2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward

U.S. Soldiers Killed by Attack in Iraq 


  3 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two soldiers from the 101st Airborne 
Division were killed and another wounded in northern Iraq (news 
- web 
sites) early Sunday when their convoy was struck by rocket-propelled 
grenades and gunshots, the U.S. military said. 



All three soldiers were rushed to a hospital, where two of them died, said 
Corp. Todd Pruden, a spokesman for the military in Baghdad. 

The attack occurred near Tal Afar, just west of the northern city of Mosul 
and about 240 miles northwest of Baghdad, Pruden said. There were no reported 
enemy casualties and no arrests were made. 

U.S. soldiers have come under increasing attacks in recent weeks. The deaths 
bring to 151 the number of American soldiers killed in action since the March 20 
start of the war, four more than the total killed in the 1991 Gulf war (news 
- web 

Most of the recent violence has taken place in an area north and west of 
Baghdad called the Sunni triangle, where some support for Saddam Hussein (news 
- web 
sites) remains. Mosul is north of the Sunni triangle and has not been the 
site of much previous violence
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward



  United States foreign policy a threat 
  to American security By Dr Muqtedar Khan 
  THE world is becoming anti-American. Not 
  only do most people across the planet look upon the United States with 
  disfavour, they also dislike President George W. Bush, who is not the most 
  popular leader even in America where British Prime Minister Tony Blair is 
  more trusted and admired. More and more people are less keen on 
  co-operating with the US in foreign policy or in the war on terror. 
  Growing anti-Americanism will not only undermine the war on terror, but 
  its extreme manifestations in the Muslim world is attracting new and 
  numerous recruits to the ranks of Al-Qaeda and their associates. 
  Experts are in agreement that the primary reason why people now 
  hate America is American foreign policy. Its exclusively self-regarding 
  outlook, its arrogant unilateralism, its unwise and untrustworthy rhetoric 
  and its belligerent posture, is alienating. A recent poll of 
  people’s perceptions of America taken by the Pew Research Centre in 20 
  countries, indicates that since last year America’s popularity has 
  declined considerably across the globe. Even in traditional allies such as 
  Turkey, 83 percent of the population views the world negatively. Last year 
  this number was only 55 percent. In Europe, America’s long time 
  ally and cultural mate, majorities of people disfavour the US. According 
  to the Pew study, there are two basic reasons why anti-Americanism is 
  becoming a global culture: They are US Foreign policy and the persona of 
  President Bush. September 11, 2001 essentially identified two 
  goals for American foreign policy — eliminating immediate security threats 
  to the nation and its interests and winning the hearts and minds of the 
  Muslim world. This essentially translated into taking care of Al 
  Qaeda and the Al Qaeda phenomenon. While Al Qaeda posed grave threats in 
  the short term, Al Qaeda phenomenon, the rise of anti-America- nism in the 
  Muslim world, which attracted recruits to Al Qaeda and associates, posed a 
  more severe and long-term challenge. President Bush and his 
  foreign policy team were correct in their initial diagnosis, but 
  unfortunately the policy decisions that they have made since have merely 
  contributed to enlarging rather than shrinking the Al Qaeda phenomenon. 
  The Pew study essentially confirms the claims of most policy 
  analysts outside the government. The war on Iraq has conveyed the 
  impression that the US is determined to exercise force against Arab and 
  Muslim nations more as a revenge for September 11, than as a strategy to 
  prevent more attacks. The problems that Iraqis have faced during 
  the continuing US occupation and the failure to find the huge stockpiles 
  of weapons of mass destruction that Bush claimed Iraq possessed, has hurt 
  American credibility and raised serious questions about its motives and 
  its policy objectives. The continuing chaos in Afghanistan and the 
  post Iraq-war threats to first Syria and then Iran has created a climate 
  of apprehension and resentment. Citizens of Pakistan, America’s 
  primary ally in the war on terror, Nigeria and Indonesia feel that their 
  country is next on the US list. The fear that the US is out to attack 
  other countries makes the global security environment less stable. It 
  discourages co-operation, makes the world unsafe for Americans to travel 
  and do business and radicalises moderates. It increases the flow 
  of material and moral support to militant groups, weakens and places 
  American allies and pro-democracy intellectuals and groups on the 
  defensive. In general anti-Americanism makes it difficult to promote peace 
  and stability and fight extremism. Rather than ensuring American 
  security, it seems that American foreign policy, particularly its invasion 
  and now occupation of Iraq, have created conditions which put the US and 
  its interests at greater risk. President Bush is surrounded by 
  policy hawks that view September 11 as an opportunity to reassert the 
  prerogatives of the American Empire through unilateral use of force. They 
  wish to reshape the world to perpetuate America’s imperial aspirations. 
  Unfortunately for them the world is unwilling to co-operate. The 
  harder they push the more resentment they will generate and the more 
  difficult it will become to save the empire and its interests. l 
  The writer is a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Saban 
  Centre for Middle East Policy. 

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec 

ugnet_: Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential

2003-07-20 Thread dbbwanika db

Description: Binary data


2003-07-20 Thread dbbwanika db

DFWA-U has immediate needs for books:

We need a lot of video material about the African-American struggle in USA 

DFWA-U need readable material for party members. Where they can be able to educate themselves, read and debate issues. Books, journals, newspapers, research reports etc., about workers conditions in the world, socialist struggles, technology, agriculture, the economies of the world, the financial world and the environment in general.



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ugnet_: Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential

2003-07-20 Thread dbbwanika db
Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential


* Uganda has an endowment; of large, small and medium water bodies namely; lakes, rivers and streams besides smelt water from ice top mountains.

* Professor Nsibambi and Engineer Nasasira ought to have known this fact in a far more detailed manner than we can explain herein. There is no data or ERA do not have it

* Should we demand that ERA puts proper data on their website since that data actually exist in their offices.






* The Democratic Farmer Workers Alliance Uganda (DFWA-U) therefore, demands that Minister Syda Bumba should be relieved of the Ministry of Energy.

* A competent person with recorded expertise, plus long working or teaching experience in energy systems, hydropower and systems production selected for this job with proper guidelines of future hydropower production using local resources. (NSSF finance, Makerere Kyambogo and Katwe artisans.

* In the above respect a US 500 million dollar project must be abandoned henceforth and the money instead used to finance four to five medium scale hydropower projects in four regions of Uganda with proper guideline for future expansion. ( see below)

* Dfwa-u demands too that the Ministry of Energy avails its Chairman DFWA-U data on all hydropower potential in regard to river geometrics. and geomorphology

* Such data must be readily available from all river measurements in Uganda; Watershed Area, Channel Gradient water flow, water levels all year round. In addition to geological data to determine sediment load, rock structure etc., which must all be readily available for proper assessment of hydropower production.

* In regard to the above the Makerere departments; of physical geography, physics and geology must have already compiled the same data for their academics pursuit.

* dfwa-u is still making efforts to gather data on the potentiality of water bodies into the country for the production of medium scale hydropower.

