Re: Getting sound with latest kernels?

2009-07-02 Thread
Do I remember a post that had link to a PA removal procedure?

Is it as easy as using Synaptic?


Original Message:
From: Asmo Koskinen
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 17:43:44 +0300
Subject: Re: Getting sound with latest kernels?

Susan Cragin kirjoitti:

> The only way I can get any incoming sound to work at all is using
pulseaudio in audacity, and then it's really weak. 
> I've tried the volume control. 

You are talking about Karmic/

I removed/purged PA away, alsamixer/Delta 66 works after that just fine. 
I will test Karmic next time, when Alpha 3 is out there. Happy 
summertime everybody ;-).

You know, 64 Studio 3.0 Beta 3 does not install PulseAudio by default. 
And it is based on Hardy. But it is very audio production centered, as 
we all know.

Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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Re: raw1394, good right for all during startup ?

2009-04-20 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:44:36 -0400
>Subject: Re: raw1394, good right for all during startup ?
>I /believe/ a fix for Ubuntu Studio Controls was just accepted for this.
>Can anyone confirm?

Speaking of UBStudio Controls, is there doc anywhere that defines what it

For example, what files it changes, what parameters it changes?

Or even recommendations for memlock limits, etc.?

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Re: raw1394, good right for all during startup ?

2009-04-20 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Christopher Stamper
>Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:37:07 -0400
>Subject: Re: raw1394, good right for all during startup ?
>On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:33 AM, laurent.bellegarde
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To be able to acquire DV from a firewire camera, an simple user need to
>> have enough right over /dev/raw1394.
>You probably just need to make your user a memeber of a certain group
>(maybe 'audio'?).

I've seen this with jaunty.

Everytime I reboot, the permissions and group on raw1394 revert to root. - Premium Microsoft® Windows® and Linux web and application
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New path rambles followup

2009-04-14 Thread

Just for the record...
As I noted in my lengthy post the other day, I took a survey on a pro-audio
list as to how many of the 796 members considered themselves proficient or
experienced in any flavor of Linux.

The result after more than 24 hours is about 1.8%.

One mentioned Ubuntu, none mentioned Ubustu. - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: Forging a new path.

2009-04-13 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 01:04:42 -0400
>Subject: Re: Forging a new path.
>Hmm... Lot's of stuff to address. 
>Ubuntu Studio is here. It's a reality but needs it's community to be
>less passive to continue. We've built it, you've come, but what's it
>worth to you? What do *you* want Ubuntu Studio to be? Would be a shame
>to see the project that carries the powerful Ubuntu name slip into the
>As I've said, *these* are the very important questions of the moment.
>Hope some of that made sense.


I have read this thread with great interest. I am very impressed that
Ubuntu Studio is what it is with so small a core team. I thank you for your

Please don't take what I'm about to say wrong, it is meant to be
constructive criticism from someone who has been in software development,
hardware development, and yes, even sales & marketing of said "stuff" for
over 30 years.

IMO there is a gap between the scope, focus, and stated goals of Ubuntu

Some background on my point:

Quote from Cory: "...(which I say time and time again Linux audio is not
for the new-to-Linux user"

>From the home page of the

"Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic
enthusiast as well as professional."

>From the Ubuntu Studio Wiki:

"Our aim is to make it more accessible for new users to get into the tools
that GNU/Linux has to offer for multimedia creation and production."

There points in these statements that are at loggerhead with each other.
Someone working as a professional audio/video/graphics person, is out to
make a living and, frankly, probably doesn't have time to be a Linux geek
as well.

(A somewhat interesting side note: the current issue of EQ magazine did a
"roundup" of DAW software. As you might expect ProTools was there and even
Audition. All softs covered ran on Macs or Windows. Linux audio tools
didn't even get honorable mention!)

So where are these experienced Linux people, who happen to want to do audio
going to come from?

I happen to be a member of a pro sound google group that has 796 members.
These are working audio professionals, world wide. I posted asking any who
were Linux people to reply. That post is less than an hour old, so the
verdict is still out. I'll be surprised if the response is 10%.

I submit that by the nature of this beast (Ubuntu, FOSS, etc.) you're gonna
get a high percentage of less than "experienced" Linux users. At least one
reason, is, those looking to use FOSS are either frustrated with windows
(and the cost) or are looking for a budget way to do
audio/video/graphics...or both.

If Ubuntu Studio is only for eagles, then make it clear to all the pigeons,
"Don't try to fly with us eagles...". Don't even mention the enthusiast or
new users mentioned in the wiki, because people aren't going to interpret
that as "Linux geeks who are interested in multimedia".

I suggest, that to build a community, you are going to have to help the
noobs, the early adopters, become the geeks they need to be.

This may mean, at least initially, a very narrow focus for the distro. So
that the small core can coach the others along until some critical mass is

To be honest, as I've become more acquainted with the way of Ubuntu and the
FOSS world, I'd have to ask: if an experienced Linux user wants to do, say,
audio why would he/she need Ubuntu Studio anyway? They would presumably
know how to get Ardour, Jack, and maybe FFADO and be off on their way.

So my point is Ubuntu Studio is a great general purpose multimedia distro.
I understand your frustration with limited help stepping up. Volunteers are
always a small percentage of any community. So, grow the community, then
that percentage is a larger number of actual bodies.

So to finally answer one of your questions: "What do *you* want Ubuntu
Studio to be? Would be a shame to see the project that carries the powerful
Ubuntu name slip into the dark."

I fully intend to start doing documentation, once I get a system that works
every time I boot and am confident in what I'm writing. Frankly there is a
plethora of "do this", "do that" with little or no basis or explanation of
what to expect. IMO that's not documentation, that's 90% wild goose chase
and if you're lucky you find the 10% that works in your case.

What do I want in Ubuntu Studio: I want to setup to record a session and
when I boot the pc, it's ready to record, without xruns or crashes for 3
hours continuously.

In the long run I may even get around to dusting off my coding skills and
jumping into that fray...again.

End of consciousness stream...grabbing my flame proof undies.

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Re: Ubuntu Studio specific questions

2009-04-09 Thread
>Huh? You might need to read what I wrote again. :)

Actually, I just read it again and I see you were referring to the official
name is "Ubuntu Studio". - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: Ubuntu Studio webcam question

2009-04-09 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 09:20:49 -0400
>Subject: Re: Ubuntu Studio webcam question
> wrote:
>> I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 with ubuntustudio suite added through Synaptic.
>This is just a note. The above quote reminded me and I'm not saying
>nobody should answer you.
>This list is for multimedia production as well as questions *specific*
>to Ubuntu Studio. (<-official way it should be written) eg: Installation
>questions and such.
>Questions that are rather linux general /should/ be directed elsewhere.
>Just a reminder that hasn't been done in a while.


