[Ubuntu-US-CA] available: optical media (DVD/CD), sleeves, burners (Berkeley, CA, US)

2021-06-27 Thread Michael Paoli

Perhaps of most interest to those that may want to (burn and) provide
ISOs on optical:

Recently (today) added to the list* and now also available for free:
DVD+R (up to 97)
CD-RW (up to 11)
and also available:
up to 446 sleeves.
2 burners

I'm still also updating some of the details regarding the optical media
(and erasing non-blank CD-RW) - but the basic information is already

* Details, see:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] offered/available: paperboard CD/DVD sleeves, white (up to qty. 446, Berkeley, CA)

2021-02-11 Thread Michael Paoli
offered/available: paperboard CD/DVD sleeves, white (up to qty. 446,  
Berkeley, CA)

For latest status/details, see:

(also, I'm in Berkeley, CA 94703 - you'd probably need to arrange to
pick these up or cover shipping, I might also occasionally be able
to arrange/coordinate other locations to hand 'em off, e.g.
Downtown Berkeley, post-pandemic: possibly also San Francisco,
Walnut Creek, and some locations between)

Description, etc.:
paperboard CD/DVD sleeves, white
GenesysDTP.com https://www.genesysdtp.com/
qty. up to 446
generally unused Paperboard Sleeves without Flap[1], white, no hole,
5"x5", unmarked, well suited for attaching label or stamping (or
possibly printing if printer works on something flat, rigid, and thick)
1. https://www.genesysdtp.com/paperboardsleeve.htm

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ALERT

2019-03-08 Thread Michael Paoli

Also recommend listing/checking:
(site is still not encrypted (no https support), so - use unique,
nontrivial password there (as anywhere), but definitely don't
use that same password anywhere else).

In general, also good to always check there when
acquiring or potentially acquiring (or having
found/acquired) a computer.

From: Charlie 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ALERT
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2019 07:34:21 -0800

ALERT: my jeep was broken into and my laptop was stolen. I'm in
lockdown mode as of right now. This occurred at a starbucks near my
school. any odd behavior from any of my accounts isn't me. i'm in the
process of getting everything locked down

be on alert!
charlie luna

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ALERT

2019-03-08 Thread Michael Paoli

Sorry to hear abbout the Jeep & laptop.

And for all:
o on-disk encryption can be a *good* thing[1]
o backups[2]
o good to change passwords and other authentication tokens once
  in a while - especially if one suspects they might possibly have
  been compromised.

1. I've had darn near everything on drives encrypted for years now
2. Likewise I've been encrypting at least all off-site backups for
   quite a number of years now too.  That still leaves the key
   management issues and issue(s) of backups of keys ... but that's
   slightly simpler issue and much smaller volume of data - heck,
   could even be done on some bit(s) or sheet(s) of paper).  One can
   also XOR and split keys, etc., e.g. to have N of M requirements
   to recover key, where N>1, and any 
From: Charlie 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ALERT
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2019 07:34:21 -0800

ALERT: my jeep was broken into and my laptop was stolen. I'm in
lockdown mode as of right now. This occurred at a starbucks near my
school. any odd behavior from any of my accounts isn't me. i'm in the
process of getting everything locked down

be on alert!
charlie luna

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)

2019-01-16 Thread Michael Paoli

Lyz, et. al.,

Lyz - thanks:
Looks much more clean and current now - and also well has the
relevant info. how to properly kick off, list, etc. an Ubuntu Hour
(at least for California) so it will show in the relevant places, etc.
Much better.  :-)

I also, bit earlier, did major update to:
Okay, sure it breaks the "pretty" format, but links to generally
much more current and useful information, and will in all likelihood
at least generally link to fairly well maintained reasonably current
and fairly complete information.

From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area  
[L]UG list(s)

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 20:33:10 -0800

Hmmm, I didn't even know there was a meetup.com page.

Anyway, fewer (one?) authoritative source better than numerous
(and potentially conflicting) non-authoritative sources ... especially
when the non-authoritative also don't refer back to the authoritative,
so most are quite unsure as to what is/isn't authoritative.

Anyway, I might (eventually?) get around to pokin' at some bits of it.

From: "Elizabeth K. Joseph" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area  
[L]UG list(s)

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:05:12 -0800

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 7:01 AM Michael Paoli

It would seem probably most logical primary place would be:

Our Meetup.com page was, until recently when Canonical ceased paying
for it, what most accurately tracked events. We'll have to switch back
to using the LoCo Team Portal until something better comes along, so
I've gone ahead and updated this page to just link there for now and
so it no longer lists all the individual events.

Sidebar: This is a wiki, if anyone wishes to edit pages here they can
apply to the editors Launchpad team at
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors and let me know if you have
any trouble being accepted.

And secondly:
SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
There's this:

Like much of the wiki for our team, this was an ambitious project
early on for the team that simply wasn't maintained. I also don't have
the bandwidth to tackle keeping it up to date, but it may be an
interesting project for a newcomer to the team who wants to do some
research into the active Linux groups that are still out there :)

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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someplace that is or was on meetup.com


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)

2019-01-14 Thread Michael Paoli

Hmmm, I didn't even know there was a meetup.com page.

Anyway, fewer (one?) authoritative source better than numerous
(and potentially conflicting) non-authoritative sources ... especially
when the non-authoritative also don't refer back to the authoritative,
so most are quite unsure as to what is/isn't authoritative.

Anyway, I might (eventually?) get around to pokin' at some bits of it.

From: "Elizabeth K. Joseph" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area  
[L]UG list(s)

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:05:12 -0800

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 7:01 AM Michael Paoli

It would seem probably most logical primary place would be:

Our Meetup.com page was, until recently when Canonical ceased paying
for it, what most accurately tracked events. We'll have to switch back
to using the LoCo Team Portal until something better comes along, so
I've gone ahead and updated this page to just link there for now and
so it no longer lists all the individual events.

Sidebar: This is a wiki, if anyone wishes to edit pages here they can
apply to the editors Launchpad team at
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wiki-editors and let me know if you have
any trouble being accepted.

And secondly:
SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
There's this:

Like much of the wiki for our team, this was an ambitious project
early on for the team that simply wasn't maintained. I also don't have
the bandwidth to tackle keeping it up to date, but it may be an
interesting project for a newcomer to the team who wants to do some
research into the active Linux groups that are still out there :)

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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someplace that is or was on meetup.com


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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)

2019-01-11 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)

First of all:

Ubuntu Hour San Francisco

Does someone want to do a (better) cleanup of the relevant web pages,

Most notably:

Many of the pages imply this meeting happens every month.  Now,
having date/time/location pre-arranged for it 'n all is good, but ...
with those meetings - especially in more recent years - much more
commonly not actually happening than happening, the relevant web
It's also good (and as was commonly done) *when* the meetings actually
happened, to properly enter it as a Ubuntu event - and notably as
an Ubuntu Hour event, and as a ubuntu-us-ca LoCo event - so it then
automagically shows in all the right places for things that process and
show those calendar events and specific categories thereof (some folks
'n things specifically watch for / display such).  Also helps, likewise,
to have the location on such on correct continent, country, state, ...
again so it's properly found where it ought be (and not, e.g., event
lacking continent, or global).

To the extent feasible (and notably not excluding the Ubuntu event
calendaring thingy stuff), there really ought be *one* authoritative
place that says whether the meeting is happening - or at least that
one can quickly and easily check if it's actually been scheduled 'n
such.  Heck, maybe it could even be coded to benefit the whole
Ubuntu-US-CA team (e.g. if it's scheduled as both a Ubuntu-US-CA LoCo
event, and an Ubuntu Hour event, have a persistent web page that
automagically shows it on there if it's upcoming within say, month to 2
month's time).  Anyway, single authoritative source often works better,
lest there be conflicting information from multiple sources and
questions as to which is authoritative.

And sites / web pages?  There isn't a
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco
web page ... though there are page*s* with such on it,
so checking generally involves looking thorough many sources to try and
determine definitively what the situation currently is regarding
upcoming meeting actually scheduled or not.
It would seem probably most logical primary place would be:
And ... it even supports anchor tags ..., e.g.:
But, alas, that is not only not user-friendly anchor, but also
not persistent for the relevant data (e.g. someone edits it, and the
stuff at #line-20 is no longer the SF stuff).
I mean, trying to determine definitively the current status, generally
involves checking all of:
So, among other things, not having a persistent authoritative URL
makes it much less user-friendly - and also less likely to get the
information reasonably and clearly propagated.
It also doesn't help that the Canonical/Ubuntu calendaring stuff doesn't
(at least last I checked) have any way to schedule recurring events -
which of course means for the event to be there, someone has to put it
in there ... every ... single ... time.  Someone want to code up
something that could handle automatic recurring meetings being

Anyway, ideally might be something like a specific page, or persistent
anchor on a specific page, and that could say something rough like ...
when they occur, they're scheduled on the Nth Xday of the month,
starting at  and typically at (or near) ... and here are any
upcoming ones that are scheduled .

And secondly:
SF Bay Area [L]UG list(s)
There's this:
(Hey, at least it has a persistent anchor tag!)
Which is, unfortunately woefully out-of-date (and incomplete), and in
it's present form will probably almost always be.  Rather than try to
maintain it as such (and have yet another different incomplete
out-of-date list of such on The Internet), perhaps instead link to some
better maintained more complete lists/resources, e.g.:
Might not look quite as "pretty" for the formatting on the page ... but
I'd vote for functionality and accuracy over "pretty".

Anyway, Ubuntu ... not my baby.  Maybe some 'o y'all might want to take
a crack at addressing and cleaning those up?  I might be able to do some
too, but it's very low on the priorities on my todo list (5921 lines
long and growing - yes, it will never all get done - at least not by

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco 2018-10-10 6-7pm @ Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery (Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting and keysigning also very nearby after Ubuntu Hour)

2018-10-06 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour San Francisco 2018-10-10 6-7pm @ Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery:

(Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting and keysigning also very nearby after  
Ubuntu Hour):


Hmmm... looks like some Ubuntu bits could use updating ...
shows Ubuntu Hours 2016
... I didn't seem to be able to find an Ubuntu Hours 2018
... also not sure how to make the specific Ubuntu Hour event
part of Ubuntu Hours 2018 ... but maybe Ubuntu Hours 2018 wasn't

I thought there used to be a way to see all the scheduled Ubuntu Hour
events (or at least for a given year) ... not sure if that functionality
is still in place ... or is so for current year?  (Rather similar to seeing
all the loco events, or Ubuntu-US-CA events).

