[UlsterAncestry] a welcome to all & LOVE, DUNN, ADAMS, ROBISON

2018-02-27 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

I'm simply popping in to give a hearty welcome to all who have joined in
our new venture. I wish you good fortune with your ancestors. Thank you
Tammy, for all the work you have done to create this new list!

Joseph LOVE born 5 Apr 1855 "Greystone", Cavancreagh, Donagheady Parish
Tyrone (date of birth is from his death certificate 25 Apr 1923 in
Vancouver BC Canada) parents John LOVE & Elizabeth ROBISON

married 8 Sep 1892 at the Methodist Church, Drumachose, Newtown Limavady,

Margaret DUNN born 16 Jul 1859 at "Foyleview Farm" Ballykelly, Tamlaght
Finlagan ,Londonderry

Margaret's parents were

Andrew DUNN born about 1830 at Ballyskeagh, Leckpatrick Parish Tyrone died
4 Mar 1901 at Foyleview Farm Ballykelly Andrew's father was John of
Ballyskeagh & Mossfield Farm in Tyrone (he inherited the farm from his
aunt, Margaret ROBINSON nee DUNN)

and Margaret ADAMS born abt 1837 at Primity, Parish of Glendermott  Co.
Derry. Margaret d 5 Oct 1887 aged 50 at Foyleview Farm

Margaret ADAMS parents were David ADAMS of Primity Glendermott d 15 Mar
1878 buried Old Glendermott Burying Ground and Catherine DUNN of Parish of
Doneagheady Co. Tyrone. Catherine d 25 Aug 1877.


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[UlsterAncestry] re emigration article w a couple names mentioned

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
names mentioned in article


We have been favoured by Capt. RAMSAY, Emigration Agent at this port,
with a Quebec paper, bearing date the 28th October, from which we
learn that the quarantine establishment, at Grosse Isle, is about to
be finally closed, there being no more emigrants on the island. It
appears that the number of deaths at this station amounted to 3,452,
but to this we have to add the number of deaths which occurred on the
passage, 3,900 ; ditto, in vessels during detention at quarantine,
1,282 ; ditto, at Marine Hospital, 1.000; making a grand total of
9,634 deaths. An official return is published of the amount of money
and effects left by emigrants who died, without relatives at this
island from the 16th May to the 21st October, from which we extract
the following, in the hope that it may reach the eyes of the friends
of deceased in this country, in which case they should place
themselves in immediate communication with the Government Emigration
Agent at this port. Died, John BOURK , of ship "Unicorn", from
Londonderry, leaving 8s. 6d. and a common silver watch; James M‘KAY,
of "Marchioness of Abercorn", 10s. 4d.; Catherine RILLIE, 5£ 7s. 7 1/2
d., Bridget LAWLESS, 14s. 5 1/2d., Mary M'CALLISTER, 9s., all of ship
"Superior"; James WATSON, of "Unicorn", £45, to be sent to his father
at Sherbrooke; Catherine BRADY, of "Superior", £2 4s., sent to Mr.
BUCHANAN. Through the same source, we are in receipt of St. John, N
B., papers of the 29th ult. They contain an official return from the
Government Emigration Office, by which it appears, that up to the 1st
ult., 94 vessels arrived in the province, and landed 15,269
passengers. The deaths at sea on board these vessels amounted to 662.
Since the 1st to the 23d ult, four vessels had arrived, with 525
passengers, of which the barque "Fanny", from Londonderry, contained
223. The whole number landed in New Brunswick this season, to the 23d
October, amounted to 15,794. 'Derry Sentinel'.

transcribed from the Coleraine Chronicle 5 Aug. 1848

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[UlsterAncestry] Frightful Effects of Fever, on Board an Emigrant Ship bound for Canada

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Frightful Effects of Fever, on Board an Emigrant Ship bound for Canada

St. John’s New Brunswick Oct., 19, 1847 - You probably have learned,
ere this, part of the dreadful story of the ship 'Avon', Nicholas
JOHNSON, Master, of 1,100 tons register, with about 500 passengers
which arrived disabled at Miramichi. No fiction (for it would require
a perverted or distorted mind to give birth to so horrific a tale)
could portray the frightful scenes that occurred on board that
ill-fated vessel, or relate the extent of misery and suffering which
were borne by most of the passengers, in listless and mournful
despair, and by others, including the Captain, with a fortitude
bordering on the most romantic heroism. Already, at the outset, the
vessel’s doom seemed sealed for encountering heavy weather, she lost
several spars, and suffered in her rigging, which retarded her
progress during the voyage; still, all would have been comparatively
well but for the quality and perverseness of the passengers themselves
who were the most unruly turbulent, and wildest set that ever Ireland
sent forth. In vain did the Captain and mate exert every nerve and use
every means and persuasion, to bring them under some kind of rule for
their own preservation’s sake. They would hearken to no remonstrance,
adopt no sanitary measures, and even resisted and repelled, with main
force, every attempt that was made to ventilate and clean the
steerage. Listlessly they would behold the violent typhus fever spread
among them, and cause immediate death. But, this was not all; the
infatuated beings, moved by some most inconceivable and demoniacal
spirit would not separate themselves from the dead bodies, until the
infection rose to such a pitch on board, that frantic with despair,
the Captain, uniting with the Presbyterian part of the passengers, and
a few able hands of the crew, still remaining, assailing the unruly in
their strong hold and giving them regular battle, succeeded overcoming
them, when, to their horror and dismay, they discovered above 60 dead
bodies, stowed away in chests or sewed up in beds! The deep received
them, and many a fresh victim soon followed, until the largest portion
of the passengers, including all the crew, except two hands, died
away. The grant agent, Mr. PERLEY, has just returned from Miramichi,
here he instituted by order of the Government a most searching
investigation, respecting the immense loss of life sustained on board
the "Looshtauk", which catastrophe attracted so much attention at
home, a few months ago.
It now officially appears, that out of 462 passengers, There died on
the passage out 153. And shortly after arrival,96 - Sent to Quebec, 53
and Discharged at their own request, after performing quarantine, 160.
But of these surviving 243 emigrants, only 196 are still in existence;
presenting total loss of 272 lives out of 462, or about 60 per cent.,
independent of the numerous crew and worthy Mate, who, with the
exception of five hands, have all perished. 'Observer'.

transcribed from the Coleraine Chronicle 5 Aug. 1848


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[UlsterAncestry] Awful Casualty John DONAGHY shoemaker

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Awful Casualty

Donemana, Co. Tyrone - One of those visitations which are of a rare
occurence visited the town on the 11th Aug. At twenty minutes past
twelve o'clock, cries of fire resounded through the whole town. The
house of John DONAGHY, shoemaker, was found to be all on fire and the
residents there all asleep. It was found advisable to break open the
door and by that means enter the house. Sub-constable WALSH and
Sub-constable's HARVEY. KELLY and O'NEILL entered and rescued from
death, DONAGHY, his wife, Catherine DONAGHY, his sons, James, Patrick
and Hugh and also his daughter Ellen, and afterwards brought therefrom
the charred remains of his daughter, Catherine. Dr. BAIRD of Killens
was promptly on the ground but life was found extinct. The mother
suffered the effects of the smoke as did also the father and the son
James, who slept in a bed beside the fire. Two milch cows and pony
valued at 16£ and a pig at 2£ 5s. were found to be burnt to a cinder,
as also all the property in the house. The poor family are now left
destitute of even necessary clothing. They are stopping at Mr. James
BROWN's who, with his usual kindness of heart who spontaneously
offered them bed, board and lodgings,until something could be done for
them by public sympathy. Too much praise cannot be given to the
inhabitants of Donemana for the manner in which they acted through
this trying scene. but more particularly to constable M'CARBRY and the
men under his command, John O"NEILL, N. T. KILLENS, and Mr. BROWN,
hotel-keeper, Donemana. An inquest was held before the coroner, and
several witnesses were examined. Mr. John O'NEILL gave evidence of
having experienced the smell of fire, and after in vain, endeavouring
to awaken the inmates, ran to the police barrack, where sub -
constable O'NEILL was the first to answer him. Other witnesses were
examined including Mrs. DONAGHY who was nearly frantic for the loss of
her daughter, about 7 years of age. It was stated that no candle had
been struck up near any bed, but it transpired that DONAGHY was in the
habit of burning the refuse of flax which he kept under the bed of the
deceased and that his wife had cautioned him in the danger of that
course. The jury found that the deceased had come by her death by
suffocation in consequence of the burning the refuse of flax under the
bed in which she slept. The event had produced a deep sensation here.

Belfast Newsletter  21 Oct.1893

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[UlsterAncestry] Strabane Prize winners 1897

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Strabane Bazaar

-The Grand Drawing of Prizes took place on Wednesday, !8th inst, in
the Town Hall, Strabane, when the prizes were won as under:

1st Prize- A Cameo presented by the Pope, won by B. J. FOX, ticket No 54155.

2nd Prize- 100£ won by Mr John DOHERTY, Drain, Donemana; ticket No 64058.

3rd Prize- A black Marble Clock, won by Miss Mary DOHERTY, 627
Humboldt street, Brooklyn, USA ticket No 12482A.,

4th Prize- A Gold Watch and Chain, won by Mr W. F. KENNEDY, Main
street, Strabane, ticket No 61542

5th Prize -A Suit of Vestments, won by Mrs J. BRADLEY, Strabane; ticket No 3077.

6th Prize - A Pole Trap won by Miss Bridget COYLE, Bishop street,
Derry; ticket No 65014.

7th Prize - A Suite of Drawing room Furniture, won by Mr Robert ADAMS,
Letterbin; ticket No 81727.

8th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Mr Patrick ROWSE, Moorlough;
ticket No 90634.

9th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Miss M. BOYLE 540 East 10th
street, U S A; ticket No 10505A. (no City mentioned)

10th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Mr W. M'DEVITT, Castlefin;
ticket No 66053.

11th Prize - A Gold Watch, won by W. FERRIS , Fulton; ticket No 19079A.

12th Prize - A Fat Bullock, won by Ellen O'DONNELL, Holmraside; ticket No 13573.

13th Prize -A Gold Hunting Watch won by J. BROWNE Chamberlain place,
Derry; ticket No 87621.

14th Prize -- Electro plated Tea and Coffee Service, won by Mr P.
M'DERMOTT, 1345 Lambert street; ticket No 87967.

15th Prize -A Gold Hunting Watch, won by B. M. DERRY; ticket No 24963.

16th Prize - An Electro plated Tea and Coffee Service, won by Mr John
MAGUIRE, Coatbridge; ticket No 22100.

17th Prize - A Five pound Note, won by Miss BREW, Henry street,
Kilrush. county Clare; ticket No. 70163.

18th Prize - A Sewing Machine, won by Mr Nicholas QUINN, Ballindrait;
ticket No 37839.

19th Prize - Half Chest of Tea, won by Miss Mary M'KENNA, Fallagloon,
Maghera; ticket No 99591.

20th Prize - A 50lb Chest of Tea, won by Mr James CARTAN, Lough Ashe,
Donemana; ticket No 35961

21st Prize - A Diamond Ring, won by Mrs O'CONNOR, Barrhead; ticket No 84416

22nd Prize Copy of Shakespeare, won by Mr W. J. GALLAGHER, Glasgow;
ticket No 8273.

23rd Prize - Pair of Gold Earrings, won by Mrs E. O'SULLIVAN,
Strabane; ticket No 73740

24th Prize Baby's Robe, won by Mrs Ellen DUNNE, Claraban, Clonmel;
ticket No 89137

25th Prize - Pair of Oil Paintings, won by Mr Pat. ASHE, Convoy;
ticket No 86293.

26th Prize - An Encyclopeclia, won by F. FLEMING, Clydebank, Glasgow:
ticket No 34741.

27th Prize - Pair of Oil Paintings, won by Mrs NELSON, Castlefin;
ticket No 54226.

28th Prize - Suit of Navan Serge, won by Mr Robert GAYNOR ,
Derrypatrick, Dunsaney; ticket No 90928.

29th Prize - Suit of Superfine Black Cloth, won by Mr Robert M'DONALD,
Porthall; ticket No 73643.

30th Prize - Gold Guard Chain, won by Mr.P. M'MENAMIN, J P. Strabane;
ticket No 81999.

3lst Prize - A Field Glass, won by Miss Ellen DEVLIN, Rathgonan,
Limerick; ticket No 61131.

32nd Prize - A Lady's Silver Watch, won by Mrs INCH, Inchany; ticket No 81933.