Just to clarify: "official way" refers to having used a UBStudio ISO? - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: Jaunty package versions?

2009-04-08 Thread

Original Message:
From: Cory K.
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 12:46:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Jaunty package versions?

Cory K. wrote:
>Don't grab the beta. Use a daily.
> Maybe even wait for Luke's
>changes to hit. So, a day or so.

>Updates will come as they occur.

What is the difference between:



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Re: Jaunty package versions?

2009-04-08 Thread
> wrote:
> Search for packages:

>There's also a Ubuntu package search drop-down in Firefox.


I guess it's time to jaunty a try.

If one installs the beta, will Synaptic show an update available when when
it releases? - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: Jaunty beta + RT + Jackd + Ardour, it works ;-D

2009-04-08 Thread
Is there a web page the shows what versions of Ardour and jack are in
UBStudio 9 beta iso?

Is ffado included? If so what version?


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tracking down xruns

2009-04-08 Thread
Sorry, for double post, added Subject:


Since discovering that the nvidia drivers do a horrible job of managing the
on board laptop screen and a VGA outboard monitor I've been testing with
only the laptop screen.

I've been slowly removing things that suck up resources. For instance I was
getting an xrun or ffado/jack crash each time the network did an update
(not a dhcp lease update, I use static IP, but apparently the net drivers
do some check periodically). So, I unloaded the net during recording.

At this point, virtually every test, records for approximately 10 minutes
gets an xrun or crash. If it gets just a xrun, it will then continue to
record xrun free for as long as I run the test, so far up to an 1.5 hours.

The xrun is coincident with activities that show up in the system logs.

Software involved is Ubuntu 8.04, Ardour/jack/ffado.
hardware: Dell dual core latop, dual Audiofire12's

Any experience or ideas about what I might adjust to address this would be

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[no subject]

2009-04-08 Thread

Since discovering that the nvidia drivers do a horrible job of managing the
on board laptop screen and a VGA outboard monitor I've been testing with
only the laptop screen.

I've been slowly removing things that suck up resources. For instance I was
getting an xrun or ffado/jack crash each time the network did an update
(not a dhcp lease update, I use static IP, but apparently the net drivers
do some check periodically). So, I unloaded the net during recording.

At this point, virtually every test, records for approximately 10 minutes
gets an xrun or crash. If it gets just a xrun, it will then continue to
record xrun free for as long as I run the test, so far up to an 1.5 hours.

The xrun is coincident with activities that show up in the system logs.

Software involved is Ubuntu 8.04, Ardour/jack/ffado.
hardware: Dell dual core latop, dual Audiofire12's

Any experience or ideas about what I might adjust to address this would be

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Ubuntu and laptop w/ external monitor

2009-04-06 Thread
Hi All,

I have done extensive testing with UBStudio 8.04 on a Dell XPS1530 laptop
(nvidia) with a monitor plugged into the VGA port.

The test was done with:

- qjackctl
- Ardour
- 2 Audiofire12's
- Ardour recording 24 channels

Different test configs:

1. laptop screen only
2. external screen only
3. desktop spread across both laptop and external monitor

- config #1 can record for long periods (1 hour +) with no xruns.
- config #2, & #3 rarely go more than 30 minutes without xruns.

#2 & #3 improve if the jack priority is max'ed to 89, but the display
update response suffers drastically.

This is using the free nvidia drivers.

I suspect this is an nvidia driver or X issue.

Any thoughts to address this are welcome.

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Re: Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta

2009-03-31 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Eric Hedekar
>Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:07:48 -0700
>Subject: Re: Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta
>On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 5:53 AM, Asmo Koskinen
>> [I posted this same to the ffado-users list...]
>> Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta
>> Well, I have to ask one mo' time, because this is what I get...
>> Is there something that I should know or do?
>> r...@ubuntu-studio:~# /usr/bin/jackd -R -P70 -dfirewire -r44100 -p256 -n3
>> no message buffer overruns
>> jackd 0.116.1
>> Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
>> jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
>> This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
>> under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
>> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
>> loading driver ..
>> 01681312449:  (ffado.cpp)[  92] ffado_streaming_init: libffado 1.999.40-
>> built Feb 24 2009 00:53:39
>> firewire ERR: Error creating FFADO streaming device
>> cannot load driver module firewire
>> no message buffer overruns
>> r...@ubuntu-studio:~#
>Hmm, try creating a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/  named 60-raw1394.rules open
>that, and add the following line:
>#KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="audio"
>save & close.  I think you need to log out & back in to get these rules to
>apply, but a restart might be a good idea.  Make sure you're a member of
>audio group.

do you have pointer to something that defines what this rule does and how
it came to be named "60-raw1394.rules"?

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RE: Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta

2009-03-31 Thread

I have seen similar issues with my Audiofire12's when trying to start after
there has been a timeout crash or I've been doing other things before
attempting to start jack.

I'm not sure who actually has thier nicker in a twist when this happens,
ffado, 1394 subsystem, or the Audiofires.

I have found that powering off the Audiofire's and doing a ffado-test
BusReset seems to get the firewire out of it's malaze.

I've seen this behavior on both 8.04 and 8.10.


Original Message:
From: Asmo Koskinen
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 15:53:56 +0300
Subject: Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta

[I posted this same to the ffado-users list...]

Echo Audiofire 4 and Ubuntu Studio Jaunty Beta

Well, I have to ask one mo' time, because this is what I get...

Is there something that I should know or do?

