Re: [Unicon-group] Unidoc info

2017-06-08 Thread Jay Hammond via Unicon-group

sorry, I meant to send:

Hi Jafar,
 I looked for local unidoc files.  I found

but 133 bytes is not enough for documentation; it says (dated 2017)
that  Unidoc is preserved in case it's useful.
It implies that it is deprecated. Is unidoc the tool you really need?


main.icn shows options for selecting html or  roff outputs. You have to
source the browser  or formatter.

(there was once a roff to TeX translator; CTAN will have it if it is
still usable)

I'm not sure what inputs unidoc looks for. It has a procedure to start
with a hint and expand it to a set of files.
I've not opened that piece of source.

I hope these clues tell you something you did not know.
best wishes, Jay

Path, Date,

On 08/06/2017 06:47, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:
> Of course I tried the obvious :
> unidoc foo.icn
> which gets me:
> Couldn't find package info for package foo.icn
> Which I couldn't decipher.
> --Jafar
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 12:27 AM, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh
> Hi,
>Is there any documentation about Unidoc or how to use it? I
would like to give it a try but from a quick search I don't seem to find
any reference  about it.
> Thanks on Advance,
> Jafar

> Unicon-group mailing list

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Re: [Unicon-group] Unidoc

2017-06-08 Thread Jay Hammond via Unicon-group

On 08/06/2017 06:47, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:

Of course I tried the obvious :

unidoc foo.icn

which gets me:

Couldn't find package info for package foo.icn

Which I couldn't decipher.


On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 12:27 AM, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh 
> wrote:


   Is there any documentation about Unidoc or how to use it? I
would like to give it a try but from a quick search I don't seem
to find any reference  about it.

Thanks on Advance,

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Re: [Unicon-group] Windows Unicon 13.0 - R5080 benchmark suite

2017-04-18 Thread Jay Hammond
Hi Clint,

I'm sure your guess is not wild.

Yesterday I tried creating c:\Users\jay\Documents\tmp\bench and running 
the tests there.

I stumbled differently, and did not document it.

So I''ll try again.

As for the sh &  make issues;  I don't know enough about the GNU 
versions.  Looking at the help to sh, it seems too much like a DOS shell 
to be what you are expecting. So I will continue testing with umake and 
sh from the distribution. That way someone else may be able to run the 
tests too.   Please don't try to reproduce my problems yet.  I have had 
parts of the tests run and report, so I know I am close.

I'll start with a clean tests directory, in my (writable) space,

I'll run umake in



first time:

generating input files.'generate.out' is not recognized as an 
internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
.'generate.out' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. (repeated)


2nd time

generating input files.done!

the mil and thou .dat files are still empty.

# add in the populated  .dat files if necessary & retry.

I ran fasta on the 17th. I've copied the mil and thou .dat files that I 
populated then.


Word Size  Main Memory  C Compiler  clockOS
64 bit 7.931 GB MinGW gcc 5 2.6 GHz  MS Windows

4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4288U CPU @ 2.60GHz

 Elapsed time h:m:s |Concurrent |
benchmark   |Sequential|   |Concurrent| 
concord concord.test 0.012N/A
deal 500 0.032N/A
ipxref ipxref.test   0.016N/A
queens 9 0.031N/A
rsg rsg.test 0.063N/A
binary-trees 10  0.156 0.750 0.208x
chameneos-redux 600N/A  0.062
fannkuch 7   0.032N/A
fasta 1000   0.015N/A
k-nucleotide 25-thou.dat 1.066N/A
mandelbrot 200   1.094 0.672 1.627x
meteor-contest 1 1.843N/A
n-body 1000  0.063N/A
pidigits 500 0.015N/A
regex-dna 10-thou.dat

21:50 BST.
This takes time, at least 20 mins, maybe an hour.
another post later.

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Re: [Unicon-group] Windows Unicon 13.0 - R5080 benchmark suite

2017-04-18 Thread Jay Hammond
I don't know make. I need a recipe. So I am floundering around. First 
the setup, then what I tried.

