Ne dois-tu pas remplacer cette adresse par une autre, une qui t'appartient, le 
nom de domaine de ton access point par exemple?

-- Michel Leunen
ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Re : chillispot

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Leunen
Tahar wrote:
 Le problème est là justement même si je remplace par n'importe quelle 
 adresse, il me laisse le même message et la même adresse inconnue voir 
 si je commente le champs UAM il me laisse toujours la même chose même 
 URL inconnue c'est pour ça que je ne comprends pas ce que je dois faire 

D'après ce que j'ai trouvé sur:

Spécifiez ici l’adresse sur laquelle les clients seront redirigés pour 
la demande
d’authentification. L’adresse IP ci-dessus correspond à l’adresse IP 
(fixe) du serveur
Chillispot côté réseau WiFi (interface eth1).

Autrement dit c'est l'adresse IP de ta machine sur laquelle tu as 
installé ton serveur.

Michel Leunen

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Logiciel d'écriture musicale

2009-01-30 Thread lrebeaud
J'avais un peu lâché Ubuntu, découragé par les difficultés de la gestion du 
dual boot avec Windows (plantages fréquents du système). C'était Ubuntu 6.06 à 

Je viens d'installer une récente version d'Ubuntu (Hardy, 8.04.2) sur un 
ordinateur relativement ancien avec un Windows XP et un système de fichiers 
FAT, et je dois dire que c'est un vrai éblouissement. Tout s'est installé en 
dix minutes, sans souci de partition du disque, et le dual boot marche sans 
l'ombre d'un souci. Donc je travaille sous Ubuntu pour toutes les applications 
de bureautique, de graphisme et de trafic internet. Et j'en suis ravi.

Malheureusement, je ne peux pas me résoudre à éliminer Windows, parce que 
j'écris des partitions de musique. Je travaille avec Finale, qui tourne sous 
Windows, et je n'ai pas trouvé d'équivalent dans le monde Linux.

Mes questions: 
1- existe-t-il un logiciel d'écriture musicale équivalant à Finale qui 
fonctionne avec Linux?
2- Existe-t-il une astuce qui permette d'utiliser Finale sous Ubuntu?-- 
ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Logiciel d'écriture musicale

2009-01-30 Thread alexandre
Le Friday 30 January 2009 12:59:25, vous avez écrit :
 J'avais un peu lâché Ubuntu, découragé par les difficultés de la gestion du
 dual boot avec Windows (plantages fréquents du système). C'était Ubuntu
 6.06 à l'époque.

 Je viens d'installer une récente version d'Ubuntu (Hardy, 8.04.2) sur un
 ordinateur relativement ancien avec un Windows XP et un système de fichiers
 FAT, et je dois dire que c'est un vrai éblouissement. Tout s'est installé
 en dix minutes, sans souci de partition du disque, et le dual boot marche
 sans l'ombre d'un souci. Donc je travaille sous Ubuntu pour toutes les
 applications de bureautique, de graphisme et de trafic internet. Et j'en
 suis ravi.

 Malheureusement, je ne peux pas me résoudre à éliminer Windows, parce que
 j'écris des partitions de musique. Je travaille avec Finale, qui tourne
 sous Windows, et je n'ai pas trouvé d'équivalent dans le monde Linux.
en libre et multiplateforme, il y a lilypond, qui au niveau fonctionnalité et 
qualité du rendu n'a rien à envier aux éditeurs proprio. Seul bémol, son 
principe de fonctionnement basé sur latex. En gros tu edites un code source 
dans un editeur de texte comme gedit par exemple, puis apres tu compiles ce 
code, ce qui te genere un beau pdf et un fichier midi entre autre. Si tu 
préferes une GUI, il lexiste denemo ou rosegarden qui sont basé sur le moteur 
de lilypond.
site officiel :
denemo :
autre site tres complet sur le sujet : 

 Mes questions:
 1- existe-t-il un logiciel d'écriture musicale équivalant à Finale qui
 fonctionne avec Linux? 2- Existe-t-il une astuce qui permette d'utiliser
 Finale sous Ubuntu?
Pour ce qui est de faire tourner finale sur ubuntu, la seule piste qui 
pourrait s'averer viable, c'est wine, l'implementation libre de l'api 

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Logiciel d'écriture musicale

2009-01-30 Thread alexandre
Le Friday 30 January 2009 12:59:25, vous avez écrit :
 J'avais un peu lâché Ubuntu, découragé par les difficultés de la gestion du
 dual boot avec Windows (plantages fréquents du système). C'était Ubuntu
 6.06 à l'époque.