Holders of winning numbers to communicate with Mr Edward GALLAGHER, or
Mr John CAMPBELL, Strabane, honorary secretaries

Belfast Morning News Mon. 18 Jan. 1897


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[UlsterAncestry] Laughlin MURPHY servant murdered

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Fri. 4 May 1739

The Lord Santry was lately tried at Dublin for the murder of Laughlin
MURPHY, one of his domesticks. The whole trial was carried on with a
great deal of state. The Peers unanimously found him guilty, and he
received sentence to be executed on the 23d June. Since that time
great interest has been made at court in his behalf; and a reprieve is
granted till the 18th day of August next.

transcribed from the Scots Magazine

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[UlsterAncestry] JUDGE NUGENT marriage 1769

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Marriage Wed. 1 Feb. 1769

in Ireland, Robert JUDGE Esq; of Cooksburgh, near Kilbeggan, aged 95
to Miss Anne NUGENT Mountaston, aged 15. He served in K. William's
wars, and received a ball in his nose.

transcribed from the date quoted above in the Scots Magazine

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[UlsterAncestry] GALABER death 1776

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

I've been transcribing and collecting for months now and thought to
post some of my finds. Enjoy!

deaths Fri. 1 March 1776 - Feb 21st at Dungannon Ireland Terence
GALABER aged 116 years last Christmas

as reported in the Scots Magazine for date quoted

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[UlsterAncestry] death of John CAMPBELL

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
deaths Tues. 1 Nov 1791

At Dungannon Ireland John CAMPBELL reputed to have been upwards of 120
years of age he was a soldier in the siege of Derry and could go
through the manual exercise till within a few days of his death

transcribed form the Scots Magazine


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[UlsterAncestry] Adam COX executed at Glasgow

2018-02-28 Thread Teena
last one for tonight

10 June 1807
On Wednesday June 10 1807 was executed at the Cross Glasgow pursuant
to his sentence, at the last Circuit Court, Adam COX for the murder of
his infant son. His body was immediately after delivered to the
Professor of Anatomy for dissection. He behaved in the Court Hall and
on the scaffold with great decency and apparent contrition, and fully
acknowledged his guilt of the crime for which he suffered. He was born
in a small village near Dungannon in the county of Tyrone Ireland. He
has left three children.

transcribed from the Scots Magazine


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[UlsterAncestry] John MAGUIRE Escape of a Convict

2018-03-01 Thread Teena
Hello All

On Monday night last a man named John MAGUIRE effected his escape
from our county prison, He had been tried Dungannon Sessions in
February last, and sentenced to seven years transportation, but evaded
the ends of Justice escaping from the Bridewell in that town, from
which place he proceeded to Portadown where he committed a theft and
was again arrested and convicted at the Armagh Spring Assizes, and
sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. On the above night, however, he
was among the patients in hospital, and having gone to the water
closet, he got outside and on towards an inner wall of the yard, over
which he managed to pass. Up to the present he has kept clear of the
authorities, who are not without hope of detecting him.

transcribed from the 27 Oct. 1855 Freeman's Journal

Cheers~ Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] Ministers who attended the General Synod 1799

2018-03-02 Thread Teena
Ministers List of the General Synod of Ulster 1799 Presbyterian


Belfast 1st - Dr BRUCE
Ditto 2nd -  Patrick VANCE
Ditto 3rd - Sinclare KELBURN
Ditto 4th - Vacant
Carnmoney - John THOMPSON
Ballyclare - Foote MARSHALL
Antrim 1st - William BRISON
Ditto 2nd - Alex MONTGOMERY
Aghohill - James CUMING
Broughshane - Charles BROWN
Ballymena - William HAMILSON
Buckna - David PARK
Connor - Henry HENRY
Cullybaoky - Robert CHRISTY
Clough - Vacant
Duncan United with Grange-  Robert SCOTT
Portglenone - Alexander SPEERS
Randalstown - Thomas HENRY
Ballywollan - Robert THOMSON
Dervock - Alexander MARTIN
Billy - Daniel M'KEE
Dunluce - John CAMERON
Romoan - William LYND
Ardmoy - Hugh M'CLELLAND
Ballymoeny -  Alex MARSHALL
Finvoy - James ELDER
Kilratts -  Matthew ELDER
Donegor - John WRIGHT
Ballyeaston - William MONTGOMERY
 Ballycarry - John BANKHEAD
Carrickfergus John SAVAGE
Ballynure - Adam HILL
Killead - Robert ORR
Larne 1st - James WORRAL
Ditto 2nd - Robert THOMSON
Island Magee - John MURPHY
Glenarm - Robert ACHESON
Carncastle - Thomas ALEXANDER
Crumlin - Vacant
Templepatrick- Robert CAMPBELL
Ballinderry - William WHITLAW
Lisburn - Andrew CRAIG


Creggan and Newtown Hamilton united - Joseph JACKSON
Drumbanagher - Alex PATTERSON
Mountnorris - Francis TURENTINE
Lurgan - William MAGEE
Clare - Samuel LIVINGSTON
Markethill - William CHARLTON
Loughgall - Moses HOGG
Ready - Vacant
Richhill & Vincash United - Thomas REID
Lisluney - Vacant

Derry - David YOUNG,  Robert BLACK
Glendermot 1st - Henry MILLER
Ditto 2nd - Vacant
Cumber - Samuel PATTEN
Banagher - John LAW
Bovevagh - Francis GRAY
Screegan - Joseph OSBORNE
Coleraine 1st - John CULBERT
Ditto 2nd - John GLASCO
Faughan Vale - Henry ELDER
NT Lamavady - Joseph OSBORNE
Tubbermore - ___ CARSON
Moneymore - William MOORE
Castle Dawson - Robert HENRY
Drumbo -  William KNOX
Belbraghane -  John LOGGAN
Ballykelly - Robert RENTOUL
Drumachose - Daniel BLAIR
Aghadowey - Archibald FULLARTON
Kilrea - Vacant
Garvagh - James BROWN
Maghera - Vacant
Macosquin - James M"FARLAND

Moville - Robert CALDWELL
Donagh - Robert SCOTT
Malin John CANNING
Fahan and Brumcranna United - William HAMILTON
Burt - Hugh BROOKE
Taugh Coyne - Vacant
St Johnston-  Wm CUNNINGHAM
Knowhead - Richard DILL
Stranorlar - Joseph LOVE
Convoy - James TAYLOR
Donaghmore - Samuel DILL
Lifford - Charles HEWSTON
Raphoe - William RAMSEY
Ray - Francis DILL
Letterkenny - Joseph LYTTLE
Ramelton - William BURKE
Fanet - James DELAP
Dumfanaghey and Kilmacrannan united - David ALLEN
Donegal  and Ballyshannon united  - William HUSTON

Douglas and Clady united, Tyrone, -Thomas LEITCH

Downpatrick - James NEILSON
Moneyrea - Samuel PATTEN
Castlereagh -  Alexander HENRY
Millisle - Andrew GREER
Kirkcubbin- George BRYDONE
Holywood 1st- Williarn CRAWFORD
Ditto 2nd -Joseph HARRISON
Drumbo -Samuel HANNA
Newtownards 1st -John M'ILWAINE
Ditto 2nd -Vacant
 Killinchy -Samuel WATSON
Saintfield- Vacant
Dramara -James BIRCH
Dromore 1st -James BANKHEAD
Ditto 2nd -James WADDEL

Annhilt - Robert McCLURE
Killyleagh - Joseph LITTLE
Donaghmore - Joseph HAY
Magherewly - Isaac PATRICK
Rathfryland - Samuel BARGER
Ballynahinch - John M'CLELLAND
Cumber - John M'CANSE
Ballyroney - William FLETCHER
Mourne - Moses THOMPSON
Loughbrickland - John SMITH
Tullilish - John SHERRARD
Dundonald - James CALDWELL
Glastry - James SINCLAIR
Ballywalter - James COCHRAN
Bangor - David TAGGART
Grayahbey - Vacant
Donaghadee-  Vacant
Ballee-  ___ KERR
Moira - John WIGHTMAN
Portaferry-  Vacant
Clough-   Robert PORTER
Kilmore - Moses NEILSON
Banbridge - Nathaniel SHAW
Newry - Vacant

Narrowater united with Carlingford - Robert DICKSON

Dunmurry - William TAGGART
Usher's Quay Dublin - William WILSON and Hugh MOORE
Mary's Abbey - Hugh Ben. M'DOWEL and James HORNER

Bally James Duff Cavan - James KENNEDY
Killishandra Cavan - Vacant
Cootehill Cavan - Thomas STEWART
Balieborough Cavan - Robert MONTGOMERY
Enniskillen Fermanagh - Joseph DENHAM

Monaghan  - Matthew TRIMBLE
Ballybay - Vacant
Castleblayney - John DAVIES
Stonebridge - James WHITESIDE
Glennan - James M'CURDY
Glentubrit - James GOUDY
Drum - James WALKER

Omagh 1st - Robert NELSON
Omagh 2nd - Hugh DELAP
Donaghedy 1st - Hugh HAMILL
Ardstraw - Robert CLARK
Drumquin united with Pettigo - Thomas ANDERSON

Badony - Charles HEMPHILL
Derg - James HENDERSON
Strabane - William DUNLOP
Carlan - William KENNEDY
Benburb - James WHITESIDE
Dungannon - William SLITT
Munterburn - Charles BOYLAN
Magherafelt - George DUGALL
Brigh - Thomas M'KAY
Stewartstown - James ADAMS
Cookstown - ___ DAVISON
Coagh - Vacant
Fintona united with Dunmore - Willlam MOORHEAD
Aughnacloy wrth Ballygawly - James DAVISON
Clogherney - James KERR
Carntall - Andrew MILLAR
Cavanaleck - William JOHNSTON
Donaghedy 2nd - John HOLMES
Umey - Andrew ALEXANDER
Crossroads - James M"CLINTOCK

extracted & transcribed by Teena from
Memoirs and Correspondence of Vi

[UlsterAncestry] Ship Matoaka passengers from Ireland 1862

2018-03-02 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

The following news announcement was transcribed by me from the
Lyttelton Times, for which, I have received the National Libraries
pernission to re-post

15 Feb. 1862 The Matoaka The following is a list of the Provincial
Government immigrants;

Married Couples

James GREER and wife, Tyrone, farm laborer;
Henry McNAMARA, and wife, County Down, farm laborer;
James FERGUS wife, and two children, Armagh, farm laborer;
John Charles CORR and wife, Tyrone, farm laborer;
James WALLS, and wife;
Thomas GILLESPIE and wife, County Down, farm laborer;
Isaac CORDNER, and wife, Armagh, farm laborer;

Single Men

John EWINGS Armagh, ploughman;
William and Lawrence PEY, King's County, farm laborers;
William GIBSON, County Down, blacksmith;
Alexander SHARPE, Antrim, farm laborer;
Robert and Henry BENNETT, Armagh, ploughmen;
William ANNETT, Armagh, ploughman;
John TRACEY, Londonderry, farm laborer:
William ELAUGHAN, Armagh, farm laborer;
John Twinem, Armagh, farm laborer;
William COOKE, Londonderry, farm laborer;
Patrick SWORDS, Mayo, groom;
John MORRIS, Tyrone, farm laborer.

Single Women
Ellen GILMER, Armagh, domestic servant;

The Ship Matoaka was reported missing on 1 February 1870

Cheers~ Teena

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[UlsterAncestry] Ireland passengers arriving per 'Mersey' N.Z

2018-03-02 Thread Teena
Hello All

Thank you to the National Library of New Zealand for permission to re-post.

27 Sept. 1862 List of Government Emigrants per 'Mersey'

Married Couples and Families -
H. McKEAGUY, wife and two children, Antrim, farm laborer;
J. McILROY, wife and four children, Down, farm laborer;
H. McCAULEY, wife and four children, Antrim, farm laborer;
J. PATTERSON, wife and three children, Down, farm laborer;
J. MOORE, wife and child, Tyrone, farm laborer;
M. KENNEDY, wife and child, Antrim, farm laborer;
W. BENNETT, wife and child, Armagh, ploughman;
W. DAVISON, wife and three children, Armagh, farm laborer;
W. J. DYNES, wife and child, Armagh, farm laborer;
G. HEWELL and wife, Armagh, saddler;

Single Men
R. and T. MOORE, Tyrone, farm laborers;
S. McCROY, Down, laborer;
J. GREEN, Antrim, laborer;
J. SHEPHERD, Antrim, laborer;
F. DYNES, Armagh, laborer;
M. FITZPATRICK, Tyrone, farm laborer;
B. and E. TRACEY, Tyrone; laborer;
T. DONOHUE, Tipperary, laborer;
J. SULLIVAN , Armagh, laborer;
 J. SULLIVAN, Armagh, laborer;
C. HAUGHHEY, Down, farm laborer;
H. SHAW, Down, farm laborer;
W. NIXON, Down, laborer;
W., M. and G. HEARNEY, Armagh, farm laborers;

Single Women.
Martha McCROY, Down, farm servant;
M. GALLILAND and child Tyrone, domestic servant;
E. and A. McCROY, Down, domestic servants;
S. GREEN, Antrim, domestic servant;
Priscilla DYNES, Armagh, domestic servant;
Norah CARROLL, Down, domestic servant;
S. and M. GLOVER, Down, domestic servants;
R. MISKELLY, Down, dairymaid;
Anne KEARNEY, Armagh, housekeeper;
Eliz. and S. A. KEARNEY, Armagh, domestic servants;

Thank you to the National Library of New Zealand for permission to repost.

from the Lyttelton Times

transcribed by Teena

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[UlsterAncestry] b/m/d's Nov 1849

2018-03-05 Thread Teena
Esq. of Three Trees, county Donegal

 On the 17th inst. at Clonmel Mary Birch second daughter of Wilson
KENNEDY Esq . aged six and a half years

On the 5th inst. Matilda, daughter Mr. William MULHOLLAND
Portglenoone. aged 17 years.

cheers~ Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] cemeteries on line Tyrone

2018-03-13 Thread Teena
Hello All

County Tyrone cemeteries searchable on line @ Discover ever after

Drumcoo Cemetery
St Andrew Church of Ireland, Killyman
St. Andrews Church of Ireland, Ardtrea
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Kildress
St. Mary and St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Coalisland
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Kildress
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Stewartstown
St. Patrick's Church of Ireland, Gortin

All the Best

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[UlsterAncestry] County Antrim cemeteries on line

2018-03-13 Thread Teena
Antrim cemeteries searchable on line @ Discover ever after

Ballynure Burial Ground
Ballynure Old Graveyard
Broughshane First Presbyterian Church
Kilbride Cemetery
Mallusk Cemetery 38 Park Rd Mallusk BT36 4QF
Portglenone Church of Ireland  Antrim
Rashee New Cemetery Antrim
Rashee Old Cemetery  Antrim
St. Colmanells Ahoghill
St. Patrick's Church Culfeightrin


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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Armagh cemeteries on line at Discover ever after

2018-03-13 Thread Teena
Co. Armagh cemeteries searchable on line @ Discover ever after

Dougher, Roman Catholic Graveyard
St. Colemans Roman Catholic Graveyard, Lurgan
St. Marys Roman Catholic Church, Derrytrasna
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Derrymacash

Good luck

-- te...@cotyrone.com
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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Derry cemeteries online at Discover Ever After

2018-03-13 Thread Teena
Derry cemeteries searchable on line @ Discover ever after