Fresh install of Unicon 13.0 R5080 as administrator into C:\Unicon
on a windows 10 HP laptop
OS NameMicrosoft Windows 10 Home
Version10.0.14393 Build 14393
ProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4288U CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 2 
Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
System type x64-based PC,  8GB Ram,

All the commands below were run in a command window "run as 
administrator"  (think  sudo bash )  because I had permissions problems 

"which" reports that make.exe and sh.exe are found in
C:\Program Files(x86)\GNU\Unx

the readme in C:\Unicon\tests\bench\icon says that I can prepare for 
benchmarking with
  make benchmark
cd C:\Unicon\tests\bench\icon
make benchmark
make benchmark-icont
translating rsg
make[2]: *** [compile-icont] Error 1
make[2]:Leaving directory `C:/Unicon/tests/bench/icon'
make[2]: *** [benchmark-icont] Error 2
make[2]:Leaving directory `C:/Unicon/tests/bench/icon'
make: *** [benchmark] Error 2

back at prompt
it made some bat files, and some .u files.

umake benchmark
umake: -1 exit by "\t benchmark-icont"

no better if I repeat it.

back to a clean version of C:\unicon\tests

run make on c:\Unicon\tests\bench

makefile:198: target `Clean' given more than once in the same rule.
unicon -s -c pool.icn
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), unicon -s -c pool.icn, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [pool.u] Error 2
dir pool*.* shows pool.icn in C:\Unicon\tests\bench .

back to a clean version of C:\unicon\tests

umake test
the last error is
{ . clone} from line 129 in umake.icn

('test' has no referent it seems)

cd C:\Unicon\tests\bench


generating input files.'generate.out is not recognised as an 
internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

"'generate.out' is not recognised as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file."  appears 9 times

dir *.dat shows 9 empty .dat files with [integer] || "-" || ("mil" or 
"thou") || ".dat" names e.g.25-mil.dat
ipxref.dat has today's date & time size 1.6MB  2 other dat files are 
dated 2016 (so must have been precomputed)

running umake again gives no errors, but the mil and thou data files are 
empty as before

running a compiled fasta.icn  will create the mil and thou  data files. 
I did that a few days ago.
I'll reinstate them and carry on in a later session.


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[Unicon-group] Windows Unicon 13.0 - R5080 benchmark suite

2017-04-17 Thread Jay Hammond
Thank you, Jafar,  for the new Unicon Windows binary release.
Windows Unicon 13.0 - R5080

Has anybody tried the benchmarks in the new release? Successfully? I 
keep stumbling.

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Re: [Unicon-group] Programming exercise

2017-03-24 Thread Jay Hammond
I'm no Steve Wampler, but I had a go at option (c), the loosest.

set difference does the work.

procedure main(a)
 thechars := cset(a[1]) | stop("No characters found; the word \"\" 
is made of no characters")
 thewords := open(a[2],'r') | stop("No words to test. Is the file 
 every aword := !thewords do {
 charsofaword := cset(aword)
 if (*(charsofaword -- thechars) = 0) then write(aword)

On 24/03/2017 16:26, Steve Wampler wrote:
> On 03/24/2017 08:50 AM, Steve Graham wrote:
>> Programming Praxis 
> I put one out there, using one interpretation of the problem.

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Re: [Unicon-group] Converting strings to patterns

2016-11-29 Thread Jay Hammond

Hi Don,

I tried running your program.

To get it to do anything I had to change line 2, separate the local 
declaration and the assignment.

to clarify, repat is a (new) variable that I intend to hold a pattern

procedure main(args)
local f, line, re
re := pop(args)


repat := re

every f := open(!args, "r") do {
while ( line := read(f) ) do {
if line ?? repat then write(line)

I created qqq.txt with the lines


and ran testpat QQQ qqq.txt after compiling testpat.icn

Output  was


then the contents of qqq.txt

as if repat always matches. (it has the null value??)

I tried forcing repat to be a pattern (utr18 says that patterns are 
composed of strings concatenated or alternated)  so I tried

repat := re  .|  fail()

repat := re  .|  re

but the pattern building process gave me node errors at compile time.

dopat2.icn:6: # "re": syntax error (237;349)
File dopat2.icn; Line 16 # traverse: undefined node type

line 16 is the line after end in main, i.e. program source end.