 Je viens d'installer une récente version d'Ubuntu (Hardy, 8.04.2) sur un
 ordinateur relativement ancien avec un Windows XP et un système de fichiers
 FAT, et je dois dire que c'est un vrai éblouissement. Tout s'est installé
 en dix minutes, sans souci de partition du disque, et le dual boot marche
 sans l'ombre d'un souci. Donc je travaille sous Ubuntu pour toutes les
 applications de bureautique, de graphisme et de trafic internet. Et j'en
 suis ravi.

 Malheureusement, je ne peux pas me résoudre à éliminer Windows, parce que
 j'écris des partitions de musique. Je travaille avec Finale, qui tourne
 sous Windows, et je n'ai pas trouvé d'équivalent dans le monde Linux.
Equivalent ? on a mieux qu'un équivalent, lilypond, pas forcément très facile 
à prendre en main, du fait qu'il fontionne comme latex, en gros dans gedit ou 

 Mes questions:
 1- existe-t-il un logiciel d'écriture musicale équivalant à Finale qui
 fonctionne avec Linux? 2- Existe-t-il une astuce qui permette d'utiliser
 Finale sous Ubuntu?

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Logiciel d'écriture musicale

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Leunen wrote:

 Je viens d'installer une récente version d'Ubuntu (Hardy, 8.04.2) sur un 
 ordinateur relativement ancien avec un Windows XP et un système de 
 fichiers FAT, et je dois dire que c'est un vrai éblouissement. Tout 
 s'est installé en dix minutes, sans souci de partition du disque, et le 
 dual boot marche sans l'ombre d'un souci. Donc je travaille sous Ubuntu 
 pour toutes les applications de bureautique, de graphisme et de trafic 
 internet. Et j'en suis ravi.

Et nous aussi :-)

 1- existe-t-il un logiciel d'écriture musicale équivalant à Finale qui 
 fonctionne avec Linux?

LE programme d'édition musicale sous Linux, c'est LilyPond. C'est 
déroutant parce que ça fonctionne un peu comme latex. On donne des 
instructions au programme, il n'y a pas d'interface graphique. 
Mais...tout n'est pas perdu pour les accrocs de l'interface graphique, 
il existe Denemo qui est un front-end pour LilyPond:

 2- Existe-t-il une astuce qui permette d'utiliser Finale sous Ubuntu?

Il faudrait essayer avec Wine ou dans une machine virtuelle comme VMWare 
ou VirtualBox.

Michel Leunen

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Ajouter un UUID.

2009-01-30 Thread Alexandre DAUMAS

Je viens de créer un nouveau volume logique, et afin de pouvoir le monter sans 
problème au démarrage il me faudrait pourvoir avoir son UUID dans 
Je ne me souviens plus comment rajouter un nouveau UUID dans ce dossier, 
quelqu'un peut il me rafraichir la mémoire? 



ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Ajouter un UUID.

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Leunen
Alexandre DAUMAS wrote:

 Je viens de créer un nouveau volume logique, et afin de pouvoir le 
 monter sans problème au démarrage il me faudrait pourvoir avoir son UUID 
 dans /dev/disk/by-uuid.
 Je ne me souviens plus comment rajouter un nouveau UUID dans ce dossier, 
 quelqu'un peut il me rafraichir la mémoire?

