Re: Chinese in VB

2002-10-15 Thread Doug Ewell

Hi Violet,

 Thank you very much for your reply.
 Can you please explain in detail of your last paragraph? What do you
 mean by using TC/SC conversion module to convert between the DBCS
 encoding? How can I implement Unicode in this situation?

What I mean is this:  If you *already have* a module that converts
between TC and SC, using a DBCS encoding, and you are satisfied with the
results, then it would be possible to modify such a converter to use
Unicode instead of the DBCS.  The data in Unihan.txt can assist you

If you *do not* have a satisfactory TC/SC conversion routine, then
switching to Unicode will not get you one, because the Unicode and
ISO/IEC 10646 people have very wisely decided not to get themselves
tangled up in that cobweb.

You need to define (or explain) what you mean by implementing Unicode.
If it means converting your input data to Unicode from GB 2312 or CNS
11643 or Big Five or whatever, that's fine.  But don't be misled,
Unicode support does not in any way imply support for TC/SC conversion.

I had written:

 Of course, if you already have the TC/SC conversion module and just
 need to convert between a DBCS encoding (e.g. GB 2312) in order to
 implement Unicode in the coding, the Unihan.txt file does include
 these mappings.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Doug Ewell

nbarman at randomhouse dot com wrote:

 I am trying to use the Hindi keyboard with the Hindi font
 Mangal provided by Microsoft.  I'm not understanding what key
 I should press to get the ZWJ (Zero-Width Joiner) as well as
 the Zero-Width-Non-Joiner (ZWNJ).  I've looked at various
 keyboard mappings online and not found how to get these characters.

 I'm able to use these two in Microsoft Word if I go into the
 character map and find them by their Unicode number value and
 then assign a keyboard shortcut to them, but otherwise, I've
 not met with success.

I visited Microsoft's keyboard site at:

and couldn't find any mappings for ZWJ or ZWNJ on the Hindi keyboard

I know that ZWJ is used in Devanagari to form explicit half-consonants.
What would ZWNJ do?

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: Origin of the term i18n

2002-10-15 Thread Barry Caplan

At 10:25 PM 10/14/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Hmmph.  It was a mildly interesting question at first, and it wouldn't
have been too bad to see six or eight responses, but by my count we are
up to 52 messages in this thread.  (53, counting this one.)

The participants have either fallen into a religious debate over which
group or individual first came up with the idea -- as if that could ever
be proved conclusively -- or have started a fad of coining silly new

I don't see it as a religious debate or even a debate at all - after all, the 
conclusion was for all intents and purposes on my web site already.

What is more interesting to me is an exploration of the history of 
internationalization now that we have more or less settled when i18n was coined. The 
history is goes through a period of hand wringing about what to even call  what we now 
know as internationalization and localization. 

It wasn't always so clear cut - I made some calls to people I know who aren't in this 
community anymore but who were long ago who might provide some insight. I have an 
article written for me last week by the source in my article last week at my request 
covering some of the history - further back than  we have covered in this thread. I 
intend to post is ASAP on except I had a server crash over the weekend. 
Hopefully that will be fixed in the morning and I can get the article to you. There is 
an interesting twist in the story about why, at that time and place, 
internationalization itself was not sufficient as Mark suggested and it is 
persuasive to me.

Then I intend to raise the question of those who were around longer than me of just 
how far back does the idea of internationalization actually go and when was that term 
first used. To me, the two holy grails of computer science from day one have been good 
chess playing programs and machine translation. So at least back into he mid 1950s 
there was a need for multilingual computing of some type. 

I am sure there was a lot of roll your own techniques for a good long time. When did 
these techniques get a name at all, and what was the name and definition? Was it 
something other than internationalization? If so how did it morph to what we know now? 
when did localization come into it?

These are important historical questions and I think wholly appropriate for this list.

You won't see *this* happen every day, but I'm in almost total agreement
with Mark Davis.  Some of these number-based abbreviations may be useful
at times, but for the most part they're like emoticons -- overuse them,
or cross the line inventing new ones, and they immediately become trite
and cutesy.

One of the signs of a mature specialty is a set of jargon and a set of inside humor. 
To me, l10n and i18n are the only ones we should use everyday. I respectfully disagree 
about g11n. The rest may be overdoing it a bit but I see the point if they express a 
concept of i18n/l10n as applied to a specific region or locale beyond the word spelled 
out itself. that is the power of jargon and branding both.

has nil to do with Unicode.