I tried using the -f s option at the compile step, so as to use 
unevaluated expressions in  patterns


repat :=  <  `re` >

# that syntax ought to force a pattern!

node traversal errors again. And the backquotes were not recognised. 
Perhaps I put the -f s option in the wrong place?

I also tried

repat :=  < Q > ||   < Q > ||   < Q >

dopat2.icn:6: # "repat": invalid argument in augmented assignment
File dopat2.icn; Line 16 # traverse: undefined node type

so it is not considering || to be pattern concatenation

repat :=  <  Q  ||  Q ||  Q >

gave the same error!

So although UTR18 seems to give options for converting strings to 
patterns I have not had any luck so far.


On 29/11/2016 14:33, Don Ward wrote:
Here is a very simple (and simple minded) grep program. The idea being 
to apply a Unicon regexp pattern to a series of files, just like grep

procedure main(args)
local f, line, re := pop(args)

every f := open(!args, "r") do {
every line := !f do {
if line ?? re then write(line)

Of course, it doesn’t work because in line 6  I have a string instead 
of a pattern.

Is there any way to convert the contents of re from a string to a pattern?

After reading UTR18 again (and again), I’ve come to the conclusion 
that there isn’t any way to do it.
The pertinent extract from UTR18 is in section 4.5.3 "Limitations due 
to lack of eval()”.
But before I give up on the idea entirely, I thought I’d check to see 
if my understanding is correct.



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Re: [Unicon-group] Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

2016-09-19 Thread Jay Hammond
  I got Bash going  on Windows 10 Pro. The August updates (anniversary 
release) probably helped.


Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

2016-08-26 Thread Jay Hammond
On 26/08/2016 16:53, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:
> You still have to install Bash on windows though, but that is just a 
> matter of turning the feature on via Windows settings. 

My experience suggests Bash on Windows has not been released to everyone.

Today I thought I'd try Bash on Win.

Requirements: you need to have the right updates, and  some other 
criteria; it was  "insider track" in March.

I turned developer mode up a notch, then I tried the GUI method. Under 
settings; windows features it  did not  show the Linux subsystem as an 
option to click.

There's a commandline method. I used powershell (run as administrator) 
to run the  enable incantation,  it errored - did not recognise the 
feature to be enabled.

These failures were on  Windows 10 home version  Specifically 10.0.10586 
Build 10586.

I guess Bash on Win is still in Beta, so not for home users yet. I'll 
try it on Win 10 Pro if I can find time to.

I don't need help with this, I just thought you might like to know that 
not all Windows 10 versions are equal.


Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] A semantic puzzle and question

2016-08-13 Thread Jay Hammond

I don't know either.

I guess that:

suspend evaluates, but before it allows test to finish, "& " needs to be 
evaluated.  Each initial evaluation of (1 to 3) succeeds evaluating as 
1. I think the (1 to 3) expression refreshes each time test is called. 
The & succeeds - the & expression   returns its right hand side to every 
as the (unused) result, i.e. 1,1,1.  Evaluation of the every expression 
succeeds and the suspend is acted upon. There are 3 suspensions of test, 
1,2,3 and then it fails.

This is pure seat of the pants guesswork. No reference to the 
documentation, just memory.
I'm usually wrong about what iterators do. But my thought process might 
amuse the experts.


On 13/08/2016 12:00, Sergey Logichev wrote:
It's seems very provacative! From logical point of view I suggest 
output as double sequence 1,2,3.

But actually, I do not know!
Best regards,
13.08.2016, 13:53, "Bruce & Breeanna Rennie" :

Good evening to all,

I have written the following test program

procedure main()
 every write(test())

procedure test()
 every (suspend 1 to 3) & (1 to 3)

Based on what is understood from the semantics of unicon, what do people
believe this should do?

As a part of a specific side project I am working on, I am investigating
some of the conditions of unicon/icon semantics.