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] (ugly) workaround(s) - bug 1731762: Re: ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ... 210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

2017-11-16 Thread Michael Paoli

Well, ... I did add some (ugly) workaround(s),
At least with the program/script, it's not quite as ugly as having to
manually determine all the missing files and explicitly download all
those to some temporary location.  Still far from elegant "solution",
so yes, definitely still a bug (with the archive/.jigdo file itself, not
an issue with jigdo or jigdo-lite).

From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ...  
210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 06:31:16 -0800

Internet connection is fine (but not particularly high speed).
Those 210 files are missing from the archive - they return
404 Not Found
Can't assemble ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso using jigdo
with 210 of the files missing (have the other 1264 files).
The Jigdo files specify the hashes, and (preferred/suggested)
Server(s) for obtaining the files, and the file paths relative to
Server(s) locations given.  The Jigdo file specifies
I also tried http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ - same results.

$ curl -s  
http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo |  
sed -ne '/^\[Servers]$/,$p'

Debian=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --try-last

If we take a random look at one of the missing files ...
$ sort -R missing | head -n 1
$ curl -s  
http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo |  
fgrep php7.0-gmp_7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb

$ curl -I  

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 14:00:28 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

If we have a look more closely in
we find there is no php7.0-gmp_7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb
file there.
It does have:
but those are useless for assembling
with jigdo - we specifically need
with a hash of:
... so looks like someone at Ubuntu seriously messed up the
archive (and/or jigdo file?).
And, that's just 1 examples of the 210 missing files.

... anyway, opened bug:
jigdo: files missing on archive http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ -  
cannot assemble, e.g. ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso

From: charlie 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ...  
210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 04:50:31 -0800

hey! good morning Mr. Paoli! Awesome to meet you! Looks like you've  
got yourself an issue with some server software. I don't even know  
how to help with you that since I don't have any experience or  
knowledge of setting up a server. Did you lose your connection? a  
404 sounds like the connection was lost or the server went down for  
some reason but you probably already know that.

On 11/12/2017 04:44 AM, Michael Paoli wrote:
$ jigdo-lite  

Aaargh - 210 files could not be downloaded.

Dang, ... really? 404 Not Found on 210 of the required files? 

These are what's missing:

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ... 210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

2017-11-12 Thread Michael Paoli

Internet connection is fine (but not particularly high speed).
Those 210 files are missing from the archive - they return
404 Not Found
Can't assemble ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso using jigdo
with 210 of the files missing (have the other 1264 files).
The Jigdo files specify the hashes, and (preferred/suggested)
Server(s) for obtaining the files, and the file paths relative to
Server(s) locations given.  The Jigdo file specifies
I also tried http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ - same results.

$ curl -s  
http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo |  
sed -ne '/^\[Servers]$/,$p'

Debian=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --try-last

If we take a random look at one of the missing files ...
$ sort -R missing | head -n 1
$ curl -s  
http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo |  
fgrep php7.0-gmp_7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb

$ curl -I  

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 14:00:28 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

If we have a look more closely in
we find there is no php7.0-gmp_7.0.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb
file there.
It does have:
but those are useless for assembling
with jigdo - we specifically need
with a hash of:
... so looks like someone at Ubuntu seriously messed up the
archive (and/or jigdo file?).
And, that's just 1 examples of the 210 missing files.

... anyway, opened bug:
jigdo: files missing on archive http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ -  
cannot assemble, e.g. ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso

From: charlie 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ...  
210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 04:50:31 -0800

hey! good morning Mr. Paoli! Awesome to meet you! Looks like you've  
got yourself an issue with some server software. I don't even know  
how to help with you that since I don't have any experience or  
knowledge of setting up a server. Did you lose your connection? a  
404 sounds like the connection was lost or the server went down for  
some reason but you probably already know that.

On 11/12/2017 04:44 AM, Michael Paoli wrote:
$ jigdo-lite  

Aaargh - 210 files could not be downloaded.

Dang, ... really? 404 Not Found on 210 of the required files? 

These are what's missing:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.jigdo ... 210 files could not be downloaded - missing from archive!

2017-11-12 Thread Michael Paoli
$ jigdo-lite  

Aaargh - 210 files could not be downloaded.

Dang, ... really? 404 Not Found on 210 of the required files?  

These are what's missing:

Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu San Diego Social Hour

2016-09-16 Thread Michael Paoli

From: "Philip Ballew" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu San Diego Social Hour
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 08:10:03 -0700

We are having an informal gathering of Ubuntu users and Linux lovers next
week in San Diego. The event will take place Tuesday the 20th at 6pm, on
the Starbucks on Sports Arena across from In-N-Out. This is the location we
have met in the past. the topic of this meeting will be getting to know
other Ubuntu people in the area, as well as find ways to grow the
community. If you can make it, please RSVP on the Meetup page, so I know
it's real. Can't wait to see all my fellow Ubuntu people there!


Does sounds rather like an Ubuntu event, California Ubuntu event,
maybe even a loco event, and maybe even an "Ubuntu Hour".

Y'all might want to list/note/update it on:
And the pages/stuff referenced/noted/suggested under there.
Uhm, yeah, some 'o that stuff looks mighty out-of-date ...
When: Thursday 18 November 2010
H... since when is SiliconValley in Southern California and in San Diego?
Red Rock Cafe, 2nd floor ... but it's quite ambiguous about location ...
is that San Diego, or SilconValley?  Address and city would be good.
More recent than 5 years ago would also be good.

Well, at least it is listed as a California event:
and also on Ubuntu Hours 2016

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Password on Guest session?

2016-06-30 Thread Michael Paoli

Also seen elselist, and replied elselist:

From: "Christian Einfeldt" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Password on Guest session?
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 22:45:16 -0700


I am volunteering to help a low income shelter in San Francisco with
computers for the residents to use.  I have been told by one of the
residents that someone put a password on the guest session, locking out the
residents.  Here are my questions:

   1. Is it actually even possible to put a password on the guest session?
   I am not talking about the guest account.  I am talking about the guest
   session that reverts to default settings after each log-out.
   2. If so, is there a way that I can prevent this from happening again in
   the future?

Thanks in advance!

Christian Einfeldt

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Internet slowdown

2016-06-24 Thread Michael Paoli

Yes, basic divide and conquer.
Various ways to slice and dice it ...
e.g. by function (Bandwidth?  Latency?  Connectivity?  DNS?),
location (segment(s) or portion(s) along the way),
equipment (substitution of computer(s)/cable(s), connectivity
location(s), etc.

Essentially work to isolate what/where the problem is.
Eventually one gets it narrowed to exactly what/where it
is, at which point the fix is generally obvious, or one
isolates it to so-and-so's or such-and-such's responsibility,
and then they can fix their broken portion.

From: "Christian Einfeldt" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Internet slowdown
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2016 20:51:06 -0700

Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread.  I am going to be going back
to the homeless shelter soon, and I will update everyone after following
the suggestions given in this thread.  Thanks!

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Mark Weisler 

Hi Christian,
I'm intentionally top posting...

As a general practice, you want to engage in "bracketing" to try to
isolate your networking problem.
You know that you have a problem all the way out at the end computer in
the lobby.

Now you want to take a notebook computer to the "first place" you have an
internet  connection at the site.  This is probably at the broadband modem
or as close to the demarcation point as possible. Assuming you have an
ethernet cable connecting from the broadband router to your switch, take a
"known good" ethernet jumper cable and plug one end into the broadband
modem (or dsl modem) and the other into your notebook. Test the internet
connection from there. If bad or flaky or slow you then know to call the
ISP.  (Probably after rebooting all the electronics and testing again.)

If good, then disconnect your notebook and connect the broadband modem to
the switch. Pick a suitable port on the "LAN side" of the switch and test
again. If good you probably know the switch is good. Perform another test
on the port serving the lobby of the establishment to learn if maybe that
particular port is bad but others are good. It sometimes happens that a
port on the "LAN side" of the switch is bad, maybe just one out of N ports,
and you can just plug the lobby line into a different (good) port.

If the port serving the lobby has been good and tests good then you know
you probably have a problem with the cabling between the switch and the
lobby "technology outlet". And so on. Bracketing your testing to isolate
what is good and what is not. There are, of course ways to use electronics
to test and measure the quality of the ethernet cables installed in the
building. It can sometimes be good to have all this testing and documented
as a baseline for your records but maybe that's not affordable in this

Hope that helps.

On Jun 24, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Christian Einfeldt wrote:


Here are my questions:

   1. Why did my speed tests fail in this situation?
   2. Are the ping speeds normal for this situation?
   3. What diagnostic tests can I run to isolate the slowness on this

As most people on this list know, Partimus is volunteering for a low
income housing shelter in here in SF.  I have put in some quality legacy
Lubuntu machines in the lobby for the residents to use.  These machines all
have Intel Core 2 duo chips with 2 GB of RAM and are running Lubuntu
14.04.  I use a similar machine at home, and have no problems with it.
This email is being written on such a machine at one of the other
two homeless shelters.  The residents routinely use these machines to watch
YouTube video and use LibreOffice, etc., all without issue.  The machines
are proven good.

This is the third shelter to which we have given machines.  They don't
have a budget for either the equipment or the tech support for these

Two of the three shelters have good speed on the Internet that goes to
the machines.  (The shelters provide the Internet service).

However, the third shelter, called the Mentone, has slow Internet speeds in
the lobby.  I am not able to even do anything as basic as run sudo apt-get
update, as the machine chokes on downloading the updates.

The wiring is put in place by a company I will call the Maintenance Group
(MG).  I have called both the MG and the ISP.  Both of them claim that they
have no problems.  The ISP says that they are providing the usual 2 Mbit /
second that we expect here in the US for a configuration like this.  The MG
says that they have run a test on the wiring from the server to the lobby,
and are not seeing any problems.