Ballynascreen Old Graveyard
Bridewell Old Graveyard
Castledawson Presbyterian Church
Christ Church Church of Ireland, Castledawson
Church Of The Nazarene Desertmartin
Churchtown Presbyterian Church Derry
Culnady Presbyterian Church Derry
Curran Presbyterian Church  Derry
Desertlyn Old
Desertmartin Old
Draperstown Presbyterian Church
Eglish Old Graveyard
Kilcronaghan Old Church
Killelagh Church Of Ireland 89 Drumbane Rd Swatragh BT46 5NN
Knockloughrim Presbyterian Church 56 Ballynacross Rd Knockloughrim BT45 8PY
Magherafelt First Presbyterian Church 21 Meeting St Magherafelt BT45 6BW
Mullagh Old Graveyard 60 Mullagh Rd Maghera BT46 5EB
Myroe Presbyterian Church 119 Sea Coast Rd Myroe BT49 9EG
St. Anne's Church Of Ireland 19 Cavanreagh Rd Draperstown BT45 7BS
St. Augustine's Church of Ireland, Derry 8 Palace St Derry BT48 6PS
St. Columba's Church of Ireland 2 Tobermore Rd Draperstown BT45 7AG
St. Columba's Roman Catholic Church 82 Sixtowns Rd Draperstown BT45 7BB
St. Eugene's Roman Catholic Graveyard 32 Moydamlaght Rd Moneyneaney BT45 7EA
St. John & Trea Roman Catholic Church 9 Springhill Rd Moneymore BT45 7NG
St. Lurach's Church of Ireland 25 Church Street Maghera BT46 5EA
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Coolcam 50 Tobermore Rd Magherafelt BT45 5LQ
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Dunboe
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Greenlough 95 Innishrush Rd Clady BT44 8LG
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Keenaght 66 Longfield Rd Desertmartin
BT45 5NG
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Keenaght Old 85 Iniscarn Rd Desertmartin
BT45 5NQ
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Sixtowns 195 Sixtowns Rd Draperstown
BT45 7BH
St. Patricks Roman Catholic Church Loup 96 Loup Rd Magherafelt BT45 7NF
St. Tida's Church of Ireland, Bellaghy
St. Trea's Roman Catholic Church, Newbridge
The Church of St. John Milltown
Tobermore Presbyterian Church (Old)
Tobermore Presbyterian Church Graveyard (New)

all of these are free to search

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[UlsterAncestry] Donegal Down & Fermanagh searchable cemeteries

2018-03-13 Thread Teena
Good Day Friends

Free cemetery search on line @ Discover ever after



Co. Donegal

Ballinacrea Roman Catholic Church Ireland
Ballybrack Roman Catholic Church

Co. Down

Magheradroll Church of Ireland 26 Church Rd Ballynahinch BT24 8LP

St. Malachys Roman Catholic Church 112 Dublin Rd  Kilcoo BT34 5HP

Co. Fermanagh

Donagh Roman Catholic Graveyard Site: St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church
Newtownbutler 2 Adrian Heights Newtownbutler BT92 5BG

St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church Newtownbutler 19 Bridge St Enniskillen BT92 6JT

St. Ronan's Church Colebrooke Church Rd Enniskillen BT94 4DU


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[UlsterAncestry] Belfast which county?

2018-03-14 Thread Teena
Hello all

I would appreciate some help. I have always focused my attention on
Co.'s Tyrone & Derry, so branching off, is new territory for me.

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to discover what part of
Belfast, is in Co. Down, and which is in Antrim?

I appreciate the help
Thank you
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[UlsterAncestry] West Belfast Antrim / East in Down

2018-03-15 Thread Teena
Hi Robert

Thank you so much for replying. That should give me a starting point,
when attempting to locate information.

All the best
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[UlsterAncestry] Introduce our ancestors

2018-03-20 Thread Teena
Hello All

I'd like to suggest that we introduce our ancestors, to the other
members of our new mailing list.

A 'roll call' of who we are researching (with Surnames and County
typed in the subject line of your message.) Please make sure that the
subject line reflects who you are researching.

"capitalize" surnames only.

In the body of the message include dates (b/m/d/), or approximate
dates, and any townlands, or Parish you may be aware of, and the

Should you have a specific question, feel free to ask. (Anytime!) 

All the Best
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[UlsterAncestry] LOVE ROBINSON GIPSON Co.Tyrone

2018-03-20 Thread Teena
Hello All

I am seeking more information on Elizabeth ROBISON / ROBINSON who
married John LOVE 30 Mar 1857 at Donemana Presbyterian Church
Donagheady Parish, Co. Tyrone.

Elizabeth's (bap.29 Jun 1839) parents were- James ROBINSON & Elizabeth
'Unknown', of Moneykinnon, (Moneycannon) Donagheady Parish, Co. Tyrone

I would love to find the surname of Elizabeth who married James.

Other children of James & Elizabeth all bapt. at Donagheady Church Of
Ireland, Co.Tyrone

Sarah (Siara) Shannon bap. 10 Jun 1842
Robert bap. 14 Sep 1845
James George 16 Jul 1847
Mary bap. 3 Dec 1848

John LOVE born abt 1831 (have not found his bap.) died 12 Apr 1905
Gortmellon, Donagheady Parish Co. Tyrone.

Parents were Joseph LOVE b abt. 1785 d 3 Apr 1867 Cullion, Donagheady
Parish Tyrone and (possibly a 2nd wife?) Margaret GIPSON /GIBSON d 11
Dec 1885 aged 89

only other children known of are

Hamilton  bap. entry is 27/04/1828 Hamilton Gibson natural son -
mother's surname Gibson Joseph Love and Margaret carpenter Donagheady

04/10/1835 Sarah Jane Gibson natural daughter - mother's surname
Gibson Joseph Love and Margaret carpenter Donagheady

Joseph & Margaret did not marry until 29 Apr 1839 Donagheady Parish
Church, Co. Tyrone

any leads at all would be fantastic.

Thank you

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[UlsterAncestry] HANNA death 1808 Cullybackey Antrim

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
Death Fri. 1 April 1808

On March 11 near Cullybackey Ireland Martha HANNA at the very advanced
age of 126 years. She was born near Dungannon, told the writer of
this, she remembered to have heard the shots fired in an engagement
that took place there in the year 1690 and that she carried the
victuals to the masons and carpenters who built Cullybacky meeting
house in 1727, she them being 45 years of age. She was married when an
old maid but never had a child; enjoyed a constant state of good
health until a few days before her death. She was a little woman,
measured this last year, 4 feet 7 inches.

published in the Scots Magazine


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[UlsterAncestry] Derry Bridge Carried Away on the 6 Feb 1814

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Derry Bridge Carried Away on the 6 Feb 1814

Damage results of the Breaking up of Ice masses and blocks~

In Ireland the principal loss sustained was occasioned by the fall of
the fine bridge of Londonderry of which the following is an account;

Londonderry Feb. 6, 1814

I am sorry to acquaint you that our fine bridge across the Foyle has
been this day almost entirely carried away by the ice. In consequence
of which, and the river being impracticable for boats, I have been
obliged to forward this mail from Strabane. It is expected that in the
course of this night not a pier of the bridge will be left standing.

They (Strabane) are deprived of their usual supply of water which was
conveyed from the opposite side of the river, in pipe across the

I have recommended to Mr MacDONAGH to send the coach round by Strabane
of the river side, as it cannot be of any use for perhaps eight or ten

The bridge of Derry, above mentioned was remarkable for its excellent
and curious workmanship. It was entirely constructed of wood in North
America by Lemuel COX, a native of Boston, who transported it across
the Atlantic and erected it in 1790.

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[UlsterAncestry] McKEE triplets born Co. Down

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

births Mon. 1 July 1816 -

June 30 The wife of John M'KEE, weaver, of Upper Baloo, parish of
Bangor, Ireland, of three fine healthy boys, all lively and well, and
the mother recovering well.


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[UlsterAncestry] death John WOODS- Tyrone

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

deaths Mon 1 June 1818

May _ at Gortnagully near Dungannon John WOODS an industrious farmer
at the age of 122 years. He lived a regular and sober life. His wife
died about two years ago aged 82 years. He was 42 years old the day of
her birth. He was born in the year 1696, in the year of William III;
of course he has lived through the reigns of five monarchs.


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[UlsterAncestry] Thunder storms Kills Tyrone

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Thunder storms Kills Wed 1 Sept 1819

In the beginning of this month, thunder storms prevailed over the
three kingdoms, which were in various parts productive of considerable
damage but, except in one case in Ireland, were not attended with loss
of human life. The sufferer in this case was Arthur GALBRAITH, Esq. of
Lissnally near Omagh. This gentleman, it appeared, had a remarkable
dread of thunder, and when the storm came on he was sitting in his own
house and immediately betook himself to a bible. The servant came in
to lay the cloth for dinner, and he instantly dismissed him charging
him to take the knives and forks out of the room, and entreated every
person in the house would go to their devotion until (as he
emphatically said) this awful visitation passed. He was sitting on a
sofa at a small table, his lady opposite him; his two daughters and
their governess at their work, when he got up, after reading for some
time, and unfortunately sat down in a corner, and leaned his head back
against the wall; he had not been there two minutes until he was
struck dead instantaneously. Mrs GALBRAITH was thrown to the floor,
where she lay quite insensible; one of the children's faces scorched,
the other burnt in the neck, as if three bars of red hot iron had been
laid on the place; the window curtains burnt to cinders, and scattered
all over the room; the marble chimney pieces in three rooms shattered
off in a thousand pieces; the locks twisted off the doors and seven
hundred panes of glass broke; a dog in the kitchen killed, and every
being in the house except the governess, either less or more injured.

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[UlsterAncestry] death at Strabane born Co. Donegal

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Deaths March 1819

At Strabane DORMAN or DIERMOTT. He was born at Boigh in the Parish of
Cloulee in the county of Donegal the 24th August 1709. His father was
a labourer and lived to the age of 111. His mother's name was Margaret
SHARKEY. She lived to be nearly 113 years of age.

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[UlsterAncestry] Reverend William DUNLOP death Tyrone

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Death on the 25 Nov. 1821

the Reverend William DUNLOP the last pastor of the Presbyterian church
of Strabane

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[UlsterAncestry] Ordination RENTOUL Co. Donegal

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Ordination Mon. 13 May 1822

On Thursday the 25th instant, the Rev. Alexander RENTOUL was ordained
to the Collegiate charge of the Congregation of Manorcunningham. The
service commenced with suitable introductory discourse, the Rev. Mr.
SPRATT of Letterkenny; the questions of the formula prescribed for
ordination were then proposed, the ordination prayer offered, and
solemn and affecting charge delivered the Rev. Dr. GAMBLE of Ramelton.
The service concluded with an appropriate sermon by the Rev. Mr.
MAXWELL, of Castlederg.

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[UlsterAncestry] RICHARDSON accidental death at Freestone Quarry Co. Antrim

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

death Tues 5 Oct 1830

Accidental Death Yesterday, about 8 o'clock in the morning, as a young
man named Robert RICHARDSON, of Derriaghy, was working on the bank of
Mr. John M'HENRY's Freestone Quarry, near Lambeg, the part on which he
was standing gave way, and he was precipitated into a deep pond of
water that had been collected below. Every effort that could be
thought of to effect his rescue was made by his fellow workmen and.by
those whom the cry of alarm had drawn to the spot, their exertions,
however, proved unavailing. After considerable difficulty and
searching, his body was at length, got of the water, but every symptom
of life was extinct. He was young man of quiet and industrious habits,
and possessed a good and engaging disposition.

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[UlsterAncestry] No locations mentioned ANDERSON, JAMESON, MILLER

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

last one for now

published in the Scots Magazine
High Court of Justiciary (sic) Thurs 1 Aug 1822

Wednesday the 22d instant, Alexander M. ANDERSON, convicted of fraud
and wilful imposition, was sentenced to 7 years' transportation; and
on Monday the 27th, David JAMESON and Henry MILLER were convicted of
housebreaking and theft, and sentenced to transportation for life.

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[UlsterAncestry] Patricide Enniskillen KEYS Co Fermanagh

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

Patricide Enniskillen, May 9 1822

We have this day to record the perpetration of a crime, the blackest
in the catalogue of human depravity. Some bad feelings, it appears,
had lately arisen between James KEYS and his son John, living with him
the townland Shane, situated in the mountains not many from
Church-hill, concerning the proposed division of the house and farm,
on the terms of which they could not agree. On the 23rd ult. the
parties went out to their ordinary labour, and, in the evening, John
returned alone, carrying his father’s spade along with his own. To an
inquiry as to the cause his father’s remaining behind, he replied that
he was delayed on the mountain looking for goats. The man, however,
not making his appearance that night, or next day, suspicion was
excited, and a search set on foot, but it was not till the 1st instant
that the unfortunate victim was found, buried under a ditch where the
son had been working. The body, which lay with the face downwards, was
quite naked, and there were two dreadful wounds on the back and side
of the head, besides the ribs being entirely separated from the
backbone. Under these circumstances, the son, who made a show of
assisting in the search, was taken into custody. He betrayed great
agitation on finding himself suspected, and shortly after confessed a
sort of minor participation in the crime, endeavouring to incriminate
his brother as the principal party. An inquest was held on the body by
Mr. TROTTER, Coroner, and a verdict returned, that the deceased came
to his death of a repetition of blows inflicted on him by his son,
John. Much praise is due to John FAUSSET Esq. and the country people
in general for their active assistance in tracing this horrid
business, and securing the wretched man accused of its perpetration,
who is now lodged in the gaol of this town.

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[UlsterAncestry] DONACHY convicted at Glasgow born in Co. Derry

2018-03-25 Thread Teena
published in the Scots Magazine

5th June 1822

Thomas DONACHY convicted at the Glasgow Circuit Court of breaking into
a spirit-cellar in the Gorbals, and stealing quantity of wines, and
some rum, was executed in front of the jail there. He was about 21
years of age; was born in the county Derry, Ireland, and was brought
to Glasgow a considerable time since by his parents.

