2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa

TENSION is developing at the Uganda/Tanzania border due to the presence of
armed Rwandese refugees roaming the borderline along the Kagera Salient,
which officials blame on insecurity in the sub-region.

The Tanzanian government has established military patrols along the
border, while Uganda has banned all Rwandese refugees from transiting
through Bugango, in Bukanga, Mbarara district.

The refugees have been directed to use Kikagati and Mutukula immigration
points, located about 40km and 90km away, security officials in Bukoba

“There have been reports of the continuous flow of guns into the refugee
camps,” Mbarara Resident District Commissioner Joseph Arwata said.

“We are trying to work on a communication to the higher offices of
government so as to liaise with the Prime Minister’s office and United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to see how the allegations
can be verified,” Arwata said.

“We continue to encourage them (refugees) to follow the official border
entries without contravening international laws,” he added.

South Western Regional Police Commander Edward Ochom said the restrictions
on the border point were because of lack of immigration systems at Bugango
border point.

Security agents recently intercepted a group of refugees and recovered two
guns wrapped in a sisal sack near Nakivale camp.

The group was suspected to be Interahamwe militiamen or soldiers belonging
to former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana.

President Yoweri Museveni last month sent a team headed by the Director
General of Internal Security Organisation, Brig. Henry Tumukunde, to help
security personnel on the ground verify intelligence that some of the
refugees carry arms and were a threat to Uganda.

Sources said the president had directed security personnel to impose
strict controls on refugees entering Uganda.

Kashumba LC2 Secretary for Defence and the area Local Defence Commander,
Yusufu Fao Isingoma, said due to strict regulations at Bugango, the
refugees have attempted to cross through panya routes (unofficial paths)
to evade the inquisitive security.

There has been a wave of robberies, cattle thefts and general crime in
border areas, which is linked to former Rwandese soldiers conniving with
officials from Uganda and Tanzania, intelligence sources from the two
countries said.

Well-placed intelligence sources also blame LCs for facilitating the entry
of the ex-Rwandese men through unofficial routes spread over the
borderline, because they pay bribes.

Published on: Sunday, 12th January, 2003

ugnet_: India Harvests Fruits of a Diaspora

2003-01-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga

India Harvests Fruits of a 


 EW DELHI, Jan. 11 — Sir Shridath Ramphal's grandmother left India in 
rebellion 150 years ago, after refusing to throw herself on her dead husband's 
funeral pyre. She ended up in indentured servitude in South America, in what was 
then the British colony of Guiana. When it became a nation, her grandson, Sir 
Shridath, became its first foreign minister. 
Dipak C. Jain left India with optimism, heading for Dallas 20 years ago to 
work on a doctorate in applied mathematics. He became a professor in marketing, 
a field he had never heard of before leaving India, and then dean of the Kellogg 
School of Management at Northwestern University.
This week both men returned to India as part of what was billed as the 
largest gathering of the Indian diaspora since independence in 1947. Like most 
of the nearly 2,000 "nonresident Indians" and "people of Indian origin" who made 
the journey from 63 countries, they were abundantly successful. Nonetheless, 
they represented very different strands of one of the world's largest and most 
productive diasporas. 
The Indian government and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and 
Industry, organized the gathering, which ended today, to determine how the 
resources and achievements of Indians abroad might be used to uplift India. 
While Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said in his speech opening the 
conference on Thursday that the government was not seeking the diaspora's 
riches, but its "richness of experience," the riches could not be ignored. 
According to a recent report by the consulting firm McKinsey  Company, the 
20 million Indians living abroad generate an annual income equal to 35 percent 
of India's gross domestic product. 
Indians are the largest minority group in Britain and have the highest income 
among its minority groups. Indian-Americans have a median income 50 percent 
higher than the national average for the United States. Yet foreign direct 
investment by Indians abroad is only $1 billion, compared with about $60 billion 
invested by 55 million overseas Chinese. It is a gap the government hopes to 
"We want to create an environment for you so that you can excel in India as 
much as you could anywhere else in the world," Mr. Vajpayee said. 
To deepen the connection between India and its scattered seed, Mr. Vajpayee 
announced on Thursday that legislation would be introduced to grant dual 
citizenship to people of Indian origin living in "certain countries," which 
officials later tentatively identified as the United States, the United Kingdom, 
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore. 
On Friday, Finance Minister Jaswant Singh announced a series of measures to 
ease investment overseas. The limit on mutual fund investments in overseas stock 
exchanges was doubled, to $1 billion. 
Those attending the gathering included the prime minister of Mauritius and 
the former prime minister of Fiji, and two Nobel laureates — the economist 
Amartya Sen and the writer V. S. Naipaul. There were politicians, scholars, 
industrialists and jurists. 
More than simply celebrating the "global Indian family," the conference put 
India — the brilliance of its minds, the querulousness of its characters, its 
perpetual grappling to define its identity — on display. 
Mr. Sen encouraged India to remember its long history of interaction with 
other civilizations and not to retreat into cultural isolationism. Mr. Naipaul — 
who with typically tart precision observed that the gathering "has the element 
of the trade fair" — told India to "stop blaming the British for everything." 