The ISP is a good company that does not hate GNU-Linux.

The ISP asked me to give them a speed test directly from the switch,
which is located in the basement.  So I ran speed tests in the basement
and in the lobby, and was unable to get the speed test to work.  Speed test
has worked on this machine before.  Here are the two results:

Lobby, where the Lubuntu machine is to be located:

cje@cje-ultralap440:~$ speedtest-cli
Retrieving speedte

[Ubuntu-US-CA] Possible venue for San Francisco Ubuntu 16.04[.1] release party?

2016-05-18 Thread Michael Paoli

I hear/read that you're still looking for venue in San Francisco ...

Though not quite "Downtown", but perhaps quite "close enough" (it's
SOMA - and not a trek "across" town) - have you considered/asked:
OpenLate @ OpenDNS
(135 Bluxome St.)
I also notice they're still looking for "speaker" for their 2016-07-12
(There's contact email address on that URL - but need to be logged in to
meetup.com, and possibly also be "member" of OpenLate to see it - if you
need the contact email, let me know and I can send it off-list).

Their location isn't quite as convenient to BART/Mission/Market,
but is a moderate/longish walk (or shortish bus hop) from, e.g. BART,
and it is also pretty darn close to CalTrain.

That 2016-07-12 date would, however, precede what I see as the release
date for 16.04.1:
of 2016-07-21 - but I'm presuming that's only of minor concern?

Oh, ... I haven't been to OpenLate in a while, but when I was last there
they typically would provide free food & beverages (generally pizza and
some house sodas and juices and such).
OpenLate generally meets about every other Tuesday (it conflicts with
about half of BALUG.org's meetings ... but doesn't conflict this July).

It's a good space for presentations, power+network, and can accommodate
a fair number of people (I'm guestimating up to approximately 50+).

From: "Elizabeth K. Joseph" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] No San Francisco Ubuntu Hour in
Date: Wed, 11 May 2016 16:40:57 -0700

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 5:56 PM, Daniel Gimpelevich

On Sun, 2016-05-08 at 11:13 -0700, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:

July has the benefit of being the release month for the 9th edition of
The Official Ubuntu Book, so I'd be able to give out a pile of copies
to attendees :)

July is also the 16.04.1 release.

Very good point. With the 16.04.1 release users of 14.04 start being
prompted to upgrade, so it's kind of like a second release day :)

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Release micro-"Party" - Berkeley

2016-04-20 Thread Michael Paoli

So ... since it happens to match up with release day anyway, and to have
at least some wee bit 'o representation for California, and even on
release day,  we have ...
Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Release micro-"Party" - Berkeley

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] BAD meeting today? ... Ubuntu Hour San Francisco? (no, thus far, and presumably no, respectively)

2016-04-13 Thread Michael Paoli


From: "Andreas \\"Jimmy\\" Gredler" 
Subject: BAD meeting today?
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 14:45:16 -0700

Is there a BAD meeting today or just Ubuntu hour?

Bay Area Debian (BAD)[1] meeting - only happens if it's called,
per shotgun rules[2].  Derive and use algorithm from [2] and apply
to [3], then answer should be self-evident.
Certainly feel free to call a meeting, if nobody else has
(but doing so further in advance is more likely to be successful
compared to relatively last-minute, particularly when it comes
to attendance).

Ubuntu Hour San Francisco, I'm presuming not[4], even if some
evidence might suggest otherwise[5].

See also:[6]

1. http://bad.debian.net/
2. http://bad.debian.net/shotgun_rules.txt
3. http://bad.debian.net/pipermail/bad/
4. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2016-April/002725.html


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[Ubuntu-US-CA] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#West_Coast

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Paoli

I've updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#West_Coast for California
to refer to:
California information on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#West_Coast
was very out-of-date (some of it more than 4 years out-of-date).
Shouldn't have what should be essentially same information
redundantly listed in manner probable to be/become conflicting/inconsistent.

From: "Michael Paoli" 
To: "Ubuntu US California" 
Subject: California Ubuntu Hours - for the California team to consider
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:39:14 -0800

I notice California Ubuntu Hours (at least more generally), listed,
at least in part, on both:
and also:
... including also lots of inconsistent (and also relatively  
outdated) information
between the two.  Might it make much more sense to mostly list them  
on *one* of
those two pages (I'd think/presume the latter), and have the other  

former) mostly just refer to the latter.

Fine to *also* have the individual occurrences of the events listed,  
e.g. as on:

etc., and good to also have the more general listing, but things should
be as consistent as feasible, and avoid unwarranted duplication - especially
when such gives conflicting information.

E.g., also, if Ubuntu Hour for a given location (e.g. city) doesn't always
happen each month, or at same place each month, that should be reasonably
clear, and folks should be referred to location or resource for (more)
definitive/current information (e.g. listing of individual events).

Listing/linking and encouraging folks to RSVP for something that happened
over 4 years ago, also doesn't look so great (yes, seems some editing is
called for).

Anyway, just kind'a noticed, and sayin'.

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley ... & refugees thereof

2016-04-01 Thread Michael Paoli


Anyway, last official Ubuntu Hour Berkeley was 2016-02-14.
Nobody's jumped to take it over, and as far as I'm aware, nobody's come
to Ubuntu Hour Berkeley specifically for Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
in a very very long time, so I'm ceasing with Ubuntu Hour Berkeley and
will work to update the relevant references[1].

Any and all refugees from Ubuntu Hour Berkeley are of course welcome at:
Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG)[2]
Berkeley Unix User Group (BUUG)[3]
and of course any Ubuntu Hour:


2. http://berkeleylug.com/
3. http://www.buug.org/

From: "Michael Paoli" 
To: "Ubuntu US California" 
Subject: Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 23:14:38 -0800

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
... at least thus far, the series continues:

Odd numbered months:
3rd Thursday 7:30pm-8:30pm
Au Coquelet (has complimentary W-Fi)
2000 University Ave.

Even numbered months:
2nd Sunday at noon to 1pm:
Bobby G's Pizzeria (has complimentary W-Fi, and AC power available)
2072 University Ave.

Though in all of 2015, other than myself, don't know that anyone
specifically came to any of these Ubuntu Hour Berkeley events,
specifically for Ubuntu Hour, as in all of 2015, other than yours truly
(registered for and attended each), no one registered for these 2015
Ubuntu Hour Berkeley events, and I'm not aware that anyone came
specifically for such (they are colocated with and overlap some other
Berkeley [L]UG meetings).

Shall we continue Ubuntu Hour Berkeley?
Does anyone else want to take it over?

Ubuntu Hours 2016 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3286/
Ubnutu Hours 2015 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2979/
Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations:
California Team Current Ubuntu Hours:
Original announcement:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Books[1], etc. for ...

2016-03-08 Thread Michael Paoli

Books[1], etc. for ...

I've got 5 new titles I received 2016-03-03 (only qty. 1 or 2 of each)
plus only two remaining titles I received earlier (and only qty. 1 of
each of those remain).
If you are or may be interested, see [1]
I'll be attending both
Ubuntu Hour San San Francisco[2]
Bay Area Debian (BAD)[3]
meetings tomorrow.  I'm not planning to schelp all 6 physical titles
with me tomorrow, so depending what responses I see in email on the
list(s) (and emailing me and not to any relevant list doesn't count)
before I head out the door tomorrow morning, or if I see nothing
relevant by then, I'll randomly select ... anyway, based upon whichever,
I'll bring at least two physical titles with me, and up to a max of
perhaps as many as 4.

"Must be present to win" - I'm not going to hold books for people that
don't make it to meetings - especially while denying said book(s) to
those that do make it to meetings - so don't ask.  So, if you want to
get hold of one of these titles, from me, you need to actually make it
to a meeting.

If you don't manage to catch me at one of the meetings mentioned above,
there are other opportunities in near future to similarly catch me[4],
and potentially get such a title for yourself from me at some other
future meeting.

1. https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=balug:books_and_publications

3. http://bad.debian.net/
4. e.g.:
   2016-03-13 http://berkeleylug.com/meetings/
   2016-03-15 http://www.balug.org/#2016-03-15
   2016-03-17 http://www.buug.org/

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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[Ubuntu-US-CA] California Ubuntu Hours - for the California team to consider

2016-01-20 Thread Michael Paoli

I notice California Ubuntu Hours (at least more generally), listed,
at least in part, on both:
and also:
... including also lots of inconsistent (and also relatively outdated)  
between the two.  Might it make much more sense to mostly list them on  
*one* of

those two pages (I'd think/presume the latter), and have the other (presumably
former) mostly just refer to the latter.

Fine to *also* have the individual occurrences of the events listed,  
e.g. as on:

etc., and good to also have the more general listing, but things should
be as consistent as feasible, and avoid unwarranted duplication - especially
when such gives conflicting information.

E.g., also, if Ubuntu Hour for a given location (e.g. city) doesn't always
happen each month, or at same place each month, that should be reasonably
clear, and folks should be referred to location or resource for (more)
definitive/current information (e.g. listing of individual events).

Listing/linking and encouraging folks to RSVP for something that happened
over 4 years ago, also doesn't look so great (yes, seems some editing is
called for).

Anyway, just kind'a noticed, and sayin'.

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley

2016-01-20 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
... at least thus far, the series continues:

Odd numbered months:
3rd Thursday 7:30pm-8:30pm
Au Coquelet (has complimentary W-Fi)
2000 University Ave.

Even numbered months:
2nd Sunday at noon to 1pm:
Bobby G's Pizzeria (has complimentary W-Fi, and AC power available)
2072 University Ave.

Though in all of 2015, other than myself, don't know that anyone
specifically came to any of these Ubuntu Hour Berkeley events,
specifically for Ubuntu Hour, as in all of 2015, other than yours truly
(registered for and attended each), no one registered for these 2015
Ubuntu Hour Berkeley events, and I'm not aware that anyone came
specifically for such (they are colocated with and overlap some other
Berkeley [L]UG meetings).

Shall we continue Ubuntu Hour Berkeley?
Does anyone else want to take it over?

Ubuntu Hours 2016 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3286/
Ubnutu Hours 2015 http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2979/
Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations:
California Team Current Ubuntu Hours:
Original announcement:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh & MTU ...

