Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Personal recording studio

2018-04-06 Thread Akkana Peck
charlie writes:
> hey guys! it's me once again and this time I'm reporting on one of my other
> Ubuntu projects. This one's my very own recording studio.

Nice! I don't know anything about recording, but have you looked at
Carla Schroder's various writings? When she wrote "The Book of
Audacity" her main focus was a Linux-based home recording studio,
and she's written some other articles here and there on the subject.
That was a while ago, so things might have changed, but she might
have some useful tips, and if Audacity hasn't changed too much in
that time, the book might be worth a look.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Touch and more

2018-04-02 Thread Akkana Peck
charlie writes:
> Hey guys, I wanted to update you some more about my adventures in flashing
> my LG Nexus 5 over to Ubuntu Touch. 

Thanks for the update, Charlie. I would be very interested in the
step by step if you get a chance to write it up. I'd also be
interested in hearing about your experiences if you actually use
it as a phone, and whether it supports other hardware, like the GPS.

I'm increasingly frustrated by Android's absence of security and
how difficult it is to develop for, and increasingly wishing for a
more open option, both for phone and for tablet apps that don't
require phone capabilities.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] PIXLS.ULS - F/OSS Photography Community

2015-07-19 Thread Akkana Peck
Nathan Haines writes:
> It looks like a new site popped up recently for photographers.  It's being
> run by Pat David, who's a member of the GIMP team, and the plan is to host
> some high quality tutorials, articles, and a Discuss-based message forum.
> I took a look around and it looks promising, so I thought I'd share.

Seconded. Pat is active in the GIMP community and has some
excellent tutorials there already.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Least painful way to upgrade 12.10?

2014-06-17 Thread Akkana Peck
Josh Berkus wrote:
> b) is there a good way to back up my entire HDD image so that I can
> revert to 12.10 if things go south?

Alex Mandel writes:
> 2. move your home directory to a separate partition then you only have
> to write over the / with the fresh install, home directory can stay in
> place. (this could be done with a large external too, bit of a shuffle game)

If you put your home directory on a separate partition, you can keep
several / partitions around. Then you can do a fresh install of
14.04 to one of the spare root partitions without risking anything
on your working 12.10 setup. Root partitions don't take up much space
at all (allow 15G or so) compared to the size of modern hard drives.

And thanks, Alex, for the suggestion of dpkg get-selections --
I haven't been doing that on new installs, but it's a great idea.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election

2012-10-26 Thread Akkana Peck
Elizabeth Krumbach writes:
> The mail would have come:
> Subject: Poll: ubuntu-us-ca leadership poll
> From: "Philip Ballew (CIVS poll supervisor)" 
> Sender: 
> Reply-To:

Thanks! Turns out it got spam filtered on this end, because it was
to an address I use for Launchpad and bugzilla stuff, but it wasn't
from any of those addresses. Don't know if that's true for the other
folks who missed the email.

Now the only problem is figuring out who to vote for since they're
all great candidates. :-)


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Election

2012-10-24 Thread Akkana Peck
Philip Ballew writes:
> I just sent out an email for leadership roles for the next year. All
> people with public Launchpad emails should have been emailed. If you
> do not have a public email and would like to be sent a ballot, please
> email me. Voting ends November fourth just before the meeting.

김요한 writes:
> Philip, I don't think I received the email.  i would love to send a 
> ballot.
> Or is my email not set to private?

I didn't get one either, and I'm fairly sure my email is public.
Should the message have launchpad in the From line? (For purposes
of searching through mail logs.)

I've missed these emails before, for elections on a different team
(and there were quite a few others in that election who also didn't
receive mail).  Is there any way to check why Launchpad fails to send
to certain people? Is there any way to file a bug on Launchpad's
email system?


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Demand high for Ubuntu gatherings in Silicon Valley

2012-10-03 Thread Akkana Peck
nuboon2age writes:
> Now my main topic: how hungry folks seem to be for Ubuntu gatherings in
> Silicon Valley.  I always suspected there was a LOT of pent-up demand, and
> So I payed $15 and started a Meetup group to try to reach
> beyond the usual suspects.  And a few days later there are already 20
> people who have joined up!!! [ ... ]

It's great to hear about more south bay gatherings!

How do we find the meetup group? Can you post a link, or its name?

Will you be posting announcements of gatherings here as well?


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, Wednesday July 13th, 6-7PM

2011-07-11 Thread Akkana Peck
Elizabeth Krumbach writes:
> Mountain View has free street parking and parking lots, but the last
> time I went down with a car it took me some time to find a spot, I
> ended up parking at a free parking garage about a block away. So I'd
> just recommend that you arrive a bit early to find parking :)

There are also two parking garages a block west of Castro: there's
uually space in the big one at Villa and Bryant, less than a block
from Red Rock, and there's another garage a few blocks south, attached
to the CVS at California and Bryant. Also worth trying are the lot on
the south side of Villa across from the Tied House (not the more
popular one behind the Tied House). If you're willing to walk 2-3
blocks, try Evelyn west of Castro along the railroad tracks.