There seemed to be as many opinions as there were participants about what the 
conference was for, what the meaning of diaspora was, where loyalties should 
lie, and what India was and should be. 
"We Indian South Africans have had to struggle hard to claim our South 
Africanness, and that is something we jealously guard," said Fatima Meer, a 
South African anti-apartheid activist. "We are not a diaspora of India." 
One divide emerged between affluent professionals prospering in Europe or 
America and the descendants of indentured servants who had provided plantation 
labor in British colonies across the globe. 
"We must guard against this conference focusing too much on how India can 
build a relationship with those in the affluent sector of the diaspora, with 
little concern for those members of the diaspora who are suffering and whose 
rights are under assault," said Fiji's former prime minister, Mahendra P. 
Chaudhry, who is of Indian origin. 
Dhundev Bauhadoor, a Mauritian who heads the Global Organization of People of 
Indian Origin, criticized India for being slow to comment when Mr. Chaudhry was 
deposed in a coup and held hostage for 28 days in 2000. "This cannot continue," 
he said. "If India is to play her role as mother, she must protect her children 
wherever they are." 
Bharatkumar J. Shah, a Dubai 

Re: ugnet_: India Harvests Fruits of a Diaspora

2003-01-12 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga


This story of India isn't unique. China's 
diaspora is an important component of its economic regeneration. 
There are plenty of lessons we can learn from these experiences.

For one, inspite of all the hype about direct 
foreign investment (meaning Caucasian capital), nothing beats the money and 
skills transferred home by emmigrants of a country.It rarely comes 
with the huffy and petulant conditionalities that deep-pocketed corporations 
and nickle-and-dime investors from the West exact for their fickle (and 
often nervous) attention.

For tragic historical reasons, the Africandiaspora is mostly at 
the bottom of the economic pile, but regardless, we are in a position to help 
one another's march towards dignity and prosperity.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 10:50 
  Subject: ugnet_: India Harvests Fruits of 
  a Diaspora
  India Harvests Fruits of a 
  By AMY 

   EW DELHI, Jan. 11 — Sir Shridath Ramphal's grandmother 
  left India in rebellion 150 years ago, after refusing to throw herself on her 
  dead husband's funeral pyre. She ended up in indentured servitude in South 
  America, in what was then the British colony of Guiana. When it became a 
  nation, her grandson, Sir Shridath, became its first foreign minister. 
  Dipak C. Jain left India with optimism, heading for Dallas 20 years ago to 
  work on a doctorate in applied mathematics. He became a professor in 
  marketing, a field he had never heard of before leaving India, and then dean 
  of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
  This week both men returned to India as part of what was billed as the 
  largest gathering of the Indian diaspora since independence in 1947. Like most 
  of the nearly 2,000 "nonresident Indians" and "people of Indian origin" who 
  made the journey from 63 countries, they were abundantly successful. 
  Nonetheless, they represented very different strands of one of the world's 
  largest and most productive diasporas. 
  The Indian government and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and 
  Industry, organized the gathering, which ended today, to determine how the 
  resources and achievements of Indians abroad might be used to uplift India. 
  While Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said in his speech opening the 
  conference on Thursday that the government was not seeking the diaspora's 
  riches, but its "richness of experience," the riches could not be ignored. 
  According to a recent report by the consulting firm McKinsey  Company, 
  the 20 million Indians living abroad generate an annual income equal to 35 
  percent of India's gross domestic product. 
  Indians are the largest minority group in Britain and have the highest 
  income among its minority groups. Indian-Americans have a median income 50 
  percent higher than the national average for the United States. Yet foreign 
  direct investment by Indians abroad is only $1 billion, compared with about 
  $60 billion invested by 55 million overseas Chinese. It is a gap the 
  government hopes to close. 
  "We want to create an environment for you so that you can excel in India as 
  much as you could anywhere else in the world," Mr. Vajpayee said. 
  To deepen the connection between India and its scattered seed, Mr. Vajpayee 
  announced on Thursday that legislation would be introduced to grant dual 
  citizenship to people of Indian origin living in "certain countries," which 
  officials later tentatively identified as the United States, the United 
  Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore. 
  On Friday, Finance Minister Jaswant Singh announced a series of measures to 
  ease investment overseas. The limit on mutual fund investments in overseas 
  stock exchanges was doubled, to $1 billion. 
  Those attending the gathering included the prime minister of Mauritius and 
  the former prime minister of Fiji, and two Nobel laureates — the economist 
  Amartya Sen and the writer V. S. Naipaul. There were politicians, scholars, 
  industrialists and jurists. 
  More than simply celebrating the "global Indian family," the conference put 
  India — the brilliance of its minds, the querulousness of its characters, its 
  perpetual grappling to define its identity — on display. 
  Mr. Sen encouraged India to remember its long history of interaction with 
  other civilizations and not to retreat into cultural isolationism. Mr. Naipaul 
  — who with typically tart precision observed that the gathering "has the 
  element of the trade fair" — told India to "stop blaming the British for 
  There seemed to be as many opinions as there were participants about what 
  the conference was for, what the meaning of diaspora was, where loyalties 
  should lie, and what India was and should be. 
  "We Indian South Africans have had to struggle 

ugnet_: Africa to split!!!!!!