Any thoughts will be welcome. I do ask that nobody actually compile and
run this just yet. I want to see what people think first before
discussing the results obtained.


Bruce Rennie

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What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
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What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
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[Unicon-group] Fwd: RE: [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

2016-02-15 Thread Jay Hammond

It turns out I have zero use cases for Succeed(). Not the one I thought of.

Peter-Arno Coppen set me right & suggested a use for Succeed().
I hope he won't mind me posting this here. I don't have his permission. 
He may not welcome replies from the Unicon Group. (I remember there have 
been flame wars, even here.)

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:RE: [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol
Date:   Mon, 15 Feb 2016 12:27:42 +
From: 	'Coppen, P.A.J.M. (Peter-Arno)' [snobol] 


The only use would be an oscillation between  PAT , where 
PAT contains an alternative with  This way, you can build a kind 
of control structure in a pattern (by calling functions upon partial 

*From:* []
*Sent:* maandag 15 februari 2016 13:20
*Subject:* Re: [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

P.A. Coppen:
... succeeds upon every backtrack. ... [null doesn't]

You are quite correct & this is an important difference.
It  means that I don't need Succeed() in my use case, as I can replace 
it by a null match which is more restrictive and therefore different.

Are there any uses at all  for Succeed() /  ?


I was not thinking much about backtracking in relation to 
gap-in-paradigm patterns. Generally you can match a null anywhere. That 
makes a pattern to spot gap-in-paradigm potentially difficult.  Not 
backtracking (much) simplifies it.  I'd expect in these patterns, 
immediate assignment doesn't do anything different to conditional 

Maybe I should have added  fence to be explicit about how little 
backtracking I wanted or expected.

p1 = p1 | (Succeed . colOneData FENCE)
p4 = p4 | (Succeed . colFourData FENCE)

and /or replace Succeed by null.

Actually, I imagined, but did not program the pattern to be:

rowpattern =  p1 FENCE p2FENCE p3 FENCE p4 FENCE p5

with P1 & P4 still having null  (or Succeed Fence) as the last 
alternative sub-pattern.

Jay Hammond

On 15/02/2016 09:48, 'Coppen, P.A.J.M. (Peter-Arno)' <> [snobol] wrote:

   The difference between  and the null string seems to me that
succeeds upon every backtrack. So POS(0)  PAT 
   keeps on trying PAT forever (unless PAT contains ), and POS(0)
   NULL PAT  doesn’t.

   Peter-Arno Coppen

   *From:* <>
   *Sent:* maandag 15 februari 2016 1:14
   *Subject:* [snobol] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

Jay wrote (snipped)

I know a practical use for Succeed() or its equivalents.

Do you have any more?


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[Unicon-group] Succeed() useless? UTR18 Unicon, Snobol

2016-02-14 Thread Jay Hammond
I too am interested in Snobol patterns in Unicon. I still use Snobol
more than Unicon, 'cos that's where the easy string scanning is.

I found something quite surprising (flamebait even).

Pattern Matching in Unicon
Clinton Jeffery, Sudarshan Gaikaiwari and John Goettsche
Unicon Technical Report: 1
February 9, 2016

Here's a url for the technical reports

& this is UTR18

and here's a quote.  I thought someone might like to tell me why
I am wrong to dispute the following statement on page number 16, the 
17th of 23

"4.4.8 Succeed(): Match Always

This pattern was added to Unicon to match SNOBOL4 pattern for pattern.
The authors do not know of any meaningful use of Succeed()."

When I started programming, I did not see a need for no-op. In
assembler, Forth and genetics, there are useful side effects to no-op.

I know a practical use for Succeed() or its equivalents.
Do you have any more?

Snobol assigns a pattern to the variable SUCCEED, and that value is
 which also exists. It does not have Succeed() the function.

In Snobol,
Succeed always successfully matches the null string.
likewise Succeed() in Unicon .