(I believe the surname was meant to be DONAGHY)

All the best

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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Cavan DOYLE MAGLIN TAYLOR

2018-03-31 Thread Teena
County  of Cavan Assizes
from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle 4 Apr 1807

Patrick DOYLE otherwise DOW and Michael MAGLIN were convicted of the
murder James TAYLOR, on the 31st July last. This barbarous act
appeared have been committed in the mountainous district near
Swadlinbar. The deceased had been together with the prisoners, who
were his tenants, at the house of their head landlord, where some
disputes arose respecting rent due by the prisoners to the deceased,
for which he threatened to distrain. Their shortest way homewards lay
across unfrequented mountain; the prisoners set out first, and were
seen passing through the mountain. The deceased was advised not to
pursue the same tract, but take a more circuitous route, for the
purpose avoiding the prisoners, whose wicked designs were suspected.
but neglecting this hint, followed them. The prisoners arrived at
their own houses, but the deceased was not heard from for three days;
when his friends proposed to search for him in the mountain, and the
prisoners, among others, were called upon to assist.they attended, and
endeavored to draw the party from the place where the murder had been
perpetrated but in this they failed. - the body was in a miserably
mangled state; and the mouth and throat were stuffed full of moss and
clay. A chain of minute but concurring circumstances brought the crime
home to the prisoners; and if any doubt of their guilt remained, it
was removed their full confession. Mr. Justice MAINE with much
feeling, and becoming solemnity passed the dreadful sentence of the
law, and they were ordered for execution the 23d ult.

Happy Easter All
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2018-03-31 Thread Teena
Saturday 25 August 1810

The Assizes in Cavan commenced on Thursday the 9th inst. before the
Hon. the Solicitor-General the Crown Court, and the Hon. Justice
FLETCHER in the Civil.

The following are the only convictions which took place

Rose LEE for stealing goods from Patrick SHERIDAN; to be burned in the
hand and imprisoned for one month and to give security to of the peace
or 7 years.

Terence FITZPATRICK for cow stealing; to burned in the hand and imprisoned 3

Patrick CLARKE for rescuing a still from the officers of Excise; to be
imprisoned a week, and give security to be of the peace for 7 years.

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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Cavan BENNETT REILLY

2018-03-31 Thread Teena
10 Aug. 1812

At the Cavan Assizes there were 2 Orangemen, Robert and Edward
BENNETT, found guilty of manslaughter, being prosecuted for the murder
of Michael REILLY, at Clonkeen, on the 20th of January last year. The
murder was committed by yeomanry weapons, which a witness stated, the
prisoners had concealed under their coats, but it having occurred in a
riot, the Jury did not think themselves warranted in returning any
verdict but that of guilty of manslaughter.

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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Cavan Assizes

2018-03-31 Thread Teena
12 Aug.1816

Peter and Laurence BRENNAN, were tried for being ribbon-men, and
appearing in arms by night. Not Guiltv.

 James FLOOD and Michael REILLY convicted of the murder Pat. SMYTH at
Kilcogy, by the thrust of a bayonet given him by said FLOOD on the 4th
January, of which he died on the 4th February, the said REILLY being
present, were both sentenced to death, and executed Monday last.

Joseph REILLY Patrick SMYTH, John CUSUC and Owen LAMB for breaking
into the house of one Thomas SMYTH and administering to him an
Unlawful oath.— Not Guilty.

Philip SMYTH John HUGH and Given O'REILLY for breaking into the house
of Bernard REILLY at Drummock and administering to him an unlawful
oath to the following purport: “ That would attend at every meeting
when required by them, or any other person in their way, and to assist
them in recovering all rights and privileges by them lost since the
revolution or reformation and that he should neither buy from, nor
sell to, any Orangeman, nor any person who was not of his own
persuasion, or keep company with any Freemason or Orangeman to his
knowledge, and also that he should not execute the warrants he had
against them for illicit distillation. and that he should keep secret
all he had sworn.” Guilty transported for fourteen years.

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[UlsterAncestry] Co, Cavan Assizes 1819

2018-03-31 Thread Teena
Cavan Assizes

Thurs. Mar. 13 1819 this Commission was opened the Crown Court Mr. Justice MOORE

Several Prisoners were tried-and acquitted for capital offences,
alleged to have been committed in the Barony Castle-Ralsen? which is
the only one in this County. It is quite clear that the Judges Circuit
must disagree with the Magistrates in their opinion of the necessity
proclaiming this Barony.

Friday Mar. 14. 1819

A man of the name of  __ FURRALLY was indicted for a Burglary and
Robbery in the house of the Reverend Mr. SERGEANT, in this case the
Indictment was fully sustained by the evidence given of the
Prosecution. The Prisoner's defence consisted in an alibi. The Jury
found the Prisoner Guilty.—Since his conviction he has offered  much
important information on the terms being pardoned.

Saturday Mar. 15- Mr. Justice MOORE was taken suddenly ill on this
morning and the business in the Crown Court was adjourned to Monday.
25 Mar. 1819

At Cavan assizes, Daniel FARRELL, Terence CONWAY, and Thomas SMITH,
were convicted and sentenced to be hanged and dissected, for the
murder of Mr. MATHEWS, revenue officer, on the 25th February, 1815.
Laurence GEOGHEGAN was also sentenced to be hanged, for the robbery of
the Rev. Robt. SARGENT —two others were also capitally convicted.

27th March 1819
Barny More O’NEIL a noted linen cloth thief, who, for 25 years past,
has reigned permanent bleach-green robber in this neighbourhood was
convicted at Cavan Assizes for pig stealing and is to be transported.
He was tried at different assizes 34 times, is very conversant in law
affairs, and probably will yet arrive at the summit of his profession.
Newry Telegraph

Saunders Newsletter


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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Cavan Assizes 1830

2018-03-31 Thread Teena
Belfast Newsletter Tues. 3 Aug 1830

Co. Cavan assizes Grand Jury

Alexander SAUNDERSON Esq. Foreman

Sir W. YOUNG Bart.
William HUMPHREYS jun.
Theophilus E. Lucas CLEMMENTS
Harvey PRATT C. E.
Charles J. ADAMS
Richard BELL
Richard YOUNG
Andrew BELL  H. B.
Andrew Bell BOOTHEL
John DONNELLY Esqrs.

There were about 50 persons for trial but there was not any very
serious cases, with the exception of Mr. GOODFELLOW's, the Postmaster
of Killissandra, for taking money out of the letters in his office.

Back later with some other County assizes.

Cheers~ Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Armagh SPENCER

2018-04-06 Thread Teena
from Enniskillen Chronicle & Erne Packet 26 Aug 1824

Armagh assizes

In another part our paper we have given the trial of James, Jane, and
Ann SPENCER for the murder Thos. SPENCER near Loughgall, of which the
following circumstances have been given: A person named SPENCER who
has lately been in a state of lunacy, had married against the
inclination of his relations. Although insane, not resident with his
wife, and only 6 years married, yet it appears she has had, in the
course of that time, 3 children to him. Means were always found, by
which they came together. The oldest child, it appears, would have
been, at its father's death, entitled to a handsome property; have
heard it stated at 200£. May last, the house of Mrs. SPENCER was
forcibly entered by a man also named SPENCER, but what connexion the
family know not. He deliberately proceeded to murder the child, and
also a servant woman in the house; and would most likely have treated
Mrs. SPENCER in a similar manner, had she not effected her escape. He
was attended by 2 females SPENCER , and the 2 Misses , SPENCER 's were
tried for this most savage crime at the late Armagh Assizes. He was
found guilty and has been executed. The females were acquitted. This
is a crime of the most cold blooded description, founded in avarice,
that we have ever met with. It is perfectly astounding, to conceive
that such things can take place in a civilised country, and with
people moving above the ordinary ranks in life.

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[UlsterAncestry] a few deaths in 1835

2018-04-08 Thread Teena

On the 11th inst., the Rev. J. H. POTTS Curate of Mullabrack, in the
Diocese of Armagh, of a fever caught in the discharge of his duty, the
virulence which terminated his valuable life in the short space of
fortnight. Hie death accorded with his life in the last moments of
reason, he resigned his spirit, expressing his firm trust in the mercy
of his Creator, through the merits of his Redeemer. His talents as a
Preacher were of the first order, while his able and faithful
discharge of his other duties, supported by the example of a religious
and moral life, rendered him a most efficient Minister of the Gospel.
His remains were attended to the grave by large number of those who
had profitted by his ministry, and whose unfeigned sorrow testified
their sense of his value and of the heavy loss they had sustained.

On the 26th ult, Henry ATKINS Esq. of Lurgan sincerely and deservedly
regretted by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

On Thursday last in the 75th year of her age, after short illness. Mrs
MORGAN mother the late John MORGAN Esq., the lamented Editor of The
Newry Examiner. Her remains were conveyed from her late resilience in
Kilmorey street, Newry the morning of Saturday last, to the family
burial place Dromore.

On Saturday week, after tedious illness, at his house, in  York
street, Belfast, Mr. Robert STERLING timber merchant.

transcribed from the Newry Telegraph Tues 17 Nov 1835

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[UlsterAncestry] Belfast to Antrim in 1809 (described)

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
they appear like steps of stairs, gradually rising from east to west.
The name of this I think is Came Greine, or the cairn of the sun.

Near this is an ancient mount supposed to be intended for a large
temple, on which the surrounding inhabitants worshipped the sun ;
adjoining are several fortifications very different from the round
raths of the Irish, and are probably Danish.

On the rising ground, we have a view of the church and mount of
Donnegorr, or the goat mount and of the beautiful valley in the bottom
of which runs the Six-mile water; so called, because the road from
Carrickfergus to Antrim, either touches it or is near it, at that
distance from this ancient fort. Templepatrick, once a beautiful
village, was mostly burnt by the Monaghan Militia the day after the
Antrim fight. This vicarage once the property of the Knights of St.
John, is now united to Antrim. Three towns adjoining were granted by
Sir Arthur to Humphry NORTON  who built the castle here and gave it
the appellation of Castle Norton. This district is the district of
Castle Norton.

We next past the Six-mile water, anciently Owen Neview (the river of
the woods) at Dunerhery, where a beautiful mount is planted with
trees, the name signifies the middle mount, being in the middle the
valley : this is in the grange Nalteen near this is an ancient church
in ruins, to what monastery it was attached is uncertain.

On the north side of the river the road passes through Island Ban, one
of the 8 towns Muckamore. The other 7 towns are the south side of
Six-mile water. COLMAN obtained a grant of this district called Elo,
from the O'NEILS, at a meeting in Tara, in the year 550:  hence its
name is Colman Elo. He founded a famous monastery in this place which
has been called Muckemore ; I think corrupted from the true
dedication, not to saints or angels, but Mcchd mor, the great, great,
or very great one.

Those 8 towns were granted by James 1 to Sir Roger LANGFORD about the
year 1639, they are now part of the property of the family MASSEREENE.

When near Antrim have a  view round of a tower which has been built on
the plan of the ancient round towers of Ireland, supposed to have been
places for preserving the sacred fire of the country. There was
adjoining this tower a monastery called Entroia, a supposed
improvement of the name Antrim, which signifies the caves of the

The town was once a flourishing place, with 2 excellent fairs, held on
the 12 of May and 12th of November, and a good market every week on
Thursday but since the non-residence the MASSEREENE family it has been
declining : Randalstown and Ballymena have succeeded to most of its
trade and manufactures.

On the south side of the river adjoining Antrim was the little
monastery of Massereene, from Masrain, a beautiful portion ; this
small district was granted to Sir Arthur by James 1. and is still part
of the estate of the Donegal family. The inhabitants of this beautiful
and fruitful vale, between Carrickfergus bay and Loughneagh, are
almost universally Protestant dissenters.

I inquired why SENEX did not publish ancient and modern history of the
county. He answered, such is daily expected from the Literary Society
of Belfast. *

*Cinein (Irish) is a family, and cinament is the district for
habitation of a family. Cinament of the castle of Belfast must mean
the land possessed by the family living in the castle.

Cheers~ Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] M'DOWEL Co. Down

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
Dublin Evening Post Sat. 16 Jan. 1808


At Ballywalter Mr. Hercules M'DOWEL aged 98 years lived to see 31
grand-children and 51 great grandchildren.

Lot's of ancestors in this family to research!

Cheers~ Teena

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[UlsterAncestry] M‘CORMICK HANNA Co. Down

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
Hello All

My hope in transcribing some of these notices, is to help someone
else. These are not related to any of the names, that I research.

 Happy Hunting~ Teena

Saunders's Newsletter
Fri. 3 Dec 1784

On Sunday last the inquest was held in the house of Mr. Andrew HANNA
publican,(?) the quay, on the body of John M‘CORMICK, a seaman,
belonging to Ballywalter, who had died there suddenly the night
before. In the course of evidence it appeared, that the deceased and
another sailor, named Isaac HELME otherwise MULHOLME went into HANNA's
house on Saturday night, and drank three quarts of beer, during which
time the bottom of the glass was broke, and on paying for the beer to
the son of said HANNA (a boy about twelve years of age)  payment was
also demanded for the glass, which was complied with, but on the boy
going out of the room, M‘CORMICK threw the glass after him, a part of
which cut him on the head and HELME in his deposition clearly proved,
that shortly after the boy had left the room, his father (HANNA)
entered it in a furious passion, and instantly seized an iron poker,
with which he struck said M‘CORMICK and which HELME declared to be the
cause of his death, which happened instantly after receiving the blow.
Several Surgeons attended and examined the deceased who were fully of
the opinion that a wound which the deceased had on his head did not
occasion his death but from several concurring circumstances in the
course of the evidence, they wished to examine the corpe (?) more
minutely and their informing the Court and Jury that such an
examination would take considerable time, it was agreed the inquiry
should be postponed till next day, at 5o'clock, when they would give
their report upon oath. Accordingly they met yesterday, and after

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[UlsterAncestry] M'CORMICK HANNA CO. Down full article

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
Sorry Friends

copy & paste missed the end of the article. Here it is again in it's entirety

Saunders Newsletter Fri. 3 Dec 1784

On Sunday last the inquest was held in the house of Mr. Andrew HANNA
publican,(?) the quay, on the body of John M‘CORMICK, a seaman,
belonging to Ballywalter, who had died there suddenly the night
before. In the course of evidence it appeared, that the deceased and
another sailor, named Isaac HELME otherwise MULHOLME went into HANNA's
house on Saturday night, and drank three quarts of beer, during which
time the bottom of the glass was broke, and on paying for the beer to
the son of said HANNA (a boy about twelve years of age) payment was
also demanded for the glass, which was complied with, but on the boy
going out of the room, M‘CORMICK threw the glass after him, a part of
which cut him on the head and HELME in his deposition clearly proved,
that shortly after the boy had left the room, his father (HANNA)
entered it in a furious passion, and instantly seized an iron poker,
with which he struck said M‘CORMICK and which HELME declared to be the
cause of his death, which happened instantly after receiving the blow.
Several Surgeons attended and examined the deceased who were fully of
the opinion that a wound which the deceased had on his head did not
occasion his death but from several concurring circumstances in the
course of the evidence, they wished to examine the corpe (?) more
minutely and their informing the Court and Jury that such an
examination would take considerable time, it was agreed the inquiry
should be postponed till next day, at 5o'clock, when they would give
their report upon oath. Accordingly they met yesterday, and after
minute investigation reported to the Jury, that the death of M‘CORMICK
was occasioned by the aforesaid blows, it appearing that the brain was
injured thereby,

In consequence of which the Inquest Jury (after sitting from 5 till 8
o'clock last night) returned a verdict that his death was occasioned
by a stroke, or strokes, which he received from Andrew HANNA or by a
fall, or falls, occasioned by the said stroke or strokes.”