2003-01-12 Thread bwambuga
Scientists Studying the Breaking Up of the African Continent

Addis Tribune (Addis Ababa)

January 10, 2003 
Posted to the web January 10, 2003 

A group of Ethiopian, European and American scientists are in their third stage of the 
project that investigates how the African continent is splitting along the Ethiopian 
Rift Valley.

The scientists believe the African continent is in the early stages of breaking up and 
in several million years' time a new ocean will have formed along the line of the East 
African Rift.

Understanding how continents break apart is fundamental to understanding the plate 
tectonic processes that control the shape of the Earth's surface. The Ethiopian Rift 
Valley provides a unique opportunity for a detailed scientific study of these 
processes because it is in the transitional stage between the initial stretching and 
faulting of the continent and the final formation of a new ocean (like the Red Sea), 
said a statement from the Ethiopia Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE).

The EAGLE project involves recording seismic waves from controlled sources and natural 
earthquakes to provide a three dimensional image of the northeast section of the 
Ethiopian Rift Valley from the surface to depths of around 100km.

The project is the largest seismic project ever undertaken in Africa, with over 70 
scientists contributing to the field data collection.

He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower of everything.
Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.

Michael Bwambuga.

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2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa

Analysis: If the Unites States, Great Britain, and the UN are promoting
criminels, terroristes, and looters (plunders) to lead the Congo. Will
they tomorrow accept the responsibility of lack of democracy and lasting
peace in the DR of Congo? Will they accept the responsibility of lack of
social and economic changes in the DRC? It's surprising enough to
realize that the countries who lead the world on war against terrorism
are also promoting warlords and warlikes in DRC.
United States, Great Britain, and the Promotion of Warlords and Warlikes
in DR Congo
DR of Congo Need for New Economic Growth Model and a Leadership based on
Growth Model.
With the events of September 11, 2001, the entire world, including
African nations, supported the United States and England to take world
leadership to fight terrorism and any other forms of violance. People
around the world believed that anyone involved in the events of
September 11, 2001 must face justice. Additionally, people around the
world have concluded that violence should not be a way of solving our
environment problems.

But it is surprising enough to realize that the two countries, the USA
and Great Britain, that lead the world on war against terrorism, are the
two countries that are also promoting warlords and warlikes in DR Congo.

At the time we are writing this message, two rebelle groups from the
Democratic Republic of Congo (MLC and RCD) are invited in Washington and
in London. The MLC of Jean Pierre Bemba is in Washington. Its membres
have met with the Bush administration cabinet members, FBI, CIA,
Pentagone, and State Department. The RCD of Paul Kagame of Rwanda
killing innocents civilians in East Congo is currently in London.

How could possibly two world leaders on war against terrorism and other
forms of violence are in alliance with rebelles, warlords, and warlikes
who are responsible for the death of not 2,300 people but for more than
4 millions of innocent civilians in less than 4 years?

How could be possible that the two world leaders on war against
terrorism and any other form of violence are friends to rebelles who are
responsible for the burying of women and children alive in Makobola,
Kasika, and the surroundings in East Congo?

How could be possible that two world leaders on war against torture and
against terrorism are friends to rebelles who are shooting women in
vagina after raping them?

Two days ago, a United Nations' investigation has confirmed (with
evidence) that one rebelle group, the MLC of Jean Pierre Bemba, has
offered the organs of dead people to innocents civilians and forced them
to cannibalism (eating human bodies)days before and after Christmas
2002. How could the United States possibly be friend to such a rebelle
group that is forcing people to eat dead bodies?

Interestingly enough, despite the above crimes committed by these two
rebelle groups, Jean Pierre Bemba president of MLC and Adolph Onunsumba
president of RCD and representative of Paul Kagame in East Congo are
both rewarded vice-presidency of the DRC under a UN plan well-designed
by the United States and Great Britain.

The entire world knows that Al Qaeda's members arrested are in US jails
pending trials and called criminels. It is reasobaly to believe that if
those criminels (Al Qaeda's members jailed) are still at large they will
be capable of other crimes similar to those committed in Kenya,
Tanzania, and New York. Therefore, jailing them is the best thing to do.