Je ne sais âs trop bien ce que tu veux réaliser mais pour connaître 
l'UUID d'une partition, tu peux faire:

   $ sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdxx
   $ blkid

Michel Leunen

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Problème tablette suite mises à jou r

2009-01-30 Thread Mohand
Bonjour à tous,
Suite aux mises à jour proposées ce matin (Linux-headers ...),  ma 
tablette Bamboo One ne marche plus! C'est peut-être une histoire de 
module, de kernel et/ou de wacom.ko à déplacer ou à copier ailleurs, 
mais je n'en sais pas plus, je roule encore comme un cube!
Auriez-vous une idée? Je suis sous la 8.04 (Hardy).
Et puis, je voudrais dire pardon et merci à Thierry Andriamirado. La 
dernière fois Je n'ai pas pu répondre à ta proposition de lancer Gimp 
avec gimp -c  pour voir d'où pouvait venir sa fermeture inopinée. 
C'était au sujet de la disparition du curseur pendant que je travaillais 
sous Gimp. Le problème ne s'est plus reposé, du coup je ne sais pas ce 
qui l'avait provoqué!!!
Merci à tous

ubuntu-fr mailing list

probleme avec MANDVD

2009-01-30 Thread raymond Liabaste
Bonjour à tous,

Quand j'essaye de générer un diaporama avec mandvd, il me donne cette 
erreur :  ERROR: Input file slideshow.txt does not exist.
C'est quoi ce fichier qu'il ne trouve pas? Il ser à quoi ?
Si quelqu'un a une idée.


ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Problème tablette suite mises à jour

2009-01-30 Thread Mohand
Mohand a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Suite aux mises à jour proposées ce matin (Linux-headers ...),  ma 
 tablette Bamboo One ne marche plus! C'est peut-être une histoire de 
 module, de kernel et/ou de wacom.ko à déplacer ou à copier ailleurs, 
 mais je n'en sais pas plus, je roule encore comme un cube!
 Auriez-vous une idée? Je suis sous la 8.04 (Hardy).
 Et puis, je voudrais dire pardon et merci à Thierry Andriamirado. La 
 dernière fois Je n'ai pas pu répondre à ta proposition de lancer Gimp 
 avec gimp -c  pour voir d'où pouvait venir sa fermeture inopinée. 
 C'était au sujet de la disparition du curseur pendant que je travaillais 
 sous Gimp. Le problème ne s'est plus reposé, du coup je ne sais pas ce 
 qui l'avait provoqué!!!
 Merci à tous

Hola! personne n'a eu ce problème ce matin? (Je parle des possesseurs de 
tablette Bamboo One).
Sinon, d'une manière générale, y a-t-il moyen de savoir quelles étaient 
ces mises à jour proposées ce matin par le gestionnaire de paquets 
synaptic, pour un Hardy qui était à jour la veille?
Le problème est survenu juste après le redémarrage nécessaire suite à 
l'installation des mises à jour.
Un p'tit up serrait le bienvenu.

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Problème tablette suite mises à jour

2009-01-30 Thread Michel Leunen
Mohand wrote:

 Sinon, d'une manière générale, y a-t-il moyen de savoir quelles étaient 
 ces mises à jour proposées ce matin par le gestionnaire de paquets 
 synaptic, pour un Hardy qui était à jour la veille?

Oui, il suffit d'ouvrir Synaptic et dans le menu Fichier, cliquer sur 
Historique. Choisis la date d'hier et il te dira quelles sont les mises 
à jour effectuées à la date donnée. C'est très utile parfois. Ceci dit, 
quelqu'un sait comment faire la même chose depuis une ligne de commande?

Michel Leunen

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Problème tablette suite mises à jour

2009-01-30 Thread Mohand
Michel Leunen a écrit :

 Mohand wrote:

 Sinon, d'une manière générale, y a-t-il moyen de savoir quelles 
 étaient ces mises à jour proposées ce matin par le gestionnaire de 
 paquets synaptic, pour un Hardy qui était à jour la veille?

 Oui, il suffit d'ouvrir Synaptic et dans le menu Fichier, cliquer sur 
 Historique. Choisis la date d'hier et il te dira quelles sont les 
 mises à jour effectuées à la date donnée. C'est très utile parfois. 
 Ceci dit, quelqu'un sait comment faire la même chose depuis une ligne 
 de commande?