* So far we have gathered data on potential medium scale hydropower production on the following rivers: Kagera River to supply Kigezi /Mbarara sector. Rivers Ora, Albert Nile, Auyan, Kochi Ome & Achwa in Achwa Game reserve to supply Moyo, Arua, Yumbe Nebbi, Pakwach and parts of Gulu. Rivers Achwa Agago, Kapelepelot, Victoria Nile to supply; Kitgium , Gulu , Lira, Kidepo and West Karamoja sectors. Rivers Okok, Okore, Dopeth, Longiro, kapelepelot to supply the entire region of Karamoja and some parts of Teso. Rivers Mayanja , Lugojo, Lubigi to suply ; Kampala Luwero and sme parts of Bulugi sectors. Rivers Nkusi, Muzizi, Mpongo , Kafo to supply; Lango , Buruli, Hoima and Mubende sectors. Rivers Semliki, Muzizi, Mpanga to supply Bundibujo, Toro, Fort Portal sectors. Rivers Ruizi to suplly Mbarara to Masaka and some parts of Kigezi sectors. River Katonga to Supply Mityana Singo, Kabulasoke Areas around Lake George, Masaka Bihanga and the entire Katongo river line catchment areas.

* All the above named water bodies can hold water year round- thus can produce electricity year round.

* In the above respect Ugandans are endowed with human resources and technical know-how to manufacture, produce and generate medium and small-scale hydropower.


* The above potential cannot all be utilised hence dfwa-u suggestion that four regions power supply centres be started immediately to trigger future expansion.

* Secondary that urban and town planning must be the basis on which all future hydropower production must be based.

* Thirdly that housing must become a strategic national issue in medium and small-scale hydropower power generation.

* dfwa-u studies established the capability of making generators by artisans in sub – urban district region of Kampala. In fact these generators could be improved on with turbines to generate electricity on medium and small-scale river streams run by respective communities and studied by respective institutions for upgrading.

* Uganda has several electrical engineering institutions, including high level one like Makerere University (dept. Of Electrical engineering) and Mbarara of Science and Technology. No efforts have been made to venture in this very important field.

* It is only less than ten percent (10%) of Uganda population that has access to hydropower generated into the country. In fact the figures from Uganda electricity Board shows a figure less than 500´000 people in a population of twenty five million people.

* Notice dfwa-u has categorically stated – the proliferation of hydropower production and utilisation into the country will never reach the national desired effects. Unless; (a) collective the modern housing problem is 

Re: [FedsNet] Re: ugnet_: Obote's Greed for Power Killed Uganda's Future

2003-07-20 Thread jonah kasangwawo
Mw. Ssemakula,

we know this trick. It is the same old one this gang always attempts to use. 
Do you remember how they tried to corner Mw. Ssebweze outside of the 
discussion list when he had just joined FedsNet ? It was just as well that 
he is a man that can't be intimidated by such machinations.


From: J Ssemakula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FedsNet] Re: ugnet_: Obote's Greed for Power Killed Uganda's 
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 19:30:26 +

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Dr. "Kapa",
Your futile attempt to stuff words in my mouth is duly noted, and treated with the contempt it deserves.
Ssemakulaps: let's keep our comments in public as I have no desire to communicate privately with you on matters arising in pulic fora.
Original Message Follows 

From : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  To :  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]  CC :  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject : Re: [FedsNet] Re: ugnet_: Obote's Greed for Power Killed Uganda's Future Date : Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:58:56 -0400 (EDT) "that it was none other than your hero, Obote, who knowing and 
intentionally precipitated chaos in Uganda, and that he did so for purely 
selfish reasons, namely: greed for power at any cost. 


Oh yeah, 


"...that it was none other than your hero, Museveni, who knowing and 
intentionally precipitated chaos in Uganda, and that he did so for purely 
selfish reasons, namely: greed for power at any cost.and ...what 
about Luwero, invassion of Rwanda, invassion of the Democratic Republic of 
the Congo, genocide in the Congo, Mayhem in Ituri, ethnic clensing and 
genocide in Northern Uganda.these and many others are in James' 
esteemed opinion, not purely selfish greed-for-power driven 
adventures..but peaceful spreading the word of the gospel according to 
ST. James and the word of the Lord M7. 


 Mr. Opoka-Okumu: 
 I'll address your tangential point with regards to Kiganda etiquette at 
another occassion. What I'd like from you is a response to the more 
substantive urgument advanced by Ibingira -- a former 
 Secretary-Generalof the UPC and Cabinet Minister -- that it was 
none other than your hero, Obote, who knowing and intentionally 
 precipitated chaos in Uganda, and that he did so for purely selfish 
reasons, namely: greed for power at any cost. James 
 Original Message Follows 
 From: "Chris Opoka-Okumu" 
 To: , 
 CC: ,, 
 Subject: [FedsNet] Re: ugnet_: Obote's Greed for Power Killed Uganda's 
Future Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 21:38:12 -0400 
 Mr. Semakula, 
 When you dispute a posting offer a better account rather than than 
otesting too much and thus displaying baseless arrogance. You can 
educate yourself by reading part of Ian Hancock's article entitled 
Buganda Crisis 1964 which appears in the Journal of African Affairs 
Volume 69, Issue 275, April 1970 pages 109 to 123. The page below 
appears on page 117. As you can see from the last sentence of the second 
paragraph which begins with " The real objection to 
 Semakula...".that the esteemed Katiikiro indeed prosrtated himself 
before an empty throne to prove his loyalty to the Kabaka as a result of 
a motion introduced by a Semakula. 
 I wonder who the Semakula who sowed so much seed of discord in Ganda 
politics that brought much chaos and broughgt down a Buganda government 
down in 1964 is. Are you by chance related? 
 Chris Opoka-Okumu 
 - Original Message - 
 From: J Ssemakula 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:12 PM 
 Subject: ugnet_: Obote's Greed for Power Killed Uganda's Future 
 In the past few weeks we have witnessed an exchange, on Fedsnet between 
Obote's supporters as they have attempts to foist upon us their 
 revisionist history and others who would have nothing to do with this 
nonsense. One of the ignorami had the temerity to pontificate about 
things he clearly has no idea about, e.g. "No amount of laying prostrate 
before the empty Nnamulongo could save Kintu." Kintu, you will recall, 
was Buganda's Katikkiro during the period of the Referendum on the 
so-called 'Lost Counties'. As Buganda's Kamalabyonna and therefore 
"Kabaka Ow'ebweru", he was one of handaful of Baganda who did may not 
prostrate, much less, kneel before the Kabaka - no matter what his 
transgression (if any), according to Kiganda etiquette, custom and 
 Rather than boring you with my opinions, I thought it might be 
 enlightening to see what had been written about the events by more 
informed and authoritative 

ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or not film Gulu kids?