In their book, Results - Based Leadership, Dave Ulrich, Jack Zenger,
and Norm Smallwood (1999; Harvard Business School Press) defined
effective leadership as follow:

Effective Leadership = Attributes X Results

I am certainly convinced that people will agree with me that Bin Laden's
attributes equal to violence and hatred. People will also agree with me
that Bin Laden's result of his leadership is nothing than delivery of
blood around the world. Thus, defeating Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda is in
the best interest of not only the USA and other nations and
organisations that are fighting them but also the entire world. Bin
Laden and Al Qaeda are presumed responsible for the killing in Kenya,
Tanzania, and New York. They killed and they will still kill if remain
at large.

But in the DRC, rebelles, warlodrs, and warlikes who are responsibles
for the deaths of more than 4 millions of innocent civilans in less than
4 years and responsible for the burrying of women and children alive,
shooting women in vigina afther raping, and forcing innocent civilians
to cannibalism are awarded and promoted to leadership position.

In lieu and place of sending those Congolese terroristes and criminels
to Hague to face charges for war crimes and crimes against humanities
that those Congolese rebelles are responsible for, the United States,
Great Britain, and the United Nations are rewarding them for killing
millions of 

ugnet_: Sudan reports, rebels deny new ceasefire violation

2003-01-12 Thread Matekopoko
Sudan reports, rebels deny new ceasefire violation

KHARTOUM, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Sudan's government accused southern rebels of 
violating a tenuous ceasefire, but the rebel movement swiftly denied the 
claim on Sunday and charged that Khartoum was planning an attack.

A government-owned newspaper quoted an army statement as saying the rebel 
Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) had attacked three regions about 750 km 
(470 miles) southwest of Khartoum in the oil-rich Unity State.

The statement said government forces had repulsed the attack, but did not say 
when the fighting had occurred.

The SPLA denied it had launched an attack, which would have violated a 
fragile truce between the rebels and the government, who are due to resume 
peace talks in Kenya within weeks.

It is not true, said Justin Yaac, a senior adviser to SPLA leader John 
Garang. The SPLA has never violated the truce. When they (the government) 
release such a statement it means they are preparing to attack people, he 
told Reuters.

The ceasefire, first signed between the SPLA and government in October, was 
later extended until March 31. Khartoum and the SPLA have recently traded 
accusations over ceasefire violations.

The SPLA denial came as John Danforth, U.S. special envoy for Sudan, was due 
to meet Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher in Cairo. Danforth was also due 
to visit Sudan, Kenya and Eritrea during a regional tour.

Sudan's 19-year-old civil war has killed an estimated two million people and 
pits rebels in the south against the northern Muslim government. The rebels 
want greater autonomy for the south, where most people are animist or 

ugnet_: Re: [Suspected Pokot Warriors Attack Nakapiripirit Vi

2003-01-12 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 1/12/03 8:47:59 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

 Inspite of all the actions, it is clear that the current Government is 
 unable/ incapable of containing the situation.
 What you are asking me to do is to comment on the relative rather than
 It does not matter who was better at this point. The fact is that the
 problem existed and still exists.
 The acts of lawlessness continue. The people hurt by these lawless bandits
 have no way to find justice or restitution.


You correctly pointed out to fellow citizens on this Ugandanet forum that the 
role of a Government is to promote quote law and order. I agree.

 The NRM military dictatorship, I am sure you will agree, has pretty much 
FAILED to promote law and order in the Karamojong region of Uganda.

I guess we should, at this point, try to analyze as to why the NRM military 
dictatorship has failed to promote law and order in Karamojong region of 
Uganda, wouldn't you agree?

Could it be the policy approach used by the NRM military dictatorship to 
solve the Karamojong Problems, was and is pretty much BANKRUPT!!!..and that a 
different group of leader of Uganda would use a different approach. and 
Perhaps solve the Karamojong problem promptly.

As a matter of fact, I believe NRM military dictatorship has failed to bring 
peace, law and order in Karamojo region of Uganda, because of the approach, 
if you want, with which the NRM has tried to solve the Karamojong problem.

You see Yoweri Museveni's NRM military dictatorship believes in using the GUN 
in solving political or social problems. 

 The notion that political/social problems should and can be solved by using 
persuasion, is pretty much alien to the NRM.

You further write The people hurt by these lawless bandits have no way to 
find justice or restitution. 

This may surprise you, but I predict that the suffering in Karamojong will 
continue as long as the NRM bankrupt policy continue to be exercised in 
Karamoja region.

You will recall that at one time the NRM even armed Karamojongs, I hear for 
the Karamojongs to defend themselves!  This is the Kind of stupidity for 
which the NRM excels. .. How on earth can a government arm a group of 
peasants and at the some time expect that the very peasants will not turn the 
guns against themselves.. particularly in the ever shifting political 
alliance Africa Politics.?


.be achieved


2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa
Zimbabwe Land Grab
From Daily Mail  Guardian
From Jan Lamprecht

HARARE - South African labour minister, Membathisi Mdladlana, said in
Zimbabwe on Friday that this country had a lot to learn from President
Robert Mugabe's programme of land reform.

The political opposition in South Africa has denounced his remarks as

Mdladlana said during a tour of farms that it was important that black
people should also own land that they till, and know how to produce food
and be self-sufficient and sustainable.

