Re: Samsung Q1 Ultra and webcam

2008-06-24 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Oliver Grawert escreveu:

 the uvcvideo driver should work with this device


This camera is not uvc compliant, unfortunately.



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Re: Hildon application porting question

2008-06-06 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Spencer, Bob escreveu:
 Is there a way to setup so that it automatically sets the
 USE_HILDON flag if building for LCIA?  I know how to set up a that will check for --enable-hildon flag, but for UME I
 thought I recall that if LCIA arch then always USE_HILDON.  I don't know
 exactly how to do this or if we ever decided on a standard.

Hi Bob.

I usually add this rule to debian/rules

ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), lpia)

Which causes the congiure be called with an extra --enable-hildon in
case the lpia arch is being build.

This, plus something like that in or


AC_ARG_ENABLE(hildon,AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-hildon],[Turn on hildon
   if test x$enableval = xyes; then


Will enable a HAVE_HILDON flag you can test in building time to enable
or disable your changes for the lpia arch.
Check some of my sources. I've done all kinds of combinations using
autotools or just makefiles.



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Changes on vacations

2008-06-03 Thread Adilson Oliveira

Due to workload caused by the pending release of UME, I'll be working
normally the next few days and will take the rest of my vacations
hopefully next week.



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Changing roles

2008-05-29 Thread Adilson Oliveira

As some of you already know, I'm joining the Solutions Group in a new
role as Field Engineer starting by 30/05.
During those next weeks, except next one as I'll be on vacations), I'll
be working on integrate myself into this new role and passing my current
obligations so, if you need anything new, talk to David or Löic first,
Anyway, don't think you will get rid of me very easily as my new role
will make me continue to work with the mobile team :)



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Re: Changing roles

2008-05-29 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Adilson Oliveira escreveu:
 As some of you already know, I'm joining the Solutions Group in a new
 role as Field Engineer starting by 30/05.

Sorry, I meant 30/06.



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Re: Should I try Ubuntu Mobile?

2008-04-21 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Ahmed Trabelsi escreveu:
 Hi all,
 I have a HTC Tytn, and i would try UME in my smartphone.
 Were can i have an iso or sources ?
 Thanks all.


UME, at least for now, is not for smartphones or PDAs but to MID
devices. Please, take a look here:



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Re: Should I try Ubuntu Mobile?

2008-04-21 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Neil escreveu:

 Okay then: here start my questions. I am sad to say that I will start
 of with a question that I should know the answer to,  but I never came
 around to find out how it works.
 If I run apt-get install moblin-image-creator (as su) my dear EEEpc
 responds with:
 Reading package list.done
 Builinng dependency tree done
 E: couldn 't find package mobilin-image-creator
 I als tried this on a Ubuntu 7.10 64 bit system, same result.
 What is the problem? What am I missing?


Did you enable the universe repository?



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Re: Should I try Ubuntu Mobile?

2008-04-21 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Rob Lifford escreveu:

 Adilson, is the version in that repo up-to-date? Several weeks ago, I had an
 issue where the version I was getting via apt-get was out-of-date and
 couldn't build a working target.
 FWIW, the directions here --  -- worked
 for me, and proved to be the only way I could find that provided the most
 up-to-date version of Moblin Image Creator. Though that issue may well be
 resolved by now.

Hi there.

Moblin and UME are different projects. Moblin is, partially, UME's
upstream so parts taken from there may be newer because there was no
time to bring them to UME's repositories.



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Status report for Apr 10 to Apr 16

2008-04-16 Thread Adilson Oliveira
* Working on a clock application for the SoW. The bits are already in
place, sowing (no pun intended) all together now.
* Tested several different combinations to interface and present things
that could be interesting to be kept visible to the user as a clock,
calendar or a weather applet. The problem is that the current way to
present the menu enters in the way and takes the whole home space. The
native home applets work well thought and it's an alternative to the
current html interface. A little bit of cairo + xcompmgr does a lot of
difference visually, btw :)



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Re: Sugestions about how to handle rdp sessions on UME

2008-04-03 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Dustin Spicuzza escreveu:
 My touchscreen uses the evtouch driver, and the way it implements right
 click is it waits for you to double click somewhere, and it then
 simulates a right click instead. I think then a triple click simulates a
 double click... but, in any case, it works rather well.  Implementing
 something like that at the X server level or driver level would probably
 be the way to go -- and the code for doing that would be pretty simple
 to do.