Super pratique!, l'historique dans Synaptic. Je n'y avais jamais pensé 
auparavant. Merci Michel, même si ça ne résout pas mon problème de 
tablette bloquée suite à cette mise à jour de ce matin: (une dizaine de 
paquets quand-même!) comment savoir lequel est fautif?
Tiens, autre chose, puisqu'on est dans Synaptic, comment faire pour 
avoir les petits descriptifs des paquets, en français? Chez moi ils sont 
presque tous en anglais.
Thank you ;-)

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Résolu: Problème tablette suite mis es à jour

2009-01-30 Thread Mohand
Mohand a écrit :
 Bonjour à tous,
 Suite aux mises à jour proposées ce matin (Linux-headers ...),  ma 
 tablette Bamboo One ne marche plus! C'est peut-être une histoire de 
 module, de kernel et/ou de wacom.ko à déplacer ou à copier ailleurs, 
 mais je n'en sais pas plus, je roule encore comme un cube!
 Auriez-vous une idée? Je suis sous la 8.04 (Hardy).
 Et puis, je voudrais dire pardon et merci à Thierry Andriamirado. La 
 dernière fois Je n'ai pas pu répondre à ta proposition de lancer Gimp 
 avec gimp -c  pour voir d'où pouvait venir sa fermeture inopinée. 
 C'était au sujet de la disparition du curseur pendant que je travaillais 
 sous Gimp. Le problème ne s'est plus reposé, du coup je ne sais pas ce 
 qui l'avait provoqué!!!
 Merci à tous

C'était bien ce que je pensais. Je viens de copier le fichier wacom.ko 
qui se trouvait dans ~/linuxwacom-0.8.2-1/src/2.6.24 vers 
J'ai redémarré et ça a marché, même mieux qu'avant! Ce qui est curieux 
c'est qu'il y avait déjà un wacom.ko dans le module, mais il ne pesait 
que 24,7 Kio, alors que l'autre, par lequel je l'ai remplacé pèse 254,8 
Bon, c'est un peu empirique peut-être mais ma tablette remarche de 
nouveau, y compris dans Gimp. Super!
Heureusement que je n'avais rien à rendre pour demain!
Bonne soirée à tous!

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Logiciel d'écriture musicale

2009-01-30 Thread al1 a crit:

  J'avais un peu lch Ubuntu,
dcourag par les difficults de la gestion du dual boot avec Windows
(plantages frquents du systme). C'tait Ubuntu 6.06  l'poque.
  Je viens d'installer une rcente
version d'Ubuntu (Hardy, 8.04.2) sur un ordinateur relativement ancien
avec un Windows XP et un systme de fichiers FAT, et je dois dire que
c'est un vrai blouissement. Tout s'est install en dix minutes, sans
souci de partition du disque, et le dual boot marche sans l'ombre d'un
souci. Donc je travaille sous Ubuntu pour toutes les applications de
bureautique, de graphisme et de trafic internet.Et j'en suis ravi.
  Malheureusement, je ne peux pas me
rsoudre  liminer Windows, parce que j'cris des partitions de
musique. Je travaille avec Finale, qui tourne sous Windows, et je n'ai
pas trouv d'quivalent dans le monde Linux.
  Mes questions: 
  1- existe-t-il un logiciel
d'criture musicale quivalant  Finale qui fonctionne avec Linux?
  2- Existe-t-il une astuce qui
permette d'utiliser Finale sous Ubuntu?

J'utilise Lilypond avec comme GUI noteEdit
qui gnrent des fichiers dans un format reconnu par lilypond et gre
lui mme l'appel  lilypond, ce qui fait qu'au final pour l'utilisateur
la partition semble directement gnre par noteEdit.

Plutt simple, puissant et configurable avec des possibilits d'diter
en combinant clavier et souris ce qui rend le travail assez productif.