...Akkana (who works there but can't make it next week)

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: Please share with your LoCos

2011-05-24 Thread Akkana Peck
Tedd Fox writes:
> 99% of computer users are not power users.  Ask the admin asst of an exec to
> jump on IRC and he/she will ask for a Mac.  #justsayin

I've been a bit confused by this thread. Tedd, are you saying that
we should all stop helping people on IRC because not all users are
familiar with it?

If you have good ideas for how to improve web FAQs, go for it!
There are lots of places to get or contribute support besides IRC --
forums, wikis, mailing lists, howtos.

But since plenty of users do seem to like asking questions on IRC,
and there are plenty of us who hang out there anyway and like
helping users, what would it serve to take away that option?


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Tablets!

2011-03-25 Thread Akkana Peck
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Ara Pulido  wrote:
> > Actually, the laptop testing team has improved the way they report
> > results with their own tracker:
> >
> >

Grant Bowman writes:
> I don't think that system has the capabilities or value to end users
> that I tried to describe. What I am hoping is that end users would be
> enabled to help each other, providing validation of what works and
> what doesn't for their particular combination of hardware, kernel
> modules and software. Reporting bugs or harnessing testing was not my

Grant's idea would be very useful to a lot of people. When you're
considering buying a laptop, or just bought one and hit a snag
trying to install Ubuntu on it, you could check the wiki and find
tips and reports from other people with the same model. Sort of
like but a wiki, so it's a little
easier to submit new entries. used to be invaluable
but I'm not sure how much it's being kept up to date these days.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] howdy all

2010-10-28 Thread Akkana Peck
kdemarest writes:
> i'm working on getting my site up and running with wordpress.  here is the
> link:  i realized that i don't have any of
> your blogs in my reader, except for iheartubuntu's.  so if you have a blog,
> please send me a link to it so i can check it out!

Mine is at:

Looking forward to the ubuntu-us-ca planet! And loving the discussion
about the launchpad API -- very cool, I didn't know that was so easy.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Team Leadership Election Announcement!

2010-10-03 Thread Akkana Peck
Elizabeth Krumbach writes:
> To quickly jump in with my opinion: I've both been part of successful
> teams and am currently in a leadership team where the 3 leadership
> option is working and am highly in favor of it. Not only does it serve
> to help spread the leadership responsibilities among several people
> (thus lessening the leadership workload and bottlenecks all around),
> it helps do a better job of properly representing the team as a whole.

I am also in a 3-person leadership team (not the same one as Lyz,
though I'm familiar with that group too) and the arrangement has
worked very well. It makes life much easier for the leaders -- we
can share out responsibilities, and if someone goes on vacation or
needs a break for a while, it's no problem -- and it seems less
prone to lead to drama and strife than a single leader. I would
definitely recommend the arrangement, especially in a group that's
had past conflicts over leadership.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Asking For Opinion: Leadership Appointment Process

2010-03-09 Thread Akkana Peck
Jono Bacon writes:
> Hi All,
> I just want to clarify my original question as there was a little 
> confusion reported to me earlier: I am asking whether you feel that the 
> leadership process is required at all. If you feel the team would 
> benefit from having that process in place, vote with +1, if you feel 
> that the team is running just fine without it, vote -1.
> Sorry for any confusion. Thanks, all!

Now I'm even more confused than I was before. I thought we were
voting on keeping the current setup for a year, then letting the
team vote on leadership after that. Now you clarify we're voting on
whether to have formal leadership at all, ever. That seems very
different from what you said in the first message.

As a relative newcomer I don't know what all these smouldering
issues are or even who a lot of the people are (you know, it
would be really helpful to have a page somewhere that mapped IRC
nicks to real names, or for folks on IRC in leadership positions
to set their realnames).  So I probably should stay out of the
vote anyway, but I have to say this process is confusing.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Where do I start

2010-03-07 Thread Akkana Peck
> On Sat, 2010-03-06 at 22:27 -0800, Robert Hansen wrote:
> > I have no idea where to start [with a LAMP project].

Alan Ostlund writes:
> Ubuntu makes it fairly easy to do web pages.  Here are a few places that
> can explain it much better than I can.  
> :

I think that first link should be

I have sometimes found it harder than that page suggests to enable
PHP under Ubuntu -- if you have trouble with that, feel free to ask.

Once you get the LAMP stuff working, you may want to look into a
content management system. See the "Web Applications" category
on for a list of some


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