I was checking the evtouch driver yesterday and the idea is OK but I'm
thinking in a way to make it a little more compatible with the usual way
to do things, trying not to translate one type of click into other.
The evtouch don't expose the full state machine provided by evlib. If
so, things like long touch and one-and-half tap can make a better
interface in my opinion, emulating the way other OSs work. For instance,
to solve my own problem with rdesktop:
* long touch = right click
* tripple tap = toggle panning or
 * tap-and-drag = drag
This won't be too hard to do.



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Re: /usr/share/applications/default.list

2008-03-12 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Wong, Carl escreveu:
 Does anyone know which package create
 /usr/share/applications/default.list on a regular desktop system?  This
 file contains mime type information. On a normal desktop, the
 information listed in this file is used by the file browser to determine
 which application to launch.  It is also used by the web browser to
 determine application to launch when you double click on a file listed
 in the file download dialog.  Midbrowser needs this file in the mobile

Carl, in my Hardy system, /usr/share/applications/default.list does not
exist, I have /usr/share/applications/default.list and dpkg -S shows me
it belongs to desktop-file-utils:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
desktop-file-utils: /usr/share/applications/defaults.list
I hope it helps.



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Status report for 21/02 to 27/02

2008-02-27 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Hi there.

Those last few days my work related to UME was:
* Adapt OpenOffice to be able export documents to PDF from command line.
This is done basically by a macro that formats the input file, pass it
through openoffice filters and saves as a PDF. The reson behind this is
to allow evince to view MS Office documents. This was particulary
troublesome because of the sheer size and complexity of openoffice. To
make things worse, during this process some specific changes needed to
be done applying partially a patch from the official maintainer so it
could build correctly on PPA.
* Created a small launcher application called treb (short for
trebuchet) that is basically an openfile-type dialog that will let the
user select a file and will automatically filter it using OpenOffice and
pass it to be read by Evince.



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Re: FW: Hildon 2.0 Release

2008-01-17 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Spencer, Bob escreveu:
 Perhaps we should review the differences and see how invasive they
 are and if we should move to this latest release.

If I want to make the alarm clock work the way we were discussing
yesterday, yes.



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Re: Generic i386 platform please

2008-01-16 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Luigi Capriotti escreveu:
 Looking forward to corrections, amendments and enhancements from others.

Thank you very much for this. It will help a great deal people who wants
to try UME without having the target hardware.



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Re: Generic i386 platform please. Response Requested.

2008-01-14 Thread Adilson Oliveira
James D Bearden escreveu:
 Hello Folks,
 I perused the mail list archives looking for an answer to a question,
 and I see a fair number of people asking basically the same thing (two
 unanswered questions on roughly the same topic in November alone) but no
 answers. Can somebody please answer the following for inquiring minds:
 Can we please have an official Generic i386 platform? My personal need
 is a bunch of old laptops and tablets laying around the house that I
 would love to breath some new life into. I know that UMPC machines are
 the focus and generic i386 machines are not the focus of Ubuntu UME, but
 there is no other comparable solution for older hardware. I would love
 to have, and would offer to host, a Ubuntu UME ISO image for a generic
 i386 platform if somebody would cough one up for me occasionally.
 Failing that can somebody mention in a FAQ or wiki why that would be
 such a horrible idea and why it is not going to happen so people will
 stop asking questions like this? I understand the machine would be
 sluggish, maybe even unusuable. But can somebody at least try it once?

Hi James.

It's not an such a horrible idea at all but the same reason that this
won't happen soon, at least as an official effort, as you said, is the
same reason why we will not have a PDA version or a cellphone
version (to quote some of the requests I've heard): we don't have
currently the resources for that.
Canonical sponsors the development of this project but we have to keep
the focus to what this project was created for: UMPC-type machines as
you noticed. It doesn't mean that we will not have it something as you
want, we can't just make any promises right now.
Now that I told you why not, let me tell you how :) : the UME is quite
generic in the sense that it runs in a common x86 platform so, if you
cook-up a suitable kernel, you won't have much problems running the
other elements. Some compilation parameters will have to be changed or
you will have to force-install the packages to have the correct
interface but that's basically all you'll have to do.
Why don't you give it a shot or start a project yourself? It's fun and
you will be not only filling your own need but also contribute something
back to the community pool.