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# /usr/bin/jackd -R -P70 -dfirewire -r44100 -p256 -n3
no message buffer overruns
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
loading driver ..
01681312449:  (ffado.cpp)[  92] ffado_streaming_init: libffado 1.999.40-
built Feb 24 2009 00:53:39
firewire ERR: Error creating FFADO streaming device
cannot load driver module firewire
no message buffer overruns

1. I have upgraded firmware to 4.8

2. I have /dev/raw1394

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# ls -al /dev/raw1394
crwxrwxrwx 1 root root 171, 0 2009-03-31 14:53 /dev/raw1394

3. I have modules

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# lsmod | grep 1394
raw139433116  0
ohci1394   38832  0
ieee1394   95932  2 raw1394,ohci1394

4. My fw is not Ricoh.

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# lspci | grep FireWire
0a:04.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): O2 Micro, Inc. Firewire (IEEE 1394) (rev 02)
0a:07.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB23 IEEE-1394a-2000
Controller (PHY/Link)

5. FFado sees Echo

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# ffado-test ListDevices
FFADO test and diagnostic utility
Part of the FFADO project --
Version: 1.999.40-
(C) 2008, Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

=== 1394 PORT 0 ===
   Node id  GUID  VendorId ModelId   Vendor - Model
0   0x00a0d1a0d1a38156  0xA0D1  0x   Linux - ohci1394  -
=== 1394 PORT 1 ===
   Node id  GUID  VendorId ModelId   Vendor - Model
0   0x00a0d1a0d1a38155  0xA0D1  0x   Linux - ohci1394  -
1   0x0014860968bc006a  0x1486  0x0AF4   Echo Digital Audio
- AudioFire4
no message buffer overruns

6. Log file is here:

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# jackd --verbose -d firewire -v6 2> ffado-jack.log
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
getting driver descriptor from /usr/lib/jack/
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
registered builtin port type 32 bit float mono audio
registered builtin port type 8 bit raw midi
clock source = system clock via clock_gettime
start poll on 3 fd's
loading driver ..
new client: firewire_pcm, id = 1 type 1 @ 0x9966b00 fd = -1
new buffer size 1024
starting server engine shutdown
server thread back from poll
freeing shared port segments
stopping server thread
last xrun delay: 0.000 usecs
max delay reported by backend: 0.000 usecs
freeing engine shared memory
max usecs: 0.000, engine deleted

7. This is a linux-rt

r...@ubuntu-studio:~# uname -a
Linux ubuntu-studio 2.6.28-3-rt #9-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT RT Fri Mar 27
23:23:50 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

Best regards Asmo Koskinen.

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Ubuntu Studio w/ dual monitors

2009-03-31 Thread

I have a laptop with UBStudio 8.04.

The graphics hardware is nvidia. I am not using the nvidia proprietary

I added an external monitor to the VGA port (it also has an HDMI port).

I added the virtual screen size in xorg.conf so I can spread the desktop
across the laptop screen and the monitor.

I am still testing, but it appears that with both screens active I get more
xruns and qjackctl/jackd hangs than with only one screen.

This happens while recording ffado -> jack -> ardour.

Is this likely?

Any ideas on what might be going on?

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jackd & qjackctl crashing

2009-03-30 Thread
The message window in qjackctl shows:

cannot continue execution of the processing graph (Broken pipe)

as the last 100+ messages then qjackctl is either hung or just disappears.

This typically happens after a recording session is Ardour that is stopped.

On occasion, qjackctl just disappears while sitting there with nothing

Any ideas on what might be going on and how to fix it?

This is in ubuntu studio 8.04 with jack 116, not 109 that UBStudio ships


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Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-20 Thread
>mac wrote:
>> On Thu, 2009-03-19 at 07:19 -0400, suemac at wrote:
>>> Original Message: - From: Gustin Johnson
>>> gustin at Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:33:48 -0600 To:
>>> suemac at, ubuntu-studio-users at Subject:
>>> Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?
>>> suemac at wrote:
 I updated to 8.10 64bit & rt kernel last eve.
>>> Which kernel specifically?
>>> uname -a
>> 2.6.27-3-rt #1 PREEMPT RT Mon Oct 27 03:02:33 UTC 2008 x86_64
>> GNU/Linux
>The 2.6.27 series has issues and IMO should be considered broken.  I am
>using a custom 2.6.28 and the 64Studio people are getting some promising
>results from a 2.6.29 RC.  Time is getting tight for 9.04, but the
>situation is much better than the fall when we were this far from the
>8.10 release.
>FYI there are patches for 2.6.29-rc8 at:
>I will be building my own 2.6.29 this weekend, time permitting.  I could
>post a .deb if you were interested.  I need a task to burn in my new
>laptop :)

Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I think got gobbled by my browser...

Doing some non sound related stuff last night, I'd agree about the 2.6.27
being broken.

I'd be interested in your 2.6.29 .deb

What caveats do I need to know to get from the 2.6.27 rt I have to the .deb?

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Re: RIAA phono eq curve

2009-03-19 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Sean Corbett
>Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 08:56:36 -0400
>Subject: Re: RIAA phono eq curve
>> --
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:31:54 -0400
>> From: Phil 
>> Subject: RIAA phono eq curve
>> To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Hey,
>> I've got a large collection of vinyl records I need to record onto CD, or
>> some other digital format. I've got a stereo with phono inputs, so I
>> use that for the preamp, but I'd rather take the phono player directly
>> my firebox and correct the EQ digitally.
>> I've done a bit of research on what I need to do. I need a really
>> diagram of the RIAA phono curve. The best I've found so far is the one at
>> wikipedia, . It's
>> got the markings for 20, 1000, and 2 Hz. I guess it's got to be a
>> logarhythmic graph so I should be able to use it to acurately find the
>> frequency levels.
>> What I'm hoping for is that someone has already done this and has made a
>> preset for a ladspa plugin, or for jamin. Does anyone know of this?
>> If not, I'll make mine publicly available when I do it.
>> Thanks,
>> Phil
>Audacity has the RIAA curve built in... Just record your vinyl, select
>the whole recording, and go to Effect>Equalization... and select
>'RIAA' from the 'Select Curve' dropdown at the bottom.  I've never
>done this myself though, so I can't vouch for its accuracy.
>Sean Corbett

Also nicely done RIAA kit from Elliot Sound: - Premium Microsoft® Windows® and Linux web and application
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Re: RIAA phono eq curve

2009-03-19 Thread
For reference purposes:

The calculations for the curve:

I suppose I'd consider the gain, dynamic range, etc. of the non-RIAA pre
you're going to use and possibly the effect of the input impedance
(cartridge to input) on SNR.

Of course, a lot depends on the condition of the vinyl you've got.

Decent inexpensive RIAA pre's are available.

I use a kit that I got from years agao from...I think PAiA.