The South African Press Association (Sapa) also quoted him as saying
that South Africa had a lot to learn about land reform from its

His comments were trumpeted by Zimbabwe's state press as strongly
supportive of Mugabe's land seizures, which are widely seen as the
primary cause of the country's current famine.

An estimated eight million of Zimbabwe's 13 million people are
threatened with starvation, according to the UN and other international

The black farmers being resettled by Mugabe's Zanu-PF party have not
been given title to the land, which remains in the hands of the state.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) opposition said Mdladlana's support for
Zanu-PF's land redistribution programme is chilling.

Its land affairs representative, Andries Botha, said: President Mugabe
and Zanu-PF's violent and unconstitutional 'redistribution at all costs'
programme has resulted in the complete collapse of Zimbabwe's
agrarian-dominated economy.

This hardly sounds like the example South Africa should be following.

The editor of the newspaper Zimbabwe Independent, Iden Wetherell, said:
The South African labour minister allowed himself to be led around by
Zimbabwean officials.

They took him to a few showcase schemes purporting to prove that the
land redistribution programme has been a success... when it is patently
clear that the systematic destruction of Zimbabwe's agricultural sector
has been catastrophic.

Since South Africa's transition to democracy in 1994, the ANC government
has pursued a cautious land reform programme.

President Thabo Mbeki has said that land invasions will never take

Even so, Mr Mdladlana's words will exacerbate the fear that some in the
South African government sympathise with Zanu-PF.

South Africa is tackling land reform in two ways: it is assessing claims
from people who say they were unfairly forced off their land under
apartheid and it is distributing state and other land to formerly
disadvantaged communities.

The government's land programme got off to a slow start, and only 7% of
land earmarked for redistribution has been transferred. The process has
accelerated in the past three years, however.

Last year the director general of the government's department of land
affairs, Gilingwe Mayende, told a newspaper that white farmers supported
land reform and were voluntarily offering land for redistribution to
landless black people.

South Africa would not follow Zimbabwe's example, he added. The support
of landowners would help the government to redistribute 30% of
agricultural land to landless communities by 2015.

Carl Opperman of Agri Wes-Cape, a farmers' organisation, said he was
surprised by Mdladlana's remarks.

Farmers in the Cape had drawn up extensive plans for reform, given them
to the government, and were now waiting for a response.

We are waiting for government to put money into land reform, he said.
- Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001


2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa
Happy Imbeciles At War
Massive U.S. military buildup, billions of dollars, a useless enemy, and
no one seems to know why

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

This is not a war. Iraq will not be a war. Do we understand this? We do
not seem to understand this. This is heavily corporatized power brokers
killing each other for oil and capital. Oh yes it is.

Let's be perfectly clear. You cannot have a war when the so-called enemy
has done nothing to provoke you and is absolutely no threat to your
national safety and has no significant military force and has negligible
chance of even setting off a firecracker near your own overwhelming death
machines, and whose only weapons of minimal destruction are the rusty
short-range warheads and biochemical agents we sold him 20 years ago, and
kept selling to him, even after we knew he was gassing his own people.

You cannot have a war when there is nothing to fight against, when it's
essentially going to be a huge U.S. military stomping/bombing exercise,
when, just like Afghanistan, we stand to suffer zero U.S. casualties
(except for those we seem to kill ourselves), and we just bomb and bomb
and kill and kill and shrug.

Let us look closer: The U.S. buildup for war with Iraq is the biggest in
decades. The Iraq operation, in the words of Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney,
will be the most massive precision air campaign in history, because,
well, because we can. Because we want to annihilate everything as fast and
ruthlessly as possible, simply because the longer such an operation takes
and the more expensive and obviously pointless it becomes, the more
everyday citizens snap out of it and begin to say, wait, why are we doing
this again?

Saddam's meager military, let us be reminded, is a tiny quivering fraction
of what it was 10 years ago during Desert Storm, and even then it took
U.S. forces less than four days to almost completely annihilate it.

Now it's even weaker, due to ongoing sanctions and U.N. oversight and a
decade of continuous U.S.-led bombing raids on Iraqi targets you never
read about. Hell, this time we should have those thousands of pesky Iraqi
soldiers and innocent civilians dead and slaughtered in a weekend.

This is a Mack truck versus a Pinto. This is an F-16 versus a paper
airplane, a Tomahawk missile versus a spit wad. There is no contest. War
is exactly the wrong term. The U.S. attack on Iraq will be, of course, a
massacre. Go team.

Now let's say you sense this all to be true. Let's say you have a queasy
feeling deep in your gut as you realize no one is talking about exactly
why we need to launch a second simultaneous war to go along with the
unwinnable assault we're still running in Afghanistan.

Remember Afghanistan? Yes, we're still there, warring away. Bombing and
attacking and killing. Haven't caught a single al Qaeda leader of note
yet. That looks bad for Dubya. Killed a few thousand civilians though.