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Light Media Scanner

2007-12-13 Thread Adilson Oliveira

Ubuntu-mobile mailing list
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2007-12-11 Thread Adilson Oliveira

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Re: Gtk 2.12 and tap n hold

2007-11-22 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Spencer, Bob escreveu:
 Did we bottom-out on Tap and Hold functionality?  I forget where we left
 that.  I believe that Gtk 2.12 does not have this functionality without
 a Nokia patch.  Currently there is no such functionality in our images.
 I usually discourage its use by applications, but we still need this for
 ease of porting maemo applications.


I don't know why you asked me but here it goes :)
I consulted with the rest of the team and we agreed that we can do that
as upstream don't gave any clues about it yet but we can't give you any
dates yet as our schedule for the next months is being finished.



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2007-11-09 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Gentleman, I'll be on vacations during next week.
If you have any urgent requests, please, contact David Mandala or Tollef
I'll be back on November 19.



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Re: How to port Ubuntu for Mobilin ?

2007-10-15 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Amit Karpe escreveu:
 Hi ,
 I got information at ( Delhi , India ) about Mobilin
 from Valsa William (Intel's Asia strategy manager for Linux and Open
 Source ).
 But is not active .
 And website won't have any info about mobilin or How
 to port or how to develop any application for their device ?
 Please guide me that How to port Ubuntu for Mobilin ?
 I don't have Mobilin  MID device with me .
 So from where I can download any source packages to start work .
 Or any emulation package is there I can start work ?

Hello Amit and welcome.

The website actually is
There you can find lots of information about the project. Also, take a
look at where you can find
also information about UME (Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded) and some
programming examples as well.



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Re: Suggestion about interface

2007-10-15 Thread Adilson Oliveira
GrueMaster escreveu:
 Is this in the current build?  If so, I can see what they are like on a
 small (4x6) screen tomorrow.


Not yet but you can download the patch from here and build
Just remember that it should be built on lpia to have the hildon interface.



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Re: 答复: UI and Apps Status

2007-10-10 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Spencer, Bob escreveu:

 It would be nice if we didn't say fixed until it was fixed for everyone, 
 not just working on the developers system.
 Otherwise we go back and try again.  Just a process request.

Totally agree with you. I'll be more carefull.



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Re: 答复: UI and Apps Status

2007-10-09 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Li, Frank escreveu:
   I use apt-get source claws-mail this morning. I get version 
   Which version fixed it?


It was fixed but not uploaded yet as I found another but which I solved
already and will ask to upload tomorrow after I finish testing.



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Re: New HowTo on Porting a Python App to UME

2007-10-02 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Ian escreveu:
 Following on from the tutorial 'Using a Glade UI with Python to create a 
 UME/Hildon app' I have
 added a how to on 'Porting an Application to UME'
 this covers some of the changes that can be made to both glade and python to 
 'Hildonize' an app.
 In this case the application is gPodder, a podcast receiver/catcher.

Sorry for the late reply but I included a link in the main UME project
wiki page to it.



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Small change on the games list

2007-09-19 Thread Adilson Oliveira

I've changed the gnome-sodoku for gnudoku because gnome-sudoku is a part
of a big package called gnome-games and would be complicated to separate
just this one or have the whole package hildonized right now and both
provide the same net result.



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IRC meeting tomorrow

2007-09-19 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Good morning

I would like to remind you that tomorrow, at 1600 UTC we are going to
have our weekly meeting.
Please, remember to send your reports with your spec status ASAP so we
can program our agenda.

Best regards


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Re: What about a shutdown/hibernate button?

2007-09-19 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Levinson, Aaron N escreveu:
 Based on how people are using the Nokia Internet tablets, many of them
 let the device go to sleep rather than shutting it down.  It takes some
 time to power-up and reboot the device, so for many users, it is
 preferable to let the device go to sleep, even if it is a light sleep
 that is drawing from the battery.  On the Nokia Internet tablets, there
 is a special hardware button that pops up a menu that provides various
 options, such as locking the device, putting it into airplane mode
 (Bluetooth and wireless are disabled), and shutting down the device.
 This might also be a reasonable approach for MIDs.  This button is also
 used to turn the device on (after being shutdown), and holding the
 button down for several seconds will cause the device to instantly
 shutdown, which is useful in case of a freeze.

That's the kind of approach I was thinking (I have a N770 myself) and I
agree that's the expected behavior of the user.