2003-07-20 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Gulu kids fall prey to faje journalists -Sunday Vision, 20th July 2003

BEDTIME: Children asleep at Gulu taxi park where they spend nights for fear of abduction by Kony’s LRA rebels

By Henry Lubega BOGUS foreign journalists are beginning to cash in on the misery of Gulu’s school children. The greedy “journalists” are reportedly peddling pictures and videos of kids, who sleep on the streets of Gulu for fear of being abducted from their homes by LRA rebels, as those of child soldiers. The army recently held five such journalists and blocked them from further filming. Military sources say the UPDF is now seeking the deportation of the five scribes, all of them Danes. The five were found in Gulu town taking photographs of Acholi children sleeping in the taxi park and on the verandas. An officer from the 4th Division said the five were taking video footage of the children to peddle claims that UPDF uses child soldiers. The street with the sleeping kids is what the newsmen seek to portray as a UPDF camp, the Division officials said. In the middle of this week the police chased away another Spanish female journalist.
 She was in the park to film the sleeping children without permission. For some time now children staying in the suburbs of Gulu have been flocking to the main town to escape possible abduction by the LRA rebels. Thousands of children mostly aged between five and fifteen years of age leave their homes in the evenings and spend the night in open places in town where they feel more secure from the rebels. Some of them walk from as far away as seven kilometres every evening to come to the city centre for the night. They repeat the journey in the morning. This age group has been the most vulnerable to abduction by the rebels. Queues of young children both boys and girls start to form towards town as early as 5:00pm. On a bad night like the one I spent in Gulu it rained. Despite the heavy downpour which lasted over four hours the children are not deterred. They scramble for the only open building with a roof. Just a few metres away from the suffering children is
 the Alobo night club. With music coming from there the children at least have something to keep them company over night. The brave ones get out into the open and dance to the Lingala tunes. The few who are attending school carry their books to the park and do their revision at the park. With free lighting unlike at home they can read at leisure. The majority of them have resigned to the fate of sleeping in the park. David Onen, a 12-year-old boy, is a primary five pupil at Gulu Public School. He has been spending his nights in the taxi park for one and half years and he is looking forward to the end of the war. Coming from Lacor area he prefers to sleep in town. “It is safer here that at Lacor Hospital. It is not in the city centre. It can be attacked anytime. But the rebels have never attacked the town. They cannot get here. Three of my brothers were abducted and I never saw them again. Now I’m the only son left in the family. I have to make
 sure am safe from the rebels,” he says. Onen is the second last-born in a family of five. Six in the morning is time for the children to start the long journey home. Unfortunately, some men have taken advantage of these children, mostly the girls by approaching them under the guise of trying to help give them a better accommodation for the night. They end up being sexually abused by these men. This introduces more danger to the children: that of HIV/AIDS and early pregnancies. Some of the girls confess to the presence of such people. The Gulu Resident District Commissioner, Max Omeda, says such people are believed to be in town and the authorities have deployed security personnel to deal with the situation. Last week Johan Van Hecke, a Belgian member of the European Parliament, who is also the chairman of Friends for Uganda Association in Belgium, paid a visit to the children in the park and promised to spend a night with them. Van Hecke says that he
 has requested the district authorities to grant him permission spend a night with the children for a night next month. Van Hecke has been instrumental in tabling the issue of the northern Uganda in the European Parliament which has resulted in the passing of three resolutions. The most recent was passed three weeks ago in Brussels and it was agreed that the European Parliament asked the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution on the crisis in northern Uganda. The parliamentarian says the aim of his sleeping there will be to raise awareness that this is not only political disaster but a humanitarian one too. Van Hecke says when the European Parliament returns from recess he is going to ask it to ensure that the international community stops using double standards. “When fighting terrorism, other parts of the world like Iraq gets action while for Africa it is just declaration,” he says. Enda
Published on: Sunday, 20th July, 2003


ugnet_: Kanyeihamba on the Phantom Arms ofthe1960s, Ibingira and theConspiracies

2003-07-20 Thread YOSWA DAMBISYA
Omw Ssemakula,

As I await the evidence which you expect me to dispute in defense of Milton Obote and 
his part in the 1960s developments, I have been reading Justice Prof Dr GW 
Kanyeihamba; LLB, LLM, PhD, JSC, SC 's recently released book: Constitutional and 
Political History of Uganda: From 1984 to the Present.

I found a section on what he refers to as the Dramatic Years, 1962-1966 and The 
Conspiracies therein particularly relevant to the issue of the phantom arms. I have 
attempted to reproduce sections of the book for the edification of those who may not 
have got hold of the book yet. I apologise for any mistakes that I may have made in 
the process but are willing to correct them as the discussions proceed. The quotes are 
taken from pages 88-94.

...By 1965, the divisionist and traditionalist elements had penetrated the party, 
and acquired active supporters within the rank and file of the party followers**. The 
party was torn by confusion because many of those voices belonged to some of the most 
influential leaders of the party* After the successful referendum and successful 
transfer of the two Lost Counties to Bunyoro in 1964, the animosity of Buganda 
towards the Obote government and UPC escalated. Buganda traditionalists at Mengo  
begun to exploit all possible political angles with the aim of undermining and 
eventually removing Obote from power. A political alliance between the Kabaka, his 
ministers and disgruntled elements within UPC was reached. The latter included and was 
led by the then Minister of Justice, Grace Ibingira, who was at the same time, the 
Secretary General of UPC. He had **Balaki Kirya, George Magezi and Dr Emmanuel 
Lumu, who were also Cabinet Ministers in Obote's government*..

 In conjunction with the Mengo traditionalists and with the consent of the President, 
Edward Mutesa II, the King of Buganda, the conspirators approved the contents of a 
letter which was sent to Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, the Queen of the United Kingdom 
and Head of the Commonwealth, requesting her government to supply them with guns so 
that they could fight and overthrow Milton Obote***.. Her Majesty declined the request.

 The conspirators next turned to the British High Commission in Uganda and requested 
it to get in touch with British private firms of gun manufacturers and ask them to 
supply guns. Gailey and Roberts**.. were contacted but they too declined to assist the 
conspiracy, but somehow through some other means, which have not been revealed by 
anyone, the conspirators managed to get hold of some guns and ammunition. This first 
part of the conspiracy, which was purely military was then truly set.

 The next stage of the conspiracy was political. King Mutesa and the first group of 
conspirators began to persuade others from Central Government, Parliament and the 
opposition groups to join them in the mission of overthrowing the Obote government. 
Part of the plans to discredit that Government was for the Opposition group in 
Parliament to bring charges and allegations of corruption and abuse of power against 
Obote and his close associates so as to debate a motion of a Vote of No Confidence in 
Obote and pass it in Parliament. An interesting phenomenon developed*** People who had 
been entrusted with maintenance of the Westminster model of democracy in Uganda were 
now dissenting from their own party policies..They would eat their cake and have 
it a the same time. They kept their ministerial portfolios thus flattering the 
Prime Minister, while at the same time working secretly for his downfall.

 The feudalists and traditionalists who joined the conspiracy had thought that they 
had lost so much under Obote. The dignity and grandeur of traditionalism required a 
government that respected the rulers, chiefs and the proprietary rights of the 
privileged few in the country. The Obote Government was radical; at least it claimed 
to be***..the Obote Government was putting common people above the traditional rulers 
and their henchmen. This trend had to be stopped by the creation of a government which 
would owe allegiance to the country's traditional groups rather than to the masses.