So, let's boil it down: Why go to war with Iraq? Can't find Osama, is one
reason. That looks bad. Really, really want to steal all that delicious
oil for ShrubCo, is another. Saddam is clearly a very bad guy who kills
his own people and snickers in America's general direction, is a third.
But then again, so are at least a half-dozen other vile tyrants of the
world. Volatile, nuke-ready North Korea? Let's open some talks. Feeble,
oil-ready Iraq? Let's massacre. Hmm.

Perhaps you wonder why no one is asking any of these questions, making
similar points.

Perhaps you wonder just where in the hell is the spineless major media in
all this, as they watch the chicken-hawk Shrubster himself, between golf
swings, announce how tens of thousands of American troops are being sent
to the Gulf alongside an enormous billion-dollar military buildup and
imminent gobs of heaping death raining down upon a paltry oppressed nation
and coming up next on CNN, we interview that dumb guy from Joe
Millionaire. Perfect.

Perhaps you wonder where is the national TV coverage of all those huge
anti-war protests, hundreds of thousands of people, all over the world,
from Spain to Berlin to New York to San Francisco.

Perhaps you wonder where are all the serious journalists, the
risk-taking news agencies pointing up the absurdity of it all, the
imminent horror, the outrage. Could it be these news agencies are owned by
major conservative corporations? Could it be they're all terrified of
losing ratings, of saying something unpopular, of invoking Cheney's wrath,
of losing advertiser dollars and that ever-precious, ever-dwindling
dumbed-down audience? One guess.

And besides, who needs a reason for a massacre anymore? This is the age of
the preemptive-strike, screw-you Bush regime. Who needs, for example, the
Monroe Doctrine, that crusty old rag stating how America will go to war
only as a last resort, as a defensive measure, and won't become embroiled
in unwinnable foreign wars that are none of our business?

Who needs every precedent ever set by international law? Who needs 

Re: ugnet_: ISO arrests four Teso politicians

2003-01-12 Thread Owor Kipenji
Lutimba Matovu,if I were infantile like you,I would
have waited to age before making you see where your
opportunistic cheerleading is leading you.You really
have you mouth and hence your stomach where you feel
goodies are.If there was any morsel of intellect still
resident in your body,these comments were not
warranted.Police can do all they want as long as they
are following the law.No sensible and civilized
citizen in any part of the world has any qualms with
that.What the log of kleptocracy that you have
enjoined yourself to is preventing you from seeing in
this case is the reason behind the arrests and who are
actually are the people carrying out these arrests.It
is all the intimidatory tactics of a moribound
Government like that of your fellow comrade in crime
Mu7 is using to think that they can still somewhat
reverse the flow of change.For 17 donkey years you and
your thiefmate Mu7 have sang ad nuseaum of No Change
but now it is becoming increasingly clear that Yes
Change is inevitable hence this intimidation.
Can you in your capicity as a thief in arms with Mu7
tell me where you get the notions that the people of
Teso and all other parts in Uganda who are not your
darlings are bad people?.Look into yourselves before
casting blames and derogatory superlatives on others.
Lastly I hope when the wind blows away from your
present direction you will have the temerity to aver
others are bad people.

--- Lutimba Matovu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Grow up! If the police and other security
 organisations have reasons to arrest anyone, do you
 mean they should be ignored because they campaigned
 for Besigye?
 Is belonging to the opposition RA or UPC or Dp a
 ticket to be untouchable?
 Teso people waged war against the NRM under Otai
 they were badly defeated. these bad elements may be
 trying to regroup. Why do you cry about their
 --- Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The arrest of these politicians is indeed a very
  despeakable act that goes along way to the truism
  the kicks of a dying horse is very
  an organization that has systematically robbed
  Ugandans of all their resources both
  and otherwise is now seeing itself as a moribound
  organization hence their reversion to their trade
  of TERROR.Mu7 and his cohort of kleptocrats very
  know that they will face the International Courts
  Justice to answer questions on perpetuating crimes
  against Humanity not only in Uganda but the Great
  lakes regions so they are now using this ploy of
  constitutional review to add more time to their
  moribound lives.Why should a constitutional that
  hardly been there for a decade deserve review 
  ab initio it was fraudently crafted and now
  its'originators have come face to face with the
  faithful judge named TIME?.The tricks that so
  opposition Movements use to cling to power
  backfires on them.Frederrick Chiluba tried it and
  failed.Mu7 with your kleptocrats I wish you the
  luck!.Do you and your Kleptocrats know why the
  opposition chose not to call itself a movement but
  rather a rainbow alliance?,it is because they very
  well knew what Movements are.They are for all
  and purposes condiuts where hard core thieves and
  lovers of democratic governance hide.Mu7 and Lider
  Chalker and presently Clare Short will have to
  for where the Gold they are busy lootinf from
  is,just as he must explain where he took the loot
  plunder he got from the Democratic Republic of
  Congo,not to mention the role he played in the
  genocide that came shortly after the killing of
  Lastly I am wondering why the Movement should keep
  recycling people to do their dirty jobs for
  they have done with the most recycled Ateker
  Ejjalu.Ateker stop cheaping yourself,for you know
  recycled staff is indeed very cheap!.

