Re: [UC] I wonder how enthusiastic Campus Inn's supposed backers are these da...

2008-12-10 Thread Mcgettig
Wish I could share your optimism about the poor financial condition of  
Extended Stay Hotel as a hopeful sign in the fight to stop the Campus Inn  
 However, I believe the partner with Adelman, Lussenhop and Penn  is the 
Hersha Hotel Group, which just released a fairly good third quarter 2008  
I suspect Adelman is feeling no pain financially, not with the  $1.1 billion 
dollar backing he gets from the government of Singapore's real  estate 
investment arm.  And Penn is dealing with any potential downturn in  its 
fortunes the 
good ol' American way - it's laying off workers!  So,  unfortunately, I 
believe the bad economy does not necessarily represent an  impediment to the 
Inn project's ultimate success.  Only the honesty  and decency of the members 
of the involved city commissions can stand in its  way, so I think one can be 
forgiven for being a little  pessimistic.
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Re: [UC] I wonder how enthusiastic Campus Inn's supposed backers are these da...

2008-12-10 Thread Mcgettig
Well, to start with, 18 researchers at the University Museum, many with  
decades of employment at, and contributions to, the  institution.
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[UC] demolition at 4224-4226 Baltimore Avenue

2009-02-11 Thread Mcgettig
When I read that the demolition permit had a June, 2008 date crossed out  and 
handwritten in was a January, 2009 date, and, in addition, that the original  
L&I supervisor's name (Gallagher from the Western District) had also been  
crossed out and replaced with the name Perry Cocco, who works out of the 11th  
and Wharton office of L&I, I smelled a rat and decided to do a little  
googling.  I think that the neighborhood now has good reason to fear what  will 
proposed for that site when the historically-contributing building  there is 
demolished.  Just a few facts to ponder:
-The site was bought by Thylen Associates, a New  York-based developer in 
Jan., 2008 for $3,500,000.
Can you imagine what kind of a project they need to assure them of a decent  
return on an investment of this magnitude?  
-Thylan, Campenella and a man named Sean D.  McDougall jointly developed 
a site at 13th and Race called the Lithograph Lofts,  the renovation of an old 
factory structure into residences.
-Sean McDougall is the owner of a company  called Minsec Corrections 
Corp., based in Wallingford.  Their business is  in what they call "Community 
Corrections Facilities", which are essentially  privately-run jails located in 
guess what?, "communities"!  They also run  drug re-hab facilities.  Their web 
site (_www.minsec.com_ ( ) explains how their expertise  
lies in locating and purchasing sites and building these correctional 
facilities  in co-operation with local government.  (Are we starting to have 
flashbacks yet to the deal Campenella worked out with Jannie Blackwell over the 
proposed shelter at 45th and Chestnut St., a deal that was astonishing in its  
attempt to circumvent city laws, but only defeated because of local  
opposition.)  The Minsec website also touts Mr. McDougall as the head of a  
multi-million dollar real estate enterprise.
-Campenella has a drug distribution conviction from  1993 ( a youthful 
indiscretion no doubt - he was only in his forties at the  time) and most 
recently (2007) was charged with paying a $20,000 bribe to a city  tax assessor 
lower the assessments on 4 different properties he owns by  millions of 
dollars.  The news accounts suggest that he pled guilty to the  charges but I 
been able to confirm that.  He appears to be a free  man, so I guess he 
didn't get the full 5 years that was the maximum for this  crime of corrupting 
public official.

It seems pretty clear to me that the current owners of 4224 Baltimore had  
requested a permit to demolish last year with the expectation that the hotel  
project was close to a done deal, that the precedent for large non-residential  
projects had been established and that their project would thus be likely to 
win  approval.  Of course, the tough fight against the hotel upset their  
timetable and they had to get a new permit, one starting in January this  year. 
think one would have to be awfully naive not to suspect that the  fix is 
probably in on the hotel project and that these guys have gotten the  word. 
are now set to proceed on whatever they have planned for two  
structures and one of the last plots of open land in our  community.
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Re: [UC] demolition at 4224-4226 Baltimore Avenue

2009-02-12 Thread Mcgettig
Thanks, Dave.  The Philadelphia: Build page of L&I's web site  indicates that 
the previous owner of the property was the non-profit Women  Against Abuse, 
which provides services, including housing, for women and  children who are 
victims of domestic violence.  Apparently, the tax-exempt  status of the 
was never adjusted when it was purchased by the  for-profit real estate 
developer, Lenard Thylen, James Campenella's  associate.  So far, this owner 
to have avoided for over a year the  payment of taxes on a property worth 
$3,500,000.  Given the city's serious  budget crisis, I find this somewhat 
annoying.  Indeed, I would have  thought, given Campenella's history, that he 
and his 
partners would be more  careful about paying their taxes.
By the way, Campenella's partners on previous real estate ventures have  
interesting histories themselves.  One, Sean McDougall, specializes in  
community-based correctional facilities (jails) while another, Eric  Seidman, 
is notorious for threatening historic structures through his  development 
efforts on behalf of Walgreen's drugstores ( two Art Deco buildings  on 
Street and the 18th-century tavern, The Black Horse Inn, on  Bethlehem Pike).  
While I think it's unlikely that anyone would ever  propose putting a jail or 
drug rehab center across the street from Clark Park, I  do think it's 
reasonable to have some concerns about what may be planned for  Baltimore 
**Nothing says I love you like flowers! Find a florist near you 
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Re: [UC] demolition at 4224-4226 Baltimore Avenue

2009-02-16 Thread Mcgettig
Banner headline?  How about stop the presses!  I walked by the  property 
early this evening and the demolition has already commenced.  The  porches and 
back bay on the right-side building have been taken down and the  interior of 
building is now exposed to the weather.  Oddly, there is NO  permit posted 
anywhere on the property.  I'd like to know where is SHCA on  this occasion?  
Isn't it a fundamental principle of the association to  encourage the 
preservation of single-family homes, including the re-conversion  of dwellings 
single-family whenever possible?
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

[UC] Rally tomorrow - 4224-26 Baltimore

2009-02-24 Thread Mcgettig
I received an e-mail from the other list announcing a protest scheduled for  
tomorrow morning, 8:00AM, at the  site.  Don't know who's organized  it.
**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 