Most audiophile gear from the 1970's, 1980's had pretty good phono pre's as

Original Message:
From: Sean Corbett
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 08:56:36 -0400
Subject: Re: RIAA phono eq curve

> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:31:54 -0400
> From: Phil 
> Subject: RIAA phono eq curve
> To: Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hey,
> I've got a large collection of vinyl records I need to record onto CD, or
> some other digital format. I've got a stereo with phono inputs, so I could
> use that for the preamp, but I'd rather take the phono player directly
> my firebox and correct the EQ digitally.
> I've done a bit of research on what I need to do. I need a really accurate
> diagram of the RIAA phono curve. The best I've found so far is the one at
> wikipedia, . It's only
> got the markings for 20, 1000, and 2 Hz. I guess it's got to be a
> logarhythmic graph so I should be able to use it to acurately find the
> frequency levels.
> What I'm hoping for is that someone has already done this and has made a
> preset for a ladspa plugin, or for jamin. Does anyone know of this?
> If not, I'll make mine publicly available when I do it.
> Thanks,
> Phil

Audacity has the RIAA curve built in... Just record your vinyl, select
the whole recording, and go to Effect>Equalization... and select
'RIAA' from the 'Select Curve' dropdown at the bottom.  I've never
done this myself though, so I can't vouch for its accuracy.

Sean Corbett


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Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-19 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Gustin Johnson
>Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:33:48 -0600
>Subject: Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?
>Hash: SHA1
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I updated to 8.10 64bit & rt kernel last eve.
>Which kernel specifically?
>uname -a

Don't know off the top, machine is at home. I'll have a look tonight.

In anycase it's the current download of amd64 iso from the UB Studio web
then I selected the the rt offered in Synaptics.

I did take note when i changed menu.lst to boot the rt kernel, rt kernel
was a lower rev than the generic.

I tried several of the "no shutdown" "fixes" found in the forums last eve
to no avail.

So, while I now have an 8.10 system with firewire, Jack, Ardour, and even
Audacity w/Jack working, I have my usual no wifi and now no shutdown.

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Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-18 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Scott
>Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 06:56:57 -0700
>Subject: Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?
> wrote:
>> I updated to 8.10 64bit & rt kernel last eve.
>> The thing I noticed is that the pc hangs on shutdown and I have to use
>> switch to to get it completely off. The screen shows acpid: something and
>> just sits there.
>> Is this a manifestation of the issues with 8.10 & rt?
>I can confirm I have the same problem with 32bit.  I just hit the power
button.  It's 
>a (very very) minor nuisance.  I've noticed that the longer I run jack,
the more 
>likely it'll crash on shutdown.  If I shutdown within approximately 20
minutes of 
>starting a session it'll go all the way to halt.  I'll mention it in the

After posting I did some research in the UB forums. Seems it is acommon
Apparently either an power management or alsa issue, various fixes
(As usual, lots of do this do that, with little explaination of why one
would do it,
and what after effects to expect.)

Note (not related to shutdown issue):

I followed your StepByStep using the Khashayar PPA. Worked fine. - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-18 Thread

I updated to 8.10 64bit & rt kernel last eve.

Used the latest alsa, jack, ardour, audacity, ffado from Khashayar's ppa.

Only had time to do minimal test, but my rig with dual Audiofire12's seems
to functioning.

The thing I noticed is that the pc hangs on shutdown and I have to use the
switch to to get it completely off. The screen shows acpid: something and
just sits there.

Is this a manifestation of the issues with 8.10 & rt?

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Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-16 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 14:21:41 -0400
>Subject: Re: 8.10 & rt kernel?
> wrote:
>> Has Ubuntu Studio 8.10 cleared with rt kernel?
>Studio 8.10 (Intrepid) will never have an "official" -RT kernel. All
>current efforts are focused on 9.04 (Jaunty)
>-Cory K.

That's what I thought.

I was asking because the "StepByStep" on the ffado site loads 8.10 then
gets -rt.

But it is specific to getting ffado support working.
So the rt issues don't have direct impact on sound?

How does one determine the rev of particular apps in a UBStudio (or any UB)

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update recommendations?

2009-03-16 Thread
I guess UBStudio 8.10 has the latest revs of much of the software.

Does this include the latest of Ardour, Jack, Audacity. (is ffado in there?)

I will pop to the site and dig a bit, but that's not really the point of
this post.


- 8.04 -rt with the latest Ardour, Jack, ffado working

- ffado is to be included in 9.0

Should I bother with upgrading to 8.10 or wait for 9?

In either case, having not attempted an upgrade as yet, what's the
recommended procedure?
Is there a procedure that will maintain email, network, data and other


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8.10 & rt kernel?

2009-03-16 Thread
Has Ubuntu Studio 8.10 cleared with rt kernel?

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Trailing revs...

2009-03-04 Thread
I realize there is an effort to backport several apps (Ardour, Jack, ffado,
etc.) and am actually using khashayar's PPA of these apps for Hardy with
great success.

Also am aware of the ongoing rt issue with 8.10.

My question is when are (or have I missed) announcement of formal
availability of the back ports going to happen.

A quote from dated December 5th, 2008: "the release of
JACK 0.116.0. This is an important release, because it fixes all the
problems reported with 0.115.6 and now makes 0.109.2 completely obsolete.
Nobody should be using 0.109.2 within a few weeks, and even that is only to
allow for distributions to update. "

Since I'm working fine with the ppa packages, this just really a curiousity

Speaking of khashayar...haven't seen or heard of him for a few weeks.

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Re: Presonus

2009-02-06 Thread
>From what I've read on this on the windows side, the second pod needs to be
set to be slave. I also read something about setting them to sync via

The fact that you've actually done it is promising.

There are some posts about defining which device is to be first and second.

Some of this may need to be configged in the pod. THe windows application
that shipps with them can do this, I'm wondering if the ffado-tools has
anything that can do the same.


Original Message:
From: Philip Schleihauf
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 12:05:51 -0500
Subject: Re: Presonus


I've got a presonus firebox, which is the little version of the firepod I

When I use the RT kernel I don't get any x-runs, unless I set insane
parameters on the frames/period and periods/buffer.

As far as daisy-chaining goes:
I often daisy-chain it with my friend's firebox. It works very well.
There's only two problems:
1- sometimes when I start JACK they are out of sync from each other by
the amount of latency that jack is set to. So If jack is at 11.6msec,
one of them will be at 11.6, but the other one will record at 23.2.
This problem is totally random. Sometimes it does this and sometimes it
2- The order the connections show up in jack sometimes changes. This
can be very annoying if jack crashes in a session, and I have to
restart it; often the order will have switched. Then I have to redo
all the connections.
Presonus claims that daisy-chaining firepods works, but they don't say
that fireboxes can be daisy-chained. I think you'd be ok with the

Does anyone know if it is possible to daisy-chain a firebox with a
firepod? That's my dream at this point.