  --- gook makanga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV
  DIV/DIVFONT face=Arial size=2/FONT
  TABLE width=100% bgColor=#b7c6c6
  TR vAlign=center align=middle
  TDFONT size=+1BHeadlines/B
  H5ISO arrests four Teso politicians/H5
  H6By Patrick Elobu Angonu/H6Security
  have arrested four politicians in Teso, two of
  former agents of Kizza Besigye in the 2001
  presidential elections.BRRegional police
  (Mid Eastern), Bob Ngobi, confirmed the arrest
  Thursday of Charles Willy Ekemu, Francis Ogwang
  Stephen Okurut 

Re: ugnet_: ISO arrests four Teso politicians

2003-01-12 Thread Lutimba Matovu

Arresting people who have committed or are about to
commit a crime and held without trial is normal
practice the world over. Uganda is not unique.

In the UK many so called terrorist sympathisers or
those with alleged links with Al-Qaida are being held
without trial. In the US, hundreds of such people are
in prison in addition to those held at Guantamo bay.

In the Middle East, etc so many such people are in
prison without trial so what are you talking about?

The Ugandan security agencies are obliged by the
constitution to keep peace and security of all
Ugandans and if these fellows were suspects or
planning to endanger the security of the country,
what's the issue if they are apprehended?

Its bankrupt people like you kipenji who support such
elements to cause kavuyo. the change you want can only
be brought about peacefully not by war. If you want
Teso to be like Acholi go on with your support and you
are welcome at it.


--- Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lutimba Matovu,if I were infantile like you,I would
 have waited to age before making you see where your
 opportunistic cheerleading is leading you.You really
 have you mouth and hence your stomach where you feel
 goodies are.If there was any morsel of intellect
 resident in your body,these comments were not
 warranted.Police can do all they want as long as
 are following the law.No sensible and civilized
 citizen in any part of the world has any qualms with
 that.What the log of kleptocracy that you have
 enjoined yourself to is preventing you from seeing
 this case is the reason behind the arrests and who
 actually are the people carrying out these
 is all the intimidatory tactics of a moribound
 Government like that of your fellow comrade in crime
 Mu7 is using to think that they can still somewhat
 reverse the flow of change.For 17 donkey years you
 your thiefmate Mu7 have sang ad nuseaum of No Change
 but now it is becoming increasingly clear that Yes
 Change is inevitable hence this intimidation.
 Can you in your capicity as a thief in arms with Mu7
 tell me where you get the notions that the people of
 Teso and all other parts in Uganda who are not your
 darlings are bad people?.Look into yourselves before
 casting blames and derogatory superlatives on
 Lastly I hope when the wind blows away from your
 present direction you will have the temerity to aver
 others are bad people.

 --- Lutimba Matovu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Grow up! If the police and other security
  organisations have reasons to arrest anyone, do
  mean they should be ignored because they
  for Besigye?
  Is belonging to the opposition RA or UPC or Dp a
  ticket to be untouchable?
  Teso people waged war against the NRM under Otai
  they were badly defeated. these bad elements may
  trying to regroup. Why do you cry about their
  --- Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The arrest of these politicians is indeed a very
   despeakable act that goes along way to the
   the kicks of a dying horse is very
   an organization that has systematically robbed
   Ugandans of all their resources both
   and otherwise is now seeing itself as a
   organization hence their reversion to their
   of TERROR.Mu7 and his cohort of kleptocrats very
   know that they will face the International
   Justice to answer questions on perpetuating
   against Humanity not only in Uganda but the
   lakes regions so they are now using this ploy of
   constitutional review to add more time to their
   moribound lives.Why should a constitutional that
   hardly been there for a decade deserve review 
   ab initio it was fraudently crafted and now
   its'originators have come face to face with the
   faithful judge named TIME?.The tricks that so
   opposition Movements use to cling to power
   backfires on them.Frederrick Chiluba tried it
   failed.Mu7 with your kleptocrats I wish you the
   luck!.Do you and your Kleptocrats know why the
   opposition chose not to call itself a movement
   rather a rainbow alliance?,it is because they
   well knew what Movements are.They are for all
   and purposes condiuts where hard core thieves
   lovers of democratic governance hide.Mu7 and
   Chalker and presently Clare Short will have to
   for where the Gold they are busy lootinf from
   is,just as he must explain where he took the
   plunder he got from the Democratic Republic of
   Congo,not to mention the role he played in the

ugnet_: 52 Die in Two-Day Clash Over Cattle On Border

2003-01-12 Thread Matekopoko
52 Die in Two-Day Clash Over Cattle On Border

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The Nation (Nairobi)

January 11, 2003 
Posted to the web January 10, 2003 


At least 52 people died in two days of fighting between rival communities, 
using spears and guns, in north-eastern Uganda, an army spokesman said 

The clashes erupted on Monday when Pokots from Kenya crossed the border and 
attacked Karamojong herdsmen in Nakapiripirit district, 380 kilometres 
northeast of Kampala, said Major Shaban Bantariza.