My research over the last week indicates that the origins of Unicode are very 
definitely of the same era and from the same community of the people who brought the 
idea of internationalization to a critical mass, and coined the term i18n. One has not 
been separable from the other since at least 1989.

I can do all that, if it would help kill this thread.

Personally I would love to see it all end up being moved to

There has been a fair amount of off-list discussion going on, btw.

Barry Caplan

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread jameskass

Doug Ewell wrote,

 I know that ZWJ is used in Devanagari to form explicit half-consonants.
 What would ZWNJ do?

ZWNJ prevents conjuncts (or half-letter forms) from appearing which forces
explicit virama in the display.  See Explicit Virama on pp 214-215 of
TUS 3.0.

Best regards,

James Kass.

Re: Origin of the term i18n

2002-10-15 Thread Doug Ewell

Barry Caplan bcaplan at i18n dot com wrote:

 My research over the last week indicates that the origins of Unicode
 are very definitely of the same era and from the same community of
 the people who brought the idea of internationalization to a critical
 mass, and coined the term i18n. One has not been separable from the
 other since at least 1989.

Just to make sure everyone is clear on this:

I am not arguing against the concept of internationalization, or even
against occasional use of the abbreviation i18n.  I use it myself
sometimes, just as I use smileys sometimes.

What I am arguing against is going hog-wild making up new obscure
abbreviations from the same template, and
clogging the Unicode list with them.  Anything beyond i18n and l10n
is tantamount to the man with glasses smoking a cigar and drooling
type of smiley.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread jameskass

According to this letter recently posted on another list:

Shift-Control-1 will insert a ZWJ; and Shift-Control-2 will insert a ZWNJ. This 
combination is present across all Indic keyboards that ship with Windows 2K and 

Best regards,

James Kass.

Re: the carnival of lost souls

2002-10-15 Thread John Cowan

Pavla OR Francis Frazier scripsit:

 the carnival of lost souls
 What an expression! Almost makes me want to view the poster to see what inspired 

Googling suggests that this is the title of a film, but the Internet Movie
Database ( knows it not.

My corporate data's a mess! John Cowan
It's all semi-structured, no less.
But I'll be carefree[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Using XSLT

Re: Manchu/Mongolian in Unicode

2002-10-15 Thread Andrew C. West

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Stefan Persson wrote:

 That font also includes some characters mapped to the PUA: A € sign, and
 several #28450; character, many of which look like radicals. Why? Is that
 something that's also required by that law?

It's my experience that many fonts include gunk in the Private Use Area. A quick check 
of some of
the CJK glyphs in the PUA of SimSun-18030 shows that they are not unique, but are also 
mapped to
codepoints in the CJK Radical Supplement and CJK-A blocks for example.

I believe that it is intended to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between the 
GB18030 standard
and Unicode, and so there should be no need for any supplementary glyphs in the PUA.

The new PRC law is, as you hint, overly restrictive and prescriptive, and is, I think, 
a serious
setback for popularisation of Unicode on the Web. The intent is that GB18030 should 
replace GB2312
and Big5, and so that instead of the current mishmash of GB2312 (SC) and Big5 (TC) 
websites, in the
future Traditional and Simplified Chinese sites (at least those hosted in China) will 
use the same
GB18030 encoding.

Where does this leave websites written in Unicode Chinese ? Out in the cold !

At present web pages written in Unicode Chinese (some of mine for example) are not 
being indexed by
Google, and are ignored by both Yahoo China (SC) and Chinese Yahoo (TC). The situation 
certainly not be improved by the replacement of GB2312 and Big5 with GB18030.


Re: the carnival of lost souls

2002-10-15 Thread John H. Jenkins

It's Carnival of Souls, actually. 
is the original version, made by a fellow whose stock-in-trade was 
those old movies they used to show in high school to teach hygiene and 
the like.  He shot it in something like a week while he was supposed to 
be on vacation, mostly in Lawrence, Kansas, and Salt Lake City, using 
the abandoned spa on the Great Salt Lake, Saltair, as a major set.

Now, do you think I could have gotten any *more* off-topic than that?

On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 06:43 AM, John Cowan wrote:

 Pavla OR Francis Frazier scripsit:

 the carnival of lost souls
 What an expression! Almost makes me want to view the poster to see 
 what inspired it...

 Googling suggests that this is the title of a film, but the Internet 
 Database ( knows it not.

 My corporate data's a mess!   John Cowan
 It's all semi-structured, no less.
 But I'll be carefree  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Using XSLT
 In an XML DBMS.