HANNA was accordingly ordered to be committed to the county jail to
stand his trial for said offence, likewise his wife, for the active
part she took on the occasion. The deceased has left a disconsolate
widow and 4 children to lament his melancholy fate

It behoves the masters of inns and taverns to their guard how they
treat unfortunate people in a state of intoxication a small matter
takes away a life , and let the provocation be ever so pointed, it
bears no sort of proportion to the feelings which must attend the man
through life who is unguarded enough (however unintentional) to hurry
an unprepared fellow creature into eternity.

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[UlsterAncestry] General Assizes held at Downpatrick Co. Down 1802

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
transcribed & extracted from the Saunders Newsletter Wed. 28 Apr. 1802

At General Assizes held at Downpatrick

the 10th instant, before the Hon. Baron GEORGE the following persons
were tried and found guilty:

William CORRAN for the murder his wife Margaret CORRAN on the 3d of
April, instant at Cleomach in the county Down, by giving her several
kicks and bruises on the body of which she died. It appeared that the
prisoner had been married to the deceased about a year; that a short
time prior to this transaction the deceased had been brought to bed,
and being then but in a weak state, was dragged by the prisoner on an
open car, in the dead of the night, with no covering but a thin quilt,
to the house of the deceased’s mother, about three miles distant from
the prisoner's, beat and abused by the prlsoner, and there left at the

The prisoner endeavoured to shew, in his defence that the spots
apparent on the body of the deceased, from the abuse she received,
were the result of the spotted fever. Yet, as the learned Judge
observed, supposing that to have been the case, under the
circumstances above stated, taking his wife in such a state on an open
car, and bringing her the distance of 3 miles, exposed to the cold,
instead of extenuating, rather aggravated his guilt. The Jury brought
a verdict of Guilty, and the prisoner was ordered to be hanged and

William DICKSON for passing bad coin at Castlewellan on the 10th Aug.
last -ordered to imprisoned 3 months.

John JOHNSTON, for stealing a watch the 12th of February last at
Newtownards, in the county of Down - ordered to be transported for 7

Francis HALES for stealing damask at Ballymurphy on the 17 July last
the property of John and William COULSON - ordered to be burned in the
hand and imprisoned 6 months.

Richard CRIEMY for tendering bad money to one Jane HENRY at Ballyblack
on the 9 Aug. last - ordered to be imprisoned 6 months.

Happy Hunting
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[UlsterAncestry] Co. Down Assizes at Downpatrick 1811

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
extracted & transcribed from Saunders Newsletter

Thur. 4 April 1811

The Assizes at Downpatrick commenced on Wednesday the 27th ult. before
Baron M'CLELLAND in the Crown Court, and Justice OSBORNE in the Record

The Hon. Baron M'CLELLAND addressed the Jury in concise and impressive
manner, and, among other observations, pointed out the necessity of
their attention to the state of that populous part of Newry, situated
in the county Down, which was destitute of a proper place for
confinement of culprits; where one-fourth of the criminal calendar
was, in many cases, from that place. After stating the parallel case
of the town of Belfast, which labours also under the inconvenience of
being without goal, bridewell, or other proper place of confinement,
he paid a handsome compliment to the Grand Jury of the country Antrim,
for their liberal attention to his instructions on that subject; and
we are firmly of opinion, that the very opulent and truly respectable
county of Down will not suffer themselves to be secondary, in any
undertaking which must be so essentially advantageous to the

The following trials took place the Crown Court.

William HYNES and Thomas SEMPLE indicted for having in their
possession a 1£ note, and some 30s. notes forgeries, and uttering the
same with intent to defraud, &c.

William HAYES deposed, that on the 29 Oct. last, he was in Newry fair,
and sold horse to prisoner, William HYNES for 5£ 8s and received in
payment 2 30s. national notes, 1 -30s. Beresford note and 1£ national
note; gave them to the prisoner SEMPLE who was his neighbour, to look
at, who said they were good. Witness had no change; SEMPLE lent him
two shillings. Witness then went to Mr. SEARIGHT’s in Newry to get
gold in exchange; Mr. S. had none, but directed him to Mr. FEGAN’s;
Mr. F. looked at the notes, and asked witness to follow him back to
Mr. S’s. who asked him could he find the person who gave him the
notes, same time saying they were all bad. Witness went down street
and caught his horse in the possession of SEMPLE. HYNES was not there
at that time. Mr. SEARIGHT who went with witness, seized SEMPLE and
asked him where the money was got; SEMPLE said on the Maze Course and
also, that it was he who gave HYNES the money to pay for the horse.
When asked had he any more notes, he produced 2, 30s. notes, which Mr.
SEARIGHT took and marked and which with the others were produced in
Court. Mr. FEGAN and Mr. SEARIGHT corroborated the above as far as
they were concerned.

Andrew HYNES examined for the prisoner - ls uncle to prisoner, HYNES
who deals in horses and went to Newry fair to sell 3 colts witness
went into the horse-market to see his nephew; while there SEMPLE came
and tapped W. HYNES on the shoulder, and said he wanted him to buy
horse from a neighbour of his, that the horse must be sold to pay
rent; HYNES went and looked at the horse and bought him for five
guineas, and returned 5s. 8d. then HYNES wanted SEMPLE to pay the sum
himself, as he had other business to do SEMPLE said, here are the
notes, as it would not look well for me to pay him when you bought
him; HYNES said he could not go then SEMPLE then went to HAYES and
gave him a 1£ note, saying he must wait a half hour, and if the horse
was not paid for then, he had the note and the horse too.

Wm. HYNES brother to preceding witness corroborated his evidence.

Wm. HYNES acquitted on all the counts; Thomas SEMPLE found guilty of
having bank notes in his possession, knowing them to be forged.

John KENNEDY and Hugh DOWNEY indicted for uttering a forged bank note
of the Northern Bank, Belfast, value 30 shillings on 7th January last,
knowing it to be forged. Acquitted, owing to the note offered, having
been lost or mislaid but held to give security, themselves in 100£.
each, and two sureties in 50£ each for 7 years.

The trial of Cornelius and John M'MULLEN for the murder John SAVAGE at
Drumaro-d B (day?) Nov. last, was postponed till next a assize

James BROWNE for offering a forged Bank of Ireland note to Catherine
BURNS was acquitted for want of prosecution

Daniel HAGAN for stealing a mare the property John HALL of Carncastle,
County Antrim. John HALL lives at Carncastle - lost a mare out of his
stable the 4th March -advertised her in the Belfast newspapers- found
her on Friday last in the possession James JOHNSTON, near Saintfield -
had mare in his possession since 8 months old value 10£. James
JOHNSTON sworn - HALL got the mare from him and he bought her in
Kilmore from John MAGREEVY. John MAGREEVY lives Castlewellan sold the
mare to James JOHNSTON; bought her in Seaford fair on the 7th March
from prisoner ; gave 8£ for her, sold her to JOHNSTON for 10 guineas;
on applying to prisoner, before Lord Annesley for his money, he said
he would pay witness whatever became of him; never heard any thing
against prisoner before this; knew him 5 years.

Francis KEOWN examined for prisoner says he has as good a character as
any man in Clough; exposed 

[UlsterAncestry] Co Down Downpatrick assizes 1805

2018-04-08 Thread Teena
extracted & transcribed from Saunders Newsletter

Thurs.12 Sept. 1805
Downpatrick assizes

John DOYLE alias James DOYLE, found guilty of feloniously uttering
forged and counterfeited Bank notes of Governor and Company of the
Bank of Ireland with intent defraud Mathew BROWN. - Ordered to hanged
Saturday the 2d Nov. next.

Mary BAKER found guilty of receiving stolen goods - ordered to be
imprisoned 2 months.

Ann TIERNEY, Jane SLOAN and Michael TIERNEY found guilty of receiving
stolen goods - Ordered to be imprisoned 3 months.

Richard COOKE found guilty of feloniously stealing cloth to the value
3£ the property of David M’COMB - Sentenced to be transported for 7
years, having pleaded the benefit of the Statute.

Thomas BYRNE found guilty of having forged notes of the Governor and
Company of the Bank of Ireland in his possession with intent to utter
and negotiate same as genuine notes of said Bank. - Ordered to
publicly whipped in the town of Newry on the 17th October next, and to
be imprisoned 12 months.

Owen WHITE (late assistant to the Jailor) tried and acquitted of
suffering Alexander STEWART and Robert STEWART prisoners (under
sentence of death for forging a deed) to go at large and escape out of
the jail without the consent of the jailor.

Peter HOLLYWOOD tried and acquitted of stealing a mare the property

Sophia ANDERSON acquitted of grand larceny.

All the best

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[UlsterAncestry] Derramore Presbyterian Church Graveyard Co. Derry

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
Hello All

For anyone seeking ancestors in the Derramore Presbyterian Church
54a Bolea Road Limavady, County Londonderry

They have on-line and available to download a Map of the cemetery
along with transcriptions of the Grave Yard records.


Good Luck~ Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] list of cemeteries at discover ever after

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
an Catholic Church Sixtowns 195 Sixtowns Rd Draperstown
BT45 7BH

St. Patricks Roman Catholic Church Loup 96 Loup Rd Magherafelt BT45 7NF

St. Ronan's Church Colebrooke Church Rd Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT94 4DU

St. Tida's Church of Ireland, Bellaghy 35 Main St Bellaghy Co Dery BT45 8HT

St. Trea's Roman Catholic Church, Newbridge 138 Aughrim Rd Newbridge Co Derry
BT45 8HB

The Church of St. John Milltown 76 Castledawson Rd Magherafelt Co Derry BT45 6PD

Tobermore Presbyterian Church (Old) 49 Draperstown Rd Tobermore Co
Derry BT45 5PP

Tobermore Presbyterian Church Graveyard (New) 2 Wood Rd Tobermore Co Derry
BT45 5QJ

Over the past year they have changed their site from being able to
view all listings in a graveyard, to searchable by name only. (I dare
say for some it may be difficult with so many spelling variations of

All the Best

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[UlsterAncestry] Discover Ever After link

2018-04-15 Thread Teena

I neglected to add the link after all that work of compiling the
cemeteries covered.


Sorry- Teena
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[UlsterAncestry] Alternative Names of Presbyterian Congregations

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
Hello Listers

The following is a list of the names of some Presbyterian
Congregations and their alternative names they were / are, also known

The Presbyterian Historical Society would appreciate that if you
should know of any more, could you please let them know?

send an email


or answer on-line at

Alfred Street, Belfast : Fitzroy
Aghalow : Aghaloo
Anaghlone : Annaclone
Anahilt : Annahilt
Ardstraw (2nd) : Drumlegagh
Armaghbrague : Armaghbreague
Badoney : Bodoney
Ballyclug : Brigh
Ballyhalbert : Glastry
Ballynahatty (2nd) : Creevan
Ballytrain : Corlea
Belview : Donore
Benraw : Leitrim
Braddox : Clontibret (2nd)
Bushvale: 2nd Kilraughts
Carntall : Clogher, Co. Tyrone
Carrockmaclin : Corvalley
Clondevadock : Fannet
Cloveneden : Loughgall
Clownis : Stonebridge
Cornasass : Kilmount
Croghan : Killeshandra
Dartry : Drum (1st)
Derg : Castlederg
Derryfubble : Eglish
Derrykeighan : Dervock
Dervock: Carncullagh
Donagh : Carndonagh
Drumgavlin : Magherahamlet
Emyvale : Carrigans
Fivemiletown : Cavanaleck
Freeduff : Creggan
Goulan : Fintona
Grallagh : Brookvale
Keppie : Cappagh and Mountjoy
Kilmakee : Belfast : Seymour Hill
Kinnaird : Lislooney
Legnacreeve : Clontibret (1st)
Linenhall Street : Crescent
Longfield : Drumquin
Lowtherstown : Irvinestown
Manorcunningham : Ray (1st and 2nd)
Millrow : Antrim
Monytaghs : Bellville
Muff : Knowhead
Mullaghferry : Killala
Mullans : Donegal (2nd)
Narrow-water : Warrenpoint
Newtownparry : Seskinore
Queenstown : Cobh
Raneeny : Donegal (1st)
Scarnageeragh : Glennan or Emyvale
Shercock : Glassleck
Sydenham : Belfast : Strand
Taboyne : Monreagh
Tannaghnive : Saintfield (1st)
Temple : Keady (1st)

Happy Hunting
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
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[UlsterAncestry] Co. CAVAN 1839 address to George DICKSON Esq.

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
To George DICKSON Esq.

Chief Constable of Police.

the Undersigned Inhabitants of  the Town and Neighbourhood of
Swnlinbar cannot suffer you to depart from amongs us without
testifying our high scense of the zealous and efficient manner which
you have discharged the duties of your situation during the period of
three years that you have been here stationed, nor without expressing
our sincere regret, at the separation from a highly valued friend a
regret, however in some degree mitigated by the reflection that the
change may lead to your future promotion and advantage.
During your sojourn here you have earned the esteem and good will of
all classes, by the firm and impartial discharge of the duties of your
office, blended by your kindness and urbanity of manner, with the
strictest attention and anxiety for the peace of the country, and the
interest of those whose good fortune it was to have so efficient a
public officer. You have proved that the perfect Gentleman may be
combined with the strictest discharge of duty, and the union of both
must give general satisfaction.