The fighting ended on Tuesday when the Uganda army intervened, Mr Bantariza 

At least 35 Kenyans and 17 Ugandans were killed, he said, adding that the 
death toll could rise as more bodies are discovered in the remote area.

Some of the Pokots, Mr Bantariza said, escaped with dozens of cattle after 
the raid.

The Karamojong and the Pokot are nomadic herders who traditionally attack 
neighbouring communities for cattle.

But the West Pokot District Commissioner, Mr Abdullahi Leloon, the local 
police chief, Mr Marcus Ochola and Kacheliba MP Mr Samuel Poghisio, said they 
had not received reports of casualties from Kenya.

Speaking to the Nation separately by telephone, the leaders said although 
there were many Kenyan Pokots who had migrated to Uganda in search of pasture 
and water for their livestock, there was no evidence that they were involved 
in the fighting.

Ugandan security men are good people. If our people were involved, I'm sure 
they would have informed us, Mr Ochola said.

He added: In the past, Ugandan security forces crossed to Kacheliba if they 
had evidence our people were involved in attacks to inform us. Since they 
have not done so since Monday, it means they know who the culprits are.

Mr Ochola said two people injured in the attacks were recuperating at the 
Kapenguria District Hospital but that their identity was unknown.

Since November 2001, the Ugandan army has been carrying out a campaign to 
disarm the Karamojong in a bid to reduce tribal fighting, but some members of 
the community have been reluctant to hand over their weapons.

In the 1990s, the army trained and armed the community so it could defend 
itself against attacks by cattle rustlers.

Mr Bantariza said Uganda would launch a hunt in north western Kenya to 
recover the stolen cattle.

ugnet_: The perfect employee?

2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa
The Perfect Employee?

1 Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found
2 hard at work at his desk. He works independently, without
3 wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never
4 thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and always
5 finishes given assignments on time. Often he takes extended
6 measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee
7 breaks. Bob is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no
8 vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound
9 knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be
10 classed as an asset employee, the type which cannot be
11 dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be
12 promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
13 executed as soon as possible.


That idiot was standing over my shoulder while I wrote the report sent
to you earlier today. Kindly re-read only the odd numbered lines.

Posted by J N


2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa
THE trial of the alleged killers of President Laurent-Desiré Kabila of the
Democratic Republic of Congo ended this week with observers dismissing
proceedings as a brutal and shambolic farce.

The trial, which began in March last year before a military tribunal, was so
chaotic that it is uncertain how many of the 135 defendants have been
sentenced to death. Some reports said 30; others 26. Furthermore, 10 people,
thought to be abroad, were tried in absentia.

The human rights body, Amnesty International, has urged Kabila's son, Joseph,
who took over as president after his father was gunned down in January 2001,
to commute the sentences.

The defendants were not given adequate time to prepare their defence, and
their judges were all members of the military or the security services, with
little or no legal training.

The defendants also have no right of appeal and are therefore at the mercy of
presidential clemency. But Kabila's spokesman indicated that Kabila had no
desire to overturn the sentence of Colonel Eddy Irung Kapend, his father's
former aide.

By the time the trial started, most of the defendants had spent more than a
year behind bars. The trial failed to make any sense of the killing - or to
reveal details of a wider coup plot alleged by an earlier inquiry. The court
nevertheless ruled that Kapend masterminded the coup.

Kapend came to the fore in the aftermath of Kabila's assassination and was
among those who approved the slain leader's son as president. Within weeks,
though, Kapend was placed under house arrest as the roundup of suspects,
those who had happened to witness the killing, began.

ugnet_: CONGO PAY UP

2003-01-12 Thread mulindwa
By Sunday Times Foreign Desk
IN A move that could drive a diplomatic wedge between the Democratic Republic
of Congo and Zimbabwe, Harare is demanding $1.8-billion (about R15.3-billion)
compensation for its involvement in the war in Congo.

Zimbabwe needs the money to shore up its depleted foreign currency reserves
and pay for fuel and other critical imports. It initially claimed it would
not demand payment for helping Kinshasa fight Rwandan and Ugandan-backed
rebels, but now wants Congo to pay it back in US dollars the Z100-billion it
has sunk into the four-year Great Lakes conflict.

The demand is said to have come up during a series of meetings between
Congolese and Zimbabwean officials in December. The meetings were aimed at
formalising shady business deals made during the war.

The foreign currency crisis has resulted in Zimbabwe being unable to pay for
fuel imports from Libya and Kuwait.

A spokesman for Congo's embassy in Harare said he would clarify the
compensation issue with Kinshasa because he was not aware that his country
was supposed to pay Zimbabwe for its war effort.