 The third conspiracy was supposed to be inspired and led by the Prime Minister 
himself. According to his accusers, who included Mutesa himself, this group had as 
their motives, the destruction of the Independence Constitution, the establishment of 
a leftist dictatorship, the undermining of Uganda's ancient traditions and customs and 
the take-over by the state of personal property which had been built through 
individual private enterprise.

 A study of the events at that time reveals sufficient evidence to suggest that the 
first and second conspiracies existed in one form or another. We shall discuss the 
third conspiracy first. There is no doubt that the UPC always claimed to be radical 
and socialist**the party claimed to represent the masses of Uganda rather than 

ugnet_: Let us also listen to what we DO NOT hear!

2003-07-20 Thread Lugemwa FN

Read, critic and read again, then advise!

F.N. Lugemwa
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ugnet_: Introduction

2003-07-20 Thread Ture Aliku
Hello everyone,

I am Ture Askia Aliku, a Ugandan from West Nile.
Currently, I am visiting friends in Milwaukee and I
hope to tour other U.S. cities before heading back


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

ugnet_: Diversity in the Workplace

2003-07-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
For some time, Mr Stephen Kamuhanda was the Principal of Ntare HS, but now 
he is not on the list.

Was he promoted to some other job or he left public service?

In the last 30 years,  Mr and Mrs  Kamuhanda have educated a great number of 
Africans, from both Uganda and Southern Africa.

They have invested a good part of their lives in the youth.  And at times, 
in very difficult circumstances. If anything they diserve a pat on the back.

Mitayo Potosi

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Fwd: Diversity in the Workplace
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 00:33:39 +0100 (BST)
Mr Stephen Kamuhanda underwent a transgender Operation I think.
Did you have any other plausible explanation?.
Just Food for thought.
Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The Ntare list includes Mary Kamuhanda (Mrs).

What happened to Mr Stephen Kamuhanda ?

Mitayo Potosi

From: J Ssemakula
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: Diversity in the Workplace
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 20:48:16 +

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From: J Ssemakula
Subject: ugnet_: Fwd: Diversity in the Workplace
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 20:48:16 +

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Re: ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or not film Gulu kids?

2003-07-20 Thread Ture Aliku
Could this be an attempt by our government to hide the
truth from foreign eyes?

Subject: ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or
not film Gulu kids?

Gulu kids fall prey to faje journalists -Sunday
Vision, 20th July 2003 
BEDTIME: Children asleep at Gulu taxi park where they
spend nights for fear of abduction by Kony’s LRA
By Henry Lubega 

BOGUS foreign journalists are beginning to cash in on
the misery of Gulu’s school children. The greedy
“journalists” are reportedly peddling pictures and
videos of kids, who sleep on the streets of Gulu for
fear of being abducted from their homes by LRA rebels,
as those of child soldiers. 

The army recently held five such journalists and
blocked them from further filming. Military sources
say the UPDF is now seeking the deportation of the
five scribes, all of them Danes. 

The five were found in Gulu town taking photographs of
Acholi children sleeping in the taxi park and on the

An officer from the 4th Division said the five were
taking video footage of the children to peddle claims
that UPDF uses child soldiers. The street with the
sleeping kids is what the newsmen seek to portray as a
UPDF camp, the Division officials said. 

In the middle of this week the police chased away
another Spanish female journalist. She was in the park
to film the sleeping children without permission. 

For some time now children staying in the suburbs of
Gulu have been flocking to the main town to escape
possible abduction by the LRA rebels. Thousands of
children mostly aged between five and fifteen years of
age leave their homes in the evenings and spend the
night in open places in town where they feel more
secure from the rebels. 

Some of them walk from as far away as seven kilometres
every evening to come to the city centre for the
night. They repeat the journey in the morning. This
age group has been the most vulnerable to abduction by
the rebels. 

Queues of young children both boys and girls start to
form towards town as early as 5:00pm. On a bad night
like the one I spent in Gulu it rained. Despite the
heavy downpour which lasted over four hours the
children are not deterred. They scramble for the only
open building with a roof. Just a few metres away from
the suffering children is the Alobo night club. 

With music coming from there the children at least
have something to keep them company over night. The
brave ones get out into the open and dance to the
Lingala tunes. 

The few who are attending school carry their books to
the park and do their revision at the park. With free
lighting unlike at home they can read at leisure. The
majority of them have resigned to the fate of sleeping
in the park. 

David Onen, a 12-year-old boy, is a primary five pupil
at Gulu Public School. He has been spending his nights
in the taxi park for one and half years and he is
looking forward to the end of the war. 

Coming from Lacor area he prefers to sleep in town. 

“It is safer here that at Lacor Hospital. It is not in
the city centre. It can be attacked anytime. But the
rebels have never attacked the town. They cannot get
here. Three of my brothers were abducted and I never
saw them again. Now I’m the only son left in the
family. I have to make sure am safe from the rebels,”
he says. Onen is the second last-born in a family of

Six in the morning is time for the children to start
the long journey home. Unfortunately, some men have
taken advantage of these children, mostly the girls by
approaching them under the guise of trying to help
give them a better accommodation for the night. They
end up being sexually abused by these men. 

This introduces more danger to the children: that of
HIV/AIDS and early pregnancies. 

Some of the girls confess to the presence of such
people. The Gulu Resident District Commissioner, Max
Omeda, says such people are believed to be in town and
the authorities have deployed security personnel to
deal with the situation. 

Last week Johan Van Hecke, a Belgian member of the
European Parliament, who is also the chairman of
Friends for Uganda Association in Belgium, paid a
visit to the children in the park and promised to
spend a night with them. Van Hecke says that he has
requested the district authorities to grant him
permission spend a night with the children for a night
next month. 

Van Hecke has been instrumental in tabling the issue
of the northern Uganda in the European Parliament
which has resulted in the passing of three
resolutions. The most recent was passed three weeks
ago in Brussels and it was agreed that the European
Parliament asked the United Nations Security Council
to pass a resolution on the crisis in northern Uganda.
The parliamentarian says the aim of his sleeping there
will be to raise awareness that this is not only
political disaster but a humanitarian one too. 

Van Hecke says when the European Parliament returns
from recess he is going to ask it to ensure that the
international community 

Re: ugnet_: Introduction

2003-07-20 Thread John Wathum-Ocama
Hello Ture:

Pleasure to hear from you.  Hope you are enjoying
yourself in the USA.  We are here in Saint Paul,
Minnesota, not too far away from you.  We hope you
will be in our neighborhood so that we can meet and
chat about our great West Nile.  
Hope to hear from you soon.