[UC] Parks Threatened

2009-05-19 Thread Mcgettig
I found SCRUB's message about Krajewski's proposed legislation in City  
Council to essentially open up all of Fairmount Park to commercial  development 
so absolutely incredible that I decided to wait for another source  to 
confirm before voicing my outrage.  I did suspect, however, that if the  news 
were accurate, someone with deep pockets had gotten to our esteemed  
Concilwoman.  Indeed, this morning's edition of the Inquirer confirms that  the 
principle of "follow-the-money" never fails, at least in  Philadelphia!   It 
seems that this piece of legislation, whose scope  is so broad and so 
is only intended, according to its backer, to  address some issues 
regarding a single particular site: Glen Foerd, a historic  mansion on the 
River, whose building and grounds are part of the  Fairmount Park system. 
These have been under license for quite a few years to a  very successful 
catering company, Conroy Caterers and it seems clear that the  push for this 
legislation must be related somehow to their operations.  
I called the office of the non-profit group that runs the site, the Glen  
Foerd Conservancy, and inquired about the issues involved.  Not  
unexpectedly, I got the brush-off by the woman in the business office ("I don't 
know... this is all just happening today...this is being handled by the  
board of'll have to speak to one of them", etc).  It was  
obvious that she had been instructed not to answer any  questions.  Fair 
but remember, the city does own the site and  taxpayers have footed the bill 
for plenty of restorations through government  grants.
I have no beef with Conroy Catering.  Indeed, we had a very enjoyable  
family celebration there a few years ago and found them to be perfectly  
agreeable people.  They provide a legitimate service very well and keep a  fair 
number of people working.  But they are clearly ambitious and have  expanded 
their business greatly over the last few years.  They even had a  run-in with 
L&I over excessive noise a few years back.  One can only  imagine what they 
might want to do at this site that would require Krajewski to  introduce 
legislation with such a stunning potential for harm to our entire park  system 
and, hence, to the city as a whole.  As lame as the Fairmount Park  
Commission sometimes seemed to be, I voted against its abolition and the  
of the parks more directly under city control.  I sensed that  there would 
be trouble-in-store if that happened and I have not been  disappointed, just 
shocked that it came so fast.  Our City Council  - so slow to produce any 
meaningful change, so quick to pounce on the main  chance!
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[UC] City Council Parks Bill Pulled - a Victory for Now

2009-05-20 Thread Mcgettig
I totally agree with Glenn.  Krajewski has unwittingly revealed how  eager 
some quarters are to exploit the new arrangement for supervising our  parks. 
 In this case, however, she shot herself in the foot with a  preposterously 
broad proposal to open up all of Fairmount Park to  developers.  Her claim 
that this legislation was only intended to  address some problems at Glen 
Foerd lacks credibility.  For instance, why  would specific issues regarding 
the catering operation at Glen Foerd  require new legislation to include 
permission to build single-family  residences in the park?  You don't need to 
a conspiracy theorist  to suspect what's behind that proposal.  
Particularly troubling was  the tepid response of the new man in charge of 
parks and 
recreation, Michael  DiBerardinis.  Saying (in the Inquirer, 5/19) that he  
was concerned about the broad nature of the proposed legislation, he  promised 
to attempt to rein it in!  Is it unreasonable to expect the  commissioner 
charged with protecting our parks to clearly and firmly oppose such  a 
threatening bill? Either he is a master of tact, allowing Krajewski to save  
while opposing her legislation behind the scenes, or he is just another  
pol.  Only time will tell. 
Thanks to Karen for bringing this issue to the attention of the list.   The 
vigilance of organizations such as SCRUBS and the Philadelphia Parks  
Alliance stands in sad contrast to the poor performance of our own neighborhood 
organizations with regard to the 40th and Pine hotel project and the  
destruction of the historic building at 43rd and Baltimore.
**Recession-proof vacation ideas.  Find free things to do in 
the U.S. 

Re: [UC] Late breaking news about the Campus Inn

2009-06-04 Thread Mcgettig
A "wise" owner would nudge the building at 40th and Pine toward collapse,
huh?  How about an antisocial and unethical owner!  Are you aware that  what
you are counseling is not only appalling, but illegal?  Toll Brothers
attempted to destroy the historic Naval Home through neglect until the courts
forced them to maintain it.  As for the economics of restoring the mansion
and developing the site in a suitable fashion - well, Penn is poised to spend
 hundreds of millions on developing the Post Office site, so they  can
certainly afford to spend some money at 40th and Pine.  They don't  need to
worry about their return on investment, that's for sure.

Furthermore, you routinely present yourself as a journalist.  Do
journalists deal in scuttlebutt?  If you know anything factual about the  plans 
the 43rd and Baltimore site, then perhaps you should do a service to  your
neighbors and be more explicit.  The fate of that property is  extremely
important to the neighborhood and I suspect that the owners indeed had  very
definite intentions when they paid $3.5 million for it.  Or do  they spend that
kind of money on a whim?

I think most people would find it unsettling that the  contractor (James
Campenella) who knocked down the buildings is a  convicted felon (for bribing
a tax assessor in 2007) and that the owner  (Campenella's partner in
previous real estate deals) has not paid any property  taxes since its purchase 
January, 2008. I know I get a little heartburn when  I think of the economic
woes of the city and fat cat developers from New York  getting a free ride
for a year and a half on a multi-million dollar  property. You may recall
that Campenella had so much influence  with our Councilwoman Blackwell that
she introduced a special bill into City  Council which would have permitted
him to develop a large homeless shelter  across from West Catholic.  This bill
would have locked the city into an  unconscionably long lease and cost the
taxpayers millions in inflated  rent.  The extraordinary bill raised
questions in the press, the neighbors  reacted and the project was scrapped.  
this guy is taking another whack  at our neighborhood and I am very
concerned.  So, if you know anything  about the plans for 4224-26 Baltimore, 
then you
should probably let the  community in on it, so it is not caught
flat-footed, as it was when the  buildings were demolished.

**We found the real ‘Hotel California’ and the ‘Seinfeld’
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[UC] Re: ucneighbors Digest, Vol 24, Issue 9 Campus Inn

2009-06-05 Thread Mcgettig

Don't know how my posting got onto this list.  Guess it was forwarded  by
Cindy Miller.  In replying to Mr. West's original comments on the  UnivCity
list regarding the disposition of 40th and Pine, it was not my  intention to
renew the debate over that unfortunate property.  I think  everyone pretty
much knows all the arguments.  I merely meant to respond to  Mr. West's
astonishing suggestion that Penn engage in the deliberate neglect of  an 
structure in order to hasten its collapse.  While I could not  tell whether
he was serious or not, I did feel compelled to advise him that what  he was
proposing was, in fact, illegal.


**We found the real ‘Hotel California’ and the ‘Seinfeld’
diner. What will you find? Explore

[UC] Hotel at 40th and Pine

2009-11-11 Thread mcgettig
The proposal to erect a hotel at 40th and Pine is now officially dead.  
Congratulations to all of our neighbors who put so much effort into fighting 
this misguided project - it is no small achievement to defeat a large 
institution and deep-pocketed investors. If Spruce Hill manages to keep its 
historic character and its livability for current and future generations, it 
will be thanks to committed people like them.   So much  time and money could 
have been spared if the developers had only used common sense and initially 
chosen a more suitable location, like the current site on Walnut.  Perhaps they 
and others will learn from this experience.  

Does anyone have any information about the new plans for 40th and Pine, other 
than the request to change the zoning from two to three residences?  And what's 
happening to the 4224-26 Baltimore Avenue site?  How long will we have to look 
at an empty lot surrounded by chain link fence?


Fwd: [UC] on the UCLipServ

2010-03-31 Thread mcgettig





-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 1:19 pm
Subject: Re: [UC]  on the UCLipServ

 Excuse me, Craig, but were you serious or were you mocking when you wished the 
"blessings of Passover and Easter" on the listserve members?  The limitations 
of email messages makes it difficult to tell your tone.  I ask this because 
invoking the bible in order to skewer someone you disagree with doesn't seem to 
be in the spirit of either Passover or Easter.

As for Mr. Lussenhop, he's perfectly entitled to ignore the listserve, but he 
does so at his peril, I believe.