John H. Jenkins

Re: Origin of the term i18n

2002-10-15 Thread Barry Caplan

At 12:37 AM 10/15/2002 -0700, Doug Ewell wrote:
Barry Caplan bcaplan at i18n dot com wrote:
What I am arguing against is going hog-wild making up new obscure
abbreviations from the same template, and
clogging the Unicode list with them.  Anything beyond i18n and l10n
is tantamount to the man with glasses smoking a cigar and drooling
type of smiley.

Well, some were used in jest by correspondents who often engage in wordplay on list 
and off list truth be told.

But I pointed out that the scheme is a meme picking up steam, and not just in 
software. I didn't make up a12n, even though I hadn't seen it used before. I also 
didn't make up c17g or m17n. I provided evidence of my claims that this is spreading 
by pointers to the sites.

The only reason I did that is because someone (Mark I think but I could be wrong) 
objected the entire abbreviation scheme. the point is it is not going away and it will 
probably be used more and more in different types  of places.

It occurred to me the other day, I haven't had a chance to check this and maybe 
someone else will, that all 4 character domain names under dot com domain, which means 
there may be a lot more sites of the form or

Barry Caplan

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Doug Ewell

James Kass jameskass at att dot net wrote:

 ZWNJ prevents conjuncts (or half-letter forms) from appearing which
 forces explicit virama in the display.  See Explicit Virama on pp
 214-215 of TUS 3.0.

I looked all over that section, but got caught up in all the little ZWJ
boxes and missed that passage.  Thanks.  I know I had heard that before.

 Shift-Control-1 will insert a ZWJ; and Shift-Control-2 will insert a
 ZWNJ. This combination is present across all Indic keyboards that ship
 with Windows 2K and later.

Good news.  It's too bad you can't see that combination on the
Javascript keyboards at Globaldev.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Michael \(michka\) Kaplan

From: Doug Ewell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It's too bad you can't see that combination on the
 Javascript keyboards at Globaldev.

The use of either CTRL or CTRLSHIFT shift states in Microsoft-supplied
keyboards is very rare. The reason it is rare is that it interferes with
programs that use those shift states to perform control actions (such as
Microsoft Word).

It is also difficult (though not impossible) to query the actual information
on these shift states due to the fact that USER will automatically map such
keystrokes to control characters (if there is no assigned keystroke in the
keyboard layout itself).


Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Roozbeh Pournader

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Doug Ewell wrote:

 I visited Microsoft's keyboard site at:
 and couldn't find any mappings for ZWJ or ZWNJ on the Hindi keyboard

Which also means that the layouts a bad reference for keyboard layout
implementors/designers. MS Farsi keyboard layout also lacks the ZWNJ
(which is very frequent in Persian) and ZWJ. MS developers have been made
aware of this long ago.


Re: Manchu/Mongolian in Unicode

2002-10-15 Thread Markus Scherer

Andrew C. West wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Stefan Persson wrote:
That font also includes some characters mapped to the PUA: A € sign, and
several #28450; character, many of which look like radicals. Why? Is that
something that's also required by that law?
 It's my experience that many fonts include gunk in the Private Use Area. A quick 
check of some of
 the CJK glyphs in the PUA of SimSun-18030 shows that they are not unique, but are 
also mapped to
 codepoints in the CJK Radical Supplement and CJK-A blocks for example.

I may be able to shed some light on this.

GB 18030 is really an extension not only of GB 2312, but also of GBK.
GBK contained all ideographs from Unicode 2.0, plus of course many other characters.

GB 18030 is based on Unicode 3.0. Between 2.0 and 3.0 some characters were added to 
Unicode that GBK had mapped to the Unicode Private Use Area. GB 18030 maps those 
characters to their Unicode 3.0 code points instead of PUA ones, and the PUA ones now 
map instead to linearly enumerated 4-byte sequences.
About 80 such characters are affected, among them the Euro sign and the Ideographic 
Description Sequence characters. (Listed in Appendix E of the GB 18030 standard.)

I assume that the font shows glyphs for those 80 or so characters in both the old 
GBK/Unicode PUA position and for the new GB 18030/Unicode 3.0 real code point.


 I believe that it is intended to maintain a one-to-one correspondence between the 
GB18030 standard
 and Unicode, and so there should be no need for any supplementary glyphs in the PUA.


 The new PRC law is, as you hint, overly restrictive and prescriptive, and is, I 
think, a serious
 setback for popularisation of Unicode on the Web. The intent is that GB18030 should 
replace GB2312

... and GBK ...

 and Big5, and so that instead of the current mishmash of GB2312 (SC) and Big5 (TC) 
websites, in the
 future Traditional and Simplified Chinese sites (at least those hosted in China) 
will use the same
 GB18030 encoding.