Dr. John Wathum-Ocama

--- Ture Aliku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I am Ture Askia Aliku, a Ugandan from West Nile.
 Currently, I am visiting friends in Milwaukee and I
 hope to tour other U.S. cities before heading back
 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Bush And Hitler - Compare And ContrastA 
Response to the WSJ's James TarantoBy Dave Lindorff, 


Is George W. Bush another Hitler? 
James Taranto, in the Wall Street 
Journal , offered up an offhand dismissal of Counterpunch as "an outfit 
whose staple is stuff comparing Bush to Hitler," which seems to suggest 
he thinks the very notion is beyond the pale of civil discourse. 
But stay. As one of the first to notice some 
similarities between Bush II and the early Hitler, I didn't actually say 
that George and Adolf were joined at the hip. Indeed, I suggested in Counterpunch article back on Feb. 1 , during the 
high-pressure White House drive to war in Iraq, that our unelected 
president was surely no Hitler, since "Bush simply is not the orator 
that Hitler was." More importantly, I didn't equate Bush with Hitler 
because there are some other big differences between the two. 
So far, for example, while he has rounded up some Arab 
and Muslim men purely because of their ethnicity or religion, Bush has 
not started gassing them--at least not yet. What I did say, however (and 
I think subsequent events have proven me even more correct than did the 
events that had occurred prior to Feb..1), is that some of the tactics 
of the Bush administration resemble those of Hitler and his Brownshirts. 
I would go further and add that Bush's attorney general, John Ashcroft, 
a man who has pointedly praised the old Confederacy, would probably feel 
quite comfortable in brown with a hakenkreuz tacked to his 
What are some of the Nazi-like tactics of the Bush 
Let's start with war-mongering. The American Heritage 
Dictionary, no bastion of leftism, defines fascism as "A system of 
government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically 
through the merging of state and business leadership, together with 
belligerent nationalism." 
Now we may not yet have a dictatorship, but we do have 
the extreme right with a solid lock on power in Washington today, and a 
glance at the top echelon of the Bush administration makes it clear that 
there is not just a merger, there's a thorough melding of state and 
business leadership in this administration. As for belligerent 
nationalism, what else is one to call a war of aggression like the one 
against Iraq, especially now that it's clear what most thinking people 
realized before the war even started--that Iraq had no significant 
offensive military capability, much less weapons of mass destruction. It 
was all a massive lie deliberately designed to scare the living crap out 
of an already nervous American public, so that they would accept the 
ongoing assault on the Bill of Rights being masterminded by Ashcroft. 
That strategy was vintage Goebbels. 
Then there's the suspension of habeas corpus, right to 
counsel, and a host of other civil liberties. When American citizens 
like Jose Padilla can be clapped into prison--a military prison at 
that--with no charges filed, no access to friends or relatives, and no 
right to talk to a lawyer, we have crossed a line into fascist 
territory. Maybe we haven't reached the point of wholesale mass arrests 
and concentration camps (though even that, reportedly, is being 
contemplated by the proto-fascist Ashcroft, and we know who appointed 
that right-wing religious zealot and racist to his post), but once the 
principle of arrest without charge or trial is accepted by the courts, 
the move to camps is a quantitative, not a qualitative step. I would 
note that, Guantanamo, where hundreds of Afghan combattants have been 
languishing in horriffic conditions, is being turned into a 
concentration camp, and Bush has ordered the establishment of a 
kangaroo-court military tribunal assemblyline that ends with a gas 
chamber and execution, so maybe even that parallel will prove 
What is particularly troubling about the Bush 
administration's enthusiastic foray into preventative detention and 
arrest without charge is that it is also appointing wholesale a group of 
federal judges at all levels who have little or no respect for such 
niceties as habeas corpus or the right to face one's accuser. 
Eventually, if this process continues, victims of 


2003-07-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
In Uganda too we should reflect on our irrational ageism.

We have put a bar on the age for eligibility to stand for the Presidency of 
Uganda (72).

We have put a bar on the age for eligibility for Chancellor of Makerere 
University (70 ? ) ; ( I was shocked and saddened that a World Icon like 
Mzee Prof Ssenteza-Kajubi is barred ).

Even in the Federalist Constitutional Proposals, they have put in some 
arbitrary age limits.  I asked one of the authors the rational of these 
limits and even he himself agreed that there is none.

We have to abandon the oppressive aspects of  our culture and embrace 

We wish Compatriot and Freedom fighter Mrs Wambui and her new husband  Mr 
Peter Mbugua happy times and lots of fun.


Mitayo Potosi

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: TRUTH ON AGE and MARRIAGE
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 02:02:39 +0100 (BST)

Sunday, July 20, 2003
Truth on age and marriageMrs Wambui Otieno, former Mau Mau fighter - and 
most times just a fighter - has bucked the trend, rebelled against the 
common values about age and marriage.
She has done so not just by taking a husband 42 years her junior, but being 
thoroughly pleased with herself when the social norms suggest that she 
should be hanging her head in mortification. But this is not just the story 
of a 67-year-old lonely widow reaching out in search of affection and 
It is a mirror to society and its values about age, sex and marriage. In 
our African traditions, a 67-year-old woman is supposed to have retired not 
only from work but from life. Hers is a sad, in the case of widows, lonely 
game of waiting for death; a dependent and basically useless existence.
But these are the values of a young population, a society made up of young 
people whose outlook in life is basically ageist: That it is only the 
young, energetic and beautiful who have a right to happiness and life.
As Kenyans discuss and pass judgment on Wambui and her young husband, their 
eye must stray to the clock: Our population must age, there will 
increasingly be more affluent and liberal people in their 60s and 70s. 
These are independent people who want to retire from neither work nor life.
Equally, society is hypocritically sexist. When an elderly man marries a 
young girl, the eyebrow is only ironically raised. In truth, the man is the 
object of his agemates' secret admiration and the younger men's jealousy, 
but rarely is the union regarded as repulsive or unnatural. Is it really 
sustainable to have one rule for men and another for women?
At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own views. Just like 
Wambui and her husband have a right to live their lives in a fashion of 
their own choosing.
Comments\Views about this article

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2003-07-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Pictures of newly-wed comrades Wambui and  Peter Mbugua.

Mitayo Potosi

From: Mitayo Potosi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: TRUTH ON AGE and MARRIAGE
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 17:49:34 +
In Uganda too we should reflect on our irrational ageism.

We have put a bar on the age for eligibility to stand for the Presidency of 
Uganda (72).

We have put a bar on the age for eligibility for Chancellor of Makerere 
University (70 ? ) ; ( I was shocked and saddened that a World Icon like 
Mzee Prof Ssenteza-Kajubi is barred ).

Even in the Federalist Constitutional Proposals, they have put in some 
arbitrary age limits.  I asked one of the authors the rational of these 
limits and even he himself agreed that there is none.

We have to abandon the oppressive aspects of  our culture and embrace 

We wish Compatriot and Freedom fighter Mrs Wambui and her new husband  Mr 
Peter Mbugua happy times and lots of fun.