If I assign that null string to a variable,  I can recognise that 
succeed matched null.
If succeed is the last alternative of several that pattern-match, then, 
in context,
Succeed() represents the pattern that recognises that the desired 
pattern is

< one><2><3><5>

and that's useful for erasing unwanted data (by assignment), and
recognising gap in paradigm patterns. (There is an example lower down)

Icon, unlike Snobol4, has  UTR18 speaks of patterns like Pos()
matching the empty string. The Green book (The Snobol4 Programming
language 2nd ed. Griswold Poage & Polonsky) says the empty string and
the the null value are the same.

Using the uninitialised value of null instead of Succeed() is poor
practice, because in general one should not rely on the value
(if any) of uninitialised variables.

But looking hard at the Green book, I can always use the null string or
'' or "" to represent  in Snobol. I can replace Succeed ( or
Succeed() ) by a pattern matching null (including but not limited to:
testing for the current cursor position, and matching the null string)
in both Icon & Snobol.

As far as I know, I can strictly replace Succeed() with  a pattern
valued  because a successful function that has no return value,
returns null. Or is there something about transmission I have ignored
that I should not have?

So there are equivalents to Succeed() we can use.  And the use is, as I
said, for matching the gap in the paradigm.  It's possible to avoid the
use of the expression "Succeed()"  but the construction (in some form)
is necessary.

That's perhaps too abstract? I give a less abstract example.  It
corresponds fairly closely, I now discover, to the pattern match on
pages 35-36, section 2.6  of the Green book.  So you may not need to 
read it at all.



My data matches 5 patterns 1,2,3,4,5   .This is the fat version.
or maybe just 3 patterns 1,3,5  I call that variant degenerate or skinny.

Imagine a sort of census data perhaps in CSV format,  where if
respondent was ever married, they must also state the  number of
children,  and the number of divorces.

I'm analysing columns of data. the data in the columns is of variable
width so I pattern match the data. I am faced with two sorts of rows,
full fat ones, and skinny ones. Full fat rows have 5 columns, skinny
(degenerate) ones just 3.

To put all the data in a structure prior to processing, I read the data
row by row, and assign the columns to the appropriate variable.

snn = span('0123456789')
   p1 = ("£" snn ("." (snn | Succeed) | Succeed)) . colOneData

* p1 matches column 1, p2 matches column 2 etc
* each pattern assigns what it matches to its column.
  fullfat = p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
  skinny = p2 p3 p5

  row  fullfat  | skinny :s(report_and_iterate)f(fixup)

  ok, I iterate for a few rows, and after a fat row, I get a skinny row.
  colOneData and colfourData still contain the data for the fat row.

  colTwoData  colThreeData and colFiveData contain skinny data. As a
  programmer I must somehow recognise that the skinny row had no data in
  columns 1 and 4. I can represent no data as the null value in the
  corresponding variable.

  How to do that? I can
  ++ pre-test each row,
  ++ set a flag when I match a  skinny row, & test the flag when reporting,
  then  run a function that erases  colOneData and colfourData
 just in time
  ++ run the same function at the end of a successful  skinny match,

   there are lots of (inelegant) ways.

To only overwrite the fat data when in a successful skinny match, I
conditionally assign the null string to the variables corresponding to
the absent columns.  I match null for columns 1 and 4 in the skinny
I alter the subpatterns  of fullfat and skinny

 p1 = p1 | 

Re: [Unicon-group] What "Version/Features" of Unicon Do You Use?

2016-02-12 Thread Jay Hammond
Dear Jafar, I'm a light user. Count this as 0.01 votes.

Almost all of my unicon use is via the ide (executables starting W) on 
(64bit) Windows 10.
I do also use linux platforms, (Ubuntu LTS 14 I think) and the current 
raspbian on raspberry pi.   (e.g. demonstrating generators) I rarely use 
the unicon aspects of the language.

Currently modern hardware is coping with the demands I have; Typical 
programs I write for myself filter & transform text.  I'd be happy with 
a less powerful CPU for that. Speed is not a big issue. (Graphics & 
games are  issues that I don't use Icon for.)

If you gave me a fat build, I'd happily take any  performance penalty 
and ignore the features I don't use.

If you went minimalist, I could live without the IDE & train my editor 
(geany) to let me compile & run from hotkeys/menus. I sometimes just use 
geany and a terminal. It's easy enough thanks to you.

