Re: US website theme RFC request for screenshots

2011-05-08 Thread Benjamin Turner

On 05/08/2011 03:43 PM, Jorge G. Mare wrote:


Although this is still very much work in progress, I thought I would
put the new website in it's current state on a staging URL so that you
guys can play with it:

Jorge -

This looks great!

On a first walkthrough I found that I wanted to navigate the homepage's 
info carousel by clicking on the images below the text held in the 
unordered list with id=flowtabs.

To a certain extent this section of the page feels like an accordion 
interaction, so when I couldn't click on the images I had to find out 
*how* to interact with it - ie. click the text.

In the grand scheme of things, not to big, just something that *feels* 
like it should be interactive.

Text looks awesome! I like the line spacing, and the subtle grey border 
below the h2 tags. There is only one thing I might play with in regards 
to text, and that is the post's meta content. The way it is currently 
looks beautiful, but the content isn't as *scan-able* By that I mean 
that when I scroll down the page the individual post titles (h2) stand 
out, but the content of the post doesn't stand out from the meta - ie. 
author, post date, etc...

In terms of a solution - Hmmm... the quick thing would be to make the 
meta smaller. Another possible solution would be to not have it on the 
home page, or to have a limited amount showing, when the viewer clicks 
through to the single post they would get more details. I'm not as 
thrilled with that solution, but it could work.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

- Benjamin

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Re: US website theme RFC request for screenshots

2011-04-19 Thread Benjamin Turner

On 04/16/2011 02:16 PM, Jorge G. Mare wrote:

I got a bit created and come up with another iteration for the front page:
Jorge these look so cool! I can't wait for it to be (somewhat) live so I 
can see the hover effects and links!

One other thing - I didn't see until I zoomed in to full size - Nice job 
on the background, the grey 'dimples' give a nice subtle texture, 
keeping it interesting but not distracting! Great!

- Benjamin

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Re: US website theme RFC request for screenshots

2011-04-14 Thread Benjamin Turner

News post

User profile

Blog post


Jorge -
I think that this theme is coming along wonderfully.  There are a few 
things that you may still be working on, but I thought I would give my 2 
cents. The main elements of page adhere to a pretty good grid system 
(the green lines in the link below). There are some things that don't 
really follow the grid that you are beginning to establish (red lines).
It seems that perhaps these elements are part of the 'main content' or 
something like that, and that they are structured more like a directory 
tree - great for viewing files - but somewhat breaking from your design 

Overall, I think that your font choices are doing their jobs - I can 
tell that 'UbuntuStudio Live Recording' is the title of the article, and 
that the 'view edit unpublish' are navigational. However the 'Home' from 
the main menu and the 'home' in the content area feels a little 
redundant, or perhaps unclear as to what each instance does. Perhaps if 
you are trying to establish where the user is, you could hi-light the 
'home' in the menu area?

I've uploaded a screenshot with a few annotations to hopefully clarify 
what I mean:

Thanks for all the great work you're doing!
- Benjamin

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Re: Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu Studio Website)

2010-10-10 Thread Benjamin Turner
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Brian David wrote:

 Alright, here's my next go at it:

 I tried to add a little of all the designs we've seen so far.  Think of
 this as the landing page, with the main site looking more along the lines of
 Scott's mock-up, except with a matching palette.  Also, I decided to move
 away from the darker colors, just to see what it was like.  All the links
 and examples are basically placeholders, and can be replaced by whatever.

 Let me know what you think.

 -Brian David

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I'm liking the structural elements, specifically how the logo is front and
center, anchoring the whole page.

One thing that feels just a bit off to me is that the colors are all so
close to each other on the color wheel - blues to purple, with a bunch of
white. I wonder what would happen if you incorporated just a touch of
yellow, maybe orange, to add some contrast.

- Benjamin
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Re: Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu Studio Website)

2010-10-05 Thread Benjamin Turner
In response to Scott's original mockup:

Good work Scott!

So, starting with what works:

1) I like that things have been moved up the page.  The old site was pretty,
but simple, with specific information at least a scroll's length down the

2) Navigation wise, I would say that someone that lands here has the
potential of getting their bearings quickly.  The global nav is
easily accessible in the upper right, along with lower level categories on
the left being easily skimmed by the eye without having to 'move' the page.

3) On the old site the blog entries were pretty small, closer to tweets --
Look a new release!  With this mockup, the space is tuned more to those
types of posts.  Someone can easily take in the most recent information,
again without 'moving the page.'

As for what it can do better:

1) I don't really like the social media icons.  They seem to clutter up that
valuable 'upper right' real estate.  I would question how much use they will
get.  However, if we do decide that they belong, then I think the icons
themselves need to be desaturated.  These current colors are good for THEIR
respective brands, but totally destroy our color scheme, and our brand.
 Perhaps gray/black social media icons, that regain their color with a mouse

2) I would tend to agree with others that the mock-up feels busy.  I think
that the majority of this has to do with the font settings, and to a lesser
extent, certain page elements not lining up. (I'll post something later
showing what I mean)

I would submit that much 'breathing room' could be created by using a
tighter editorial writing style coupled with a larger line height, and
greater margins/padding.

A quick example - within the 'what is ubuntu' section:

Watch the YouTube video for a quick explanation of what Ubuntu Studio
offers or look at the feature walkthrough for a more in depth exploration of
the features available in Ubuntu Studio.

This feels wordy, and could possibly be removed or rewritten to something
more succinct:

Explore what Ubuntu Studio can do for you

 ** A link to the walk-though would be included.  As for the youtube video,
having that video right there with the 'play' button ready to go, is more
than enough prompting for most people.

Summary :  All in all I think this shows some merit, with more work needed
on the actual wording, along with spacing the text correctly, and
better alignment of the various page elements.

I'll throw in a little design time this weekend, once I get a hold
on Scott's svg.  Good work guys!

-- Benjamin
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Introducing Myself

2010-09-15 Thread Benjamin Turner
Hello everyone!

My name is Benjamin Turner and I am an artist living and working in Portland
Oregon.  Much of my focus has been with painting and sculpture, but over the
last few years I have been getting more involved with digital art and web

I recently read the interview on The Fridge with Scott and began snooping
around the website revamp page.  I'd love to help out where I can.  This
means that I know a 'bit' of the web development side of things -
specifically front-end stuff - HTML/CSS, but have more experience with
general design, layout, color, illustration etc... artsy fartsy stuff.

Here are some samples of things I have created.  This first link focuses
more on my 3d ceramic work, while the second is of my webcomic (All

Looking forward to helping out!

-- Benjamin
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