 Hibernate would be great, but I'm not aware of hibernate functionality
 on Linux, only on Windows.  Is hibernation planned for MIDs?

I'm not aware about the power management specs from the top of my head
but I believe so.



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Re: UME Daily Images - Root Password??

2007-09-18 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Charles Johnson escreveu:
 Does anyone from Canonical know the default ume password ?? 

Charlie, in my installation, done using image-creator, there was no
password IIRC and I even changed it using passwd.
Unfortunately, I can't be sure right now as it's being a few days since
I made an installation from scratch as I'm currently testing and
refining the applications which is proving to be a great idea as I
caught some weird bugs :)
Sorry not be able to help more.



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UME games

2007-09-13 Thread Adilson Oliveira

As requested, I made a quick update on the applications page listing the
games we picked.
Any other suggestions, as aways, are welcome.
A related note: I would like to remind you to not do any work on
applications without check with me or Tollef first to avoid duplication.
I also would like to suggest to those interested on the status of the
applications to subscribe to the wiki page so you will be notified every
time I change anything on it and I try to keep it as updated as possible.

[]s and thanks.


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Re: UME games

2007-09-13 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Charles Johnson escreveu:
 Can you put together a consolidated table at the top of the wiki page
 which simply lists the app/apps chosen in each category.  Something
 simple enough that a manager could understand.

I'll see that eventually as it would require to keep changing the same
information in 2 places or change the whole page structure.


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Re: Considerations about the user applications

2007-09-05 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Matthew Garrett wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 04:22:17PM -0300, Adilson Oliveira wrote:
 3) PIM - We already have Pimlico there but it's not catching up as fast
 as we wanted to so I'm thinking about add GPE to the pot. They are
 already available to Maemo so, it should not be hard to do it.
 Beyond the lack of an editing widget in the current version of contacts, 
 are there any other issues? Not making use of EDS sounds like a net loss 
 for interoperability.

Currently, this is our main issue. I agree about the EDS of course, as I
said, I just want to have a plan B.



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Re: Considerations about the user applications

2007-09-04 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Matt Zimmerman wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 04:22:17PM -0300, Adilson Oliveira wrote:
 1) Remote access.
 - Use rdesktop with some sort of GUI. I'll implement panning to help
 deal with the low resolution of the devices. VNC is also feasible but it
 has a few drawbacks as do not work with matchbox keyboard. Perhaps add
 something to XDMCP?
 Would tsclient be useful as a base for the GUI?

Yes, that's my idea. I remember seeing something for Maemo specifically
a long time ago but I'm not sure, I'll have to look it up.

 2) Dealing with MS Office documents.
 - Add gnumeric and abiword to the pool of applications. They can't
 handle MS Office formats as well as Openoffice but are light and already
 have hildon interfaces. Easy to do but we will miss Powerpoint files.
 - Add Openoffice. As we know, they can handle MS Office files well but
 are big and don't have a hildon interface tough it is possible to do
 some changes on the interface to help smooth the edges.
 PowerPoint is a key file format, and robust support for all Office formats
 will be a great differentiator for the platform.  It's one of the things
 that's very difficult for existing mobile Linux platforms because the
 hardware horsepower is lacking.

Exactly. We're in a tight spot here. In time we can aways use
OpenOffices's code as a base to create a set of viewers but right now I
don't see another way but have it package and who wanting support for
powerpoint will need the hardware capacity to do it.

 3) PIM - We already have Pimlico there but it's not catching up as fast
 as we wanted to so I'm thinking about add GPE to the pot. They are
 already available to Maemo so, it should not be hard to do it.
 I agree.

Cool. I'll see to it.



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Re: Considerations about the user applications

2007-09-04 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Ross Burton wrote:

 Adilson, is there anything in particular that is a problem with Pimlico?
 We're not exactly overflowing with spare time to work on this ourselves,
 but we may be able to focus some effort.

Hi Ross.

Thanks for jumping into the discussion. Right now our biggest limitation
is contacts which does not have a full hildon interface AFAIK. Matthew
Garrett made some efforts on this direction but it's very limited yet.
Are there any recent news about it that I'm not aware?



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Meeting today in a few minutes

2007-08-30 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Good afternoon

I would like to remind you that in a few minutes, at 1600UTC we are
going to have our meeting.
Our apologies for the late call.