Thank you for your  work in maintaining & developing unicon. I would not 
want to see it go away.

Jay Hammond

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Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] new release and windows binaries eta?

2016-02-08 Thread Jay Hammond

I used duckduckgo to search for the reference to Frederic.

and others explain that Frederic,  hero of G comic opera "Pirates of 
Penzance",  was contracted until his 21st birthday. Comic complications 
ensue because, being born on February 29, he only got one birthday in 4 

On 08/02/2016 21:01, David Gamey wrote:


So this version is code named "Frederic" (of Penzance).  Love it.


*From:* Jafar Al-Gharaibeh 
*To:* "Jeffery, Clint (" 
*Cc:* David Gamey ; Unicon Group

*Sent:* Monday, February 8, 2016 3:53 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Unicon-group] new release and windows binaries eta?

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 1:16 PM, Jeffery, Clint
( )
> wrote:

I'll let Jafar answer regarding Windows binaries.

I have been casually working on this the last few months,
incorporating the new features and testing. I can increase the
pace toward getting a binary release. I got patterns to work but I
haven't done enough testing there. I'v been having trying to also
get iconc to work before I get new binaries out, but I think we
can wait on that for another release later in the year.

To sum up, I will work on getting new binaries by the end of the
month if no major problems are found between now and then. 
Beside, I have to wait four more years to get a release date that

reads February 29th! ;), so that is going to be my target.

There are multiple new additions to the language and its
implementation in various stages of progress. Unicon's Version
# stands at 12.3 and it will tick over to 13 when we are
satisfied that the pattern facilities are adequately
functional and tested.  I know of at least one major test case
for which a fix of some kind is likely needed.  Jafar may want
one or more other language additions to show up before we call
it Version 13, although I think he is already well along on
what should be Version 14. 

Patterns and the compiler definitely qualify for the jump to 13!

We will keep 14 for Unicode support! ;)



*From:* David Gamey >
*Subject:* [Unicon-group] new release and windows binaries eta?

I know there is an update in progress that will result in new

Not urgent but is the timeline days, weeks, months?

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Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Has anyone worked on compiling Unicon for arm?

2012-03-02 Thread Jay Hammond
On 1 Mar 2012 at 19:09, Art Eschenlauer wrote:

 I have a SheevaPlug, which I am guessing is an Arm5 processor based on
 this line from dmesg:
 CPU: ARM926EJ-S [56251311] revision 1 (ARMv5TE), cr=00053177
 Has anyone attempted to compile Unicon on Arm?

This is a me too; The Raspberry Pi has been released (I don't have 
one yet...)

It  runs linux on an ARM5 with a Broadcom graphics chip (HD quality 

I've been wondering how much effort it would take to get Unicon going 
on that platform. It might open Unicon to many new enthusiastic 


Jay Hammond

Virtualization  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Non beta Unicon 12.0 is out - Windows Release

2011-07-16 Thread Jay Hammond
On 16 Jul 2011 at 15:02, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:

 I put up on new Windows binaries for Unicon 11.9 (named it
 11.9.1). This is basically a non-concurrent release (no thread
 support) that has all of the bug fixes applied to Unicon 12.0.
 Presumably it doesn't require any DLLs to run.
 Just in case someone like non-concurrent Unicon better or having
 trouble running the concurrent version (we would love to have bugs
 reports in that case!) 

Hi Jafar, 

this will be no surprise, I'm sure. 

I uninstalled v12 restarted  then installed version 11.9.1 under win 
vista HP.

The installer launches a unicon  after it has finished . I don't know 
what the executable/batch file is called. It fails and says that it 
requires escalation. 

That's a permissions problem then. I checked the executables. All are 
installed with run in win xp (sp2) compatibility mode AND with Run 
as administrator set to yes (box ticked).  Except att.exe. I 
adjusted that to match but ui  ivib still failed.

for me UI  Ivib stop working, as with versions 12 and 11.8. 

unicon  icont compile test.icn, and report  sensibly, i.e. no 
concurrent threads, version 11.9.1 .

wicont stops

Ed Feustel, do you have any comment?