Our experience of your character and acquirements makes us feel
confident that your talents would do credit to any position in the
Constabulary you could be placed in; and we trust, therefore, shortly
to find you obtaining that advancement which your merits so well

With the best wishes for your welfare, we subscribe ourselves
faithfully and sincerely yours. Swanlinbar, 30 March, 1839.

Alexander MAGUIRE J.P. Prospect
Francis HASSARD  J.P. Rockwood
John FINLAY J.P. Brackly
John James FOX Clerk, Kinawley Glebe
Sir Thomas FINLAY J.P., do.
Alexander HANSARD J.P., Bawnboy
George FINLAY J.P., Corrville
Joseph BENNISON  J.P. Mount-pleasant
William GRATTON, Clerk, Swanlinbar
Robert STORY do.
William M. WADE M.D., do.
Philip MAGAURAN  V. G. and P. P. Templeport
O. S. KELLET Clerk, Kinawley
William JOHNSTON Swanlinbar,
Rev. Terence O’REILLY Adm. Kinawley
John P. DOUCE Clerk, Swanlinbar,
Rev. John BRADY C. C., do.
Thomas COSTELLO Swanlinbar,
Alexander FINLAY Surgeon, do.
Andrew HILLS do.
John WILLIS do.
William BEATTY do.
Thomas NUGENT do.
William TRIMBLE do.
James HOWDEN Dunglave,
Edward O’CONNOR Swanlinbar,
Charles M'HUGH do.
Thomas Ellis FROOD Airmount,
Thomas MOFFIT Clanturkle,
Charles MAGAURAN Swanlinbar,
Henry STORY do.
Robert HAYES do.
Philip FEE do.

Swanlinbar 5th April, 1839.

Gentlemen, I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your kind Address,
conveyed through the medium of my friend Mr. STORY and I trust you
will do me the justice to believe I feel honored by possessing the
good opinion of those valued and esteemed friends whose names are

However onerous in other Districts the duties of profession may be in
yours they have been light indeed, as independant of the advantages
resulting from the superintendance of an upright and intelligent
Magistracy I have experienced, from the period I took charge of the
Constabulary in Swanlinbar, to the present lime, the utmost kindness
and assistance, in the discharge of those duties, from every class in
the community.

And cold and inanimate shall my heart have become when the confidence
enjoyed and the friendship formed while resident in your neighbourhood
are forgotten by me. With every sentiment of respect and esteem, I
have the honor to remain your attached and obliged friend, &c. &c.
George DICKSON, C.C.P.

Transcribed by Teenau from the Newry Telegraph 16 April 1839
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[UlsterAncestry] Maghera Co Derry web-site

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
A great site for the district of Maghera in Co. Derry with many records on-line.

The Maghera and District Genealogy & History Society

area covered 

area will, therefore, include Garvagh, Kilrea, Magherafelt, Moneymore,
Draperstown, etc. (most records currently will probably be from the
Garvagh-Kilrea-Maghera- Tobermore rectangle)


UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Deportation of pauper orphan girls

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
I wish they would have named them!

transcribed from the Irish Industrial Journal
Wednesday 10 October 1849

Deportation of Paupers Omagh Union

The Guardians of this Union have sent 19 orphan girls from the
workhouse, last week, provided with a suitable outfit, as emigrants to
Australia, the Government providing them with free passage from
Plymouth, to which port their expenses are defrayed by the Union. Four
orphan girls, from the Gortin Workhouse, were also sent at the same
time, provided with a similar outfit  Tyrone Constitution

Thursday evening 112 young women, selected from the workhouses of
Coleraine, Armagh, Newtownlimavady, Antrim, Ballymoney, Larne,
Cookstown, and Banbridge, embarked on board ' the Prince' steamer, for
Dublin, previous to their final embarkation for Sydney. The clean and
respectable appearance of the poor girls was most creditable to
themselves and their unions.

Sixty girls left Enniskillen Workhouse, Wednesday last, for Australia.
They were well clad, and selected from amongst all the inmates for
their excellent conduct.

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co Armagh tenants of the Manor of Brownlows-Derry

2018-04-15 Thread Teena
Tenants on the Manor of Brownlows-Derry for the years 1648 – 1800

a great site- Lurgan Ancestry

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Ebooks & Bookseller & GRO

2018-04-16 Thread Teena
Irish Genealogy & History Books at


Just a few of the Books available -

The Armagh Motor Directory 1911 the names of those owning Motor cars
and cycles in the county of Armagh in the years 1911 – 1912.

Discharged Convicts All Ireland 1836 - A Return of the names of all
convicts discharged from the several Gaols in Ireland, before the
Expiration of their respective Sentences, since the 1st May 1836.

Children Born to the Workhouse - A return with Christian and Surnames
of infants born in Irish Workhouses, or admitted thereto when Healthy
under Twelve Months old, and attempted to be reared therein during the
Year 1872 to 1874, showing what has since become of them.

Irish Passenger Lists – The Famine Years
Irish Passenger List 1811

Genealogy of the Wallace Family Descended from Robert Wallace of
Ballymena, Co Antrim

The Macdonnells of Antrim (1873)

Corpus of Electronic Texts - Irish literary and historical culture

Free Irish eBooks

To purchase new & used Books

Kenny's Books

the GRO's Civil Registration's free to search B/M/D's


Cheers~ Teena


UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] free to search page various data all counties

2018-04-16 Thread Teena
A great site (and a fabulous researcher!)

Ulster Ancestry

Searchable on line data includes various records of Co's Antrim,
Armagh, Cavan Donegal Down, Fermanagh, Derry, Monaghan & Tyrone

with a long list of ship's passenger

Cheers~ Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co Armagh cemeteries at Irish Graveyards website

2018-04-16 Thread Teena
The following web-site has the following graveyard transcriptions on-line

They also have other counties available as well, but I just haven't
compiled them yet.

Irish Graveyards


Co Armagh

1) Ballymoyer aka St. Malachy's Church Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross,
Armagh, United Kingdom BT60 2LA

which is also at Find A Grave

2) Belleeks Also known as Saint Laurence O'Toole Church Cemetery Main Street
Belleek, Co. Armagh BT35 7PH

 St Laurence O'Toole church is one of four in the Armagh Diocese's
parish of Whitecross. The other three are St Brigid Carrickananny, St
Malachy Ballymoyer and St Teresa Tullyherron.

3) Mochua Church Derrynoose (founded by St Mochua (637)
St. Mochua's Church Mullyard Road, Derrynoose, Armagh, United Kingdom BT60 3EZ

Remembering Derrynoose Deceased - Facebook

4) St Joseph's RC Madden Farnaloy Road Madden Armagh BT60 3LR

5) St. Patrick's Church Maddan Road, Keady, Armagh, United Kingdom BT60 3TQ

6) Tullyherron St. Teresa's Church ,Tullyherron Rd Mountnorris, Armagh

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] New Nine Years War Historical Site

2018-04-16 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

A new web- site to keep an eye on, if you are interested in the
history of Ulster is the one Valerie is now working on, entitled...

"Nine Years' War / Tyrone's Rebellion"

Valerie has recently begun her journey into the past, yet has made
exceedingly wonderful progress to date.

Fantastic job! I love the photos.


All the Best~

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Fwd: Deportation of pauper orphan girls

2018-04-16 Thread Teena
 Irish Famine Orphans in Australia

& Ray's response
A lot of work on these girls has been done by an Irish academic in
Australia, named Trevor McLAUGHLIN.

Thank you so much Ray. I appreciate you sharing this information.

It does appear Dr. Trevor McLaughlin published a 2nd volume in 2013 of
“Barefoot and Pregnant". The publisher is

The Genealogical Society of Victoria, Melbourne

National Library of Australia will sell copies (a few) from the book.


I found Trevor Mclaughlin's book "Irish Women in Colonial Australia" for sale


Dr Trevor Mclaughlin's blog


a another book I've discovered on this topic

Barefoot Heart: Stories of a Migrant Child
Hart, Elva Trevino
ISBN: 9780927534819

all the best
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Church of Ireland- archive of the month

2018-04-18 Thread Teena
archive of the month- March 2918

diocese of Clogher and county of Monaghan

The Tin Church at Laragh


Cheers Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Vestry Book of Killoughter Co. Cavan

2018-04-18 Thread Teena
Church of Ireland  Killoughter Co. Cavan

 Vestry Minute Book - 1813 - 1916  on-line

Killoughter parish is located in north Cavan close to the village of Redhills.


Cheers~ Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] A Social History of Blindness in Northern Ireland'

2018-04-18 Thread Teena
Have an ancestor in your tree, who was blind? (I did, but he was born
in Wales in 1876)

Here is an online publication 'A Sense of the Past - A Social History
of Blindness in Northern Ireland'



UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] The Civil Survey 1654–6 17th century resource

2018-04-24 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

A 17th century resource  is the The Civil Survey 1654–6, also called the
Great Parchment Books

fully searchable digital edition of the 1641 Depositions comprising
transcripts and images


all the Best~ Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Registry of Deeds books to 1805+ online

2018-04-24 Thread Teena
Hello All

Available at FamilySearch (LDS - or Latter Day Saints)) to view on
line the Registry of Deeds books

These are Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills,
1708-1929. Includes an index to grantors and an index to lands
(townland or address) by county. There is no index to grantees.

You will need to create or already have an existing accounting (which is free)

Scroll down the page for the year you may be interested in and click
the camera icon to view


Cheers~ Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] link for LDS film # & more

2018-04-24 Thread Teena
Resources at Bob's Genealogy for Ireland vary, but the site appears to
have a bit of free data on Co. Donegal.

There is a large list of the available FamilySearch (LDS) batch /Film
#'s for both births and marriages


Many films are now viewable on the computer's at the local LDS history library.

NOTE- Hugh Wallis' site is one of the lost web-sites due to the
Ancestry take-over of Rootsweb so does not exist at the moment.

link to the IGI at Family Search



UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Famine Roadshow to Canada

2018-04-24 Thread Teena
Great Famine Voices Roadshow

May 22nd, 5 – 9pm:  Madden Hall, St. Michael’s College, 81 St. Mary
Street, University of Toronto.

May 27th, 10am – 5pm: St. Gabriel’s Church, 2157 Centre Street (and
Walk to the Stone), Montreal.


UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Researching at the National Library of Ireland event

2018-04-26 Thread Teena
For those of you fortunate to live close to the National Library of
Ireland they are holding an event on Monday 21 May at 5.30pm called"
the Research Workshop: Using the National Library"

It notes- The workshop is suitable for those who are using the library
for the first time.


Have fun if you can go!

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co. Tyrone Men who contributed sums to catch an unknown criminal

2018-04-27 Thread Teena
Men who contributed to catch an unknown criminal 1799

Tyrone Constitution Fri 27 Dec 1889

90 years ago.

A correspondent sends the following cutting from the Dublin Journal of
Thur. 26th Dec. 1799 just 90 years ago

Whereas on the Night of the 21st of Nov. last. a private Soldier of
the 1st Battalion of the 1st Royals, was houghed in Omagh, in the
County of Tyrone and on the night of the 12th inst, another Soldier of
the same Regiment was maimed in the like barbarous manner.

Now, We the Inhabitants of said Town and Neighbourhood adjoining,
holding in just abhorrence the enormity of such a crime, particularly
when committed against the individuals of a Regiment who have
conducted themselves with so great propriety, since they have been
quartered amongst us. and considering the disgrace that such
inhumanity brings upon a place that has hitherto remained Peaceable
and Loyal do offer the sums (not) annexed to our Names, to any one who
shall in 6 months from this Date, discover and prosecute to conviction
all or any of the Persons concerned in the above outrage.

Omagh, Dec. 13,1799.

John Stewart
Sam. Galbraith

And. Cochran, clk.

Richard STACK Rector
Rev. Hugh DELAP
Peter QUIN
Jas. SPROULE jun.
Surgeon CALDWELL Tyrone hospital
Francis MEEHAN
Robert SMYLY
Thos. GREER jun
Thos. GREER sen
Alexander BROWN Sub-Sheriff

transcriber note- meaning of Hough - to hamstring, i.e., sever the
"tendon of Achilles" of the hinder legs of captured horses so as to
render them useless. To disable a person or an animal by cutting the

Transcribed by Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co. Cavan M’CORMACK, in New York USA

2018-05-10 Thread Teena
Death of the oldest man in the United States from Co. Cavan

James M’CORMACK, who was without a doubt, the oldest man in the United
States, died in Newburg, N.Y., on the 11 Nov. at the good old age of
114 years, 3 months and 5 days. He was as remarkable for health and
strength, as for longevity, and his life was an excellent temperance
argument. He was born Aug. 6,1751, in the county of Cavan, Ireland.
His age was accurately fixed by the fact that in the Irish Rebellion
of 1798, when ages became as important there, as they were here during
the recent draft, was then 47 years old. In his youth he was not
remarkable for anything, except health and strength. He was a very
early riser, often going to his work before daybreak. He would work
all day, and coming home night very tired, naturally sought his bed
early. When a young man, he lifted, on one occasion, a stone weighing
700 pounds. He was also quite a pedestrian in his younger days. On one
occasion, he walked to Dublin from a place 52 miles from it, and the
next day he walked back to the place, in less than 13 hours. “If there
was a fair," said he once, "within 80 miles, I went to it; for you
know, walking was a way we had of sailing in those days." He was not
married until he was 45 years old. He was the father of 14 children, 5
of whom died in Ireland, and the other 9 came over to this country. He
was among the last to come over, and arrived in this country in the
latter part of 1816, and, with the exception of 3 years spent out
West, he has always lived at New Windsor. -New York Tablet

transcribed by Teena from the Derry Journal 20 Dec. 1865

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co. Derry Quarter sessions 1880

2018-05-10 Thread Teena
Mr. BABINGTON appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. HANRAHAN for defendant.

transcribed by Teena from the 24 January 1880 edition of the
Londonderry Sentinel

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Lecture and tour to Salt Lake City

2018-05-14 Thread Teena

An fyi The Ulster Historical Foundation will be delivering a week-long
course entitled, Researching Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors at
the 2018 British Institute in Salt Lake City, UT from 15 to 19 October

For information see


UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co Down research

2018-05-19 Thread Teena
For those researching in Co Down

Ros Davies has her own site now and is back online although a number
of links still need correcting.