2015-12-10 Thread Michael Paoli

qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh & MTU ...
Question came up at Ubuntu Hour San Francisco (not sure if the OS in
question was Ubuntu, or Debian (or ???), but in any case ...)

Roughly paraphrasing scenario from memory - a guest Virtual Machine (VM)
under qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh, and I'm presuming (and from what I seem to
recall) a relatively default network configuration (VM NATed on default
bridge behind the physical hosting host's interface(s) to upstream
network(s) (e.g. Internet or other larger network
environment/infrastructure).  The issue was described, at least very
roughly, as highly poor throughput from(/to?) Internet - very slow
performance and/or drops/stalls, etc.  It was also noted the MTU on
interface of VM, and MTU of the physical host's upstream network
connectivity were different - if I recall correctly, lower for the
upstream on physical host (perhaps through some VPN or tunnel or PPPoE
or whatever).  Anyway, there was slight bit of discussion regarding the
MTUs, and I was guestimating (it turns out incorrectly), that one could
probably tweak that for the default network/bridge device under
qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh, or if not there, perhaps on the, again default,
built-in DHCP server on that subnet that qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh sets up
there by default.  Seems I was incorrect on my guesses.  Anyway,
picking up from that point ...

Looked into it a wee bit.
I thought there was capability to configure MTU on the the
qemu-kvm/libvirt/virsh default network bridge, which it creates by
default.  At least for the versions I'm running (on Debian stable),
there appears to be no such configuration option there.  It also uses
its own built-in default DHCP server.  Such can be specified via DHCP,
but alas, that built-in DHCP server has no configuration option for MTU.
What about on the bridge device itself?  I didn't get so far as testing
it out, but that looks rather interesting - and a bit counter intuitive
compared to comparable physical switches and the like - have a peek
... I haven't verified that information, and that may or may not be
somewhat older versions, but, uhm, sounds at least "interesting", if
it's in fact so (and still so).

The other thing I was thinking about - PMTU - that generally *should*
work, and the host should be able to figure out appropriate MTUs to use,
depending upon IPs/routes it's communicating with.  Unfortunately on The
Internet, and across various networks, things can be broken with respect
to PMTU - e.g. this at least used to be pretty common with older
firewalls that were stupid and that rather than doing the proper RFC
thing, were instead going, "Gee, I don't understand that flag, it might
be an attack, I think I'll drop it" - and in the process they'd break
PMTU (dumb, particularly older, firewalls, continue to break stuff
across various networks - e.g. I've seen firewalls totally destroy TCP
Selective ACKnowledgement (SACK), because they were randomizing
(mangling) initial sequence numbers - using those generated by firewall
rather than passing along those generated and used by client - and
firewall altering them in the connection traffic thereafter, but the
firewall didn't understand SACK, and hence weren't likewise making
corresponding sequence number changes to SACK data, so the instant SACK
came into play (got drop of a packet in your >=2 GiB TCP stream?  Yes,
probably), they'd totally hose the connection (yes, thinking one has a
good secure firewall, when its OS or firmware is many years or more out
of date with regard to patches and/or updates, is a dumb fallacy - got
self-DoS?  8-O).

Also, off-the-top-of-my-head, I'm not sure how PMTU does/doesn't (or
fails to) work across NAT/SNAT and the like (I'm thinking it mostly
doesn't? - but perhaps it also depends at least on part on what's doing
the NAT/SNAT ... and how).  Host also keeps tables of its PMTU data, so
that can be inspected, and there are also tools to test and examine
PMTU behavior - so one may be able to isolate issues in that regard,
and make some relatively minimal changes where things may not be
working properly (particularly if they're quite adversely impacting
performance/throughput).  As far as MTU being different on two closely
associated networks/subnets, I'd think in theory that really shouldn't
be an issue, as host should figure that out properly by PMTU, so that
should effectively be a non-issue ... at least that's the theory.  :-)
Among other utilities, tracepath(8) and/or tracepath6(8) may be quite

Oh, also, for apt-get, if client and server are dual stack (IPv4 &
IPv6), but IPv6 is broken or semi-broken or randomly broken between
client and server, one can force apt-get to use IPv4 only
Add -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true when running apt-get.

If you want to make the setting persistent just create  
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99force-ipv4 and put Acquire::ForceIPv4 "true"; in  


[Ubuntu-US-CA] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ out-of-date again [Re:[rt.ubuntu.com #24916] [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data ...]

2015-09-07 Thread Michael Paoli

http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ is out-of-date again.
All the data I've checked on it is from 2015-04-19
It probably ought have monitoring on it, so out-of-date data,
broken links, etc. are alarmed and fixed and generally long before
users notice, report, open or cause to be opened bugs/requests to
have it fixed, etc.


From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: Much better now!  :-) Re:[rt.ubuntu.com #24916]   
[rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/  
could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 - predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 06:34:37 -0700

Thanks, looks much better now.


From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 00:45:38 +

I've also added the new missing arm64 and ppc64el architectures so the
next job to import should fix this all up.

From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 00:36:24 +

I've just checked and it seems the import job has completed.

I'm marking this ticket as resolved now, feel free to re-open it if there
are still issues with new distros in the popularity contest.

From: "Ryan Finnie via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24916] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use  
some TLC - old data 2014-02 - predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 19:41:50 +

On Mon Jul 28 09:12:04 2014, michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu wrote:

Still seeing lots of broken image links, e.g. on:

Subpage layouts should now be fixed, thank you.

From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:54:29 +

Found the cause, stale lockfile, so I've fixed that and manually kicked
off a job to propagate and fetch all the files for the newly added

So far it's taken over an hour already and probably a lot longer so will
keep you updated when it completes.

Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use  
some TLC - old data 2014-02 -	predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:49:17 -0700

[ replying off-lists ]

Might want to try r...@ubuntu.com / #canonical-sysadmin on freenode, they
tend to be useful for infrastructure issues.

On 07/26/2014 04:36 AM, Michael Paoli wrote:

I noticed http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ appears to only have older data,
nothing more recent than 2014-02 - predating 14.04 LTS release.
It also has many broken links if one goes down a bit, e.g.:

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu / Debian ... Sunday, San Jose, night ... Berkeley afternoon, fanless Linux computers? ...

2015-04-22 Thread Michael Paoli

Sounds great!  I'll also be at Berkeley Linux Users Group this
Sunday - noon - 3 @ Bobby G's!
Fanless computers running Linux also sounds cool - and
notably *quiet* - and one less moving component to fail!
Anyway, might make brief mention on list:
I think some folks in some of the other [L]UGs around the Bay Area
are also particularly interested in fanless computers running
Linux - e.g. I remember at least one person at CABAL being
quite interested in such.

From: "George Mulak" 
Subject: RE: Ubuntu / Debian ... Sunday, San Jose, night ...
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 01:43:41 +

Vicki and I will be there.

Bobby G's on Sunday at noon.

I could bring some of my companies computers that are fanless running Ubuntu.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Paoli [mailto:michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 8:43 PM
To: George Mulak
Cc: Ubuntu US California
Subject: Re: Ubuntu / Debian ... Sunday, San Jose, night ...

You might also want to subscribe to and email the BAD list:
And, not San Jose, nor evening, but ... there is also this scheduled  
for earlier that Sunday:


From: "George Mulak" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ... and Bay Area Debian Dinner
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:01:33 +

My wife and I will be in San Jose on Sunday night, the 26th where I
will be dropping her off for a flight home to Orange County.  It would
be great to meet someone from the Ubuntu or Debian community for
coffee if they have the time?  I am a member of the Calif Loco team.

Please email me, I'll have my Starbucks card with me!  :-)

George Mulak

-Original Message-
From: ubuntu-us-ca-boun...@lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-us-ca-boun...@lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 7:36 AM
To: Ubuntu US California
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ... and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Bay Area Debian (BAD) doesn't always meet, and doesn't always meet in
San Francisco, or short distance from where Ubuntu Hour San Francisco
happens to meet.


So ... are you volunteering to call the BAD meeting?  ;-)

Do it first and consistent with the below, and then it's guaranteed
that the below is accurate and correct.

From: "P Ganthavorn" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, May 13th: San Francisco Ubuntu
Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:09:44 -0700

Hi everyone,

The next monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour will be on Wednesday, May 13th.

From 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

From 7:10PM on, there will be Bay Area Debian Dinner at a restaurant

nearby. Please join us if you can.

Peter Ganthavorn

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu / Debian ... Sunday, San Jose, night ...

2015-04-20 Thread Michael Paoli

You might also want to subscribe to and email the BAD list:
And, not San Jose, nor evening, but ... there is also this
scheduled for earlier that Sunday:

From: "George Mulak" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ... and Bay Area Debian Dinner
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 18:01:33 +

My wife and I will be in San Jose on Sunday night, the 26th where I  
will be dropping her off for a flight home to Orange County.  It  
would be great to meet someone from the Ubuntu or Debian community  
for coffee if they have the time?  I am a member of the Calif Loco  

Please email me, I'll have my Starbucks card with me!  :-)

George Mulak

-Original Message-
From: ubuntu-us-ca-boun...@lists.ubuntu.com  
[mailto:ubuntu-us-ca-boun...@lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Michael  

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 7:36 AM
To: Ubuntu US California
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ... and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Bay Area Debian (BAD) doesn't always meet, and doesn't always meet  
in San Francisco, or short distance from where Ubuntu Hour San  
Francisco happens to meet.


So ... are you volunteering to call the BAD meeting?  ;-)

Do it first and consistent with the below, and then it's guaranteed  
that the below is accurate and correct.

From: "P Ganthavorn" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, May 13th: San Francisco Ubuntu
Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:09:44 -0700

Hi everyone,

The next monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour will be on Wednesday, May 13th.

From 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

From 7:10PM on, there will be Bay Area Debian Dinner at a restaurant

nearby. Please join us if you can.

Peter Ganthavorn

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: 

Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ... and Bay Area Debian Dinner

2015-04-20 Thread Michael Paoli

Bay Area Debian (BAD) doesn't always meet, and doesn't always meet
in San Francisco, or short distance from where
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco happens to meet.