Best regards


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Status update on the applications

2007-08-23 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Right now we have the following applications in line:

 * fbreader - Pushed. Working on packaging and small changes on the
 * Cheese - Pushed. Hildon interface being worked on.
 * Claws - Ready for testing. Waiting upload.
 * Pimlico's Dates - Ready for testing. Waiting upload.
 * Pimlico's Tasks - Ready for testing. Waiting upload.
 * Stardict - Ready for testing. Waiting upload.
 * Ekiga - Basically ready, no hildon interface. Waiting for decision
regarding it's use or not.



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Applications on the way

2007-08-17 Thread Adilson Oliveira

A few news from the front.
We already have a lpia arch rootstrap and we are adding support files
and applications to it.
In the line we already have claws (email), dates (part of Pimlico) and
The idea is to all the applications built for lpia to be fully
hildonized but sharing the same code with i386 so just change the arch
and you have a different interface (build time). Those 3 are already
that way.
As many of the applications on the list have some sort of hildonization,
so to speak, much more will show-up next week.

[]s and have a nice weekend.


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Re: Dates (part of PIM) is now hildonized and working.

2007-08-14 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Ross Burton wrote:

 Ah yes, of course.  Can you throw the patch towards me or the Pimlico
 list so we can integrate it?

Sure thing, let me just put everything together.



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Dates (part of PIM) is now hildonized and working.

2007-08-13 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Hi guys.

I had a good day today :) Our first hildonized application is up and
running. It's Dates, part of Pimlico, our PIM of choice.
Now that I believe that I dominated that matter, the other applications
should start to come out very fast.
Tomorrow I'll organize the hackadom, create proper packaging and start
spill out the rest of the applications.



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Re: Dates (part of PIM) is now hildonized and working.

2007-08-13 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Ross Burton wrote:

 Did you have to hack on the existing Hildon port at all, or did you just
 package it up.  Did you notice the existing Maemo packaging on (although it is trivial to package with cdbs)?


I did have to hack it a little bit because there were a few changes in
the headers' organization like
#include hildon/hildon-window.h versus
#include hildon-widgets/hildon-window.h
and some deprecated hildon functions being used like
hildon_time_editor_show_seconds() instead of
Nothing serious.



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Re: Camera application working

2007-08-07 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
 * Zhu, Jack 
 | Spcaview is an available application of camera too, I have test it
 | on Q1 before, but the feature of active video capturing is not good
 | enough, need optimization.
 Do you have a driver for the webcam on the Q1?  The stock 2.6.22
 driver does not seem to detect it, at least.

AFAIK, nobody has it but it seems to be a very close one to the zc0301
so shouldn't be difficult to adapt the current SPCA driver to use it.



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Re: I tested the latest build on various UMPCs

2007-08-06 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Steve Paine wrote:


 Are you guys going to get hold of the other McCaslin devices (Fujitsu
 U1010, Kohjinsha SH6) and get things working on that or is this distro
 only for Samsung Q1Ultra?
 Support for Q1 and Q1P would be good though as that's the most popular UMPC.

Of course the idea is to cover the largest possible hardware base, not
only including McCaslin. Right now we are focusing on Q1 because it's
the device we have available for testing.

 I'll continue testing on the SH6. If anyone fancies helping me install
 touch and wifi modules, please do!

I didn't find the detailed specs of this SH6. Would you care to tell us?



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Re: I tested the latest build on various UMPCs

2007-08-06 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Steve Paine wrote:

 Specification for the Kohjinsha SH6 is here.
... snip ...
 If you need deeper hardware info, let me know. I can maybe get you the
 dmesg output if its useful. Also happy to do futher testing and be
 remote hands for this device. Just let me know.

It's quite an interesting machine but yes, I would need more detailed
information as the page you pointed me to (actually, I found this one
before) don't tell me, for instance, what's the wifi chipset and that
was one of the things you were'nt able to make work.



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Images being created again

2007-08-03 Thread Adilson Oliveira

The following images are already available:

 * mccaslin_samsungq1ultracore
 * mccaslin_samsungq1ultrafull
 * menlow_crownbeach
 * menlow_full

Grab them at while they're hot :)



P.S. I don't have the device here to actually test them but the building
process went fine.

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Meeting reminder

2007-08-02 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Good morning

Just a reminder that we have our weekly meeting today at 1600UTC as usual.



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IRC Meeting - 02/08/2007

2007-08-02 Thread Adilson Oliveira

Those are the notes for the meeting today.