County Down Family History website.


Good to have you back Ros!

All the best

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Our site's newest updates and free subscription weekend

2018-05-19 Thread Teena
Hello All

Recent updates to our web-site include. Thanks so much Tammy!

A few people who owned land in 1876 for these counties

Co. Londonderry
Co. Fermanagh
Co. Down
Co. Donegal
Co. Cavan
Co. Armagh P
Co. Antrim

Notices of Bankrupts 19 June 1828

County of Tyrone Assizes, Omagh and News Stories As reported in the
"Belfast News Letter" Friday 31 July 1840

Also Ancestry is free until the 21st May


cheers~ Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] KAVANAGH of Tyrone

2018-05-26 Thread Teena
Hello All

I am creating a brief bio of Rose KAVANAGH, the literary poet born in
Co. Tyrone for our web-site.

She is not my ancestor. I am wondering if anyone can help me to find her birth?

It is said she was born 24th June 1859 and that her family 'moved to
Mullaghmore near Augher.'

On her death certificate it is simply said her 'father was a farmer'
and she died 26 Feb 1891.

I appreciate any and all help to learn more about her.

Thank you so much

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Limavady Co. Derry petty sessions

2018-06-02 Thread Teena
12 Oct. 1877 Derry Journal

Limavady petty sessions

Petty Sessions were held on Tuesday before Mr. Henry TYLER (Chairman),
Mr. S. M. ALEXANDER and Mr. Hugh LANE.

Constable Patrick WARD charged Robert BOYD with having a horse and
cart in Limavady on the 1 Oct. without having  his name and residence
attached to the cart, as required by the Act. The bench inflicted a
fine of 6d and costs.

Like penalties, for similar offenses, were also imposed on

Robert PERRY
Robert DYSART Drumalief
John CHERRY, Lomond
George DOUGLASS Ardinarriff
John Alexander JACKSON
Andrew DUNN Ballykelly
Robert NEAL
Robert O'BRIEN
William STIRLING Gorticlare
George IRWIN and others.

The Chairman cautioned the defendants to have their names and
residences put upon their carts, if a similar charge were again
preferred the full penalty of 10s and costs would imposed.
William HASLETT was fined £1 and costs for having unlicensed dog.
The remaining cases heard were summonses for trespass cattle, drunkenness.

transcribed by Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Missing Friends REILLY DEVINE McNELIS BOGAN

2018-06-02 Thread Teena
Missing Friends Information Wanted

REILLY - Of Philip, Catherine, and Mary  REILLY children of Hugh
REILLY natives of Killadallan County Cavan. Catherine left home in
1859 Address their brother Michael REILLY (late auctioneer) No. 7.
Guildry Court, East Clyde street Glasgow Scotland.

DEVINE Of James DEVINE, son of James and Catherine DEVINE (maiden name
DOUGHERTY) natives of Londonderry  last heard from 4 years ago was in
Denver City, Colorado. Information on him will be thankfully received
his uncle. Address Charles DOUGHERTY Amboy, Lee county, Ill (USA)

McNELIS - Of Michael, native Donegal. Resided in Audenried, Pa., about
12 months and left there about 2 years ago; last heard from was in
Illinois. Information of his present whereabouts will be thankfully
received by his brother, James McNELIS, Audenried, Carbon county, Pa.

BOGAN - Any of the relatives of William BOGAN  a native of Carndonagh
County Donegal will hear from him by addressing William BOGAN, Box 45,
The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon. (USA)

transcribed from 9 Mar 1877 Derry Journal


UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Fwd: [IGP-CC] New files added to the IGP Archives

2018-06-05 Thread Teena
Thanks to Chris for the notice of  the recent file updates to IGP
(Ireland Genealogical Project)

If you are on an email list and want to share - feel free!

CAVAN, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kiloughter (CoI) Graveyard, Redhills
St. Paul's (CoI) Graveyard, Ballymachugh

DUBLIN, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Deansgrange Cemetery, St. Peters Section, Pt. 2
Deansgrange Cemetery, St. Brigids Section, Pt. 14
Deansgrange Cemetery, St. Nessan's Part 13

FERMANAGH, Tower Cemetery, Irvinestown (Updated)
Genealogy Archives - Headstones

GALWAY, Kilcoona Graveyard, Kilcoona, Headford
Genealogy Archives - Headstones

MAYO, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kilvine Graveyard

MAYO, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Islandeady Graveyard, Part 1 & 2

MAYO, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Burrishoole Abbey, Part 5 (Completed)

MONAGHAN & FERMANAGH, Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Clones Parish Reg., W. Div., Baptisms 1808-1811
Clones Parish Registers, E. Div., Baptisms 1811-1815

TYRONE, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Togherdoo Methodist Graveyard, Dromore

WATERFORD, Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Abbey Graveyard CoI, Ferrybank, Part 1
Clonegam Church Graveyard
Abbey Graveyard (CoI), Ferrybank, Part 2

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Storm Tyrone & Donegal 31 Aug. 1857 loss of life

2018-07-25 Thread Teena
31 Aug 1857

Awful Thunderstorms in Ireland and loss of life.

Omagh Ireland was visited by fearful thunder-storm on the evening of
the 31st ult. Flashes of lightning and claps of thunder followed each
other in rapid succession and the rain poured in torrents for about 20
minutes. At Ednafogary within 2 miles of Fintona, Mr. John YOUNG was
instantly killed by the electric fluid in his own house.

It appears he had been out super-intending his labourers until the
rain drove him into the house and when standing at the parlour
fireplace, calming the fears of his wife and daughter (who were
greatly terrified) he was struck on the forehead by the electric
current and fell a corpse into his daughter's arms.

A fine boy about 10 years of age, youngest son of Mr. John RUSSELL of
Ardstraw Bridge, when driving home some cows, was struck by a flash of
lightning and killed on the spot. An elder brother, who was a short
distance from him, on seeing him fall, ran up to him, telling him not
to be frightened, as the danger was now past, but found on examination
that he was quite dead.

A woman named DONNELLY of Coash, near Dungannon, was making hay with
Alexander GAULT, she left for home about 7 in the evening, but did not
return home. Next evening she was found lying dead in a small stream
of water, about half-way to her own house. There were no marks on her
person and the belief is that she was killed by the lightning, as the
storm was raging there at the time.

A man was killed near Pomeroy that evening while in bed with his
brother, who was not injured; another man was killed at Orritor about
the same time; and many animals were killed on the mountains and
fields in many parts of the country.

In several parts of the county of Donegal the storm was equally
severe. Two young men named James GRAHAM and Andrew IRVINE, on their
return from the fair of Milford to their residence, near Kilmarcrenan,
were instantly killed. Three other persons who accompanied them were
prostrated by the shock, but received comparatively little injury.

The wife of a farmer, named RAMELTON had accompanied the servant maid
to the byre for the purpose of milking the cows, but became so
terrified that she returned to the dwelling-house, the girl ridiculing
her timidity: the servant, however, within a few minutes after, when
coming out of the byre, was struck down and has remained ever since in
a state of insensibility.

The passengers first-class carriage on the Coleraine Railway had a
miraculous escape, a flash of lightning having shattered the windows.

transcribed by Teena from Chelmsford Chronicle Fri. 11 Sept. 1857
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Murder Discovered - REED of Tyrone 1900

2018-07-25 Thread Teena
Murder Discovered - REED

A discovery, which brings to light a murder committed almost 16 years
ago, has been made at Kildress, county Tyrone. An old man named
Alexander REED disappeared mysteriously from his home in June 1884 and
although strenuous inquiries were made as to his whereabouts, search
had to be abandoned. He had a son, but there was nothing whatever to
connect him with the disappearance of his father, although it is
stated that they were known to have frequent quarrels.

Some men were working in Kildress graveyard recently, and while
sinking foundations for a wall, they discovered human remains in a
hole about 3ft 9in long. The body was fully clothed. Medical
examination disclosed the fact that the deceased had met with a
violent death, the skull having been badly fractured by some heavy
instrument. The son, against whom a warrant of arrest has been issued,
left for America after the occurrence.

transcribed by Teena from the Singleton Argus Jun 30 1900
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Omagh Quarter Sessions 1861

2018-07-25 Thread Teena
 Londonderry Sentinel  Fri 13 Sept. 1861

Omagh Quarter Sessions 1861

Before R. D. COULSON R.M. Chaiman, Samuel GALBRAITH, Charles SCOTT and
George Hall STACK

Owen DONNELLY of Comavana, charged John GALLAGHER of Legfreashy, with
cruelly ill-treating and abusing a heifer, his property. Fined 20 shillings
and costs, or to be imprisoned 1 month at hard labour.

Constable John DEVANE charged Thomas PARKER of Lisanelly with leaving a
horse and cart on the street of Omagh, an obstruction to the public
thoroughfare. Fined 1 shilling and costs.

Michael GORMLEY, of Donaghanie, charged the Portadown Dungannon and Omagh
Junction Railway Company with refusing to obey an order of the Magistrates,
dated the 17 April last, to put his contract road in sufficient repair
within 14 days from expiration of said order. Fined in 5£ and costs, paid
to Mr. Alfred GABAN, County Surveyor, to apply as requisite for repairs.

John M'MAHON of Glenhordial, charged Owen M'ALEER Omagh, with having a dog,
his property, on the street without a log or muzzle, which cut him. Fined 1
shilling and costs and warrant to issue for the destruction of the dog.

Omagh Recruiting Station
Major Richard DAWSON 75th Foot, has been appointed recruiting officer for
the Omagh district to succeed Lieutenant HARMAR, who proceeds to join the
depot Chatham.

​transcribed by Teena from the ​
Londonderry Sentinel  Fri 13 Sept. 1861

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Omagh Petty Sessions and an inquest Nov 1861

2018-07-25 Thread Teena
 Omagh Petty Sessions Nov 1861

Before the
Rev. Robert V. DIXON (Chairman)
George Hall STACK Esqrs.

William COCHRAN of Dervaghroy, road contractor, charged the Portadown,
Dungannon and Omagh Junction Railway Company with refusing to repair or put
in order 74 perches of his contract road from Fintona to Mountfield and
from Omagh to Beragh.

Ordered that the Railway Company repair the portion of the contract road in
Tattykeeran within 1 month.

Same charged Terence SHIELDS of Donaghanie, with refusing to let him into a
quarry to raise stones for the use of the public road. Order to be given to
enter the quarry.

Sub-Constable Owen GALLAGHER charged Henry MONTAGUE of Beragh, James (KERR
or ORR?) Drumnakilly and Terence GALLAGHER, Tremog, with having their carts
on the streets of Omagh an obstruction to the public thoroughfare. Each
fined 1 shilling and costs.

Sub-Constable Patrick MULLAN charged Edward M'ALEER of Drumnakilly, Patrick
GORMAN and James CARLAN of Aughalane, with leaving their carts on the
public road an obstruction to the public thoroughfare. Each fined 1
shilling and costs.

Constable John DEVANE and Michael QUIN of Ballygowans, charged James
CUNNINGHAM (alias) CUNNAGHAN of Lisnamallard, with having, at Omagh, on the
23d instant, stolen a scarf, the property of Michael QUIN. To be imprisoned
2 months to hard labour.

Sir James M. STRONGE of Tynan Abbey, charged James BRADLEY of Drumnaforbe
with trespassing on his land Bomackatall, 29 October last, in pursuit of
game. Fined 20 shillings and costs.

Same charged John FEARY of Dressoy, with same offence at Dressoy the 16th
instant. Fined 10 shillings and costs.

Catherine CARSON Eskenmore charged James M'KEMAN Omagh, with cruelly
ill-treating a mare, her property. Fined 40 shillings and costs or to be
imprisoned 14 days to hard labour.

Sub-Constable Thomas CASEY charged Robert KERR of Ballintrain, with
attempting to rescue a prisoner, at Sixmilecross, the 19th instant. To find
bail for his good behaviour or be imprisoned 1 month.

Joseph CAMPBELL of Brackey charged Patrick HOYNES Cloughfin, with
assaulting Robert M'KEE at Sixmilecross the 19th inst. To be imprisoned 14
days to hard labour.

Inquest at Sixmilecross

The inquest on the body of Wm. M'DOWELL, gate-keeper on the Dungannon and
Omagh Railway, who was killed on the 20th instant, while opening the gates
for the passage of a train, was adjourned from the 21st instant till
Tuesday last and has been again adjourned in order to obtain further

Deceased was for many years clerk of the church at Sixmilecross and was
generally esteemed. His sudden and lamentable death and the circumstances
connected with it have produced quite excitement in the neighbourhood and
much sympathy is felt for the bereaved orphans. As the coroner's jury have
not yet returned their verdict, it is premature to express opinion as to
whether any blame attaches to the servants of the Railway Company. That is,
of course, the object of the inquiry.

