Hi Clint,

I'm sure your guess is not wild.

Yesterday I tried creating c:\Users\jay\Documents\tmp\bench and running 
the tests there.

I stumbled differently, and did not document it.

So I''ll try again.

As for the sh &  make issues;  I don't know enough about the GNU 
versions.  Looking at the help to sh, it seems too much like a DOS shell 
to be what you are expecting. So I will continue testing with umake and 
sh from the distribution. That way someone else may be able to run the 
tests too.   Please don't try to reproduce my problems yet.  I have had 
parts of the tests run and report, so I know I am close.

I'll start with a clean tests directory, in my (writable) space,

I'll run umake in



first time:

generating input files.....'generate.out' is not recognized as an 
internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
.'generate.out' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. (repeated)


2nd time

generating input files.............done!

the mil and thou .dat files are still empty.

# add in the populated  .dat files if necessary & retry.

I ran fasta on the 17th. I've copied the mil and thou .dat files that I 
populated then.


Word Size  Main Memory  C Compiler  clock    OS
64 bit     7.931 GB     MinGW gcc 5 2.6 GHz  MS Windows

4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4288U CPU @ 2.60GHz

                                         Elapsed time h:m:s |Concurrent |
benchmark                           |Sequential|   |Concurrent| 
concord concord.test                     0.012            N/A
deal 500                                 0.032            N/A
ipxref ipxref.test                       0.016            N/A
queens 9                                 0.031            N/A
rsg rsg.test                             0.063            N/A
binary-trees 10                          0.156 0.750         0.208x
chameneos-redux 600                        N/A          0.062
fannkuch 7                               0.032            N/A
fasta 1000                               0.015            N/A
k-nucleotide 25-thou.dat                 1.066            N/A
mandelbrot 200                           1.094 0.672         1.627x
meteor-contest 1                         1.843            N/A
n-body 1000                              0.063            N/A
pidigits 500                             0.015            N/A
regex-dna 10-thou.dat

21:50 BST.
This takes time, at least 20 mins, maybe an hour.
another post later.

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