= Specs =

The ones still in trouble are:

 * mobile-utils - Blocked
ACTION: The mobile-utils is now in review. Adilson will take care of
that in Tollef's place.
 * power profile manager - Need work
ACTION: Rusty will continue it.
 * power thermal optimizations - Need work
ACTION: Need input from Amit who will have the data after a meeting with
Intel next week.

= Daily Builds =

It was raised that the build process is broken.
ACTION: Adilson will track down the problem and report back as soon as
it's fixed.

= Themes =

Ken is worried about the theming process as the deadline approaches we
don't have a good way to do it.
The idea is to do the same way Nokia does, have one big picture and an
automated process prepares the required components.
I told them that there is some tools that Nokia uses to do it but they
need a bit of work.
Also Ken will need to work on the Flash-based front as it's what's
required by OEMs.
ACTION: Horace Li from Intel will take a look on the Nokia tools.
ACTION: Ken will buy a Flash development package and work on the interface.

= Hardware availability =

It was settled that the 2 Crown Beach boards available will be sent to
Tollef and Amit.
ACTION: Amit will send an updated address to Mauri Whalen.
Adilson's Q1 have not arrived yet.
ACTION: Mauri Whalen will check with Intel Brazil what's going on.

= Kernel =

Intel provided a SDIO-MSS patch that Amit will merge as soon as he
finishes the DRM.
It was noted that the LPIA kernel is running slowly when accessing disks.
ACTION: Rob Rhoads is already checking the problem.

= Applications =

Adilson received a list from Intel with the applications required and
sorted and concluded that we have everything needed in a more or less
complete way and what's needed now is the man power to bring it up to a
working state.
ACTION: It was requested that the people working on the applications on
Intel to keep sync with Adilson in order to coordinate the efforts.



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Iphone-like keyboard in Python. Check it out.

2007-08-01 Thread Adilson Oliveira

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Re: Can't create image

2007-08-01 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Matthew Voss wrote:
 I can't seem to create an image using moblin-image-creator. I have tried
 twice and always get this error:


In the middle of the logs it says:

Failed to fetch
Connection failed
Failed to fetch   Connection

So looks like you weren't able to get the proper index files from the
repositories thus causing a dependency error that couldn't be resolved.
I just tested here and worked nicelly.
Maybe you had a temporary network problem. Can you try again?



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2007-07-31 Thread Adilson Oliveira

I started a FAQ here:
As usual, feel free to add, edit, criticize, etc



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Re: Email client

2007-07-31 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Li, Frank wrote:
   We need coordinate our efforts to avoid duplicate.  
   Have you started porting Crews-mail?


I made a few experiments and had it working but I didn't finish yet as
I'm working on Cheese (the camera application) so it's up to you.



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Re: Python-gtk2-dev lacks of gtk-extrafuncs.defs

2007-07-18 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Li, Horace wrote:
 Adilson Oliveira wrote:
 One question: What package are you using? I was checking the package
 python-hildondesktop and it's fine. Actually there is a slight problem
 I'm fixing now but not related to what you said.


 Hi, Adilson,
 I am trying to pack python-hildon, which registers gtk-base.defs for
 codegen. Python-hildon is used to hildon-ized python based application.

I'm not aware of this one. The only python-related package for maemo I
know is this one



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Userland applications list

2007-07-16 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Hi all.

I've being creating a list[1] of basic applications to be included in
UME. This is just an idea about which applications a webpad-like
platform should have.
Take a look at this first draft and be my guest to criticize, opine,
expand, etc.




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Re: UME Guide

2007-07-03 Thread Adilson Oliveira
Em Ter, 2007-07-03 às 09:08 -0700, Ian escreveu:
 I have finished migrating the content from all of the 'approved' UME 
 blueprints into the guide. I
 have also created the .pot file for translation. If anyone wants to take a 
 look or help out it can
 be downloaded from

Thanks Ian!

I'll give it a look.



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Sprint address

2007-06-29 Thread Adilson Oliveira
As requested by Intel people that will be at the sprint, there goes the

- 27th floor of Millbank Tower.

For more details:


Nearest Tube stations are:

* Pimlico (Victoria Line)
* Vauxhall (Victoria line and sub-urban rail services)
* Westminster (Circle, District and Jubilee lines)
* Victoria (Circle, District and Victoria lines)



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