-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 12:03 pm
Subject: Re: [UC]  on the UCLipServ

In a message dated 3/31/2010 14:38:47 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
It's   important to look at power imbalances and abuses, when you wish to 
consider   the causes of incivility   BID steering committees 
Master Plan Steering Committees   Clark   Park Partnerships   
Spruce Hill zoning committees!

Crazy ranters  to expose secret   plots   
secret Clark Park   Partnership  FOCP Board is too damn stupid 

While you continue to be a listserv bully, you fall somewhat short of being an 
intellectual bully; how disappointing.
No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for 
each tree is known by its own fruit. Figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are 
grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of 
the heart produces good, and the evil person out of evil treasure produces 
evil; for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. - Luke 
6:43-45 (NRSV)
May the blessings of Passover and Easter be abundantly available to Purple's 

Re: [UC] FOCP response

2010-04-12 Thread mcgettig

 Does anyone know why Mr. Chance does not subscribe to this listserve?  I would 
expect the leader of a local civic association to be connected to as many 
sources of local information and activities as possible.  What about our other 
civic leaders (e.g. at the Spruce Hill Community Association, the UC Historical 
Society and Cedar Park Neighbors) and our local politicians (Mrs. Blackwell, 
for instance and ward leaders and committee members)?





-Original Message-
From: Glenn 
To: >> "" 

Sent: Sun, Apr 11, 2010 7:42 am
Subject: [UC] FOCP response

Sorry, I forwarded this response from FOCP earlier but it did not get posted: 
Responses from FOCP, Mr Chance: 
Your issue remains moot.  If you want to post that interpretation anywhere feel 
free to do so." 

Robert's Rules indicates that the Chair (in this case the President of the 
Association) can determine by estimating the house whether there is a quorum.  
If no member calls for an official count of the house, a quorum is assumed to 
be present.  Since no call was made, all actions taken are legal according to 
the bylaws. 
As the meeting has now ended (several months ago) any calls for a quorum count 
are moot at this time.  A member who wishes to contest the election may of 
course bring this up at a future meeting, but no member has come forward to do 
so at this point. 
By the way, by my informal count there were 18 members in the room, satisfying 
our quorum of 10% of members in good standing, since the Friends of Clark Park 
had 172 members as of that night. 
So any assertion on your part that the FoCP is running illegally is nonsense.  
However, we will be happy for your assistance in bringing greater attendance to 
future meetings.  The next Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 
16 at 7 PM in Griffith Hall.  I'll be happy to supply flyers to you if you are 
willing to help us post them in the park and around the neighborhood. 
The next election meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 20, 7 PM in 
Griffith Hall.  If you would like to run for President of FoCP you will need to 
be a member before that date. 
Thank you for your ongoing concern for our organization.  Perhaps someday you 
will learn how to address your concerns directly to me  instead of to a 
listserve to which you know I do not subscribe. 
Frank L. Chance 
President, Friends of Clark Park  " 
On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:57 PM, Brian Siano wrote: 
FYI. Since Glenn's not a member, I see no  reason to be concerned. 
The FOCP refused my request for the minutes of their election.Once again, 
rules only apply to those outside of the insular inner FOCP gang. 
Robert's Rules is very specific for good reason.  The example, that even 
unanimous consent about some minor issue, is not allowed; emphasizes the point. 
 If a quorum does not exist, the meeting itself is invalid, period. 
How can members, not present, object to an election or any other business?  
This hope for manipulating parliamentary tricks, so often abused, is laughable. 
On the night of the election, I publicly posted the names of FOCP members 
present and publicly reported that FOCP did not have a quorum for the election. 
 I had chased Fran around the room to see her list of members and informed 
Frank Chance and Tony West that the election was not valid 
You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the 
list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see 


Re: [UC] Another neighborhood screwed, Daily News- don't forget 43rd and Baltimore Avenue

2010-04-17 Thread mcgettig


I think there is indeed a relationship between the city's abrupt turnover of 
the property in Susquehanna and what is going on in our neighborhood.  Even 
more apropos than Clark Park's immediate fate is, in my opinion, the 
disposition of the property at 43rd and Baltimore, once belonging to the city 
(i.e., to us, the taxpayers) and now in the hands of a private developer. This 
developer's first action was to tear down a house that, arguably, was qualified 
for historic certification and protection from demolition and that inarguably 
contributed to the unique character of our neighborhood's streetscape.  The 
neighborhood remains in the dark about what his plans are for this important 

In fact,the disposition of the Baltimore Avenue property might provide a case 
study in the unseemly involvement of our politicians and city administrators in 
real estate deals that, at a minimum, do not pass the smell test and are 
certainly at odds with the needs and desires of the community.  

Over a decade ago, the city transferred this large lot and set of buildings to 
the non-profit Women Against Abuse, which turned it into a shelter for abused 
women and children.  (I believe there was also a community garden on the 
property).  About two years ago, the non-profit sold the property to Thylen 
Associates of New York for a sum in excess of $3 million.  

What did the taxpayer get back?  Nuthin!  What did Women Against Abuse do with 
the money?  They used it to construct a new women's shelter.  Did they spend 
their tax-payer donated windfall wisely, you might ask?  Well, all I know is 
that, shortly after, a front page story appeared in the Philadelphia Weekly 
lamenting the fact that the agency was suffering such severe fiscal 
difficulties that it had to cease providing its clients any aid beyond the bare 
minimum of a roof and food.  All job counseling and psychological services 
previously provided to these needy women and children were suspended.  A visit 
to the organization's web site at the time (last year) showed its 
administrators grinning in a photo with Joe Campenella, convicted felon, 
contractor for 43rd and Baltimore and FOJB (friend of Jannie Blackwell). 

 Yes, this is the same Campenella who wanted to turn the property across from 
West Catholic into a homeless shelter a few years back.  At that time, Ms. 
Blackwell introduced a bill in City Council to circumvent city laws, permitting 
a long-term, high-rent sweetheart of a deal for Mr. Campenella. Publicity in 
the Inquirerer and neighborhood opposition helped kill that project. But, Mr. 
Campenella clearly has his eye on our neighborhood, and he is nothing if not 
persistent!  God (and maybe Jannie) only know what he and his associates have 
in mind for this prime property overlooking Clark Park!

So, there is certainly a pattern here, I believe, of (some corrupt, some 
possibly well-intended) developers, politicians and non-profits engaging in a 
particular type of real estate shenanigan. Politicians and their associates 
help developers get ahold of city-owned property and make money off of it, 
(hold your nose here!)  while using the cover of providing needed social 
services.  All to the detriment of Philadelphia taxpayers and the surrounding 

The Inquirer shone a light on the homeless shelter proposal and helped stop 
that. It is now questioning the involvement of city administrators and their 
spouses in the Susquehanna elderly housing proposal.   Maybe they'll step in, 
if the time comes, and help us stop any inappropriate development at 43rd and 





-Original Message-
From: Glenn 
Sent: Fri, Apr 16, 2010 3:36 pm
Subject: [UC] Another neighborhood screwed, Daily News

Support the people of the Susquehanna neighborhood!  This is what isplanned for 
parks, schools, rec centers and all other public spaces.  