Philip Schleihauf

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:47 AM, 
>>Original Message:
>>From: juan pablo
>>Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:38:24 +0100
>>Subject: Presonus
>>I´m new in the list and, i´m very excited with ubuntu studio and my new
>>presonus firepod.
>>All seem to work fine. I get some xrun... maybe i still have to adjust
>>some parameter.
>>Someone in the list with the presonus firepod??
>>Some example of garage music recording, mixing and mastering with
>>ubuntu studio and the presonus?
> Hi Juan,
> I have a firepod. I hope to actually daisy chain two of them eventually
> it appears no one has attempted that in Linux land...
> I am using UBStudio hardy 64bit, so I have the rt kernel. I found if I got
> all the latest Jack, ardour, ffado, etc that xruns are very few.
> Mac
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RE: Presonus

2009-02-06 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: juan pablo
>Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:38:24 +0100
>Subject: Presonus

>I´m new in the list and, i´m very excited with ubuntu studio and my new
>presonus firepod.
>All seem to work fine. I get some xrun... maybe i still have to adjust
>some parameter.
>Someone in the list with the presonus firepod??
>Some example of garage music recording, mixing and mastering with
>ubuntu studio and the presonus?

Hi Juan,

I have a firepod. I hope to actually daisy chain two of them eventually but
it appears no one has attempted that in Linux land...

I am using UBStudio hardy 64bit, so I have the rt kernel. I found if I got
all the latest Jack, ardour, ffado, etc that xruns are very few.

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Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 11

2009-02-04 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Sean Corbett
>Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 09:03:16 -0500
>Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 22, Issue 11
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 10:42:47 +
>> From: Alex Montgomery 
>> Subject: Re: Jack patchbay
>> To:, Ubuntu Studio Users Help and Discussion
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>> But, I don't grock the patchbay.
>>> Can't seem to get it to show connections except between system node and
>>> ardour node.
>>> Doesn't show connections between in & outs.
>>> Add new and select snapshot and doesn't restore what I've wired in
>>> connections.
>>> What am I missing?
>> I'm not an expert on patchbay, but I'll tell you what I use it for and
>> what my experience has been. Patchbay is mainly used for
>> defining/naming your own virtual devices and automatically making
>> connections between them. For example, my audio card (Hammerfall
>> light) has 18 outputs, and I use outputs 9 - 16 as 4 pairs of
>> headphones. Not only is it annoying to remember what channel numbers
>> correspond to a particular pair of headphones, but I also have to
>> break the automatic connections most applications make to outputs 1 &
>> 2 (I don't currently use them) and make connections to outputs 9 & 10
>> (my first set of headphones). Patchbay allows me to create 4 separate
>> stereo devices to represent my four headphones, and to create
>> connections between programs and those headphones that are
>> automatically set up whenever I open up the applications.
>> Patchbay lets you create custom devices and add sockets/plugs to them.
>> Then you can make connections between these devices so that QJackCtl
>> will automatically connect the actual devices / programs whenever they
>> appear.  When you click "Add" on either the input socket side or the
>> output socket side, you are creating a virtual device to which you can
>> add an arbitrary number of plugs, ALSA sound, ALSA Midi, or JACK Midi,
>> which are selected from the currently available ports on your system.
>> This means that if you want to create a virtual device for Ardour's
>> master output, Ardour needs to be open when you're making the
>> patchbay. You can then connect that Ardour master device that you've
>> made to any other devices you've made, and whenever they're both
>> present, (i.e. Ardour is open as is whatever program or sound device
>> you've connected it to) patchbay will automagically make connections
>> between them.
>> Hope this helps,
>> -- Alex
>Another very handy way to use the patchbay is for automatically
>connecting inserts in Ardour.  For example, I have a patchbay
>definition that connects Ardour to Jamin; all I have to do to connect
>it is create an insert in Ardour named "Jamin" (after starting Jamin,
>of course), and QJackCtl does the rest.  Additionally, I have Ardour's
>master output exclusively tied to outputs 1&2, and no other programs
>are allowed to use those outputs.  That way all the programs I'm using
>must be directed through Ardour's mixer, either via a bus or captured
>in a track.

This is exactly the sort of thing I expected to be able to do.

I started looking at this cuz I wanted to block the auto connect in ardour
cuz it always cross connected the main in and main out as well as
auditioner and click to main out. - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

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Re: Learning Linux

2009-02-04 Thread

>I can't see how a rubber chicken would be useful in getting a modem  
>running; I just can't.  :-P

It's part of the voodoo ritual that really keeps the whole thing working...

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Jack patchbay

2009-02-03 Thread

I understand the connection window in Jack just fine...I think.

But, I don't grock the patchbay.

Can't seem to get it to show connections except between system node and
ardour node.

Doesn't show connections between in & outs.

Add new and select snapshot and doesn't restore what I've wired in

What am I missing?


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RE: Questions for a new configuration

2009-02-03 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Maurizio De Cecco
>Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 14:32:41 +0100
>Subject: Questions for a new configuration
>I am thinking about upgrading my studio, and this time i would move
>from a Windows only environment to a mixed Linux/Windows one (sorry,
>i cannot drop windows, i have 15 years of music stored in proprietary,
>undocumented format, sigh :-<).
>So, i have a couple of question:
>1) Would Ubuntu Studio (or any Ubuntu, actually) works on a Core i7
processor ? I am specifically thinking to a noisy Dell Studio XPS.
>2) Is there any reasonably priced internal or USB or Firewire sound
interface with at least 8 analogues input that works with Ubuntu Studio
>without too much troubles ?


I have Del XPS1530 laptop and I use it with an FP10.

In general it has always worked. Seems to work even better with Hardy 64bit
and the latest versions of Jack and ffado.


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Re: choppy wav files?

2009-02-02 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Luke Yelavich
>Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 16:16:25 +0100
>Subject: Re: choppy wav files?
>On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 02:46:20PM CET, wrote:
>> Anybody have any thoughts on why Audacious playing a wav file with pulse
>> jack is choppy but fine with alsa?
>> Same file converted to mp3 plays fine with alsa, jack, or pulse.
>I believe this is an audacious specific issue. I believe upstream knows
about it, but I am not 100% sure.

I just checked Launchpad, it is known, thanks. – What can On Demand Business Solutions do for you?

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choppy wav files?

2009-02-02 Thread
Anybody have any thoughts on why Audacious playing a wav file with pulse or
jack is choppy but fine with alsa?

Same file converted to mp3 plays fine with alsa, jack, or pulse.