Mitayo Potosi

From: Owor Kipenji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ugnet_: TRUTH ON AGE and MARRIAGE
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 02:02:39 +0100 (BST)

Sunday, July 20, 2003
Truth on age and marriageMrs Wambui Otieno, former Mau Mau fighter - and 
most times just a fighter - has bucked the trend, rebelled against the 
common values about age and marriage.
She has done so not just by taking a husband 42 years her junior, but 
being thoroughly pleased with herself when the social norms suggest that 
she should be hanging her head in mortification. But this is not just the 
story of a 67-year-old lonely widow reaching out in search of affection 
and attention.
It is a mirror to society and its values about age, sex and marriage. In 
our African traditions, a 67-year-old woman is supposed to have retired 
not only from work but from life. Hers is a sad, in the case of widows, 
lonely game of waiting for death; a dependent and basically useless 
But these are the values of a young population, a society made up of young 
people whose outlook in life is basically ageist: That it is only the 
young, energetic and beautiful who have a right to happiness and life.
As Kenyans discuss and pass judgment on Wambui and her young husband, 
their eye must stray to the clock: Our population must age, there will 
increasingly be more affluent and liberal people in their 60s and 70s. 
These are independent people who want to retire from neither work nor 
Equally, society is hypocritically sexist. When an elderly man marries a 
young girl, the eyebrow is only ironically raised. In truth, the man is 
the object of his agemates' secret admiration and the younger men's 
jealousy, but rarely is the union regarded as repulsive or unnatural. Is 
it really sustainable to have one rule for men and another for women?
At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own views. Just like 
Wambui and her husband have a right to live their lives in a fashion of 
their own choosing.
Comments\Views about this article

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Re: ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or not film Gulu kids?

2003-07-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Besides this being an attempt by the Museveni junta to hide the truth about 
these concentration camps from foreign eyes,  I take exception to the 
language of this imbecile New-Vision reporter,  Henry Lubega, when he talks 
about these victims  reading at leisure. i.e.

The few who are attending school carry their books to
the park and do their revision at the park. With free
lighting unlike at home they can read at leisure.
Mitayo Potosi

From: Ture Aliku [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or not film Gulu kids?
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 10:15:14 -0700 (PDT)
Could this be an attempt by our government to hide the
truth from foreign eyes?
Subject: ugnet_: Should foreign journalists film or
not film Gulu kids?
Gulu kids fall prey to faje journalists -Sunday
Vision, 20th July 2003
BEDTIME: Children asleep at Gulu taxi park where they
spend nights for fear of abduction by Kony’s LRA
By Henry Lubega

BOGUS foreign journalists are beginning to cash in on
the misery of Gulu’s school children. The greedy
“journalists” are reportedly peddling pictures and
videos of kids, who sleep on the streets of Gulu for
fear of being abducted from their homes by LRA rebels,
as those of child soldiers.
The army recently held five such journalists and
blocked them from further filming. Military sources
say the UPDF is now seeking the deportation of the
five scribes, all of them Danes.
The five were found in Gulu town taking photographs of
Acholi children sleeping in the taxi park and on the
An officer from the 4th Division said the five were
taking video footage of the children to peddle claims
that UPDF uses child soldiers. The street with the
sleeping kids is what the newsmen seek to portray as a
UPDF camp, the Division officials said.
In the middle of this week the police chased away
another Spanish female journalist. She was in the park
to film the sleeping children without permission.
For some time now children staying in the suburbs of
Gulu have been flocking to the main town to escape
possible abduction by the LRA rebels. Thousands of
children mostly aged between five and fifteen years of
age leave their homes in the evenings and spend the
night in open places in town where they feel more
secure from the rebels.
Some of them walk from as far away as seven kilometres
every evening to come to the city centre for the
night. They repeat the journey in the morning. This
age group has been the most vulnerable to abduction by
the rebels.
Queues of young children both boys and girls start to
form towards town as early as 5:00pm. On a bad night
like the one I spent in Gulu it rained. Despite the
heavy downpour which lasted over four hours the
children are not deterred. They scramble for the only
open building with a roof. Just a few metres away from
the suffering children is the Alobo night club.
With music coming from there the children at least
have something to keep them company over night. The
brave ones get out into the open and dance to the
Lingala tunes.
The few who are attending school carry their books to
the park and do their revision at the park. With free
lighting unlike at home they can read at leisure. The
majority of them have resigned to the fate of sleeping
in the park.
David Onen, a 12-year-old boy, is a primary five pupil
at Gulu Public School. He has been spending his nights
in the taxi park for one and half years and he is
looking forward to the end of the war.
Coming from Lacor area he prefers to sleep in town.

“It is safer here that at Lacor Hospital. It is not in
the city centre. It can be attacked anytime. But the
rebels have never attacked the town. They cannot get
here. Three of my brothers were abducted and I never
saw them again. Now I’m the only son left in the
family. I have to make sure am safe from the rebels,”
he says. Onen is the second last-born in a family of
Six in the morning is time for the children to start
the long journey home. Unfortunately, some men have
taken advantage of these children, mostly the girls by
approaching them under the guise of trying to help
give them a better accommodation for the night. They
end up being sexually abused by these men.
This introduces more danger to the children: that of
HIV/AIDS and early pregnancies.
Some of the girls confess to the presence of such
people. The Gulu Resident District Commissioner, Max
Omeda, says such people are believed to be in town and
the authorities have deployed security personnel to
deal with the situation.
Last week Johan Van Hecke, a Belgian member of the
European Parliament, who is also the chairman of
Friends for Uganda Association in Belgium, paid a
visit to the children in the park and promised to
spend a night with them. Van Hecke says that he has
requested the district authorities to grant him
permission spend a night with the children for a night
next month.
Van Hecke has been instrumental 

Re: ugnet_: Let us also listen to what we DO NOT hear!

2003-07-20 Thread Ture Aliku
Mr. Lugemwa,

I see much sense in Uganda managing its diversity
through a federal system of government. 

But I have some questions for you:

How did you demarcate the 13 districts?  I ask this
question because if commonality of language and other
cultural attributes are the basis, as you carefully
explain in the 148-page document appended, you have
broken you own rules.  

E.g. in West Nile and Madi, a proposed state I am most
familiar with, the Alur, Lendu, Lugbara, Kakwa, Madi,
and Okebu are the main inhabitants.  Of all these
groups, the Madi and Lugbara are the closest
linguistically, although a Madi will find it very
difficult to read, write, and speak Lugbara and vice

Alur is a Lwo language closer to Acholi, Lango, Kumam,
and Jopadhola than any other language in the proposed
West Nile and Madi state.  Similarly, Kakwa is a
member of the Bari cluster of languages found in Sudan
and D.R. Congo.  Lendu and Okebu are also very
different languages.

While the communities of a multilingual state would
probably strike a compromise in what language to use
in common, it is dangerous to presume that they will
merely because you have lumped them together. Come to
think of it, the Madi and Lugbara may easily resolve
their linguistic differences, but what stops the Alur,
Kakwa, Okebu, and Lendu from wanting to be in their
own or other proposed states?  

My second question is, among the listed officials and
members of the committee of Ugandans that has put this
brilliant solution together, who is the representative
for the so-called West Nile and Madi state?  I would
like to communicate to him or her.


Read, critic and read again, then advise!
F.N. Lugemwa

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Re: ugnet_: Introduction

2003-07-20 Thread Ture Aliku
Dear Dr. Wathum-Ocama,

Thank you for the warm welcome.  If I manage to reach
Saint Paul, Minnesota, I will make sure that I inform
you before hand.