Letter in the Daily News (link below):

"IF ANY resident of the Susquehanna neighborhood had been asked if 
thebasketball courts at the Duckrey School at 15th and Susquehanna areused and 
needed, the answer would be yes!
Because there was no community input, the School Reform Commissiondeems this 
land to be "unused and unnecessary."
As adults claim to be concerned about "flash mobs," and to beconcerned about 
children being obese, a basketball court is conveyedfor development without 
Our politicians, in a deal that lacks transparency, have started aprocess for 
development without the community's knowledge.
Community participation is owed to any community. With all thevacant land 
available in the 5th Council District, it was trulyunnecessary to take this 
away from our youth! Especially to give awayfor $1 with the city's budget 
 We will work to stop this unauthorized land deal!
Judith Robinson, Philadelphia"

[UC] correction: 43rd and Baltimore - James Campenella

2010-04-18 Thread mcgettig


 Sorry, the name of the developer at 43rd and Baltimore is James, not Joe, 
Campenella.  He pled guilty in Federal court for his bribery of a BRT tax 
assessor named James Lynch. In return for a $20,000 bribe,  Mr. Lynch lowered 
the tax assessment on four properties Campenella was involved with.  One of the 
buildings he re-assessed was the Western Union Building at 11th and Locust.  He 
lowered its assessment from $4.6 to $1.6 million.  Campenella's defense?  He 
just wanted to spare himself the lawyer's fees necessary to challenge the 
city's assessment!  I can't say for sure, but I assume that since he was 
appearing before a Federal judge, he said this with a straight face.  

Don't get me started on the property taxes on 43rd and Baltimore.  When I 
checked the BRT site around the time of the demolition of the building there, I 
noticed that the new owner had not paid any property taxes for over a year.  I 
contacted the BRT in February of last year (before the Inquirer series) and 
asked how come a $3 million property that had been owned by a for-profit 
developer for over a year was assessed at $0.  He replied that it took time for 
the BRT to recognize such a change and to collect the taxes. He told me that 
"my" tax assessment, when they got around to it, would be about $80,000 
annually.  I quickly informed him that I was not the owner, merely a tax-paying 
neighbor. To my amazement, not too long after, the property's BRT record showed 
an assessment of around $80,000!  The owners obviously got to work on that and 
had it reduced to around $8,000, as I recall. (Since, Mr. Lynch had been fired 
from the BRT, I wonder who they called.) I haven't looked at the BRT site since 
then.  I am astonished however, that this multi-million dollar property is 
assessed at less than double the amount of my Pine Street twin. (How does this 
compare with what you pay in property tax?)

I would guess that this is one of the reasons for the city's foot-dragging over 
the overhauling of the assessments of real estate in Philadelphia - how to 
limit the damage to all the well-connected who have benefitted for years from 
unjustifiably low assessments.  This is a classic example of what I call "the 
Philadelphia Dilemma": how can a politician respond to the taxpayer's demands 
for action, while protecting the special interests that he/she believe sustain 
him/her.  Is this situation common outside our city, our era?  Of course.  But 
I believe that the long history and profoundly harmful effects of this conflict 
in Philadelphia have earned it naming rights. 

The Inquirer reports only confirmed probably the worst-kept secret in 
Philadelphia - that the BRT was run by a bunch of corrupt and incompetent 
patronage hacks.  


P.S.  So, all you lawyers, journalists, real estate agents, politicians and 
just plain neighbors who are more plugged in than I am:  Do any of you know 
what is planned for 43rd and Baltimore?  Does anyone have a suggestion for a 
good use for this large and nicely-situated property?


Re: [UC] Dueling Listservs - thanks for the analysis!

2010-04-27 Thread mcgettig

 Thank you, Karen, for your analysis of the frequent communications regarding 
the Campus Inn proposal that had appeared on this list - a response to those 
who would question the role and value of this listserv.  It was my impression 
that the list had been instrumental in the hotel protest, but thanks to your 
efforts, it's clear that it's a fact that the list was indeed an important part 
of keeping neighbors informed and involved in that vital issue.

 I think it is significant that the recent article in the Inquirer about 
efforts to put a private prison and day-reporting center on Greys Avenue 
appeared weeks after it was reported on this list. One of the neighbors near 
the proposed site even commented on how they had only had a day's warning of a 
meeting on the proposal and that this was only communicated to the neighbors 
through some scattered posters and flyers.  Even though computers may be 
unevenly distributed throughout the city's population, they are still a vital 
means of communication.  Anyone who thinks a listserv can have no influence 
should consider the fate of the Campus Inn.  This is not a claim, of course, 
that the listserv was as important as all the time, money and effort put into 
defeating the hotel project, but in a fight like that, every little bit helps. 
I don't think one can underestimate the magnitude of that victory, where a 
group of neighbors defeated a proposal backed, not only by a major university, 
but also by a realtor whose company had just been the recipient of a $300 
million dollar investment by the government of Singapore. The powers that be 
would like nothing better than to conduct all their business behind closed 
doors, keeping the rest of us in the dark until they lower the boom.  It is one 
of the critical roles of community organizations, that is, community groups, 
newspapers and listservs, to counteract this tendency by keeping us informed, 
not ignorant.  

My own experience has suggested to me that there are some people who are afraid 
of the listserv.  In the past, during the brief attempt to stop the demolition 
of 4224-26 Baltimore Avenue, I was advised off-list by one person to refrain 
from posting on this topic, as Councilwoman Blackwell was working behind the 
scenes and that discussions on the list would be counterproductive (yeah, 
right).  Someone else mailed me off-list on the same topic in a message that 
was both patronizing and insulting.  I have also had a message hijacked from 
this list to the other, God only knows why.  The overall impression I get from 
this is that some people do not like the open and free exchange of information 
and ideas that this list represents.  Does that mean they think the list, when 
the chips are down, can actually have an impact?





-Original Message-
From: Karen Allen 
To: UnivCity Listserv 
Sent: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 11:49 am
Subject: [UC] Dueling Listservs

Since we're discussing the relative merits of the two primary neighborhood 
listservs, I'd like to make one observation:
The actual reason UC Neighbors doesn't have rancor or hostility on its list is 
basically because they rarely talk about anything controversial there that 
would arouse rancor or hostility. They created that list with that in mind, and 
serves a defined audience. 
None or very few of the controversial issues that burned hot on UC List were 
even mentioned on UC Neighbors. I observed that once in a while someone would 
cross-post a response to a UC discussion to UCNeighbors, but usually no further 
discussion took place there.

