[ubuntu-studio-users] On UbuntuStudio 14.04 Dolphin Search Option Not Working - Help

2014-06-01 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I use UbuntuStudio from 12.04 (x86), now I install 14.04 but the  dolphin 
search option not working. I search on the web to find how to solved this, I 
found that the search engine are to change, but do not find nothing to solved 
this. Do you can Help my
Note: baloo are installed by default. The version of Dolphin is 4.13.0
I can not use other File Manager because Dolphis is very flexible, 
customizable, and have very high options. And Dolphin is very well suited to my 
monitor with 1024x768, the fonts fit well on the monitor, Dolphin for my is the 
best (only not have dropbox integration)   -- 
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[ubuntu-studio-users] Missing wine App menu

2014-05-07 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
Hi UbuntuStudio Great Team, I install 14.04 x86 on my Dell Inspiron 1750 but 
Wine 1.6.2 have missing the menu App 
I have install this App
On US 13.10 all fine  -- 
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[ubuntu-studio-users] Ardour 3 -2 now export (disabling Patchbay)

2014-01-19 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I found a solution for my case, I had been using Patchbay to automatically 
connect a jack port, and I I turned it off and now exports well Ardour 3 and 2 
in UbuntuStudio 13.10

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[ubuntu-studio-users] Thanks for Volume Control UbuntuStudio 13.10

2014-01-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
Thanks UbuntuStudio Developers for the Volume Control. I am very happy:
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[ubuntu-studio-users] Ardour 2 and 3: export starts but the progress bar is not moving, export failed

2014-01-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I made a recording with Ardour and all good, but I could not export it. In 
Ardour channel on Freenode is told by a bug in Jack2, and was told that I could 
install jack1, but I did not because it will damage my UbuntuStudio 13.10. But 
they said to me that I can record with jack_capture and working fine, but is 
necessary open with audacity for corrections. This means several steps.I write 
this because the package Ardour 3 and 2 are installed by default on 
UbuntuStudio but can not export.I'm doing some manual on Youtube for other 
people to use Ubuntu/UbuntuStudio and thinking about other people, I ask you if 
can put on the desktop a README file:
explaining the things that work and those that do not. As do some other Linux 
distributions. This is important for the user not feel bad, or spend much time 
looking for a solution to a major problem.
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[ubuntu-studio-users] Solved Dropbox not open on start

2014-01-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado

Yesterday doesn't open Dropbox on mi UbuntuStudio 13.10, with the following 
menssage (on a part):

dropbox VerificationError: importing '/home/ 
/pylinux/__pycache__/_cffi__xa0c4f46bx1d95b4de.so': No module named
I will search on the web and a following this SOLUTION:
#734628 - nautilus-dropbox: dropbox fails to start with a pylinux import error 
- Debian Bug report logshttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=734628
 sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist
  dropbox start -i
Working fine for me   -- 
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[ubuntu-studio-users] UbuntuStudio 13.10 synclient working now

2013-11-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I had made a script so that when turn on the computer, but did not work 
UbuntuStudio 13.10

sleep 10; synclient LockedDrags=1

Now I remove it from startup and run it manually and it works
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[ubuntu-studio-users] I found Nautilus 3.8.2 very bad

2013-11-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I found Nautilus 3.8.2 very bad, Is necessary Alt+left or right to back. And 
not working my icon themes, is very difficult to move between folders and look 
for things. I dont understant, best was nautilus 3.4. I say these things 
because I need to use dropbox in one file manager by default.

Now I have to use two: Nautilus 3.8.2 for  Dropbox and PCManFM for move and do 
other things

I thought WebUpd8 nemo-dropbox would be the solution:


but has problems too severe.

I ask to the UbuntuStudio Developers if it is possible to develop a 
nemo-dropbox for the nemo 1.8.4-1 that come in repositories UbuntuStudio 13.10. 
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[ubuntu-studio-users] I need to working with Dropbox with share link

2013-11-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I need to working with Dropbox with share link on a best file manager that 
nautilus 3.8.2, like the older nautilus 3.4 that is die
Please considere make a nemo-dropbox for the nemo 1.8.4-1 that come with 
UbuntuStudio 13.10, or for UbuntuStudio 13.04
No other file manager have share link on integration with dropbox, example:
In this example, working but not have icons, and I dont know when the upload is 

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[ubuntu-studio-users] Marlin crash on UbuntuStudio 13.10, I propose to add to tumbler-plugins-extra as a recommendation for the package thunar

2013-11-14 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
marlin seemed to be running fine, but not anymore, hangs, and uninstalled it. 
But it looked amazing, it hurts.

But I learned something important, I had to pack recommendation of marlin:
which now allows thunar display the icon. exe on thumbnailer view
I propose to add to tumbler-plugins-extra as a recommendation for the package 
thunar  -- 
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Re: [ubuntu-studio-users] ubuntu-studio-users Digest, Vol 79, Issue 17

2013-11-12 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
UbuntuStudio 13.10 of 32bits, Software Center crash somes times I dont know why.

Dell Inspiron 1750 
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[ubuntu-studio-users] UbuntuStudio 13.10 kdenlive crash when add title clip

2013-11-12 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
UbuntuStudio 13.10 kdenlive crash when add title clip.  Now I use Inkscape to 
make the title clips
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[ubuntu-studio-users] UbuntuStudio 13.10 that working fine

2013-11-12 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
On UbuntuStudio 13.10 of 32bits working fine at the moment:

firefox, libreoffice, Inkscape, Gimp, Recordmydesktop, Xchat, Goldendict, 
QjackCtl, Qsynth, Audacity.

OpenLP working fine only with other windows manager, I use Compiz. The same is 
with UbuntuStudio 13.04 is necessary use Compiz
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[ubuntu-studio-users] UbuntuStudio 13.10 flash plugin of partners Canonical unstable

2013-11-12 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
UbuntuStudio 13.10 flash plugin of partners Canonical unstable, crash some 
times with somes tabs openned. I go to use Google Chrome for somes tabs with 
flash windows openned (the latest version of flash)
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[ubuntu-studio-users] UbuntuStudio 13.10 cursor doesnt not working fine with synclient

2013-11-12 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
I use an script on UbuntuStudio 12.04 and 13.04 for my touchpad personal use:

sleep 10; synclient LockedDrags=1

but some times not working. Now I put on terminal 

wachin-id@wachin:~$ synclient LockedDrags=1
Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?

I  dont now why. Now I go to disable at the boot this script, for manually run 
later (I think that this is the failed) 

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[ubuntu-studio-users] Update of Compiz make crash UbuntuStudio 13.04

2013-08-02 Thread Washington Indacochea Delgado
When was release UbuntuStudio 13.04 I download it to install it and try it. Now 
I working with UbuntuStudio 13.04 from there, I always worked with Compiz, I 
activated it with:
compiz - replace
and when restart the PC appeared to default and worked properly (I use compiz 
for very powerfull options). But last week I updating the entire system and 
updated Compiz, and from there causes me problems, it crash the session when 
restart.The packages are:
Now to solve my problem before restart or shutdown put on the terminal:
xfwm4 --replace
but not always work.
Also gives me problems when putting a external monitor. I use a Dell Inspiron 
1750 Laptop with Ubuntu Studio 13.04 32 bits
Please help me.

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