So ... are you volunteering to call the BAD meeting?  ;-)

Do it first and consistent with the below, and then it's
guaranteed that the below is accurate and correct.

From: "P Ganthavorn" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, May 13th: San Francisco Ubuntu  
Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:09:44 -0700

Hi everyone,

The next monthly San Francisco Ubuntu Hour will be on Wednesday, May 13th.

From 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

From 7:10PM on, there will be Bay Area Debian Dinner at a restaurant

nearby. Please join us if you can.

Peter Ganthavorn

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: 

Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] All incoming ports blocked without iptables

2015-04-09 Thread Michael Paoli

So ...
What's listening on what IP addresses?
What IP addresses are configured where and how?
What does the routing look like?
What do the firewall rules look like?

I.e. what does the output of these commands look like?:
$ netstat -an | grep '^tcp.*LISTEN'
$ /sbin/ifconfig | grep -E '^[^ ]| addr:'
$ netstat -nr
# iptables -L -n

From: "Tony Baechler" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] All incoming ports blocked without iptables
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2015 06:26:49 -0700

Hi all,

I'm really stumped here.  I've tried everything I can think of but nothing
seems to work.  I really need help here!  I'm willing to try anything at
this point.

I am running Ubuntu 14.04.1 and have recently upgraded to the latest 3.13
kernel with security fixes.  I rebooted the server after the kernel upgrade
and now all ports are blocked.  I get an immediate "connection refused."
I've completely purged ufw, iptables, fail2ban and the Qemu packages just in
case.  I can get to the server with a rescue system and I can boot with KVM.
 When I boot this way, everything looks fine and the network seems normal.
I can connect to port 22 on localhost just fine.  When I reboot out of the
rescue system, everything is again blocked.  It's obviously something with
the network, but I don't know what.  Trying a 3.16 kernel made no
difference.  My daily cron jobs are running and Postfix is running, but it
isn't getting any incoming mail.  I restored my /etc/network/interfaces from
a known good backup.  I don't recall adding or changing anything related to
bridges or routing.

What else can I try?  I would give more information but I don't know where
else to look.  I've removed or purged any recent packages which might have
caused a problem.  It was fine until I rebooted, but I really don't know
what changed to cause the breakage.  Any thoughts?

Ubuntu-us-ca mailing list
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[Ubuntu-US-CA] [DO NOT REPLY ALL] Books, etc.: today: Ubuntu Hour San Francisco & Bay Area Debian (BAD)

2015-04-08 Thread Michael Paoli

[DO NOT REPLY ALL (unless you're on BOTH lists)]

I'll also be bringing books, etc. (first come, first serve):

Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux, A, 4th Edition
By Mark G. Sobell
Published Dec 23, 2014 by Prentice Hall.
Copyright 2015
Dimensions: 7-3/8" x 9-1/8"
Pages: 1416
Edition: 4th
ISBN-10: 0-13-392731-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-392731-3

Ubuntu Unleashed 2015 Edition: Covering 14.10 and 15.04, 10th Edition
By Matthew Helmke
Published Nov 21, 2014 by Sams. Part of the Unleashed series.
Copyright 2015
Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
Pages: 912
Edition: 10th
ISBN-10: 0-672-33837-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-672-33837-3

Perl by Example, 5th Edition
By Ellie Quigley
Published Dec 17, 2014 by Prentice Hall.
Copyright 2015
Dimensions: 7" x 9-1/8"
Pages: 888
Edition: 5th
ISBN-10: 0-13-376081-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-376081-1

And also some entitlements to some Docker training/educational videos.

(the above publications from Pearson Education's User Group program -
they'd of course also love it if one writes a review - especially
on-line and most especially on Amazon)

Getting Started with Ubuntu 14.04
The Ubuntu Manual Team
ISBN-10: 9781500814403

From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: BAD Meeting 7:10pm 2015-04-08 @ Henry's Hunan  
110 Natoma, SF

Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 19:30:50 -0700

Who: All the BADies that want to and can.
What: Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting
When: 2015-04-08 7:10pm - 'till whenever
Where: Henry's Hunan Restaurant, 110 Natoma St., San Francisco
Why: Because it's good to have a BAD meeting!  :-)

110 Natoma Street (between New Montgomery & 2nd, Mission & Howard)
San Francisco, CA 94105

For those that may wonder what to do with their time before the BAD
meeting, there is also, preceding and quite nearby:
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco
Some of us also may not make it to the BAD meeting until right around
7:10 PM, as we may be coming from the Ubuntu Hour San Francisco meeting.

From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, April 8th: San Francisco  
Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Date: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 22:32:45 -0700

And yes, there again happens to be a
Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting
at 7:10pm, nearby and shortly after Ubuntu Hour San Francisco:

From: "P Ganthavorn" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, April 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu  
Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 09:09:06 -0400

?Hi everyone,

The next monthly San Francisco Ubuntu
Hour will be on Wednesday, April 8th.

From 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

From 7:10PM on, there will be Bay Area Debian Dinner at a restaurant

nearby. Please join us if you can.

Peter Ganthavorn

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, April 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

2015-04-07 Thread Michael Paoli

And yes, there again happens to be a
Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting
at 7:10pm, nearby and shortly after Ubuntu Hour San Francisco:

From: "P Ganthavorn" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  Wednesday, April 8th: San Francisco Ubuntu  
Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 09:09:06 -0400

?Hi everyone,

The next monthly San Francisco Ubuntu
Hour will be on Wednesday, April 8th.

From 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

From 7:10PM on, there will be Bay Area Debian Dinner at a restaurant

nearby. Please join us if you can.

Peter Ganthavorn

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Books for ...

2015-02-02 Thread Michael Paoli

I'll be bringing some books:
to the upcoming Ubuntu Hours:
San Francisco:
Elizabeth (Lyz) K. Joseph will also have some books at
Global Jam:

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] regular, in-person meetups in the Bay Area

2015-01-29 Thread Michael Paoli

From: "Josh Berkus" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Why don't we have an in-person meetup in SF?
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 15:16:36 -0800

Is there some specific reason we don't do regular, in-person meetups in
the Bay Area where there are so many Ubuntu/Linux folks?

There is at least Ubuntu Hour not only in San Francisco, but also Berkeley,
and there may be others too.


There are also many Linux and other User Group meetings in and around
the Bay Area, often with at least fair degree of overlap with Ubuntu.
(the above might still be waiting to get its specific dates updated from its
template - I believe that normally happens from a crontab run earlier in the
month, but that run was missed earlier this month, if I'm not mistaken)

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] okay ... come ... install? ...

2015-01-24 Thread Michael Paoli

Also, though some of these may not be suitable for larger hardware
(desktops, towers, "server" hardware), I think all can at least handle
laptops, but some of these might not be so conveniently close to you.

I'm guessing you well know about SF-LUG:

But also quite of note, there's CABAL (which is also meeting today!):
And among those I list, CABAL can very reasonably accommodate larger
(within reason) computer hardware for installs.

And, including tomorrow, there's also
Berkeley Linux Users Group:

There may be others, but those are ones that jump to mind as being
in or semi-near San Francisco that can at least reasonably well
accommodate at least laptop installs/support.

Oh, and I will also be at CABAL today and
Berkeley Linux Users Group tomorrow.

From: "Christian Einfeldt" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Global Jam Event in San Francisco  
on Sunday, February 8th

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:08:21 -0800

Is it okay for a relatively simple end user like me to come to the Ubuntu
Global Jam?  I have an extra machine that I can use for install testing,

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:49 PM, Elizabeth K. Joseph  wrote:

I'm happy to formally announce that we'll be having an Ubuntu Global
Jam event in downtown San Francisco on Sunday, February 8th!

Location: Gandi.net, 121 2nd st, Ste. 500, San Francisco 94105
Time: Noon - 5PM

This is just a block south of the Montgomery St BART/MUNI station.
Street and garage parking is also available, but not all free. Someone
will be at the door to let you up, if you come later in the event a
phone number will be placed on the door that you can call to be let

For this event, community members will gather to do some Quality
Assurance testing on Xubuntu ISOs and packages for the upcoming

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley 2015 ...

2015-01-06 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley
events for 2015 are now also scheduled as such,
so one can register/search/find/list, etc. them.
Same as has been since 2013-06:

2nd Sunday of even numbered months (February, ... June, ... December):  
noon-1pm Bobby G?s Pizzeria, 2072 University Ave. (colocated with  
Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG))


3rd Thursday of odd number months (January, ... July, ... November):  
7:30pm-8:30pm Au Coquelet, 2000 University Ave., (colocated with  
Berkeley Unix User Group (BUUG))

If one wants to note the 2015 dates:
2015-01-15 2015-02-08 2015-03-19 2015-04-12 2015-05-21 2015-06-14
2015-07-16 2015-08-09 2015-09-17 2015-10-11 2015-11-19 2015-12-13


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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Thanks: Re: Jigdo - ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.jigdo - 152 files could not be downloaded

2014-12-19 Thread Michael Paoli

Thanks, that helps.

And with that, can (I'm presuming) rewrite the .jigdo file to use that.
Can also just run through the "usual" procedure with jigdo, and also
use that to generate the "missing" list (which I did earlier), then grab
those (semi-)"manually" with wget or the like, then run jigdo again
feeding it also location of those downloaded files to scan.

"Of course" there's also zsync, rsync, bittorrent, etc., but typically
if jigdo is feasible and available and I have quite recent similar (in
this case already having 14.04 - and jigdo generally minimizes data I
need to dowload), I'll typically update with jigdo (or zsync if jigdo
can't be done), and after that, seed it to bittorrent.


Anyway, have completed download+assembly+verification now, and now have
also seeded bittorrent (I typically do that until I've uploaded 1x to 4x
or more of the volume of data downloaded).

From: "Geoffrey Thomas" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Jigdo -  
ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.jigdo - 152 files could not be downloaded

Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:36:45 -0800 (PST)

Interesting. My speculation is that, while Ubuntu keeps the packages  
associated with the original release of trusty (14.04) in the  
"trusty" pocket and the current versions in the "trusty-updates"  
pocket, packages associated with 14.04.1 are in this weird no-man's  
land -- they're post-release updates, but they're also not the  
current versions. So nothing would be keeping them alive on the  
mirrors, since they're not in any pocket.