I am glad that there are West Nilers on Ugandanet. 


--- John Wathum-Ocama [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Ture:
 Pleasure to hear from you.  Hope you are enjoying
 yourself in the USA.  We are here in Saint Paul,
 Minnesota, not too far away from you.  We hope you
 will be in our neighborhood so that we can meet and
 chat about our great West Nile.  
 Hope to hear from you soon.
 Dr. John Wathum-Ocama
 --- Ture Aliku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  I am Ture Askia Aliku, a Ugandan from West Nile.
  Currently, I am visiting friends in Milwaukee and
  hope to tour other U.S. cities before heading back
  Do you Yahoo!?
  SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

ugnet_: Going Home, to Red Ink and Blues

2003-07-20 Thread Mitayo Potosi
  Going Home, to Red Ink and Blues
   By Nicholas D. Kristof
   New York Times
   Saturday 19 July 2003

   YAMHILL, Ore. - Across the nation, state and local leaders 
have been forced to slash more than $100 billion in
   spending, laying off thousands of employees, cutting off 
health insurance for roughly one million people, and
   lowering America's standard of living. Washington is not 
just aloof from the pain out here in real America, but is
   making matters worse.

   People across America will pay the price for Washington's 
indifference in lower-quality schools, fewer chances
   to go to college, less police protection and diminished 
medical care. The unlucky ones among us, like Douglas
   Schmidt, will never recover. A 37-year-old epileptic, he 
depended on drugs that cost $13 a day and were paid for
   by the state. State budget cuts meant he lost that benefit, 
and he ran out of pills in late February.

   A week later, he had a severe seizure, his heart stopped, 
and he suffered permanent brain damage, leaving him
   in what doctors called a persistent vegetative state.

   He's very impaired, said his domestic partner, Werth 
Sargent. He can't talk. He does not respond to commands.
   But his eyes do move, and they do constrict when light 
shines in his pupils. That's on his better days.

   The bills so far for treating Mr. Schmidt? About half a 
million dollars, borne by taxpayers.

   When Arthur Schlesinger wrote his Age of Roosevelt history 
books about the Great Depression, his work
   emphasized that history is not just what Washington decides 
but also what Main Street endures. While this is no
   Depression, I came to measure the impact of the fiscal 
crisis in this little farm town of Yamhill, Ore., population
   970. I chose Yamhill not because it is unusually traumatized 
but because it is a place I know and love - it's where I
   grew up.

   The schools here were not forced to close early, as in 
nearby Hillsboro, and as one drives through Yamhill on
   Maple Street, from one end of town to the other past the 
single flashing yellow light, there aren't any signs of
   economic distress. Yamhill even has a new business - a used 
car lot, with four cars for sale. But still, there is a
   real, measurable drop in the quality of life here.

   The schools in Yamhill have had to lay off teachers, a 
bitter and divisive process in a small town like this, so
   classes - which averaged 20 students last year - will be 
significantly bigger this year. At the high school, the
   average class in the fall will have 29 students, and there 
could be 40 in English classes.

   We'll only have two English teachers in the high school, 
frets the schools superintendent, Dennis Hickey. We
   need at least four. I don't know how we're going to do it.

   In the 1970's, Yamhill offered not just Spanish but also 
French (the teacher didn't really speak French but was a
   good sport and gamely agreed to teach by staying a couple of 
chapters ahead of us). Next year, Yamhill will be
   down to just Spanish, and many would-be Spanish students 
will be turned away.

   We still have a librarian, Mr. Hickey said brightly. Some 
schools don't have that any more.

   Oregon has been proud of its schools, and it has ranked 
among the top states in SAT scores. But schools have
   been hit particularly hard, and universities have been 

   It's very scary, said Mary Stern, a county commissioner. 
I have a 4 1/2-year-old, and I'm petrified about what
   might happen in the schools.

   The county commissioners have been forced to slash programs 
for teenage mothers, mental health, prenatal
   care, drug abuse. The county jail's drug program was very 
successful, but it was dropped - how could the
   county help criminals when it cut help for teenage mothers?

   A man indicted for stealing and fencing hundreds of 
thousands of dollars' worth of property locally was recently
   detained in Missouri, but Oregon couldn't pay to bring him 
back for trial - so he was freed. In Yamhill's old football
   rival, the nearby town of Dayton, the entire police 
department has been eliminated.

   The hub of Oregon is Portland, a gem of a city that has 
always felt very safe. But Mark Kroeker, the police chief,
   worries that word is getting out to criminals that because 
of four consecutive years of police budget cuts, crime
   pays in 

ugnet_: General Kagame of Rwanda has committed genocide, Newsweek magazine says

2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward

USA: General Kagame of Rwanda has committed genocide, Newsweek 
magazine saysBy AfroAmerica Network. Baltimore, Maryland, USA 
July 17, 2003. General Kagame of Rwanda has committed genocide, 
Newsweek magazine says.According to an article published by Tom 
Masland in July 14, 2003 issue of Newsweek magazine, Tutsi-led Rwandan 
Patriotic Front (RPF), led by General Kagame, has been conducting a 
campaign against hutu which has already amounted to a counter-genocide, but 
the world is unwilling or unable to stop it.The article 
titled "Wars Without End Man-made catastrophies in Congo, Liberia and 
other war zones also cry out for action. A glimpse in the 
abyss" adds that the Tutsi-led government morphed into one 
of Africa's most repressive regimes. Assassination squads liquidated 
dissidents and even skinned the victims alive. Nearly after a decade, 
80,000 Rwandans swelter in overcrowded and filthy jails. The RPF regime 
has systematically killed Hutus in Congo. The massacres have reached more 
than 350,000 Hutu refugees."For years, Rwanda mercilessly pursued Hutu 
refugees on the run in Congo. This campaign, still ongoing in some areas, 
amounted to a counter-genocide, but the World was unwilling or unable to 
stop it. During the overthrow of Mobutu in 1996, Rwandan troops 
systematically went to Congolese villages killing all the Hutus they could 
find. They massacred as many as 350,000 Hutu refugees, former U.S. 
Assistant Secretary of State Herman Cohen estimates, " the article 
says.This was done, according to Newsweek Magazine, with the 
diplomatic backing and covert aid from the United States and Britain. When 
these two countries provided the support, the leaders of the countries of 
Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia and Eritrea were seen as a new generation of 
more democratic, honest African patriots who would rule on Africa as 
proxies of the West.Now leaders from some of these countries, 
especially General Kagame of Rwanda, have become an embarrassment for Great 
Britain and the Unites States. General Kagame is about to be indicted by the 
International Criminal Tribunal in the Hague, French courts and the 
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in Arusha. 
"The embarrassed USA and Great Britain are seeking a way out but are 
worried the removal of Kagame may interfere with the peace process 
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or lead to another 
genocide in Rwandan and Eastern DRC, " a Western diplomat in 
Kinshasa told AfroAmerica Network. 
Network, July 2003. 