I am not sure about this. GB 18030 requires to _support_ its new encoding, but I 
believe it does not require to _use_ it.
Most implementations have a converter to/from Unicode, and GB 18030 works quite well 
for that because it is defined _in terms of_ Unicode.
As such, it actually boosts the spread of Unicode-based software. The drawback is of 
course that a GB 18030 converter requires special code on top of a large mapping table.

 Where does this leave websites written in Unicode Chinese ? Out in the cold !
 At present web pages written in Unicode Chinese (some of mine for example) are not 
being indexed by
 Google, and are ignored by both Yahoo China (SC) and Chinese Yahoo (TC). The 
situation will
 certainly not be improved by the replacement of GB2312 and Big5 with GB18030.

There is no reason for that. You should contact Google to get that fixed.

Opinions expressed here may not reflect my company's positions unless otherwise noted.

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Roozbeh Pournader

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Shift-Control-1 will insert a ZWJ; and Shift-Control-2 will insert a ZWNJ. This 
 combination is present across all Indic keyboards that ship with Windows 2K and 

But sadly, apart from the obvious pain in that certain place to type the
shortcut, the trick doesn't work in MS Word.


RE: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread John McConnell

Both the Persian (Farsi) keyboard and the Devanagari keyboard include both ZWJ and 
ZWNJ. ZWJ is 1+Shift+Ctrl, while ZWNJ is 2+Shift+Ctrl. The problem appears with the 
reference tool. I've notified the folks who maintain that site. Thanks for pointing 
out the problem.

FWIW, the same keys are supported by three Arabic, both Divehi and both Syriac, Urdu, 
and many of our Indic keyboards.

Global Infrastructure

-Original Message-
From: Roozbeh Pournader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 9:44 AM
To: Doug Ewell
Cc: Unicode Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Doug Ewell wrote:

 I visited Microsoft's keyboard site at:
 and couldn't find any mappings for ZWJ or ZWNJ on the Hindi keyboard 

Which also means that the layouts a bad reference for keyboard layout 
implementors/designers. MS Farsi keyboard layout also lacks the ZWNJ (which is very 
frequent in Persian) and ZWJ. MS developers have been made aware of this long ago.


RE: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Roozbeh Pournader

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, John McConnell wrote:

 Both the Persian (Farsi) keyboard and the Devanagari keyboard include
 both ZWJ and ZWNJ. ZWJ is 1+Shift+Ctrl, while ZWNJ is 2+Shift+Ctrl.

But these don't work in many applications, and most important of all,
Microsoft Word.

 The problem appears with the reference tool. I've notified the folks who
 maintain that site. Thanks for pointing out the problem.

Then also please notify the corresponding maintainer of keyboard layouts
in Windows about the Microsoft Word incompatiblity, and ask him/her to put
them on a natural place like Shift+Space for ZWNJ, which is both the
practice and the standard. For the national Iranian keyboard layout, see: 

Thanks a lot,


Sorting on number of strokes for Traditional Chinese

2002-10-15 Thread Magda Danish (Unicode)

 -Original Message-
 Date/Time:Tue Oct 15 05:13:41 EDT 2002
 Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback
 To whom concerns,
 I wonder Unicode provide us a way to do sorting on number of 
 strokes for Traditional Chinese characters.
 This is urgent, please advise.
 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 (End of Report)

Re: Sorting on number of strokes for Traditional Chinese

2002-10-15 Thread John H. Jenkins

The Unihan database has total stroke count for many (but not all) 
characters.  It may provide an adequate first-order set of data for a 
pure stroke-based ordering in TC.

On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 12:02 PM, Magda Danish (Unicode) wrote:

 -Original Message-
 Date/Time:Tue Oct 15 05:13:41 EDT 2002
 Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback

 To whom concerns,

 I wonder Unicode provide us a way to do sorting on number of
 strokes for Traditional Chinese characters.

 This is urgent, please advise.


 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 (End of Report)

John H. Jenkins

Re: Hindi keyboard with the Microsoft Hindi font Mangal

2002-10-15 Thread Doug Ewell

Michael (michka) Kaplan michka at trigeminal dot com wrote:

 The use of either CTRL or CTRLSHIFT shift states in Microsoft-
 supplied keyboards is very rare. The reason it is rare is that it
 interferes with programs that use those shift states to perform
 control actions (such as Microsoft Word).