I remember that UCNeighbors was spawned by Kyle Cassidy in (I think) 2006 
because there had been  some really nasty exchanges going back and forth on UC 
list over UCD's BID proposal. UCNeighbors was definitely around during the 
Campus Inn fight (that controversy first arose when an article appeared in the 
October 12, 2007 edition of UCReview, and was finally resolved in early June, 
I did a search of my undeleted email with the term "ucneighbors", and found 12 
pages  (over 400 emails) of UC Neighbors posts dating back to August 2007. 
Overall the consistent topics were:  missing pets, recycling, home repair and 
contractor recommendations, meet-ups, clean-ups, crime alerts, schools, 
cultural events and general announcements; basically the same things that 
appear on the UC list. There were no posts mentioning "Campus Inn". The only 
somewhat controversial discussion there had to do with the closing of the 
Kingsessing branch library.
Since I was actively involved in fighting the hotel, I intentionally saved all 
emails on that topic for reference. A similar email search using the term 
"campus inn" produced the first 400 emails, dating from April 28, 2008 until 
June 8, 2009.  All of the list-generated posts came from UC List; not one of 
the 400 emails had "UCNeighbors" in the "from" heading. 
By contrast, UC Listserv talks about controversial issues, whic

[UC] UCD Worker shot at Walnut and Farragut Terrace

2010-05-04 Thread mcgettig

 Around 1:00PM this afternoon, four shots were fired by a moving vehicle at a 
UCD streetcleaner.   The man was shot in the left shoulder and initial 
indications are that he will survive the shooting.  Walnut street between 
Farragut and 47th Streets has been closed by the Philadelphia police.  They 
were joined at the scene by Penn Police and other employees of the UCD.  
Eyewitnesses told me that someone driving past shot at the worker who was in 
his streetcleaning vehicle at the time.  He was taken away in an ambulance with 
blood coming from a wound in his shoulder.  Another UCD employee confirmed to 
me that it was indeed one of their people who was shot.  I did not ask the 
victim's name.  I said that we would all be looking forward to an update on his 
condition and hoped that he would have a speedy recovery.  

Three cameras mounted on the large apartment building immediately across from 
the shooting may help the police identify the shooter's car.


Re: [UC] UC Review - South Street neighborhood

2010-05-19 Thread mcgettig

 I believe the neighborhood that's immediately adjacent to the South Street 
bridge has changed a lot since both Karen and Frank's unhappy experiences.  I 
think you might be interested to know that there had been intolerance and 
violence in that area much earlier than the 1950's.  My grandfather was an 
Irish-Catholic policeman and a young father living and working in that area 
back in the 1920's.  According to one of my uncles, a neighbor came pounding on 
my grandmother's door one day, urging her to come quickly, her husband had been 
attacked by a group of thugs.  Apparently, the large Irish criminal element of 
the time felt that becoming a policeman was an act of treason, punishable by a 
brick to the head.  My grandfather got the message and moved his family across 
the river to Springfield Avenue, also a far better place, he thought, to raise 
his children.  I can't speak to the area generally referred to as "Grey's 
Ferry", but the streets on the east end of the South Street bridge, say from 
Lombard to Christian and 20th to the Schuylkill have been relatively safe for 
years now.  Ironically, my brother is now raising his son in the same 
neighborhood our grandfather fled so many years ago.  And so streets and 
neighborhoods and cities change over time, subject to events beyond the 
control, perhaps even beyond the understanding, of Penn students and their 

As for the UC Review article - my reaction was similar to Frank's. I would have 
dismissed the students' ideas - rebirth! retail! green space! - as a collection 
of tired cliches, and their attitude towards city residents' participation as 
condescending baloney, except for the fact that the article was so poorly 
written, typo-filled and frequently incoherent, that I am willing to give the 
students the benefit of the doubt as to what they really had to propose.




-Original Message-
From: Karen Allen 
To: UnivCity Listserv 
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 3:05 pm
Subject: RE: [UC] UC Review

RE: I have to say that when I lived in the the Grays Ferry neighborhood in the 
mid 80s it was the most intolerant place I'd ever experienced. My partner and I 
were harassed almost daily, mostly because we were gay but also because we were 
RENTERS! It was awful.
> F

That little neighborhood's actual name is "Schuylkill", and runs east of the 
Schuylkill River to about 23rd Street, Pine to Christian:
It was an Irish-Catholic neighborhood for at least most of the 20th Century, 
until an aging population and gentrification brought change. The parish church 
was Saint Anthony of Padua at Grays Ferry Avenue and Fitzwater Street, and it's 
the tall church tower you can see when looking east across the river from West 
Philadelphia. St. Anthony's was closed in the 1990s and was sold to a Baptist 
Unfortunately, Frank, that neighborhood had a long history of intolerance:
I was raised from birth by my great aunts, and from the mid-1950s until 1968 I 
lived with them in South Philly, first in the 2100 block of St Albans Street, 
where  they had been raised, then in the 1900 block of Catherine Street. Both 
locations were a short walk from the South Street Bridge. 
When I was small (late 1950s thru mid 1960s) my Aunt Florence used to take me 
on Sunday outings, and we often walked across the South Street Bridge to go to 
the University Museum or the old Commercial Museum (the little building that 
used to be adjacent to the old Convention Hall). Aunt Florence used to say that 
we had to be back across the bridge before dark, because otherwise we could be 
harassed by the white people there. She also told me about how her brother 
William had gotten beaten up by white kids in that neighborhood when he was a 
kid, which would have been sometime during the 1920s or 30s.  
> From:
> Subject: [UC] UC Review
> Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 12:12:11 -0400
> To:
> "A vital chapter in the protracted saga of the South St. Bridge restoration 
> came to a close last week with a presentation by Penn students of their 
> development ideas for the Grays Ferry neighborhood at the eastern foot of the 
> South. St. bridge." Vital? Really?
> Their suggestions are preposterous.
> I have to say that when I lived in the the Grays Ferry neighborhood in the 
> mid 80s it was the most intolerant place I'd ever experienced. My partner and 
> I were harassed almost daily, mostly because we were gay but also because we 
> were RENTERS! It was awful.
> F
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

Re: [UC] News about Clark Park herbicide

2011-06-09 Thread mcgettig


According to your post, the herbicide Roundup was indeed applied to Clark Park 
A during its reconstruction. Reasonable people have concerns about its safety 
and since many of us cannot stop by the FOCP table this Saturday, could you 
please post to this listserve the details that you have at your disposal about 
this chemical and its use in the park?  That seems a more efficient way to 
inform as many neighbors as possible about the presence of this potentially 
toxic compound.  Thanks.





-Original Message-
From: Anthony West 
To: UnivCity 
Sent: Wed, Jun 8, 2011 10:50 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] News about Clark Park herbicide

People who want detailed information on Round-Up and its use in the Park 
"A" restoration project, which is days away from completion, can swing 
by the Friends of Clark Park membership table at the Farmers' Market 
this Saturday from 10 to 2, iff'n it don't rain.

FoCP volunteers are in the park 20 Saturdays a year manning an 
information table. It's the most-accessible civic group in West Philly; 
no other body is easier to talk to, or to join. But we don't have an 
office, or paid staff; we're just neighbors like you.