Jay Hammond

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on Lean Startup 
Secrets Revealed. This video shows you how to validate your ideas, 
optimize your ideas and identify your business strategy.
Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Version 12 has problems

2011-07-14 Thread Jay Hammond
On 14 Jul 2011 at 5:32, Edward A. Feustel wrote:

 I got the distribution and installed after having removed Unicon. I
 installed it as C:\Unicon with a desktop Icon.
 When I attempted to run the program, I was told I could not because it
 required elevation.  I elected to run as Administrator and was told
 the program can't start because libpthread-2.dll is missing.
 Ed Feustel

me too. 
my installation contains no file with a suffix of dll at  all.

Jay Hammond

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on Lean Startup 
Secrets Revealed. This video shows you how to validate your ideas, 
optimize your ideas and identify your business strategy.
Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Version 12 has problems

2011-07-14 Thread Jay Hammond
On 14 Jul 2011 at 9:03, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:

 Edward and Jay,
  I have just finished uploading new binaries with the missing DLL.
 Thanks for the report.
 On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 3:14 AM, Jay Hammond 

 me too.
 my installation contains no file with a suffix of dll at all.
 Jay Hammond
Hi Jafar,

Thanks for your  efforts to release Unicon version 12 for windows. Is 
it really true that no dlls other than libpthread-2 are required now?

Or is there some configuration I forgot to do?
(my path includes C:\unicon\bin twice ... )

(I have windows vista home premium)
I re-installed  v12. It now has libpthread-2.dll .  And no other 

It won't run ivib.exe, or ui.exe.  Nor did the later release of  

the error this time is this application has stopped working

Just to see, I ran the test program compiled under version 11

procedure main()
every ( write(features))

it put up a message box:

This application has failed to start because libjpeg.6.dll was not 
found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

I could compile  run console based versions of this (from the 
command prompt)  under Unicon v11.9 of March 10 2011 . I  can still 
run them successfully.  



Jay Hammond

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on Lean Startup 
Secrets Revealed. This video shows you how to validate your ideas, 
optimize your ideas and identify your business strategy.
Unicon-group mailing list

Re: [Unicon-group] Version 12 has problems

2011-07-14 Thread Jay Hammond
On 14 Jul 2011 at 12:03, Jafar Al-Gharaibeh wrote:

 Hi Jafar,
 Thanks for your efforts to release Unicon version 12 for windows.
 Is it really true that no dlls other than libpthread-2 are
 required now?
 That is correct. [...] 
 Or is there some configuration I forgot to do?
 (my path includes C:\unicon\bin twice ... )
 The path is the only thing. [...] 
 (I have windows vista home premium)
 I re-installed v12. [...] 
 It won't run ivib.exe, or ui.exe. Nor did the later release of
 the error this time is this application has stopped working
  Unfortunately I don't have access to a Windows Vista machine at 
 moment to test. I tested on Windows 7 and also Windows XP ( V12.0
 download from sourceforge) and they both work just fine. ui and 
 also work.
 Are you working off an admin or a limited account ? 

admin account

 Can you check if changing the properties of all the exeutables in
 unicon\bin ( nticonx.exe, iconx.exe, wiconx.exe, icont.exe,
 wicont.exe, ui.exe, ivib.exe) to run in XP compatibility mode would
 make any difference ?

testing ui and ivib, modifying  properties of all executables.

tested. compatibility mode makes no difference. ui  ivib  still 
won't run.

 Or maybe run as admin ?

tested  run as administrator.
It make the difference that I have to allow the program first 
then it reports ui.exe has stopped working or ivib.exe has stopped 

I also tested where all executables were set to run as administrator 
AND Win XP (sp2) compatibility mode set.
same effect as just run as administrator.

test.icn still compiles  runs at the command prompt.

I am sorry not to be reporting success.



Jay Hammond

AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric 
Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup Methodology on Lean Startup 
Secrets Revealed. This video shows you how to validate your ideas, 
optimize your ideas and identify your business strategy.
Unicon-group mailing list