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Re: PPA report & questions

2009-02-02 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: Khashayar Naderehvandi
>Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 13:21:19 +0100
>Subject: Re: PPA report & questions
>On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 12:57 PM, 
>> I have upgraded UBS hardy via Khashayar's PPA in launchpad.
>> I chose all the alsa stuff, ardour, audacity, ffado, and pulse.
>> So far it looks like everything is functioning and nothing broken.
>That's good to hear. Although, keep in mind that my PPA is not
>supported by the ubuntustudio team, and it's really an
>on-your-own-risk venture you're undertaking. The ppa has had little to
>no testing (I'm gonna keep on reminding everyone about this ;-)).

Understood, probably no more risk (maybe less) than attempting to build
them from source myself... :-)

>> Questions though:
>> - The guys over on Jack irc say alsa_in and alsa_out should be with the
>> latest Jack. I can't find them...
>I'm not sure about this.
>To minimize the risk of having broken packages, I try to follow the
>packaging done in the current development release of Ubuntu, as far as
>possible. That means that the jack packages in the hardy section of my
>ppa basically are built the same way jack in jaunty is, with
>additional libffado support. Do you know if there are additional
>dependencies needed to get alsa_in and alsa_out? I might consider
>adding them to the package.

I originally was going to build it from source, and was told to get it to
build alsa_in/out I needed the

But, I don't think that answers your question...

>> - What do I need to install to get Audacity to use Jack. Again, I was led
>> to believe it came with the latest Audacity.
>Audacity should work with jack through portaudio. Make sure jackd is
>running before you fire up audacity. At least it works here.

Ok, I'll have a try, I was looking for an output plugin in Audacity pref's
called jack. I'll check if I have a portaudio selection.

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PPA report & questions

2009-02-02 Thread
I have upgraded UBS hardy via Khashayar's PPA in launchpad.

I chose all the alsa stuff, ardour, audacity, ffado, and pulse.

So far it looks like everything is functioning and nothing broken.

Thanks Khashayar!

Questions though:

- The guys over on Jack irc say alsa_in and alsa_out should be with the
latest Jack. I can't find them...

- What do I need to install to get Audacity to use Jack. Again, I was led
to believe it came with the latest Audacity.

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Jack folder not found

2009-01-28 Thread

This is very frustrating. I did a fresh install of UBS 8.0.4, applied the
updates, changed the group on the 1394, and started jack with freebob.

And this is part of the message I get from jack:

could not open driver directory /usr/lib/jack: No such file or directory

And indeed /usr/lib/jack is no where to be found.

This is the 2nd time I did a fresh 8.0.4 on this machine, and the first
time I don't remember this being an issue.

So, what am I forgetting.

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Re: What HW/SW do people have working?

2009-01-27 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Larry David
>Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:33:39 -0500
>Subject: Re: What HW/SW do people have working?

>So does anyone have a Linux DAW running well on a laptop?  I want to  
>do my research before I buy!  (Somehow that sounds vaguely familiar,  
>like I've read that recently somewhere  it'll come to me later...)

Hi Larry,

My UBS 8.0.4 amd64 with firepod using Jack/freebob was solid (not counting
the wifi that I can't get to work and is not important in DAW land)...until
I took it upon myself to tinker with things like building the latest Jack.

The latop is a Dell XPS1530.

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Re: Pulse ?

2009-01-26 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: Hartmut Noack
>Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:43:37 +0100
>Subject: Re: Pulse ?
>Hash: SHA1
>Scott schrieb:
>> wrote:
>> I had this same issue and resorted to using my external mixer to hear
>> Keep this discussion going, I'd love to hear a solution.

Actually, I wrote the message he was responding to, not the above comment.

>solution is simple: get the pulse sources and compile with jackd-support.
>The same with xinelib - install jack-dev, then compile xinelib from
>source and amarok plays sound via jackd the same as xine/gxine etc...

I see the "it's simple, just compile this or that" for all kinds of things
in Linux land.

I submit that it is simple for those who are comfortable with compiling and
want to do so.

But, I don't think the majority of users ARE comfortable in that realm and
for them it just isn't simple...if it was the forums would be way smaller.

And it could be argued that they will create more headaches for themselves
if they just live with it until it is available with a few clicks from a

>It would be nice though, if we could get the needed plugins from
>universe with a few clicks in synaptic...

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UBS Hardy w/ backports?

2009-01-26 Thread
I'm planning a rebuild with UBS 8.0.4 and the backports to hardy of Jack,
ardour, and ffado from the PPA.

Any recommended sequence?

i.e. is it best to install UBS hardy, then the copious updates and then the
backports for Jack, Ardour, and ffado?

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Re: Pulse ?

2009-01-26 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: Scott
>Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 08:31:44 -0800
>Subject: Re: Pulse ?
> wrote:
>> A bit tangent to the disscussion...
>> Latency issues aside, I've been experimenting, to no avail, to be able to
>> receive audio from my firewire device and output it to my onboard audio.
>> I have not been able to get pulse or alsa to show up as an output in
>I had this same issue and resorted to using my external mixer to hear
>Keep this discussion going, I'd love to hear a solution.

Well, I chased this a bit and was led to believe there is something called
alsa_in and alsa_out included with Jack 119.

These programs, again as I understand, when run from the terminal window
create an alsa sink or source that should show up in jack.

The back port came a few days after I attempted to compile Jack 119 on my
UBS hardy install.

The result was a jack that was no longer stable. And, no executable being
present for alsa_in/out. They are in the tools folder created from the jack
tar ball, configure/make script appear to do a recursive, and no apparant
errors in the build log files.

So, since the back ports for Jack, Ardour, and ffado are now available I am
planning on re-doing things later this week and hoping for better results.

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Re: Pulse ?

2009-01-26 Thread
A bit tangent to the disscussion...
Latency issues aside, I've been experimenting, to no avail, to be able to
receive audio from my firewire device and output it to my onboard audio.

I have not been able to get pulse or alsa to show up as an output in Jack.

In this case latency is not an issue, I just want to avoid having to switch
physical cabling back and forth.


Original Message:
From: Cory K.
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:14:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Pulse ?

Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Cory has pointed out later on in this thread, that the core-devs do not
> want the jackd-plugin in pulse, because jackd is not in main - they
> don't want to cope with that, *because they do not care for audio-users,*
> I'd say. The UBS-team should not accept such politics lightly...