I agree completely that assigning characters to Ctrl+keys,
Shift+Ctrl+keys, Alt+keys, and Shift+Alt+keys is a Bad Idea, for the
reason you state.  It's not just about conflicts with large programs
like Word, either.  Every Windows program with an edit control allocates
at least Ctrl+X for cut, Ctrl+C for copy, and Ctrl+V for paste.  It
seems inconsistent for Ctrl+1, or even Shift+Ctrl+1, to be a character
and not an action.

I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one of Microsoft's Globaldev
(Javascript) keyboards that used either Ctrl or Alt as a shifting key.
I remembered thinking that such a thing was very un-Windows-like.

 It is also difficult (though not impossible) to query the actual
 information on these shift states due to the fact that USER will
 automatically map such keystrokes to control characters (if there is
 no assigned keystroke in the keyboard layout itself).

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Call for Papers: IUC23 (23rd Internationalization and Unicode Conference)

2002-10-15 Thread Lisa Moore long last, here is the announcement for the next Unicode
conference. We look forward to seeing your proposals and hope you
will join us in Prague!

Best regards,


  Call for Papers!  

  Twenty-third Internationalization and Unicode Conference (IUC23)
   Unicode, Internationalization, the Web: The Global Connection
Week of March 24-28, 2003
 Prague, Czech Republic

  Send in your submission now!  

Submissions due: November 15, 2002
   Notification date: November 29, 2002
   Completed papers due: January 6, 2003
  (in electronic form and camera-ready paper form)

  Just 4 weeks to go!  

The Internationalization  Unicode Conference is the premier
technical conference worldwide for both software and Web
internationalization. The conference (renamed from Unicode
Conference to more accurately reflect its content) features
tutorials, lectures, and panel discussions that provide coverage of
standards, best practices, and recent advances in the globalization
of software and the Internet. Attendees benefit from the wide range
of basic to advanced topics and the opportunities for dialog and idea
exchange with experts in the field. The conference runs multiple
sessions simultaneously to maximize the value provided.

New technologies, innovative Internet applications, and the
evolving Unicode Standard bring new challenges along with their new
capabilities. This technical conference will explore the opportunities
created by the latest advances and how to leverage them for global
users, as well as potential pitfalls to be aware of, and problem areas
that need further research. There will also be demonstrations of best
practices for designing applications that can accommodate any language.

We invite you to submit papers that relate to Unicode or any aspect of
software and Web Internationalization. You can view the programs of
previous conferences at:


Conference attendees are generally involved in either the development
and deployment of Unicode software, or the globalization of software
and the Internet. They include managers, software engineers, systems
analysts, font designers, graphic designers, content developers, web
designers, web administrators, technical writers, and product
marketing personnel.


International computing is the overall theme of the Conference.
Presentations should be geared towards a technical audience.  Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to, the following (within the
context of Unicode, internationalization or localizability):

- Internationalization issues with new technologies
- XML and Web protocols
- The World Wide Web (WWW)
- Security concerns e.g. Avoiding the spoofing of UTF-8 data
- Impact of new encoding standards
- Implementing Unicode: Practical and political hurdles
- Implementing new features of recent versions of Unicode
- Evaluations (case studies, usability studies)
- Natural language processing
- Algorithms (e.g. normalization, collation, bidirectional)
- Programming languages and libraries (Java, Perl, et al)
- Optimizing performance of systems and applications
- Search engines
- Library and archival concerns
- Portable devices
- Migrating legacy applications
- Cross platform issues
- Printing and imaging
- Operating systems
- Databases
- Large scale networks
- Government applications
- Testing applications
- Business models for software development (e.g. Open source)

We invite you to submit papers which define tomorrow's computing,
demonstrate best practices in  computing today, or articulate
problems that must be solved before further advances can occur.


The Conference Program will provide a wide range of sessions including:
- Keynote presentations
- Workshops/Tutorials
- Technical presentations
- Panel sessions

All sessions except the Workshops/Tutorials will be of 40 minute
duration.  In some cases, two consecutive 40 minute program slots may be
devoted to a single session.

The Workshops/Tutorials will each last approximately three hours.  They
should be designed to stimulate discussion and participation, using
slides and demonstrations.


If your paper is accepted, your details will be included in the
Conference brochure and Web pages and the paper itself will appear on a
Conference CD, with an optional printed book of Conference Proceedings.


The Conference language is English.  All submissions, papers and
presentations should be provided in English.


Submissions MUST contain:

1. An abstract of 150-250 words, consisting of statement of purpose,
paper description, and your conclusions or final summary.  Also, if
this is a paper for an intermediate or advanced audience, please specify
what assumptions you are making about the attendees' prior knowledge.

2. A