--Tony West

On 6/8/2011 11:56 AM, Glenn wrote:
> Report on dangers of roundup and cover-up.  see links below
> RoundUp is the herbicide used in Clark Park.  Earlier this spring, I 
> reported my last sighting and confirmation of the chemical being used 
> in Clark Park.  (I wonder if Penn would disclose how much it uses on 
> its campus?)
> My eyewitness report:  The worker was pumping large amounts on the 
> tree roots in the fenced off section of the park.  I asked the worker 
> for the name of the chemical and he confirmed it was roundup.  (I know 
> that the truth only comes from the front line workers in a 
> plutocracy.)  They then covered it with thick mulch circles around the 
> few remaining trees.
> Concerned individuals can spot the privatized land where this 
> herbicide is destroying the natural soil.  Dandelion, clover, and 
> almost all other varieties of plants will have been conspicuously 
> destroyed, and the single spindly (unhealthy looking) grass variety 
> will be the only "lawn" present.  (The suburbs are drenched in this 
> roundup stuff, and that is why it arrived in Clark Park with the 
> gentrification!)
> Long term residents will remember beautiful Clark Park before these 
> chemicals were used!  UCD and the FOCP has denied that anything other 
> than "organic fertilizer" has ever been used in Clark Park.  This is 
> false! And the city doesn't care what the invitation only Clark Park 
> Partnership does!
> (In the past, the Clark Park workers only put warnings at a few of the 
> sidewalks, while they were spreading the chemical, because of these 
> assurances about safety.)
> For many years, I've tried to warn pet owners, parents, and the people 
> of West Philly about the use of this chemical in Clark Park by 
> reporting on this public listserv.  With the few minimal warning 
> plaques on the day of the chemical, many West Philadelphians certainly 
> didn't know they were exposing their families before the drying period 
> was over.
>  More importantly, I believe the information about the global 
> environmental danger of these chemicals is just scratching the 
> surface.  I think this is a much more serious global problem than 
> exposing the population of one upscaled, gentrified, shopping district!

> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .

You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see


[UC] Fwd: Roundup in Clark Park - response from Frank Chance

2011-06-10 Thread mcgettig

 Hi all:

For some reason, I got an e-mail from Mr. Chance off-list, instead of from Tony 
West, who had made the initial offer to fill people in on the details of the 
application of Roundup in Clark Park. Members of the listserv can decide for 
themselves whether they are satisfied with Mr. Chance's account of Roundup's 
safety, and of when and in what quantities it is used in the park.  I suspect 
that neither he nor Tony know the facts about its application and that to learn 
them, one would have to go to Parks and Rec, or UCD, or this newly-formed Clark 
Park oversight organization, or whoever the heck is responsible for the park at 
this point.

I made no inquiries about Mr. Moyer, so I am really at a loss as to why 
referencing him represented half of Mr. Chance's reply.






-Original Message-
From: Frank L. Chance 
To: mcgettig 
Cc: Brian Siano ; Glenn Moyer ; 
Tony West ; Ed Halligan 
Sent: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 11:45 am
Subject: Roundup in Clark Park

Dear Mary--

First off, let me apologize for not posting to the email list.  I am not a 
member of that list, but if you wish to forward this to the list please feel 
free to do so. 

Roundup is a chemical herbicide which is not harmful to mammals, including 
humans.  It is used by many gardeners and landscapers as a means of removing 
undesirable plant material.  If used responsibly, it is not harmful to existing 
plants, and if used in appropriate quantities and concentrations it does not 
result in chemical runoff or environmental damage. 

Generally speaking, landscape maintenance crews in Clark Park do not use 
Roundup on a regular basis.  During the recent revitalization, it was used in 
the closed-off section of the park, in limited quantities, to prepare the soil 
for new plantings of such beneficial plants as grass, shrubs, and flowers.  The 
alternative would be very expensive--your city does not have the resources to 
pay workers to hand-weed the whole of Clark Park.  There was no opportunity for 
(legal) contact between the general public and the herbicide, and it was a 2% 
concentration, the kind available over the counter of your local hardware 
store.  (This is important because much of the web chatter about Roundup misuse 
is actually about the agribusiness use of concentrations as high as 40%.)

Moreover, Mr. Moyer greatly exaggerates in his posts in many ways.  He is wrong 
about the quantity of Roundup used on this occasion--it was not "gallons" pr 
"barrels" of the chemical, butt a reasonable and proper amount.  Secondly, when 
organic fertilizers have been applied to Clark Park in the past he has claimed 
that they were Roundup or other herbicides--a claim which is simply false.  So 
despite his claims there is no "decades-long history" of Roundup application to 
the park, and certainly no history of "dumping" of this or any other chemical 
in Clark Park.  Third, Roundup is not even classed as a toxic chemical--it is a 
herbicide that is toxic only to broad-leaved plants, not to human beings or our 
mammalian pets.  Fourth, the Friends of Clark Park have never applied any 
chemicals to the park--they have been applied by contractors hired by the 
owners of the Park (the City of Philadelphia) or by the University City 
District through their agreements with the City of Philadelphia. 

In general, Mr. Moyer has an eccentric view of the importance of the Friends of 
Clark Park in the maintenance of Clark Park.  The park is owned and operated by 
the City of Philadelphia under the auspices of the Parks & Recreation 
Commission.  All construction projects in the park, even the planting of a 
single tree, need specific permission of Parks & Rec.  Any acquisition or 
de-acquisition of land for Clark Park (or any city park) requires legislation 
by City Council.   All large events in the Park must get permits from Parks & 
Rec, a process in which FoCP has some advisory input, through which we attempt 
to communicate the will of the community to the City officials.  As you can 
imagine, however, the will of the community is rarely clear--some people want 
more concerts, some want fewer; some neighbors hate flea markets, some love 
flea markets; some of us enjoy wide expanses of well-groomed grass, others want 
to play in meadows of wildflowers or dance in the shade of trees.  In the end, 
FoCP spends more time reporting issues to the city--a fallen limb, a dead tree, 
a broken swing in the playground--than it does advocating for or against any 
given event proposed for Clark Park.  Mr. Moyer has chosen not to be a 
participant in FoCP, so of course he is not very well informed on the actual 
activities of the group. 

While I do not claim to be a horticulturalist, a biochemist, or even an expert 
in this field, I hope this information is useful to you.   Please feel free to 
contact me at if you would like more informat

[UC] Roundup in Clark Park - latest research

2011-06-15 Thread mcgettig

 Frank Chase's reassurances that the pesticide Roundup is safe to humans and 
animals, are, I am sure, well-intentioned.  But the very latest research, done 
by independent, university-based scientists, makes a strong argument that the 
dangers of this product have been grossly underestimated.  Numerous studies 
have now demonstrated the toxicity of Roundup (not just its main ingredient 
glyphosate) to amphibians, mammals and humans.  

In Ontario, a dramatic increase in miscarriages and premature births occurred 
in farm families where the farmer fathers were using Roundup.  In Argentina, a 
region newly-planted in RoundupReady soy and frequently sprayed with Roundup 
saw a significant increase in certain birth defects.  Researchers in France and 
Argentina, alarmed at this association between Roundup use and harm to humans, 
undertook research aimed at testing whether there was a cause and effect 
relationship at work.  They concluded that Roundup, at concentrations well 
below those commonly employed in agriculture, produced birth defects in 
amphibians, reduced fertility in rodents, and was lethal to human fetal, 
embryonic and placental cells.  Other researchers have observed an association 
between exposure to Roundup and increases in lymphoma in humans.  

Apparently, the position that Roundup is harmless is based largely on research 
that 1) was performed by scientists in the employ of its manufacturer, much of 
it never published in any peer-reviewed journals, and with evidence that 
negative findings were suppressed and 2) investigated the toxicity of 
glyphosate alone, ignoring the fact that the additives in the Roundup compound 
greatly increase the toxic effect.