Transcribed by Teena from the Londonderry Sentinel  Fri. 29 Nov. 1861

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Omagh Quarter Sessions (Apr 1871)

2018-07-25 Thread Teena
Omagh Quarter Sessions (Apr 1871)

These Sessions were commenced on Thursday. The Chairman, Loftus H.
BLAND, Esq., Q.C., entered the Record Court shortly after 10 o'clock,
accompanied by James MACKY Esq. under-Sheriff

The following magistrates occupied seats on the bench; Captain Thomas AUCHINLECK
Commander Charles SCOTT R.N.
Rev. R. V. DIXON  D.D.
Lieut.-Colonel ELLIS
George Hall STACK

The following gentlemen were sworn Grand Jury

 L. M. BUCHANAN Deputy and Acting Clerk of the Peace
Montgomery ARMSTRONG
Wilkin BIRD
William ELLIOTT Jr.
John ORR
William MULLIN
Robert ADAMS
James GUY

The following jury was empanelled

Archibald ADAMS
Samuel ADAMS

Bernard M'GARRITY indicted for stealing a heifer, the property of
Denis LOUGHRAN on or about the 4th of Mar. last. A second count
charged the prisoner with receiving the heifer knowing it to stolen.
It seemed that the prosecutor, Denis LOUGHRAN bought the heifer in
question at the fair of Sixmilecross, but not being able get it home
to Dungannon on the same day, he left it behind him in the charge of a
person in Sixmilecross. The next day he sent his brother to take away
the heifer, but arriving at Sixmilecross this person could not find
it. Subsequently the prosecutor found it in possession of M'GARRITY.
Mr. Cecil MOORE prosecuted on behalf of the Crown
Mr. James SCOTT LL.B. defended

Waylaying and Assault
Patrick M’CRORY and Hugh M'CRORY were indicted with having, on the
18th Mar. last, at Omagh committed aggravated assault upon Patrick
M'QUADE. Upon a 2nd count they were charged with having committed a
common assault. The prisoners pleaded not guilty and were defended by
Mr. RIORDAN. Evidence having been given in support of the charge, the
jury returned a verdict of not guilty on both the counts.

The same parties were charged in another indictment with having
committed aggravated and common assault upon Patrick MORRIS. The
prisoners were acquitted.

In the case against James Anderson, who was indicted for an aggravated
and common assault upon Bessie GLOVER the Grand Jury ignored the bill
for want of evidence.

Larceny from the  person
Catherine M'GUIRE and Mary TEAGUE, 2 unfortunates, were charged with
stealing from the person of Hugh DONNELLY on the night of the 18th
ult., £12, bank notes and a quantity of silver, together with the
purse, in which they were contained. The prisoners pleaded not guilty.
MAGUIRE was defended by Mr. T. C. DICKIE and TEAGUE, Mr. James SCOTT  LL.B.
The prisoners were found guilt and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment each.

transcribed by Teena from the Londonderry Sentinel  Tue 4 Apr. 1871
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Ancestry restoring Rootsweb Hosted sites

2018-07-30 Thread Teena
Hello friends

I recently discovered that Ancestry is restoring some of the hosted
Rootsweb sites, starting with US Genweb.

Our County Tyrone, all volunteer, community site, was originally
hosted by Rootsweb for over 10 years and although we are  safe and
secure in our new location of


I have made the request, simply for the restoration of links from
other sites, to it.

People can request to have their sites restored, as well, so I am
posting this for those who may not be aware of this.

There are so many of these genealogical hosted sites that contain the
wealth of a gold mine of information and it will be fabulous to see
them returned to us.

Quote of Ancestry

"Other sites will be reinstated upon request.
To make a request, go to Restore Website Form.


best Wishes

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co. Antrim assizes 1822

2018-08-09 Thread Teena
transcribed from Mon. 1 Apr. 1822 Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Sentences at Carrickfergus and (capture) Mon. 1 Apr. 1822 Belfast
Commercial Chronicle

James LOUGHRIDGE for manslaughter - to be imprisoned 12 months, and
until he give security to keep the peace, himself in £100 and 2
sureties of £50 each

James DENNIS for murder - to be executed (4th?) April

Edward BURNS and John WIGAN for larcenies - to be transported 7 years.

John TENNANT for larceny and assault; Margt. M‘DONAGH for a bleach
green robbery, John M'ALEECE for cutting and stabbing and Thomas
M‘DONNELL for robbery and assault, - to be imprisoned 12 months in the
house of Correction and kept to hard labour

John M'CARVILL for an aggravated assault - to imprisoned 9 months and
to give security himself in £50 and 2 sureties in £25 each

Elizabeth FERGUSON for stealing a cloak and Joseph CLARKE for
combination and assault, - to be imprisoned 8 months in the house of
correction and kept to hard labour.

William DODSON for breaking into an office - to be imprisoned 6 months
and give security, himself in £20 and 2 sureties in £l0 each

Robert McNEILL for stealing bellows; Charles FERRIS for stealing a
lock, Charles M'GOLDRICKE for stealing a heifer, Margaret CAIN and
Ellen DUNN for stealing from the person, Alice GREER for stealing a
silver watch and Patrick FERGUSON for larceny, - to be imprisoned 6
months in the House of correction and kept to hard labour

Alex. NELSON, otherwise STEINSON, for stealing a shovel and Mary Anne
LIGHTBODY for stealing a (counter?) pane,- to be imprisoned 4 months
in the house of correction and kept to hard labour.

Charles DONAGHY for stealing a saddle, - 3 months, and Neal MULLOY for
obtaining goods on false pretences, - 2 months in the house of

James GARDNER a dangerous lunatic, - to remain in the House of correction

Thomas M'KINSTRY to give bail to abide his trial for passing forged
notes, himself in £40 and 2 sureties of £20 each.

James HUGHES, Sarah O'NEILL, Daniel MULLOY, James KANE, Hugh DONAGH,
Duncan M'CULLUM, Roger HIGGINS, Neven STEWART, Andrew HUNTER, Daniel
M‘VEY, Thomas MOONEY, and David BROWN, - all convicted for offences
under the excise laws, to be imprisoned 1 month

all the Best Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Co Monaghan a few links to transcribed Headstones etc.

2018-08-09 Thread Teena
a few links to transcribed Headstones etc.

magheross cemetery (Old St. Finbarr's)

A History of St. Finbarr's
http://www.carrickmacross.clogher.anglican.org/CMX Parish History Feb 2011.pdf

IGP (Ireland Genealogical Project)

Carrickmacross Workhouse
Shercock Road, Carrickmacross,
Co. Monaghan, Ireland, A81 E372

Clones Round Tower

Historic Graves has a few headstones for
St Colman's Church of Ireland
St. Molua's Magheracloone
Errigal Truagh
Old Donagh

Find a Grave has listed

Cootehill, Holy Trinity Churchyard Cemetery
St Patrick's Old Church Cemetery
St Sillian's Church Cemetery
St. Michael's Church Cemetery Cemetery
Stone Bridge

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Residents of Muff (Eglinton) Village Co. Londonderry

2018-08-10 Thread Teena
Residents of Muff(Eglinton) Village 1820 survey


Happy Hunting
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Courses offered at UHF

2018-08-11 Thread Teena
Hello all

1 & 5 day courses 2018 & 2019 at the UHF (Ulster Historical Foundation).

5 days are

5-09 November 2018
04-08 February 2019
07-11 October 2019


Cheers ~ Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Trinity College announcement

2018-08-24 Thread Teena
wow! how exciting!

Digital project to recreate public record office destroyed by Four Courts fire


Cheers Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] 11 days lost in 1752 / changes in Calendar

2018-08-26 Thread Teena
(although not specific to Ulster- very interesting for Genealogy).

The loss of 11 calendar days in 1752 and what happened.


Cheers Teena

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] compare your photo to your ancestor

2018-08-26 Thread Teena
sorry again not Ulster related.

Family Search (LDS) had introduced a  program that compares photos of
you and your ancestors.


you'll need to create a free account at the site

Have fun

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] 1824 Insolvent Debtor's Court County Tyrone

2018-09-09 Thread Teena
Hello All

The following list of names are transcribed from the Dublin Evening Post

Insolvent Debtor's Court for Monday 1st Nov. 1824
Insolvent Petitions to be heard this week at the Insolvent Debtors
Court, Back Lane

James GIRVIN Calidon formerly of Tanaghlane farmer
Edward HUGHES Dungannon, innkeeper and leather cutter; Francis
M'CLERLON of Tartlaghan, farmer
Michael RAFFERTY of Lyloran, weaver
Henry ROLLESTON, of Mullintur, labourer
William KYLE Brackagh pensioner and farmer
Alexander HADDEN of Ballygawley innkeeper
John ECCLES of Clintyferagh, otherwise Clare, farmer
James M'CARTER late of Tamlaghmore, formerly of Kilsally, pensioner and farmer
James M'GLINN of Strabane, farmer
Archibald HAMILTON of Kingarrow, do.
Daniel O’CARLIN of Carnaghter, do.
Dan. CAMPBELL of Aughnacloy, butcher
Terence MALLON of Stewartstown, dealer
all of the county Tyrone.

Cheers~ Teena
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] 1824 Insolvent Debtor's Court Co. Donegal

2018-09-09 Thread Teena
trancribed from the Dublin Evening Post

Insolvent Debtor's Court for Monday 1st Nov. 1824
Insolvent Petitions to be heard this week at the Insolvent Debtors
Court, Back Lane Lifford, in and for the Co. Donegal, Saturday 13th
November instant.

William BONNER of Kirkinister, weaver
William M‘FAUL Cashel farmer
Charles LOUGE Killigordon, do.
James WOODS Mullinboys, do.
James HARKIN Ballynabrane, gardener
William JOHNSTON of Elanbeg farmer
William READ Tullylark, do.
Robert CLARKE Lisnabally, do
Thomas STEVENSON of the Commons of Donegal, currier
John CALLIN of Stranorlaghan
William M'INTOSH  Lifford
Samuel CUNNINGHAM of Letterkenny
John MITCHELL  Bettony
Alice KERRIGAN Curraghmone
all the county of Donegal.

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Insolvent debtors court Co. Londonderry

2018-09-09 Thread Teena
transcribed from the Dublin Evening Post

Insolvent Debtor's Court for Monday 1st Nov. 1824
to be heard this week at the Insolvent Debtors Court, Back Lane
Londonderry in and for the Co. Londonderry, Friday 12th November instant.

Joseph CRAWFORD of Burrenbeg, farmer
Charles DEMPSEY Risk,ditto
Thomas WHITESIDE Lisbunny, ditto
James COOKE of the city of Londondery, ship-agent
Paul WHITE of Tarnageragh, farmer
all of the co. Londonderry

happy Hunting
UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Irish Country Insolvents 1829 Omagh & Enniskillen

2018-09-09 Thread Teena
Irish Country Insolvents

At Omagh County of Tyrone 5 March 1829

ANDERSON Joseph, Dungannon, innkeeper
BROWN James, Tallysallagh, tailor
CAUSE Thomas, Moyne, pensioner
CORR Edward, Drumany, farmer
DOUGLAS James, Tolvan, farmer
ELDOWNEY John. Lislemnahan, farmer
FERGASON James, Advarnish, farmer
GALLAGHER Owen, Cornamuck, farmer
GLASS John, Gillygooly, pensioner
OVERAND John, Ardagh, county of Down, weaver
HAGAN Patrick, Colrevagh, farmer
HENEY James, Dumimaless, farmer
HUGHES James, Aughnacloy dealer
HUGHES Joseph, Drumbelyhan, pensioner
JOHNSTON James, Omagh innkeeper
LOUGE Patrick, Drummin, farmer
M'CREA Joseph, Cavanakark, farmer
MAGULRO  Patrick, Killeans, farmer
WHITE Arthur, Newtownlemarlin, shoe-maker
WIKLINAN William, Castle Canfield, pensioner.

At Enniskillen, Fermanagh 7 March 1829

CRAWFORD William, Doonan, blacksmith
EARLY John, Enniskillen, cooper
GIVENS Matthew, Brigho, yeoman
M'DONAGH John, Enniskillin, publican and pedlar
MULLAN Neill, Aughnacloy, Tyrone, publican
QUIN John, Woodyhill, pensioner.

transcribed from Perry's Bankrupt Gazette 28 Feb 1829

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

[UlsterAncestry] Roll Call Co. Tyrone & Derry ADAMS LOVE DUNN ROBINSON

2018-10-21 Thread Teena
Hello Friends

After a far too long hiatus, I believe it may be time for us to have a
roll call.

For those who may be new to mailing lists, a roll call is simply a
submission of the names, dates, & locations of your ancestors, to
hopefully make connections with others. There could be others
researching the surname, or even the area you are, and it is a
wonderful way to connect.

When submitting your information, enter into the 'subject' line the
County & surname only, surname in capitol letters. There is no need to
add 'roll call'.

In the body of your message include the dates or approximate dates for
any B/M/D's or Burials.

Also include the Parish & Townlands and the Church (if you have that)

My direct line of ancestors are

Marriott Joseph (Joseph Marriott LOVE) bap. 22 Apr 1895 at 2nd
Donagheady Presbyterian Church, Co. Tyrone (son of Joseph LOVE Sr. &
Margaret DUNN) (all died in Vancouver BC Canada)

Joseph LOVE Sr. b 5 Apr 1855? Cavancreagh (Greystone), Parish
Donagheady Co. Tyrone (son of John & Elizabeth) married 8 Sept. 1892
at Drumachose Methodist Church, Newtownlimavady Co. Derry - to
Margaret b 16 Jul 1859 Foyleview Farm, Ballykelly, Co. Derry,
(daughter of Andrew DUNN & Margaret ADAMS)

John LOVE b abt 1831 of Cavancreagh (Greystone), Parish Donagheady Co.
Tyrone (son of Joseph LOVE d 3 Apr 1867) married Elizabeth ROBINSON
(dau. of James of Moneykinnon or Moneycanon) 30 Mar 1857 at the
Donemana Meeting House.

Andrew DUNN born abt. 1831 Ballyskeagh, Leckpatrick Parish, Co. Tyrone
died (4 Mar 1901 Ballykelly, Parish Tamlaght Finlagan, Co. Derry, (son
of John DUNN), married Margaret ADAMS b abt. 1837 Primity, Parish
Glendermott (Clondermot) Co. Derry d 5 Oct 1887 age 50 (daughter of
David ADAMS & Catherine DUNN)

Andrew DUNN b Co.Tyrone inherited Foyleview Farm in Ballykelly Co.
Derry from his Aunt Margaret ROBINSON nee DUNN, wife of Rev. William

David ADAMS b abt 1804 d 15 Mar 1878 in Primity, Glendermott, Co Derry
(son of David) married 22 Apr 1830 at the Donagheady Church of Ireland
- Catherine DUNN d: 25 Aug 1877 in Primity, Glendermott, Co both
buried Old Glendermott Burial Ground of the Parish of Donagheady, Co.
Tyrone (parents unknown)

Happy Connecting!

UlsterAncestry Mailing List Searchable Archives:
Website: https://cotyrone.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CoTyroneIrelandGenealogy/

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