Not /really/ accurate. I never said anything about the core-devs. :)
JACK was in Main at one point but was demoted. (I'll try to get the
exact reason later) But there are lots of people (besides audio users)
that would like to see JACK back in Main. It's just gonna take some work
but is on our radar for this (Jaunty) release.

It should also be noted that using the Pulse-JACK plugin just adds
latency and that hard-core users will just use JACK. The plugin will
help new/casual users and people who want PA/JACK apps to talk to each

-Cory K.

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Re: What HW/SW do people have working?

2009-01-26 Thread

Couple of questions:

- I was under the impression that to get rt kernel in 8.10 the kernel had
to be compiled locally.

- do you have any comparison between the freebob drivers and the ffado. (I
realize the later are the new generation, do they improve life with

- have you attempted to use more than one audiofire12? (i.e. two = 24
channels in)


Original Message:
From: Scott
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:34:20 -0800
Subject: Re: What HW/SW do people have working?

Larry David wrote:
> Hi - I'm a Mac user and musician.  I'm thinking of switching to Linux  
> with my next laptop, and am wondering what people are using for audio/ 
> MIDI interfaces, and what software - DAW, plugins, softsynths, etc.?

I have a little Dell XPS 1210 which I recently got working for my modest
little music 
studio.  All the details were in this post to the FFADO list:

Here it is in all its posterity:

Well, I got it all working.  I wanted to share my progress with everyone by
the wiki but I don't have access to that.  Here's what I did (in a

My Kit:
Dell XPS M1210 laptop
Intel T5600 1.8GHz Core2Duo
Intel 945GM Video controller
Sigmatel 9220 internal audio controller
Internal Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller

EchoAudio Audiofire12

Ubuntu Studio 8.10 with RT (realtime) kernel

1. Install UbuntuStudio 8.10.

2. Install all updates via update manager

3. Install RT kernel
~$ sudo apt-get install linux-rt

4. Install ffado drivers and accompanying libraries
In Synaptic Package Manager choose Settings/Repositories.  In the 
Sources window choose the Third-Party Software tab.  Add the following:
deb gutsy contrib
Reload your package manager and install the following:
libffado2-dev (just in case)

5. Configure grub to boot RT kernel by default
~$ sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
edit the line:
default 0
to say
default 4
or whatever number (counting from 0) is your rt entry in the file.  If 
don't do this you have to manually choose it at boot every time.

6. Add yourself to the disk and audio groups.  If the audio group
doesn't already
   exist you can create it with the optional first command.
~$ sudo groupadd audio (optional step if audio group doesn't exist)
~$ sudo adduser  disk
~$ sudo adduser  audio

7. Adjust limits.conf to accommodate your RT kernel.
~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - rtprio 99 >> /etc/security/limits.conf'
~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - nice -19 >> /etc/security/limits.conf'
~$ sudo su -c 'echo @audio - memlock unlimited >>

8. Reboot to your RT kernel!

After you system is up and running you'll have to start jackd.  I recommend
qjackctl to do this as it has a patchbay manager.  Make sure everything is
plugged in
and running then start qjackctl (found in Sound & Video/Audio
Production/JACK Control)

9. You must install the raw1394 kernel module. Unfortunately my ability
to get this
   to stick hasn't worked.  No problem, just run the following short
command after
   each boot:
~$ sudo modprobe raw1394

10. Here are the changes I made to the default jackd config by clicking
Driver = firewire
Realtime (checked)
Priority = 70
Frames/Period = 64
Sample Rate = 48000
Periods/Buffer = 3
Port Maximum = 128
Interface = hw:0
Start Delay = 2

11. Click the Patchbay button.  Click the New button and let it
discover your
port configurations itself.  Mine showed System with 12 capture
ports listed
under Output and it showed System with 12 playback ports under
Input.  Select
System in both windows and choose Connect.  You may have to click
the Activate
though I don't really know exactly what that does.

Click the start button and pray for no xruns.  Following these exact steps
I've been
able to successfully record in Ardour for 30ish minutes without xruns or
errors.  It may go longer but I haven't bothered trying yet.

The big hurdle I encountered was outdated information on many websites. 
First of all,
the Ricoh 1394 controller does not work with 8.04.1 RT kernel.  It is
wonderfully with my 8.10 RT kernel.  I hope some

Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 21, Issue 24

2009-01-23 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: Alfons Verreijt
>Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:40:45 +0100
>Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 21, Issue 24
>Dear Kashayar,
>could you please take some time to explain to me how ppa works and 
>means. I suspect I can use your packages to install software, but I am 
>clueless in how I should do this, should I add some line to my sources
>Please give me a step by step?

As Requested:


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Re: Jaunty RT

2009-01-21 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Gustin Johnson
>Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:18:55 -0700
>Subject: Re: Jaunty RT
>Hash: SHA1
>Christopher Stamper wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Gustin Johnson > > wrote:
>> >
>> > So, looking forward: will we be able to switch to 9.04? In other
>> words,
>> > will 9.04 have RT support, or will we still be stuck with 8.04?
>> >
>> I have RT in 8.10.  All that it required was building my own kernel
>> 2.6.28), so you are not "stuck" with 8.04 right now if you do not
>> to be.
>> People who don't want to bother compiling a kernel are 'stuck'; anyway,
>> it's easier to stay with 8.04.
>You mean to say that people who *choose* not to investigate their
>options are stuck.  You are only "stuck" if you want to be.

"stuck" could mean many things.

Building this and building that is rarely without time 
consuming issues. UX's have always been like uncle on the 
Jackie Chan cartoon: " more thing...".

If the goal of having Ubuntu Studio is to use it as a tool 
to do billable work, then staying with a known working tool 
rather than exploring options, and choosing to be stuck is the
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RE: Backporting Jack

2009-01-20 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:29:44 -0500
>Subject: Backporting Jack
> wrote:
>> I'm curious as to why Jack won't be backported?
>Because it requires backporting other libs that effect other apps. One's
>that we aren't gonna be responsible for at this time. Things may change,
>but for now, we won't be backporting JACK.
>-Cory K.

That's understandable.

The reason I was attempting to compile Jack 116 was to get the alsa_in and

But, I ended up with more questions than answers:

- the resulting build did not create executables for them. Even though the
source is in the tools folder under the extracted tar ball.
- I mentioned the quest for alsa_in/out in another forum and others thought
these had been there for some time (years) i.e they should be there in Jack
- I've found no googled info about compiling them separately.

At this point, since Jack was stable before the build, I'm probably going
to install Ubuntu Studio from scratch and hopefully get back to where I was.