Two just-published reports address the relationship between Roundup and birth 
defects and the safety of crops genetically modified to tolerate spraying with 
Roundup (the plants store Roundup, which thus enters the food supply either 
directly through human consumption, or indirectly, as animal feed that then is 
stored by the animals, eventually consumed by humans).  They are both excellent 
reviews of the status of research on Roundup and a good source for the most 
important scientific literature on the topic.,

Reading these reviews, as well as articles on the toxic effects of incredibly 
small doses of Roundup on human fetal and placental cells, certainly shakes 
one's faith in  Monsanto's claims of its being harmless.

In any case, neither Frank Chance nor the FOCP are the pesticide police.  They 
are not responsible for its application in Clark Park, nor are they scientists 
equipped to judge its safety.  Clearly, the responsibility lies with the city 
and its agents (UCD, landscape contractors, etc).  How much Roundup was used in 
Clark Park is only part of the story.  How much of this pesticide has been 
spread around the city at large?  Perhaps that question should be posed to the 
Parks and Rec people.  I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that this is 
a potential public health concern.  After all, the city of Boulder, CO has 
banned its use.  

Roundup and the crops genetically modified to tolerate it are now hugely 
controversial in Europe and it is likely that the debate about its safety will 
go on for some time - there is billions at stake.  At this point, I don't think 
any one can say definitively whether the application of Roundup in Clark Park 
does or does not pose a risk to children, to pregnant women, or to couples 
hoping to become parents.  For now, people will have to decide for themselves, 
I guess, how much uncertainty they can tolerate when it comes to their health 
and their children's.


Re: [UC] Tell Philadelphia City Council to increase school funding

2011-06-16 Thread mcgettig

 Hah!  Rick, I went to the Nutter site and sent the emails as you suggested and 
they were all rejected -  they seem to have been regarded as spam.  Nice way 
for Council members to treat their mayor and his constituents!





-Original Message-
From: Rick Conrad 
To: UnivCity 
Sent: Thu, Jun 16, 2011 1:45 pm
Subject: [UC] Tell Philadelphia City Council to increase school funding


I just sent emails to all 17 Philadelphia City Council members urging them to 
save vital educational programs by voting to increase funding to the 
Philadelphia School District. Please join me in urging them to do the right 
thing for our kids by clicking the link below:



[UC] Roundup - you read it here first!

2011-06-24 Thread mcgettig

Below is a link to today's Huffpost article on the important, 
recently-published review of the scientific literature on Roundup, its toxicity 
and its regulation. 

 I provided a link to this study and to another on the issue of Roundup and 
RoundupReady crops in a previous post to this list (June 16th).  This Huffpost 
article covers all the major issues discussed in the original study (for those 
of you who didn't have time to plow through that pretty dense report!) and also 
includes responses from scientists, Monsanto (Roundup's manufacturer), and 
governmental agencies charged with assessing the safety of Roundup and other 
pesticides.  In fact, it supplies all those "details" about Roundup that Tony 
had promised to provide to anyone who stopped by the FOCP table in Clark Park. 

 In fairness to Tony and to Frank Chance, who vouched for Roundup's 
harmlessness, it appears that even the German government was unaware of the 
study and its unsettling conclusions!  From the Huffpost article:  "German 
regulators declined to respond in detail for this story because they say they 
only learned of the Earth Open Source report last week."  In a June 9th post, 
Wilma supplied a link to an earlier Huffpost article on the Earth Open Source 
study, so, I think you can argue that our listserv readers are better informed 
that the German government!


Re: [UC] Multi-house porch sale

2012-06-07 Thread mcgettig

 Dear Martha:

Vices for sale in the neighborhood!  What a great opportunity!  Unfortunately, 
while the possibility of acquiring some lust at a bargain price is very 
tempting, I' afraid that my tendency to gluttonous behavior has made me far too 
slothful to get up early on a Saturday morning to beat what I'm sure will be 
quite a crowd of shoppers. While I will envy those who do get there early, I 
promise not to get angry if someone has already made off with the wheelbarrow 
that I could certainly use in my garden.  Good Luck with your sale!



-Original Message-
From: Martha Ledger 
To: UnivCity listserv 
Sent: Thu, Jun 7, 2012 6:29 am
Subject: [UC] Multi-house porch sale

Hi all, 

The 500 block of South 46th Street is having a multi-house porch sale this 
Saturday, June 9th, from 9 a.m. 'til whenever.





LEMONADE STAND (stand not for sale, but drinks, yes)

And more. Worth checking out!

Martha Ledger


[UC] Electrician

2012-07-24 Thread mcgettig
Does anyone on the list have contact information for the very good neighborhood 
electrician, a young man named Ken?  Thanks!


Re: [UC] Electrician

2012-07-24 Thread mcgettig
Hi Margie:

Thanks so much.  I have been looking for months for Ken's number!  Hope I can 
return the favor sometime.




-Original Message-
From: Margie Politzer 
To: University City listserv Llist 
Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 6:29 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Electrician

Hi Mary,

Ken Thomforde


On Jul 24, 2012, at 5:09 PM, wrote:

Does anyone on the list have contact information for the very good neighborhood 
electrician, a young man named Ken?  Thanks!



Re: [UC] Electrician

2012-07-24 Thread mcgettig

 Thanks for the info, Richard.




-Original Message-
From: Richard Conrad 
To: mcgettig 
Cc: m.politzer ; UnivCity 
Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 10:11 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Electrician

Also, the electrician to whom Ken apprenticed, is Lee Garner 215-222-4375.

On Jul 24, 2012, at 7:07 PM, wrote:

Hi Margie:

Thanks so much.  I have been looking for months for Ken's number!  Hope I can 
return the favor sometime.




-Original Message-
From: Margie Politzer 
To: University City listserv Llist 
Sent: Tue, Jul 24, 2012 6:29 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Electrician

Hi Mary,

Ken Thomforde


On Jul 24, 2012, at 5:09 PM, wrote:

Does anyone on the list have contact information for the very good neighborhood 
electrician, a young man named Ken?  Thanks!




[UC] Re: [UC-Announce] Mansion Demolition Final Hearing - 40th & Pine

2012-12-13 Thread mcgettig
I am deeply disappointed in the leadership of the Spruce Hill Community 
Association and its failure to recognize and to advocate for the best interests 
of the residents of our neighborhood.  

The Levy Mansion and the demolished property at 43rd and Baltimore are the two 
latest and most significant examples of their apparent indifference to the 
fundamental principles outlined in the thorough plan for the future of Spruce 
Hill that was issued about a decade ago - the most important of which was the 
preservation of single family residences and the re-conversion, whenever 
possible, of multi-family dwellings back to single homes.  Their acquiescence 
to Penn's demolition of the mansion at 40th and Pine and the construction of 
student dormitories
(please don't insult our intelligence with references to "developers" and 
"graduate student apartments") makes one wonder whether the organization has 
indeed progressed from the merely feckless to the unintentionally malign.

 I don't mean to underestimate the effort involved in running a community 
organization or how difficult it is to deal with a monster like Penn, as well 
as the small likelihood of neighbors ever prevailing in the insiders' game that 
is played out in the Historical Commission and Zoning Board. But caving in 
whenever Penn says "boo" seems to be a disservice to the community. The new 
zoning laws mean that the effectiveness of neighborhood groups is more critical 
than ever.  Perhaps I am the only neighbor who feels this way, but I worry that 
our neighborhood is at risk if we don't have a more effective community 
association to represent us.

