[Ugnet] Get the ICOB Convention Order of Events and other updates here

2011-07-21 Thread Johnson Mujungu
Get the ICOB Convention Order of Events and other updates here:
From: Johnson Mujungu 
To: kigezinet_yahoogroups.com ; 
unaanet_yahoogroups.com ; ugandacom_yahoogroups.com 
; ugandanet_kym.net 
Cc: johnsonmujungu_yahoo.com 
Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2011, 7:23
Subject: thank you, we appreciate!

Thanks to all those who have registered for the 9th Annual ICOB Convention, 
which will be held from July 28-31, 2011 at the Croydon Park Hotel in London, 
United Kingdom. 
We’re pretty excited about the days we’ll be spending together. 
Registrations are now closed and unfortunately it’s not one of those events you 
can just turn up to. Sorry if you missed out, Ceteris paribus, it’ll be on 
again next year.
Naturally, that has been special consideration for all our guests from distant 
lands who made prior arrangements with the organising committee.

With Kind Regards,
Johnson Mujungu
''I would, in writing this, like to remind the settlers that even if they 
become rich and change their mother tongue, they should remember the proverb 
'Gatagata munonga gateebirwe wa beene mbeho’ “They must never forget the good 
customs and characteristics of the Bakiga, nor forget their own language; and 
they must feel in their bones that they are Bakiga, remembering where they used 
to live.”  - Paulo Ngorogoza
Mr Paulo Ngorogoza was the first African Secretary General of Kigezi, and he 
wrote his book 'Kigezi and Its People', in 1967.  His reference to Bakiga alone 
was because they were predominantly the ones who had migrated from Kigezi to 
other lands such as Nkore, Toro and Bunyoro in the preceding two decades. Had 
he been alive today, Mr Ngorogoza, one of the most visionary leaders Uganda has 
produced, would have addressed himself to all Banyakigezi and all Ugandans who 
have left their homelands.___
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[Ugnet] Open Letter to the Chairman of the African Union Commission and African Heads of State

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Open Letter to the Chairman of the African Union Commission and African
Heads of State*  * http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=627631?rss*

*In the section of comments on the above I liked this comment.  *i.e

*We Africans have to fight*

I adhere to a faith that has proven itself, beyond any doubt, to be amongst
the most peaceful, if not THE most peaceful, group on earth.  I choose not
to mention what that group is.

But, even within our belief system, it is said, "When there is no legal
authority in a given area, or that legal authority has proven itself
incapable of protecting the people, then it becomes incumbent upon the
people to take up arms to defend themselves."

It is AFRICA that has been attacked.  All of these calls for MORE PAPERS, or
continuing to work through the UN, "demanding" veto power, while at the SAME
time stating, " It is now obvious that the United Nations in its present
political dispensation has become the machinery to give legality to illegal
acts aimed at satisfying the shaded interests of a few super powers,:

There is an African emergency, of the highest order, happening RIGHT NOW.
The African country, Libya, that had set the best example of SHARE AND CARE,
helping its sister countries all over the Continent; leading the way towards
the establishment of an entirely new monetary system, standing up proudly
for all of Africa, IS BEING ATTACKED NOW.

Appeals to the UN are meaningless.  NATO does not care about the UN.  Just
today, Rasmussen said that he is prepared to bomb Libya FOREVER, if need be,
until that AFRICAN country takes it's place ON ITS KNEES, where it BELONGS,
at the feet of the white nations.  That is, in essence, precisely what
Rasmussen said.

This isn't about the UN now.  It's about NATO, because NATO will IGNORE the
UN.  NATO will IGNORE the AU.

The AU has tried, from the very beginning, to end this conflict.  Today,
China and Russia both, separately, are finally stating that the only
solution for this war of aggression is to follow the AU plan.

But do you think NATO is going to listen to China.  NATO said that it is
going to continue bombing INDEFINITELY, until it gets its way--Gaddafi has
"stepped down," and the illegal Council of Shame has been installed in Libya
as the ruling government.

*So, AT THIS POINT, there is only ONE thing that the African leaders can do:
TAKE UP ARMS.  That's it.  Religiously, spiritually, politically,
militarily, and any other way you can think of, it is now 100% LEGITIMATE to
create an permanent, and organized army to fight along side Gaddafi for the
purpose of driving the "rebels" back to Bengazi, where they will surrender.*

Apparently, Mr. Mbuli is laboring under the assumption that we are dealing
with sensible human beings.  We are not.  I hesitate to even state that
Rasmussen is a human being.  Same is the case with Sarkozi, Cameron and
Obama.  How could they be human beings?

We are dealing with murdering criminals.  You can't TALK to a murdering

The time to show African Unity is now, and it must take place on the ground,
with weapons.  Probably no one of significance will read this.  But, if
there is anyone in Africa, especially amongst the youth, who know how to GET
THINGS DONE, and can work a plan for the arming of Africans from all over
the continent to go and physically fight alongside Gaddafi, then I hope you
begin VERY SOON.

"Give him an inch and he'll take a mile," is an old expression.  That is
what NATO and the Northern countries will do.  Libya is that INCH.  Once the
get Libya, they are going to take a MILE--many, many MANY miles.

The time for talk has ended.  It's time to fight.  It is time for ALL
African countries to contribute, on the side of Gaddafi, to the war effort,
especially South Africa, which OWES its independence, in part, to the help
that Gaddafi gave to it without question.