All historical versions of Ubuntu binary packages are kept on  
Launchpad infrastructure: visiting a URL of the form

will redirect you to a path inside https://launchpadlibrarian.net  
that has the file you want.

I wonder if you can easily rewrite the .jigdo file to use static  
HTTP URLs of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/*  
instead of looking at a Debian mirror.

Geoffrey Thomas

On Fri, 19 Dec 2014, Michael Paoli wrote:

Nice to have the jigdo file:
But alas:
$ jigdo-lite  

Aaargh - 152 files could not be downloaded. This should not

Both us.archive.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com give 404 on the
missing files specified via the jigdo file.

So ... anyone know where I can repoint to download those missing files?

FYI, these are the files that show as missing:

[Ubuntu-US-CA] Jigdo - ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.jigdo - 152 files could not be downloaded

2014-12-19 Thread Michael Paoli

Nice to have the jigdo file:
But alas:
$ jigdo-lite  

Aaargh - 152 files could not be downloaded. This should not

Both us.archive.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com give 404 on the
missing files specified via the jigdo file.

So ... anyone know where I can repoint to download those missing files?

FYI, these are the files that show as missing:

[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley, today, books, images, ...

2014-12-14 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley, today:

books, images, ...:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Books at: Wednesday, December 10th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

2014-12-09 Thread Michael Paoli

I'll also be bringing some books to
Ubuntu Hour San Francisco, and
Bay Area Debian (BAD)
meetings tomorrow.

details/references/excerpts (book details at URL immediately below):

From: "Elizabeth K. Joseph" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, December 10th: San Francisco  
Ubuntu Hour and Bay Area Debian Dinner

Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 16:06:35 -0800

Hi everyone,

Once again, we've decided to sync up our monthly San Francisco Ubuntu
Hour with the 2nd Wednesday date of the Bay Area Debian Meeting, to
offer an evening of Ubuntu and Debian!

So this upcoming Wednesday, December 10th, the plan is as follows:

First, from 6-7PM:

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

Just in time for the holidays, we have signed copies of The Official
Ubuntu Book, 8th edition available for a couple lucky attendees, and
Ubuntu stickers and pens.

Then, from 7-8:30PM:

Bay Area Debian Meeting
Location: Henry's Hunan Restaurant, 110 Natoma Street, San Francisco
Details: http://bad.debian.net/pipermail/bad/2014-December/003671.html

So come out to the Ubuntu Hour and join us for dinner at the Bay Area
Debian Meeting!

To find us at both events, look for the people in the Linux shirts and
the penguin, Wheezy and Jessie stuffed toys. At Henry's Hunan we'll
have reservations under "Bay Area Debian"

Hope to see you there!

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, November 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour ... (& Bay Area Debian (BAD) after and nearby)

2014-11-08 Thread Michael Paoli

Reminder and ...


From: "Michael Paoli" 
Subject: Wednesday, November 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour ...

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour - Wednesday, November 12th
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

And yes (updated), there will be a Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting  
nearby shortly

after Ubuntu Hour San Francisco, for those that may also be interested.

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, November 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour ...

2014-10-27 Thread Michael Paoli

San Francisco Ubuntu Hour - Wednesday, November 12th
Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

It is also fairly likely that there will be a
Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting/event
shortly thereafter and nearby.

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, September 10th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour (and Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting after)

2014-09-08 Thread Michael Paoli

Hi everyone,

On Wednesday night, September 10th, we'll be having another Ubuntu Hour at
the Starbucks on New Montgomery Street, next to The Palace hotel.

Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

Look for the little Ubuntu Hour sign on our table.

So come out to enjoy some coffee, perhaps a pastry and chat about Ubuntu :)

And there's also Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting right after very close by:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Much better now! :-) Re:[rt.ubuntu.com #24916] [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 - predates 14.04 LTS

2014-08-11 Thread Michael Paoli

Thanks, looks much better now.


From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 00:45:38 +

I've also added the new missing arm64 and ppc64el architectures so the
next job to import should fix this all up.

From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 00:36:24 +

I've just checked and it seems the import job has completed.

I'm marking this ticket as resolved now, feel free to re-open it if there
are still issues with new distros in the popularity contest.

From: "Ryan Finnie via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24916] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use  
some TLC - old data 2014-02 - predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 19:41:50 +

On Mon Jul 28 09:12:04 2014, michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu wrote:

Still seeing lots of broken image links, e.g. on:

Subpage layouts should now be fixed, thank you.

From: "Haw Loeung via RT" 
Subject: [rt.ubuntu.com #24936] Fwd: [Ubuntu-US-CA]  
http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 -  
predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:54:29 +

Found the cause, stale lockfile, so I've fixed that and manually kicked
off a job to propagate and fetch all the files for the newly added

So far it's taken over an hour already and probably a lot longer so will
keep you updated when it completes.

Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some  
TLC - old data 2014-02 -	predates 14.04 LTS

Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:49:17 -0700

[ replying off-lists ]

Might want to try r...@ubuntu.com / #canonical-sysadmin on freenode, they
tend to be useful for infrastructure issues.

On 07/26/2014 04:36 AM, Michael Paoli wrote:

I noticed http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ appears to only have older data,
nothing more recent than 2014-02 - predating 14.04 LTS release.
It also has many broken links if one goes down a bit, e.g.:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ could use some TLC - old data 2014-02 - predates 14.04 LTS

2014-07-26 Thread Michael Paoli

I noticed http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ appears to only have older data,
nothing more recent than 2014-02 - predating 14.04 LTS release.
It also has many broken links if one goes down a bit, e.g.:

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Server 14.04 new VirtualHost -- [SOLVED]

2014-07-19 Thread Michael Paoli

So, wee relatively quick experiment ...
I tried Ubuntu Server first, figuring it probably already had Apache
installed by default, but it wants to install the operating system, no
readily apparent "Live" ("Try Ubuntu") mode, and don't have
Kubuntu 14.04 handy, but do have Ubnuntu 14.04 handy, but Apache ought
be quite similar enough on Ubuntu 14.04, and have that handy, so ...

I create virtual machine to run it on:
# virt-install --name=ubuntu1404amd64 \

--cdrom=/var/tmp/ISOs/ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso --nodisks \
--livecd --network=network=default --ram=1024 --wait=-1 \
--os-type=linux --os-variant=ubuntuoneiric --virt-type kvm --hvm


Try Ubuntu

And off to do rootly things ...
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd / && exec sudo su -

I enable login on ttyS0 (serial port) ...
root@ubuntu:~# (cd /etc/init && cp -p tty1.conf ttyS0.conf &&

ttyS0.conf sed -e 's/tty1/ttyS0/g')

root@ubuntu:~# telinit q
root@ubuntu:~# start ttyS0

I then login via that (virtual machine) serial port (that makes saving
and showing the relevant text bits much more convenient for me).

# virsh console ubuntu1404amd64
Connected to domain ubuntu1404amd64
Escape character is ^]

Apache installed?  No, ... install it ...

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dpkg -l | fgrep -i -e apache -e httpd
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd / && exec sudo su -
root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install apache2

Now let's configure for Name VirtualHost siteB ...
The default template and default main web page also turn out to be both
very handy and informative ...

root@ubuntu:~# cd /etc/apache2
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2# ed apache2.conf
#   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
#   AllowOverride None
#   Require all granted
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2# cd sites-available
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cp -p 000-default.conf siteB.conf
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# ed siteB.conf
/^[ ]*#ServerName
#ServerName www.example.com
s/#.*/ServerName siteB
ServerName siteB
DocumentRoot /srv/www
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cd ../sites-enabled
root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# ln -s \

../sites-available/siteB.conf siteB.conf

root@ubuntu:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# cd
root@ubuntu:~# echo siteA > /var/www/html/siteA.txt
root@ubuntu:~# mkdir /srv/www
root@ubuntu:~# echo siteB > /srv/www/siteB.txt
root@ubuntu:~# echo siteB >> /etc/hosts
root@ubuntu:~# service apache2 reload

And then we test:
root@ubuntu:~# wget -q -O - || echo ERROR
root@ubuntu:~# wget -q -O - || echo ERROR
root@ubuntu:~# wget -q -O - http://siteB/siteB.txt || echo ERROR
root@ubuntu:~# wget -q -O - http://siteB/siteA.txt || echo ERROR

So, notable Apache and related bits, in short, installed Apache,
edited /etc/apache2/apache2.conf so we also had this directory section:

   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Require all granted

... we uncommented it, as it was otherwise already there (could have
also changed that /srv/ to /srv/www/ - but this was just quick
test/demo, so /srv/ was close enough).
Then we created:
based upon:
And in it we set:
ServerName siteB
DocumentRoot /srv/www
We then symlinked it to
We then created files to be able to test against:
and added: siteB
(just test/demo, so we weren't going to bother with DNS)
We then reloaded the Apache server.
We then tested, using wget, showing we got our expected test files on
our expected sites, and also that those same files weren't present on
the sites where they weren't supposed to be present.

After that, we tear down our test - bring the host down, then get rid of
that virtual machine:

root@ubuntu:~# cd / && exec shutdown -h -P now
... and it's still running, Ubuntu displays on the console:
Please remove installation media and close the tray (if any) then press ENTER:
... so I hit ENTER on the console ...

# virsh list --all | sed -ne '1,2p;/ubuntu/p'
 IdName   State

 - ubuntu1404amd64shut off
# virsh undefine ubuntu1404amd64


From: "Scott DuBois" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Server 14.04 new VirtualHost -- [SOLVED]
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:50:16 -0700

On 07/18/2014 06:33 PM, Sander van Zoest wr

[Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, August 13th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour (and Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting/event follows nearby)

2014-07-10 Thread Michael Paoli

On Wednesday night, August 13th, we'll be having another Ubuntu Hour at
the Starbucks on New Montgomery Street, next to The Palace hotel.

Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

Look for the little Ubuntu Hour sign on our table.
I'll likely have some DVDs/CDs with me - and various other possible ISOs
available upon request, see:

So come out to enjoy some coffee, perhaps a pastry and chat about Ubuntu :)

Also, following a bit after and not too far away, there's a
Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting/event - also celebration of Debian's
21st birthday/anniversary:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] and Debian meteting to follow: Re: Wednesday, July 9th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour

2014-07-09 Thread Michael Paoli

And there's also Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting right after very close by:

From: "Elizabeth K. Joseph" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, July 9th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2014 11:52:43 -0700

Hi everyone,

On Wednesday night, July 9th, we'll be having another Ubuntu Hour at
the Starbucks on New Montgomery Street, next to The Palace hotel.

Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street

Look for the little Ubuntu Hour sign on our table. I'll be wearing an
Ubuntu t-shirt and will have my pink netbook, a unicorn toy (Utopic
Unicorn!) along with some Ubuntu stickers.

So come out to enjoy some coffee, perhaps a pastry and chat about Ubuntu :)

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Failing/failed hard disk advice

2014-06-17 Thread Michael Paoli

0) Backup
0.1) test (at least statistically) backups
0.2) offsite backups & rotations thereof
1) Check if it's covered under warranty, if data isn't to be recovered
   or worth recovering from the drive, one may at least get the drive
   replaced, generally for not more than cost of shipping the drive to
   Seagate.  You can check warranty status on-line by mfg. date, period
   may be longer based upon purchase date with proof of purchase.  Might
   not be fast in replacement time, but often better than eating entire
   cost of replacing drive.  Be sure to check Seagate's recommendations
   on testing/confirming issue, return procedures, etc.  If it's
   sufficiently recent enough, store/vendor where purchased might even
   cover replacement.
1.1) Hard drives die, sometimes/often with zero advance warning.
   Specific manufacturer isn't the largest correlating factor - largest
   correlating factors are generally specific lots of specific models of
   drives from specific manufacturers.
2) If it's not under warranty, can do about whatever one wants with it
   to try to recover - at least if one's not too worried about getting
   the data back.
2.1) "External" hard drive - yeah, rather a misnomer.  It's
   a(n internal) hard drive in an (external) enclosure with some type of
   interface.  More options and/or information may be available
   interfacing directly to the hard drive itself - that's almost always
   the case for "modern" "external" hard drives, unless possibly where
   the interface is eSATA to a SATA drive (in which case the signals
   pass directly through).
3) Not really Ubuntu specific, but there are various tools that might
   possibly be useful - but really depends what kind of shape the drive
   is in.
4) Just because you can't access the data doesn't mean nobody else can.
   Was it securely encrypted?  Does it need to be securely disposed of
   or wiped, even if not operational?
5) Can try various lists that may be more, e.g. Linux general (doesn't
   sound like Ubuntu issue) and/or more hardware-oriented.
6) Some the stories, etc. at BALUG today may be informative/useful

From: "Grant Bowman" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Failing/failed hard disk advice
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 00:00:08 -0700

My new friend who is trying Ubuntu with a disk from Lyz (thanks Lyz) just
sent me an email. An external hard drive Seagate (1TB, model #: srd0sp0,
newegg carries them for $79) with USB interface is not mounting
automatically. When plugged into the MacBook Pro computer a slight clicking
sound is heard, then it gets quiet and the light starts blinking.

I don't know how much travel this drive has done. Some person on the
internet took theirs apart:
We will try rebooting and mounting on other computers and try to see the
partitions and filesystems tomorrow. Perhaps the moral of the story is to
buy Western Digital or another manufacturer? Other thoughts?

Thanks for ignoring this post or redirecting me to a more appropriate place
if you think it's off-topic.


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[Ubuntu-US-CA] SF Tu 2014-05-20: Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" @ BALUG

2014-05-14 Thread Michael Paoli

In San Francisco, Tuesday, 2014-05-20:
Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" @ BALUG


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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubutu Hour SF tomorrow (6p-7p), Bay Area Debian (BAD) follows 7:05p-

2014-05-13 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubutu Hour San Francisco tomorrow (6p-7p):

And conveniently following in time and quite nearby location:
Bay Area Debian (BAD) follows 7:05p-

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] BUUG & Ubuntu Hour, this Thursday - I won't be there, but ... [DO NOT REPLY-ALL unless you're on both lists]

2014-05-13 Thread Michael Paoli

[DO NOT REPLY-ALL unless you're on both lists]
I've got a scheduling conflict this Thursday,
so looks like I won't be there for
Berkeley Unix User Group and
Ubuntu Hour Berkeley.
Certainly feel free to bring/make sign, so y'all can find each other.


I expect I'll again be at the next following BUUG
and Ubuntu Hour Berkeley meetings - I'm generally there.

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - today! - 7:30p-8:30p @ Au Coquelet, 2000 University Ave.

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Paoli

As per monthly usual, Ubuntu Hour Berkeley meets today.
This (odd numbered) month it's colocated with:
Berkeley Unix User Group (BUUG) http://www.buug.org/
For some more information on that, sampling of flavor, etc. and even
some bits relevant to today's meeting, have a peek around here:
Oooh, and there's even an Ubuntu book available to be given away!

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] +Books/publications & BAD: Re: Wednesday, March 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour

2014-03-11 Thread Michael Paoli

And for those wondering what may be of interest to do after
San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, quite close by and with very convenient
timing so one might catch every last second of Ubuntu Hour, yet not be
late for next engagement, after San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
we have quite close by and very shortly following:
Bay Area Debian (BAD)
starting at: 7:05 P.M. Wednesday evening 2014-03-12
located at:
Henry's Hunan Restaurant
110 Natoma St. (between 2nd & New Montgomery)
San Francisco, CA  94105-3704
See the URL above for more details.
Oh, I'll likely also bring review copies of some books/publications to
San Francisco Ubuntu Hour - again see the URL above for more details.


From: "Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Wednesday, March 12th: San Francisco Ubuntu Hour
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 17:48:02 -0800

On Wednesday night we'll be having another Ubuntu Hour

Date: Wednesday, March 12th
Time: 6-7PM
Details & RSVP:

Look for the little Ubuntu Hour sign on our table. I'll be wearing an
Ubuntu t-shirt and will have my pink netbook, along with some Ubuntu

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Request for info about your group for the LUG booth at SCALE

2014-01-18 Thread Michael Paoli


Do you have any more information on the approximate volume of text
you're looking for for each group, e.g. min., max., and recommended
sizes, to get things to fit reasonably well together, and look good

Anyway, (at least) draft information below.  Others may also improve
upon such and/or provide additional or better information.  H, got
wiki to assemble such on? - that might make putting 'em together a bit
easier and more "self-serve".

I figure Ubuntu Hour should probably get a mention, but probably too
many separate ones to list them all, and many of them also change
locations (semi-)regularly.

Ubuntu Hour
* Where do you hold your meetings (address, any other
info about access)?
Earth (numerous locations - see URLs)

* When do you hold your meetings (probably a particular
day of the month, e.g. third Tuesday), include day
and also time?
Generally one hour per month (see URLs for specifics)

* What's the format of your meetings (regular speaker
or meet and greet or support for users or all of
the above or ...)?
Generally one hour of informal Ubuntu and related discussion

* Does your group have a web site? If so, please
provide the URL.
start here:

* Are you interested in getting speakers for your
Probably not generally applicable (but see specific events/locations)

From: jim 
Subject: [BALUG-Talk] Request for info about your group for the LUG  
booth at SCALE

Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 11:57:08 -0800

I'm hoping someone in your LUG can send me information
that I can use at SCALE (Southern California Linux Expo)
on the weekend of February 21, 22, 23.
I plan on making an info sheet (or map) for all
northern California LUGs.

* Where do you hold your meetings (address, any other
info about access)?

* When do you hold your meetings (probably a particular
day of the month, e.g. third Tuesday), include day
and also time?

* What's the format of your meetings (regular speaker
or meet and greet or support for users or all of
the above or ...)?

* Do your group have a web site? If so, please
provide the URL.

* Are you interested in getting speakers for your

If you know of any LUGs not on the list below,
please send me contact info.

If you are going to SCALE, there definitely
will be a LUG booth and it will definitely need
people to staff it and anyone staffing the booth
(put in a couple of hours at least one day) can
get an exhibitor's pass. Let me know, please, so
I can add your name and coordinate hours.

List of LUGs and related groups

BAD Bay Area Debian (SF and east bay -- I'm not subscribed to this mail
Felton Linux Group (I'm not subscribed to this mail list)
EBLUG (I'm not subscribed to this mail list)

BUUG (berkeley)
Conspire-LinuxMafia (peninsula),
DVLUG (Walnut Creek-Concord),
LUGOD (Davis),
NBLUG (Sebastapol),
OLPC-SF (One Laptop Per Child SF),
SVLUG (peninsula),

(any other language-related groups that pertain to Linux?)

BALUG-Talk mailing list

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - today! ...

2013-09-19 Thread Michael Paoli

And Ubuntu Hour Berkeley continues :-)
including - e.g. today!

For the details, see:

And when I/we manage to remember to set it up properly as an event on
can even see it here:
and even register for it, e.g. here:

In any case, can always find it listed here:
Or this may also be convenient:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Keysignings: 2013-07-10 @ SF: Bay Area Debian (BAD) & Ubuntu Hour [DO NOT REPLY-ALL UNLESS YOU'RE SUBSCRIBED TO BOTH LISTS!]

2013-07-08 Thread Michael Paoli


Okay, the word is out:


From: "Nathan Handler" 
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: BAD meeting 2013-07-10 7p @ Henry's Hunan  
on Natoma (and books and ...)

Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 10:12:04 -0700

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Michael Paoli <
michael.pa...@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:

The BAD meeting for this month will be held starting at:
7:00 P.M. PDT 2013-07-10 at:
Henry's Hunan Restaurant
110 Natoma Street (between Mission and Howard off of New Montgomery)
San Francisco, CA 94105

I would love to do a brief key signing at either the Ubuntu Hour or Debian
Dinner with anyone interested. Depending on the timing of the August event,
this might be the last time I will be able to meet up with you guys until
next summer. If anyone is new to GPG keys, feel free to send me an email
and I will do my best to help you get a key set up and ready to be signed.


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, Wednesday July 10th 6-7PM - books, Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting to follow, ISOs, etc.