Je ne peux par contre pas faire la comparaison avec Finale que je
connais pas.

ubuntu-fr mailing list

[Bug 322737] Re: e1000e-ich9m: no wired ethernet adapter Intel 82567LM Dell E6500 @ ubuntu 8.04

2009-01-30 Thread Supercows
** Summary changed:

- no wired ethernet adapter Intel 82567LM Dell E6500 @ ubuntu 8.04
+ e1000e-ich9m: no wired ethernet adapter Intel 82567LM Dell E6500 @ ubuntu 8.04

** Tags added: 82567lm checksum e1000e e1000e-ich9m nvm

e1000e-ich9m: no wired ethernet adapter Intel 82567LM Dell E6500 @ ubuntu 8.04
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 310928] Re: dmraid-activate is broken for isw arrays (dmraid rc15)

2009-01-30 Thread Giuseppe Iuculano
Great, committed in the git repository and uploaded to Debian

** Changed in: dmraid (Ubuntu)
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Committed

dmraid-activate is broken for isw arrays (dmraid rc15)
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323070] [NEW] package python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1

2009-01-30 Thread Lars Bauer Jørgensen
Public bug reported:

(Læser database... 398068 filer og mapper aktuelt installeret.)
Gør klar til at erstatte python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 (med 
INFO: using old version '/usr/bin/python2.3'
INFO: using old version '/usr/bin/python2.3'
pycentral: pycentral pkgprepare: not overwriting local files
pycentral pkgprepare: not overwriting local files
dpkg: fejl under behandling af 
/var/cache/apt/archives/python-pygame_1.8.1release-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack):
 underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1
INFO: using old version '/usr/bin/python2.3'
Der opstod fejl under behandlingen:

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/python-pygame_1.8.1release-0ubuntu1_i386.deb:
underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1

ProblemType: Package
Architecture: i386
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10
ErrorMessage: underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 
Package: python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1
SourcePackage: pygame
Title: package python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: 
underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1
Uname: Linux 2.6.27-11-server i686

** Affects: pygame (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package

package python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: 
underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323070] Re: package python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1

2009-01-30 Thread Lars Bauer Jørgensen

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.gz

package python-pygame 1.7.1release-4.1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: 
underproces pre-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 323066] [NEW] Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy
Public bug reported:

Using a Logitech Cordless Desktop MX700. All Multimedia Function keys are 
ignored, e.g. not detected.
In hardy - it still worked if under X (KDE 3.5.x) I did not use the evdev 
driver. In intrepid, even if not using the evdev driver, it doesn't.

The Mouse is working OK in fallback mode - e.g. only the default buttons are 
If unplugging and replugging while under X , the Cordless Desktop Receiver, 
almost all Multimedia Keys are working. But not all.

 I attached the xorg.0.log file, with the content of informations during the 
unplugging and replugging.
 dmesg, lsusb and lspci also attached.

- I have tested the kernel proposed in Bug #281993 (regression fix for 
Microsoft Keyboards). Didn't work.
- I had the same issue in Hardy when letting the Keyboard running using the 
evdev Driver. When disabling it and configuring the Keyboard/Mouse Manually, it 
worked. The configurations that worked are documented here:
 As you can see the keyboard and mouse drivers had to be explicitely used.

As proposed in Bug: 321740 I tried to check the showkey -s / -k commands
on the console, showed up absolutely nothing. Kept staying empty. Not
difference here even after replugging the Cordless Desktop Receiver.

Kernel Version: 
 - Linux firebird 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Jan 28 00:02:01 UTC 2009 i686 
 - Ubuntu 2.6.27-11.26-generic

** Affects: ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323066] Re: Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy

** Attachment added: Xorg.0.log

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323066] Re: Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy

** Attachment added: lspci output

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323066] Re: Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy

** Attachment added: lsusb output

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323066] Re: Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy
Note that I have replugged the cordless desktop receiver several times
in tests - so the unplug/repluging is seen at the end.

** Attachment added: dmesg output

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323066] Re: Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected

2009-01-30 Thread Smurphy
Just saw the following on the pages of :
   When your keyboard is connected via USB you may have noticed that some extra 
function keys don't work. Note that most keyboard files in keyTouch are for a 
PS/2 connection and if a keyboard file is for a USB connection the name of the 
keyboard file will contain (USB). But still even if you are using the right 
keyboard file, some keys may not work. This is because the current USB input 
driver in the Linux kernel does not allow us to get these keys working. 
Currently I am modifying this driver so that we can get all keys working. This 
modification will be applied to the Linux kernel.
   So at the moment I recommend you to connect your keyboard via PS/2 and wait 
for a new version of the USB input driver. I will also write a new version of 
keyTouch that will work perfectly together with the new driver.
So yes - it's a Bug - and hopefully a new kernel version will fix it, and some 
new keytouch keyboard files mainly done for USB.