Re: ugnet_: Introduction

2003-07-20 Thread Assumpta Kintu
Hello Ture!
Welcome aboard Ugandanet!
You forgot to tell us your expertise, so we if we need
them we would know to ask you. We are looking forward
to your contributions on the net.
Wishing you an enjoyable ride as well
--- Ture Aliku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I am Ture Askia Aliku, a Ugandan from West Nile.
 Currently, I am visiting friends in Milwaukee and I
 hope to tour other U.S. cities before heading back
 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Re: ugnet_: Introduction

2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward
The very introduction Ugandans use. Hello how are you, where were you
Kisubi or Buddo? We really have a very long way to go in our Uganda. Ture
Askia kindly tell us how many degrees you have so that we can move on.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie

- Original Message -
From: Assumpta Kintu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Introduction

 Hello Ture!
 Welcome aboard Ugandanet!
 You forgot to tell us your expertise, so we if we need
 them we would know to ask you. We are looking forward
 to your contributions on the net.
 Wishing you an enjoyable ride as well
 --- Ture Aliku [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  I am Ture Askia Aliku, a Ugandan from West Nile.
  Currently, I am visiting friends in Milwaukee and I
  hope to tour other U.S. cities before heading back
  Do you Yahoo!?
  SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

ugnet_: YARI YARI YARI YARI !!!!!

2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward


Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-07-20 Thread Mulindwa Edward


Reliable sources reaching the Communication group 
are informing us that President Iddi Amin has died in a Jedda Hospital this 
Sunday. By this posting it is not clear if Uganda Government will allow his body 
to be flown home for the funeral.

May The president of Uganda rest in peace, and may 
his family find solaceat the time of his death.

We will post more information as we get 



Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Kony renames 3 Teso villages

2003-07-20 Thread gook makanga
Kony renames 3 Teso villages By Patrick Elobu Angonu July 21, 2003

No emergency relief - Kiyonga
The LRA rebels have started renaming villages in Katakwi, Amuria MP, Mr Ben Etonu, has said. 
The rebel leader, Mr Joseph Kony, reportedly gave the orders.
Etonu told the visiting National Political Commissar, Dr Crispus Kiyonga, at the weekend that the Lord's Resistance Army have renamed Aojakitoi, Olwa and Obalanga in Katakwi as Gulu, Kitgum and Pader, respectively. 
Kiyonga was holding closed-door meetings with the religious leaders and elders in Soroti on Saturday.
The agenda included the LRA invasion and the closure of the local Kyoga Veritas FM radio.
Etonu said that the rebels have reoccupied Aojakitoi and Olwa, where they camped when they first invaded Teso on June 15.
"The LRA must be decisively dealt with because they are not only committing atrocities but they are also renaming our villages," Etonu told Kiyonga at the Soroti council chambers. 
The meeting also resolved that Teso should be declared a "disaster area". 
Kiyonga, however, said that even if Teso or the entire northern region were declared disaster zones, there would be little emergency aid to go their way. 

© 2003 The Monitor Publications


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ugnet_: Africa did not gain from that Bush visit

2003-07-20 Thread gook makanga
Africa did not gain from that Bush visitBy Abdul karim kaliisa July 21, 2003

A lot of arguments have been advanced for or against the recently concluded tour of Africa by US President George W. Bush. 
Bush visited only five countries including Uganda where he spent less than four hours but White House chooses to call the visit an African tour.
It is because of this and not any other reason that analysts should begin examining whether the visit left Africa as it was before or it added anything.
The main argument against Bush’s July 7- 12 visit stems from his unilateral decision to invade another sovereign country, Iraq, against a backdrop of worldwide condemnation. Even in the US there was disapproval of the invasion.
Those who welcomed and hosted Bush hoped that his $15 billion would help Africans fight the AIDS scourge.
I was, however, dismayed that very few people raised the issue of Bush’s negative attitude towards Africa.
You recall that during the US elections that brought Bush to the helm of power, the man paid no attention to the African continent. It was, therefore, necessary for us Africans to sit back and think deeply about what has happened since then to make Bush change his attitude.
Bush showed no respect for African leaders when he invaded Iraq against their will. I mean the will of the African Union.
The central organ of the African Union on February 3, at the heads of state, level opposed the invasion of Iraq without a fresh United Nations mandate but Bush did not pay heed.
The African Union spokesman, Desmond Orjiako, emphasised this point in March when he said that, “If the [weapons] inspectors had continued with their work, Africa believes that some other peaceful means could have been found in disarming Iraq instead of going to war.” 
Orjiako said war kills innocent people and destroys infrastructure.
So, the AU opposed the option of war because this would bring about catastrophic consequences. The African continent pleaded with the US to instead channel the billions of dollars and pounds being expended for the war towards solving Africa’s many problems including HIV/Aids, civil strife and natural disasters.
Bush spent billions of dollars destroying human beings in Iraq but came to Africa with mere promises of $15 billion. This exposes what the man really thinks about Africa’s problems.
I think what Africa needs is not endless aid but respect of its and an end to US and European sponsored conflicts that have ruined our various economies. That is why when President Yoweri Museveni was reported to have accused Americans of having sparked off conflicts in the DR Congo by killing that country’s former prime minister, Patrice Lumumba some of us concurred with him.
Since the death of Lumumba a lot of Congo’s wealth has been looted sometimes by the rich Western countries or their agents in Africa. Today, Congo alone would have been holding billions of dollars in reserve that would have been used in fighting Aids.
The conflicts in Angola, Liberia and Sierra Leone have all been sponsored and nurtured by these so called democrats. The oil struggles in Sudan and in the Horn of Africa are all foreign sponsored. We want all these ended conflicts. We do not need American dollars to fight Aids.
Besides the $ 15 billion, which has already been slashed by the US Congress, would be consumed by the so-called “experts” yet our children would have to pay back. Let us stop this nonsense of clapping when a superpower is laying us a trap.
People ought to understand that US promises are rarely actualised. The reconstruction of Iraq may consume the country’s oil but in the end ordinary Iraqis would be made to pay for the damage inflicted on their country by a superpower that allegedly came to liberate them. In Afghanistan there are more stories of death than of schools being built as the world has been made to believe.
So, the promised dollars may actually be costs of travel, accommodation and other expenses incurred by Americans who will flock Africa to carry out “research”.
That is why I welcome the proposal by Libyan President, Col. Muammar Gadhafi that African countries should use their resources to construct a modern laboratory where we would also do our own research and treat our people. Qathaffi made the proposal during the African Leaders summit in Maputo, Mozambique on July 8 - 11 Let us stop the dependency syndrome.
Finally, I was perturbed when the Uganda government blocked the planned peaceful demonstrations against Bush. Refusing people to use civil means to express their grievances breeds radicalism which is destructive. It was wrong for the police to storm the Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) headquarters and the eventual clobbering of youths who attempted to demonstrate outside the US embassy in Kampala.
Former South African president, Nelson Mandela, refused to meet Bush and that was his civil right. Of course, Mandela’s attitude towards Bush is understandable and this is what many African