2013-07-08 Thread Michael Paoli

And that subject line earlier should have read "books", not bood (???),
otherwise as noted earlier:

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, Wednesday July 10th 6-7PM - bood, Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting to follow, ISOs, etc.

2013-07-07 Thread Michael Paoli

And, for those looking for Debian, more Linux, or more upstream of
Ubuntu ;-) ...
There will also be a Bay Area Debian (BAD) meeting very close by
starting that same day at 7pm:

I most likely won't make it to the Ubuntu Hour until about 6:15 P.M. or
so, but I'll likely also have free review copies of books (see the above)
and if one may be interested in obtaining particular ISO image copies -
well, also see the above.  I also still have some hardware I'm hoping to
have benefit Debian or Open Source - again, see the above.

From: "Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] San Francisco Ubuntu Hour, Wednesday July 10th 6-7PM
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 11:06:10 -0700

Hi everyone,

On Wednesday night we'll be having an Ubuntu Hour at Starbucks on New
Montgomery Street in San Francisco.

Location: Starbucks, 74 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco
Date: Wednesday, July 10th
Time: 6-7PM
Details & RSVP:

I'll be wearing an Ubuntu t-shirt and will have my pink netbook, along
with some penguin toys and and stickers.

So come out to enjoy some coffee, perhaps a pastry and chat about Ubuntu :)

Note: Please look around for us, sometimes we can only find seating
for the group outside.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu hour placard ... license?; ... CD sleeves (8.5x11" fold up)

2013-07-07 Thread Michael Paoli

What license(s) would you want added that would be most appropriate?
Keep in mind *most* of the content is Copyright and/or Trademark by
Canonical.  I didn't "add" all that much to it - but still, ought to
have suitable compatible license to cover that.

Also, probably would be good to also have that information in the
placard svg file itself - in reasonably readable form, but that
wouldn't print out by default.  Any particularly good ideas how to do
that?  (E.g. layer(s) of text not visible by default - or is there some
better/best practice on how to do that for Inkscape svg file?)

And yes, CD/DVD sleeves - I've also done some stuff on that - should put
that up somewhere too - but git or the like may be more suitable, as I
foresee a lot more forking there.  :-)

From: "Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph" 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu hour placard
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2013 09:29:27 -0700

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Michael Paoli

Want to print a ready-made ubuntu hour placard for, e.g. an ubuntu hour
event, or want to have the source for such?

To obtain such, have a peek here*:

And example photo that partly shows such placard in use at an
ubuntu hour event:

*note that http://www.mapoli.net/ is definitely *not* presently a
high-availability web site (currently on relatively mobile laptop) - so
if it's "down" when you try, try again later.  Content may also
eventually get relocated.

Thanks for sharing! Can you add a license to the README?

If you want, I can relocate it to join our other resources at

Reminds me, I still need to update our DVD sleeves...

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu hour placard

2013-07-07 Thread Michael Paoli

Want to print a ready-made ubuntu hour placard for, e.g. an ubuntu hour
event, or want to have the source for such?

To obtain such, have a peek here*:

And example photo that partly shows such placard in use at an
ubuntu hour event:

*note that http://www.mapoli.net/ is definitely *not* presently a
high-availability web site (currently on relatively mobile laptop) - so
if it's "down" when you try, try again later.  Content may also
eventually get relocated.

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] [DON'T REPLY-ALL] calendar & Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations

2013-06-01 Thread Michael Paoli

[DON'T REPLY-ALL unless you're member of ALL the applicable lists!]
[Bcc: Bill Ward]

calendar & Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations

The Google calendar:
has been consolidated onto the Google calendar:
SF Bay Area Open Source/Linux Events
For those specifically looking for BerkeleyLUG or Berkeley events,
just search the above for BerkeleyLUG or Berkeley, respectively, for
those events or for events in or related to Berkeley.
I also reviewed and updated/corrected/clarified (and in some cases
simplified) listings moved to that calendar (e.g. San Francisco Android
User Group (sfandroid) (now?) meets last Tuesday, rather than 4th
Tuesday of the month).
Note that there are also other such San Francisco Bay Area Linux and/or
Open Source related calendars, and lists, see, e.g.:

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations:
And, one might notice that has moderate overlap with:
Berkeley Unix User Group (BUUG) http://www.buug.org/
Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG) http://www.berkeleylug.com/
as BUUG meets a total of 8 hours per 2 months, and
BerkeleyLUG 12 hours per 2 months,
that will have Ubuntu Hour Berkeley (1 hour per month)
colocated with BUUG 1/8 of the BUUG time,
colocated with BerkeleyLUG 1/12 of the BerkeleyLUG meeting time.
Anyway, I don't think BUUG or BerkeleyLUG will mind at all,
and will give Ubuntu Hour Berkeley folks a place to go (and they
can always spend more time at BUUG and/or BerkeleyLUG if they wish).
And, for BUUG and/or BerkeleyLUG folks, that might want some more
Ubuntu time or to meet some more Ubuntu oriented folks, it provides a
specific time within where Ubuntu folks are quite specifically invited
and encouraged to attend (not that they're discouraged at any other
time, but if one is looking for a specific hour per month, rather than
4 or 6, there is also that).

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - new days/times/locations

2013-05-31 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour Berkeley continues, but new days/times/locations.
For the details, see:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour San Francisco is on for this Wednesday; + mini-installfests, etc.

2013-05-06 Thread Michael Paoli

Ubuntu Hour San Francisco is on for this Wednesday; + mini-installfests, etc.
For details, see:

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[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu 13(.04) problems/help?

2013-04-27 Thread Michael Paoli

Well, someone left me a voicemail message afternoon of 2013-04-26, but
alas, didn't leave their phone number on my voicemail, and pretty sure I
don't have their contact information.  :-/

The scenario they described, was, at least approximately this:
upgraded? (or maybe did an install?) to Ubuntu 13 (I presume 13.04),
lost access to their files, downgraded? (to I presume 12.10 or 12.04.x)
and still don't have access to their files/work from earlier.

I think their apt configuration was set to follow the most current
release (I think earlier it was already running 12.10).

Well, hopefully they were upgrades/downgrades, and not fresh install, as
fresh install, I think, by default, would clobber the existing files -
possibly excepting what it might save or have saved on Ubuntu One, but I
really don't know for sure on that, or what particular actions the user
took in this case.

Anyway, in such scenario, what I'd generally/typically recommend:
boot from "recovery" media - in the case of Ubuntu and when one may be
most familiar with Ubuntu (among Linux distributions) and may have that
media, from the Live DVD/CD (or same on USB), and likely best to use the

"highest" version one had upgraded or attempted to upgrade to (generally
most likely to support whatever bits one may have ended up with on hard
drive or SSD or the like).  From there, if one hasn't clobbered the
filesystem(s), they should be recoverable (the data should still be
there).  If not, depending upon the scenario and what happened, data
there might still possibly be recoverable or partially recoverable,
and/or, in case of Ubuntu, there may be such data stored on Ubuntu One.

I can't easily give much more specific advice without knowing more about
particularly what happened, or resultant state the data is in.  I'm also
thinking possibly there may have been upgrade/downgrade done, and there
might be some (major) issues with application(s) user is expecting to
have still access their data like it did before - so maybe the data is
all still there, but just highly not as the user expects it, or
accessed/found as (and where) the user expects it.  But I'm just
guessing among the possibilities.

I'm also guessing if the user is person I talked to on 2013-04-06, that
I did also mention SF-LUG (sf-lug.org) as a resource - most notably
their list (relatively high volume e-mail list, and generally quite
helpful on dealing with bugs/issues/problems encountered with Linux.
And I suppose too, there are lots of relevant Ubuntu help forums and
the like also - but at the time I was mentioning more specifically
local resources.  And, the reason I post this here, is I think that was
from an earlier Ubuntu Hour, and the particular user might actually see
this item here.

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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley - Today!

2013-04-06 Thread Michael Paoli

I can cover it - shall be there 3-4p today.


From: "Grant Bowman" 
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu Hour Berkeley?
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2013 18:28:40 -0700

Sorry for the late notice but is anyone else able to host the Hour  
tomorrow? I do not expect much turnout. There was a very light  
meeting last month.

To seed is good.
| Filename  Size   Download 
 Upload |
| debian-6.0.7-amd64-CD-1.iso   645.0  M   0B/s
6.6  K/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M 
72.4  M   |
| debian-6.0.7-amd64-i386-netinst.iso   416.0  M   0B/s
0B/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M  
6.0  M   |
| debian-6.0.7-i386-CD-1.iso647.0  M   0B/s
1.5  K/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M
194.6  M   |
| debian-live-6.0.7-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso   1.1  G   0B/s
7.3  K/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M
246.2  M   |
| debian-live-6.0.7-i386-gnome-desktop.iso1.1  G   0B/s   
11.0  K/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M
420.5  M   |
| ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso   693.3  M   0B/s
9.9  K/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M
201.7  M   |
| ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso   656.0  M   0B/s
0B/s |
| ^---  download succeeded!0.0  M 
35.6  M   |
|Totals:   0B/s   
36.3  K/s |
|  0.0  M  
1.1  G   |
| New torrent: debian-live-6.0.7-amd64-gnome-desktop.iso.torrent


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Re: [Ubuntu-US-CA] Project: Letters to our Representatives --> ???

2013-01-29 Thread Michael Paoli

Perhaps something more approximating some select targeted press releases
or similar?  And in reasonably close coordination with Canonical (to,
avoid, e.g. potential issues with inappropriate duplication of efforts
or communications that may appear inconsistent or
"conflicting"/confusing).  Perhaps more of a selected targeting of
getting the information wanted and of interest into the hands of those
likely to be rather to quite interested in that information.  I'm just
guestimating that may be more effective - and better use of limited
resources - than something that comes off like more of a "campaign",
advocacy push, or sounds/feels like a "sales job".

E.g. something like short press release about UDS and Ubuntu and that
it's been announced and when and where it is, and some basic leads for
additional information/contacts.  And then probably a follow-up much
closer to the event, to serve as "reminder", and hopefully also
including some additional new interesting bit(s) so it's more than "just
a redundant reminder".

Maybe joint press release(s) from Canonical and Ubuntu California?

Anyway, just my quick thoughts on the topic.

et. seq.

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