If you keep waiting, allowing the North to play its GAMES, where they put
out a FAKE report that, "there's a split in NATO," then you're going to find
Libya GONE.

What will give the African Union respect will be when the African union
shocks the world, and fights to restore the Great Arab Libyan Jamahiriya
again as ONE WHOLE country, undivided.

THAT is when they world will listen to the AU, and then the AU would have
EARNED its seat on the UN Security Council.  It is time to fight.
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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Comrade Roy, the Youth wing of the ANC, under the able leadership of
compatriot Malema is doing a fantastic job.

They also are under tremendous pressure and assault by the forces of
reaction both from within and without SA.

I suggest we phone, email etc... to these young people to help them harden
their resolve, knowing they are not alone in the struggle.

Just a suggestion
On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:57 AM,  wrote:

>   From Cde. Pheko
>  -Original Message-
> From: Dr. Motsoko Pheko 
> To: rwalker...@aol.com
> Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2011 8:54 am
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UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] West sulks at Sino-African relations

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*West sulks at Sino-African relations * [image:
22 July 2011 02:00

As Sino-African relations continue to deepen, the United States and some
European countries have been trying to find some "negative factors" in
China's Africa policies in recent years.

They have unjustly said China's policies are aimed at plundering Africa's
rich natural resources and are a form of neocolonialism. They have also
poured groundless criticism on China for its normal trade and investment
activities with African countries.

In their uproar, Western countries have shown particular dissatisfaction
with Beijing's assistance to African countries because it has no political
preconditions attached, saying such a practice has weakened Western efforts
to promote good governance and human rights improvement in Africa.
These Western accusations are groundless and inequitable.


   - *Chinese bank to finance ZNCC
   - *Local platinum exports to increase


   - *China offers Africa chance to author own narrative


That China attaches no political preconditions to its economic aid to Africa
is based on its similar historical experiences with African countries. Both
China and African countries suffered heavily from Western colonialism and
thus both value their hard-won sovereignty, independence and dignity.
Their similar experiences have caused China and a majority of African
countries to share the stance that there should be no intervention in other
countries' internal affairs in international relations.

The colonial aggression and oppression endured by China and African
countries has had a profound influence on China's policies toward Africa,
especially its economic assistance to the continent.
It has also deepened China's understanding that, as a provider of economic
assistance to African countries, it should fully respect the recipients' own
development path and refrain from using economic aid as a way to interfere
with the recipient country's internal affairs. China's stance is an
important factor in the decades-long development of Sino-African relations.

Attaching no political preconditions to its assistance is an embodiment of
the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which uphold respect for
sovereignty and territorial integrity and non-interference in internal
China started offering economic assistance to African countries in the
mid-1950s under the spirit of the Bandung Conference held in Indonesia in
1955. The Chinese government put forward eight principles on aid to foreign
countries in 1964, including the principles of "equality, mutual benefit,
and attaching no political preconditions". The eight principles have become
China's basic principles for its foreign assistance, including its
assistance to Africa.

As pointed out in a White Paper issued by the State Information Office in
April, China is still a developing country, its economic foundation is still
not very strong, its development is still unbalanced, and inclusive
development remains an arduous task. So China's foreign assistance falls
into the category of South-South cooperation and belongs to "mutual help"
among developing countries.

Africa is a continent with a concentration of developing nations. It is also
a key area for China's economic assistance. Africa has always benefited most
from the Chinese government's efforts to exempt foreign countries from some
debts in recent years.

China's trade and investment activities in the African continent have also
been in line with the principles of "equality, mutual benefit and common
development". China has no colonial history in Africa and it does not seek
to colonise any country in the future.

As an important part of its foreign assistance, China's aid to African
countries aims to help the recipients improve their self-development
capability. The international community, especially Wes

[Ugnet] Ntate Jon Qwelane, a lifelong fighter for the African

2011-07-21 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Compatriot Qwelane is one of the most credible South Africans. His moral
rectitude is superior to that of Mbeki, Mandela, Tutu, and all imperialism's
running dogs there in South Africa- Azania.
Qwelane case not heard as expected

SA's ambassador to Uganda and former journalist Jon Qwelane's bid to have a
gay hate speech judgment rescinded was not heard as expected on Thursday,
his lawyer said.

 21 July 2011 | Sapa
Not rated yet.

JOHANNESBURG - SA's ambassador to Uganda and former journalist Jon Qwelane's
bid to have a gay hate speech judgment rescinded was not heard as expected
on Thursday, his lawyer said.

The application was not enrolled before the Equality Court and would be
heard in the motion court as per that court's normal roll.

In June Qwelane was found guilty of hate speech over a cartoon and article
published in the Sunday Sun.

The court found the article amounted to hate speech and the cartoon
propagated hatred and harm against homosexuals.

Qwelane was ordered to apologise through the Sunday Sun and pay R100,000 to
the SA Human Rights Commission, which would use the money to promote the
rights of homosexuals.

However, he was not present at the judgment, due to his job abroad. His
lawyers hope to get the judgment rescinded so he can defend himself.

In July 2008, he wrote a column headlined: "Call me names, but gay is NOT

The commission launched the proceedings in terms of the Promotion of
Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, asking for an
unconditional apology and symbolic compensation.

Qwelane's attorney Andrew Boerner said the parties agreed the matter be set
down for August 22 to 26.

He said Qwelane, his wife and their son were present at the Johannesburg
Magistrate's Court, which houses the Equality Court, on Thursday.

His current employer, the international relations and co-operation
department, regards it as a personal matter.
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