Intrepid - MX700 Cordless Desktop - Multimedia Key functionality not detected
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 285834] Re: Audio out on x200 dockingstation doesn't work

2009-01-30 Thread ccc1
can someone of the ubuntu-audioteam set this bug to confirmed?
should we report this bug somewhere else, since nobody here seems to care?


Audio out on x200 dockingstation doesn't work
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 323071] [NEW] KGoldRunner crash on exit

2009-01-30 Thread Alexandros
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: kgoldrunner

A crash occurred when exiting kgoldrunner. This happened under Ubuntu
8.10 and the package version is 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1.

** Affects: kdegames (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

KGoldRunner crash on exit
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Kubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to kdegames in ubuntu.

kubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323071] Re: KGoldRunner crash on exit

2009-01-30 Thread Alexandros

** Attachment added: kgoldrunner.kcrash

KGoldRunner crash on exit
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Kubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to kdegames in ubuntu.

kubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache
@Tormod Volden
Below are the Xorg.0.log and xorg.conf  I was last using, after trying to 
switch to radeonhd with no success.

** Attachment added: E:\bug\xorg.conf.radeonhd

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache

** Attachment added: E:\bug\Xorg.0.log.radeonhd

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache

** Attachment added: E:\bug\Xorg.0.log.radeonhd

** Attachment removed: E:\bug\Xorg.0.log.radeonhd

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache
Next are the files for the radeon driver:

** Attachment added: E:\bug\xorg.conf.radeon

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
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[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache

** Attachment added: E:\bug\Xorg.0.log.radeon

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
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[Bug 320930] Re: [kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690

2009-01-30 Thread Sorin Enache
And the log from booting after deleting xorg.conf:

** Attachment added: E:\bug\Xorg.0.log.clean

[kubuntu jaunty] huge fonts, unusable KDE on ati rs690
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[Bug 323057] Re: linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic_2.6.27-11.26_i386 update failure

2009-01-30 Thread T3kM4n
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 323060 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 323060
   package linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic None [modified: 
/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic.list] failed to 
install/upgrade: subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2

linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic_2.6.27-11.26_i386 update failure
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323074] [NEW] KPatience crash when executing

2009-01-30 Thread Alexandros
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: kpat

When I try to start KPatience, it crashes immediately. This occurs on 
Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 8.10.
Also, I have uploaded all the crash dumps generated.

** Affects: kdegames (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

KPatience crash when executing
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323074] Re: KPatience crash when executing

2009-01-30 Thread Alexandros

** Attachment added: crashes.tar.gz

KPatience crash when executing
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Kubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to kdegames in ubuntu.

kubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 323073] [NEW] package libgtk2.0-dev 2.1 4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk 2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras

2009-01-30 Thread Stormhierta
Public bug reported:

Crashed when updating

ProblemType: Package
Architecture: i386
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10
ErrorMessage: paketet libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras
NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia
Package: libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2
SourcePackage: gtk+2.0
Title: package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras
Uname: Linux 2.6.27-11-generic i686

** Affects: gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package

package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 323073] Re: package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14. 4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk2. 0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras

2009-01-30 Thread Stormhierta

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.txt

package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 323072] [NEW] package libgtk2.0-bin 2.1 4.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk 2.0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras

2009-01-30 Thread Stormhierta
Public bug reported:

Crashed when updating

ProblemType: Package
Architecture: i386
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 8.10
ErrorMessage: paketet libgtk2.0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras
NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia
Package: libgtk2.0-bin 2.14.4-0ubuntu2
PackageArchitecture: all
SourcePackage: gtk+2.0
Title: package libgtk2.0-bin 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras
Uname: Linux 2.6.27-11-generic i686

** Affects: gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: apport-package

package libgtk2.0-bin 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 323072] Re: package libgtk2.0-bin 2.14. 4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk2. 0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras

2009-01-30 Thread Stormhierta

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: DpkgTerminalLog.txt

package libgtk2.0-bin 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet 
libgtk2.0-bin är inte redo för att konfigureras
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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