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RE: Backporting Jack

2009-01-20 Thread
>Original Message:
>From: Cory K.
>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:29:44 -0500
>Subject: Backporting Jack
> wrote:
>> I'm curious as to why Jack won't be backported?
>Because it requires backporting other libs that effect other apps. One's
>that we aren't gonna be responsible for at this time. Things may change,
>but for now, we won't be backporting JACK.
>-Cory K.

That's understandable.

The reason I was attempting to compile Jack 116 was to get the alsa_in and

But, I ended up with more questions than answers:

- the resulting build did not create executables for them. Even though the
source is in the tools folder under the extracted tar ball.
- I mentioned the quest for alsa_in/out in another forum and others thought
these had been there for some time (years) i.e they should be there in Jack
- I've found no googled info about compiling them separately.

At this point, since Jack was stable before the build, I'm probably going
to install Ubuntu Studio from scratch and hopefully get back to where I was.

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RE: Announcement: Ardour 2.7.1 will land in hardy + intrepid

2009-01-20 Thread
Add my thanks for your efforts.

I'm curious as to why Jack won't be backported?

As one who recently ended up with a completely unstable Jack 116 after
building on my Ubuntu Studio Hardy amd64, I'd love to have the latest Jack
that works...


>Original Message:
>From: Khashayar Naderehvandi
>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 15:05:54 +0100
>Subject: Announcement: Ardour 2.7.1 will land in hardy + intrepid
>Dear all,
>I am happy to announce that Ardour 2.7.1 has been accepted for
>backporting to Hardy as well as Intrepid [1]. It should end up in the
>appropriate repos anytime soon.
>This is hopefully the beginning of a more active backporting effort
>within Ubuntu Studio. It seemed important to me to get this particular
>package through to start with, as it's one of the most important ones
>in a DAW context. If there are packages that you want to see
>backported, please let me know and I'll try to get the ball rolling.
>Just remember that libraries and such (e.g. jack) won't be backported.
>Just a couple of weeks back, I was a regular user who needed
>up-to-date packages. I started looking into how I could build the
>jaunty packages locally for myself. But why not share, when the
>packages are built, I thought. After an email to this list, I was
>invited to work more closely with the dev group. The step from "using"
>to "sharing" is small, and the step from "sharing" to working more
>officially was smaller than I thought. I've realized that it's not too
>hard to make a difference. In fact, the easiest thing one could do,
>which would nevertheless be a very big help to us all, is testing. We
>have a release ahead of us that will hopefully be worth upgrading to,
>from both hardy and intrepid. But like said, to make that happen, we
>will need testers :-)
>All the best from your dedicated backportman,
>Ubuntu-Studio-users mailing list
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alsa_in build?

2009-01-16 Thread
Has anyone built Jack from the tar ball available for version 116 on the
Jackaudio website?

The build seems to have completed and I have a functioning Jack.

But, the make file appears to be supposed to do a recursive build of the
directories created by the tar -xvf of the ball. But, there is no resultant
executable of the things in the tools directory. For example there is no
alsa_in or alsa_out in /usr/bin (or anywhere that I can see)


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Building the latest Jack

2009-01-14 Thread

Not sure this is the right forum, but here goes:

Since I need(want) features (namely alsa_in/out) in Jack 116 and Ubuntu
Studio comes with 109 I need to build the latest.

The following is from the FAQ at with my questions mixed

* 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 series kernel with tmpfs turned on (CONFIG_TMPFS)}

Ok, so I have 2.4 from the Ubuntu Studio

{* Shared memory file system mounted on /dev/shm. add the following to
/etc/fstab to get it mounted at boot:

shmfs   /dev/shm shmdefaults0   0

(Note: you may have to make the /dev/shm directory)

Ok, so /dev/shm exists, but is mounted as devshm already. Adding the above
and rebooting shows no errors in any log that I found, but only devshm
shows up when I "mount -l"

{Once you have the correct shmfs support, you should be able to build jack
with the following sequence of commands:

sh ./
make install

Obviously these get typed in a terminal session. But:

* as root?
* what directory should I be in?
* where do I extract the tar ball that has the source?

Haven't done anything like this in a UNIX like system since the late
1980' the gray cells are a bit rusty.;)

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Jack version?

2009-01-13 Thread
Can anyone confirm which version of Jack gets installed with UBStudio 64bit

Is it what's referred to as Jack1?

Does it contain alsa_in/out?

(sorry, currently not in the same county as UBStudio machine, so can't look)


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UBUNTU Studio 64bit or 32bit rt

2009-01-08 Thread
Hi All,

Just curious here.

I currently have the 64bit version of Ubuntu Studio 8.10 loaded on my

Jack gets XRUNs regularly with freebob. No other apps running just freebob
connected to my FP10.

I don't remember this being the case with 8.04 and the rt kernel.

Since I haven't heard anything about an rt version of 8.10 (will there also
be a delay with 64bit rt?) on the horizon...

- Is it possible to eliminate the XRUNs in the 64bit version without rt

- If I want to do live recording should I just go back to 8.04?

Different issue:

- Does anyone know how to get the on board sound devices to show up in
Jack, WHILE freebob is in use? (After much research in the forums, getting
no response from either the JACK or Pulseaudio forums/irc channels, and
lots of tinkering I've been unable to find the secret...if it exists.)

- Is there a way to configure the JACK freebob settings for low latency and
no XRUNs.

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Ubuntu Studio 64bit

2008-12-28 Thread

I have downloaded the 64bit version of Studio and installed it on my laptop.

I then configured the 1394 drivers so I could get Jack to see my Firepod.

Then I fired up Ardour and tried recording a couple inputs, In this case, I
just have 440Hz signal source.

Even without Ardour, Jack shows XRUN's.

I never saw XRUN's with the 32bit rt kernel. Are there settings that might
improve this in the 64bit non-rt?

Also, how do I zoom-in in Ardour to see the shape of the waveform. Seems I
zoom so far and then it won't go further.

And, how do I increase the x axis in a track?

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RE: -rt in intrepid, quick and dirty

2008-12-16 Thread

>Original Message:
>From: Gerhard Lang
>Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:29:14 +0100
>Subject: -rt in intrepid, quick and dirty

>as root backup and open /etc/apt/sources.list.
>Replace all "intrepid" with "hardy".
>Sudo apt-get update.
>In synaptic choose newest 2.6.24--rt stuff and install.
>Replace sources.list with the backup, reboot.
>Have fun with dual core, latency and xruns as usual.

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