Mary McGettigan




-Original Message-
From: Lauren Leatherbarrow 
To: 'UC-Announce' 
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 11:14 pm
Subject: [UC-Announce] Mansion Demolition Final Hearing - 40th & Pine

The University of Pennsylvania and a developer have applied for and received a 
demolition permit for the Levy Mansion (circa 1853) at the corner of 40th and 
Pine.  This national and locally historically designated property was designed 
by Samuel Sloan, the same architect that designed 1860’s Woodland Terrace 
(where I’ve lived since 1985) a few blocks away.  It is about the same size and 
is the same Italianate style Victorian as our buildings.
The Levy Mansion is currently partially surrounded by 1960’s additions (which 
we are OK with tearing down).
Some near neighbors and the Woodland Terrace HomeOwners Association have 
opposed the demolition of the cultural resource and appealed the permit.  
Spruce Hill Community Association whose turf includes both the site and 
Woodland Terrace have not been opposed to demolition and have supported the 
proposed construction of  122 apartments on the site.  Recently a group of Penn 
Students have made an alternative proposal to use and study the building.
The final hearing on the demolition permit will be Monday December 17th 
beginning at 10 a.m. (try to arrive early)
1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor (bring photo ID to get into the building).
It should be interesting and worth coming to (and we could use the support)…
This has been going on since December of 2007 when an 11 story hotel was 
proposed for the site.
– for more information please check out these sites:
34th Street Magazine Article 
And this letter to the DP  from Adam Levine.
Lauren Leatherbarrow
President WTHA


[UC] Previous message - delete, don't open

2013-03-11 Thread mcgettig
Sorry all, but my account was apparently hacked and messages with links to 
advertisements were sent out to many on my contact list.  Please just delete. 
My account is now secure and future messages are safe to open. Apologies for 
the inconvenience.


[UC] Re: [PFSNI] fwd:Re: Possible scam/fraud in neighborhood - Lew Blum Towing - Beware!

2014-12-09 Thread mcgettig
  As I entered my house near 45th and Pine, a few days before Thanksgiving, I 
was approached by an elderly gentleman, very upset, who was looking for his 
car.  He asked if I had seen anyone towing on the block.  Since I had been out, 
I couldn't say.  He assured me that he had not parked in an illegal spot, that 
he had no outstanding tickets and that he had only left the car about an hour.  
I suggested that it seemed like his only recourse was to call the police to see 
whether it was towed or to put in a stolen car report.  It was indeed 
mysterious and I felt very sorry for him. I suspect now that he too was a 
victim of this outrageous scam.  

I'm not surprised to hear about the tow truck driver hanging around 46th and 
Walnut.  Last year I was broadsided by a taxi that failed to yield at 46th and 
Sansom.  I was immediately surrounded by a gang of burly men who wanted to 
"help" me by towing my car, telling me that it was not worth waiting for the 
police to come and file a report. They were intimidating, made it more 
difficult for me to do what I needed to do, and made an unpleasant experience 
even worse.   They scurried when the police arrived.  I wonder what can be done 
to get this behavior under control.




-Original Message-
From: Linda Lee 
To: UC Neighbors current ver 
Cc: purple ; pfsni 
Sent: Tue, Dec 9, 2014 7:37 am
Subject: [PFSNI] fwd:Re: Possible scam/fraud in neighborhood - Lew Blum Towing 
- Beware!

Awful!  Definitely fight this!

A friend of mine lives at 46th & Walnut and says a tow truck guy hangs out at 
that intersection all day, just waiting for someone to park 'illegally,' then 
hauls their vehicle away.  I suspect this happens all over the city...  -L

From: Veronika Lambert 
Date: December 9, 2014 9:47:06 AM EST
To: Clark Park Tot Lot 
Subject: Possible scam/fraud in neighborhood - Lew Blum Towing - Beware!

Dear neighbors,

One of our renters who lives on 45th & Pine recently moved here from Washington 
State for a research position at Penn and had a very unpleasant experience with 
Lew Blum Towing. She hasn't been able to change her license and plates to PA 
yet, so isn't eligible for a permit and parks where legally possible. 

I know it might seem long to read, but please take a moment.

I never heard of this happening before, but wanted to share with everyone so 
you are aware; especially during the holidays with out-of-town guests. It may 
be that the towing company is only targeting non-PA plates, but it's not 
certain. Posts online suggest they are not the most upstanding/reputable 
company, which is sad considering their signs are posted all around the 
neighborhood. Perhaps we should keep an eye on them and reconsider giving them 

The following was written by Lisa and sent to the President of Spruce Hill. I 
also suggested she send it to UCD. If anyone has any other suggestions how to 
possibly get her money refunded and more importantly to stop something like 
this from happening again, please let us know. (Lisa is cc'd on this email).

"On Tuesday, my boyfriend parked my car on Osage, near 46th St, where it is 
legal to park without a permit. I do not drive the car to work, so it wasn't 
until Saturday that I realized the car was missing.  I called the police to 
tell them it was stolen.  They came to my house, and within a few minutes had 
gotten word that the car had been towed.  They told me they couldn't tell me 
why it had been towed, just gave me the address of where to get it: Lew Blum 
Towing.  When I went to get it, I paid nearly $300 ($175 for the tow, $100 for 
4 days of storage, and $20 for a nondescript charge). In cash because they 
refused my credit card. When I received the 'paperwork' from them, it said my 
car had been towed from an address in Old City.  I've never even been to Old 
City! When I told them there must be a mistake and asked for photos, they 
produced printed photographs of my car at a location I do not recognize.  In 
the photo, there are HUGE signs saying it is a tow zone. Not wanting to argue 
because the place is really scary, I left with my car.  There is no sign my car 
had been stolen and left at that location-- the car is completely fine-- no 
sign of break-in, dashboard, radio, ignition all fine, full tank of gas in the 
car, money still in the glove box for tolls, everything intact just as I had 
left it.

What I am saying is they towed my car from a legal spot, took photos of it 
somewhere illegal, and required me to pay to get it back. I'm not a lawyer, but 
basically, that's at least stolen vehicle, fraud, and extortion.

I called the police when I came home. A very sympathetic policeman took my 
story down and said he would personally make sure a detective got the 
information.  He could not promise I would hear from the detective, I'm not 
even entirely sure it got written up as an actual report.  He mentioned that 
tow trucks in the city are 'out of control' and 

[UC] SHCA Meeting: Proposed Development at 46th and Spruce Street

2016-03-07 Thread mcgettig
The current owner of the property at the SE corner of 46th and Spruce Streets 
will present his plans to build an apartment building on that site at a meeting 
of the zoning committee of the Spruce Hill Civic Association tonight at 7:00 at 
the SHCA building at 257 S. 45th St.

This is the legally-required RCO meeting, where neighbors have the opportunity 
to examine the proposal, offer criticisms and suggestions for improvement, and 
to declare whether they support or oppose it.  

Here's a link to some elevation drawings of the building, as well as a review 
of the zoning variances being sought:
